Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: MPC_main.h
Abstract: This file includes and defines things common to all modules.
Revision History: Davide Massarenti (Dmassare) 05/08/99 created
#if !defined(__INCLUDED___MPC___MAIN_H___)
#define __INCLUDED___MPC___MAIN_H___
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <Yvals_nodll.h>
#include <iosfwd_nodll>
#include <xstring_noref>
#include <string_noref>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <httpext.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#define SAFEBSTR( bstr ) (bstr ? bstr : L"")
#define SAFEASTR( str ) (str ? str : "")
#define SAFEWSTR( str ) (str ? str : L"")
#define ARRAYSIZE( a ) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a))
#define MAXSTRLEN( a ) (ARRAYSIZE(a)-1)
#define SANITIZEASTR( str ) if(str == NULL) str = ""
#define SANITIZEWSTR( str ) if(str == NULL) str = L""
#define STRINGISPRESENT( str ) (str && str[0])
namespace MPC { //
// Non-reference counting version of std::basic_string, that is MT-safe.
typedef std::basic_stringNR<char , std::char_traits<char> , std::allocator<char> > string; typedef std::basic_stringNR<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > wstring;
// Auto-uppercase string classes, useful for quick maps and sets of strings (the conversion is done once).
class stringUC { MPC::string m_data;
void Convert() { if(m_data.length()) ::CharUpperBuffA( (LPSTR)m_data.c_str(), m_data.size() ); }
public: stringUC() { }
stringUC( const MPC::string& src ) { m_data = src; Convert(); }
stringUC( LPCSTR src ) { m_data = src; Convert(); }
stringUC& operator=( const MPC::string& src ) { m_data = src; Convert();
return *this; }
stringUC& operator=( LPCSTR src ) { m_data = src; Convert();
return *this; }
bool operator<( const stringUC& right ) const { return m_data < right.m_data; }
bool operator==( const string& right ) const { return m_data == right; }
operator string&() { return m_data; }
operator const string&() const { return m_data; }
LPCSTR c_str() const { return m_data.c_str(); } };
class wstringUC { MPC::wstring m_data;
void Convert() { if(m_data.length()) ::CharUpperBuffW( (LPWSTR)m_data.c_str(), m_data.size() ); }
public: wstringUC() { }
wstringUC( const MPC::wstring& src ) { m_data = src; Convert(); }
wstringUC( LPCWSTR src ) { m_data = src; Convert(); }
wstringUC& operator=( const MPC::wstring& src ) { m_data = src; Convert();
return *this; }
wstringUC& operator=( LPCWSTR src ) { m_data = src; Convert();
return *this; }
bool operator<( const wstringUC& right ) const { return m_data < right.m_data; }
bool operator==( const wstring& right ) const { return m_data == right; }
operator wstring&() { return m_data; }
operator const wstring&() const { return m_data; }
LPCWSTR c_str() const { return m_data.c_str(); } };
typedef std::list<MPC::string> StringList; typedef StringList::iterator StringIter; typedef StringList::const_iterator StringIterConst;
typedef std::list<MPC::wstring> WStringList; typedef WStringList::iterator WStringIter; typedef WStringList::const_iterator WStringIterConst;
typedef std::list<MPC::stringUC> StringUCList; typedef StringUCList::iterator StringUCIter; typedef StringUCList::const_iterator StringUCIterConst;
typedef std::list<MPC::wstringUC> WStringUCList; typedef WStringUCList::iterator WStringUCIter; typedef WStringUCList::const_iterator WStringUCIterConst;
class NocaseLess { public: bool operator()( /*[in]*/ const MPC::string& , /*[in]*/ const MPC::string& ) const; bool operator()( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring&, /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& ) const; bool operator()( /*[in]*/ const BSTR , /*[in]*/ const BSTR ) const; };
class NocaseCompare { public: bool operator()( /*[in]*/ const MPC::string& , /*[in]*/ const MPC::string& ) const; bool operator()( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring&, /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& ) const; bool operator()( /*[in]*/ const BSTR , /*[in]*/ const BSTR ) const; };
typedef std::vector<MPC::string> StringVector; typedef StringVector::iterator StringVectorIter; typedef StringVector::const_iterator StringVectorIterConst;
typedef std::vector<MPC::wstring> WStringVector; typedef WStringVector::iterator WStringVectorIter; typedef WStringVector::const_iterator WStringVectorIterConst;
typedef std::set<MPC::string> StringSet; typedef StringSet::iterator StringSetIter; typedef StringSet::const_iterator StringSetIterConst;
typedef std::set<MPC::wstring> WStringSet; typedef WStringSet::iterator WStringSetIter; typedef WStringSet::const_iterator WStringSetIterConst;
typedef std::set<MPC::stringUC> StringUCSet; typedef StringUCSet::iterator StringUCSetIter; typedef StringUCSet::const_iterator StringUCSetIterConst;
typedef std::set<MPC::wstringUC> WStringUCSet; typedef WStringUCSet::iterator WStringUCSetIter; typedef WStringUCSet::const_iterator WStringUCSetIterConst;
typedef std::set<MPC::string,MPC::NocaseLess> StringNocaseSet; typedef StringNocaseSet::iterator StringNocaseSetIter; typedef StringNocaseSet::const_iterator StringNocaseSetIterConst;
typedef std::set<MPC::wstring,MPC::NocaseLess> WStringNocaseSet; typedef WStringNocaseSet::iterator WStringNocaseSetIter; typedef WStringNocaseSet::const_iterator WStringNocaseSetIterConst;
typedef std::map<MPC::string,MPC::string> StringLookup; typedef StringLookup::iterator StringLookupIter; typedef StringLookup::const_iterator StringLookupIterConst;
typedef std::map<MPC::wstring,MPC::wstring> WStringLookup; typedef WStringLookup::iterator WStringLookupIter; typedef WStringLookup::const_iterator WStringLookupIterConst;
typedef std::map<MPC::stringUC,MPC::string> StringUCLookup; typedef StringUCLookup::iterator StringUCLookupIter; typedef StringUCLookup::const_iterator StringUCLookupIterConst;
typedef std::map<MPC::wstringUC,MPC::wstring> WStringUCLookup; typedef WStringUCLookup::iterator WStringUCLookupIter; typedef WStringUCLookup::const_iterator WStringUCLookupIterConst;
typedef std::list< IDispatch* > IDispatchList; typedef IDispatchList::iterator IDispatchIter; typedef IDispatchList::const_iterator IDispatchIterConst;
template <class Src, class Dst> HRESULT CopyTo( Src* pSrc, Dst* *pVal ) { if(!pVal) return E_POINTER;
*pVal = pSrc; if(pSrc) pSrc->AddRef();
return S_OK; }
template <typename I, class Src, class Dst> HRESULT CopyTo2( Src* pSrc, Dst* *pVal ) { if(!pVal) return E_POINTER;
*pVal = pSrc; if(pSrc) ((I*)pSrc)->AddRef();
return S_OK; }
template <class T> void Release( T*& p ) { if(p) { p->Release(); p = NULL; } }
template <typename I, class T> void Release2( T*& p ) { if(p) { ((I*)p)->Release(); p = NULL; } }
template <class T> void Attach( T*& p, T* src ) { if(src) src->AddRef (); if(p ) p ->Release();
p = src; }
template <class T> HRESULT CreateInstance( T** pp ) { HRESULT hr;
if(pp) { CComObject<T>* p = NULL;
*pp = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = CComObject<T>::CreateInstance( &p ))) { if(p) { *pp = p; p->AddRef(); } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } } } else { hr = E_POINTER; }
return hr; }
template <class T> HRESULT CreateInstanceCached( T** pp ) { HRESULT hr;
if(pp) { MPC::CComObjectCached<T>* p = NULL;
*pp = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = MPC::CComObjectCached<T>::CreateInstance( &p ))) { if(p) { *pp = p; p->AddRef(); } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } } } else { hr = E_POINTER; }
return hr; }
template <class T> HRESULT CreateInstanceNoLock( T** pp ) { HRESULT hr;
if(pp) { MPC::CComObjectNoLock<T>* p = NULL;
*pp = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = MPC::CComObjectNoLock<T>::CreateInstance( &p ))) { if(p) { *pp = p; p->AddRef(); } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } } } else { hr = E_POINTER; }
return hr; }
template <class T> void ReleaseAll( T& container ) { T::const_iterator it;
for(it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); it++) { (*it)->Release(); } container.clear(); }
template <class T> void ReleaseAllVariant( T& container ) { T::iterator it;
for(it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); it++) { ::VariantClear( &(*it) ); } container.clear(); }
template <class T> void CallDestructorForAll( T& container ) { T::const_iterator it;
for(it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); it++) { delete (*it); } container.clear(); }
typedef CAdapt<CComBSTR> CComBSTR_STL;
template <class T> class CComPtr_STL : public CAdapt< CComPtr< T > > { };
}; // namespace
#endif // !defined(__INCLUDED___MPC___MAIN_H___)