Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: MPC_streams.h
Abstract: This file includes and defines things for handling streams.
Revision History: Davide Massarenti (Dmassare) 07/10/2000 created
#if !defined(__INCLUDED___MPC___STREAMS_H___)
#define __INCLUDED___MPC___STREAMS_H___
#include <MPC_main.h>
#include <MPC_COM.h>
#include <set>
namespace MPC { //
// Some forward declarations...
class CComHGLOBAL;
// Non-abstract class, meant to provide a do-nothing stub for real stream implementations.
class BaseStream : public IStream { public: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ISequentialStream Interface
STDMETHOD(Read )( /*[out]*/ void* pv, /*[in]*/ ULONG cb, /*[out]*/ ULONG *pcbRead ); STDMETHOD(Write)( /*[in] */ const void* pv, /*[in]*/ ULONG cb, /*[out]*/ ULONG *pcbWritten );
// IStream Interface
STDMETHOD(Seek )( /*[in]*/ LARGE_INTEGER libMove , /*[in]*/ DWORD dwOrigin, /*[out]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition ); STDMETHOD(SetSize)( /*[in]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize );
STDMETHOD(CopyTo)( /*[in]*/ IStream* pstm, /*[in]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /*[out]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbRead, /*[out]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbWritten );
STDMETHOD(Commit)( /*[in]*/ DWORD grfCommitFlags ); STDMETHOD(Revert)( );
STDMETHOD(LockRegion )( /*[in]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, /*[in]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLockType ); STDMETHOD(UnlockRegion)( /*[in]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, /*[in]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLockType );
STDMETHOD(Stat)( /*[out]*/ STATSTG *pstatstg, /*[in]*/ DWORD grfStatFlag);
STDMETHOD(Clone)( /*[out]*/ IStream* *ppstm );
static HRESULT TransferData( /*[in]*/ IStream* src, /*[in]*/ IStream* dst, /*[in]*/ ULONG ulCount = -1, /*[out]*/ ULONG *ulDone = NULL ); };
// Class that wraps files around an IStream interface.
class ATL_NO_VTABLE FileStream : // Hungarian: hpcfs
public CComObjectRootEx<MPC::CComSafeMultiThreadModel>, public BaseStream { MPC::wstring m_szFile; DWORD m_dwDesiredAccess; DWORD m_dwDisposition; DWORD m_dwSharing; HANDLE m_hfFile; bool m_fDeleteOnRelease;
FileStream(); virtual ~FileStream();
HRESULT Close();
HRESULT Init ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwDesiredAccess, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwDisposition, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwSharing, /*[in]*/ HANDLE hfFile = NULL ); HRESULT InitForRead ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ HANDLE hfFile = NULL ); HRESULT InitForReadWrite( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ HANDLE hfFile = NULL ); HRESULT InitForWrite ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ HANDLE hfFile = NULL );
HRESULT DeleteOnRelease( /*[in]*/ bool fFlag = true );
// ISequentialStream Interface
STDMETHOD(Read )( /*[out]*/ void* pv, /*[in]*/ ULONG cb, /*[out]*/ ULONG *pcbRead ); STDMETHOD(Write)( /*[in] */ const void* pv, /*[in]*/ ULONG cb, /*[out]*/ ULONG *pcbWritten );
// IStream Interface
STDMETHOD(Seek)( /*[in]*/ LARGE_INTEGER libMove, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwOrigin, /*[out]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition );
STDMETHOD(Stat)( /*[out]*/ STATSTG *pstatstg, /*[in]*/ DWORD grfStatFlag);
STDMETHOD(Clone)( /*[out]*/ IStream* *ppstm ); };
// Class that encrypts/decrypts data on-the-fly.
class ATL_NO_VTABLE EncryptedStream : // Hungarian: hpcefs
public CComObjectRootEx<MPC::CComSafeMultiThreadModel>, public BaseStream { CComPtr<IStream> m_pStream; HCRYPTPROV m_hCryptProv; HCRYPTKEY m_hKey; HCRYPTHASH m_hHash; BYTE m_rgDecrypted[512]; DWORD m_dwDecryptedPos; DWORD m_dwDecryptedLen;
EncryptedStream(); virtual ~EncryptedStream();
HRESULT Close();
HRESULT Init( /*[in]*/ IStream* pStream, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPassword ); HRESULT Init( /*[in]*/ IStream* pStream, /*[in]*/ HCRYPTKEY hKey );
// ISequentialStream Interface
STDMETHOD(Read )( /*[out]*/ void* pv, /*[in]*/ ULONG cb, /*[out]*/ ULONG *pcbRead ); STDMETHOD(Write)( /*[in] */ const void* pv, /*[in]*/ ULONG cb, /*[out]*/ ULONG *pcbWritten );
// IStream Interface
STDMETHOD(Seek)( /*[in]*/ LARGE_INTEGER libMove, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwOrigin, /*[out]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition );
STDMETHOD(Stat)( /*[out]*/ STATSTG *pstatstg, /*[in]*/ DWORD grfStatFlag);
STDMETHOD(Clone)( /*[out]*/ IStream* *ppstm ); };
class Serializer // Hungarian: stream
{ DWORD m_dwFlags;
public: virtual ~Serializer() {};
virtual HRESULT read ( /*[in]*/ void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen, /*[out]*/ DWORD* dwRead = NULL ) = 0; virtual HRESULT write( /*[in]*/ const void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen ) = 0;
virtual void put_Flags( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwFlags ) { m_dwFlags = dwFlags; } virtual DWORD get_Flags( ) { return m_dwFlags; }
// We cannot rely on the compiler finding the right method,
// since all these types map to VOID*, so the last one wins...
inline HRESULT HWND_read ( /*[out]*/ HWND& val ) { return read ( &val, sizeof(val) ); } inline HRESULT HWND_write( /*[in] */ const HWND& val ) { return write( &val, sizeof(val) ); }
// Specialization of In/Out operators for various data types.
inline HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ bool& val ) { return read ( &val, sizeof(val) ); } inline HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const bool& val ) { return write( &val, sizeof(val) ); }
inline HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL& val ) { return read ( &val, sizeof(val) ); } inline HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const VARIANT_BOOL& val ) { return write( &val, sizeof(val) ); }
inline HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ int& val ) { return read ( &val, sizeof(val) ); } inline HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const int& val ) { return write( &val, sizeof(val) ); }
inline HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ long& val ) { return read ( &val, sizeof(val) ); } inline HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const long& val ) { return write( &val, sizeof(val) ); }
inline HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ DWORD& val ) { return read ( &val, sizeof(val) ); } inline HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const DWORD& val ) { return write( &val, sizeof(val) ); }
inline HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ DATE& val ) { return read ( &val, sizeof(val) ); } inline HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const DATE& val ) { return write( &val, sizeof(val) ); }
inline HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ SYSTEMTIME& val ) { return read ( &val, sizeof(val) ); } inline HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const SYSTEMTIME& val ) { return write( &val, sizeof(val) ); }
inline HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ CLSID& val ) { return read ( &val, sizeof(val) ); } inline HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const CLSID& val ) { return write( &val, sizeof(val) ); } HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ MPC::string& val ); HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const MPC::string& val ); HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& val ); HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const MPC::wstring& val ); HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ CComBSTR& val ); HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const CComBSTR& val );
HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ CComHGLOBAL& val ); HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ const CComHGLOBAL& val );
HRESULT operator>>( /*[out]*/ CComPtr<IStream>& val ); HRESULT operator<<( /*[in] */ IStream* val ); };
class Serializer_File : public Serializer { HANDLE m_hfFile;
public: Serializer_File( /*[in]*/ HANDLE hfFile );
virtual HRESULT read ( /*[in]*/ void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen, /*[out]*/ DWORD* dwRead = NULL ); virtual HRESULT write( /*[in]*/ const void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen ); };
class Serializer_Text : public Serializer { MPC::Serializer& m_stream;
public: Serializer_Text( /*[in]*/ Serializer& stream ) : m_stream( stream ) {}
virtual HRESULT read ( /*[in]*/ void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen, /*[out]*/ DWORD* dwRead = NULL ); virtual HRESULT write( /*[in]*/ const void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen ); };
class Serializer_Http : public Serializer { HINTERNET m_hReq;
public: Serializer_Http( HINTERNET hReq );
virtual HRESULT read ( /*[in]*/ void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen, /*[out]*/ DWORD* dwRead = NULL ); virtual HRESULT write( /*[in]*/ const void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen ); };
class Serializer_Fake : public Serializer { DWORD m_dwSize;
public: Serializer_Fake();
virtual HRESULT read ( /*[in]*/ void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen, /*[out]*/ DWORD* dwRead = NULL ); virtual HRESULT write( /*[in]*/ const void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen );
// Additional methods.
DWORD GetSize(); };
class Serializer_Memory : public Serializer { HANDLE m_hHeap;
BYTE* m_pData; DWORD m_dwAllocated; DWORD m_dwSize; bool m_fFixed;
DWORD m_dwCursor_Write; DWORD m_dwCursor_Read;
HRESULT Alloc( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwSize );
public: Serializer_Memory( HANDLE hHeap=NULL ); virtual ~Serializer_Memory();
virtual HRESULT read ( /*[in]*/ void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen, /*[out]*/ DWORD* dwRead = NULL ); virtual HRESULT write( /*[in]*/ const void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen );
// Additional methods.
void Reset (); void Rewind();
bool IsEOR(); bool IsEOW();
DWORD GetAvailableForRead (); DWORD GetAvailableForWrite();
HRESULT SetSize( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwSize ); DWORD GetSize( ); BYTE* GetData( ); };
class Serializer_IStream : public Serializer { CComPtr<IStream> m_stream;
public: Serializer_IStream( /*[in]*/ IStream* stream = NULL );
virtual HRESULT read ( /*[in]*/ void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen, /*[out]*/ DWORD* dwRead = NULL ); virtual HRESULT write( /*[in]*/ const void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen );
// Additional methods.
HRESULT Reset ( ); HRESULT GetStream( /*[out]*/ IStream* *pVal ); };
class Serializer_Buffering : public Serializer { static const int MODE_READ = 1; static const int MODE_WRITE = -1;
MPC::Serializer& m_stream; BYTE m_rgTransitBuffer[1024]; DWORD m_dwAvailable; DWORD m_dwPos; int m_iMode;
public: Serializer_Buffering( /*[in]*/ Serializer& stream ); virtual ~Serializer_Buffering();
virtual HRESULT read ( /*[in]*/ void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen, /*[out]*/ DWORD* dwRead = NULL ); virtual HRESULT write( /*[in]*/ const void* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen );
// Additional methods.
HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Flush(); };
// Specialization for lists.
template <class _Ty, class _A> HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ std::list<_Ty, _A>& val ) { __MPC_FUNC_ENTRY( COMMONID, "operator>> std::list" );
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwCount;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream >> dwCount); while(dwCount--) { _Ty value;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream >> value);
val.push_back( value ); }
hr = S_OK;
__MPC_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
template <class _Ty, class _A> HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ Serializer& stream, /*[in]*/ const std::list<_Ty, _A>& val ) { __MPC_FUNC_ENTRY( COMMONID, "operator<< std::list" );
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwCount = val.size(); std::list<_Ty, _A>::iterator it = val.begin();
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream << dwCount); while(dwCount--) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream << (*it++)); }
hr = S_OK;
__MPC_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
// Specialization for maps.
template <class _K, class _Ty, class _Pr, class _A> HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ std::map<_K, _Ty, _Pr, _A>& val ) { __MPC_FUNC_ENTRY( COMMONID, "operator>> std::map" );
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwCount;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream >> dwCount); while(dwCount--) { _K key;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream >> key); { _Ty value;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream >> value);
val[key] = value; } }
hr = S_OK;
__MPC_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
template <class _K, class _Ty, class _Pr, class _A> HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ const std::map<_K, _Ty, _Pr, _A>& val ) { __MPC_FUNC_ENTRY( COMMONID, "operator<< std::map" );
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwCount = val.size(); std::map<_K, _Ty, _Pr, _A>::iterator it = val.begin();
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream << dwCount); while(dwCount--) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream << it ->first ); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream << (it++)->second); }
hr = S_OK;
__MPC_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
// Specialization for sets.
template <class _K, class _Pr, class _A> HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ std::set<_K, _Pr, _A>& val ) { __MPC_FUNC_ENTRY( COMMONID, "operator>> std::map" );
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwCount;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream >> dwCount); while(dwCount--) { _K key;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream >> key);
val.insert( key ); }
hr = S_OK;
__MPC_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
template <class _K, class _Pr, class _A> HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ const std::set<_K, _Pr, _A>& val ) { __MPC_FUNC_ENTRY( COMMONID, "operator<< std::map" );
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwCount = val.size(); std::set<_K, _Pr, _A>::iterator it = val.begin();
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream << dwCount); while(dwCount--) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, stream << *it++); }
hr = S_OK;
__MPC_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
}; // namespace
#endif // !defined(__INCLUDED___MPC___STREAMS_H___)