Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: LocRes.cpp
Abstract: This file contains the implementation of functions to ease localization.
Revision History: Davide Massarenti (Dmassare) 06/17/2000 created
#include "stdafx.h"
#define ENSURE_MODULE() \
if(g_hModule == NULL) \ { \ HRESULT hr; \ \ if(FAILED(hr = LocalizeInit())) return hr; \ }
static HINSTANCE g_hModule;
HRESULT MPC::LocalizeInit( LPCWSTR szFile ) { g_hModule = ::LoadLibraryW( szFile ? szFile : L"HCAppRes.dll" ); if(g_hModule == NULL) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT MPC::LocalizeString( /*[in]*/ UINT uID , /*[in]*/ LPSTR lpBuf , /*[in]*/ int nBufMax , /*[in]*/ bool fMUI ) { MPC::Impersonation imp;
if(fMUI) { if(SUCCEEDED(imp.Initialize())) imp.Impersonate(); }
if(::LoadStringA( g_hModule, uID, lpBuf, nBufMax ) == 0) return E_FAIL;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT MPC::LocalizeString( /*[in]*/ UINT uID , /*[in]*/ LPWSTR lpBuf , /*[in]*/ int nBufMax , /*[in]*/ bool fMUI ) { MPC::Impersonation imp;
if(fMUI) { if(SUCCEEDED(imp.Initialize())) imp.Impersonate(); }
if(::LoadStringW( g_hModule, uID, lpBuf, nBufMax ) == 0) return E_FAIL;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT MPC::LocalizeString( /*[in ]*/ UINT uID , /*[out]*/ MPC::string& szStr , /*[in ]*/ bool fMUI ) { CHAR rgTmp[512]; HRESULT hr;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = LocalizeString( uID, rgTmp, MAXSTRLEN(rgTmp), fMUI ))) { szStr = rgTmp; }
return hr; }
HRESULT MPC::LocalizeString( /*[in ]*/ UINT uID , /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szStr , /*[in ]*/ bool fMUI ) { WCHAR rgTmp[512]; HRESULT hr;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = LocalizeString( uID, rgTmp, MAXSTRLEN(rgTmp), fMUI ))) { szStr = rgTmp; }
return hr; }
HRESULT MPC::LocalizeString( /*[in ]*/ UINT uID , /*[out]*/ CComBSTR& bstrStr , /*[in ]*/ bool fMUI ) { WCHAR rgTmp[512]; HRESULT hr;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = LocalizeString( uID, rgTmp, MAXSTRLEN(rgTmp), fMUI ))) { bstrStr = rgTmp; }
return hr; }
int MPC::LocalizedMessageBox( UINT uID_Title, UINT uID_Msg, UINT uType ) { MPC::wstring szTitle; MPC::LocalizeString( uID_Title, szTitle ); MPC::wstring szMsg; MPC::LocalizeString( uID_Msg , szMsg );
return ::MessageBoxW( NULL, szMsg.c_str(), szTitle.c_str(), uType ); }
int MPC::LocalizedMessageBoxFmt( UINT uID_Title, UINT uID_Msg, UINT uType, ... ) { MPC::wstring szTitle; MPC::LocalizeString( uID_Title, szTitle ); MPC::wstring szMsg; MPC::LocalizeString( uID_Msg , szMsg );
WCHAR rgLine[512]; va_list arglist;
// Format the log line.
va_start( arglist, uID_Msg ); StringCchVPrintfW( rgLine, ARRAYSIZE(rgLine), szMsg.c_str(), arglist ); va_end( arglist );
return ::MessageBoxW( NULL, rgLine, szTitle.c_str(), uType ); }