Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<HTML id=dlgFind STYLE="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; width: 20em; height: 15em"> <HEAD>
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<TITLE id=dialogTitle>Help and Support Center</TITLE>
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// // localizable variables/filenames // var L_PrintError_Message = "An error occurred during printing: "; var L_LargePrint_Message = "You are about to print %d files\nContinue?"; var L_NoTopics_Message = "Sorry, no topic is suitable for printing";
var g_pe = null; var g_state = null;
function UpdateProgress( iDone, iTotal ) { if(idSlider.HighLimit != iTotal) idSlider.HighLimit = iTotal; if(idSlider.Pos != iDone ) idSlider.Pos = iDone; }
function onProgress( pchpe, url, done, total ) { UpdateProgress( done, total ); }
function onComplete( pchpe, hr ) { if(hr != 0) { window.setTimeout( "global_Cancel();", 50 ); } else { idSecondPhase.style.display = "none"; idThirdPhase .style.display = ""; btnCancel3.focus(); } }
function AddTopic( url ) { if(g_state.isValid( url )) { var urlUPPER = url.toUpperCase();
if(g_state.seen[urlUPPER]) return; g_state.seen[urlUPPER] = 1;
g_pe.AddTopic( url ); g_state.num++; } }
function AddTopicsFromNode( node ) { try { var qrc = pchealth.Database.GatherTopics( node, true ); if(qrc) { for(var e = new Enumerator( qrc ); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { var qr = e.item();
if(qr.TopicURL != "") { AddTopic( qr.TopicURL ); } } } } catch(e) { } }
function fnPrint() { idFirstPhase .style.display = "none"; idSecondPhase.style.display = ""; btnCancel2.focus();
try { g_pe = pchealth.CreateObject_PrintEngine();
if(idTopic_Single.checked) { AddTopic( g_state.Single ); }
if(idTopic_Sibling.checked || idTopic_Recurse.checked ) { AddTopic( g_state.Single );
for(var e = new Enumerator( g_state.Topics ); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { var qr = e.item();
if(qr.TopicURL != "") { AddTopic( qr.TopicURL ); } } }
if(idTopic_Recurse.checked) { for(var e = new Enumerator( g_state.Nodes ); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { var qr = e.item();
if(qr.TopicURL != "") { AddTopic( qr.TopicURL ); }
AddTopicsFromNode( qr.FullPath ); } }
g_pe.onComplete = onComplete; g_pe.onProgress = onProgress;
if(g_state.num > 25) { if(pchealth.MessageBox( L_LargePrint_Message.replace( /%d/g, g_state.num ), "YESNO" ) == "NO") { global_Cancel(); return; } }
g_pe.Start(); } catch(e) { } }
function global_Cancel() { global_Shutdown();
window.setTimeout( "window.close();", 10 ); }
function global_Shutdown() { if(g_pe) { g_pe.Abort(); g_pe = null; } }
function loadBody() { fnInitCommon();
try { var active = null;
g_state = window.dialogArguments;
switch(g_state.Mode) { case "single": g_state.Single = g_state.Data; break;
case "subsite": var node = g_state.Data.FullPath;
g_state.Single = g_state.Data.TopicURL;
idCategory.innerText = g_state.Data.Title;
g_state.Nodes = pchealth.Database.LookupSubNodes( node, true ); g_state.Topics = pchealth.Database.LookupTopics ( node, true ); break; }
if(g_state.Nodes && g_state.Nodes .Count > 0) { idTopic_Recurse.disabled = false; active = idTopic_Recurse; } if(g_state.Topics && g_state.Topics.Count > 0) { idTopic_Sibling.disabled = false; active = idTopic_Sibling; } if(g_state.Single ) { idTopic_Single .disabled = false; active = idTopic_Single ; } if(active == null) { pchealth.MessageBox( L_NoTopics_Message, "OK" ); global_Cancel(); return; } else { active.checked = true; } } catch(e) { } }
<BODY ID=idBody onload="loadBody()" class="ClsBody" topmargin=0 scroll=no>
<DIV id=idFirstPhase>
<TABLE WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD HEIGHT=100% VALIGN=top> <INPUT ID=idTopic_Single TYPE=radio NAME=radTOPIC ACCESSKEY=t TABINDEX=1 DISABLED> <LABEL ID=lblTopic_Single FOR=idTopic_Single class="sys-font-body">Print only the selected <U>t</U>opic</LABEL><BR> <INPUT ID=idTopic_Sibling TYPE=radio NAME=radTOPIC ACCESSKEY=s TABINDEX=2 DISABLED> <LABEL ID=lblTopic_Sibling FOR=idTopic_Sibling class="sys-font-body">Print the selected topic and its <U>s</U>ub-topics</LABEL><BR> <INPUT ID=idTopic_Recurse TYPE=radio NAME=radTOPIC ACCESSKEY=a TABINDEX=3 DISABLED> <LABEL ID=lblTopic_Recurse FOR=idTopic_Recurse class="sys-font-body">Print <U>a</U>ll topics in '<SPAN id=idCategory></SPAN>'</LABEL><BR><BR> </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD id=noloc1 ALIGN=right> <BUTTON ID=btnPrint class="sys-font-body" TABINDEX=4 TYPE=submit ONCLICK="fnPrint()">Print...</BUTTON> <SPAN id=noloc2 style='width: 10px'><DIV id=noloc3> </DIV></SPAN> <BUTTON ID=btnCancel class="sys-font-body" TABINDEX=5 TYPE=reset ONCLICK="global_Cancel()">Cancel</BUTTON> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>
<DIV id=idSecondPhase class="sys-font-body" style="display:none">
<TABLE WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD id=noloc4 HEIGHT=100% VALIGN=middle ALIGN=center class="sys-font-body"> Processing print commands...<P> <OBJECT ID=idSlider CLASSID="CLSID:FC7D9E09-3F9E-11d3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=20px> </OBJECT> </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD id=noloc5 ALIGN=center> <BUTTON ID=btnCancel2 class="sys-font-body" TABINDEX=5 TYPE=reset ONCLICK="global_Cancel()">Cancel</BUTTON> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>
<DIV id=idThirdPhase class="sys-font-body" style="display:none">
<TABLE WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD id=noloc6 HEIGHT=100% VALIGN=middle ALIGN=center class="sys-font-body"> All the topics have been printed </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD id=noloc7 ALIGN=center> <BUTTON ID=btnCancel3 class="sys-font-body" TABINDEX=5 TYPE=reset ONCLICK="global_Cancel()">Close</BUTTON> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>