<HTML XMLNS:helpcenter> <HEAD>
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation -->
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<TITLE>Advanced Search Options</TITLE>
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BODY { margin : 16px; margin-top : 11px; }
.AdvSearch-GenParam { padding-top : 1em; padding-bottom : 1em; padding-left : 6px; }
.AdvSearch-WrapperDesc { padding-left : 23px; }
.AdvSearch-ResultTable { padding-left : 15px; }
.AdvSearch-Result { padding-left : 19px; padding-top : 0.5em; }
.AdvSearch-NumResultsInput { width : 30px; }
.AdvSearch-Required { padding-left : 4px; padding-bottom : 1em; }
.AdvSearch-RequiredText { padding-left : 7px; }
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<BODY SCROLL=AUTO class="sys-rhp-bgcolor sys-color-body">
<DIV id=locTitle NOWRAP class='sys-font-heading3 sys-rhp-color-title'>Set search options</DIV><BR> <DIV id=locDesc class='sys-font-body sys-color-body'>Find help and information from different sources. To change the scope of your search, select one or more providers from the following list.</DIV>
<DIV class='sys-font-body sys-color-body AdvSearch-GenParam' id=locNumResult>Return up to <INPUT title="Return up to number of results per provider" TABINDEX='1' id=allMaxResults class='sys-toppane-bgcolor sys-color-body AdvSearch-NumResultsInput' TYPE=text MAXLENGTH=3 onblur='NumResultsChange()' VALUE="100"> results per provider.</DIV>
<DIV class='sys-font-body sys-color-body' id=locSearchHighlight title='Specifies whether to highlight occurrences of the search term in the topic.'> <INPUT title='Specifies whether to highlight occurrences of the search term in the topic.' TABINDEX='0' id=allSearchHighlight class='sys-font-body sys-color-body' TYPE=checkbox onclick='SearchHighlightChange();'> Turn on search highlight. </DIV>
<!-- Server DCR : Add option to select default wrapper --> <DIV class='sys-font-body sys-color-body AdvSearch-GenParam' id=locSearchDisplay> <DIV id=locDefaultProvider class='sys-toppane-bgcolor sys-color-body'>Display results from this provider by default:</DIV> <SELECT title='Specifies the default search engine to display.' style='margin-top: 1em' class='sys-font-body sys-color-body sys-toppane-bgcolor' ID='allSearchDisplay' SIZE=1 onchange='DisplayListChange();'></SELECT> </DIV> <!-- Server DCR : Add option to select default wrapper -->
<DIV id=idSearchWrappers></DIV>
<SCRIPT id=Script_Ref0 SRC="hcp://system/scripts/wrapperparam.js"></SCRIPT>
var L_Required_Text = "Required"; var L_NumUnsignedError_Text = "Value must be a valid integer greater than 0."; var L_NumIntError_Text = "Value must be a valid integer."; var L_NumFloatError_Text = "Value must be a valid floating number."; var L_DateError_Text = "Value must be a valid date."; var L_NoEngine_Text = "You have unselected all available search providers. You must have at least one search provider selected in order to search Help and Support Center."; var L_NoDefaultSelected_Text = "No default selected";
var g_NAVBAR = pchealth.UI_NavBar.content.parentWindow;
// Init SEMgr var g_aParamValue = [];
if(g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar( "SEMgrInit" ) != "true") { LoadWrapperParams( g_NAVBAR.GetSearchEngineManager() );
g_NAVBAR.SetWrapperVar( "SEMgrInit", "true" ); }
allSearchHighlight.checked = g_NAVBAR.g_SearchHighlight;
function SetParam(itemid, value) { // Extract the id and parameter name var re = new RegExp("___"); var arr = re.exec(itemid); var wrapperid = RegExp.leftContext; var paramname = RegExp.rightContext;
// Locate the wrapper var oWrapper = g_NAVBAR.FindWrapper(wrapperid);
// Set the value oWrapper.AddParam(paramname, value);
// Save the parameter into the registry SaveWrapperParams(wrapperid, paramname, value); }
function NumUnsignedIntChange() { // Check the value of the input var value = parseInt( event.srcElement.value ); var value2 = parseFloat(event.srcElement.value);
// Check to see if it is positive and if it is an integer if(isNaN( event.srcElement.value ) || (value < 0) || (value != value2)) // check if integer { pchealth.MessageBox( L_NumUnsignedError_Text, "OK" ); event.srcElement.value = pchealth.TextHelpers.QuoteEscape( g_aParamValue[event.srcElement.id], "'" ); return; }
SetParam(event.srcElement.id, value); }
function NumSignedIntChange() { // Check the value of the input var value = parseInt( event.srcElement.value ); var value2 = parseFloat(event.srcElement.value);
// Check to see if it is an integer if(isNaN( event.srcElement.value ) || (value != value2)) { pchealth.MessageBox( L_NumIntError_Text, "OK" ); event.srcElement.value = pchealth.TextHelpers.QuoteEscape( g_aParamValue[event.srcElement.id], "'" ); return; }
SetParam(event.srcElement.id, value); }
function NumFloatChange() { // Check to see if it is a number if(isNaN( event.srcElement.value )) { pchealth.MessageBox( L_NumFloatError_Text, "OK" ); event.srcElement.value = pchealth.TextHelpers.QuoteEscape( g_aParamValue[event.srcElement.id], "'" ); return; }
SetParam(event.srcElement.id, value); }
function DateChange() { var temp = Date.parse(event.srcElement.value); if(isNaN( temp )) { pchealth.MessageBox( L_DateError_Text, "OK" ); event.srcElement.value = pchealth.TextHelpers.QuoteEscape( g_aParamValue[event.srcElement.id], "'" ); return; }
SetParam(event.srcElement.id, event.srcElement.value); }
function TextChange() { SetParam(event.srcElement.id, event.srcElement.value); }
function ListChange() { var oOptions = event.srcElement.options(event.srcElement.selectedIndex); SetParam(event.srcElement.id, oOptions.value); }
function ClickChange() { try { if(event.srcElement.checked) { SetParam(event.srcElement.id, true); } else { SetParam(event.srcElement.id, false); } } catch(e) {;} }
function GenerateList(oWrapper, strXML, strParamName, strDisplay, strDisplay2, strPrevValue) { try { // Load the xml file var xmldoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmldoc.async = false; xmldoc.loadXML(strXML);
var strHTML = "<SELECT title='" + strDisplay2 + "' style='margin-bottom: 1em' class='sys-font-body sys-color-body sys-toppane-bgcolor' ID='" + strParamName + "' SIZE=1 onchange='ListChange();'>";
// Generate each item var ElemList = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("PARAM_VALUE"); for (var i=0; i < ElemList.length; i++) { var strItemValue = ElemList.item(i).getAttribute("VALUE"); var strDisplay = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(ElemList.item(i).getElementsByTagName("DISPLAYSTRING").item(0).text); var strDefault = ElemList.item(i).getAttribute("DEFAULT");
if(strDefault == null) strDefault = "";
strItemValue = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( strItemValue );
// Restore the previous value if ((!strPrevValue) || (strPrevValue == "")) { // Check if default value if(strDefault.toLowerCase() == "true") { strHTML += "<OPTION VALUE='" + strItemValue + "' SELECTED>" + strDisplay;
// set the default value so that the search wrapper gets this value oWrapper.AddParam( strParamName, strItemValue ); } else { strHTML += "<OPTION VALUE='" + strItemValue + "'>" + strDisplay; } } else { if (pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( strPrevValue ) == strItemValue) { strHTML += "<OPTION VALUE='" + strItemValue + "' SELECTED>" + strDisplay; } else { strHTML += "<OPTION VALUE='" + strItemValue + "'>" + strDisplay; } } }
strHTML += "</SELECT>";
return strHTML; } catch(e) { }
return ""; }
function DisplayParam(oWrapper, Type, strDisplay, strParamName, bReq, bstrData) { var strHTML = "<TR>"; var strReq = ""; var value = null; var value2; var strUIType = ""; var strValue = ""; var strResName = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( oWrapper.ID + "___" + strParamName ); var strParamHTML= ""; var strChecked = ""; var strDisplay2 = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( strDisplay );
strDisplay = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( strDisplay );
// If it is not required, then perform colspan if (bReq == false) strHTML += "<TD width=50% id='text" + strResName + "' COLSPAN=2>"; else strHTML += "<TD width=50% id='text" + strResName + "' >";
// Get the value stored before try { value = oWrapper.GetParam(strParamName); } catch(e) { // ignore }
// Decide on the UI if(Type == pchealth.PARAM_R4 || // float Type == pchealth.PARAM_R8 ) // double { if(value == null) value = 0;
value2 = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( value );
strParamHTML = '<INPUT title="' + strDisplay2 + '" TABINDEX="0" id="' + strResName + '" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" TYPE=text MAXLENGTH=10 onblur="NumFloatChange();" VALUE="' + value2 + '"></TD>';
g_aParamValue[strResName] = value; }
if(Type == pchealth.PARAM_UI1 || // Byte Type == pchealth.PARAM_I2 || // Short Type == pchealth.PARAM_I4 || // long Type == pchealth.PARAM_INT ) // int { if(value == null) value = 0;
value2 = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( value );
strParamHTML = '<INPUT title="' + strDisplay2 + '" TABINDEX="0" id="' + strResName + '" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" TYPE=text MAXLENGTH=10 onblur="NumSignedIntChange();" VALUE="' + value2 + '"></TD>';
g_aParamValue[strResName] = value; }
if(Type == pchealth.PARAM_UI2 || // unsigned short Type == pchealth.PARAM_UI4 || // unsigned long Type == pchealth.PARAM_UINT ) // unsigned int { if(value == null) value = 0;
value2 = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( value );
strParamHTML = '<INPUT title="' + strDisplay2 + '" TABINDEX="0" id="' + strResName + '" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" TYPE=text MAXLENGTH=10 onblur="NumUnsignedIntChange();" VALUE="' + value2 + '"></TD>';
g_aParamValue[strResName] = value; }
if(Type == pchealth.PARAM_DATE) { if(value == null) value = "";
value2 = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( value );
strParamHTML = '<INPUT title="' + strDisplay2 + '" TABINDEX="0" id="' + strResName + '" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" TYPE=text onblur="DateChange();" VALUE="' + value2 + '"></TD>';
g_aParamValue[strResName] = value; }
if(Type == pchealth.PARAM_BSTR) // BSTR { if(value == null) value = "";
value2 = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( value );
strParamHTML = '<INPUT title="' + strDisplay2 + '" TABINDEX="0" id="' + strResName + '" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" TYPE=text onblur="TextChange();" VALUE="' + value2 + '"></TD>';
g_aParamValue[strResName] = value; }
if(Type == pchealth.PARAM_I1) // char { if(value == null) value = "";
value2 = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( value );
strParamHTML = '<INPUT title="' + strDisplay2 + '" TABINDEX="0" id="' + strResName + '" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" TYPE=text MAXLENGTH=1 onblur="TextChange();" VALUE="' + value2 + '"></TD>';
g_aParamValue[strResName] = value; }
if(Type == pchealth.PARAM_BOOL) // VARIANT_BOOL { if(value == null) value = false; if(value == true) strChecked = "CHECKED";
strHTML += '<INPUT title="' + strDisplay2 + '" TABINDEX="0" id="' + strResName + '" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" TYPE=checkbox onclick="ClickChange();" ' + strChecked + "> " + strDisplay + "</TD>";
if(bReq) strHTML += "<TD width=10% align=right><b>" + L_Required_Text + "</b></TD>";
g_aParamValue[strResName] = value; }
if(Type == pchealth.PARAM_LIST) // List type { strParamHTML = GenerateList( oWrapper, bstrData, strResName, strDisplay, strDisplay2, value );
g_aParamValue[strResName] = value; }
// Add required message if(Type != pchealth.PARAM_BOOL) { if(bReq == false) { strHTML += "<DIV class='AdvSearch-Required'>" + strDisplay + "</DIV></TD></TR><TR><TD colspan=2><DIV class='AdvSearch-RequiredText sys-font-body sys-color-body'>"; strHTML += strParamHTML; strHTML += "</DIV></TD></TR>"; } else { strHTML += strDisplay + "</TD><TD style='height:1em;'></TD></TR><TR><TD>"; strHTML += strParamHTML + "</TD>";
strHTML += "<TD width=10% align=right><b>" + L_Required_Text + "</b></TD>"; } }
// End Row strHTML += "</TR>";
return strHTML; }
function GenWrapperParams( oSearchEng ) { var strResultHTML = ""; var bFTSPer = false;
// Bug 174314 : Do not allow Search in Titles only option for personal SKUs if(oSearchEng.ID == g_NAVBAR.ID_FTS) { if(pchealth.UserSettings.CurrentSKU.SKU.match( /^Personal_/ )) bFTSPer = true; }
// Loop through all the variables for(var v = new Enumerator(oSearchEng.Param()); !v.atEnd(); v.moveNext()) { ParamItem = v.item();
// If parameter is not visible, skip if(ParamItem.Visible == true) { // Check to see if the value has changed strResultHTML += DisplayParam( oSearchEng, ParamItem.Type, ParamItem.Display, ParamItem.Name, ParamItem.Required, ParamItem.Data ); } }
return strResultHTML; }
function NumResultsChange() { // Check the value of the input var value = parseInt( event.srcElement.value ); var value2 = parseFloat(event.srcElement.value);
// Check to see if it is an integer if(isNaN( event.srcElement.value ) || (value != value2) || value <= 0) { pchealth.MessageBox( L_NumUnsignedError_Text, "OK" ); try { event.srcElement.value = g_NAVBAR.GetSearchEngineManager().NumResult; } catch(e) { ; } return; }
try { g_NAVBAR.GetSearchEngineManager().NumResult = value; } catch(e) { return; }
// Save the parameter into the registry SaveWrapperParams("", "NumResults", value); }
function SearchHighlightChange() { try { g_NAVBAR.g_SearchHighlight = event.srcElement.checked; SaveWrapperParams( "", "SearchHighlight", g_NAVBAR.g_SearchHighlight ); } catch(e) {;} }
function ClickEnable() { // Extract the id and parameter name var re = new RegExp("___"); var arr = re.exec(event.srcElement.id); var wrapperid = RegExp.rightContext; var semgr = g_NAVBAR.GetSearchEngineManager(); var bEnabled = false;
// Locate the wrapper var oWrapper = g_NAVBAR.FindWrapper(wrapperid);
// Set the value oWrapper.Enabled = event.srcElement.checked;
// Check if all wrappers have been disabled for(var e = new Enumerator( semgr.EnumEngine()); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { var oSearchEng = e.item(); if (oSearchEng.Enabled) { bEnabled = true; break; } } // Issue warning if all wrappers are disabled if (bEnabled == false) { pchealth.MessageBox( L_NoEngine_Text, "OK" ); }
// Save the parameter into the registry SaveWrapperParams(oWrapper.ID, "Enabled", event.srcElement.checked);
// Change the param state ParamState(oWrapper, event.srcElement.checked);
if (oWrapper.ID == g_NAVBAR.ID_KEYWORD) pchealth.WEB_Context.document.parentWindow.EnableSubsite(event.srcElement.checked); }
function ParamState(oWrapper, bEnabled) { // Loop through all the variables for(var v = new Enumerator(oWrapper.Param()); !v.atEnd(); v.moveNext()) { var ParamItem = v.item(); var oParamDiv = idSearchWrappers.all.item(oWrapper.ID + "___" + ParamItem.Name); var oTextDIV = idSearchWrappers.all.item("text" + oWrapper.ID + "___" + ParamItem.Name); var oDescDIV = idSearchWrappers.all.item("desc" + oWrapper.ID);
if(oParamDiv) oParamDiv.disabled = bEnabled ? false : true; if(oTextDIV ) oTextDIV.className = bEnabled ? "AdvSearch-Result sys-font-body sys-color-body" : "AdvSearch-Result sys-font-body sys-font-body-gray"; if(oDescDIV ) oDescDIV.className = bEnabled ? "AdvSearch-WrapperDesc sys-font-body sys-color-body" : "AdvSearch-WrapperDesc sys-font-body sys-font-body-gray"; } }
// // Server DCR : Add option to select default wrapper // function DisplayListChange() { var oOptions = event.srcElement.options(event.srcElement.selectedIndex); g_NAVBAR.SetDefaultWrapper(oOptions.value); }
function PopulateVariables() { var strResultHTML = ""; var semgr = g_NAVBAR.GetSearchEngineManager();
// // Server DCR : Add option to select default wrapper // var idWrapperDisplay = g_NAVBAR.GetDefaultWrapper(); var oOptionNoDef = document.createElement("OPTION"); oOptionNoDef.text = L_NoDefaultSelected_Text; oOptionNoDef.value = "none"; if (idWrapperDisplay == "" || idWrapperDisplay == "none") oOptionNoDef.selected = true; allSearchDisplay.add(oOptionNoDef);
// Display general parameters allMaxResults.value = semgr.NumResult; // Max results from search engine
// Loop thru all engines for(var e = new Enumerator( semgr.EnumEngine()); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { var oSearchEng = e.item(); // Add enable input var strEnable = (oSearchEng.Enabled ? "CHECKED" : "");
strResultHTML += "<HR color='black' size=1>";
strResultHTML += '<DIV class="sys-font-body-bold sys-color-body"><INPUT title="' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( oSearchEng.Name ) + '" TABINDEX="0" id="enable___' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( oSearchEng.ID ) + '" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" TYPE=checkbox onclick="ClickEnable()"'; if(oSearchEng.Enabled) strResultHTML += " CHECKED"; strResultHTML += "> " + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( oSearchEng.Name ) + "</DIV>"; strResultHTML += '<DIV id="desc' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( oSearchEng.ID ) + '">' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( oSearchEng.Description ) + '</DIV>'; strResultHTML += "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class='AdvSearch-ResultTable sys-font-body sys-color-body' width=90%>"; strResultHTML += GenWrapperParams( oSearchEng ); strResultHTML += "</TABLE>";
// // Server DCR : Add option to select default wrapper // var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION"); oOption.text = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(oSearchEng.Name); oOption.value = oSearchEng.ID; allSearchDisplay.add(oOption); if (oSearchEng.ID == idWrapperDisplay) oOption.selected = true;
idSearchWrappers.innerHTML = strResultHTML;
// After inserting the HTML, modify the state of the params for(e.moveFirst(); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { var oSearchEng = e.item(); ParamState(oSearchEng, oSearchEng.Enabled); } }