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  1. @echo off
  2. rem
  3. rem RABVT.cmd: This script launches the Remote Assistance BVTs and performs general house keeping...
  4. rem
  5. rem History:
  6. rem Rajesh Soy (nsoy) - created, 03/23/2001
  7. rem
  8. if "%1" == "" (goto usage)
  9. if "%2" == "" (goto usage)
  10. if "%3" == "" (goto usage)
  11. rem Create temporary directory for BVT purpose
  12. set RABVTDIR=%windir%\temp\RABVT
  14. set NOVICEUSERID=%2
  15. set BUILD=%3
  16. set RABVT="1"
  17. set SHOWLOG=%4
  18. echo *****************************************
  19. echo * Starting Remote Assistance BVT
  20. echo *
  21. echo * ComputerName of Novice: %NOVICECOMPUTER%
  22. echo * Logging in on %NOVICECOMPUTER% as: %NOVICEUSERID%
  23. echo * Start Time:
  24. time /T
  25. if EXIST %RABVTDIR% (rmdir /s /q %RABVTDIR%)
  26. mkdir %RABVTDIR%
  27. mkdir %RABVTDIR%\logs
  28. mkdir %RABVTDIR%\logs\Session
  29. echo *
  30. echo * Launching BVT...
  31. start /wait %windir%\pchealth\helpctr\binaries\helpctr.exe -FromStartHelp -url hcp://CN=Microsoft%%20Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US/Remote%%20Assistance/Escalation/unsolicited/UnsolicitedRCUI.htm?BVT
  32. echo *
  33. echo * End Time:
  34. time /T
  35. echo * BVT complete
  36. echo *****************************************
  37. move %temp%\*_RA.log %RABVTDIR%\logs\Session
  38. if "%SHOWLOG%" == "SHOWLOG" (
  39. notepad %RABVTDIR%\RABVTResult.txt
  40. ) else (
  41. type %RABVTDIR%\RABVTResult.txt
  42. )
  43. goto Done
  44. :usage
  45. echo *****************************************
  47. echo *
  48. echo * Usage: "RABVT <ComputerName of Novice> <Domain\UserId of Novice> <Build> [SHOWLOG]"
  49. echo * Requirements:
  50. echo * 1. Unsolicited Remote Assistance group policy be enabled on novice computer.
  51. echo * To enable this policy, open gpedit.msc, and enable all the policies under
  52. echo * "Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Remote Assistance"
  53. echo * 2. You should have administrative rights on the novice computer.
  54. echo *****************************************
  55. :Done