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<html> <head> #include "header.inc" #include "debug_js.inc"
<TITLE id="idTitle" name="idTitle">REMOTE_ASSISTANCE_INVITE</TITLE> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes"> <LINK id="UI_StyleSheet1" REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../Css/rcBuddy.css" > <LINK id="UI_StyleSheet2" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="hcp://system/css/shared.css"> <Script id="idScript1" name="idScript1" language="javascript"> /* * Localizable constants, text and messages */ var L_ERRACCESSDENIED_Text = "Directly launching this page is not allowed. "; var L_INVALID_EXP_TIME_Text = "Remote Assistance properties have been set such that invitations cannot remain open for more than "; var L_INVALID_EXP_TIME2_Text = "\n\nThe invitation has been reset to expire at the maximum limit of "; var L_INVALID_EXP_TIME3_Text = "; if you want, you can select a lesser amount of time.";
function onLoad() { TraceFunctEnter("onLoad"); try { if( null == parent.OnLoad || parent.g_bRAStart == null ) { idBody.style.visibility = "hidden"; window.navigate( "hcp://CN=Microsoft%20Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US/Remote%20Assistance/Escalation/Common/rcscreen1.htm" ); return; } var i = document.URL.indexOf("?", 1); var ret = document.URL.slice(i+1); if (ret=="Resend") { XMLFile = parent.tempStore.XMLDataFile; var oInc = null; try { oInc = parent.pchealth.CreateObject_Incident(); oInc.LoadFromXMLFile(XMLFile); } catch(error) { alert(parent.L_RCCTL_Text); return; } idFrom.value=oInc.UserName; var time=oInc.Misc("DtLength"); if (time>59 && time<1381) { idSelectUnits.selectedIndex=1; UpdateCombo(); idSelectValues.selectedIndex=((time/60)-1); } if(time<60) { idSelectUnits.selectedIndex=0; UpdateCombo(); idSelectValues.selectedIndex=(time-1); } if(time>1380) { idSelectUnits.selectedIndex=2; UpdateCombo(); idSelectValues.selectedIndex=((time/1440)-1); } if (oInc.Misc("PassStub")!="") { parent.tempPassStatus =true; } else { parent.tempPassStatus= false; } parent.ResendFlag=true; } else { idFrom.value = parent.GetLocalUser(); //Loading the dropdown combo ..... idSelectUnits.selectedIndex=1; UpdateCombo(); } idFrom.focus(); } catch(error) { alert(parent.L_RCCTL_Text); return; } TraceFunctLeave(); } function UpdateCombo() { TraceFunctEnter("UpdateCombo"); try { var col=new Enumerator(document.all("idSelectValues").tags("Option")); for (;!col.atEnd();col.moveNext()) { x=col.item(); idSelectValues.options.remove(x.index); } for (i=1;i<100;i++) { var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION"); oOption.id="Val"+i; if (i<10) { oOption.text=" 0"+i+" "; } else { oOption.text=" "+i+" "; } oOption.value=i; idSelectValues.options.add(oOption); }
/* //if the hour option is choosen if (idSelectUnits.item(idSelectUnits.selectedIndex).value==2) { var col=new Enumerator(document.all("idSelectValues").tags("Option")); for (;!col.atEnd();col.moveNext()) { x=col.item(); idSelectValues.options.remove(x.index); } for (i=1;i<=23;i++) { var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION"); oOption.id="Val"+i; if (i<10) { oOption.text=" 0"+i+" "; } else { oOption.text=" "+i+" "; } oOption.value=i*60; idSelectValues.options.add(oOption); } } //if the minute option is choosen else if (idSelectUnits.item(idSelectUnits.selectedIndex).value==1) { var col=new Enumerator(document.all("idSelectValues").tags("Option")); for (;!col.atEnd();col.moveNext()) { x=col.item(); idSelectValues.options.remove(x.index); } for (i=1;i<=59;i++) { var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION"); oOption.id="Val"+i; if (i<10) { oOption.text=" 0"+i+" "; } else { oOption.text=" "+i+" "; } oOption.value=i; idSelectValues.options.add(oOption); } } //if the days option is choosen else { var col=new Enumerator(document.all("idSelectValues").tags("Option")); for (;!col.atEnd();col.moveNext()) { x=col.item(); idSelectValues.options.remove(x.index); } for (i=1;i<=30;i++) { var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION"); oOption.id="Val"+i; if (i<10) { oOption.text=" 0"+i+" "; } else { oOption.text=" "+i+" "; } oOption.value=i*24*60; idSelectValues.options.add(oOption); } } */ } catch(error) { alert(parent.L_RCCTL_Text); return; } TraceFunctLeave(); } function OnContinue() { TraceFunctEnter("OnContinue"); try { parent.sFrom = parent.EscapedName( idFrom.value );
parent.iExpirySaveFile = idSelectValues.options[idSelectValues.selectedIndex].value; if (idSelectUnits.item(idSelectUnits.selectedIndex).value==1) parent.iExpirySaveFile = parent.iExpirySaveFile; else if (idSelectUnits.item(idSelectUnits.selectedIndex).value==2) parent.iExpirySaveFile = parent.iExpirySaveFile*60; else parent.iExpirySaveFile = parent.iExpirySaveFile*24*60;
var oRARegSetting = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RARegSetting"); var nMaxTicketExpirySettingInMins = oRARegSetting.MaxTicketExpiry / 60; if (nMaxTicketExpirySettingInMins < parent.iExpirySaveFile) { var nUnitVal; var nNumVal; var wshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); try { // check group policy value first. nUnitVal = wshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\policies\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\Terminal Services\\MaxTicketExpiryUnits"); nNumVal = wshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\policies\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\Terminal Services\\MaxTicketExpiry"); } catch(e) { // check control panel value. try { nUnitVal = wshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\Control\\Terminal Server\\MaxTicketExpiryUnits"); nNumVal = wshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\Control\\Terminal Server\\MaxTicketExpiry"); } catch (e) { // use default nUnitVal = 2; // DAYS. nNumVal = 30; } } var msg; var L_MIN_Text = " Mins"; var L_HR_Text = " Hours"; var L_DAY_Text = " Days"; var sUnit = (nUnitVal==0?L_MIN_Text:(nUnitVal==1?L_HR_Text:L_DAY_Text)); msg = L_INVALID_EXP_TIME_Text + nNumVal + sUnit + L_INVALID_EXP_TIME2_Text + nNumVal + sUnit + L_INVALID_EXP_TIME3_Text;
alert(msg); idSelectUnits.selectedIndex = nUnitVal; idSelectValues.selectedIndex = nNumVal-1; return false; } navigate("rcScreen9.htm"); } catch(error) { alert(parent.L_RCCTL_Text); return; } TraceFunctLeave(); } </script> </head> <BODY id="idBody" name="idBody" scroll="auto" onload="onLoad();" class="margin sys-rhp-bgcolor"> <table class="MaxLayout" id="idtableframe" name="idtableframe" cellpadding="16px" border="0"> <tr> <td class="valignTop"> <TABLE id="RA_Table" name="RA_Table" class="MaxWidth" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <TR> <TD id="idTd1" name="idTd1" colspan="2"> <Span id="idMainTitle" name="idMainTitle" class="sys-font-heading3 sys-rhp-color-title">Remote Assistance - Save Invitation</Span> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="Height7" colspan="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD id="idTd2" name="idTd2" colspan="2" class="sys-table-cell-bgcolor3"> <span id="idSubTitle1" name="idSubTitle1" class="sys-font-body-bold sys-color-body valignmiddle"> Enter your name</span> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="Height9" colspan="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD id="idTd3" name="idTd3"> <span id="idFromText" name="idFromText" class="valignmiddle sys-font-body sys-color-body">From (the name you would like to appear on the invitation):</span> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="Height5"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <input type="text" name="idFrom" id="idFrom" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body MaxWidth" tabindex="1"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="Height10" colspan="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD id="idTd4" name="idTd4" colspan="2" class="sys-table-cell-bgcolor3"> <span id="idSubTitle2" name="idSubTitle2" class="sys-font-body-bold sys-color-body valignmiddle"> Set the invitation to expire</span> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="Height9" colspan="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD id="idTd5" name="idTd5" colspan="2"> <Span id="idText1" name="idText1" class="valignmiddle sys-font-body sys-color-body">To lessen the chance that someone fraudulently gains access to your computer you can limit the time in which a recipient can accept a Remote Assistance invitation. Specify the duration that this invitation will remain open.</Span> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="Height8" colspan="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=2> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="" border="0"> <TR> <TD class="Width5"> <SELECT id="idSelectValues" name="idSelectValues" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" tabindex="2"> </SELECT> </TD> <TD class="Width5"> <Select id="idSelectUnits" name="idSelectUnits" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" onChange="//UpdateCombo();" tabindex="3"> <option id="Unit1" value=1 >Minutes</option> <option id="Unit2" value=2 selected>Hours</option> <option id="Unit3" value=3 >Days</option> </Select> </TD> </TR> </table> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="Height8" colspan="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> <HR id="idHr" name="idHr" class="bordertype1 sys-toppane-color-border"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="Height8" colspan="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2" id="idbtn" name="idbtn" align="right"> <Button id="idbtnContinue" name="idbtnContinue" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" onclick="OnContinue();" tabindex="4"> Continue > </Button> </TD> </TR> </Table> </td> </tr> </Table> </Body> </html>