<html> <head> #include "header.inc" #include "debug_js.inc" #include "constants.inc"
<meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <TITLE>Remote Assistance</TITLE> <LINK id="UI_StyleSheet" name="UI_StyleSheet" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../Css/rc.css"> <LINK id="UI_StyleSheet1" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="hcp://system/css/shared.css"> <script id="Script1" name="Script1" LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../Common/common.js"> </script> <script id="Script2" name="Script2" LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../Common/constants.js"> </script>
<!-- Scripts to handle UI --> <script>
/* * Localizable constants, text and messages */ var L_FILEXFERCANCELLEDBY_Text = "File transmission cancelled by "; var L_REJECTFILEXFER_Text = "Request for file transfer was denied by "; var L_ERRFAILEDTOCREATETMPFILE_Text = "Unable to create a file for writing. Please choose a new name for the file to be saved as."; var L_ERRMISSINGFILENAME_Text = "The file name is not valid. Please specify a valid file name."; var L_ERRINVALIDFILEHANDLE_Text = "Cannot transfer the file. Please wait and try again."; var L_ERRTEMPFILENAME_Text = "Temp Filename not defined"; var L_HASBEENSENTTO_Text = " has been sent to "; var L_WAITINGFORRESPONSE_Text = "Waiting for response..."; var L_SENDING_Text = "Sending "; var L_TO_Text = " to "; var L_CANCEL_Text = "Cancel"; var L_OK_Text = "OK"; var L_FILE_Text = "File "; var L_HASBEENSAVEDTO_Text = " has been saved to "; var L_DOUSAVE_Text = "Do you want to open this file now?"; var L_SAVING_Text = "Saving "; var L_FROM_Text = " from "; var L_ERRACCESSDENIED_Text = "Directly launching this page is not allowed. "; var L_YESAccessKey_Text = "Y"; var L_NOAccessKey_Text = "N"; var L_YES_Text = "<U>Y</U>es"; var L_NO_Text = "<U>N</U>o"; var L_DOT_Text = ".";
var vArgs = null; var g_oLogger = null; var Mode = null; var g_oControlChannel = null; var g_oDataChannel = null; var g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr = null; var g_iFileSize = 0; var g_iSentCtr = 0; var g_iRecvdCtr = 0; var g_szFileName = null; var g_szChannelId = null; var g_oSAFRCDlgFileOpen = null; var fso = null; var fileHandle = null; var file = null; var tFileName = null; var oSaveDlg = null; var oSAFClassFactory = null; var szIPAddr = null; var g_DestnCnt = 0; var g_nStatusMsgId = 0; var EXECUTE_EXITFILEXFER = 1; var EXECUTE_WINDOWCLOSE = 2; var EXECUTE_SENDREJECT = 3;
var g_index = 0; var g_ArrProgressBoxes; var progcount=0; var nTemp=0;
var g_szSenderName = "Sender"; var g_szReceiverName = "Receiver"; var g_bXferComplete = false;
var g_iTimer = null;
var g_SourceFileName = "???"; var g_SourceFileSize = "???";
var szLocalUserName = "???"; var szRemoteIP = "???"; var szRemoteUserName = "???";
function FatalError( szMsg, error ) { if( szMsg.length ) { alert( szMsg ); } }
//****Handles the Esc Key****// function document.onkeydown() {
if(window.event.keyCode==27) { if (FileXFerSrc.className == "MaxLayout Display") { g_bXferComplete=true; window.close(); } if (FileXFerDestn.className == "MaxLayout Display") { OnCancelFileXfer(); } if (ProgressBoxesId.className == "MaxLayout Display") { SendReject(); } if (StatusMsgId.className == "MaxLayout Display") { StatusMsgRoutine(); } if (EndStatusMsgId.className == "MaxLayout Display") { StatusMsgRoutine(); } window.event.returnValue=false; } } function onUnload() { TraceFunctEnter("onUnload");
try { if( g_bXferComplete == false ) { SendReject(); } } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
function InitFileXfer() { TraceFunctEnter("InitFileXfer"); try { vArgs = window.dialogArguments; Mode = vArgs[0]; // Mode=0: Source, Mode=1: Destination g_oControlChannel = vArgs[1]; g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr = vArgs[2]; g_oLogger = vArgs[10]; if( 0 == Mode) { //**** UI Update ****// FileXFerSrc.className = "MaxLayout Display"; FileXFerDestn.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; StatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; EndStatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; szIPAddr = vArgs[3]; fso = vArgs[4]; // File system object oSAFClassFactory = vArgs[5]; // SAF Class Factory g_szReceiverName = EscapedName( vArgs[6] ); // Receiver g_oSAFRCDlgFileOpen = vArgs[7]; // SAFRCDlg.FileOpen dialog object.
var d = new Date(); var szTimeAtInit = "."; szTimeAtInit += d.getMonth(); // Get Month szTimeAtInit += d.getDate(); // Get day szTimeAtInit += d.getYear(); szTimeAtInit += d.getMilliseconds(); g_szChannelId = szIPAddr + szTimeAtInit; szLocalUserName = EscapedName( vArgs[8]); szRemoteIP = vArgs[9]; szRemoteUserName = g_szReceiverName; if (szRemoteIP == null) szRemoteIP = "???"; if (szLocalUserName == null) szLocalUserName = "???"; if (szRemoteUserName == null) szRemoteUserName = "???"; DebugTrace( "g_szChannelId : " + g_szChannelId ); attfile.focus(); } else { DebugTrace( "Destination"); //**** UI Update ****// FileXFerSrc.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerDestn.className= "MaxLayout Display"; ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; StatusMsgId.className= "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; EndStatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; g_szFileName = vArgs[3]; // FILENAME g_iFileSize = vArgs[4]; // FILESIZE g_szChannelId = vArgs[5]; // CHANNELID fso = vArgs[6]; // File system object oSaveDlg = vArgs[7]; // SaveAs dialog object oSAFClassFactory = vArgs[8]; // SAF Class Factory g_szSenderName = EscapedName( vArgs[9] ); // Sender of the file szLocalUserName = EscapedName( vArgs[12] ); // Local User Name szRemoteIP = vArgs[11]; // Remote IP Address szRemoteUserName = g_szSenderName; // Remote User Name if (szRemoteIP == null) szRemoteIP = "???"; if (g_szSenderName == null) g_szSenderName = "???"; if (szLocalUserName == null) szLocalUserName = "???"; if (g_iFileSize == null) g_iFileSize = "???"; if (g_szFileName == null) g_szFileName = "???"; OkId.focus(); FileNameId.innerText = "'"+g_szFileName +"'."; SenderNameId.innerText = g_szSenderName; idFileSize.innerText=g_iFileSize; DebugTrace( "Create data channel"); try { if(null == g_oDataChannel) { g_oDataChannel = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr.OpenDataChannel( g_szChannelId ); g_oDataChannel.OnChannelDataReady = function() { DestnDataChannelDataReadyHandler(); } } } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); return; } } } catch(error) { RCFileXferBody.style.visibility = "hidden"; FatalError( L_ERRACCESSDENIED_Text ); return; } TraceFunctLeave(); return; } //*** onAcceptFileXfer: ***// // Purpose: Routine sets up file xfer on the Receiver side. // Functionality: Opens up a dialog for the user to select a folder and name for the file // to be received. Creates the file incase of user choosing to save the file // and send an ACK back to the sender for dumping the data on the channel. // function onAcceptFileXfer() { TraceFunctEnter( "onAcceptFileXfer" ); try { oSaveDlg.FileName = g_szFileName;
/* Disabling the fix for 446403 since it was not approved by WAR yet. var szFileName = g_szFileName; var i = szFileName.lastIndexOf( "." ); if( i != -1 ) { var szFileType = szFileName.slice( i + 1 ); oSaveDlg.FileType = szFileType; } else { oSaveDlg.FileType = ""; } */ var bFileNmChosen = oSaveDlg.OpenFileSaveDlg(); tFileName = oSaveDlg.FileName; /* Disabling the fix for 446403 since it was not approved by WAR yet. if( (i != -1 ) && ( oSaveDlg.FileName.lastIndexOf( ".") == -1) ) { tFileName = oSaveDlg.FileName + "." + oSaveDlg.FileType; } else { tFileName = oSaveDlg.FileName; } */
if(0 == bFileNmChosen) { OnCancelFileXfer(); return; }
if( EXECUTE_WINDOWCLOSE == g_nStatusMsgId ) { // // Check if FileXfer was cancelled // return; }
} catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); return; } //**Create the File for writing**// try { fileHandle = oSAFClassFactory.CreateFileAsStream( tFileName ); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_ERRFAILEDTOCREATETMPFILE_Text ); onAcceptFileXfer(); }
//** Send ACK to source to make it begin pumping data on the data channel **// try { //**** UI Update ****// FileXFerDestn.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerSrc.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout Display"; StatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; EndStatusMsgId.className= "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; ProgBarDetails.innerHTML = L_SAVING_Text +"'"+g_szFileName +"'"+ L_FROM_Text + g_szSenderName + '...'; idFileSize.innerText=g_iFileSize; button1.focus(); //** Sending ACK to the sender **// g_oDataChannel.SendChannelData( c_szFileXferACK ); } catch(e) { FatalError(e.description); return; } TraceFunctLeave(); return; } // OnCancelFileXfer: // Purpose: Sends rejection to source of file xfer // Functionality: Incase of the Receiver choosing to cancel the file transfer at // any stage of filexfer, this routine gets called. This routine // sends a flag to the other end to inform about the rejection and // closes the current window. // function OnCancelFileXfer() { TraceFunctEnter( "OnCancelFileXfer" ); try { g_oDataChannel.SendChannelData( c_szFileXferREJECT ); } catch(e) { FatalError(e.description); } TraceFunctLeave(); window.close(); } //** onSend: **// function onSend() { TraceFunctEnter("onSend"); var fileName = attfile.value; fileName = trim(fileName); var Doc = null; var RCCommand = null; //** Open the File for reading**// try { try { if(fileName != "") { file = fso.GetFile(fileName); } else { FatalError( L_ERRMISSINGFILENAME_Text ); btnSendFileId.disabled = true; attfile.value=""; attfile.focus(); return; } } catch(error) { FatalError( L_ERRMISSINGFILENAME_Text ); btnSendFileId.disabled = true; attfile.value=""; attfile.focus(); return; } fileHandle = oSAFClassFactory.OpenFileAsStream(fileName); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); btnSendFileId.disabled = true; return; } // Initiate File Xfer try { // Create an XML document Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM"); // Create the RCCOMMAND root node RCCommand = Doc.createElement( c_szRCCommand ); // Set the NAME attribute to FILEXFER RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szRCCommandName, c_szFileXfer ); // Set the FILENAME attribute RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szFileName, file.Name ); // Set the FILESIZE attribute RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szFileSize, file.size ); // Set the CHANNELID attribute RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szChannelId, g_szChannelId ); // Send the XML across g_oControlChannel.SendChannelData( RCCommand.xml ); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); return; } // Create the data channel for Filetransfer try { if(null == g_oDataChannel) { g_oDataChannel = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr.OpenDataChannel( g_szChannelId ); g_oDataChannel.OnChannelDataReady = function() { SrcDataChannelDataReadyHandler(); } } } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); return; } //**** UI Update ****// FileXFerSrc.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerDestn.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; StatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout Display"; EndStatusMsgId.className= "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; /*StatusMsgId.style.position = "absolute"; StatusMsgId.style.top = "20px"; StatusMsgId.style.left = "20px";*/ Message.innerText = L_SENDING_Text +"'"+ file.name +"'"+ L_TO_Text + g_szReceiverName + "..." ; TD0TR1table0.innerText = L_WAITINGFORRESPONSE_Text; TD0TR0table0.align = "left"; TD0TR1table0.align = "left"; idBtn.align = "right";
g_nStatusMsgId = EXECUTE_SENDREJECT; StatusMsgButton.value = L_CANCEL_Text; StatusMsgButton.focus(); TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
var g_bFirstAck = false; var g_bRejected = false;
//** SrcDataChannelDataReadyHandler() **// function SrcDataChannelDataReadyHandler() { TraceFunctEnter( "SrcDataChannelDataReadyHandler"); try { try { var str = g_oDataChannel.ReceiveChannelData(); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); SendReject(); } if(str == c_szFileXferACK) { UpdateStatusProgBar(); #ifdef _FILEXFER_WITHACKS SendFileData(); #else if( false == g_bFirstAck ) { g_bFirstAck = true; SendFileData(); } #endif } else if(str == c_szFileXferREJECT) { g_bRejected = true;
if( null != g_iTimer ) { clearTimeout( g_iTimer ); g_iTimer = null; }
if(null != fileHandle) { fileHandle.Close(); fileHandle = null; } //**** UI Update ****// //Message.innerText = ""; //table0.cellspacing = "0px"; window.dialogHeight = "158px"; FileXFerSrc.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerDestn.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; StatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout Display"; EndStatusMsgId.className= "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; /* StatusMsgId.style.position = "absolute"; StatusMsgId.style.top = "10px"; StatusMsgId.style.left = "20px";*/ if (table0.rows.length==5) { table0.deleteRow(0); table0.deleteRow(0); } table0.rows(1).cells(0).className="height13"; TD0TR1table0.innerHTML = '<img src="hcp://system/Remote%20Assistance/Interaction/Common/info.gif"></img><Span id="idblankSpace" name="idblankSpace" class="width8"> </Span><span id="idDeny" name="idDeny" class="VAlign Maxheight">' + L_REJECTFILEXFER_Text + g_szReceiverName + L_DOT_Text+ "</Span>"; g_nStatusMsgId = EXECUTE_WINDOWCLOSE; idBtn.align = "middle"; StatusMsgButton.value = L_OK_Text; StatusMsgButton.focus(); } } catch(e) { FatalError(e.description); return; } TraceFunctLeave(); return; } //** DestnDataChannelDataReadyHandler() **// function DestnDataChannelDataReadyHandler() { TraceFunctEnter("DestnDataChannelDataReadyHandler");
var data = null; var idatalen = 0;
try { data = g_oDataChannel.ReceiveChannelData(); } catch(e) { FatalError(e.description); SendReject(); } if ( c_szFileXferEND == data) { DebugTrace ("File received" ); CompleteDestnProgress(); // Close open temp file handle if(null != fileHandle) { fileHandle.Close(); fileHandle = null; } //**** UI Update ****// FileXFerSrc.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerDestn.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; StatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; EndStatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout Display"; // Log to the Event Log (event 1) try {
var args = new Array(5); args[0] = tFileName; args[1] = g_iFileSize; args[2] = szRemoteUserName; args[3] = szRemoteIP; args[4] = szLocalUserName; g_oLogger.LogRemoteAssistanceEvent(0,1,args); } catch(e) { // do nothing } var tempstr = tFileName; var CompStr = new String("\\"); var LastIndex = tempstr.lastIndexOf(CompStr); CompStr = tempstr.slice(0,LastIndex); StrongEndStatusMsg.innerText = L_FILE_Text +"'"+ g_szFileName +"'"+ L_HASBEENSAVEDTO_Text +"'"+ CompStr +"'."; EndStatusMsg.innerHTML = L_DOUSAVE_Text; g_nStatusMsgId = EXECUTE_WINDOWCLOSE; //**place holder**// //EndStatusMsg.innerHTML = " " idbtnEndStatus.innerHTML="<button class='styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body' onClick='OpenTempFile();' id='btnYes' name='btnYes' accesskey='" + L_YESAccessKey_Text + "'>" + L_YES_Text + "</button><Span id='idblankSpace' name='idblankSpace' class='width8'></Span><button class='styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body' onClick='StatusMsgRoutine()' id='btnNo' name='btnNo' accessKey='" + L_NOAccessKey_Text + "'>"+ L_NO_Text + "</button>"; btnYes.focus(); //**place holder**// //idbtnEndStatus.innerHTML="<button class='styButton' onClick='StatusMsgRoutine()' id='idOK' name='idOK'>OK</button>" //idOK.focus(); //**place holder**// idbtnEndStatus.align="right"; //idbtnEndStatus.align="center"; g_bXferComplete = true; } else if ( c_szFileXferREJECT == data ) { // Close open temp file handle if(null != fileHandle) { fileHandle.Close(); fileHandle = null; } try { var f2=fso.GetFile(tFileName); f2.Delete(); } catch(error) { } //**** UI Update ****// FileXFerSrc.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerDestn.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; StatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout Display"; EndStatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; window.dialogHeight = "158px"; Message.innerText = L_FILEXFERCANCELLEDBY_Text + g_szSenderName + "."; if (table0.rows.length==5) { table0.deleteRow(1); table0.deleteRow(1); } table0.rows(1).cells(0).className="height13"; g_nStatusMsgId = EXECUTE_WINDOWCLOSE; StatusMsgButton.value = L_OK_Text; StatusMsgButton.focus(); } else { try { // Update UI idatalen = (data.length/2); g_iRecvdCtr += idatalen; // Write str to open temp file DebugTrace("data.length: " + idatalen); if (fileHandle!=null) { try { fileHandle.WriteHex( idatalen, data ); } catch(error) { SendReject(); return; } } DebugTrace("Done writing...");
// Create the Progress boxes and update them as and how much of data is received if (0 == g_index) { //**** UI Update ****// FileXFerSrc.className="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerDestn.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout Display"; StatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; EndStatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; idFileSize.innerText=g_iFileSize; button1.focus(); ProgBarDetails.innerHTML = L_SAVING_Text +"'"+g_szFileName +"'"+ L_FROM_Text + g_szSenderName + '...'; var value = document.all("ProgressBoxes").all.tags("td").length; var e = new Enumerator(document.all("ProgressBoxes").all.tags("td")); g_ArrProgressBoxes = new Array(value); var index=0; for(;!e.atEnd();e.moveNext()) { g_ArrProgressBoxes[index] = e.item(); index++; } g_index=(g_iFileSize/30); progcount+=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE; idFileSize.innerText=g_iFileSize; } //** Files size less that c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE(data packet size)**// if(g_iFileSize<=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE) { for(;nTemp<30;nTemp++) { g_ArrProgressBoxes[nTemp].bgColor="#0000FF"; idProgPercent.innerText=Math.round(nTemp*3.2); idProgByte.innerText=g_iRecvdCtr; } } //** files size/30(no.of progressbar slots) is less than c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE(data packet size) **// else if(g_index<=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE) { progcount=g_index; //while (progcount<=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE) while (progcount<=idatalen) { g_ArrProgressBoxes[nTemp].bgColor="#0000FF"; ++nTemp; progcount+=g_index; idProgPercent.innerText=Math.round(nTemp*3.2); idProgByte.innerText=g_iRecvdCtr; } g_oDataChannel.SendChannelData( c_szFileXferACK ); } //** files size/30(no.of progressbar slots) is more than c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE(data packet size) **// else if(g_index>c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE) { if (progcount<g_index) { progcount+=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE; idProgByte.innerText=g_iRecvdCtr; } else { g_ArrProgressBoxes[nTemp].bgColor="#0000FF"; ++nTemp; idProgPercent.innerText=Math.round(nTemp*3.2); idProgByte.innerText=g_iRecvdCtr; progcount=0; progcount+=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE; g_oDataChannel.SendChannelData( c_szFileXferACK ); } } } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); SendReject(); } } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
//** UpdateStatusProgBar(): Fired when file Xfer Src sends data on the data channel **// function UpdateStatusProgBar() { if (g_index==0) { //** UI Update **// ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout Display"; StatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerSrc.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerDestn.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; EndStatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; idFileSize.innerText=g_iFileSize; button1.focus(); ProgBarDetails.innerText = L_SENDING_Text +"'"+ file.name +"'"+L_TO_Text + g_szReceiverName + "..."; var value = document.all("ProgressBoxes").all.tags("td").length; var e = new Enumerator(document.all("ProgressBoxes").all.tags("td")); g_ArrProgressBoxes = new Array(value); var index=0; for(;!e.atEnd();e.moveNext()) { g_ArrProgressBoxes[index] = e.item(); index++; } g_index=(file.size/30); ProgBarDetails.innerText = L_SENDING_Text+"'"+ file.name +"'"+ L_TO_Text + g_szReceiverName + "..."; idFileSize.innerText=file.size; } }
//** SendFileData: Sends currently open file to destination **// function SendFileData() {
TraceFunctEnter("SendFileData"); var data = null; var idatalen = 0; g_iTimer = null;
if ( fileHandle!= null ) { if(file.size<=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE) { //Read the file try { data = fileHandle.ReadHex( ComputeBlockSize(file.size, c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE, g_iSentCtr) ); } catch(e) { FatalError(e.description); SendReject(); return; } idatalen = (data.length)/2; g_iSentCtr+=idatalen; // Send data over the data channel g_oDataChannel.SendChannelData( data ); for(;nTemp<30;++nTemp) { g_ArrProgressBoxes[nTemp].bgColor="#0000FF"; idProgPercent.innerText=Math.round(nTemp*3.2); } idProgByte.innerText=g_iSentCtr; } else if(g_index<=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE) { try { while(g_iSentCtr<file.size) { //Read the file try { if (fileHandle!=null) { data = fileHandle.ReadHex( ComputeBlockSize(file.size, c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE, g_iSentCtr) ); } } catch(e) { //FatalError(e.description); if (fileHandle!=null) { SendReject(); return; } } idatalen = (data.length)/2; progcount=g_index; do { g_ArrProgressBoxes[nTemp].bgColor="#0000FF"; ++nTemp; progcount+=g_index; idProgPercent.innerText=Math.round(nTemp*3.2); } //while(progcount<=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE) while(progcount<=idatalen) g_iSentCtr+=idatalen; idProgByte.innerText=g_iSentCtr; // Send data over the data channel g_oDataChannel.SendChannelData( data ); #ifdef _FILEXFER_WITHACKS return; #else g_iTimer = setTimeout("SendFileData()", c_FILEXFERPKTGAP); return; #endif } } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); SendReject(); return; } } else if(g_index>c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE) { try { while(g_iSentCtr<file.size) { progcount=0; do { //Read the file try { if (fileHandle!=null) { data = fileHandle.ReadHex( ComputeBlockSize(file.size, c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE, g_iSentCtr) ); } } catch(e) { //FatalError(e.description); if (fileHandle!=null) { SendReject(); return; } } // Send data over the data channel g_oDataChannel.SendChannelData( data ); idatalen = (data.length)/2; progcount+=c_MAXFILEXFERSIZE; g_iSentCtr+=idatalen; idProgByte.innerText=g_iSentCtr; } while(progcount<g_index) g_ArrProgressBoxes[nTemp].bgColor="#0000FF"; ++nTemp; idProgPercent.innerText=Math.round(nTemp*3.2); #ifdef _FILEXFER_WITHACKS return; #else g_iTimer = setTimeout("SendFileData()", c_FILEXFERPKTGAP); return; #endif } } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); SendReject(); return; } } if( null != g_iTimer ) { clearTimeout( g_iTimer ); g_iTimer = null; }
// Send End of filexfer ACK g_oDataChannel.SendChannelData( c_szFileXferEND ); CompleteProgress(); // Log to the Event log (event 0) try { //var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
//var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RARegSetting"); var args = new Array(5); if (file) { args[0] = g_SourceFileName; // FileName args[1] = g_SourceFileSize; // FileSize args[2] = szLocalUserName; args[3] = szRemoteUserName; args[4] = szRemoteIP; g_oLogger.LogRemoteAssistanceEvent(0,0,args); } } catch(e) { // alert("Error : "+e.description); // do nothing } // ** UI Update ** // //window.dialogWidth = "405px"; window.dialogHeight = "158px";
FileXFerDestn.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; FileXFerSrc.className ="MaxLayout DisplayNone"; ProgressBoxesId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; StatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout DisplayNone"; EndStatusMsgId.className = "MaxLayout Display"; table1.deleteRow(1); table1.deleteRow(1); table1.rows(0).cells(0).className="sys-font-body sys-color-body padding1"; StrongEndStatusMsg.innerText ="'"+ file.name +"'"+ L_HASBEENSENTTO_Text + g_szReceiverName +"." ; //TD0TR1table1.innerHTML="<button class='styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body' onClick='StatusMsgRoutine()' id='idOK' name='idOK'>OK</button>" idbtnEndStatus.innerHTML="<button class='styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body' onClick='StatusMsgRoutine()' id='idOK' name='idOK'>OK</button>"; idbtnEndStatus.align="center"; idOK.focus(); g_nStatusMsgId = EXECUTE_EXITFILEXFER; g_bXferComplete = true; } else { if( false == g_bRejected ) { FatalError( L_ERRINVALIDFILEHANDLE_Text ); SendReject(); return; } } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
//** ComputeBlockSize(): ** // function ComputeBlockSize( FileSize, MaxBlockSize, BytesSent ) { var BlockSize = 0; if( (FileSize - BytesSent) > MaxBlockSize ) { BlockSize = MaxBlockSize; } else { BlockSize = FileSize - BytesSent; } return BlockSize; }
//** SendReject(): **// // Purpose: To update the UI and the Send a message about rejecting a filexFer to the Receiver. function SendReject() { try { if(null != fileHandle) { fileHandle.Close(); fileHandle = null; } if (Mode==1) { try { var f2=fso.GetFile(tFileName); f2.Delete(); } catch(error) { } } // Send the actual reject if( null != g_oDataChannel ) { g_oDataChannel.SendChannelData( c_szFileXferREJECT ); } } catch(e) { FatalError(e.description); } window.close(); }
//** ExitFileXfer: **// function ExitFileXfer() { TraceFunctEnter("ExitFileXfer"); try { if(null != fileHandle) { fileHandle.Close(); fileHandle = null; } } catch(e) { FatalError(e.description); } window.close(); }
// OpenTempFile: Opens the currently download temp file function OpenTempFile() { TraceFunctEnter("OpenTempFile"); if(null != tFileName ) { window.open( tFileName ); window.close(); } else { FatalTrace( L_ERRTEMPFILENAME_Text ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// OnCancel: function onCancel() { g_bXferComplete=true; window.close(); }
// EnableFileXfer: function EnableFileXfer() { if (attfile.value != "") btnSendFileId.disabled = false; if ((btnSendFileId.disabled == false) && (attfile.value == "")) btnSendFileId.disabled = true; if (window.event.keyCode == 13) { onSend(); window.event.returnValue=false; } }
function StatusMsgRoutine() { switch(g_nStatusMsgId) { case EXECUTE_SENDREJECT : SendReject(); break; case EXECUTE_EXITFILEXFER : ExitFileXfer(); break; case EXECUTE_WINDOWCLOSE : window.close(); break; default: break; } }
function OnClickOpenAs() { var obj = g_oSAFRCDlgFileOpen; var fileOpen ; var x; try { x=obj.OpenFileOpenDlg(); if (x) { attfile.value = obj.FileName; g_SourceFileName = obj.FileName; g_SourceFileSize = obj.FileSize; btnSendFileId.disabled = false; } attfile.focus(); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); } }
function trim(strS) { try { if (strS.length == 0) {return "";} while (strS.charAt(0) == " ") {strS = strS.substring(1,strS.length);} while (strS.charAt(strS.length-1)==" ") {strS = strS.substring(0,strS.length-1);} } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); }
return strS; }
function fnPaste() { try { var sFromClipBoard; event.returnvalue = false; attfile.value = window.clipboardData.getData("TEXT",sFromClipBoard); if (attfile.value != "") btnSendFileId.disabled = false; if ((btnSendFileId.disabled == false) && (attfile.value == "")) { btnSendFileId.disabled = true; } } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); } }
function CompleteProgress() { try { for(;nTemp < 30; nTemp++) { g_ArrProgressBoxes[nTemp].bgColor="#0000FF"; progcount+=g_index; } idProgPercent.innerText=100; } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); } }
function CompleteDestnProgress() { try { for(;nTemp<30;nTemp++) { g_ArrProgressBoxes[nTemp].bgColor="#0000FF"; } idProgPercent.innerText=100; idProgByte.innerText=g_iRecvdCtr; } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); } }
</script> <Style> .height10 { height:6px; } .height12 { height:40px; } .height11 { height:30px; } .width9 { width:85%; } .width10 { width:15%; } </style>
<body id="RCFileXferBody" name="RCFileXferBody" class="sys-inlineform-bgcolor1" onload=InitFileXfer() onunload=onUnload()> <!-- File Transfer Source --> <div id="FileXFerSrc" name="FileXFerSrc" class="MaxLayout Display"> <table id="idMainTable" name="idMaintable" cellspacing=0 cellpadding="0" border=0 class="MaxLayout"> <TR> <TD class="padding6 padding4 padding3"> <table id="table12" name="table12" border="0" class="MaxLayout" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px"> <tr> <td id="T0table12" name="T0table12" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body padding2 padding5" colspan=2> <Span id="idScreen1txt" name="idScreen1txt"> Type the file path, or click <B>Browse</B> to look for the file: </Span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="height5" colspan=2> </td> </Tr> <tr> <td class="width9 padding2 padding5"> <input id="attfile" name="attfile" type="Text" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body Maxwidth" onpaste="fnPaste()" onkeyup="EnableFileXfer()"></input> </td> <td id="idbtnBrowser" name="idbtnBrowser" align="right" class="width10 padding2"> <span id="S0T0table12" name="S0T0table12" class="valignbottom"><button class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" id="BrowseButton" name="BrowseButton" onclick=OnClickOpenAs() accesskey="B"><u>B</u>rowse... </button></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="height11" colspan=2> </td> </Tr> <tr> <td id="idbtn0" name="idbtn0" align="right" class="padding2 valignbottom" colspan=2> <button class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" id="btnSendFileId" disabled=true onclick=onSend() tabindex=1 accesskey="S"> <u>S</u>end File </button> <Span id="idblankSpace" name="idblankSpace" class="width8"></Span> <button class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" type="button" id="btnCancelFileId" tabindex=2 onclick="onCancel()"> Cancel </button>
</td> </tr> </table><!-- End of table2 --> </TD> </TR> </table> </div><!-- End of FileXFerSrc div -->
<!-- File Transfer Destination --> <div id="FileXFerDestn" name="FileXFerDestn" class="DisplayNone MaxLayout"> <table id="idMainTable" name="idMaintable" cellspacing=0 cellpadding="0" border=0 class="MaxLayout"> <TR> <TD class="padding6 padding4 padding3"> <table id="table11" name="table11" border="0" class="MaxLayout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td id="T0table11" name="T0table11" class="padding2 padding5 sys-font-body sys-color-body"> <SPAN id="SenderNameId" name="SenderNameId"> </SPAN> <Span id="idScreen2txt1" name="idScreen2txt1"> is sending you </Span> <SPAN id="FileNameId" name="FileNameId"> </SPAN> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="height5"> </td> </Tr> <tr> <td id="T1table11" name="T1table11" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body padding2 padding5"> <Span id="idScreen2txt2" name="idScreen2txt2"> To save this file to your computer, click <B>Save As.</B> </Span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="height12"> </td> </Tr> <tr> <td id="idbtn1" name="idbtn1" align="right" class="valignbottom padding2"> <button id="OkId" name="OkId" class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" onClick="onAcceptFileXfer()" accesskey="S"> <U>S</U>ave As... </button> <Span id="idblankSpace" name="idblankSpace" class="width8"></Span> <button id="CancelId" class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" onClick="OnCancelFileXfer()"> Cancel </button> </td> </tr> </table> </TD> </TR> </Table> </div><!-- End of FileXferDestn div -->
<!-- ProgressBoxes --> <div class="MaxLayout DisplayNone" id="ProgressBoxesId" name="ProgressBoxesId" > <table name="table10" id="table10" class="MaxLayout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <TD class="padding6 padding4 padding3"> <table id="T0" name="T0" border=0 class="MaxLayout" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td id="TD0T0" name="TD0T0" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body padding2 padding5"> <span id="ProgBarDetails" name="ProgBarDetails"> </span> </td> </tr> <TR> <TD class="height10"> </TD> </TR> <tr> <td id="TD1T0" name="TD1T0" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body padding2 padding5"> <table id="T1" name="T1" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="Border MaxWidth styCellBackgound" > <tr> <td> <span id="ProgressBoxes" name="ProgressBoxes"> <table id="T2" name="T2" class="MaxWidth styCellBackgound" cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td id="ProgressBox1"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox2"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox3"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox4"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox5"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox6"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox7"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox8"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox9"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox10"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox11"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox12"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox13"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox14"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox15"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox16"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox17"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox18"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox19"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox20"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox21"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox22"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox23"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox24"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox25"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox26"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox27"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox28"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox29"> </td> <td id="ProgressBox30"> </td> </tr> </table> </span> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <TD id="idprogstatus" name="idProgStatus" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body padding2 padding5"> <Span id="ProgBarStatus" name="ProgBarStatus"> <Span id="idProgPercent" name="idProgPercent"> 0 </Span> % complete (<span id="idProgByte" name="idProgByte">0</span> of <span id="idFileSize" name="idFileSize">0</Span>bytes) </Span> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="height8"> </TD> </TR> <tr> <td id="idbtn2" name="idbtn2" align="right" class="padding2 valignbottom"> <button class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" onclick="SendReject();" id="button1" name="button1">Cancel</button> </td> </tr> </table> </TD> </TR> </table> </div><!-- End of ProgressBoxes div -->
<!-- StatusMsgId --> <div class="MaxLayout DisplayNone" id="StatusMsgId" name="StatusMsgId"> <Table class="MaxLayout" id="idMainTable" name="idMainTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border=0> <TR> <TD class="padding6 padding4 padding3"> <table class="MaxLayout" id="table0" name="table0" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" border=0> <tr id="TR0table0" name="TR0table0"> <td align="middle" id="TD0TR0table0" name="TD0TR0table0" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body padding2 padding5"> <span id="Message" name="Message"> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="height5"> </td> </Tr> <tr id="TR1table0" name="TR1table0"> <td id="TD0TR1table0" name="TD0TR1table0" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body padding2 padding5 VAlign"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="height12"> </td> </Tr> <tr> <td id="idBtn" name="idBtn" align="middle" class="padding2 valignbottom"> <button class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" onclick="StatusMsgRoutine();" id="StatusMsgButton" name="StatusMsgButton"> Cancel </button> </td> </tr> </table> </TD> </TR> </Table> </div>
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