Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<HTML> <HEAD> #include "header.inc" #include "debug_js.inc" #include "constants.inc"
<TITLE>Remote Assistance Settings</TITLE> <meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <LINK id="UI_StyleSheet1" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="hcp://system/css/shared.css"> <LINK id="UI_StyleSheet" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../Css/rc.css"> <Script id="script1" name="script1" Language="javascript">
var vArgs=window.dialogArguments; var L_ERRACCESSDENIED_Text = "Directly launching this page is not allowed. "; var L_RCCTL_Text = "Remote Assistance failed. Please try again. ";
// // VOIP Messages // var L_ERRVOIP2_Text = c_szVoiceError;
/* Function : OnApply() Description : Gets called when the Apply button is pressed. This apply the settings based upon the options selected */ function OnApply() { InitTrace(); TraceFunctEnter("OnApply"); try { if (optSS.checked) { vArgs[0].frames.idFrameScreen.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.EnableSmartSizing=true; vArgs[0].frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateMode(1); vArgs[1].SetProfileString("Scaling", 1); } else if(optAS.checked) { vArgs[0].frames.idFrameScreen.g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.EnableSmartSizing=false; vArgs[0].frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateMode(0); vArgs[1].SetProfileString("Scaling", 0); }
// We need to change the Voice Compression if a radio button setting has been modified if ((optStd.checked == true) && (vArgs[0].g_VoipBandwidth == 1)) {
// Caught a change from high to low, set the SamplingRate property vArgs[0].g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.SamplingRate = 1; // Send a message to the server (helpee) vArgs[0].Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipBandwidthToLow)
// Change state variable from 1 to 0 vArgs[0].g_VoipBandwidth = 0;
} else if ((optHigh.checked == true) && (vArgs[0].g_VoipBandwidth == 0)) {
// Caught a change from low to high, set the SamplingRate property vArgs[0].g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.SamplingRate = 2;
// Send a message to the server (helpee) vArgs[0].Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipBandwidthToHigh)
// Change state variable from 0 to 1 vArgs[0].g_VoipBandwidth = 1; } } catch(error) { vArgs[0].FatalError(L_RCCTL_Text,error); } TraceFunctLeave(); }
/* Function : Tuning() Description : Gets called when the Audio Tuning Wizard button is pressed. */ function Tuning() { TraceFunctEnter("Tuning"); var lRet = 0;
try { vArgs[0].g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.RunSetupWizard();
// Send a message to the server that the SetupWizard succeeded vArgs[0].Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipWizardGood);
// set me to good vArgs[0].g_stateVoipMe = 1;
// Now we make the check to see if we can enable voice. // If me and you are good < 2 then enable if ( (vArgs[0].g_stateVoipMe < 2) && (vArgs[0].g_stateVoipYou < 2) ) {
// Ungray voice button #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR vArgs[0].frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false; #else vArgs[0].frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true ); #endif
vArgs[0].g_bStartEnabled = true; vArgs[0].g_bVoIPEnabled = true;
} } catch(error) { vArgs[0].g_bVoIPEnabled = false; vArgs[0].DisplayMessage(L_ERRVOIP2_Text);
// set me to bad vArgs[0].g_stateVoipMe = 2;
// gray voice button #ifdef _OLDTOOLBAR vArgs[0].frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = true; #else vArgs[0].frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", false ); #endif
// vArgs[0].g_bStartEnabled = false;
// Send a message to the server that the SetupWizard failed vArgs[0].Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipWizardBad);
} TraceFunctLeave(); }
/* Function : OnLoad() Description : Gets called on the load of the page. Options are initialised based upon the settings recorded. */ function OnLoad() { TraceFunctEnter("OnLoad"); try { if (vArgs[1].GetProfileString("Scaling")==1) { optSS.checked=true; } else { optAS.checked=true; }
// Show current compression setting through the 'rdAS' radio button if (vArgs[0].g_VoipBandwidth == 0) { optStd.checked = true; } else { optHigh.checked = true; }
// Disable the Audio wizard button if we are on a voice session if ((vArgs[0].g_bVoipConnected == true)) { btnATW.disabled = true; } else btnATW.disabled = false; } catch(error) { idBody.style.visibility = "hidden"; alert( L_ERRACCESSDENIED_Text ); return; } TraceFunctLeave(); }
</Script> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="OnLoad();" id="idBody" name="idBody" class="sys-inlineform-bgcolor1"> <Table name="idMainTable" id="idMainTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border=0 class="MaxLayout"> <TR> <TD class="padding6 padding3"> <Table id="T1" name="T1" border=0 cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="MaxLayout"> <TR> <TD class="padding5 valigntop"> <Fieldset id="F0TD0TR1TD0TR0T0" name="F0TD0TR1TD0TR0T0" class="padding3 padding4 padding6 padding7"> <Legend id="L0TD0TR1TD0TR0T0" name="L0TD0TR1TD0TR0T0" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body"> Audio </Legend> <Table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 name="idContainer1" name="idContainer1" class="MaxLayout"> <TR> <TD class="height5"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <Input type="radio" name="rdAS" id="optStd" checked> <Label id="LA0rdAS" name="LA0rdAS" For="optStd" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body"> Standard quality </Label> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <Input type="radio" name="rdAS" id="optHigh"> <Label id="L0rdAS" name="L0rdAS" For="optHigh" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body"> High quality (requires a high-speed Internet connection) </Label> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="height15"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD id="idbtn" name="idbtn" align="right" class="padding2"> #if 0 <Div id="D3" name="D3"> </Div> #endif <Button name="btnATW" id="btnATW" onClick="Tuning();" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body" accesskey="T"> Audio <u id="btnATWT1" name="btnATWT1">T</u>uning Wizard .... </Button> </TD> </TR> </Table> </Fieldset> </TD> </TR> <TR id="TR2TD0TR0T0" name="TR2TD0TR0T0"> <TD id="TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" name="TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" class="padding5 valigntop"> <Fieldset id="F0TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" name="F0TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" class="padding3 padding4 padding6 padding7"> <Legend id="L0F0TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" name="L0F0TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body"> Default screen view </Legend> <Table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 name="idContainer2" name="idContainer2" class="MaxLayout"> <TR> <TD class="height5"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <Input type="radio" name="rdSS" id="optSS" checked> <Label id="LA0F0TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" name="LA0F0TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" For="optSS" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body"> Scale to window </Label> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <Input type="radio" name="rdSS" id="optAS"> <Label id="LA1F0TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" name="LA1F0TD0TR2TD0TR0T0" For="optAS" class="sys-font-body sys-color-body"> Actual size </Label> </TD> </TR> </Table> </Fieldset> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="height8"> </TD> </TR> <TR id="TR3TD0TR0T0" name="TR3TD0TR0T0"> <TD id="TD0TR3TD0TR0T0" name="TD0TR3TD0TR0T0" align="right"> <Button id="btnOK" name="btnOK" Onclick="OnApply();window.close();" class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" accesskey="O"><U>O</U>K</Button> <Span id="idblankSpace1" name="idblankSpace1" class="width8"></Span> <Button id="btnCancel" name="btnCancel" OnClick="window.close();" class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" accesskey="C"><U>C</U>ancel</Button> <Span id="idblankSpace2" name="idblankSpace2" class="width8"></Span> <Button id="btnApply" name="btnApply" Onclick="OnApply();" class="styBtnWidth sys-font-body sys-color-body" accesskey="A"><U>A</U>pply</Button> </TD> </TR> </Table> </TD> </TR> </Table> </BODY> </HTML>