Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: main.cpp
Abstract: This file contains the implementation of the WinMain function for HelpSvc.
Revision History: Davide Massarenti (Dmassare) 03/14/2000 created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <SearchEngineLib.h>
#include <NetSearchConfig.h>
#include <ParamConfig.h>
#include <RemoteConfig.h>
#include <NetSW.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include "msscript.h"
#include "HelpServiceTypeLib.h"
#include "HelpServiceTypeLib_i.c"
BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(ObjectMap) OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_NetSearchWrapper, SearchEngine::WrapperNetSearch) END_OBJECT_MAP()
static HRESULT ProcessArguments( int argc , LPCWSTR* argv ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "ProcessArguments" );
HRESULT hr; int i; bool fCOM_reg = false; bool fCOM_unreg = false; bool fRun = true;
for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { LPCWSTR szArg = argv[i];
if(szArg[0] == '-' || szArg[0] == '/' ) { szArg++;
if(_wcsicmp( szArg, L"UnregServer" ) == 0) { fCOM_unreg = true; fRun = false; continue; }
if(_wcsicmp( szArg, L"RegServer" ) == 0) { fCOM_reg = true; fRun = false; continue; } } }
if(fCOM_reg ) _Module.RegisterServer ( TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if(fCOM_unreg) _Module.UnregisterServer( NULL );
if(fRun) { #ifdef DEBUG
_Module.ReadDebugSettings(); #endif
// Extract the connection information from the command line and return a instance of ourself.
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, CPCHUserProcess::SendResponse( argc, argv ));
_Module.Start( FALSE );
DEBUG_AppendPerf( DEBUG_PERF_HELPHOST, "Shutdown" ); DEBUG_DumpPerf ( L"%WINDIR%\\TEMP\\HELPHOST_perf_counters.txt" ); }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
extern "C" int WINAPI wWinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance , HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine , int nShowCmd ) { HRESULT hr; int argc; LPCWSTR* argv;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = ::CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ))) // We need to be a multi-threaded application.
{ if(SUCCEEDED(hr = ::CoInitializeSecurity( NULL , -1 , // We don't care which authentication service we use.
NULL , NULL , RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, // We want to identify the callers.
RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE , // We want to be able to forward the caller's identity.
NULL , EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING , // Let's use the thread token for outbound calls.
g_NTEvents.Init( L"HELPHOST" );
// Parse the command line.
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = MPC::CommandLine_Parse( argc, argv ))) { //
// Initialize ATL modules.
_Module.Init( ObjectMap, hInstance, NULL, 0, 0 ); //
// Initialize MPC module.
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = MPC::_MPC_Module.Init())) { //
// Process arguments.
hr = ProcessArguments( argc, argv );
MPC::_MPC_Module.Term(); }
MPC::CommandLine_Free( argc, argv ); }
::CoUninitialize(); }
return FAILED(hr) ? 10 : 0; }