/** Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
****************************************************************************** ** Module Name: ** ** UpdateHeadlines.cpp ** ** Abstract: ** ** Implementation of CUpdateHeadlines ** ** Author: ** ** Martha Arellano (t-alopez) 06-Dec-2000 ** ** ** ****************************************************************************** **/
#include "stdafx.h"
/*<?xml version="1.0" ?>
CFG_BEGIN_FIELDS_MAP(News::UpdateHeadlines::Headline) CFG_ATTRIBUTE( L"ICON" , wstring, m_strIcon ), CFG_ATTRIBUTE( L"TITLE" , wstring, m_strTitle ), CFG_ATTRIBUTE( L"LINK" , wstring, m_strLink ), CFG_ATTRIBUTE( L"DESCRIPTION" , wstring, m_strDescription ), CFG_ATTRIBUTE( L"TIMEOUT" , DATE_CIM, m_dtTimeOut ), CFG_END_FIELDS_MAP()
CFG_BEGIN_CHILD_MAP(News::UpdateHeadlines::Headline) CFG_END_CHILD_MAP()
DEFINE_CFG_OBJECT(News::UpdateHeadlines::Headline, L"HEADLINE")
CFG_BEGIN_CHILD_MAP(News::UpdateHeadlines::SKU) CFG_CHILD(News::UpdateHeadlines::Headline) CFG_END_CHILD_MAP()
DEFINE_CFG_OBJECT(News::UpdateHeadlines::SKU, L"SKU")
DEFINE_CONFIG_METHODS_CREATEINSTANCE_SECTION(News::UpdateHeadlines::SKU,tag,defSubType) if(tag == _cfg_table_tags[0]) { defSubType = &(*(m_vecHeadlines.insert( m_vecHeadlines.end() ))); return S_OK; } DEFINE_CONFIG_METHODS_SAVENODE_SECTION(News::UpdateHeadlines::SKU,xdn) hr = MPC::Config::SaveList( m_vecHeadlines, xdn ); DEFINE_CONFIG_METHODS_END(News::UpdateHeadlines::SKU)
CFG_BEGIN_FIELDS_MAP(News::UpdateHeadlines::Language) CFG_ATTRIBUTE( L"LCID", long, m_lLCID ), CFG_END_FIELDS_MAP()
CFG_BEGIN_CHILD_MAP(News::UpdateHeadlines::Language) CFG_CHILD(News::UpdateHeadlines::SKU) CFG_END_CHILD_MAP()
DEFINE_CONFIG_METHODS_CREATEINSTANCE_SECTION(News::UpdateHeadlines::Language,tag,defSubType) if(tag == _cfg_table_tags[0]) { defSubType = &(*(m_lstSKUs.insert( m_lstSKUs.end() ))); return S_OK; } DEFINE_CONFIG_METHODS_SAVENODE_SECTION(News::UpdateHeadlines::Language,xdn) hr = MPC::Config::SaveList( m_lstSKUs, xdn ); DEFINE_CONFIG_METHODS_END(News::UpdateHeadlines::Language)
CFG_BEGIN_CHILD_MAP(News::UpdateHeadlines) CFG_CHILD(News::UpdateHeadlines::Language) CFG_END_CHILD_MAP()
DEFINE_CONFIG_METHODS_CREATEINSTANCE_SECTION(News::UpdateHeadlines,tag,defSubType) if(tag == _cfg_table_tags[0]) { defSubType = &(*(m_lstLanguages.insert( m_lstLanguages.end() ))); return S_OK; } DEFINE_CONFIG_METHODS_SAVENODE_SECTION(News::UpdateHeadlines,xdn) hr = MPC::Config::SaveList( m_lstLanguages, xdn ); DEFINE_CONFIG_METHODS_END(News::UpdateHeadlines)
News::UpdateHeadlines::Headline::Headline() { // MPC::wstring m_strIcon;
// MPC::wstring m_strTitle;
// MPC::wstring m_strLink;
m_dtTimeOut = 0; // DATE m_dtTimeOut;
News::UpdateHeadlines::Headline::Headline( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strIcon , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strTitle , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strLink , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strDescription , /*[in]*/ int nTimeOutDays ) { m_strIcon = strIcon; // MPC::wstring m_strIcon;
m_strTitle = strTitle; // MPC::wstring m_strTitle;
m_strLink = strLink; // MPC::wstring m_strLink;
m_strDescription = strDescription; // MPC::wstring m_strDescription;
m_dtTimeOut = MPC::GetLocalTime() + nTimeOutDays; // DATE m_dtTimeOut;
News::UpdateHeadlines::SKU::SKU() { // MPC::wstring m_strSKU;
// HeadlineVector m_vecHeadlines;
News::UpdateHeadlines::SKU::SKU( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strSKU ) { m_strSKU = strSKU; // MPC::wstring m_strSKU;
// HeadlineVector m_vecHeadlines;
News::UpdateHeadlines::Language::Language() { m_lLCID = 0; // long m_lLCID;
// SKUList m_lstSKUs;
News::UpdateHeadlines::Language::Language( long lLCID ) { m_lLCID = lLCID; // long m_lLCID;
// SKUList m_lstSKUs;
News::UpdateHeadlines::UpdateHeadlines() { // LanguageList m_lstLanguages;
m_data = NULL; // SKU* m_data;
m_fLoaded = false; // bool m_fLoaded;
m_fDirty = false; // bool m_fDirty;
HRESULT News::UpdateHeadlines::Locate( /*[in]*/ long lLCID , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strSKU , /*[in]*/ bool fCreate ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "News::UpdateHeadlines::Locate" );
HRESULT hr; LanguageIter itLanguage; SKUIter itSKU;
m_data = NULL;
if(m_fLoaded == false) { CComPtr<IStream> stream; MPC::wstring strPath( HC_HCUPDATE_UPDATE ); MPC::SubstituteEnvVariables( strPath );
// we load the file
if(SUCCEEDED(News::LoadXMLFile( strPath.c_str(), stream ))) { if(SUCCEEDED(MPC::Config::LoadStream( this, stream ))) { ; } }
m_fLoaded = true; m_fDirty = false; }
itLanguage = m_lstLanguages.begin(); while(1) { if(itLanguage == m_lstLanguages.end()) { if(fCreate == false) { __MPC_SET_WIN32_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
itLanguage = m_lstLanguages.insert( itLanguage, Language( lLCID ) ); m_fDirty = true; }
if(itLanguage->m_lLCID == lLCID) { itSKU = itLanguage->m_lstSKUs.begin(); while(1) { if(itSKU == itLanguage->m_lstSKUs.end()) { if(fCreate == false) { __MPC_SET_WIN32_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
itSKU = itLanguage->m_lstSKUs.insert( itSKU, SKU( strSKU ) ); m_fDirty = true; }
// Check if its bstrMySKUVersion
if(!MPC::StrICmp( itSKU->m_strSKU, strSKU )) { m_data = &(*itSKU); __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); }
itSKU++; } }
itLanguage++; }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
// Routine Description:
// Loads the UpdateHeadlines.xml file and looks for the specified LCID and SKUVersion
// if the file doesn't exist, or there isn't the LCID and SKU,
// those elements are added to the file
// the iterators will point to the specified LCID and SKU
// Arguments:
// nMyLCID the CLanguage to look for
// strMySKUVersion the CSKU to look for
HRESULT News::UpdateHeadlines::Load( /*[in]*/ long lLCID , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strSKU ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "News::UpdateHeadlines::Load" );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, Locate( lLCID, strSKU, /*fCreate*/true ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
// Routine Description:
// This saves the UpdateHeadlines file in the path of HC_HCUPDATE_UPDATE
// Arguments:
// None
HRESULT News::UpdateHeadlines::Save() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "News::UpdateHeadlines::Save" );
if(m_fDirty) { MPC::wstring strPath( HC_HCUPDATE_UPDATE ); MPC::SubstituteEnvVariables( strPath );
// check to see if the dirs exist
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, MPC::MakeDir( strPath ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, MPC::Config::SaveFile( this, strPath.c_str() ));
m_fDirty = false; }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
// Routine Description:
// Will add a new Headline for the specified LCID and SKU
// If the UpdateHeadlines file doesn't exist, it will be created and saved
// - additional validation is made
// Arguments:
// nMyLCID the Language
// strMySKUVersion the SKU
// strMyIcon the Icon for the Headline
// strMyTitle the Title for the Headline
// strMyLink the Link for the Headline
// nTimeOutDays the number of days, to set the frequency
HRESULT News::UpdateHeadlines::Add ( /*[in]*/ long lLCID , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strSKU , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strIcon , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strTitle , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strLink , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strDescription , /*[in]*/ int nTimeOutDays , /*[in]*/ DATE dtExpiryDate) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "News::UpdateHeadlines::Add" );
HRESULT hr; HeadlineIter it;
// Before doing anything make sure that the headlines hasnt expired
// Note: this is the calendar expiration date i.e. if the calendar expiry date is 1/1/01 and
// if the user tries to install this headlines on 1/1/02 then it fails
if (dtExpiryDate && (MPC::GetLocalTime() > dtExpiryDate)) { __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); }
// Set the default expiration date if it is 0
if (nTimeOutDays == 0) { nTimeOutDays = HCUPDATE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; } // Load UpdateHeadlines
// check that this Headline is unique:
for(it = m_data->m_vecHeadlines.begin(); it != m_data->m_vecHeadlines.end(); it++) { // if it has the same title
if(MPC::StrICmp( it->m_strTitle, strTitle ) == 0) { // modify existing headline
it->m_strIcon = strIcon; it->m_strLink = strLink; it->m_strDescription = strDescription; it->m_dtTimeOut = MPC::GetLocalTime() + nTimeOutDays; m_fDirty = true; break; }
// if it has the same link
if(it->m_strLink == strLink) { // modify existing headline
it->m_strIcon = strIcon; it->m_strTitle = strTitle; it->m_strDescription = strDescription; it->m_dtTimeOut = MPC::GetLocalTime() + nTimeOutDays; m_fDirty = true; break; } }
// if we didn't found and modified a headline
if(it == m_data->m_vecHeadlines.end()) { m_data->m_vecHeadlines.insert(m_data->m_vecHeadlines.begin(), Headline( strIcon, strTitle, strLink, strDescription, nTimeOutDays ) ); m_fDirty = true; }
// Save UpdateHeadlines.xml file
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
// Routine Description:
// Gets all the UpdateHeadlines for the specified LCID and SKU
// Deletes the expired UpdateHeadlines
// and inserts the rest in the list of Headlines
// Arguments:
// nMyLCID the Language
// strMySKUVersion the SKU
HRESULT News::UpdateHeadlines::AddHCUpdateHeadlines( /*[in]*/ long lLCID , /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strSKU , /*[in]*/ News::Headlines& nhHeadlines ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "News::UpdateHeadlines::Get" );
HRESULT hr; HeadlineIter itUpdateHeadlines; Headlines::HeadlineIter itHeadlines; Headlines::Newsblock* ptrNewsblock; size_t nLength;
// Load UpdateHeadlines
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS( hr, Load( lLCID, strSKU ) );
// Add the first headline from the UpdateHeadlines.xml to the first Newsblock
itUpdateHeadlines = m_data->m_vecHeadlines.begin(); ptrNewsblock = nhHeadlines.get_Newsblock(0); itHeadlines = ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.begin(); // Check to see if there are any headlines - if the vector is empty then just add this headline
if ( itHeadlines == ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.end() ) { ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.insert( ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.end(), News::Headlines::Headline( itUpdateHeadlines->m_strIcon, itUpdateHeadlines->m_strTitle, itUpdateHeadlines->m_strLink, MPC::wstring(), itUpdateHeadlines->m_dtTimeOut, true )); } else { // There are other headlines in the file
while ( 1 ) { if ( itHeadlines->m_fUpdateHeadlines == true ) { // An update headline already exists - replace it
ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.erase( itHeadlines ); ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.insert( itHeadlines, News::Headlines::Headline( itUpdateHeadlines->m_strIcon, itUpdateHeadlines->m_strTitle, itUpdateHeadlines->m_strLink, MPC::wstring(), itUpdateHeadlines->m_dtTimeOut, true )); break; }
if ( ++itHeadlines == ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.end() ) { // No previous update existed - add this to the end of the vector
ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.insert( ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.end(), News::Headlines::Headline( itUpdateHeadlines->m_strIcon, itUpdateHeadlines->m_strTitle, itUpdateHeadlines->m_strLink, MPC::wstring(), itUpdateHeadlines->m_dtTimeOut, true )); break; } } }
// Now add the remaining headlines to the Newsblock whose provider is called "Recent Updates".
if ( ++itUpdateHeadlines != m_data->m_vecHeadlines.end() ) { nLength = nhHeadlines.get_NumberOfNewsblocks();
// The first headline has been added to the homepage so dont add it again
for ( ptrNewsblock = nhHeadlines.get_Newsblock(nLength - 1); ptrNewsblock; ) { CComBSTR bstrUpdateBlockName; // Load the localized name of the update block
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, MPC::LocalizeString( IDS_NEWS_UPDATEBLOCK_NAME, bstrUpdateBlockName ));
if(!MPC::StrICmp( ptrNewsblock->m_strProvider, bstrUpdateBlockName )) { // Found the "Recent Updates" newsblock - add the rest of the headlines here
// Before adding delete the current set of headlines
ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.clear(); for ( ; itUpdateHeadlines != m_data->m_vecHeadlines.end(); ++itUpdateHeadlines ) { ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.insert(ptrNewsblock->m_vecHeadlines.end(), News::Headlines::Headline( itUpdateHeadlines->m_strIcon, itUpdateHeadlines->m_strTitle, itUpdateHeadlines->m_strLink, itUpdateHeadlines->m_strDescription, itUpdateHeadlines->m_dtTimeOut, true )); }
break; } ptrNewsblock = nhHeadlines.get_Newsblock(--nLength); } } __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, Save());
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
// Routine Description:
// Checks to see if there is more than headlines item - returns true if there are
// Also, deletes expired headlines
// Arguments:
// nMyLCID the Language
// strMySKUVersion the SKU
HRESULT News::UpdateHeadlines::DoesMoreThanOneHeadlineExist( /*[in]*/ long lLCID, /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strSKU, /*[out]*/ bool& fMoreThanOneHeadline, /*[out]*/ bool& fExactlyOneHeadline) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "News::UpdateHeadlines::DoesNewsItemsExist" );
HRESULT hr; HeadlineIter it; DATE dNow = MPC::GetLocalTime();
fMoreThanOneHeadline = false; fExactlyOneHeadline = false; // Load UpdateHeadlines
for(it = m_data->m_vecHeadlines.begin(); it != m_data->m_vecHeadlines.end(); it++) { // if the headline has expired
if(it->m_dtTimeOut < dNow) { m_data->m_vecHeadlines.erase( it ); m_fDirty = true; } }
if(m_data->m_vecHeadlines.size() > 1) { fMoreThanOneHeadline = true; fExactlyOneHeadline = false; }
if(m_data->m_vecHeadlines.size() == 1) { fMoreThanOneHeadline = false; fExactlyOneHeadline = true; }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }