#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ftsobj.h"
#include "fs.h"
// The high 10 bits will be used as an CHM ID.
// Conversion from DWORD to CHM_ID and Topic Number.
#define CHM_ID(exp) (0x000003ff & (exp >> 22))
#define TOPIC_NUM(exp) (0x003fffff & exp)
// Single-Width to Double-Width Mapping Array
static const unsigned char mtable[][2]={ {129,66},{129,117},{129,118},{129,65},{129,69},{131,146},{131,64}, {131,66},{131,68},{131,70},{131,72},{131,131},{131,133},{131,135}, {131,98},{129,91},{131,65},{131,67},{131,69},{131,71},{131,73}, {131,74},{131,76},{131,78},{131,80},{131,82},{131,84},{131,86}, {131,88},{131,90},{131,92},{131,94},{131,96},{131,99},{131,101}, {131,103},{131,105},{131,106},{131,107},{131,108},{131,109}, {131,110},{131,113},{131,116},{131,119},{131,122},{131,125}, {131,126},{131,128},{131,129},{131,130},{131,132},{131,134}, {131,136},{131,137},{131,138},{131,139},{131,140},{131,141}, {131,143},{131,147},{129,74},{129,75} };
// note, cannot put in .text since the pointers themselves are uninitialized
static const char* pJOperatorList[] = {"","?�?�??","?�??","?�?�??","?�???�??","?m?d?`?q","?n?q","?`?m?c","?m?n?s",""}; static const char* pEnglishOperator[] = {"","and " ,"or " ,"not " ,"near " ,"NEAR " ,"OR " ,"AND " ,"NOT " ,""};
UINT WINAPI CodePageFromLCID(LCID lcid) { char wchLocale[10]; UINT cp;
if (GetLocaleInfoA(lcid, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, wchLocale, sizeof wchLocale)) { cp = strtoul(wchLocale, NULL, 10); if (cp) return cp; } return GetACP(); }
// Compare operator to query. This is similar to a stricmp.
BOOL compareOperator(char *pszQuery, char *pszTerm) { if(!*pszQuery || !*pszTerm) return FALSE;
while(*pszQuery && *pszTerm) { if(*pszQuery != *pszTerm) return FALSE;
++pszQuery; ++pszTerm; }
if(*pszTerm) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
// This function computes if pszQuery is a FTS operator in full-width alphanumeric.
// return value
// 0 = not operator
// n = index into pEnglishOperator array of translated English operator
int IsJOperator(char *pszQuery) { if((PRIMARYLANGID(GetSystemDefaultLangID())) != LANG_JAPANESE) return FALSE;
if(!pszQuery) return 0;
int i = 1; char *pTerm = (char*)pJOperatorList[i];
while(*pTerm) { if(compareOperator(pszQuery,pTerm)) return i;
pTerm = (char*)pJOperatorList[++i]; }
return 0; }
// Han2Zen
// This function converts half-width katakana character to their
// full-width equivalents while taking into account the nigori
// and maru marks.
DWORD Han2Zen(unsigned char *lpInBuffer, unsigned char *lpOutBuffer, UINT codepage ) { // Note: The basic algorithm (including the mapping table) used here to
// convert half-width Katakana characters to full-width Katakana appears
// in the book "Understanding Japanese Information Systems" by
// O'Reily & Associates.
while(*lpInBuffer) { if(*lpInBuffer >= 161 && *lpInBuffer <= 223) { // We have a half-width Katakana character. Now compute the equivalent
// full-width character via the mapping table.
*lpOutBuffer = mtable[*lpInBuffer-161][0]; *(lpOutBuffer+1) = mtable[*lpInBuffer-161][1];
// check if the second character is nigori mark.
if(*lpInBuffer == 222) { // see if we have a half-width katakana that can be modified by nigori.
if((*(lpInBuffer-1) >= 182 && *(lpInBuffer-1) <= 196) || (*(lpInBuffer-1) >= 202 && *(lpInBuffer-1) <= 206) || (*(lpInBuffer-1) == 179)) { // transform kana into kana with maru
if((*(lpOutBuffer+1) >= 74 && *(lpOutBuffer+1) <= 103) || (*(lpOutBuffer+1) >= 110 && *(lpOutBuffer+1) <= 122)) { (*(lpOutBuffer+1))++; ++lpInBuffer; } else if(*lpOutBuffer == 131 && *(lpOutBuffer+1) == 69) { *(lpOutBuffer+1) = 148; ++lpInBuffer; } } } else if(*lpInBuffer==223) // check if following character is maru mark
{ // see if we have a half-width katakana that can be modified by maru.
if((*(lpInBuffer-1) >= 202 && *(lpInBuffer-1) <= 206)) { // transform kana into kana with nigori
if(*(lpOutBuffer+1) >= 110 && *(lpOutBuffer+1) <= 122) { *(lpOutBuffer+1)+=2; ++lpInBuffer; } } }
lpOutBuffer+=2; } else { if(IsDBCSLeadByteEx(codepage, *lpInBuffer)) { *lpOutBuffer++ = *lpInBuffer++; if(*lpInBuffer) *lpOutBuffer++ = *lpInBuffer++; } else *lpOutBuffer++ = *lpInBuffer++; } }
*lpOutBuffer = 0; return TRUE; }
LPWSTR PreProcessQuery(LPCWSTR pwcQuery, UINT codepage) { WCHAR* pszUnicodeBuffer = NULL; char* pszTempQuery1 = NULL; char* pszTempQuery2 ; char* pszTempQuery3 = NULL; char* pszTempQuery4 = NULL; char* pszTempQuery5 ; char* pszTempQuery6 = NULL; char* pszTempQuery7 ; char* pszDest; char* pszTemp; int cUnmappedChars = 0; int cbUnicodeSize; int cb; DWORD dwTempLen; DWORD dwTranslatedLen;
if(!pwcQuery) goto end;
// compute max length for ANSI/DBCS conversion buffer
dwTempLen = ((wcslen(pwcQuery)*2)+4);
// allocate buffer for ANSI/DBCS version of query string
pszTempQuery1 = new char[dwTempLen]; if(!pszTempQuery1) goto end;
// Convert our Unicode query to ANSI/DBCS
if(!WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, pwcQuery, -1, pszTempQuery1, dwTempLen, "%", NULL)) goto end;
// Count the number of unmappable characters
pszTempQuery5 = pszTempQuery1; while(*pszTempQuery5) { if(*pszTempQuery5 == '%') ++cUnmappedChars;
if(IsDBCSLeadByteEx(codepage, *pszTempQuery5)) { pszTempQuery5++;
if(*pszTempQuery5) pszTempQuery5++; } else { ++pszTempQuery5; } }
// allocate a new buffer large enough for unmapped character place holders plus original query
dwTranslatedLen = strlen(pszTempQuery1) + (cUnmappedChars * 4) + 16;
pszTempQuery6 = new char[dwTranslatedLen]; if(!pszTempQuery6) goto end; pszTempQuery7 = pszTempQuery6;
pszTempQuery5 = pszTempQuery1;
// construct the new query string (inserting unmappable character place holders)
while(*pszTempQuery5) { if(*pszTempQuery5 == '%') { ++pszTempQuery5; *pszTempQuery7++='D'; *pszTempQuery7++='X'; *pszTempQuery7++='O'; continue; }
if(IsDBCSLeadByteEx(codepage, *pszTempQuery5)) { *pszTempQuery7++ = *pszTempQuery5++; if(*pszTempQuery5) *pszTempQuery7++ = *pszTempQuery5++; } else *pszTempQuery7++ = *pszTempQuery5++; }
*pszTempQuery7 = 0;
pszTempQuery2 = pszTempQuery6;
// If we are running a Japanese title then we nomalize Katakana characters
// by converting half-width Katakana characters to full-width Katakana.
// This allows the user to receive hits for both the full and half-width
// versions of the character regardless of which version they type in the
// query string.
if(codepage == 932) { cb = strlen(pszTempQuery2)+1;
// allocate new buffer for converted query
pszTempQuery3 = new char[cb*2]; if(!pszTempQuery3) goto end;
// convert half-width katakana to full-width
Han2Zen((unsigned char *)pszTempQuery2,(unsigned char *)pszTempQuery3, codepage);
pszTempQuery2 = pszTempQuery3; } // done half-width normalization
// For Japanese queries, convert all double-byte quotes into single byte quotes
if(codepage == 932) { pszTemp = pszTempQuery2; while(*pszTemp) { if(*pszTemp == '�' && (*(pszTemp+1) == 'h' || *(pszTemp+1) == 'g' || *(pszTemp+1) == 'J') ) { *pszTemp = ' '; *(pszTemp+1) = '\"'; //"
} pszTemp = ::CharNextA(pszTemp); } } // done convert quotes
// This section converts contigious blocks of DBCS characters into phrases (enclosed in double quotes).
// Converting DBCS words into phrases is required with the character based DBCS indexer we use.
cb = strlen(pszTempQuery2);
// allocate new buffer for processed query
pszTempQuery4 = new char[cb*8]; if(!pszTempQuery4) goto end;
pszTemp = pszTempQuery2; pszDest = pszTempQuery4;
while(*pszTemp) { // check for quoted string - if found, copy it
if(*pszTemp == '"') { *pszDest++=*pszTemp++; while(*pszTemp && *pszTemp != '"') { if(IsDBCSLeadByteEx(codepage, *pszTemp)) { *pszDest++=*pszTemp++; *pszDest++=*pszTemp++; } else *pszDest++=*pszTemp++; } if(*pszTemp == '"') *pszDest++=*pszTemp++; continue; }
// Convert Japanese operators to English operators
if(IsDBCSLeadByteEx(codepage, *pszTemp)) { int i;
// check for full-width operator, if found, convert to ANSI
if((i = IsJOperator(pszTemp))) { StringCchCopyA(pszDest, (cb*8) - (pszDest - pszTempQuery4), pEnglishOperator[i]); pszDest+=strlen(pEnglishOperator[i]); pszTemp+=strlen(pJOperatorList[i]); continue; }
*pszDest++=' '; *pszDest++='"'; while(*pszTemp && *pszTemp !='"' && IsDBCSLeadByteEx(codepage, *pszTemp)) { *pszDest++=*pszTemp++; *pszDest++=*pszTemp++; } *pszDest++='"'; *pszDest++=' '; continue; }
*pszDest++=*pszTemp++; } *pszDest = 0;
// compute size of Unicode buffer;
cbUnicodeSize = ((MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0, pszTempQuery4, -1, NULL, 0) + 2) *2);
pszUnicodeBuffer = new WCHAR[cbUnicodeSize]; if(!pszUnicodeBuffer) goto end;
if(!MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0, pszTempQuery4, -1, pszUnicodeBuffer, cbUnicodeSize)) { delete [] pszUnicodeBuffer; pszUnicodeBuffer = NULL; goto end; }
delete [] pszTempQuery1; delete [] pszTempQuery3; delete [] pszTempQuery4; delete [] pszTempQuery6;
return pszUnicodeBuffer; }
CFTSObject::CFTSObject() { // Config m_cfg;
m_fInitialized = false; // bool m_fInitialized;
// MPC::wstring m_strCHQPath;
// LCID m_lcidLang;
// FILETIME m_ftVersionInfo;
// DWORD m_dwTopicCount;
// WORD m_wIndex;
m_fOutDated = false; // bool m_fOutDated;
m_cmeCHMInfo = NULL; // CHM_MAP_ENTRY* m_cmeCHMInfo;
m_wCHMInfoCount = 0; // WORD m_wCHMInfoCount;
// CComPtr<IITIndex> m_pIndex;
// CComPtr<IITQuery> m_pQuery;
// CComPtr<IITResultSet> m_pITResultSet;
// CComPtr<IITDatabase> m_pITDB;
CFTSObject::~CFTSObject() { if(m_pITResultSet) m_pITResultSet->Clear(); if(m_pIndex ) m_pIndex ->Close(); if(m_pITDB ) m_pITDB ->Close();
delete [] m_cmeCHMInfo; }
void CFTSObject::BuildChmPath( /*[in/out]*/ MPC::wstring& strPath, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szChmName ) { WCHAR rgBuf[MAX_PATH];
::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, szChmName, -1, rgBuf, MAXSTRLEN(rgBuf) );
strPath = m_strCHQPath; strPath += rgBuf; strPath += L".chm"; }
HRESULT CFTSObject::Initialize() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CFTSObject::Initialize" );
if(m_fInitialized == false) { /*DWORD dwFileStamp;
DWORD dwRead;*/
// Check if it is a CHQ
if(m_cfg.m_fCombined) { LPCWSTR szStart = m_cfg.m_strCHQFilename.c_str(); LPCWSTR szEnd = wcsrchr( szStart, '\\' );
m_strCHQPath.assign( szStart, szEnd ? ((szEnd+1) - szStart) : m_cfg.m_strCHQFilename.size() );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, LoadCombinedIndex());
szFile = m_cfg.m_strCHQFilename.c_str(); } else { szFile = m_cfg.m_strCHMFilename.c_str(); }
/*::SetFilePointer( hFile, 4*sizeof(UINT), NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_CALL_RETURNS_FALSE(hr, ::ReadFile( hFile, (void*) &dwFileStamp, sizeof( dwFileStamp ), &dwRead, NULL )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_CALL_RETURNS_FALSE(hr, ::ReadFile( hFile, (void*) &m_lcidLang , sizeof( m_lcidLang ), &dwRead, NULL ));*/
::CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Get IITIndex pointer
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ::CoCreateInstance( CLSID_IITIndexLocal, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IITIndex, (VOID**)&m_pIndex ));
// Get IITDatabase pointer
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ::CoCreateInstance( CLSID_IITDatabaseLocal, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IITDatabase, (VOID**)&m_pITDB ));
// Open the storage system
// open the index.
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pIndex->Open( m_pITDB, L"ftiMain", TRUE ));
// Create query instance
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pIndex->CreateQueryInstance( &m_pQuery ));
// Create Result Set object
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ::CoCreateInstance( CLSID_IITResultSet, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IITResultSet, (VOID**)&m_pITResultSet ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pITResultSet->ClearRows());
m_fInitialized = true; }
hr = S_OK;
if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::CloseHandle( hFile ); }
__MPC_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CFTSObject::LoadCombinedIndex() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CFTSObject::LoadCombinedIndex" );
HRESULT hr; MPC::wstring strCHMPathName; CFileSystem* pDatabase = NULL; CSubFileSystem* pTitleMap = NULL; ULONG cbRead = 0; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Open the CHQ
__MPC_EXIT_IF_ALLOC_FAILS(hr, pDatabase, new CFileSystem);
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, pDatabase->Init( )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, pDatabase->Open( (LPWSTR)m_cfg.m_strCHQFilename.c_str() ));
// Open the TitleMap that contains all the CHM indexes
__MPC_EXIT_IF_ALLOC_FAILS(hr, pTitleMap, new CSubFileSystem( pDatabase ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, pTitleMap->OpenSub( "$TitleMap" )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, pTitleMap->ReadSub( &m_wCHMInfoCount, sizeof(m_wCHMInfoCount), &cbRead ));
// Allocate the CHM MAP
delete [] m_cmeCHMInfo; __MPC_EXIT_IF_ALLOC_FAILS(hr, m_cmeCHMInfo, new CHM_MAP_ENTRY[m_wCHMInfoCount]);
// Read in all the CHM Maps
for(int iCount = 0; iCount < (int)m_wCHMInfoCount; iCount++) { /*DWORD dwFileStamp = 0;
LCID FileLocale = 0; DWORD dwRead = 0;*/
if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// Read in the CHM Map Entry
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, pTitleMap->ReadSub( &m_cmeCHMInfo[iCount], sizeof(CHM_MAP_ENTRY), &cbRead ));
// Open the CHM in the same folder as the CHQ folder
BuildChmPath( strCHMPathName, m_cmeCHMInfo[iCount].szChmName );
// If cannot open the file, just resume to the next one
if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) continue;
// Read in the timestamp and locale
/*::SetFilePointer( hFile, 4*sizeof(UINT), NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
if(::ReadFile( hFile, (void*) &dwFileStamp, sizeof( dwFileStamp ), &dwRead, NULL ) == FALSE) continue; if(::ReadFile( hFile, (void*) &FileLocale , sizeof( FileLocale ), &dwRead, NULL ) == FALSE) continue;*/
::CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Check if CHQ index has different version of index than CHM or different language
/*if ((m_cmeCHMInfo[iCount].versioninfo.dwLowDateTime != dwFileStamp) ||
(m_cmeCHMInfo[iCount].versioninfo.dwHighDateTime != dwFileStamp) || (m_cmeCHMInfo[iCount].language != FileLocale)) { //
// If it is outdated, mark it
m_fOutDated = TRUE; m_cmeCHMInfo[iCount].dwOutDated = 1; } else { //
// Otherwise it is good
m_cmeCHMInfo[iCount].dwOutDated = 0; }*/ }
hr = S_OK;
if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::CloseHandle( hFile ); }
delete pTitleMap; delete pDatabase;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CFTSObject::ResetQuery( LPCWSTR wszQuery ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CFTSObject::ResetQuery" );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, Initialize());
// Setup result set
// we want topic numbers back
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pITResultSet->ClearRows());
// Set up query parameters
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pQuery->ReInit());
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pQuery->SetResultCount( m_cfg.m_dwMaxResult )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pQuery->SetProximity ( m_cfg.m_wQueryProximity )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pQuery->SetCommand ( wszQuery ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CFTSObject::ProcessResult( /*[in/out]*/ SEARCH_RESULT_SET& results, /*[in/out]*/ MPC::WStringSet& words, UINT cp) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CFTSObject::ProcessResult" );
HRESULT hr; CProperty Prop; CProperty HLProp; MPC::wstring strCHMPathName; SEARCH_RESULT* pPrevResult = NULL; CTitleInfo* pTitleInfo = NULL; DWORD dwPrevCHMID = 0xffffffff; DWORD dwPrevValue = 0xffffffff; long lRowCount = 0; long lLoop;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pITResultSet->GetRowCount( lRowCount )); //
// loop through all the results
for(lLoop = 0; lLoop < lRowCount; lLoop++) { WCHAR rgTitle [1024]; WCHAR rgLocation[1024]; char rgURL [1024];
HLProp.dwType = TYPE_STRING; if(FAILED(m_pITResultSet->Get( lLoop, 0, Prop ))) continue; if(FAILED(m_pITResultSet->Get( lLoop, 1, HLProp ))) continue;
// Add to highlight word list
words.insert( HLProp.lpszwData + 1 );
// Check if it is a duplicate
if(Prop.dwValue == dwPrevValue) { // increment the previous rank
if(pPrevResult) pPrevResult->dwRank++;
continue; } dwPrevValue = Prop.dwValue;
// If it is a CHQ result
if(m_cfg.m_fCombined) { //
// If TitleInfo not already opened before
if((dwPrevCHMID != CHM_ID(Prop.dwValue)) || !pTitleInfo) { //
// save the previous CHMID
dwPrevCHMID = CHM_ID(Prop.dwValue);
// Hunt for the correct CHMID
for(int iCHMInfo = 0; iCHMInfo < m_wCHMInfoCount; iCHMInfo++) { //
// Check if the CHM index matches
if(m_cmeCHMInfo[iCHMInfo].iIndex == dwPrevCHMID) { delete pTitleInfo; pTitleInfo = NULL;
// Check if outdated
//if(m_cmeCHMInfo[iCHMInfo].dwOutDated == 0)
{ //
// Create a new one
__MPC_EXIT_IF_ALLOC_FAILS(hr, pTitleInfo, new CTitleInfo);
// Create the chm pathname
BuildChmPath( strCHMPathName, m_cmeCHMInfo[iCHMInfo].szChmName );
// Open the CHM file
if(!pTitleInfo->OpenTitle( (LPWSTR)strCHMPathName.c_str() )) { delete pTitleInfo; pTitleInfo = NULL; } }
break; } } } } else { //
// Open the chm
if(!pTitleInfo) { //
// Create a new one
__MPC_EXIT_IF_ALLOC_FAILS(hr, pTitleInfo, new CTitleInfo);
if(!pTitleInfo->OpenTitle( (LPWSTR)m_cfg.m_strCHMFilename.c_str() )) { delete pTitleInfo; pTitleInfo = NULL; } } }
if(pTitleInfo) { SEARCH_RESULT res;
// Get the topic title
if(SUCCEEDED(pTitleInfo->GetTopicName( TOPIC_NUM(Prop.dwValue), rgTitle, MAXSTRLEN(rgTitle), cp ))) { res.bstrTopicName = rgTitle; }
// Get the topic location
if(SUCCEEDED(pTitleInfo->GetLocationName( rgLocation, MAXSTRLEN(rgLocation), cp ))) { res.bstrLocation = rgLocation; }
// Get the topic URL
if(SUCCEEDED(pTitleInfo->GetTopicURL( TOPIC_NUM(Prop.dwValue), rgURL, MAXSTRLEN(rgURL) ))) { res.bstrTopicURL = rgURL; }
if(res.bstrTopicURL.Length() > 0) { std::pair<SEARCH_RESULT_SET_ITER,bool> ins = results.insert( res );
pPrevResult = &(*ins.first); } } }
delete pTitleInfo;
__MPC_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CFTSObject::Query( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR wszQuery, /*[in]*/ bool bTitle, /*[in]*/ bool bStemming, /*[in/out]*/ SEARCH_RESULT_SET& results, /*[in/out]*/ MPC::WStringSet& words, UINT cp ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CFTSObject::Query" );
HRESULT hr; MPC::wstring strFormatQuery; LPWSTR wszProcessedQuery = NULL; static bool fSkipFirstTime = false;
// Add field identifier to query (VFLD 0 = full content, VFLD 1 = title only)
if(bTitle) strFormatQuery = L"(VFLD 1 "; else strFormatQuery = L"(VFLD 0 ";
strFormatQuery += wszQuery; strFormatQuery += L")";
// Process query
wszProcessedQuery = PreProcessQuery( strFormatQuery.c_str(), CodePageFromLCID(m_lcidLang) );
// Execute the search on the CHQ
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, Initialize());
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ResetQuery( wszProcessedQuery )); if(bStemming) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pQuery->SetOptions( IMPLICIT_AND | QUERY_GETTERMS | STEMMED_SEARCH )); } else { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pQuery->SetOptions( IMPLICIT_AND | QUERY_GETTERMS )); }
if(fSkipFirstTime) { hr = m_pIndex->Search( m_pQuery, m_pITResultSet ); if(hr == E_NOSTEMMER && bStemming) { //
// If won't allow stemmed search, take it out and requery
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ResetQuery( wszProcessedQuery ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_pIndex->Search( m_pQuery, m_pITResultSet )); }
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ProcessResult( results, words, cp )); }
// Check if we have any outdated chms
{ //
// search the chm that is outdated
for(int iCount = 0; iCount < (int)m_wCHMInfoCount; iCount++) { //
// If the CHM is outdated
//if(m_cmeCHMInfo[iCount].dwOutDated == 1)
{ CFTSObject cftsoCHM;
// Initialize the sub-object.
BuildChmPath( cftsoCHM.m_cfg.m_strCHMFilename, m_cmeCHMInfo[iCount].szChmName );
cftsoCHM.m_cfg.m_dwMaxResult = m_cfg.m_dwMaxResult ; cftsoCHM.m_cfg.m_wQueryProximity = m_cfg.m_wQueryProximity; cftsoCHM.m_lcidLang = m_lcidLang;
fSkipFirstTime = true;
// Execute query
(void)cftsoCHM.Query( wszQuery, bTitle, bStemming, results, words, cp ); } } }
hr = S_OK;
delete [] wszProcessedQuery;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }