Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: SecurityManager.cpp
Abstract: This file contains the implementation of the CSecurityManager class, which is used to control access to the Scripting Framework.
Revision History: Davide Massarenti (dmassare) 08/07/99 created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <MPC_logging.h>
CPCHSecurityManager::CPCHSecurityManager() { m_parent = NULL; // CPCHHelpCenterExternal* m_parent;
m_fActivated = false; // bool m_fActivated;
void CPCHSecurityManager::Initialize( /*[in]*/ CPCHHelpCenterExternal* parent ) { m_parent = parent; }
HRESULT CPCHSecurityManager::ActivateService() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHSecurityManager::ActivateService" );
HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IPCHService> svc;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, svc.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_PCHService ));
m_fActivated = (svc != NULL);
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
bool CPCHSecurityManager::IsUrlTrusted( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR pwszURL, /*[in]*/ bool *pfSystem ) { bool fTrusted = false; MPC::wstring strUrlModified; MPC::wstring strVendor;
CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::NormalizeUrl( pwszURL, strUrlModified, /*fReverse*/true );
// Don't try to use the store at first. It requires the service to be up and running...
(void)CPCHContentStore::s_GLOBAL->IsTrusted( strUrlModified.c_str(), fTrusted, NULL, false ); if(fTrusted == false) { CPCHProxy_IPCHService* svc = m_parent->Service();
// Not a system page, we need to wake up the service...
if(m_fActivated == false) { if(SUCCEEDED(Thread_Start( this, ActivateService, NULL ))) { Thread_Wait( /*fForce*/false, /*fNoMsg*/true ); } }
if(m_fActivated) { //
// Get the trust status from the content store.
(void)CPCHContentStore::s_GLOBAL->IsTrusted( strUrlModified.c_str(), fTrusted, &strVendor ); } }
if(pfSystem) { *pfSystem = (fTrusted && strVendor.length() == 0); }
return fTrusted; }
STDMETHODIMP CPCHSecurityManager::QueryService( REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppv ) { HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE;
if(InlineIsEqualGUID( riid, IID_IInternetSecurityManager )) { hr = QueryInterface( riid, ppv ); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CPCHSecurityManager::MapUrlToZone( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwszUrl , /*[out]*/ DWORD *pdwZone , /*[in] */ DWORD dwFlags ) { HRESULT hr = INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION;
if(IsUrlTrusted( pwszUrl )) { if(pdwZone) *pdwZone = URLZONE_TRUSTED;
hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CPCHSecurityManager::ProcessUrlAction( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwszUrl , /*[in] */ DWORD dwAction , /*[out]*/ BYTE *pPolicy , /*[in] */ DWORD cbPolicy , /*[in] */ BYTE *pContext , /*[in] */ DWORD cbContext , /*[in] */ DWORD dwFlags , /*[in] */ DWORD dwReserved ) { HRESULT hr; bool fSystem; bool fTrusted;
fTrusted = IsUrlTrusted( pwszUrl, &fSystem ); if(fTrusted) { //
// If the page is trusted but not a system page, we normally map it to the TRUSTED zone.
// However, the default settings for the trusted zone is to prompt for ActiveX not marked
// as safe for scripting. Since this is the case for most of our objects, we allow all of them.
// Also, we enable all the script-related actions.
if(fSystem == false) { fTrusted = false;
if(dwAction >= URLACTION_ACTIVEX_MIN && dwAction <= URLACTION_ACTIVEX_MAX ) { fTrusted = true; }
if(dwAction >= URLACTION_SCRIPT_MIN && dwAction <= URLACTION_SCRIPT_MAX ) { fTrusted = true; } } }
if(fTrusted) { if(cbPolicy >= sizeof (DWORD)) { *(DWORD *)pPolicy = URLPOLICY_ALLOW; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } else { hr = INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION; }
return hr; }