* * Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * verifyBlob.c * * Abstract: * This file contains blob verification code * * Revision History: * Neal Christiansen (nealch) 12/18/2000 * *****************************************************************************/
BOOL VerifyBlobHeader( BlobHeader *BlobHead, PCHAR Name, DWORD BlobType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Verify that the given BLOB Header is valid
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL good = TRUE;
if (BlobHead->m_dwVersion != BLOB_VERSION_NUM) {
printf("Invalid VERSION in %s blob header, was %08x, should be %08x\n", Name, BlobHead->m_dwVersion, BLOB_VERSION_NUM); good = FALSE; }
if (BlobHead->m_dwBlbType != BlobType) {
printf("Invalid TYPE in %s blob header, was %08x, should be %08x\n", Name, BlobHead->m_dwBlbType, BlobType); good = FALSE; }
if (BlobHead->m_dwMagicNum != BLOB_MAGIC_NUM) {
printf("Invalid MAGIC NUMBER in %s blob header, was %08x, should be %08x\n", Name, BlobHead->m_dwMagicNum, BLOB_MAGIC_NUM); good = FALSE; }
if ((BlobHead->m_dwEntries <= 0) || (BlobHead->m_dwEntries >= 10000)) {
printf("Invalid ENTRIES in %s blob header, was %08x, should be > 0 and < 10,000\n", Name, BlobHead->m_dwEntries); good = FALSE; }
return good; }
BOOL VerifyHashHeader( ListHeader *HashHead, PCHAR Name, DWORD Offset ) /*++
Routine Description:
Verify that the given TREE Header is valid
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL good = TRUE; DWORD calculatedSize; DWORD numNodes;
// Verify BLOB header
if (!VerifyBlobHeader(&HashHead->m_BlobHeader,Name,BLOB_TYPE_HASHLIST)) {
return FALSE; }
// paulmcd: jan/2001
// m_iHashBuckets will not be exact with m_dwEntries as it is the next
// highest prime number. but it will always be larger than or equalto.
if (HashHead->m_iHashBuckets < HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwEntries) {
printf("Invalid HASH BUCKET COUNT in %s header, is %08x, should be %08x or %08x\n", Name, HashHead->m_iHashBuckets, HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwEntries, HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwEntries+1); good = FALSE; }
if ((HashHead->m_dwDataOff != HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize)) {
printf("Invalid DATA OFFSET in %s header, is %08x, should be %08x\n", Name, HashHead->m_dwDataOff, HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize); good = FALSE; }
if ((HashHead->m_iFreeNode != 0)) {
printf("Invalid FREE NODE in %s header, is %08x, should be 0\n", Name, HashHead->m_iFreeNode); good = FALSE; }
// Make sure the calucalted size is accurate
numNodes = HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwEntries + 1;
calculatedSize = sizeof(ListHeader) + (HashHead->m_iHashBuckets * sizeof(DWORD)) + (numNodes * sizeof(ListEntry));
if (calculatedSize >= HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize) {
printf("Invalid CALCULATED SIZE in %s header, is %08x, should be < %08x\n", Name, calculatedSize, HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize); good = FALSE; }
return good; }
BOOL VerifyHash( ListHeader *HashHead, PCHAR Name, DWORD Offset ) /*++
Routine Description:
Verify that the given TREE entries are valid
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL good = TRUE; UINT i; DWORD dataStart; DWORD numNodes; DWORD numBuckets; DWORD *hTable; ListEntry *hNode;
// Validate the HEADER
if (!VerifyHashHeader(HashHead,Name,Offset)) {
return FALSE; }
// paulmcd: we have hash bucket and actual nodes. there is one extra
// actual node than reported due to offset zero being null. the bucket
// count is the next largest prime from numNodes
numBuckets = HashHead->m_iHashBuckets; numNodes = HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwEntries + 1;
// Validate Hash table entries
hTable = (DWORD *)(HashHead + 1);
for (i=0;i < HashHead->m_iHashBuckets;i++,hTable++) {
if (*hTable >= numNodes) {
printf("Invalid HASH TABLE ENTRY[%d] in %s, is %08x, should be < %08x\n", i, Name, *hTable, numNodes); good = FALSE; } }
// Validate the start of the Hash LIST entries
{ ULONG_PTR actualOffset; ULONG_PTR calculatedOffset;
actualOffset = (ULONG_PTR)hTable - (ULONG_PTR)HashHead; calculatedOffset = sizeof(ListHeader) + (HashHead->m_iHashBuckets * sizeof(DWORD));
if (calculatedOffset != actualOffset) {
printf("Invalid HASH LIST START in %s, offset is %08x, should be %08x\n", Name, actualOffset, calculatedOffset); return FALSE; } }
// Validate the Hash DATA entries
hNode = (ListEntry *)hTable; dataStart = sizeof(ListHeader) + (HashHead->m_iHashBuckets * sizeof(DWORD)) + (numNodes * sizeof(ListEntry));
for (i=0;i < numNodes;i++,hNode++) {
if ((hNode->m_iNext < 0) || (hNode->m_iNext >= (INT)HashHead->m_iHashBuckets)) {
printf("Invalid HASH NODE[%d] NEXT INDEX in %s, is %08x, should be < %08x\n", i, Name, hNode->m_iNext, HashHead->m_iHashBuckets); good = FALSE; }
if ((hNode->m_dwData != 0) && ((hNode->m_dwData < dataStart) || (hNode->m_dwData >= HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize))) {
printf("Invalid HASH NODE[%d] DATA INDEX in %s, is %08x, should be >= %08x and < %08x\n", i, Name, hNode->m_dwData, dataStart, HashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize); good = FALSE;
} else if ((hNode->m_dwData != 0) && ((WCHAR)hNode->m_dwDataLen != *(PWCHAR)((DWORD_PTR)HashHead + hNode->m_dwData))) {
printf("Invalid HASH NODE[%d] DATA LENGTH in %s, is %08x, should be %08x\n", i, Name, hNode->m_dwDataLen, *(PWCHAR)((DWORD_PTR)HashHead + hNode->m_dwData)); good = FALSE; }
if ((hNode->m_dwType != NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) && (hNode->m_dwType != NODE_TYPE_INCLUDE) && (hNode->m_dwType != NODE_TYPE_EXCLUDE)) { printf("Invalid HASH NODE[%d] TYPE in %s, is %08x, should be %08x, %08x or %08x\n", i, Name, hNode->m_dwType, NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, NODE_TYPE_INCLUDE, NODE_TYPE_EXCLUDE); good = FALSE; } }
return good; }
BOOL VerifyTreeHeader( TreeHeader *TreeHead, PCHAR Name ) /*++
Routine Description:
Verify that the given TREE Header is valid
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL good = TRUE; DWORD calculatedSize;
// Verify BLOB header
if (!VerifyBlobHeader(&TreeHead->m_BlobHeader,Name,BLOB_TYPE_PATHTREE)) {
return FALSE; }
if ((TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes != TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwEntries)) {
printf("Invalid MAX NODES in %s header, is %08x, should be %08x\n", Name, TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes, TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwEntries); good = FALSE; }
if ((TreeHead->m_dwDataSize >= TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize)) {
printf("Invalid DATA SIZE in %s header, is %08x, should be < %08x\n", Name, TreeHead->m_dwDataSize, TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize); good = FALSE; }
if ((TreeHead->m_dwDataOff != TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize)) {
printf("Invalid DATA OFFSET in %s header, is %08x, should be %08x\n", Name, TreeHead->m_dwDataOff, TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize); good = FALSE; }
if ((TreeHead->m_iFreeNode != 0)) {
printf("Invalid FREE NODE in %s header, is %08x, should be 0\n", Name, TreeHead->m_iFreeNode); good = FALSE; }
if ((TreeHead->m_dwDefault != NODE_TYPE_EXCLUDE)) {
printf("Invalid DEFAULT in %s header, is %08x, should be %08x\n", Name, TreeHead->m_dwDefault, NODE_TYPE_EXCLUDE); good = FALSE; }
// Make sure the calucalted size is accurate
calculatedSize = sizeof(TreeHeader) + (TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes * sizeof(TreeNode)) + TreeHead->m_dwDataSize;
if (calculatedSize != TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize) {
printf("Invalid CALCULATED SIZE in %s header, is %08x, should be %08x\n", Name, calculatedSize, TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize); good = FALSE; }
return good; }
BOOL VerifyTree( TreeHeader *TreeHead, PCHAR Name, DWORD Offset ) /*++
Routine Description:
Verify that the given TREE entries are valid
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL good = TRUE; UINT i; DWORD dataStart; TreeNode *tn; ListHeader *localHashHead; char localName[128];
// Validate the HEADER
if (!VerifyTreeHeader(TreeHead,Name)) {
return FALSE; }
// Validate the DATA entries
tn = (TreeNode *)(TreeHead + 1); dataStart = sizeof(TreeHeader) + (TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes * sizeof(TreeNode));
for (i=0;i < TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes;i++,tn++) {
if ((tn->m_iFather < 0) || (tn->m_iFather >= (INT)TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes)) { printf("Invalid TREE NODE[%d] FATHER index in %s, is %08x, should be < %08x\n", i, Name, tn->m_iFather, TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes); good = FALSE; }
if ((tn->m_iSon < 0) || (tn->m_iSon >= (INT)TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes)) { printf("Invalid TREE NODE[%d] SON index in %s, is %08x, should be < %08x\n", i, Name, tn->m_iSon, TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes); good = FALSE; }
if ((tn->m_iSibling < 0) || (tn->m_iSibling >= (INT)TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes)) { printf("Invalid TREE NODE[%d] SIBLING index in %s, is %08x, should be < %08x\n", i, Name, tn->m_iSibling, TreeHead->m_dwMaxNodes); good = FALSE; }
if ((tn->m_dwData < dataStart) || (tn->m_dwData >= TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize)) { printf("Invalid TREE NODE[%d] DATA index in %s, is %08x, should be >= %08x and < %08x\n", i, Name, tn->m_dwData, dataStart, TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize); good = FALSE; }
if (tn->m_dwFileList != 0) { if ((tn->m_dwFileList < dataStart) || (tn->m_dwFileList >= TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize)) { printf("Invalid TREE NODE[%d] FILELIST index in %s, is %08x, should be >= %08x and < %08x\n", i, Name, tn->m_dwData, dataStart, TreeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize); good = FALSE;
} else { localHashHead = (ListHeader *)((DWORD_PTR)TreeHead + tn->m_dwFileList); sprintf(localName,"TreeNode[%d]",i);
if (!VerifyHash(localHashHead,localName,(Offset+tn->m_dwFileList))) {
good = FALSE; } } }
if ((tn->m_dwType != NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) && (tn->m_dwType != NODE_TYPE_INCLUDE) && (tn->m_dwType != NODE_TYPE_EXCLUDE)) { printf("Invalid TREE NODE[%d] TYPE in %s, is %08x, should be %08x, %08x or %08x\n", i, Name, tn->m_dwType, NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, NODE_TYPE_INCLUDE, NODE_TYPE_EXCLUDE); good = FALSE; } }
return good; }
BOOL VerifyBlob( DWORD_PTR Blob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Verify that the given BLOB is valid
Return Value:
--*/ { BlobHeader *blobHead; TreeHeader *treeHead; ListHeader *hashHead; DWORD calculatedSize = 0;
// Verify header to entire blob
blobHead = (BlobHeader *)Blob;
if (!VerifyBlobHeader(blobHead,"PRIMARY",BLOB_TYPE_CONTAINER)) {
return FALSE; }
calculatedSize += sizeof(BlobHeader); //
// Verify TreeHeader and Data
treeHead = (TreeHeader *)(Blob + calculatedSize);
if (!VerifyTree(treeHead,"PRIMARY TREE",calculatedSize)) {
return FALSE; }
calculatedSize += treeHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize;
// Verify HashHeader and DATA
hashHead = (ListHeader *)(Blob + calculatedSize);
if (!VerifyHash(hashHead,"PRIMARY HASH",calculatedSize)) {
return FALSE; }
calculatedSize += hashHead->m_BlobHeader.m_dwMaxSize; //
// Validate total SIZE
if (calculatedSize != blobHead->m_dwMaxSize) {
printf("Invalid PRIMARY BLOB size, is %08x, calculated to be %08x\n", blobHead->m_dwMaxSize, calculatedSize); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }