// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2000.
// File: QueryEngine.hxx
// Contents: Declaration of data structures and classes used to perform
// queries and store the results.
// Classes: SQueryParams
// CQueryEngine
// Notes: The term "query" is used loosely here to mean either an
// LDAP directory search or a WinNt enumeration.
// History: 04-13-2000 DavidMun Created
enum WORKER_THREAD_STATE { WTS_EXIT, // terminating
WTS_WAIT, // waiting on thread event
WTS_QUERY // performing query
// Struct: SQueryParams (qp)
// Purpose: Contain all the parameters for a query
// History: 04-13-2000 DavidMun Created
struct SQueryParams { SQueryParams(): hwndCredPromptParentDlg(NULL), hwndNotify(NULL), ADsScope(ADS_SCOPE_BASE), Limit(QL_USE_REGISTRY_LIMIT), hQueryCompleteEvent(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), CustomizerInteraction(CUSTINT_IGNORE_CUSTOM_OBJECTS), ulBindFlags(0), performExternalCustomization(FALSE), perfromDefaultCustomization(FALSE)
{ }
SQueryParams( const SQueryParams &rhs) { operator=(rhs); }
SQueryParams & operator =( const SQueryParams &rhs) { hwndCredPromptParentDlg = rhs.hwndCredPromptParentDlg; hwndNotify = rhs.hwndNotify; rpScope = rhs.rpScope; strADsPath = rhs.strADsPath; ulBindFlags = rhs.ulBindFlags; strLdapFilter = rhs.strLdapFilter; vstrWinNtFilter = rhs.vstrWinNtFilter; vakAttributesToRead = rhs.vakAttributesToRead; ADsScope = rhs.ADsScope; Limit = rhs.Limit; hQueryCompleteEvent = rhs.hQueryCompleteEvent; CustomizerInteraction = rhs.CustomizerInteraction; strCustomizerArg = rhs.strCustomizerArg; performExternalCustomization = rhs.performExternalCustomization; perfromDefaultCustomization = rhs.perfromDefaultCustomization;
return *this; }
~SQueryParams() { hwndCredPromptParentDlg = NULL; hwndNotify = NULL; ADsScope = ADS_SCOPE_BASE; Limit = QL_USE_REGISTRY_LIMIT; hQueryCompleteEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CustomizerInteraction = CUSTINT_IGNORE_CUSTOM_OBJECTS; ulBindFlags = 0; }
HWND hwndCredPromptParentDlg; HWND hwndNotify; RpScope rpScope; String strADsPath; ULONG ulBindFlags; String strLdapFilter; vector<String> vstrWinNtFilter; AttrKeyVector vakAttributesToRead; ADS_SCOPEENUM ADsScope; QUERY_LIMIT Limit; HANDLE hQueryCompleteEvent; CUSTOMIZER_INTERACTION CustomizerInteraction; String strCustomizerArg; BOOL performExternalCustomization; BOOL perfromDefaultCustomization; };
// Class: CQueryEngine (qe)
// Purpose: Perform synchronous or asynchronous queries and hold the
// results.
// History: 04-13-2000 DavidMun Created
class CQueryEngine { public:
CQueryEngine( const CObjectPicker &rop);
HRESULT Initialize();
void Clear() const { TRACE_METHOD(CQueryEngine, Clear);
CAutoCritSec AutoLock(&m_cs); m_vObjects.clear(); m_hrLastQueryResult = S_OK; }
HRESULT AsyncDirSearch( const SQueryParams &qp, ULONG *pusnThisWorkItem = NULL) const;
HRESULT SyncDirSearch( const SQueryParams &qp) const;
void StopWorkItem() const;
Variant GetObjectAttr( size_t idxRow, ATTR_KEY at) const;
CDsObject GetObject( size_t idxRow) const { CAutoCritSec Lock(&m_cs); ASSERT(idxRow < m_vObjects.size()); return m_vObjects[idxRow]; }
size_t GetItemCount() const { CAutoCritSec Lock(&m_cs); return m_vObjects.size(); }
HRESULT GetLastQueryResult() const { return m_hrLastQueryResult; }
CQueryEngine & operator =(const CQueryEngine &);
void _AddObject( const CDsObject dso) { CAutoCritSec Lock(&m_cs); m_vObjects.push_back(dso); }
static DWORD WINAPI _tThread_Proc( LPVOID pvThis);
// auxiliar in _tPerformLdapQuery
HRESULT _tAddApprovedObjects ( CDsObjectList &dsolToAdd );
void _tPerformLdapQuery();
void _tPerformWinNtEnum();
void _tAddCustomObjects();
void _tAddFromDataObject( IDataObject *pdo);
// Member variables for threading:
// m_DesiredThreadState - written to by main thread, read by worker
// thread.
// m_CurrentThreadState - read/written by worker thread. Always
// reflects the state the thread is in or is transitioning to.
// m_hThreadEvent - worker thread blocks on this handle with
// m_CurrentThreadState set to WTS_WAIT.
// m_cs - protects m_vObjects so that main thread reads and worker
// thread writes do not collide.
// m_usnCurWorkItem - an update sequence counter (just a monotonically
// increasing counter) which corresponds to the work item
// the thread is currently processing. Also represents the
// work item from which objects in m_vObjects were generated.
// m_usnNextWorkItem - incremented whenever the main thread submits
// a new work item.
// How these are used:
// The main thread assigns a value to m_DesiredThreadState, increments
// m_usnNextWorkItem, then sets m_hThreadEvent. The worker thread
// unblocks on m_hThreadEvent, then sets m_CurrentThreadState to
// m_DesiredThreadState, m_usnCurWorkItem to m_usnNextWorkItem, and
// performs the required work.
// If m_DesiredThreadState is WTS_EXIT the worker thread terminates,
// otherwise it performs the requested work. When the work is
// complete, worker thread changes m_CurrentThreadState to WTS_WAIT
// and resumes waiting on m_hThreadEvent.
// While processing work for m_usnCurWorkItem the worker thread
// periodically checks to see if m_usnNextWorkItem is greater than
// m_usnCurWorkItem. If it is, it abandons its current work,
// switches to WTS_WAIT state, and resumes waiting on m_hThreadEvent.
const CObjectPicker &m_rop; HANDLE m_hThread; HANDLE m_hThreadEvent; mutable WORKER_THREAD_STATE m_CurrentThreadState; mutable WORKER_THREAD_STATE m_DesiredThreadState; mutable SQueryParams m_CurQueryParams; mutable SQueryParams m_NextQueryParams; mutable ULONG m_usnCurWorkItem; mutable ULONG m_usnNextWorkItem; mutable CRITICAL_SECTION m_cs; mutable vector<CDsObject> m_vObjects; mutable HRESULT m_hrLastQueryResult; };
#endif // __QUERY_ENGINE_HXX_