// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1998.
// File: ScopeManager.hxx
// Contents: Declaration of class used to hold scope object hierarchy
// Classes: CScopeManager
// History: 02-24-2000 davidmun Created
class CDomainInfo;
// Class: CScopeManager (sm)
// Purpose: Maintain a tree of CScope-derived objects, and provide access
// to them via methods that return the currently selected scope,
// the scope with a given name, etc.
// History: 05-24-2000 DavidMun Created
// Notes: This object owns the Look In dialog.
class CScopeManager { public:
CScopeManager( const CObjectPicker &ropContaining): m_rop(ropContaining), m_hScopeImageList(NULL), m_StartingScopeType(ST_INVALID) { TRACE_CONSTRUCTOR(CScopeManager);
m_rpInvalidScope.Acquire(new CInvalidScope(ropContaining)); }
~CScopeManager() { TRACE_DESTRUCTOR(CScopeManager);
Clear(); if (m_hScopeImageList) { ImageList_Destroy(m_hScopeImageList); m_hScopeImageList = NULL; } }
HRESULT Initialize( PCDSOP_INIT_INFO pInitInfo);
const CScope & AddUserEnteredScope( const ADD_SCOPE_INFO &asi) const;
const CScope & CScopeManager::AddCrossForestDomainScope( const ADD_SCOPE_INFO &asi) const;
void Clear();
const SScopeParameters * GetScopeParams( SCOPE_TYPE Type) const;
void GetRootScopeIterators( vector<RpScope>::const_iterator *pitBegin, vector<RpScope>::const_iterator *pitEnd) const { ASSERT(pitBegin && pitEnd);
if (!pitBegin || !pitEnd) { return; } *pitBegin = m_vrpRootScopes.begin(); *pitEnd = m_vrpRootScopes.end(); }
#if (DBG == 1)
BOOL IsValidScope( CScope *pScope) const;
#endif // (DBG == 1)
void DoLookInDialog( HWND hwndParent) const;
const String & GetContainerFilter( HWND hwnd) const { TRACE_METHOD(CScopeManager, GetContainerFilter);
if (m_strContainerFilter.empty()) { _InitContainerFilter(hwnd); } return m_strContainerFilter; }
const CScope & GetCurScope() const { if (m_rpCurScope.get()) { return *m_rpCurScope.get(); } return *m_rpInvalidScope.get(); }
const CScope & GetStartingScope() const { if (m_rpStartingScope.get()) { return *m_rpStartingScope.get(); } return *m_rpInvalidScope.get(); }
const CScope & GetParent( const CScope &Child) const;
const CScope & LookupScopeByDisplayName( const String &strDisplayName) const;
const CScope & LookupScopeByFlatName( const String &strFlatName) const;
const CScope & LookupScopeByType( SCOPE_TYPE Type) const { return _LookupScopeByType(Type, m_vrpRootScopes.begin(), m_vrpRootScopes.end()); }
const CScope & LookupScopeById( ULONG id) const { return _LookupScopeById(id, m_vrpRootScopes.begin(), m_vrpRootScopes.end()); }
VOID DeleteLastScope() const { m_vrpRootScopes.pop_back(); }
CScopeManager & operator=(const CScopeManager &);
HRESULT _ValidateFilterFlags( PCDSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO pScopeInit, ULONG flScopeTypes);
void _InitDomainScopesJoinedNt5( CGcScope *pGcScope);
void _AddTreeJoinedNt5( CLdapContainerScope *pParent, ULONG idxCur, CDomainInfo *adi, PDS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS Domains);
void _InitScopesJoinedNt4();
void _InitContainerFilter( HWND hwnd) const;
const CScope & _LookupScopeByName( const String &strName, SCOPE_NAME_TYPE NameIs, vector<RpScope>::const_iterator itBegin, vector<RpScope>::const_iterator itEnd) const;
const CScope & _LookupScopeByType( SCOPE_TYPE Type, vector<RpScope>::const_iterator itBegin, vector<RpScope>::const_iterator itEnd) const;
const CScope & _LookupScopeById( ULONG id, vector<RpScope>::const_iterator itBegin, vector<RpScope>::const_iterator itEnd) const;
void _AddRootTrustScopes ( vector<ADD_SCOPE_INFO> &asiv, const SScopeParameters *pspExternalUplevel );
NET_API_STATUS MyDsEnumerateDomainTrusts ( LPWSTR pwzTarget, ULONG flags, PDS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS *Domains, ULONG *cDomains );
#if (DBG == 1)
BOOL _IsChildScope( CScope *pParent, CScope *pMaybeChild) const;
#endif // (DBG == 1)
// used as error return for returning reference to scope
RpScope m_rpInvalidScope;
const CObjectPicker &m_rop; mutable vector<RpScope> m_vrpRootScopes; vector<SScopeParameters> m_vScopeParameters; HIMAGELIST m_hScopeImageList; SCOPE_TYPE m_StartingScopeType; RpScope m_rpStartingScope; mutable RpScope m_rpCurScope; mutable String m_strContainerFilter; };
#endif // __SCOPE_MANAGER_HXX_