Copyright (c) 2000 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
Header file for the CJobManager interface.
Author :
Revision History :
#pragma once
#include "qmgrlib.h"
#include <list>
#include "clist.h"
#include "logontable.h"
#include "drizcpat.h"
#include "bitstest.h"
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class CJob; class CJobManagerFactory; class CJobManager; class CJobManagerExternal;
class CJobList : public IntrusiveList<CJob> { public:
BOOL Add( CJob * job );
CJob * Find( REFGUID id );
BOOL Remove( CJob * job );
void Serialize( HANDLE hFile ); void Unserialize( HANDLE hFile ); void Clear();
typedef IntrusiveList<CJob>::iterator iterator;
class CJobManagerExternal : public IBackgroundCopyManager, public IClassFactory, public IBitsTest1 { public:
friend CJobManager;
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject); ULONG __stdcall AddRef(void); ULONG __stdcall Release(void);
// IBackgroundCopyManager methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateJobInternal( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR DisplayName, /* [in] */ BG_JOB_TYPE Type, /* [out] */ GUID *pJobId, /* [out] */ IBackgroundCopyJob **ppJob);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateJob( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR DisplayName, /* [in] */ BG_JOB_TYPE Type, /* [out] */ GUID *pJobId, /* [out] */ IBackgroundCopyJob **ppJob) { EXTERNAL_FUNC_WRAP( CreateJobInternal( DisplayName, Type, pJobId, ppJob ) ) }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetJobInternal( /* [in] */ REFGUID jobID, /* [out] */ IBackgroundCopyJob **ppJob);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetJob( /* [in] */ REFGUID jobID, /* [out] */ IBackgroundCopyJob **ppJob) { EXTERNAL_FUNC_WRAP( GetJobInternal( jobID, ppJob ) ) }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumJobsInternal( /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags, /* [out] */ IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs **ppEnum);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumJobs( /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags, /* [out] */ IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs **ppEnum) { EXTERNAL_FUNC_WRAP( EnumJobsInternal( dwFlags, ppEnum ) ) }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetErrorDescriptionInternal( /* [in] */ HRESULT hResult, /* [in] */ DWORD LanguageId, /* [out] */ LPWSTR *pErrorDescription );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetErrorDescription( /* [in] */ HRESULT hResult, /* [in] */ DWORD LanguageId, /* [out] */ LPWSTR *pErrorDescription ) { EXTERNAL_FUNC_WRAP( GetErrorDescriptionInternal( hResult, LanguageId, pErrorDescription ) ) }
// IClassFactory methods
HRESULT __stdcall CreateInstance(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID iid, void** ppvObject); HRESULT __stdcall LockServer(BOOL fLock);
// IBitsTest1 methods
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetBitsDllPath( /* [out] */ LPWSTR *pVal);
long m_ServiceInstance;
CJobManager *m_pJobManager; long m_refs;
void SetInterfaceClass( CJobManager *pVal ) { m_pJobManager = pVal; }
void NotifyInternalDelete() { // Release the internal refcount
Release(); } };
class CDeviceNotificationController { public: virtual ~CDeviceNotificationController();
// General message cracker
DWORD OnDeviceEvent( DWORD dwEventType, LPVOID lpEventData );
// Event methods
virtual void OnDeviceLock( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume ) = 0; virtual void OnDeviceUnlock( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume ) = 0; virtual void OnDismount( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume ) = 0;
HRESULT RegisterNotification( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume ); HRESULT IsVolumeLocked( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume );
class CDriveNotify { public: HDEVNOTIFY m_hDeviceNotify; StringHandle m_CanonicalName; LONG m_LockCount; LONG m_RemoveCount; CDriveNotify( HDEVNOTIFY hDeviceNotify, StringHandle CanonicalName ) : m_hDeviceNotify( hDeviceNotify ), m_CanonicalName( CanonicalName ), m_RemoveCount( 0 ), m_LockCount( 0 ) { } }; typedef map<HDEVNOTIFY, CDriveNotify*> CHandleToNotify; typedef map<StringHandle, CDriveNotify*> CCanonicalVolumeToNotify;
CHandleToNotify m_HandleToNotify; CCanonicalVolumeToNotify m_CanonicalVolumeToNotify; void DeleteNotify( CDriveNotify *pNotify ); };
class CBitsVssWriter : public CVssWriter /*
CVssWriter is a backup-related class implemented by the system. In October 2002 it was available only on Windows XP and higher. The default implementation does nothing; BITS ovverrides OnIdentify() to exclude its job temporary and metadata files from the list to be backed up. */ { public: virtual bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnIdentify(IVssCreateWriterMetadata *pMetadata);
// Additional vitrual functions required by CVssWriter but not used by our implementation.
// callback if current sequence is aborted
virtual bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnAbort() { return true; } // callback for prepare snapsot event
virtual bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnPrepareSnapshot() { return true; } // callback for freeze event
virtual bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnFreeze() { return true; } // callback for thaw event
virtual bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnThaw() { return true; } };
class CJobManager : public TaskSchedulerWorkItem, private CDeviceNotificationController, public CQmgrStateFiles { public:
friend CJobManagerExternal; friend COldQmgrInterface;
HRESULT CreateJob( LPCWSTR DisplayName, BG_JOB_TYPE Type, GUID Id, SidHandle sid, CJob ** ppJob, bool OldStyleJob = false );
// Returns NULL if job not found
HRESULT GetJob( REFGUID jobID, CJob ** ppJob );
// TaskSchedulerWorkItem methods
void OnDispatch() { TransferCurrentJob(); }
SidHandle GetSid() { return g_GlobalInfo->m_LocalSystemSid; }
// CDeviceNotificationController methods
DWORD OnDeviceEvent( DWORD dwEventType, LPVOID lpEventData ) { LockWriter(); DWORD dwResult = CDeviceNotificationController::OnDeviceEvent( dwEventType, lpEventData ); UnlockWriter(); return dwResult; }
// additional functions
CJobManager(); virtual ~CJobManager();
// Notification that a user has logged on.
void SYNCHRONIZED_WRITE UserLoggedOn( SidHandle sid );
// Notification that a user has logged off.
void SYNCHRONIZED_WRITE UserLoggedOff( SidHandle sid );
// Notification that there was a change in the number of active network adapters.
void OnNetworkChange();
// Called by m_BackupWriter->OnIdentify.
bool OnIdentify( IN IVssCreateWriterMetadata *pMetadata );
// Adjust the job's online/offline state after its owner changes.
void ResetOnlineStatus( CJob *pJob, SidHandle sid );
void ScheduleDelayedTask( TaskSchedulerWorkItem * task, ULONG SecondsOfDelay ) { FILETIME TimeToRun = GetTimeAfterDelta( (UINT64) NanoSec100PerSec * SecondsOfDelay );
m_TaskScheduler.InsertWorkItem( task, &TimeToRun ); }
void TaskThread();
HRESULT SuspendJob ( CJob * job ); HRESULT ResumeJob ( CJob * job ); HRESULT CancelJob ( CJob * job ); HRESULT CompleteJob( CJob * job );
HRESULT Serialize(); HRESULT Unserialize();
bool LockReader() { return m_TaskScheduler.LockReader(); } void UnlockReader() { m_TaskScheduler.UnlockReader(); }
bool LockWriter() { return m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter(); }
void UnlockWriter() { m_TaskScheduler.UnlockWriter(); }
// recalculates which job should be downloading and kicks the download thread if necessary.
void ScheduleAnotherGroup( bool fInsertNetworkDelay = false );
void MoveJobOffline( CJob * job );
void AppendOnline( CJob * job );
void Shutdown();
HRESULT CloneUserToken( SidHandle psid, DWORD session, HANDLE * pToken );
bool IsUserLoggedOn( SidHandle psid );
HRESULT RegisterClassObjects();
void RevokeClassObjects();
HRESULT CreateBackupWriter();
void DeleteBackupWriter();
CJobManagerExternal* GetExternalInterface() { return m_ExternalInterface; }
COldQmgrInterface* GetOldExternalInterface() { return m_OldQmgrInterface; }
void NotifyInternalDelete() { GetExternalInterface()->NotifyInternalDelete(); }
HRESULT GetErrorDescription( HRESULT hResult, DWORD LanguageId, LPWSTR *pErrorDescription );
Downloader * m_pPD; TaskScheduler m_TaskScheduler;
void OnDiskChange( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume, DWORD VolumeSerialNumber );
HRESULT IsVolumeLocked( const WCHAR *CanonicalPath ) { return CDeviceNotificationController::IsVolumeLocked( CanonicalPath ); }
void RetaskJob( CJob *pJob );
void InterruptDownload();
void MoveJobToInactiveState( CJob * job );
bool RemoveJob( CJob * job ) { if (m_OnlineJobs.Remove( job )) { return true; }
if (m_OfflineJobs.Remove( job )) { return true; }
return false; }
HRESULT CheckClientAccess();
CJob * m_CurrentJob;
HMODULE m_hWininet; HANDLE m_hQuantumTimer;
// cookies from CoRegisterClassObject.
// used later to unregister.
DWORD m_ComId_1_5; DWORD m_ComId_1_0; DWORD m_ComId_0_5;
CJobList m_OnlineJobs; CJobList m_OfflineJobs;
CJobManagerExternal * m_ExternalInterface; COldQmgrInterface * m_OldQmgrInterface;
public: CLoggedOnUsers m_Users;
CIpAddressMonitor m_NetworkMonitor;
CBitsVssWriter * m_BackupWriter; HMODULE m_hVssapi_dll;
HRESULT GetCurrentGroupAndToken( HANDLE * pToken );
void TransferCurrentJob();
void ChooseCurrentJob();
void Cleanup();
// Returns the runing or queued jobs that have
// a priority >= current priority.
size_t MoveActiveJobToListEnd( CJob *pJob );
void SetQuantumTimeout();
public: bool CheckForQuantumTimeout();
void UpdateRemoteSizes( CUnknownFileSizeList *pUnknownFileSizeList, HANDLE hToken, QMErrInfo *pErrorInfo, const PROXY_SETTINGS * ProxySettings, const CCredentialsContainer * Credentials );
// Event methods
void OnDeviceLock( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume ); void OnDeviceUnlock( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume ); void OnDismount( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume );
// methods for dealing with network topology changes
static void CALLBACK NetworkChangeCallback( PVOID arg );
void MarkJobsWithNetDisconnected(); void ReactivateTransientErrorJobs();
class CLockedJobManagerReadPointer { CJobManager * const m_Pointer; public: CLockedJobManagerReadPointer( CJobManager * Pointer) : m_Pointer(Pointer) { m_Pointer->LockReader(); } ~CLockedJobManagerReadPointer() { m_Pointer->UnlockReader(); } CJobManager * operator->() const { return m_Pointer; } HRESULT ValidateAccess() { return m_Pointer->CheckClientAccess(); } };
class CLockedJobManagerWritePointer { CJobManager * const m_Pointer; public: CLockedJobManagerWritePointer( CJobManager * Pointer) : m_Pointer(Pointer) { m_Pointer->LockWriter(); } ~CLockedJobManagerWritePointer() { m_Pointer->UnlockWriter(); } CJobManager * operator->() const { return m_Pointer; } HRESULT ValidateAccess() { return m_Pointer->CheckClientAccess(); } };
extern CJobManagerFactory * g_ManagerFactory; extern CJobManager * g_Manager;
// SENS logon notification
void ActivateSensLogonNotification(); void DeactiveateSensLogonNotification();
extern MANAGER_STATE g_ServiceState; extern long g_ServiceInstance;
* Checks to see if a given job is being downloaded. * If so, the constructor interrupts the download, and * the destructor calls CJobManager::ScheduleAnotherJob(). * * This is useful for methods that change job properties, * when those changes affect the download itself. */ class CRescheduleDownload { bool bRunning;
CRescheduleDownload( CJob * job ) { bRunning = job->IsRunning();
if (bRunning) { g_Manager->InterruptDownload(); } }
~CRescheduleDownload() { if (bRunning) { g_Manager->ScheduleAnotherGroup(); } } };