#pragma include_alias("clist.h", "..\newjob\clist.h")
#include "qmgrlib.h"
#include "locks.hxx"
#include "..\newjob\csd.h"
#include "..\newjob\tasksched.h"
// Following items are needed to link properly.
HINSTANCE g_hInstance; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE ghServiceHandle; unsigned long g_LastServiceControl;
bool IsServiceShuttingDown() { return false; }
long SetServiceStartup( bool ignore ) { return 0; }
int InitializeBitsAllocator() { return 0; }
SidHandle BITSAllocateAndInitializeSid( BYTE nSubAuthorityCount, // count of subauthorities
DWORD dwSubAuthority0, // subauthority 0
DWORD dwSubAuthority1 ); // subauthority 1
// Preceding items are needed to link properly.
SidHandle g_NetworkUsersSid; long g_ThreadCount; long g_CancelCount; HANDLE * g_hThreads; HANDLE g_hWorkItemCreationThread;
TaskScheduler * g_Lock;
class TestWorkItem : public TaskSchedulerWorkItem { public:
TestWorkItem( long index ) { m_index = index; }
virtual SidHandle GetSid() { return g_NetworkUsersSid; } virtual void OnDispatch();
long m_index; };
bool TakeAndReleaseLock( bool fWrite, long Delay, bool fComplete );
struct { TestWorkItem * item; long complete; long cancelled; } g_PendingWorkItems[ MAX_QUEUED_WORK_ITEMS ];
void TestWorkItem::OnDispatch() { static int i;
bool fWrite;
if ((i % 7) == 0) { fWrite = true; } else { fWrite = false; }
long Delay = -1; long SleepChoice = (i % 10); if (SleepChoice == 0) { // printf("Sleep 10\n");
Delay = 10; } else if (SleepChoice == 5) { // printf("Sleep 0\n");
Delay = 0; }
bool fCancel; if ((i % 3) == 1) { fCancel = true; } else { fCancel = false; }
long PreLockSleep = (i % 5); if (PreLockSleep < 3) { Sleep(10); }
if (!TakeAndReleaseLock( fWrite, Delay, fCancel)) { //
// The work-item was cancelled.
g_Lock->AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); InterlockedIncrement( &g_CancelCount ); } else if (!fCancel) { g_Lock->CompleteWorkItem(); }
// Mark the item complete.
if (m_index >= 0) { if (g_PendingWorkItems[m_index].item != this) { printf("error: index mismatch\n"); exit(1); }
// printf("completing item %p index %d\n", this, m_index);
g_PendingWorkItems[m_index].complete = 1; }
// if ((i % 100000) == 0)
{ // printf("%d work items\n", i);
// if ((i % 1000) == 0)
{ // putchar('W');
++i; }
bool TakeAndReleaseLock( bool fWrite, long Delay, bool fComplete ) { if (fWrite) { // printf("lock writer\n");
if (g_Lock->LockWriter()) { // cancelled
return false; } } else { // printf("lock reader\n");
if (g_Lock->LockReader()) { // cancelled
return false; } }
if (Delay != -1) { Sleep(Delay); }
if (fComplete) { g_Lock->CompleteWorkItem(); }
if (fWrite) { // printf("unlock writer\n");
g_Lock->UnlockWriter(); } else { // printf("unlock reader\n");
g_Lock->UnlockReader(); }
return true; }
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID arg ) { long index = long(arg); long i =0;
do { bool fWrite;
if ((i % 9) == index) { fWrite = true; } else { fWrite = false; }
long Delay = -1; long SleepChoice = (i % 10); if (SleepChoice == 0) { // printf("Sleep 10\n");
Delay = 10; } else if (SleepChoice == 5) { // printf("Sleep 0\n");
Delay = 0; }
if (!TakeAndReleaseLock( fWrite, Delay, false )) { printf("thread %d: cancel detected!", DWORD(arg)); exit(1); }
if ((i % 100000) == 0) { printf("thread %d: %d iterations\n", DWORD(arg), i); }
if ((i % 1000) == 0) { putchar('0'+DWORD(arg)); }
++i; } while ( 1 ); }
DWORD WINAPI WorkItemCreatorProc( LPVOID arg ) { int i = 0;
for (;;) { int index;
if ((i % 1000) == 0) { putchar('w'); }
// Clean out completed work items
for (index = 0; index < RTL_NUMBER_OF( g_PendingWorkItems ); ++index) { if (g_PendingWorkItems[index].complete) { // printf("clearing index %d\n", index);
delete g_PendingWorkItems[index].item; g_PendingWorkItems[index].item = 0; g_PendingWorkItems[index].complete = 0; g_PendingWorkItems[index].cancelled = 0; } }
// Fill up the queue.
do { // find a spot
for (index = 0; index < RTL_NUMBER_OF( g_PendingWorkItems ); ++index) { if (g_PendingWorkItems[index].item == 0) { break; } }
// A slot is available; create a new workitem for it.
if (index < RTL_NUMBER_OF( g_PendingWorkItems )) { TestWorkItem * item = new TestWorkItem( index );
g_PendingWorkItems[index].item = item;
g_Lock->InsertWorkItem( item, NULL ); } } while ( index < RTL_NUMBER_OF( g_PendingWorkItems ) );
// let them drain away
do { for (index = RTL_NUMBER_OF( g_PendingWorkItems )-1; index >=0; --index) { if (g_PendingWorkItems[index].item != 0 && g_PendingWorkItems[index].complete == 0 && g_PendingWorkItems[index].cancelled == 0) { g_Lock->CancelWorkItem( g_PendingWorkItems[index].item ); g_PendingWorkItems[index].cancelled = 1; break; } }
Sleep(1); } while ( index >= 0 );
++i; } }
void __cdecl wmain (int argc, wchar_t *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printf("arg1 should be a thread count\n"); return; }
g_ThreadCount = _wtol( argv[1] ); g_hThreads = new HANDLE[ g_ThreadCount ];
if (!InitCompilerLibrary()) { printf("init STL failed"); return; }
if ( !DetectProductVersion() ) { printf("version detect failed"); return; }
if (0 != InitializeBitsAllocator()) { printf("allocator init failed"); return; }
Log_Init(); Log_StartLogger();
g_NetworkUsersSid = BITSAllocateAndInitializeSid( 1, SECURITY_NETWORK_RID, 0);
g_Lock = new TaskScheduler;
for (int index = 0; index < RTL_NUMBER_OF( g_PendingWorkItems ); ++index) { g_PendingWorkItems[index].item = 0; g_PendingWorkItems[index].complete = 0; g_PendingWorkItems[index].cancelled = 0; }
DWORD id; for (int i=0; i < g_ThreadCount; ++i) { g_hThreads[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ThreadProc, LPVOID(i), 0, &id );
if (0 == g_hThreads[i]) { printf("error %d creating thread\n", GetLastError()); } }
g_hWorkItemCreationThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, WorkItemCreatorProc, 0, 0, &id ); if (0 == g_hWorkItemCreationThread) { printf("error %d creating thread\n", GetLastError()); }
Sleep( 1000 * 1000 ); }