// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: editor.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#include <shlobj.h> // needed for dsclient.h
#include <dsclient.h>
#include <SnapBase.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "adsiedit.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "editorui.h"
#include "snapdata.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "connection.h"
#include "createwiz.h"
#include "query.h"
#include "querynode.h"
#include "queryui.h"
#include "renameui.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
LPCWSTR g_lpszGC = L"GC://"; LPCWSTR g_lpszLDAP = L"LDAP://"; LPCWSTR g_lpszRootDSE = L"RootDSE";
CADsObject::CADsObject() { m_bContainer = FALSE; m_bIntermediate = FALSE; m_pConnectionNode = NULL; m_sName = _T(""); m_sDN = _T(""); m_sPath = _T(""); m_sClass = _T(""); m_bComplete = FALSE;
CADsObject::CADsObject(CADSIEditConnectionNode* pConnectNode) { m_bContainer = FALSE; m_bIntermediate = FALSE; m_pConnectionNode = pConnectNode; m_bComplete = FALSE; }
CADsObject::CADsObject(CADsObject* pADsObject) { m_sName = pADsObject->m_sName; m_sDN = pADsObject->m_sDN; m_sPath = pADsObject->m_sPath; m_sClass = pADsObject->m_sClass; m_bContainer = pADsObject->m_bContainer; m_bIntermediate = pADsObject->m_bIntermediate; m_pConnectionNode = pADsObject->m_pConnectionNode; m_bComplete = pADsObject->m_bComplete; }
void CADsObject::SetName(LPCWSTR lpszName) { CString sPrefix, sRemaining, sTemp; sTemp = lpszName; int idx = sTemp.Find(L'=');
if (idx != -1) { sPrefix = sTemp.Left(idx); sPrefix.MakeUpper();
int iCount = sTemp.GetLength(); sRemaining = sTemp.Right(iCount - idx); sTemp = sPrefix + sRemaining; }
m_sName = sTemp; }
// CConnectionData
CConnectionData::CConnectionData() { ConstructorHelper(); }
CConnectionData::CConnectionData(CADSIEditConnectionNode* pConnectNode) : CADsObject(pConnectNode) { ConstructorHelper(); }
void CConnectionData::ConstructorHelper() { m_pFilterObject = new CADSIFilterObject(); m_pCredentialsObject = new CCredentialObject();
m_sBasePath = _T(""); m_sDomainServer = _T(""); m_sPort = _T(""); m_sDistinguishedName = _T(""); m_sNamingContext = _T("Domain"); m_sLDAP = g_lpszLDAP;
m_sSchemaPath = _T(""); m_sAbstractSchemaPath = _T(""); m_bRootDSE = FALSE; m_bUserDefinedServer = FALSE; m_pDirObject = NULL; m_nMaxObjectCount = ADSIEDIT_QUERY_OBJ_COUNT_DEFAULT; }
CConnectionData::CConnectionData(CConnectionData* pConnectData) : CADsObject(pConnectData) { // Path data
m_sBasePath = pConnectData->m_sBasePath; m_sDomainServer = pConnectData->m_sDomainServer; m_sPort = pConnectData->m_sPort; m_sDistinguishedName = pConnectData->m_sDistinguishedName; m_sNamingContext = pConnectData->m_sNamingContext; m_sLDAP = pConnectData->m_sLDAP; m_sSchemaPath = pConnectData->m_sSchemaPath; m_sAbstractSchemaPath = pConnectData->m_sAbstractSchemaPath;
// Filter
m_pFilterObject = new CADSIFilterObject(pConnectData->m_pFilterObject);
// Credentials
m_pCredentialsObject = new CCredentialObject(pConnectData->m_pCredentialsObject);
m_bRootDSE = pConnectData->m_bRootDSE; m_bUserDefinedServer = pConnectData->m_bUserDefinedServer; m_pDirObject = NULL;
m_nMaxObjectCount = pConnectData->m_nMaxObjectCount; }
CConnectionData::~CConnectionData() { if (m_pDirObject != NULL) { m_pDirObject->Release(); } delete m_pCredentialsObject; delete m_pFilterObject; }
void CConnectionData::Save(IStream* pStm) { SaveStringToStream(pStm, m_sBasePath);
if (m_bUserDefinedServer) { SaveStringToStream(pStm, m_sDomainServer); } else { SaveStringToStream(pStm, _T("")); } SaveStringToStream(pStm, m_sPort); SaveStringToStream(pStm, m_sDistinguishedName); SaveStringToStream(pStm, m_sNamingContext); SaveStringToStream(pStm, m_sLDAP);
CString sName; GetName(sName); SaveStringToStream(pStm, sName);
if (m_bUserDefinedServer) { CString sPath; GetPath(sPath); SaveStringToStream(pStm, sPath); } else { SaveStringToStream(pStm, _T("")); }
CString sClass; GetClass(sClass); SaveStringToStream(pStm, sClass);
ULONG cbWrite; BOOL bUseCredentials = m_pCredentialsObject->UseCredentials(); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Write((void*)&bUseCredentials, sizeof(UINT),&cbWrite))); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(UINT));
VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Write((void*)&m_bRootDSE, sizeof(UINT),&cbWrite))); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(UINT));
BOOL bContainer = GetContainer(); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Write((void*)&bContainer, sizeof(UINT),&cbWrite))); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(UINT));
ULONG nMaxNum = GetMaxObjectCount(); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Write((void*)&nMaxNum, sizeof(ULONG),&cbWrite))); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(ULONG)); }
CConnectionData* CConnectionData::Load(IStream* pStm) { // FUTURE-2002/03/04-artm Variable szBuffer does not appear to be used.
WCHAR szBuffer[256]; // REVIEW_MARCOC: hardcoded
ULONG nLen; // WCHAR counting NULL
ULONG cbRead;
CConnectionData* pConnectData = new CConnectionData();
LoadStringFromStream(pStm, pConnectData->m_sBasePath);
LoadStringFromStream(pStm, pConnectData->m_sDomainServer);
LoadStringFromStream(pStm, pConnectData->m_sPort);
LoadStringFromStream(pStm, pConnectData->m_sDistinguishedName);
LoadStringFromStream(pStm, pConnectData->m_sNamingContext);
LoadStringFromStream(pStm, pConnectData->m_sLDAP);
CString sString; CString szConnectionName; LoadStringFromStream(pStm, szConnectionName); pConnectData->SetName(szConnectionName);
LoadStringFromStream(pStm, sString); pConnectData->SetPath(sString);
LoadStringFromStream(pStm, sString); pConnectData->SetClass(sString);
VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Read((void*)&nLen,sizeof(UINT), &cbRead))); ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(UINT)); pConnectData->GetCredentialObject()->SetUseCredentials(nLen);
VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Read((void*)&nLen,sizeof(UINT), &cbRead))); ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(UINT)); pConnectData->SetRootDSE(nLen);
CADSIFilterObject* pFilterObject; HRESULT hr = CADSIFilterObject::CreateFilterFromStream(pStm, &pFilterObject); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pConnectData->SetFilter(pFilterObject); }
VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Read((void*)&nLen,sizeof(UINT), &cbRead))); ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(UINT)); pConnectData->SetContainer(nLen);
ULONG nMaxCount; VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Read((void*)&nMaxCount,sizeof(ULONG), &cbRead))); ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(ULONG)); pConnectData->SetMaxObjectCount(nMaxCount);
if (pConnectData->m_sNamingContext != L"") { hr = LoadBasePathFromContext(pConnectData, pConnectData->m_sNamingContext); if (FAILED(hr)) { CString szHrErr; GetErrorMessage(hr, szHrErr);
CString szFormatErr; VERIFY(szFormatErr.LoadString(IDS_ERRMSG_FAILED_CONNECTION));
CString szMessage; szMessage.Format(szFormatErr, szConnectionName, szHrErr);
ADSIEditErrorMessage(szMessage); return pConnectData; } }
if (pConnectData->m_sDomainServer == L"") { hr = GetServerNameFromDefault(pConnectData); if (FAILED(hr)) { CString szHrErr; GetErrorMessage(hr, szHrErr);
CString szFormatErr; VERIFY(szFormatErr.LoadString(IDS_ERRMSG_FAILED_CONNECTION));
CString szMessage; szMessage.Format(szFormatErr, szConnectionName, szHrErr);
ADSIEditErrorMessage(szMessage); } pConnectData->BuildPath(); }
return pConnectData; }
void CConnectionData::BuildPath() { // Get data from connection node
CString sServer, sLDAP, sPort, path; GetDomainServer(sServer); GetLDAP(sLDAP); GetPort(sPort);
if (sServer == _T("")) { path = sLDAP + path; } else { if (sPort == _T("")) { path = sServer + _T("/") + path; } else { path = sServer + _T(":") + sPort + _T("/") + path; } path = sLDAP + path; } path += m_sBasePath;
if (IsRootDSE()) { path += g_lpszRootDSE; } SetPath(path); }
HRESULT CConnectionData::GetServerNameFromDefault(CConnectionData* pConnectData) { CString sSchemaPath, szServerName; HRESULT hr = pConnectData->GetSchemaPath(sSchemaPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
CComPtr<IADs> spConfig; hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials (pConnectData->GetCredentialObject(), sSchemaPath, IID_IADs, (LPVOID*)&spConfig ); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE(L"Failed ADsOpenObject(%s) on naming context\n", (LPCWSTR)sSchemaPath); return hr; } hr = pConnectData->GetADSIServerName(szServerName, spConfig); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE(L"Failed GetADSIServerName(%s)\n", (LPCWSTR)szServerName); return hr; }
pConnectData->SetDomainServer(szServerName); pConnectData->SetUserDefinedServer(FALSE);
return hr; }
HRESULT CConnectionData::GetADSIServerName(OUT CString& szServer, IN IUnknown* pUnk) { szServer.Empty();
CComPtr<IADsObjectOptions> spIADsObjectOptions; HRESULT hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IADsObjectOptions, (void**)&spIADsObjectOptions); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComVariant var; hr = spIADsObjectOptions->GetOption(ADS_OPTION_SERVERNAME, &var); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ASSERT(var.vt == VT_BSTR); szServer = V_BSTR(&var); return hr; }
HRESULT CConnectionData::LoadBasePathFromContext(CConnectionData* pConnectData, const CString sContext) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
CString sContextPath, szSchema, szDomain, szConfig, szRootDSE;
if ( !szSchema.LoadString(IDS_SCHEMA) || !szDomain.LoadString(IDS_DOMAIN_NC) || !szConfig.LoadString(IDS_CONFIG_CONTAINER) || !szRootDSE.LoadString(IDS_ROOTDSE)) { ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_FAIL_TO_LOAD, MB_OK); return S_FALSE; }
if (sContext == szSchema) { sContextPath = L"schemaNamingContext"; } else if (sContext == szDomain) { sContextPath = L"defaultNamingContext"; } else if (sContext == szConfig) { sContextPath = L"configurationNamingContext"; } else // RootDSE
{ return S_FALSE; }
// Get data from connection node
CString sRootDSE, sServer, sPort, sLDAP; pConnectData->GetDomainServer(sServer); pConnectData->GetLDAP(sLDAP); pConnectData->GetPort(sPort);
if (sServer != _T("")) { sRootDSE = sLDAP + sServer; if (sPort != _T("")) { sRootDSE = sRootDSE + _T(":") + sPort + _T("/"); } else { sRootDSE = sRootDSE + _T("/"); } sRootDSE = sRootDSE + g_lpszRootDSE; } else { sRootDSE = sLDAP + g_lpszRootDSE; }
CComPtr<IADs> pADs; HRESULT hr, hCredResult;
hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( pConnectData, pConnectData->GetCredentialObject()->UseCredentials(), sRootDSE, IID_IADs, (LPVOID*) &pADs, NULL, hCredResult );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { if (SUCCEEDED(hCredResult)) { return hr; } return hCredResult; } VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); hr = pADs->Get( CComBSTR(sContextPath), &var );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { VariantClear(&var); return hr; }
BSTR bstrItem = V_BSTR(&var); pConnectData->m_sBasePath = bstrItem; VariantClear(&var);
return hr; }
HRESULT CConnectionData::GetSchemaPath(CString& sSchemaPath) { CString sLDAP, sServer, sPort, sTemp; GetLDAP(sLDAP); GetDomainServer(sServer); GetPort(sPort);
HRESULT hr = GetItemFromRootDSE(_T("schemaNamingContext"), sSchemaPath, this); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } if (sServer != _T("")) { sTemp = sLDAP + sServer; if (sPort != _T("")) { sTemp = sTemp + _T(":") + sPort + _T("/"); } else { sTemp = sTemp + _T("/"); } sSchemaPath = sTemp + sSchemaPath; } else { sSchemaPath = sLDAP + sSchemaPath; } m_sSchemaPath = sSchemaPath; return S_OK; }
void CConnectionData::GetAbstractSchemaPath(CString& sSchemaPath) { if (m_sAbstractSchemaPath == _T("")) { if (m_sDomainServer != _T("")) { sSchemaPath = m_sLDAP + m_sDomainServer; if (m_sPort != _T("")) { sSchemaPath = sSchemaPath + _T(":") + m_sPort + _T("/"); } else { sSchemaPath = sSchemaPath + _T("/"); } sSchemaPath = sSchemaPath + _T("schema") + _T("/"); } else { sSchemaPath = m_sLDAP + _T("schema") + _T("/"); } m_sAbstractSchemaPath = sSchemaPath; } else { sSchemaPath = m_sAbstractSchemaPath; } }
void CConnectionData::GetBaseLDAPPath(CString& sBasePath) { if (m_sDomainServer == _T("")) { sBasePath = m_sLDAP + sBasePath; } else { if (m_sPort == _T("")) { sBasePath = m_sDomainServer + _T("/") + sBasePath; } else { sBasePath = m_sDomainServer + _T(":") + m_sPort + _T("/") + sBasePath; } sBasePath = m_sLDAP + sBasePath; } }
void CConnectionData::SetIDirectoryInterface(IDirectoryObject* pDirObject) { if (m_pDirObject != NULL) { m_pDirObject->Release(); m_pDirObject = NULL; } if (pDirObject != NULL) { m_pDirObject = pDirObject; m_pDirObject->AddRef(); } }
// CADSIFilterObject
CADSIFilterObject::CADSIFilterObject() { m_bInUse = FALSE; }
CADSIFilterObject::CADSIFilterObject(CADSIFilterObject* pFilterObject) { m_sFilterString = pFilterObject->m_sFilterString; m_sUserFilter = pFilterObject->m_sUserFilter; CopyStringList(&m_ContainerList, &(pFilterObject->m_ContainerList)); m_bInUse = pFilterObject->m_bInUse; }
void CADSIFilterObject::GetFilterString(CString& sFilterString) { if (m_bInUse) { if (m_ContainerList.GetCount() != 0) { sFilterString = _T("(|") + m_sUserFilter; POSITION pos = m_ContainerList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString sContainer = m_ContainerList.GetNext(pos); sFilterString += _T("(objectCategory=") + sContainer + _T(")"); } sFilterString += _T(")"); } else { sFilterString = m_sUserFilter; } m_sFilterString = sFilterString; } else { sFilterString = L"(objectClass=*)"; } }
void CADSIFilterObject::Save(IStream* pStm) { ULONG cbWrite; ULONG nLen;
BOOL bInUse = InUse(); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Write((void*)&bInUse, sizeof(UINT),&cbWrite))); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(UINT)); if (InUse()) { SaveStringToStream(pStm, m_sUserFilter); SaveStringListToStream(pStm, m_ContainerList); } }
HRESULT CADSIFilterObject::CreateFilterFromStream(IStream* pStm, CADSIFilterObject** ppFilterObject) { ULONG nLen; // WCHAR counting NULL
ULONG cbRead;
*ppFilterObject = new CADSIFilterObject(); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pStm->Read((void*)&nLen,sizeof(UINT), &cbRead))); ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(UINT)); (*ppFilterObject)->SetInUse(nLen);
if ((*ppFilterObject)->InUse()) { CString sUserFilter; LoadStringFromStream(pStm, sUserFilter); (*ppFilterObject)->SetUserDefinedFilter(sUserFilter);
CStringList sContainerFilter; LoadStringListFromStream(pStm, sContainerFilter); (*ppFilterObject)->SetContainerList(&sContainerFilter); } return S_OK; }
// CADSIEditContainerNode
// {8690ABBB-CFF7-11d2-8801-00C04F72ED31}
const GUID CADSIEditContainerNode::NodeTypeGUID = { 0x8690abbb, 0xcff7, 0x11d2, { 0x88, 0x1, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x72, 0xed, 0x31 } };
CADSIEditContainerNode::CADSIEditContainerNode(CADsObject* pADsObject) : m_pPartitionsColumnSet(NULL) { m_pADsObject = pADsObject; m_nState = notLoaded; m_szDescriptionText = L""; }
CADSIEditContainerNode::CADSIEditContainerNode(CADSIEditContainerNode* pContNode) : m_pPartitionsColumnSet(NULL) { m_pADsObject = new CADsObject(pContNode->m_pADsObject); m_nState = notLoaded; CString sName; m_pADsObject->GetName(sName);
SetDisplayName(sName); m_szDescriptionText = L""; }
HRESULT CADSIEditContainerNode::OnCommand(long nCommandID, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1); // for now I am not allowing multiple selection for any of these
switch (nCommandID) { case IDM_MOVE : OnMove(pComponentData); break; case IDM_NEW_OBJECT : OnCreate(pComponentData); break; case IDM_NEW_CONNECT_FROM_HERE : OnConnectFromHere(pComponentData); break; case IDM_NEW_NC_CONNECT_FROM_HERE : OnConnectToNCFromHere(pComponentData); break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); // Unknown command!
return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
void CADSIEditContainerNode::OnConnectFromHere(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { //
// Retrieve the path to create the connection at
CADsObject* pADsObject = GetADsObject(); CString szDN, szPath, szName; pADsObject->GetDN(szDN); pADsObject->GetPath(szPath); pADsObject->GetName(szName);
// Create the new connection node
CConnectionData* pConnectData = pADsObject->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); CADSIEditConnectionNode* pNewConnectNode = new CADSIEditConnectionNode(pConnectData); pNewConnectNode->SetDisplayName(GetDisplayName()); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetBasePath(szDN); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetDistinguishedName(szDN); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetNamingContext(L""); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetDN(szDN); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetPath(szPath); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetName(szName);
// Add the new connection node to the root container
CADSIEditRootData* pRootData = (CADSIEditRootData*)pComponentData->GetRootData(); BOOL bResult = pRootData->AddChildToListAndUI(pNewConnectNode, pComponentData); ASSERT(bResult);
// Select the new connection node
pComponentData->UpdateResultPaneView(pNewConnectNode); }
void CADSIEditContainerNode::OnConnectToNCFromHere(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { //
// Retrieve the path to create the connection at
CADsObject* pADsObject = GetADsObject(); CString szDN, szPath, szName, szNCName; pADsObject->GetDN(szDN); pADsObject->GetPath(szPath); pADsObject->GetName(szName); szNCName = pADsObject->GetNCName();
ASSERT(!szNCName.IsEmpty()); if (!szNCName.IsEmpty()) { //
// Create the new connection node
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CConnectionData* pConnectData = pADsObject->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); CADSIEditConnectionNode* pNewConnectNode = new CADSIEditConnectionNode(pConnectData); if (pNewConnectNode) { pNewConnectNode->SetDisplayName(GetDisplayName()); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetBasePath(szNCName); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetDistinguishedName(szNCName); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetNamingContext(L""); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetDN(szNCName); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetName(szNCName);
CString szServer, szProvider; pConnectData->GetDomainServer(szServer); pConnectData->GetLDAP(szProvider);
do // false loop
{ //
// Crack the path to get the path to the new NC
CComPtr<IADsPathname> spPathCracker; hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (PVOID *)&(spPathCracker)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
hr = spPathCracker->Set(CComBSTR(szNCName), ADS_SETTYPE_DN); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
hr = spPathCracker->SetDisplayType(ADS_DISPLAY_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
hr = spPathCracker->Set(CComBSTR((PCWSTR)szServer), ADS_SETTYPE_SERVER); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
hr = spPathCracker->Set(CComBSTR(L"LDAP"), ADS_SETTYPE_PROVIDER); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
CComBSTR sbstrNewPath; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_X500, &sbstrNewPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
// Add the new connection node to the root container
CADSIEditRootData* pRootData = (CADSIEditRootData*)pComponentData->GetRootData(); BOOL bResult = pRootData->AddChildToListAndUI(pNewConnectNode, pComponentData); ASSERT(bResult);
// Select the new connection node
pComponentData->UpdateResultPaneView(pNewConnectNode); } while (false);
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pNewConnectNode; pNewConnectNode = 0; } } } }
HRESULT CADSIEditContainerNode::OnRename(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, LPWSTR lpszNewName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bLocked = IsThreadLocked(); ASSERT(!bLocked); // cannot do refresh on locked node, the UI should prevent this
if (bLocked) return hr; if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return S_FALSE; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); } ASSERT(!IsSheetLocked());
CString szPath, szOldPath; CADsObject* pADsObject = GetADsObject(); pADsObject->GetPath(szPath); szOldPath = szPath; CADSIEditConnectionNode* pConnectionNode = pADsObject->GetConnectionNode(); CConnectionData* pConnectData = pConnectionNode->GetConnectionData();
CComPtr<IADsPathname> spPathCracker; hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (PVOID *)&(spPathCracker)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
hr = spPathCracker->Set(CComBSTR(szPath), ADS_SETTYPE_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
hr = spPathCracker->SetDisplayType(ADS_DISPLAY_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrOldLeaf; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_LEAF, &bstrOldLeaf); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CString szOldLeaf = bstrOldLeaf; CString szPrefix; szPrefix = szOldLeaf.Left(szOldLeaf.Find(L'=') + 1);
hr = spPathCracker->RemoveLeafElement(); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrParentPath; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_X500, &bstrParentPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComPtr<IADsContainer> spDestination; CString sContPath(bstrParentPath); hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( pConnectData->GetCredentialObject(), bstrParentPath, IID_IADsContainer, (LPVOID*) &spDestination ); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
// Place the prefix in front of the name if it wasn't typed in by
// the user
CString szNewLeaf, szNewName = lpszNewName; if (szNewName.Find(L'=') == -1) { szNewLeaf = szPrefix + lpszNewName; } else { szNewLeaf = lpszNewName; } hr = spPathCracker->AddLeafElement(CComBSTR(szNewLeaf)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComPtr<IDispatch> spObject; hr = spDestination->MoveHere(CComBSTR(szOldPath), CComBSTR(szNewLeaf), &spObject); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComPtr<IADs> spIADs; hr = spObject->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (LPVOID*)&spIADs); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrPath; hr = spIADs->get_ADsPath(&bstrPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrDN; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_X500_DN, &bstrDN); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrLeaf; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_LEAF, &bstrLeaf); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
GetADsObject()->SetPath(bstrPath); GetADsObject()->SetName(bstrLeaf); GetADsObject()->SetDN(bstrDN);
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(this); OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList); return hr; }
void CADSIEditContainerNode::RefreshOverlappedTrees(CString& szPath, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { //
// REVIEW_JEFFJON : need to revisit this. I am getting different behavior for
// different verbs
// Refresh any other subtrees of connections that contain this node
CList<CTreeNode*, CTreeNode*> foundNodeList; CADSIEditRootData* pRootNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditRootData*>(GetRootContainer()); if (pRootNode != NULL) { BOOL bFound = pRootNode->FindNode(szPath, foundNodeList); if (bFound) { POSITION pos = foundNodeList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CADSIEditContainerNode* pFoundContNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(foundNodeList.GetNext(pos)); if (pFoundContNode != NULL) { if (pFoundContNode->IsSheetLocked()) { if (!pFoundContNode->CanCloseSheets()) continue; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(pFoundContNode); } ASSERT(!pFoundContNode->IsSheetLocked());
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(pFoundContNode); pFoundContNode->GetContainer()->OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList); } } } } }
void CADSIEditContainerNode::OnCreate(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { CThemeContextActivator activator; CCreatePageHolder* pHolder = new CCreatePageHolder(GetContainer(), this, pComponentData); ASSERT(pHolder != NULL); pHolder->SetSheetTitle(IDS_PROP_CONTAINER_TITLE, this); pHolder->DoModalWizard(); }
void CADSIEditContainerNode::OnMove(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { BOOL bLocked = IsThreadLocked(); ASSERT(!bLocked); // cannot do refresh on locked node, the UI should prevent this
if (bLocked) return; if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); } ASSERT(!IsSheetLocked());
HRESULT hr = S_OK, hCredResult; DWORD result; CComPtr<IADsContainer> pDSDestination = NULL; CComPtr<IDispatch> pDSObject = NULL; CString strDestPath; CString strTitle; strTitle.LoadString (IDS_MOVE_TITLE);
DSBROWSEINFO dsbi; ::ZeroMemory( &dsbi, sizeof(dsbi) );
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1]; CString str; str.LoadString(IDS_MOVE_TARGET);
CADSIEditConnectionNode* pConnectNode = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode(); CCredentialObject* pCredObject = pConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->GetCredentialObject();
CString strRootPath; GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetADsObject()->GetPath(strRootPath);
dsbi.hwndOwner = NULL; dsbi.cbStruct = sizeof (DSBROWSEINFO); dsbi.pszCaption = (LPWSTR)((LPCWSTR)strTitle); // this is actually the caption
dsbi.pszTitle = (LPWSTR)((LPCWSTR)str); dsbi.pszRoot = strRootPath; dsbi.pszPath = szPath; dsbi.cchPath = (sizeof(szPath) / sizeof(TCHAR)); dsbi.dwFlags = DSBI_INCLUDEHIDDEN | DSBI_RETURN_FORMAT; dsbi.pfnCallback = NULL; dsbi.lParam = 0; // dsbi.dwReturnFormat = ADS_FORMAT_X500;
// Specify credentials
CString sUserName; EncryptedString password; // NOTICE-NTRAID#NTBUG9-563071-2002/04/15-artm Temp. password buffer should not be held on stack.
// Rewrote to use encrypted string class. This has advantage of forcing
// us to zero out the clear text copy (by calling DestroyClearTextCopy()) as well
// as managing the memory for the password. See bug description for why it
// was a _bad_ thing to hold clear text copy on the stack.
WCHAR* cleartext = NULL;
if (pCredObject->UseCredentials()) { pCredObject->GetUsername(sUserName); password = pCredObject->GetPassword();
// This should never happen, but we'll check anyways.
ASSERT(password.GetLength() <= MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
dsbi.dwFlags |= DSBI_HASCREDENTIALS; dsbi.pUserName = sUserName;
cleartext = password.GetClearTextCopy();
// Clear text version of password can be NULL if we're out
// of memory. Let the user know that bad things are happening.
if (NULL == cleartext) { password.DestroyClearTextCopy(cleartext); ADSIEditErrorMessage(E_OUTOFMEMORY); return; }
dsbi.pPassword = cleartext; } result = DsBrowseForContainer( &dsbi ); // Clean up any clear text copies.
if (pCredObject->UseCredentials()) { password.DestroyClearTextCopy(cleartext); cleartext = NULL; }
if ( result == IDOK ) { // returns -1, 0, IDOK or IDCANCEL
// get path from BROWSEINFO struct, put in text edit field
TRACE(_T("returned from DS Browse successfully with:\n %s\n"), dsbi.pszPath); strDestPath = dsbi.pszPath;
// See if the destination is the same as the current parent. If so, do nothing
CADSIEditContainerNode* pContainer = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(GetContainer()); if (pContainer) { CString szPath; pContainer->GetADsObject()->GetPath(szPath);
if (szPath == strDestPath) { // No reason to do anything if the source and the destination are the same
return; } } CConnectionData* pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData();
hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( pConnectData, pConnectData->GetCredentialObject()->UseCredentials(), strDestPath, IID_IADsContainer, (LPVOID*) &pDSDestination, NULL, hCredResult ); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (SUCCEEDED(hCredResult)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); } return; }
CString sCurrentPath; GetADsObject()->GetPath(sCurrentPath); hr = pDSDestination->MoveHere(CComBSTR(sCurrentPath), NULL, &pDSObject); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return; }
// RefreshOverlappedTrees(sCurrentPath, pComponentData);
// RefreshOverlappedTrees(strDestPath, pComponentData);
delete this; } }
BOOL CADSIEditContainerNode::OnSetRenameVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1);
if (GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData()->IsGC()) { *pbHideVerb = TRUE; // always hide the verb
return FALSE; }
*pbHideVerb = FALSE; // always show the verb
return TRUE; }
BOOL CADSIEditContainerNode::OnSetDeleteVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { CADsObject* pADsObject = GetADsObject(); *pbHideVerb = FALSE; // always show the verb
if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ return !pADsObject->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData()->IsGC(); }
if (pADsObject->IsIntermediateNode() || pADsObject->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData()->IsGC()) { return FALSE; }
if (m_nState == loading) { return FALSE; }
if (IsThreadLocked()) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void CADSIEditContainerNode::OnDeleteMultiple(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_DELETE_OBJECTS, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) { POSITION pos = pNodeList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { //
// Check all the nodes to be sure that none have property pages up
// or their thread is locked
CTreeNode* pNode = pNodeList->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pNode != NULL); if (pNode->IsContainer()) { CADSIEditContainerNode* pContNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(pNode); ASSERT(pContNode != NULL);
BOOL bLocked = pContNode->IsThreadLocked(); ASSERT(!bLocked); // cannot do refresh on locked node, the UI should prevent this
if (bLocked) { return; } }
if (pNode->IsSheetLocked()) { if (!pNode->CanCloseSheets()) { return; } pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(pNode); } ASSERT(!pNode->IsSheetLocked()); }
// REVIEW_JEFFJON : this should really only bring up an error message after all
// the objects have attempted a delete
POSITION pos2 = pNodeList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos2 != NULL) { CTreeNode* pNode = pNodeList->GetNext(pos2); ASSERT(pNode != NULL);
CString sName, sClass, sPath; if (pNode->IsContainer()) { CADSIEditContainerNode* pContainerNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(pNode); ASSERT(pContainerNode != NULL);
pContainerNode->GetADsObject()->GetPath(sPath); pContainerNode->GetADsObject()->GetName(sName); pContainerNode->GetADsObject()->GetClass(sClass); } else { CADSIEditLeafNode* pLeafNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditLeafNode*>(pNode); ASSERT(pLeafNode != NULL);
pLeafNode->GetADsObject()->GetPath(sPath); pLeafNode->GetADsObject()->GetName(sName); pLeafNode->GetADsObject()->GetClass(sClass); }
HRESULT hr = DeleteChild(sClass, sPath);
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (HRESULT_CODE(hr) == ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_NON_LEAF) { hr = DeleteSubtree(sPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); } ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); ASSERT(pNode->GetContainer() != pNode); CContainerNode* pCont = pNode->GetContainer(); VERIFY(pCont->RemoveChildFromList(pNode)); ASSERT(pNode->GetContainer() == NULL); pNode->SetContainer(pCont); // not in the container's list of children, but still needed
// remove all the containers from UI only if the container is visible
// all the leaves will be removed by the framework
if (pCont->IsVisible()) { if (pNode->IsContainer()) { VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentData->DeleteNode(pNode))); // remove from the UI
} }
pComponentData->SetDescriptionBarText(this); delete pNode; pNode = NULL; } else { //
//Format Error message and pop up a dialog
ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); } } else // Delete Succeeded
{ ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); ASSERT(pNode->GetContainer() != pNode); CContainerNode* pCont = pNode->GetContainer(); VERIFY(pCont->RemoveChildFromList(pNode)); ASSERT(pNode->GetContainer() == NULL); pNode->SetContainer(pCont); // not in the container's list of children, but still needed
// remove all the containers from UI only if the container is visible
// all the leaves will be removed by the framework
if (pCont->IsVisible()) { VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentData->DeleteNode(pNode))); // remove from the UI
pComponentData->SetDescriptionBarText(this); delete pNode; pNode = NULL; } } } }
void CADSIEditContainerNode::OnDelete(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ OnDeleteMultiple(pComponentData, pNodeList); } else if (pNodeList->GetCount() == 1) // single selection
{ if (ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_DELETE_OBJECT, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) { CString sPath; GetADsObject()->GetPath(sPath);
BOOL bLocked = IsThreadLocked(); ASSERT(!bLocked); // cannot do refresh on locked node, the UI should prevent this
if (bLocked) return; if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); } ASSERT(!IsSheetLocked());
CADSIEditContainerNode* pContNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(GetContainer()); ASSERT(pContNode != NULL);
CString sClass; GetADsObject()->GetClass(sClass);
HRESULT hr = pContNode->DeleteChild(sClass, sPath);
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (HRESULT_CODE(hr) == ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_NON_LEAF) { if (ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_DELETE_CONTAINER, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) { hr = DeleteSubtree(sPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return; } } else { return; } } else { //Format Error message and pop up a dialog
ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return; } }
DeleteHelper(pComponentData); // RefreshOverlappedTrees(sPath, pComponentData);
delete this; } } }
BOOL CADSIEditContainerNode::FindNode(LPCWSTR lpszPath, CList<CTreeNode*, CTreeNode*>& foundNodeList) { CString szPath; GetADsObject()->GetPath(szPath);
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-563093-2002/03/04-artm Need to validate lpszPath before using.
// Need to check that lpszPath != NULL. Should also protect against a
// string that is not null terminated.
// Finally, if a maximum path length is known, use wcsncmp() instead.
if (wcscmp(lpszPath, (LPCWSTR)szPath) == 0) { foundNodeList.AddHead(this); return TRUE; }
BOOL bFound = FALSE;
// Look through the leaf child list first
POSITION leafPos; for (leafPos = m_leafChildList.GetHeadPosition(); leafPos != NULL; ) { CTreeNode* pNode = m_leafChildList.GetNext(leafPos); CADSIEditLeafNode* pLeafNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditLeafNode*>(pNode);
if (pLeafNode != NULL) { BOOL bTemp; bTemp = pLeafNode->FindNode(lpszPath, foundNodeList); if (!bFound) { bFound = bTemp; } } }
POSITION pos; for (pos = m_containerChildList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CTreeNode* pNode = m_containerChildList.GetNext(pos); CADSIEditContainerNode* pContNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(pNode);
if (pContNode != NULL) { BOOL bTemp; bTemp = pContNode->FindNode(lpszPath, foundNodeList); if (!bFound) { bFound = bTemp; } } } return bFound; }
HRESULT CADSIEditContainerNode::DeleteChild(LPCWSTR lpszClass, LPCWSTR lpszPath) { HRESULT hr, hCredResult; //
// Get the escaped name from the path
CComPtr<IADsPathname> spPathCracker; hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (PVOID *)&(spPathCracker)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
hr = spPathCracker->Set(CComBSTR(lpszPath), ADS_SETTYPE_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
hr = spPathCracker->SetDisplayType(ADS_DISPLAY_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
hr = spPathCracker->put_EscapedMode(ADS_ESCAPEDMODE_ON); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrChild; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_LEAF, &bstrChild); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
hr = spPathCracker->RemoveLeafElement(); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrParent; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_X500, &bstrParent); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComPtr<IADsContainer> pContainer;
CConnectionData* pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( pConnectData, pConnectData->GetCredentialObject()->UseCredentials(), bstrParent, IID_IADsContainer, (LPVOID*) &pContainer, NULL, hCredResult );
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (SUCCEEDED(hCredResult)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); } return E_FAIL; }
hr = pContainer->Delete(CComBSTR(lpszClass), bstrChild);
return hr; }
HRESULT CADSIEditContainerNode::DeleteSubtree(LPCWSTR lpszPath) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK, hCredResult; CComPtr<IADsDeleteOps> pObj = NULL;
CConnectionData* pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( pConnectData, pConnectData->GetCredentialObject()->UseCredentials(), lpszPath, IID_IADsDeleteOps, (LPVOID*) &pObj, NULL, hCredResult ); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = pObj->DeleteObject(NULL); //flag is reserved by ADSI
return hr; }
LPCWSTR CADSIEditContainerNode::GetString(int nCol) { CString sClass, sDN; GetADsObject()->GetClass(sClass); GetADsObject()->GetDN(sDN);
// NOTICE-2002/03/04-artm _wcsicmp() compares a constant string w/ a
// member field; member field should be null terminated so there
// should be no problem using _wcsicmp() here
if (GetContainer()->GetColumnSet()->GetColumnID() && _wcsicmp(GetContainer()->GetColumnSet()->GetColumnID(), COLUMNSET_ID_PARTITIONS) == 0) { switch(nCol) { case N_PARTITIONS_HEADER_NAME : return GetDisplayName(); case N_PARTITIONS_HEADER_NCNAME : return GetADsObject()->GetNCName(); case N_PARTITIONS_HEADER_TYPE : return sClass; case N_PARTITIONS_HEADER_DN : return sDN; default : return NULL; } } else { switch(nCol) { case N_HEADER_NAME : return GetDisplayName(); case N_HEADER_TYPE : return sClass; case N_HEADER_DN : return sDN; default : return NULL; } } }
BOOL CADSIEditContainerNode::HasPropertyPages(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() == 1) // single selection
{ *pbHideVerb = FALSE; // always show the verb
return TRUE; }
// Multiple selection
*pbHideVerb = TRUE; return FALSE; }
HRESULT CADSIEditContainerNode::CreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) { return S_OK; }
CWaitCursor cursor; CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject = ((CRootData*)(GetContainer()->GetRootContainer()))->GetComponentDataObject(); ASSERT(pComponentDataObject != NULL);
CADSIEditContainerNode* pCont = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(GetContainer()); ASSERT(pCont != NULL);
CString path; GetADsObject()->GetPath(path);
CString sServer, sClass; GetADsObject()->GetClass(sClass); GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData()->GetDomainServer(sServer);
CADSIEditPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = new CADSIEditPropertyPageHolder(pCont, this, pComponentDataObject, sClass, sServer, path); ASSERT(pHolder != NULL); pHolder->SetSheetTitle(IDS_PROP_CONTAINER_TITLE, this); HRESULT hr = pHolder->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle); if (FAILED(hr) || hr == S_FALSE) { delete pHolder; pHolder = 0; } return hr; }
BOOL CADSIEditContainerNode::OnAddMenuItem(LPCONTEXTMENUITEM2 pContextMenuItem, long *pInsertionAllowed) { CString sNC, sClass; CConnectionData* pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); pConnectData->GetNamingContext(sNC); GetADsObject()->GetClass(sClass);
if (pConnectData->IsGC() && pContextMenuItem->lCommandID != IDM_NEW_QUERY) { return FALSE; }
if ((pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_RENAME || pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_MOVE || pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_NEW_OBJECT || pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_NEW_QUERY || pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_NEW_CONNECT_FROM_HERE) && (m_nState == loading)) { pContextMenuItem->fFlags = MF_GRAYED; return TRUE; }
CString szNCName = GetADsObject()->GetNCName(); if (pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_NEW_NC_CONNECT_FROM_HERE) { if (szNCName.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
if (IsThreadLocked() && (pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_RENAME || pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_MOVE)) { pContextMenuItem->fFlags = MF_GRAYED; return TRUE; }
// Load the NC strings from the resource to use in the comparisons
CString szDomain; CString szSchema; CString szConfig; CString szRootDSE;
if (!szDomain.LoadString(IDS_DOMAIN_NC)) { szDomain = L"Domain"; }
if (!szSchema.LoadString(IDS_SCHEMA)) { szSchema = L"Schema"; }
if (!szConfig.LoadString(IDS_CONFIG_CONTAINER)) { szConfig = L"Configuration"; }
if (!szRootDSE.LoadString(IDS_ROOTDSE)) { szRootDSE = g_lpszRootDSE; }
if (GetADsObject()->IsIntermediateNode()) { if (pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_RENAME) { if (sNC.CompareNoCase(szSchema) == 0 || sNC.CompareNoCase(szRootDSE) == 0 || sNC.CompareNoCase(szConfig) == 0 || sNC.CompareNoCase(szDomain) == 0 || sClass.CompareNoCase(L"domainDNS") == 0) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } else if (pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_MOVE || pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_NEW_CONNECT_FROM_HERE) { return FALSE; } else if (pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_NEW_OBJECT || pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_NEW_QUERY) { // NOTICE-2002/03/04-artm wcscmp() safe here b/c
// arg1 is a CString (always null terminated) and arg2
// is a global constant
if (wcscmp(sNC, g_lpszRootDSE) == 0) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } } return TRUE; }
int CADSIEditContainerNode::GetImageIndex(BOOL bOpenImage) { int nIndex = 0; switch (m_nState) { case notLoaded: nIndex = FOLDER_IMAGE_NOT_LOADED; break; case loading: nIndex = FOLDER_IMAGE_LOADING; break; case loaded: nIndex = FOLDER_IMAGE_LOADED; break; case unableToLoad: nIndex = FOLDER_IMAGE_UNABLE_TO_LOAD; break; case accessDenied: nIndex = FOLDER_IMAGE_ACCESS_DENIED; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); } return nIndex; }
void CADSIEditContainerNode::OnChangeState(CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { switch (m_nState) { case notLoaded: case loaded: case unableToLoad: case accessDenied: { m_nState = loading; m_dwErr = 0; } break; case loading: { if (m_dwErr == 0) m_nState = loaded; else if (m_dwErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) m_nState = accessDenied; else m_nState = unableToLoad; } break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); } VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentDataObject->ChangeNode(this, CHANGE_RESULT_ITEM_ICON))); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentDataObject->UpdateVerbState(this))); }
BOOL CADSIEditContainerNode::CanCloseSheets() { //
// We can't do this with the new property page since it is not derived
// from the base class in MTFRMWK.
void CADSIEditContainerNode::OnHaveData(CObjBase* pObj, CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { CTreeNode* p = dynamic_cast<CTreeNode*>(pObj); ASSERT(p != NULL); if (p != NULL) { AddChildToListAndUI(p, pComponentDataObject); pComponentDataObject->SetDescriptionBarText(this); } }
void CADSIEditContainerNode::OnError(DWORD dwerr) { if (dwerr == ERROR_TOO_MANY_NODES) { // need to pop message
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator; CString szFmt; szFmt.LoadString(IDS_MSG_QUERY_TOO_MANY_ITEMS); CString szMsg; szMsg.Format(szFmt, GetDisplayName()); AfxMessageBox(szMsg); } else { ADSIEditErrorMessage(dwerr); } }
CQueryObj* CADSIEditContainerNode::OnCreateQuery() { CConnectionData* pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); if (!pConnectData->IsRootDSE()) { CADSIEditRootData* pRootData = static_cast<CADSIEditRootData*>(GetRootContainer()); CComponentDataObject* pComponentData = pRootData->GetComponentDataObject(); RemoveAllChildrenHelper(pComponentData);
CString sFilter; pConnectData->GetFilter()->GetFilterString(sFilter); CString path; GetADsObject()->GetPath(path);
CADSIEditQueryObject* pQuery = new CADSIEditQueryObject(path, sFilter, ADS_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, pConnectData->GetMaxObjectCount(), pConnectData->GetCredentialObject(), pConnectData->IsGC(), pConnectData->GetConnectionNode());
TRACE(_T("Sizeof query object: %i\n"), sizeof(CADSIEditQueryObject));
return pQuery; } return CMTContainerNode::OnCreateQuery(); }
BOOL CADSIEditContainerNode::OnSetRefreshVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHide, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData()->IsRootDSE()) { *pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; } *pbHide = FALSE;
if (m_nState == loading) { return FALSE; }
return !IsThreadLocked(); }
BOOL CADSIEditContainerNode::GetNamingAttribute(LPCWSTR lpszClass, CStringList* sNamingAttr) { CString sSchemaPath; CConnectionData* pConnectData = (GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode())->GetConnectionData();
pConnectData->GetAbstractSchemaPath(sSchemaPath); sSchemaPath += lpszClass;
CComPtr<IADsClass> pClass; HRESULT hr, hCredResult;
hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( pConnectData, pConnectData->GetCredentialObject()->UseCredentials(), sSchemaPath, IID_IADsClass, (LPVOID*) &pClass, NULL, hCredResult ); if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); hr = pClass->get_NamingProperties( &var );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { VariantClear(&var); return FALSE; }
hr = VariantToStringList(var, *sNamingAttr); if (FAILED(hr)) { VariantClear(&var); return FALSE; }
VariantClear(&var); return TRUE; }
BOOL CADSIEditContainerNode::BuildSchemaPath(CString& path) { CString sSchemaPath, sLDAP, sServer, sPort, sTemp; CConnectionData* m_pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); m_pConnectData->GetLDAP(sLDAP); m_pConnectData->GetDomainServer(sServer); m_pConnectData->GetPort(sPort); HRESULT hr = m_pConnectData->GetSchemaPath(sSchemaPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
if (sSchemaPath.IsEmpty()) { if (FAILED(GetItemFromRootDSE(_T("schemaNamingContext"), sSchemaPath, m_pConnectData))) { return FALSE; } if (sServer != _T("")) { sTemp = sLDAP + sServer; if (sPort != _T("")) { sTemp = sTemp + _T(":") + sPort + _T("/"); } else { sTemp = sTemp + _T("/"); } sSchemaPath = sTemp + sSchemaPath; } else { sSchemaPath = sLDAP + sSchemaPath; } m_pConnectData->SetSchemaPath(sSchemaPath); }
path = sSchemaPath; return TRUE; }
CColumnSet* CADSIEditContainerNode::GetColumnSet() { CColumnSet* pColumnSet = NULL;
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-563235-2002/03/04-artm Need to check that GetDisplayName()
// does not return NULL before passing to _wcsicmp().
if (_wcsicmp(GetDisplayName(), L"CN=Partitions") == 0) { //
// Since this is the partitions container we need to use a different column set
if (!m_pPartitionsColumnSet) { m_pPartitionsColumnSet = new CADSIEditColumnSet(COLUMNSET_ID_PARTITIONS); } pColumnSet = m_pPartitionsColumnSet; }
if (!pColumnSet) { CRootData* pRootData = (CRootData*)GetRootContainer(); pColumnSet = pRootData->GetColumnSet(); } return pColumnSet; }
// CADSIEditLeafNode
// {70B9C151-CFF7-11d2-8801-00C04F72ED31}
const GUID CADSIEditLeafNode::NodeTypeGUID = { 0x70b9c151, 0xcff7, 0x11d2, { 0x88, 0x1, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x72, 0xed, 0x31 } };
BOOL CADSIEditLeafNode::OnAddMenuItem(LPCONTEXTMENUITEM2 pContextMenuItem, long *pInsertionAllowed) { CString sNC; CConnectionData* pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); pConnectData->GetNamingContext(sNC);
if ((pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_RENAME || pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_MOVE) && pConnectData->IsGC()) { return FALSE; }
CString szNCName = GetADsObject()->GetNCName(); if (pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_NEW_NC_CONNECT_FROM_HERE) { if (szNCName.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// NOTICE-2002/03/04-artm wcscmp() is OK here
// arg1 is a CString (always null terminated), arg2 is global constant
if (pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_RENAME && (sNC == _T("Schema") || wcscmp(sNC, g_lpszRootDSE) == 0 || pConnectData->IsGC())) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
HRESULT CADSIEditLeafNode::OnCommand(long nCommandID, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1);
switch (nCommandID) { case IDM_MOVE : OnMove(pComponentData); break; case IDM_NEW_NC_CONNECT_FROM_HERE : OnConnectToNCFromHere(pComponentData); break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); // Unknown command!
return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
void CADSIEditLeafNode::OnConnectToNCFromHere(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { //
// Retrieve the path to create the connection at
CADsObject* pADsObject = GetADsObject(); CString szDN, szPath, szName, szNCName; pADsObject->GetDN(szDN); pADsObject->GetPath(szPath); pADsObject->GetName(szName); szNCName = pADsObject->GetNCName();
ASSERT(!szNCName.IsEmpty()); if (!szNCName.IsEmpty()) { //
// Create the new connection node
CConnectionData* pConnectData = pADsObject->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); CADSIEditConnectionNode* pNewConnectNode = new CADSIEditConnectionNode(pConnectData); if (pNewConnectNode) { pNewConnectNode->SetDisplayName(GetDisplayName()); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetBasePath(szNCName); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetDistinguishedName(szNCName); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetNamingContext(L""); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetDN(szNCName); pNewConnectNode->GetConnectionData()->SetName(szNCName);
CString szServer, szProvider; pConnectData->GetDomainServer(szServer); pConnectData->GetLDAP(szProvider);
do // false loop
{ //
// Crack the path to get the path to the new NC
CComPtr<IADsPathname> spPathCracker; hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (PVOID *)&(spPathCracker)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
hr = spPathCracker->Set(CComBSTR(szNCName), ADS_SETTYPE_DN); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
hr = spPathCracker->SetDisplayType(ADS_DISPLAY_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
hr = spPathCracker->Set(CComBSTR(szServer), ADS_SETTYPE_SERVER); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
hr = spPathCracker->Set(CComBSTR(L"LDAP"), ADS_SETTYPE_PROVIDER); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
CComBSTR sbstrNewPath; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_X500, &sbstrNewPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); break; }
// Add the new connection node to the root container
CADSIEditRootData* pRootData = (CADSIEditRootData*)pComponentData->GetRootData(); BOOL bResult = pRootData->AddChildToListAndUI(pNewConnectNode, pComponentData); ASSERT(bResult);
// Select the new connection node
pComponentData->UpdateResultPaneView(pNewConnectNode); } while (false);
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pNewConnectNode; pNewConnectNode = 0; } } } }
BOOL CADSIEditLeafNode::FindNode(LPCWSTR lpszPath, CList<CTreeNode*, CTreeNode*>& foundNodeList) { CString szPath; GetADsObject()->GetPath(szPath);
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-563093-2002/03/04-artm Need to validate lpszPath before using.
// Need to check that lpszPath != NULL. Should also protect against a
// string that is not null terminated.
// Finally, if a maximum path length is known, use wcsncmp() instead.
if (wcscmp(lpszPath, (LPCWSTR)szPath) == 0) { foundNodeList.AddHead(this); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
void CADSIEditLeafNode::RefreshOverlappedTrees(CString& szPath, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { // Refresh any other subtrees of connections that contain this node
CList<CTreeNode*, CTreeNode*> foundNodeList; CADSIEditRootData* pRootNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditRootData*>(GetRootContainer()); if (pRootNode != NULL) { BOOL bFound = pRootNode->FindNode(szPath, foundNodeList); if (bFound) { POSITION pos = foundNodeList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CADSIEditLeafNode* pFoundNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditLeafNode*>(foundNodeList.GetNext(pos)); // if (pFoundNode != NULL && pFoundNode != this)
if (pFoundNode != NULL) { if (pFoundNode->IsSheetLocked()) { if (!pFoundNode->CanCloseSheets()) continue; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(pFoundNode); } ASSERT(!pFoundNode->IsSheetLocked());
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(pFoundNode);
pFoundNode->GetContainer()->OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList); } } } } }
HRESULT CADSIEditLeafNode::OnRename(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, LPWSTR lpszNewName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return S_FALSE; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); } ASSERT(!IsSheetLocked());
CString szPath, szOldPath; CADsObject* pADsObject = GetADsObject(); pADsObject->GetPath(szPath); szOldPath = szPath; CADSIEditConnectionNode* pConnectionNode = pADsObject->GetConnectionNode(); CConnectionData* pConnectData = pConnectionNode->GetConnectionData();
CComPtr<IADsPathname> spPathCracker; hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (PVOID *)&(spPathCracker)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
hr = spPathCracker->Set(CComBSTR(szPath), ADS_SETTYPE_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
hr = spPathCracker->SetDisplayType(ADS_DISPLAY_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrOldLeaf; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_LEAF, &bstrOldLeaf); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CString szOldLeaf = bstrOldLeaf; CString szPrefix; szPrefix = szOldLeaf.Left(szOldLeaf.Find(L'=') + 1);
hr = spPathCracker->RemoveLeafElement(); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrParentPath; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_X500, &bstrParentPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComPtr<IADsContainer> spDestination; CString sContPath(bstrParentPath); hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( pConnectData->GetCredentialObject(), bstrParentPath, IID_IADsContainer, (LPVOID*) &spDestination ); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
// Place the prefix in front of the name if it wasn't typed in by
// the user
CString szNewLeaf, szNewName = lpszNewName; if (szNewName.Find(L'=') == -1) { szNewLeaf = szPrefix + lpszNewName; } else { szNewLeaf = lpszNewName; } hr = spPathCracker->AddLeafElement(CComBSTR(szNewLeaf)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComPtr<IDispatch> spObject; hr = spDestination->MoveHere(CComBSTR(szOldPath), CComBSTR(szNewLeaf), &spObject); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComPtr<IADs> spIADs; hr = spObject->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (LPVOID*)&spIADs); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrPath; hr = spIADs->get_ADsPath(&bstrPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrDN; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_X500_DN, &bstrDN); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
CComBSTR bstrLeaf; hr = spPathCracker->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_LEAF, &bstrLeaf); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return S_FALSE; }
GetADsObject()->SetPath(bstrPath); GetADsObject()->SetName(bstrLeaf); GetADsObject()->SetDN(bstrDN);
return hr; }
void CADSIEditLeafNode::OnMove(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); } ASSERT(!IsSheetLocked());
HRESULT hr = S_OK, hCredResult; DWORD result; CComPtr<IADsContainer> pDSDestination = NULL; CComPtr<IDispatch> pDSObject = NULL; CString strDestPath; CString strTitle; strTitle.LoadString (IDS_MOVE_TITLE);
DSBROWSEINFO dsbi; ::ZeroMemory( &dsbi, sizeof(dsbi) );
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1]; CString str; str.LoadString(IDS_MOVE_TARGET);
CString strRootPath; GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetADsObject()->GetPath(strRootPath);
dsbi.hwndOwner = NULL; dsbi.cbStruct = sizeof (DSBROWSEINFO); dsbi.pszCaption = (LPWSTR)((LPCWSTR)strTitle); // this is actually the caption
dsbi.pszTitle = (LPWSTR)((LPCWSTR)str); dsbi.pszRoot = strRootPath; dsbi.pszPath = szPath; dsbi.cchPath = (sizeof(szPath) / sizeof(TCHAR)); dsbi.dwFlags = DSBI_INCLUDEHIDDEN | DSBI_RETURN_FORMAT; dsbi.pfnCallback = NULL; dsbi.lParam = 0; result = DsBrowseForContainer( &dsbi ); if ( result == IDOK ) { // returns -1, 0, IDOK or IDCANCEL
// get path from BROWSEINFO struct, put in text edit field
TRACE(_T("returned from DS Browse successfully with:\n %s\n"), dsbi.pszPath); strDestPath = dsbi.pszPath;
// See if the destination is the same as the current parent. If so, do nothing
CADSIEditContainerNode* pContainer = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(GetContainer()); if (pContainer) { CString szPath; pContainer->GetADsObject()->GetPath(szPath);
if (szPath == strDestPath) { // No reason to do anything if the source and the destination are the same
return; } } CConnectionData* pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( pConnectData, pConnectData->GetCredentialObject()->UseCredentials(), strDestPath, IID_IADsContainer, (LPVOID*) &pDSDestination, NULL, hCredResult );
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (SUCCEEDED(hCredResult)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); } return; }
CString sCurrentPath; GetADsObject()->GetPath(sCurrentPath); hr = pDSDestination->MoveHere(CComBSTR(sCurrentPath), NULL, &pDSObject); if (FAILED(hr)) { ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return; }
DeleteHelper(pComponentData); // RefreshOverlappedTrees(sCurrentPath, pComponentData);
// RefreshOverlappedTrees(strDestPath, pComponentData);
delete this; } }
CADSIEditLeafNode::CADSIEditLeafNode(CADSIEditLeafNode* pLeafNode) { m_pADsObject = new CADsObject(pLeafNode->m_pADsObject); CString sName; m_pADsObject->GetName(sName);
SetDisplayName(sName); }
BOOL CADSIEditLeafNode::OnSetRenameVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1);
if (GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData()->IsGC()) { *pbHideVerb = TRUE; // always hide the verb
return FALSE; }
*pbHideVerb = FALSE; // always show the verb
return TRUE; }
BOOL CADSIEditLeafNode::OnSetDeleteVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1);
if (GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData()->IsGC()) { *pbHideVerb = TRUE; // always hide the verb
return FALSE; }
*pbHideVerb = FALSE; // always show the verb
return TRUE; }
void CADSIEditLeafNode::OnDelete(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1);
if (ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_DELETE_OBJECT, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) { if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); } ASSERT(!IsSheetLocked());
CADSIEditContainerNode* pContNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(GetContainer()); ASSERT(pContNode != NULL);
CString sName, sClass, sPath; GetADsObject()->GetName(sName); GetADsObject()->GetClass(sClass); GetADsObject()->GetPath(sPath);
HRESULT hr; hr = pContNode->DeleteChild(sClass, sPath);
if (FAILED(hr)) { //Format Error message and pop up a dialog
ADSIEditErrorMessage(hr); return; }
// RefreshOverlappedTrees(sPath, pComponentData);
DeleteHelper(pComponentData); pComponentData->SetDescriptionBarText(pContNode); delete this; } }
LPCWSTR CADSIEditLeafNode::GetString(int nCol) { CString sClass, sDN; GetADsObject()->GetClass(sClass); GetADsObject()->GetDN(sDN);
// NOTICE-2002/03/04-artm _wcsicmp() OK here
// arg1 is a member field (and should be null terminated),
// arg2 is a constant
if (GetContainer()->GetColumnSet()->GetColumnID() && _wcsicmp(GetContainer()->GetColumnSet()->GetColumnID(), COLUMNSET_ID_PARTITIONS) == 0) { switch(nCol) { case N_PARTITIONS_HEADER_NAME : return GetDisplayName(); case N_PARTITIONS_HEADER_NCNAME : return GetADsObject()->GetNCName(); case N_PARTITIONS_HEADER_TYPE : return sClass; case N_PARTITIONS_HEADER_DN : return sDN; default : return NULL; } } else { switch(nCol) { case N_HEADER_NAME : return GetDisplayName(); case N_HEADER_TYPE : return sClass; case N_HEADER_DN : return sDN; default : return NULL; } } }
int CADSIEditLeafNode::GetImageIndex(BOOL bOpenImage) { return RECORD_IMAGE_BASE; }
BOOL CADSIEditLeafNode::HasPropertyPages(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1); *pbHideVerb = FALSE; // always show the verb
return TRUE; }
HRESULT CADSIEditLeafNode::CreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) { return S_OK; }
CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject = ((CRootData*)(GetContainer()->GetRootContainer()))->GetComponentDataObject(); ASSERT(pComponentDataObject != NULL); CString path; GetADsObject()->GetPath(path);
CString sServer, sClass; GetADsObject()->GetClass(sClass); GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData()->GetDomainServer(sServer);
CADSIEditContainerNode *pContNode = dynamic_cast<CADSIEditContainerNode*>(GetContainer()); ASSERT(pContNode != NULL);
CADSIEditPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = new CADSIEditPropertyPageHolder(pContNode, this, pComponentDataObject, sClass, sServer, path ); ASSERT(pHolder != NULL); pHolder->SetSheetTitle(IDS_PROP_CONTAINER_TITLE, this); return pHolder->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle); }
BOOL CADSIEditLeafNode::BuildSchemaPath(CString& path) { return ((CADSIEditContainerNode*)m_pContainer)->BuildSchemaPath(path); }
BOOL CADSIEditLeafNode::CanCloseSheets() { //
// We can't do this with the new property page since it is not derived
// from the base class in MTFRMWK.
// CADSIEditQuery
BOOL CADSIEditQueryObject::Enumerate() { CADSIQueryObject enumSearch;
// Initialize search object with path, username and password
HRESULT hCredResult = S_OK; HRESULT hr = enumSearch.Init(m_sPath, &m_credentialObject); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); return FALSE; }
TRACE(_T("Sizeof CredentialObject: %i\n"), sizeof(CCredentialObject));
int cCols = 2; LPWSTR pszAttributes[] = {L"aDSPath", L"nCName" };
hr = enumSearch.SetSearchPrefs(m_Scope, m_ulMaxObjectCount); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); return FALSE; }
enumSearch.SetFilterString((LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)m_sFilter); enumSearch.SetAttributeList (pszAttributes, cCols); hr = enumSearch.DoQuery(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GetResults(enumSearch); } else { OnError(hr); }
return FALSE; }
void CADSIEditQueryObject::GetResults(CADSIQueryObject& enumSearch) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
QUERY_STATE dwErr = QUERY_OK; ULONG nObjectCount = 0; ASSERT(nObjectCount <= m_ulMaxObjectCount);
while (true) { hr = enumSearch.GetNextRow(); if (hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS) { break; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { OnError(hr); break; }
// Get the NCName. Note this will be empty for all objects except
// crossRef objects for app directory partitions (formerly known as NDNCs)
CString szNCName; hr = enumSearch.GetColumn(L"nCName", &ColumnData); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ColumnData.pADsValues) { szNCName = ColumnData.pADsValues->DNString; enumSearch.FreeColumn(&ColumnData); }
// Get the path column
bNeedToFreeColumnData = FALSE; hr = enumSearch.GetColumn(L"aDSPath", &ColumnData); if (FAILED(hr)) { enumSearch.FreeColumn(&ColumnData); bNeedToFreeColumnData = FALSE;
// if we can't get the path there must be something extremely wrong since the
// since the path is guaranteed, so we should break instead of continuing
break; } bNeedToFreeColumnData = TRUE; if (nObjectCount >= m_ulMaxObjectCount) { dwErr = ERROR_TOO_MANY_NODES; OnError(dwErr); break; } CString sPath(ColumnData.pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString);
CComPtr<IDirectoryObject> spDirObject; hr = OpenObjectWithCredentials( &m_credentialObject, sPath, IID_IDirectoryObject, (LPVOID*) &spDirObject ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("Unable to bind to new object. Creating incomplete object. hr=0x%x\n"), hr); // Create an incomplete object
CreateNewObject(sPath, NULL, szNCName);
if (bNeedToFreeColumnData) { enumSearch.FreeColumn(&ColumnData); bNeedToFreeColumnData = FALSE; } continue; }
ASSERT(pInfo == NULL); hr = spDirObject->GetObjectInformation(&pInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE(_T("Unable to get object info. Creating incomplete object. hr=0x%x\n"), hr);
// Create an incomplete object
CreateNewObject(sPath, NULL, szNCName);
if (bNeedToFreeColumnData) { enumSearch.FreeColumn(&ColumnData); bNeedToFreeColumnData = FALSE; }
continue; }
ASSERT(pInfo != NULL); TRACE(_T("Creating complete object\n"));
// Create a complete object
CreateNewObject(sPath, pInfo, szNCName);
FreeADsMem(pInfo); pInfo = NULL;
enumSearch.FreeColumn(&ColumnData); bNeedToFreeColumnData = FALSE; nObjectCount++; } // while
if (pInfo != NULL) { FreeADsMem(pInfo); }
if (bNeedToFreeColumnData) { enumSearch.FreeColumn(&ColumnData); }
void CADSIEditQueryObject::CreateNewObject(CString& sPath, ADS_OBJECT_INFO* pInfo, PCWSTR pszNCName) { CADsObject* pObject = new CADsObject(m_pConnectNode); if (pObject) { pObject->SetNCName(pszNCName);
if (pInfo != NULL) { // This means we have a complete object
// Get the leaf name via PathCracker
CString sDisplayName, sDN; CrackPath(sPath, sDisplayName, sDN); pObject->SetName(sDisplayName); pObject->SetDN(sDN);
// make the prefix uppercase
int idx = sDisplayName.Find(L'='); if (idx != -1) { CString sPrefix, sRemaining; sPrefix = sDisplayName.Left(idx); sPrefix.MakeUpper();
int iCount = sDisplayName.GetLength(); sRemaining = sDisplayName.Right(iCount - idx); sDisplayName = sPrefix + sRemaining; }
pObject->SetClass(pInfo->pszClassName); pObject->SetComplete(TRUE);
if (IsContainer(pInfo->pszClassName, pInfo->pszSchemaDN)) { TRACE(_T("IsContainer returned TRUE\n")); CADSIEditContainerNode* pContNode = new CADSIEditContainerNode(pObject); pObject = NULL; pContNode->SetDisplayName(sDisplayName);
pContNode->GetADsObject()->SetConnectionNode(m_pConnectNode); VERIFY(AddQueryResult(pContNode)); } else { TRACE(_T("IsContainer returned FALSE\n")); CADSIEditLeafNode *pLeafNode = new CADSIEditLeafNode(pObject); pObject = NULL; pLeafNode->SetDisplayName(sDisplayName); pLeafNode->GetADsObject()->SetConnectionNode(m_pConnectNode); VERIFY(AddQueryResult(pLeafNode)); } } else { // Get the leaf name and DN via PathCracker
CString sCrackPath, sDN; CrackPath(sPath, sCrackPath, sDN); pObject->SetName(sCrackPath); pObject->SetDN(sDN); pObject->SetPath(sPath);
CString sDisplayName; sDisplayName = sPath;
// Make the prefix upper case
int idx = sDisplayName.Find(L'='); if (idx != -1) { CString sPrefix, sRemaining; sPrefix = sDisplayName.Left(idx); sPrefix.MakeUpper();
int iCount = sDisplayName.GetLength(); sRemaining = sDisplayName.Right(iCount - idx); sDisplayName = sPrefix + sRemaining; } pObject->SetComplete(FALSE);
// Make all nodes that were of undetermined type leaf nodes
CADSIEditLeafNode *pLeafNode = new CADSIEditLeafNode(pObject); pObject = NULL;
pLeafNode->SetDisplayName(sCrackPath); pLeafNode->GetADsObject()->SetConnectionNode(m_pConnectNode); VERIFY(AddQueryResult(pLeafNode)); } }
if (pObject != NULL) { delete pObject; pObject = NULL; } }
void CADSIEditQueryObject::CrackPath(const CString sName, CString& sPath, CString& sDN) { HRESULT hr = PathCracker()->Set(CComBSTR(sName), ADS_SETTYPE_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE(_T("Set failed. %s"), hr); }
// Get the current escaped mode
LONG lEscapedMode = ADS_ESCAPEDMODE_DEFAULT; hr = PathCracker()->get_EscapedMode(&lEscapedMode);
hr = PathCracker()->put_EscapedMode(ADS_ESCAPEDMODE_OFF_EX);
// Get the leaf name
CComBSTR bstrPath; hr = PathCracker()->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_LEAF, &bstrPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE(_T("Failed to get element. %s"), hr); sPath = L""; } else { sPath = bstrPath; }
// Put the escaped mode back to what it was
hr = PathCracker()->put_EscapedMode(lEscapedMode);
// Get the leaf DN
CComBSTR bstrDN; hr = PathCracker()->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_X500_DN, &bstrDN); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE(_T("Failed to get element. %s"), hr); sDN = L""; } else { sDN = bstrDN; } }
IADsPathname* CADSIEditQueryObject::PathCracker() { if (m_pPathCracker == NULL) { HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (PVOID *)&(m_pPathCracker)); ASSERT((S_OK == hr) && ((m_pPathCracker) != NULL)); } return m_pPathCracker; }
bool CADSIEditQueryObject::IsContainer(PCWSTR pszClass, PCWSTR pszPath) { return m_pConnectNode->IsClassAContainer(&m_credentialObject, pszClass, pszPath); }