Module Name:
Abstract: This is the header file for the LDAP utility functions.
#ifndef _LDAPUTILS_H
#define _LDAPUTILS_H
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <winldap.h> // For LDAP APIs.
#include <ntdsapi.h>
#include <schedule.h>
// Defines Values;
#define MAX_RDN_KEY_SIZE 64 // ds\src\inc\ntdsa.h
#define CN_SYSTEM _T("System")
#define CN_FRS _T("File Replication Service")
#define CN_DFSVOLUMES _T("DFS Volumes")
#define CN_NTFRSSUBSCRIPTIONS _T("NTFRS Subscriptions")
#define CN_DFSCONFIGURATION _T("Dfs-Configuration")
#define CN_COMPUTERS _T("Computers")
#define CN_DFSVOLUMES_PREFIX _T(",CN=DFS Volumes,CN=File Replication Service,CN=System")
#define CN_DFSVOLUMES_PREFIX_COMMA _T(",CN=DFS Volumes,CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,")
#define OBJCLASS_ATTRIBUTENAME _T("objectClass")
typedef struct _LDAPNAME { CComBSTR bstrLDAPName; _LDAPNAME *Next;
_LDAPNAME():Next(NULL) { }
// This holds a linked list of LDAP attributes and value.
// Used in ldap_add, ldap_modify etc.
typedef struct _LDAP_ATTR_VALUE { CComBSTR bstrAttribute; // Attribute name.
void* vpValue; // Pointer to value buffer, void pointer to handle char as
// well as binary values.
BOOLEAN bBerValue; // Is this a BerValue?
ULONG ulLength; // Size of a BerValue;
_LDAP_ATTR_VALUE* Next; // The bBerValue fields of the structures other than
// the head of the list are ignored.
_LDAP_ATTR_VALUE(): vpValue(NULL), bBerValue(false), ulLength(0), Next(NULL) { }
typedef struct _LDAPLLIST { PLDAP_ATTR_VALUE pAttrValues; _LDAPLLIST *Next;
typedef struct _LLISTELEM { PTSTR** pppszAttrValues; _LLISTELEM *Next;
_LLISTELEM(PTSTR** pppszValues): pppszAttrValues(pppszValues), Next(NULL) { }
~_LLISTELEM() { PTSTR** pppszValues = pppszAttrValues; while (*pppszValues) ldap_value_free(*pppszValues++);
free(pppszAttrValues); } } LListElem;
HRESULT FreeLDAPNamesList ( IN PLDAPNAME i_pLDAPNames // pointer to list to be freed.
HRESULT FreeAttrValList ( IN PLDAP_ATTR_VALUE i_pAttrVals // pointer to list to be freed.
); // Connect To DS (LDAP)
HRESULT ConnectToDS ( IN PCTSTR i_lpszDomainName, // DNS or non DNS format.
OUT PLDAP *o_ppldap, OUT BSTR* o_pbstrDC = NULL );
// Close connection to DS
HRESULT CloseConnectionToDS ( IN PLDAP i_pldap );
// Gets Values for an attribute from an LDAP Object.
HRESULT GetValues ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN PCTSTR i_lpszBase, IN PCTSTR i_lpszSearchFilter, IN ULONG i_ulScope, IN ULONG i_ulAttrCount, IN LDAP_ATTR_VALUE i_pAttributes[], OUT PLDAP_ATTR_VALUE o_ppValues[] );
void FreeLListElem(LListElem* pElem);
HRESULT GetValuesEx ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN PCTSTR i_pszBase, IN ULONG i_ulScope, IN PCTSTR i_pszSearchFilter, IN PCTSTR i_pszAttributes[], OUT LListElem** o_ppElem );
// Gets the DNs of all children of a DS object.
HRESULT GetChildrenDN ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszBase, IN ULONG i_ulScope, IN LPTSTR i_lpszChildObjectClass, OUT PLDAPNAME* o_ppDistNames );
// Internal function to prepare LDAPMod
HRESULT PrepareLDAPMods ( IN LDAP_ATTR_VALUE i_pAttrValue[], IN LDAP_ENTRY_ACTION i_AddModDel, IN ULONG i_ulCountOfVals, OUT LDAPMod* o_ppModVals[] );
// Adds a new record or values.
HRESULT AddValues ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_DN, IN ULONG i_ulCountOfVals, OUT LDAP_ATTR_VALUE i_pAttrValue[], IN BSTR i_bstrDC = NULL );
// Modifies an existing record or values.
HRESULT ModifyValues ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_DN, IN ULONG i_ulCountOfVals, OUT LDAP_ATTR_VALUE i_pAttrValue[] );
// Deletes values from an existing record or values.
HRESULT DeleteValues ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_DN, IN ULONG i_ulCountOfVals, IN LDAP_ATTR_VALUE i_pAttrValue[] );
// Deletes an object from DS.
HRESULT DeleteDSObject ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_DN, IN bool i_bDeleteRecursively = true );
// Free ModVals.
HRESULT FreeModVals ( IN OUT LDAPMod ***io_pppMod );
// Gets a string corresponding to the ldap error code.
LPTSTR ErrorString ( DWORD i_ldapErrCode );
// Checks if an object with given DN exists.
HRESULT IsValidObject ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrObjectDN );
// Gets the DN of an object given old style name.
HRESULT CrackName( IN HANDLE i_hDS, IN LPTSTR i_lpszOldTypeName, IN DS_NAME_FORMAT i_formatIn, IN DS_NAME_FORMAT i_formatdesired, OUT BSTR* o_pbstrResult );
// return S_FALSE if it's not NT5 domain
HRESULT GetDomainInfo( IN LPCTSTR i_bstrDomain, OUT BSTR* o_pbstrDC = NULL, // return DC's Dns name
OUT BSTR* o_pbstrDomainDnsName = NULL, // return Domain's Dns name
OUT BSTR* o_pbstrDomainDN = NULL, // return DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com
OUT BSTR* o_pbstrLDAPDomainPath = NULL,// return LDAP://<DC>/<DomainDN>
OUT BSTR* o_pbstrDomainGuid = NULL // return Domain's guid
void DebugOutLDAPError( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN ULONG i_ulError, IN PCTSTR i_pszLDAPFunctionName );
HRESULT ExtendDN ( IN LPTSTR i_lpszCN, IN LPTSTR i_lpszDN, OUT BSTR *o_pbstrNewDN );
HRESULT ExtendDNIfLongJunctionName ( IN LPTSTR i_lpszJunctionName, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszBaseDN, OUT BSTR *o_pbstrNewDN );
HRESULT GetJunctionPathPartitions ( OUT PVOID *o_ppBuffer, OUT DWORD *o_pdwEntries, IN LPCTSTR i_pszJunctionPath );
HRESULT CreateExtraNodesIfLongJunctionName ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszJunctionName, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszBaseDN, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszObjClass );
HRESULT DeleteExtraNodesIfLongJunctionName ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszJunctionName, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszDN );
HRESULT CreateObjectSimple ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszDN, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszObjClass );
HRESULT CreateObjectsRecursively ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrDN, IN UINT i_nLenPrefix, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszObjClass );
HRESULT DeleteAncestorNodesIfEmpty ( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszDN, IN DWORD i_dwCount );
// Replace all occurences of '\' with '|' in the given string.
HRESULT ReplaceChar ( IN OUT BSTR io_bstrString, IN TCHAR i_cOldChar, IN TCHAR i_cNewChar );
HRESULT GetDfsLinkNameFromDN( IN BSTR i_bstrReplicaSetDN, OUT BSTR* o_pbstrDfsLinkName );
HRESULT GetSubscriberDN( IN BSTR i_bstrReplicaSetDN, IN BSTR i_bstrDomainGuid, IN BSTR i_bstrComputerDN, OUT BSTR* o_pbstrSubscriberDN );
HRESULT CreateNtfrsMemberObject( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrMemberDN, IN BSTR i_bstrComputerDN, IN BSTR i_bstrDCofComputerObj );
HRESULT CreateNtfrsSubscriberObject( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrSubscriberDN, IN BSTR i_bstrMemberDN, IN BSTR i_bstrRootPath, IN BSTR i_bstrStagingPath, IN BSTR i_bstrDC );
HRESULT CreateNtdsConnectionObject( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrConnectionDN, IN BSTR i_bstrFromMemberDN, IN BOOL i_bEnable, IN DWORD i_dwOptions );
HRESULT CreateNtfrsSettingsObjects( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrReplicaSetDN );
HRESULT DeleteNtfrsReplicaSetObjectAndContainers( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrReplicaSetDN );
HRESULT CreateNtfrsSubscriptionsObjects( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrSubscriberDN, IN BSTR i_bstrComputerDN );
HRESULT DeleteNtfrsSubscriberObjectAndContainers( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrSubscriberDN, IN BSTR i_bstrComputerDN );
HRESULT DeleteDSObjectsIfEmpty( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszDN, IN int i_nPrefixLength );
HRESULT SetConnectionSchedule( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrConnectionDN, IN SCHEDULE* i_pSchedule);
HRESULT SetConnectionOptions( IN PLDAP i_pldap, IN BSTR i_bstrConnectionDN, IN DWORD i_dwOptions);
HRESULT UuidToStructuredString( UUID* i_pUuid, BSTR* o_pbstr );
HRESULT ScheduleToVariant( IN SCHEDULE* i_pSchedule, OUT VARIANT* o_pVar );
HRESULT VariantToSchedule( IN VARIANT* i_pVar, OUT PSCHEDULE* o_ppSchedule );
HRESULT CompareSchedules( IN SCHEDULE* i_pSchedule1, IN SCHEDULE* i_pSchedule2 );
HRESULT CopySchedule( IN SCHEDULE* i_pSrcSchedule, OUT PSCHEDULE* o_ppDstSchedule );
HRESULT GetDefaultSchedule( OUT PSCHEDULE* o_ppSchedule );
HRESULT GetSchemaVersion(IN PLDAP i_pldap);
HRESULT GetSchemaVersionEx( IN BSTR i_bstrName, IN BOOL i_bServer = TRUE // TRUE if i_bstrName is a server, FALSE if i_bstrName is a domain
HRESULT LdapConnectToDC(IN LPCTSTR i_pszDC, OUT PLDAP* o_ppldap);
HRESULT GetErrorMessage( IN DWORD i_dwError, OUT BSTR* o_pbstrErrorMsg );
HRESULT FormatMessageString( OUT BSTR *o_pbstrMsg, IN DWORD dwErr, IN UINT iStringId, ...);
HRESULT DsBindToDS(BSTR i_bstrDomain, BSTR *o_pbstrDC, HANDLE *o_phDS);
#ifdef DEBUG
void PrintTimeDelta(LPCTSTR pszMsg, SYSTEMTIME* pt0, SYSTEMTIME* pt1); #endif // DEBUG
#endif //#ifndef _LDAPUTILS_H