Module Name:
Abstract: This is the header file for the utility functions for Network APIs.
#ifndef _NETUTILS_H
#define _NETUTILS_H
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <wtypes.h> // For define types like DWORD, HANDLE etc.
#include <oleauto.h> // For SysAllocString().
#include <lmerr.h> // For Lan Manager API error codes and return value types.
#include <lmcons.h> // For Lan Manager API constants.
#include <lmserver.h> // For Server specific Lan Manager APIs.
#include <lmaccess.h> // For NetGetDCInfo.
#include <lmapibuf.h> // For NetApiBufferFree.
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <dsclient.h>
#include <lmwksta.h>
#include <lmshare.h>
#include <icanon.h> // I_Net
#include "dfsenums.h"
#include <list>
using namespace std;
class NETNAME // Structure to store and send a list of names
{ public: CComBSTR bstrNetName; // To store Name of Domain, Server, Share etc.
class ROOTINFO { public: CComBSTR bstrRootName; enum DFS_TYPE enumRootType; };
class SUBSCRIBER { public: CComBSTR bstrMemberDN; CComBSTR bstrRootPath; };
H E L P E R F U N C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Recursive function to flatten the domain tree returned by GetDomains() method
// of IBrowserDomainTree into a NETNAME list.
// This is done by using a depth first algorithm.
// Used in Get50Domains().
HRESULT FlatAdd ( IN DOMAIN_DESC* i_pDomDesc, // Pointer to the Domain Description Structure returned by IBrowserDomainTree::GetDomains()
OUT NETNAMELIST* o_pDomainList // Pointer to the list of NETNAME is returned here.
D O M A I N R E L A T E D F U N C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Returns the list of all 5.0 domains present in the DS Domain Tree only.
// The domain names will be in DNS forms
HRESULT Get50Domains ( OUT NETNAMELIST* o_pDomains // List of NETNAME structures.
// Contacts the domain and determines if it is 5.0 Domain.
// The domain name can be in DNS form.
// returns the netbios name if second parameter is not null.
HRESULT Is50Domain ( IN BSTR i_bstrDomain, OUT BSTR* o_bstrDnsDomainName = NULL );
S E R V E R R E L A T E D F U N C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Gets the domain, and OS version of a machine.
// If the last parameter in not null the the current
// machine name is returned in it.
HRESULT GetServerInfo ( IN BSTR i_bstrServer, // NULL means use current server.
OUT BSTR *o_pbstrDomain = NULL, OUT BSTR *o_pbstrNetbiosName = NULL, OUT BOOL *o_pbValidDSObject = NULL, OUT BSTR *o_pbstrDnsName = NULL, OUT BSTR *o_pbstrGuid = NULL, OUT BSTR *o_pbstrFQDN = NULL, OUT SUBSCRIBERLIST *o_pFRSRootList = NULL, OUT long *o_lMajorNo = NULL, OUT long *o_lMinorNo = NULL );
HRESULT IsServerRunningDfs ( IN BSTR i_bstrServer );
BOOL CheckReparsePoint(IN BSTR i_bstrServer, IN BSTR i_bstrShare);
HRESULT CheckShare ( IN BSTR i_bstrServer, IN BSTR i_bstrShare, OUT BOOL* o_pbFound );
HRESULT CreateShare ( IN BSTR i_bstrServerName, IN BSTR i_bstrShareName, IN BSTR i_bstrComment, IN BSTR i_bstrPath );
// Checks if \\<server>\<share>\x\y\z is on a valid disktree share
// and return the path local to the server
HRESULT GetFolderInfo ( IN BSTR i_bstrServerName, // <server>
IN BSTR i_bstrFolder, // <share>\x\y\z
OUT BSTR *o_bstrPath = NULL // return <share path>\x\y\z
void FreeNetNameList(NETNAMELIST *pList); void FreeRootInfoList(ROOTINFOLIST *pList); void FreeSubscriberList(SUBSCRIBERLIST *pList);
HRESULT GetLocalComputerName(OUT BSTR* o_pbstrComputerName);
HRESULT GetDomainDfsRoots( OUT NETNAMELIST* o_pDfsRootList, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszDomainName );
HRESULT GetMultiDfsRoots( OUT ROOTINFOLIST* o_pDfsRootList, IN LPCTSTR i_lpszScope );
bool IsDfsPath ( LPTSTR i_lpszNetPath ); */
HRESULT CheckUNCPath( IN LPCTSTR i_lpszPath );
HRESULT GetUNCPathComponent( IN LPCTSTR i_lpszPath, OUT BSTR* o_pbstrComponent, IN UINT i_nStartBackslashes, // index starting from 1
IN UINT i_nEndBackslashes // index starting from 1
BOOL FilterMatch(LPCTSTR lpszString, FILTERDFSLINKS_TYPE lLinkFilterType, LPCTSTR lpszFilter);
HRESULT IsHostingDfsRoot(IN BSTR i_bstrServer, OUT BSTR* o_pbstrRootEntryPath = NULL);
void GetTimeDelta(LPCTSTR str, SYSTEMTIME* ptime0, SYSTEMTIME* ptime1); */ #endif //#ifndef _NETUTILS_H