// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: zone.cpp
#include "preDNSsn.h"
#include <SnapBase.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "dnsutil.h"
#include "DNSSnap.h"
#include "snapdata.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "record.h"
#include "zone.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CDNSZoneNode
// {720132B9-44B2-11d1-B92F-00A0C9A06D2D}
const GUID CDNSZoneNode::NodeTypeGUID = { 0x720132b9, 0x44b2, 0x11d1, { 0xb9, 0x2f, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0xa0, 0x6d, 0x2d } };
extern ZONE_TYPE_MAP _ZoneTypeStrings[];
CDNSZoneNode::CDNSZoneNode() { ASSERT(!IsDelegation()); m_pZoneNode = this; // the zone is us
m_pZoneInfoEx = new CDNSZoneInfoEx; // empty object with no data inside
// data valid when zone info not available
m_dwZoneFlags = 0x0; m_wZoneType = 0x0;
CDNSZoneNode::~CDNSZoneNode() { TRACE(_T("~CDNSZoneNode(), name <%s>\n"),GetDisplayName()); if (m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL) delete m_pZoneInfoEx; }
#ifdef USE_NDNC
ReplicationType CDNSZoneNode::GetDirectoryPartitionFlagsAsReplType() { ReplicationType replReturn = w2k;
DWORD dwFlags = GetDirectoryPartitionFlags(); if (dwFlags & DNS_DP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT) { replReturn = domain; } else if (dwFlags & DNS_DP_FOREST_DEFAULT) { replReturn = forest; } else { if (dwFlags & DNS_DP_LEGACY) { replReturn = w2k; } else { replReturn = custom; } } return replReturn; }
PCWSTR CDNSZoneNode::GetCustomPartitionName() { USES_CONVERSION;
if (m_pZoneInfoEx && m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData()) { m_szPartitionName = UTF8_TO_W(m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->pszDpFqdn); } return m_szPartitionName; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::ChangeDirectoryPartitionType(ReplicationType type, PCWSTR pszCustomPartition) { USES_CONVERSION;
PSTR pszReplScope = 0; switch (type) { case domain : pszReplScope = DNS_DP_DOMAIN_STR; break;
case forest : pszReplScope = DNS_DP_FOREST_STR; break;
case w2k : pszReplScope = DNS_DP_LEGACY_STR; break;
default : pszReplScope = W_TO_UTF8(pszCustomPartition); break; }
DNS_STATUS dwErr = ::DnssrvChangeZoneDirectoryPartition(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), pszReplScope);
if (dwErr == 0) { GetZoneInfo(); } return dwErr; } #endif // USE_NDNC
LPCWSTR CDNSZoneNode::GetString(int nCol) { switch (nCol) { case 0: //
// Zone name
return GetDisplayName();
case 1: //
// Zone type
{ if (GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY && IsDSIntegrated()) { return _ZoneTypeStrings[0].szBuffer; }
if (GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY) { return _ZoneTypeStrings[2].szBuffer; }
if (GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB) { if (IsDSIntegrated()) { return _ZoneTypeStrings[6].szBuffer; } else { return _ZoneTypeStrings[5].szBuffer; } }
// Standard primary
return _ZoneTypeStrings[1].szBuffer; } /* case 2:
// Directory Partition Name
{ CDNSServerNode* pServerNode = GetServerNode(); if (!IsDSIntegrated() || pServerNode->GetBuildNumber() < DNS_SRV_BUILD_NUMBER_WHISTLER || (pServerNode->GetMajorVersion() <= DNS_SRV_MAJOR_VERSION_NT_5 && pServerNode->GetMinorVersion() < DNS_SRV_MINOR_VERSION_WHISTLER)) { //
// The zone is not DS integrated
// or
// this is a pre-Whistler server, no Application Directory Partition support
return g_lpszNullString; }
DWORD dwDpFlags = GetDirectoryPartitionFlags(); if (dwDpFlags == 0 || dwDpFlags & DNS_DP_LEGACY) { //
// To all DCs in the domain
// REVIEW_JEFFJON : todo!!!
return g_lpszNullString; } else if (dwDpFlags & DNS_DP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT) { //
// To all DNS servers in the domain
// REVIEW_JEFFJON : todo!!!
return g_lpszNullString; } else if (dwDpFlags & DNS_DP_ENTERPRISE_DEFAULT) { //
// To all DNS servers in the forest
// REVIEW_JEFFJON : todo!!!
return g_lpszNullString; } else if (dwDpFlags & DNS_DP_ENLISTED) { //
// To all DCs in the application directory partition
return GetCustomPartitionName(); } } break; */ case 2: //
// Status
{ if (IsPaused()) { return _ZoneTypeStrings[4].szBuffer; } return _ZoneTypeStrings[3].szBuffer; } } return g_lpszNullString; }
void CDNSZoneNode::InitializeFromRPCZoneInfo(PDNS_RPC_ZONE pZoneInfo, BOOL bAdvancedView) { USES_CONVERSION; ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); ASSERT(!m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData()); ASSERT(pZoneInfo != NULL);
m_dwZoneFlags = 0x0; if (pZoneInfo->Flags.Paused) m_dwZoneFlags |= DNS_ZONE_Paused; if (pZoneInfo->Flags.Shutdown) m_dwZoneFlags |= DNS_ZONE_Shutdown; if (pZoneInfo->Flags.Reverse) m_dwZoneFlags |= DNS_ZONE_Reverse; if (pZoneInfo->Flags.AutoCreated) m_dwZoneFlags |= DNS_ZONE_AutoCreated; if (pZoneInfo->Flags.DsIntegrated) m_dwZoneFlags |= DNS_ZONE_DsIntegrated;
m_wZoneType = pZoneInfo->ZoneType; SetNames(IsZone(), pZoneInfo->Flags.Reverse, bAdvancedView, pZoneInfo->pszZoneName, pZoneInfo->pszZoneName); }
void CDNSZoneNode::FreeZoneInfo() { if (m_pZoneInfoEx) { m_pZoneInfoEx->FreeInfo(); } }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::GetZoneInfo() { ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); CDNSServerNode* pServerNode = GetServerNode(); ASSERT(pServerNode != NULL); return m_pZoneInfoEx->Query(pServerNode->GetRPCName(), GetFullName(), pServerNode->GetVersion()); }
void CDNSZoneNode::AttachZoneInfo(CDNSZoneInfoEx* pNewInfo) { ASSERT(pNewInfo != NULL); if (m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL) delete m_pZoneInfoEx; m_pZoneInfoEx = pNewInfo; }
void CDNSZoneNode::SetZoneNormalViewHelper(CString& szDisplayName) { // the display name is stripped of the "in-addr.arpa" suffix
// e.g. from "127.in-addr.arpa" to "127"
// e.g. from "55.157.in-addr.arpa" to "55.157"
BOOL bArpa = RemoveInAddrArpaSuffix(szDisplayName.GetBuffer(1)); szDisplayName.ReleaseBuffer(); if (!bArpa) return;
LPWSTR lpsz1 = szDisplayName.GetBuffer(1); int nOctects = ReverseIPString(lpsz1); //ASSERT(nOctects > 0 && nOctects < 4);
szDisplayName.ReleaseBuffer(); // got "157.80"
switch(nOctects) { case 1: szDisplayName += _T(".x.x.x Subnet"); break; case 2: szDisplayName += _T(".x.x Subnet"); break; case 3: szDisplayName += _T(".x Subnet"); break; } }
void CDNSZoneNode::ChangeViewOption(BOOL bAdvanced, CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { ASSERT(IsReverse()); if (!IsReverse()) return;
// change the display name
m_szDisplayName = GetFullName(); if (!bAdvanced) { SetZoneNormalViewHelper(m_szDisplayName); } if(IsVisible()) VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentDataObject->ChangeNode(this, CHANGE_RESULT_ITEM_DATA)));
// change the display name for all PTR records in the tree
ChangePTRRecordsViewOption(bAdvanced, pComponentDataObject); }
BOOL CDNSZoneNode::OnAddMenuItem(LPCONTEXTMENUITEM2 pContextMenuItem2, long *pInsertionAllowed) { DWORD dwType = GetZoneType();
// call this before the base class because it filters it out
if (pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_ZONE_TRANSFER || pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_ZONE_RELOAD_FROM_MASTER) { //
// if it is not a secondary, just bail out
if ( (dwType != DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY) && (dwType != DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB)) { return FALSE; }
// have the menu item added. but it might be grayed out...
if (IsThreadLocked() || (m_nState == notLoaded) || (m_nState == loading)) { //
// thread locked or not loaded state
pContextMenuItem2->fFlags |= MF_GRAYED; } return TRUE; }
if (pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_ZONE_UPDATE_DATA_FILE) { //
// cannot update data file on secondary zones, the cache or autocreated zones
if ( (dwType != DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY) || IsAutocreated() ) { return FALSE; }
// have the menu item added. but it might be grayed out...
if (m_nState != loaded) { //
// not loaded state
pContextMenuItem2->fFlags |= MF_GRAYED; } else if ( (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY) && IsDSIntegrated() ) { //
// primaries DS integrated
pContextMenuItem2->fFlags |= MF_GRAYED; } return TRUE; }
if (pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_ZONE_RELOAD) { //
// cannot reload the cache or autocreated zones
if ( (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE) || IsAutocreated() ) { return FALSE; }
// have the menu item added. but it might be grayed out...
if (IsThreadLocked() || (m_nState != loaded)) { // not loaded state
pContextMenuItem2->fFlags |= MF_GRAYED; } return TRUE; }
// NOTE: the base class knows about the derived class, so must call like this
if (!CDNSDomainNode::OnAddMenuItem(pContextMenuItem2,pInsertionAllowed)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CDNSZoneNode::OnSetRenameVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, BOOL* pbHide, CNodeList*) { // REVIEW_JEFFJON : removed from Whistler release
//*pbHide = FALSE;
//return TRUE;
*pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; }
HRESULT CDNSZoneNode::OnRename(CComponentDataObject*, LPWSTR lpszNewName) { TRACE(_T("CDNSZoneNode::OnRename() : new name = %ws\n"), lpszNewName); return S_FALSE; }
HRESULT CDNSZoneNode::GetResultViewType(CComponentDataObject*, LPOLESTR *ppViewType, long *pViewOptions) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; BOOL bUseMessageView = FALSE;
DWORD dwType = GetZoneType();
// special case for paused/expired zones
switch (m_nState) { case loaded: { if (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE) { bUseMessageView = FALSE; } else // authoritated zone
{ if (IsPaused()) bUseMessageView = FALSE; else if (IsExpired()) bUseMessageView = TRUE; else bUseMessageView = FALSE; } } break; case unableToLoad: case accessDenied: bUseMessageView = TRUE; break; default: bUseMessageView = FALSE; }
if (bUseMessageView) { *pViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_NOLISTVIEWS;
LPOLESTR psz = NULL; StringFromCLSID(CLSID_MessageView, &psz);
if (psz != NULL) { *ppViewType = psz; hr = S_OK; } } else { *pViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_MULTISELECT; *ppViewType = NULL; hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; }
HRESULT CDNSZoneNode::OnShow(LPCONSOLE lpConsole) { CComPtr<IUnknown> spUnknown; CComPtr<IMessageView> spMessageView;
HRESULT hr = lpConsole->QueryResultView(&spUnknown); if (FAILED(hr)) return S_OK;
hr = spUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IMessageView, (PVOID*)&spMessageView); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CString szTitle, szMessage; IconIdentifier iconID;
DWORD dwType = GetZoneType(); if ((dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY) && IsDSIntegrated()) { VERIFY(szTitle.LoadString(IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW_ZONE_NOT_LOADED_TITLE)); VERIFY(szMessage.LoadString(IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW_ZONE_NOT_LOADED_DS_MESSAGE)); iconID = Icon_Error; } else if ((dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY) && !IsDSIntegrated()) { VERIFY(szTitle.LoadString(IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW_ZONE_NOT_LOADED_TITLE)); VERIFY(szMessage.LoadString(IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW_ZONE_NOT_LOADED_PRIMARY_MESSAGE)); iconID = Icon_Error; } else { VERIFY(szTitle.LoadString(IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW_ZONE_NOT_LOADED_TITLE)); VERIFY(szMessage.LoadString(IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW_ZONE_NOT_LOADED_SECONDARY_MESSAGE)); iconID = Icon_Error; } spMessageView->SetTitleText(szTitle); spMessageView->SetBodyText(szMessage); spMessageView->SetIcon(iconID); } return S_OK; }
int CDNSZoneNode::GetImageIndex(BOOL) { DWORD dwType = GetZoneType(); BOOL bPrimary = (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY);
// special case for paused/expired zones
int nIndex = -1; switch (m_nState) { case notLoaded: nIndex = (bPrimary) ? ZONE_IMAGE_NOT_LOADED_1 : ZONE_IMAGE_NOT_LOADED_2; break; case loading: nIndex = (bPrimary) ? ZONE_IMAGE_LOADING_1 : ZONE_IMAGE_LOADING_2; break; case loaded: { if (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE) { nIndex = (bPrimary) ? ZONE_IMAGE_LOADED_1 : ZONE_IMAGE_LOADED_2; } else // authoritated zone
{ if (IsPaused()) nIndex = (bPrimary) ? ZONE_IMAGE_PAUSED_1 : ZONE_IMAGE_PAUSED_2; else if (IsExpired()) nIndex = (bPrimary) ? ZONE_IMAGE_EXPIRED_1 : ZONE_IMAGE_EXPIRED_2; else nIndex = (bPrimary) ? ZONE_IMAGE_LOADED_1 : ZONE_IMAGE_LOADED_2; } } break; case unableToLoad: nIndex = (bPrimary) ? ZONE_IMAGE_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_1 : ZONE_IMAGE_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_2; break; case accessDenied: nIndex = (bPrimary) ? ZONE_IMAGE_ACCESS_DENIED_1 : ZONE_IMAGE_ACCESS_DENIED_2; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); } ASSERT(nIndex > 0); return nIndex; }
HRESULT CDNSZoneNode::OnCommand(long nCommandID, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ return E_FAIL; }
switch (nCommandID) { case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_DOMAIN: OnNewDomain(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_DELEGATION: OnNewDelegation(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_RECORD: OnNewRecord(pComponentData, pNodeList); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_HOST: OnNewHost(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_ALIAS: OnNewAlias(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_MX: OnNewMailExchanger(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_PTR: OnNewPointer(pComponentData); break;
case IDM_ZONE_UPDATE_DATA_FILE: OnUpdateDataFile(pComponentData); break; case IDM_ZONE_RELOAD: OnReload(pComponentData); break; case IDM_ZONE_TRANSFER: OnTransferFromMaster(pComponentData); break; case IDM_ZONE_RELOAD_FROM_MASTER: OnReloadFromMaster(pComponentData); break;
case IDM_SNAPIN_ADVANCED_VIEW: ((CDNSRootData*)pComponentData->GetRootData())->OnViewOptions(pComponentData); break; case IDM_SNAPIN_FILTERING: { if (((CDNSRootData*)pComponentData->GetRootData())->OnFilteringOptions(pComponentData)) { pComponentData->SetDescriptionBarText(this); } } break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); // Unknown command!
return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
void CDNSZoneNode::OnUpdateDataFile(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { // if there are sheets up, ask to close them down, because a
// failure would "Red X" the server and remove all the children
if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); }
ASSERT(m_nState == loaded); OnChangeState(pComponentData); // move to loading
{ // scope for the wait cursor
CWaitCursor wait; m_dwErr = WriteToDatabase(); }
// if there is a failure, remove all children,
// will need a refresh to get them back
if (m_dwErr != 0) { RemoveAllChildrenHelper(pComponentData); ASSERT(!HasChildren()); } OnChangeState(pComponentData); // move to loaded or unableToLoad
void CDNSZoneNode::OnReload(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { UINT nRet = DNSConfirmOperation(IDS_MSG_ZONE_RELOAD, this); if (IDCANCEL == nRet || IDNO == nRet) { return; }
// if there are sheets up, ask to close them down, because
// we will need a refresh
if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); }
ASSERT(m_nState == loaded);
DNS_STATUS err; { // scope for the wait cursor
CWaitCursor wait; err = Reload(); }
if (err != 0) { // need to let the user know the operation failed
DNSErrorDialog(err, IDS_MSG_ZONE_FAIL_RELOAD); return; }
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(this);
// the zone has been reloaded cause a refresh to get new data
VERIFY(OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList)); }
void CDNSZoneNode::OnTransferFromMaster(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { // if there are sheets up, ask to close them down, because
// we will need a refresh
if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); }
ASSERT(m_nState != notLoaded); ASSERT(m_nState != loading);
DNS_STATUS err; { // scope for the wait cursor
CWaitCursor wait; err = TransferFromMaster(); }
if (err != 0) { // need to let the user know the operation failed
DNSErrorDialog(err, IDS_MSG_ZONE_FAIL_TRANSFER); return; }
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(this);
// the zone has been reloaded cause a refresh to get new data
VERIFY(OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList)); }
void CDNSZoneNode::OnReloadFromMaster(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { // if there are sheets up, ask to close them down, because
// we will need a refresh
if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); }
ASSERT(m_nState != notLoaded); ASSERT(m_nState != loading);
DNS_STATUS err; { // scope for the wait cursor
CWaitCursor wait; err = ReloadFromMaster(); }
if (err != 0) { // need to let the user know the operation failed
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(this);
// the zone has been reloaded cause a refresh to get new data
VERIFY(OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList)); }
void CDNSZoneNode::OnDelete(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ OnMultiselectDelete(pComponentData, pNodeList); return; }
UINT nRet = DNSConfirmOperation(IDS_MSG_ZONE_DELETE, this); if (IDCANCEL == nRet || IDNO == nRet) { return; }
BOOL bDeleteFromDS = FALSE; if (((GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY) || (GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB)) && IsDSIntegrated()) { if (GetServerNode()->GetBootMethod() == BOOT_METHOD_DIRECTORY) { // ask confirmation on delete from DS
int nRetVal = DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_ZONE_DELETE_FROM_DS_BOOT3, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2); if (IDNO == nRetVal) return; bDeleteFromDS = TRUE; } else { // ask confirmation on delete from DS
int nRetVal = DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_ZONE_DELETE_FROM_DS, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_DEFBUTTON3); if (IDCANCEL == nRetVal) return; bDeleteFromDS = (nRetVal == IDYES); } }
if (IsSheetLocked()) { // NTRAID#NTBUG-594003-2002/04/11-JeffJon-Don't offer
// to shutdown the sheets for the user because if the
// sheet brought up a modal dialog we will deadlock
// ourselves.
DNS_STATUS err = Delete(bDeleteFromDS); if (err != 0) { DNSErrorDialog(err, IDS_MSG_ZONE_FAIL_DELETE); return; }
// now remove from the UI and from the cache
DeleteHelper(pComponentData); pComponentData->UpdateResultPaneView(GetContainer());
if (IsRootZone()) { if (DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_ZONE_DELETE_ROOT, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { GetServerNode()->SetProppageStart(3); // 3 signifies the Root Hints page
if (GetServerNode()->GetSheetCount() > 0) { GetServerNode()->GetRootHints()->ShowPageForNode(pComponentData); } else { pComponentData->CreatePropertySheet( GetServerNode(), NULL, GetServerNode()->GetDisplayName()); } } }
delete this; // gone
BOOL CDNSZoneNode::HasPropertyPages(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ return FALSE; }
*pbHideVerb = FALSE; // always show the verb
if (!m_bHasDataForPropPages) return FALSE;
// cannot have property pages only in loaded state
// if (m_nState != loaded)
// return FALSE;
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); if ( (!m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData()) || ( (GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE) || IsAutocreated() ) ) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
HRESULT CDNSZoneNode::CreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1); // multi-select not supported
ASSERT(m_bHasDataForPropPages); if (GetSheetCount() > 0) { CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject = ((CRootData*)(GetContainer()->GetRootContainer()))->GetComponentDataObject(); ASSERT(pComponentDataObject != NULL); pComponentDataObject->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->BroadcastSelectPage(this, ZONE_HOLDER_GEN); return S_OK; } return CreatePropertyPagesHelper(lpProvider, handle, ZONE_HOLDER_GEN); }
HRESULT CDNSZoneNode::CreatePropertyPagesHelper(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, long nStartPageCode) { CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject = ((CRootData*)(GetContainer()->GetRootContainer()))->GetComponentDataObject(); ASSERT(pComponentDataObject != NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CDNSZonePropertyPageHolder* pHolder = new CDNSZonePropertyPageHolder((CCathegoryFolderNode*)GetContainer(), this, pComponentDataObject); if (pHolder) { pHolder->SetStartPageCode(nStartPageCode); pHolder->SetSheetTitle(IDS_PROP_SHEET_TITLE_FMT, this); hr = pHolder->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; }
void CDNSZoneNode::Show(BOOL bShow, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { CDNSDomainNode::Show(bShow, pComponentData); if (!bShow) NullCachedPointers(); }
void CDNSZoneNode::NullCachedPointers() { m_pSOARecordNode = NULL; m_pWINSRecordNode = NULL; }
BOOL CDNSZoneNode::OnRefresh(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
POSITION pos = pNodeList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CTreeNode* pNode = pNodeList->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pNode != NULL);
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(pNode);
if (!pNode->OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList)) { bRet = FALSE; } } return bRet; }
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(this); if (CDNSDomainNode::OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList)) { FreeZoneInfo(); NullCachedPointers(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void CDNSZoneNode::OnHaveData(CObjBase* pObj, CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { // if we get the zone info, just set it and bail out (no UI)
if (IS_CLASS(*pObj, CDNSZoneInfoEx)) { ASSERT(!HasChildren()); // must be the first one coming from the thread
AttachZoneInfo(dynamic_cast<CDNSZoneInfoEx*>(pObj)); return; } CDNSDomainNode::OnHaveData(pObj, pComponentDataObject); }
void CDNSZoneNode::OnHaveRecord(CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { CDNSDomainNode::OnHaveRecord(pRecordNode, pComponentDataObject); if ((pRecordNode->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_SOA) && pRecordNode->IsAtTheNode()) { ASSERT(m_pSOARecordNode == NULL); m_pSOARecordNode = (CDNS_SOA_RecordNode*)pRecordNode; } else if ( ( (pRecordNode->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_WINS) || (pRecordNode->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_NBSTAT) ) && pRecordNode->IsAtTheNode() ) { ASSERT(m_pWINSRecordNode == NULL); ASSERT( (IsReverse() && pRecordNode->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_NBSTAT) || (!IsReverse() && pRecordNode->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_WINS ) ); m_pWINSRecordNode = pRecordNode; } }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::CreatePrimary(LPCTSTR lpszDBName, BOOL bLoadExisting, BOOL bDSIntegrated, UINT nDynamicUpdate) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwZoneType = DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY; IP_ADDRESS adwIpAddressDummy = 0;
LPCWSTR lpszServerName = GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(); LPCSTR lpszAnsiZoneName = W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()); // create the zone
DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvCreateZone( lpszServerName, lpszAnsiZoneName, dwZoneType, // Zone type
NULL, // RNAME field should be NULL according to bug 135245
0, // Number of masters, NA for primary
&adwIpAddressDummy, // Array of masters, dummy for primary
bLoadExisting, bDSIntegrated, bDSIntegrated ? NULL : W_TO_UTF8(lpszDBName), // Database file
0, 0); if (err != 0) return err;
// set the dynamic update flag
err = ::DnssrvResetDwordProperty(lpszServerName, lpszAnsiZoneName, DNS_REGKEY_ZONE_ALLOW_UPDATE, nDynamicUpdate); if (err != 0) return err;
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); return GetZoneInfo(); }
#ifdef USE_NDNC
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::CreatePrimaryInDirectoryPartition(BOOL bLoadExisting, UINT nDynamicUpdate, ReplicationType replType, PCWSTR pszPartitionName) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwZoneType = DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY; IP_ADDRESS adwIpAddressDummy = 0;
DWORD dwPartitionFlags = 0; switch (replType) { case forest: dwPartitionFlags |= DNS_DP_FOREST_DEFAULT; break; case domain: dwPartitionFlags |= DNS_DP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT; break;
case w2k: dwPartitionFlags |= DNS_DP_LEGACY; break;
case custom: dwPartitionFlags = 0; break;
case none: default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; }
LPCWSTR lpszServerName = GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(); LPCSTR lpszAnsiZoneName = W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()); LPCSTR lpszUTF8PartitionName = W_TO_UTF8(pszPartitionName);
// create the zone
DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvCreateZoneInDirectoryPartition( lpszServerName, lpszAnsiZoneName, dwZoneType, // Zone type
NULL, // RNAME field should be NULL according to bug 135245
0, // Number of masters, NA for primary
&adwIpAddressDummy, // Array of masters, dummy for primary
bLoadExisting, 0, // dwTimeout
0, // fSlave
dwPartitionFlags, (replType == custom) ? lpszUTF8PartitionName : NULL); if (err != 0) return err;
// set the dynamic update flag
err = ::DnssrvResetDwordProperty(lpszServerName, lpszAnsiZoneName, DNS_REGKEY_ZONE_ALLOW_UPDATE, nDynamicUpdate); if (err != 0) return err;
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); return GetZoneInfo(); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::CreateStubInDirectoryPartition(DWORD* ipMastersArray, int nIPMastersCount, BOOL bLoadExisting, ReplicationType replType, PCWSTR pszPartitionName) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwZoneType = DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB;
DWORD dwPartitionFlags = 0; switch (replType) { case forest: dwPartitionFlags |= DNS_DP_FOREST_DEFAULT; break; case domain: dwPartitionFlags |= DNS_DP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT; break;
case w2k: dwPartitionFlags |= DNS_DP_LEGACY; break;
case custom: dwPartitionFlags = 0; break;
case none: default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; }
ASSERT(ipMastersArray != NULL); ASSERT(nIPMastersCount > 0);
LPCWSTR lpszServerName = GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(); LPCSTR lpszAnsiZoneName = W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()); LPCSTR lpszUTF8PartitionName = W_TO_UTF8(pszPartitionName);
// create the zone
DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvCreateZoneInDirectoryPartition( lpszServerName, lpszAnsiZoneName, dwZoneType, // Zone type
NULL, // RNAME field should be NULL according to bug 135245
nIPMastersCount, // Number of masters, NA for primary
ipMastersArray, // Array of masters, dummy for primary
bLoadExisting, 0, // dwTimeout
0, // fSlave
dwPartitionFlags, (replType == custom) ? lpszUTF8PartitionName : NULL); if (err != 0) return err;
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); return GetZoneInfo(); } #endif // USE_NDNC
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::CreateSecondary(DWORD* ipMastersArray, int nIPMastersCount, LPCTSTR lpszDBName, BOOL bLoadExisting) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwZoneType = DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY;
ASSERT(ipMastersArray != NULL); ASSERT(nIPMastersCount > 0);
DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvCreateZone( GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // Server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // Zone name
dwZoneType, // Zone type
NULL, // RNAME field should be NULL according to bug 135245
(DWORD)nIPMastersCount, // Number of masters
ipMastersArray, // Array of masters
bLoadExisting, FALSE, // fDSIntegrated (secondaries are not in the DS)
W_TO_UTF8(lpszDBName), // Database file
0, 0); if (err != 0) return err;
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); return GetZoneInfo(); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::CreateStub(DWORD* ipMastersArray, int nIPMastersCount, LPCTSTR lpszDBName, BOOL bLoadExisting, BOOL bDSIntegrated) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwZoneType = DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB;
ASSERT(ipMastersArray != NULL); ASSERT(nIPMastersCount > 0);
DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvCreateZone( GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // Server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // Zone name
dwZoneType, // Zone type
NULL, // RNAME field should be NULL according to bug 135245
(DWORD)nIPMastersCount, // Number of masters
ipMastersArray, // Array of masters
bLoadExisting, bDSIntegrated, (bDSIntegrated) ? NULL : W_TO_UTF8(lpszDBName), // Database file
0, 0); if (err != 0) return err;
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); return GetZoneInfo(); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::CreateForwarder(DWORD* ipMastersArray, int nIPMastersCount, DWORD dwTimeout, DWORD fSlave) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwZoneType = DNS_ZONE_TYPE_FORWARDER;
DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvCreateZone( GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // Server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // Zone name
dwZoneType, // Zone type
NULL, // RNAME field should be NULL according to bug 135245
(DWORD)nIPMastersCount, // Number of masters
ipMastersArray, // Array of masters
FALSE, // Load existing?
FALSE, // fDSIntegrated (secondaries are not in the DS)
NULL, // Database file
dwTimeout, // Time out
fSlave); // Slave?
if (err != 0) return err;
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); return GetZoneInfo(); }
DNS_STATUS err = 0; IP_ADDRESS dummy; if (aipMasters == NULL) { ASSERT(cMasters == 0); aipMasters = &dummy; // RPC wants non null ip array
} err = ::DnssrvResetZoneTypeEx(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // zone name
DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY, cMasters, aipMasters, dwLoadOptions, FALSE, // bDSIntegrated
W_TO_UTF8(lpszDataFile), 0, // DP flags
if (err == 0) err = GetZoneInfo(); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::SetStub(DWORD cMasters, PIP_ADDRESS aipMasters, DWORD dwLoadOptions, BOOL bDSIntegrated, LPCTSTR lpszDataFile, BOOL bLocalListOfMasters) { USES_CONVERSION; ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO();
DNS_STATUS err = 0; IP_ADDRESS dummy; if (aipMasters == NULL) { ASSERT(cMasters == 0); aipMasters = &dummy; // RPC wants non null ip array
} err = ::DnssrvResetZoneTypeEx(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // zone name
DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB, cMasters, aipMasters, dwLoadOptions, bDSIntegrated, (bDSIntegrated) ? NULL : W_TO_UTF8(lpszDataFile), 0, // DP flags
if (err != 0) return err;
if (bLocalListOfMasters) { err = ::DnssrvResetZoneMastersEx(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), cMasters, aipMasters, TRUE); // LocalListOfMasters
} else { err = ::DnssrvResetZoneMastersEx(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), 0, NULL, TRUE); // LocalListOfMasters
if (err == 0) err = GetZoneInfo(); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::SetPrimary(DWORD dwLoadOptions, BOOL bDSIntegrated, LPCTSTR lpszDataFile) { USES_CONVERSION; ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); DWORD cDummyMasters = 0; // dummy
DWORD dwDummyArr = 0; DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvResetZoneTypeEx(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // zone name
DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY, cDummyMasters, // not neeeded, but have to pass valid RPC val
&dwDummyArr, dwLoadOptions, bDSIntegrated, bDSIntegrated ? "" : W_TO_UTF8(lpszDataFile), 0, // DP flags
if (err == 0) err = GetZoneInfo(); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::SetAgingNoRefreshInterval(DWORD dwNoRefreshInterval) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); USES_CONVERSION;
DNS_STATUS dwErr = ::DnssrvResetDwordProperty(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), DNS_REGKEY_ZONE_NOREFRESH_INTERVAL, dwNoRefreshInterval); if (dwErr == 0 && m_pZoneInfoEx) { m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->dwNoRefreshInterval = dwNoRefreshInterval; } return dwErr; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::SetAgingRefreshInterval(DWORD dwRefreshInterval) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); USES_CONVERSION; DNS_STATUS dwErr = ::DnssrvResetDwordProperty(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), DNS_REGKEY_ZONE_REFRESH_INTERVAL, dwRefreshInterval);
if (dwErr == 0 && m_pZoneInfoEx) { m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->dwRefreshInterval = dwRefreshInterval; } return dwErr; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::SetScavengingEnabled(BOOL bEnable) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); USES_CONVERSION; DNS_STATUS dwErr = ::DnssrvResetDwordProperty(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), DNS_REGKEY_ZONE_AGING, bEnable); if (dwErr == 0 && m_pZoneInfoEx) { m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->fAging = bEnable; } return dwErr; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::Delete(BOOL bDeleteFromDs) { ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); USES_CONVERSION; if (((GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY) || (GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB) || (GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_FORWARDER)) && IsDSIntegrated() && bDeleteFromDs) { return ::DnssrvOperation(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), DNSSRV_OP_ZONE_DELETE_FROM_DS, DNSSRV_TYPEID_NULL, NULL); } else { return ::DnssrvDeleteZone(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName())); } }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::IncrementVersion() { ASSERT(GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY); ASSERT(!IsAutocreated());
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); USES_CONVERSION; DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvIncrementZoneVersion(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName())); // refresh Zone Info if already present
if ((err == 0) && m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData()) err = GetZoneInfo(); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::Reload() { ASSERT(GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY); ASSERT(!IsAutocreated());
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); USES_CONVERSION; return ::DnssrvOperation(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::TransferFromMaster() { ASSERT(GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY || GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB); ASSERT(!IsAutocreated());
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); USES_CONVERSION; return ::DnssrvOperation(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::ReloadFromMaster() { ASSERT(GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY || GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB); ASSERT(!IsAutocreated());
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); USES_CONVERSION; return ::DnssrvOperation(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
PCWSTR CDNSZoneNode::GetDN() { ASSERT(IsDSIntegrated()); ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx); ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData());
if (m_pZoneInfoEx && m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData()) { return m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->pwszZoneDn; } return L""; }
BOOL CDNSZoneNode::IsDSIntegrated() { if (GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE) return FALSE;
BOOL result = FALSE;
if (m_pZoneInfoEx) { result = (m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData()) ? (m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->fUseDatabase ? TRUE : FALSE): ((m_dwZoneFlags & DNS_ZONE_DsIntegrated) != 0); } return result; }
//sz = _T("LDAP://DC=uidev-one,DC=ntdev,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com,O=Internet");
void CDNSZoneNode::GetDataFile(CString& szName) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); USES_CONVERSION; if (m_pZoneInfoEx == NULL || m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo == NULL) { szName = L""; } else { szName = UTF8_TO_W(m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->pszDataFile); } }
LPCSTR CDNSZoneNode::GetDataFile() { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); if (m_pZoneInfoEx == NULL || m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo == NULL) { return ""; } return m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->pszDataFile; }
DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvResetZoneDatabase(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // zone name
bDSIntegrated, W_TO_UTF8(lpszDataFile)); if (err == 0) err = GetZoneInfo(); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::WriteToDatabase() { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); return CDNSZoneNode::WriteToDatabase(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
GetFullName()); // zone name
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::WriteToDatabase(LPCWSTR lpszServer, LPCWSTR lpszZone) { USES_CONVERSION; return ::DnssrvOperation(lpszServer, W_TO_UTF8(lpszZone), DNSSRV_OP_ZONE_WRITE_BACK_FILE, DNSSRV_TYPEID_NULL, NULL); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::WriteToDatabase(LPCWSTR lpszServer, LPCSTR lpszZone) { return ::DnssrvOperation(lpszServer, lpszZone, DNSSRV_OP_ZONE_WRITE_BACK_FILE, DNSSRV_TYPEID_NULL, NULL); }
UINT CDNSZoneNode::GetDynamicUpdate() { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO();
UINT result = 0;
if (m_pZoneInfoEx && m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData()) { result = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->fAllowUpdate; } return result; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::SetDynamicUpdate(UINT nDynamic) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); DNS_STATUS err = 0; // call only if the info is dirty
if (GetDynamicUpdate() != nDynamic) { USES_CONVERSION; err = ::DnssrvResetDwordProperty(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->pszZoneName, DNS_REGKEY_ZONE_ALLOW_UPDATE, nDynamic); if (err != 0) return err; err = GetZoneInfo(); } return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::ResetSecondaries(DWORD fSecureSecondaries, DWORD cSecondaries, PIP_ADDRESS aipSecondaries, DWORD fNotifyLevel, DWORD cNotify, PIP_ADDRESS aipNotify) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO();
DNS_STATUS err = 0;
BOOL bSecondariesDirty = (m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->fSecureSecondaries != fSecureSecondaries) || (m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->fNotifyLevel != fNotifyLevel) || (!(m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipSecondaries == NULL && cSecondaries == 0) && ( (m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipSecondaries == NULL && cSecondaries > 0) || // no addr --> more than one
(m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipSecondaries->AddrCount != cSecondaries) || // change the # of addresses
(memcmp(aipSecondaries, m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipSecondaries->AddrArray, sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)*cSecondaries) != 0) ) ); BOOL bNotifyDirty = (!(m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipNotify == NULL && cNotify == 0) && ( (m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipNotify == NULL && cNotify > 0) || // no addr --> more than one
(m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipNotify->AddrCount != cNotify) || // change the # of addresses
(memcmp(aipNotify, m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipNotify->AddrArray, sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)*cNotify) != 0) ) );
if (bSecondariesDirty || bNotifyDirty) { USES_CONVERSION; err = ::DnssrvResetZoneSecondaries(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // zone name
fSecureSecondaries, cSecondaries, aipSecondaries, fNotifyLevel, cNotify, aipNotify ); } if (err == 0) err = GetZoneInfo(); return err; }
void CDNSZoneNode::GetSecondariesInfo(DWORD* pfSecureSecondaries, DWORD* pcSecondaries, PIP_ADDRESS* paipSecondaries, DWORD* pfNotifyLevel, DWORD* pcNotify, PIP_ADDRESS* paipNotify) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); ASSERT(pfSecureSecondaries != NULL); ASSERT(pcSecondaries != NULL); ASSERT(paipSecondaries != NULL);
ASSERT(pfNotifyLevel != NULL); ASSERT(pcNotify != NULL); ASSERT(paipNotify != NULL);
*pfSecureSecondaries = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->fSecureSecondaries; // return pointers to struct fields, caller has to copy data elsewhere
if (m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipSecondaries == NULL) { *pcSecondaries = 0; *paipSecondaries = NULL; } else { *pcSecondaries = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipSecondaries->AddrCount; *paipSecondaries = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipSecondaries->AddrArray; }
*pfNotifyLevel = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->fNotifyLevel; // return pointers to struct fields, caller has to copy data elsewhere
if (m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipNotify == NULL) { *pcNotify = 0; *paipNotify = NULL; } else { *pcNotify = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipNotify->AddrCount; *paipNotify = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipNotify->AddrArray; } }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::ResetMasters(DWORD cMasters, PIP_ADDRESS aipMasters, BOOL bLocalMasters) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); if (cMasters == 0) return DNS_ERROR_SECONDARY_REQUIRES_MASTER_IP;
// make the call only if the data is dirty
DNS_STATUS err = 0; if ((m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipMasters == NULL && cMasters > 0) || // no addr --> more than one
(m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipMasters->AddrCount != cMasters) || // change the # of addresses
(memcmp(aipMasters, m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipMasters->AddrArray, sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)*cMasters) != 0) ) { IP_ADDRESS dummy; if (aipMasters == NULL) { ASSERT(cMasters == 0); aipMasters = &dummy; // RPC wants non null ip array
} err = ::DnssrvResetZoneMastersEx(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // zone name
cMasters, aipMasters, bLocalMasters); if (!bLocalMasters) { //
// Reset local list of masters
err = ::DnssrvResetZoneMastersEx(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), // server name
W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), // zone name
0, NULL, TRUE); // LocalListOfMasters
if (err != 0) return err; } } if (err == 0) err = GetZoneInfo(); return err; }
void CDNSZoneNode::GetMastersInfo(DWORD* pcAddrCount, PIP_ADDRESS* ppipAddrs) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); ASSERT(pcAddrCount != NULL); ASSERT(ppipAddrs != NULL);
// return pointers to struct fields, caller has to copy data elsewhere
if (m_pZoneInfoEx == NULL || m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo == NULL || m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipMasters == NULL) { *pcAddrCount = 0; *ppipAddrs = NULL; } else { *pcAddrCount = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipMasters->AddrCount; *ppipAddrs = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipMasters->AddrArray; } }
void CDNSZoneNode::GetLocalListOfMasters(DWORD* pcAddrCount, PIP_ADDRESS* ppipAddrs) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); ASSERT(pcAddrCount != NULL); ASSERT(ppipAddrs != NULL);
// return pointers to struct fields, caller has to copy data elsewhere
if (m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipLocalMasters == NULL) { *pcAddrCount = 0; *ppipAddrs = NULL; } else { *pcAddrCount = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipLocalMasters->AddrCount; *ppipAddrs = m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->aipLocalMasters->AddrArray; } }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::TogglePauseHelper(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { ASSERT(m_nState == loaded); OnChangeState(pComponentData); // move to loading
m_dwErr = TogglePause();
OnChangeState(pComponentData); // move to loaded or unableToLoad
return (DNS_STATUS)m_dwErr; }
USES_CONVERSION; DNS_STATUS err; if (IsPaused()) err = ::DnssrvResumeZone(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()) // zone name
); else err = ::DnssrvPauseZone(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()) // zone name
); if (err != 0) return err; err = GetZoneInfo(); ASSERT(err == 0); return err; }
void CDNSZoneNode::ToggleView(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { if (pComponentData) { pComponentData->UpdateResultPaneView(this); } }
BOOL CDNSZoneNode::IsPaused() { if (m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL && m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData()) { ASSERT_VALID_ZONE_INFO(); return m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->fPaused; } return ((m_dwZoneFlags & DNS_ZONE_Paused) != 0); }
BOOL CDNSZoneNode::IsExpired() {
ASSERT(m_pZoneInfoEx != NULL); return (m_pZoneInfoEx->HasData()) ? m_pZoneInfoEx->m_pZoneInfo->fShutdown : ((m_dwZoneFlags & DNS_ZONE_Shutdown) != 0); }
// editing API's for special record types
CDNS_SOA_Record* CDNSZoneNode::GetSOARecordCopy() { ASSERT(m_pSOARecordNode != NULL); if (m_pSOARecordNode == NULL) return NULL; return (CDNS_SOA_Record*)m_pSOARecordNode->CreateCloneRecord(); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::UpdateSOARecord(CDNS_SOA_Record* pNewRecord, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { ASSERT(m_pSOARecordNode != NULL); if (m_pSOARecordNode == NULL) { return -1; }
DNS_STATUS err = m_pSOARecordNode->Update(pNewRecord, FALSE /*bUseDefaultTTL*/); if ( (err == 0) && (pComponentData != NULL) ) { VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentData->ChangeNode(m_pSOARecordNode, CHANGE_RESULT_ITEM))); } return err; }
CDNSRecord* CDNSZoneNode::GetWINSRecordCopy() { ASSERT(m_pWINSRecordNode != NULL); if (m_pWINSRecordNode == NULL) return NULL; return m_pWINSRecordNode->CreateCloneRecord(); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::CreateWINSRecord(CDNSRecord* pNewWINSRecord, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { TRACE(_T("CDNSZoneNode::CreateWINSRecord()\n")); ASSERT(pNewWINSRecord != NULL);
if (m_pWINSRecordNode != NULL) { //
// should never happen
ASSERT(FALSE && m_pWINSRecordNode == NULL); return -1; }
// create a new record node object
if (IsReverse()) { m_pWINSRecordNode = CDNSRecordInfo::CreateRecordNode(DNS_TYPE_NBSTAT); } else { m_pWINSRecordNode = CDNSRecordInfo::CreateRecordNode(DNS_TYPE_WINS); }
// hook up container and set name of node (same as the zone)
m_pWINSRecordNode->SetContainer(this); m_pWINSRecordNode->SetRecordName(GetDisplayName(), TRUE /*bAtTheNode */); CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)(pComponentData->GetRootData()); ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); m_pWINSRecordNode->SetFlagsDown(TN_FLAG_DNS_RECORD_FULL_NAME, !pRootData->IsAdvancedView()); //
// write on server
DNS_STATUS err = m_pWINSRecordNode->Update(pNewWINSRecord, TRUE /*bUseDefaultTTL*/); if (err == 0) { VERIFY(AddChildToListAndUI(m_pWINSRecordNode, pComponentData)); pComponentData->SetDescriptionBarText(this); } else { delete m_pWINSRecordNode; m_pWINSRecordNode = NULL; } TRACE(_T("EXIT\n")); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::UpdateWINSRecord(CDNSRecord* pNewWINSRecord, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { TRACE(_T("CDNSZoneNode::UpdateWINSRecord()\n")); ASSERT(pNewWINSRecord != NULL); ASSERT(m_pWINSRecordNode != NULL); if (m_pWINSRecordNode == NULL) { return -1; // Bogus error code
ASSERT( (IsReverse() && pNewWINSRecord->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_NBSTAT && m_pWINSRecordNode->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_NBSTAT) || (!IsReverse() && pNewWINSRecord->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_WINS && m_pWINSRecordNode->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_WINS) );
DNS_STATUS err = m_pWINSRecordNode->Update(pNewWINSRecord, TRUE /*bUseDefaultTTL*/); if (err == 0) { VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentData->ChangeNode(m_pWINSRecordNode, CHANGE_RESULT_ITEM))); } TRACE(_T("EXIT\n")); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneNode::DeleteWINSRecord(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { TRACE(_T("CDNSZoneNode::DeleteWINSRecord()\n")); ASSERT(m_pWINSRecordNode != NULL); if (m_pWINSRecordNode == NULL) { return -1; // bogus error code
} DNS_STATUS err = m_pWINSRecordNode->DeleteOnServerAndUI(pComponentData); if (err == 0) { delete m_pWINSRecordNode; m_pWINSRecordNode = NULL; } TRACE(_T("EXIT\n")); return err; }