/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1997 **/ /**********************************************************************/
sfmcfg.cpp Implementation for the configuration property page.
FILE HISTORY: 8/20/97 ericdav Code moved into file managemnet snapin */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sfmcfg.h"
#include "sfmutil.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CMacFilesConfiguration property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CMacFilesConfiguration, CPropertyPage)
CMacFilesConfiguration::CMacFilesConfiguration() : CPropertyPage(CMacFilesConfiguration::IDD), m_bIsNT5(FALSE) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CMacFilesConfiguration)
CMacFilesConfiguration::~CMacFilesConfiguration() { }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMacFilesConfiguration)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_AUTHENTICATION, m_comboAuthentication); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_SESSSION_LIMIT, m_radioSessionLimit); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_LOGON_MESSAGE, m_editLogonMessage); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_SESSION_UNLIMITED, m_radioSessionUnlimited); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_SAVE_PASSWORD, m_checkSavePassword); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SESSION_LIMIT, m_editSessionLimit); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SERVER_NAME, m_editServerName); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMacFilesConfiguration, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMacFilesConfiguration)
// CMacFilesConfiguration message handlers
BOOL CMacFilesConfiguration::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); PAFP_SERVER_INFO pAfpServerInfo; DWORD err; CString strTemp;
if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
// Setup our controls
m_editSessionLimit.LimitText(10); //
// Get the info from the server
err = ((SERVERGETINFOPROC) g_SfmDLL[AFP_SERVER_GET_INFO])(m_pSheet->m_hAfpServer, (LPBYTE*) &pAfpServerInfo); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ::SFMMessageBox(err); //
// Just to setup the radio buttons
return TRUE; }
err = m_pSheet->IsNT5Machine(m_pSheet->m_strMachine, &m_bIsNT5); if (err != NO_ERROR) { m_bIsNT5 = FALSE; // Assume NT4
// Since we can't just specify which options we want to set,
// we need to save off the original options and then just
// change the ones we expose through this UI. We don't want
// to disturb the others.
m_dwAfpOriginalOptions = pAfpServerInfo->afpsrv_options;
// Set the information
m_editServerName.SetLimitText(AFP_SERVERNAME_LEN); m_editServerName.SetWindowText(pAfpServerInfo->afpsrv_name);
m_checkSavePassword.SetCheck( (INT)(pAfpServerInfo->afpsrv_options & AFP_SRVROPT_ALLOWSAVEDPASSWORD ));
// fill in the combo box and select the correct item
// combobox is not sorted so this is the order of the items
strTemp.LoadString(IDS_AUTH_MS_ONLY); m_comboAuthentication.AddString(strTemp);
strTemp.LoadString(IDS_AUTH_APPLE_CLEARTEXT); m_comboAuthentication.AddString(strTemp);
if (m_bIsNT5) { strTemp.LoadString(IDS_AUTH_APPLE_ENCRYPTED); m_comboAuthentication.AddString(strTemp); strTemp.LoadString(IDS_AUTH_CLEARTEXT_OR_MS); m_comboAuthentication.AddString(strTemp); strTemp.LoadString(IDS_AUTH_ENCRYPTED_OR_MS); m_comboAuthentication.AddString(strTemp); } BOOL bCleartext = pAfpServerInfo->afpsrv_options & AFP_SRVROPT_CLEARTEXTLOGONALLOWED; // default NT4 value for MS AUM
BOOL bMS = (bCleartext) ? FALSE : TRUE; if (m_bIsNT5) { bMS = pAfpServerInfo->afpsrv_options & AFP_SRVROPT_MICROSOFT_UAM; }
BOOL bEncrypted = pAfpServerInfo->afpsrv_options & AFP_SRVROPT_NATIVEAPPLEUAM;
if (bEncrypted && bMS) m_comboAuthentication.SetCurSel(4); else if (bCleartext && bMS) m_comboAuthentication.SetCurSel(3); else if (bEncrypted) m_comboAuthentication.SetCurSel(2); else if (bCleartext) m_comboAuthentication.SetCurSel(1); else m_comboAuthentication.SetCurSel(0);
SetSessionLimit(pAfpServerInfo->afpsrv_max_sessions); //
// Direct the message edit control not to add end-of-line
// character from wordwrapped text lines.
m_editLogonMessage.SetLimitText(AFP_MESSAGE_LEN); m_editLogonMessage.FmtLines(FALSE);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
BOOL CMacFilesConfiguration::OnKillActive() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
return CPropertyPage::OnKillActive(); }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnOK() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
CPropertyPage::OnOK(); }
BOOL CMacFilesConfiguration::OnSetActive() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnRadioSessionUnlimited() { SetModified(TRUE); UpdateRadioButtons(TRUE); }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnRadioSesssionLimit() { SetModified(TRUE); UpdateRadioButtons(FALSE); }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::UpdateRadioButtons ( BOOL bUnlimitedClicked ) { if (bUnlimitedClicked) { m_radioSessionUnlimited.SetCheck(1); m_radioSessionLimit.SetCheck(0);
m_editSessionLimit.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { m_radioSessionUnlimited.SetCheck(0); m_radioSessionLimit.SetCheck(1);
m_editSessionLimit.EnableWindow(TRUE); } }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::SetSessionLimit ( DWORD dwSessionLimit ) { if ( dwSessionLimit == AFP_MAXSESSIONS ) { //
// Set selection to the Unlimited button
dwSessionLimit = 1; UpdateRadioButtons(TRUE); } else { //
// Set the sessions button to the value
m_spinSessionLimit.SetPos( dwSessionLimit ); UpdateRadioButtons(FALSE); }
CString cstrSessionLimit; cstrSessionLimit.Format(_T("%u"), dwSessionLimit); m_editSessionLimit.SetWindowText(cstrSessionLimit); }
DWORD CMacFilesConfiguration::QuerySessionLimit() { if (m_radioSessionUnlimited.GetCheck()) { return AFP_MAXSESSIONS; } else { CString strSessionLimit;
strSessionLimit.TrimLeft(); strSessionLimit.TrimRight();
// Strip off any leading zeros
int nCount = 0;
while (strSessionLimit[nCount] == _T('0')) { nCount++; } if (nCount) { //
// Leading zeros, strip off and set the text
strSessionLimit = strSessionLimit.Right(strSessionLimit.GetLength() - nCount); }
// set dwSessionLimit to 0 if it is outside the range [1, AFP_MAXSESSIONS]
DWORD dwSessionLimit = 0; if (!strSessionLimit.IsEmpty()) { __int64 i64SessionLimit = _wtoi64(strSessionLimit); if (i64SessionLimit <= AFP_MAXSESSIONS) dwSessionLimit = (DWORD)i64SessionLimit; }
return dwSessionLimit; } }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnSelchangeComboAuthentication() { SetModified(TRUE); }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnCheckSavePassword() { SetModified(TRUE); }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnChangeEditLogonMessage() { SetModified(TRUE); }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnChangeEditServerName() { SetModified(TRUE); }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnChangeEditSessionLimit() { SetModified(TRUE); }
BOOL CMacFilesConfiguration::OnApply() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
AFP_SERVER_INFO AfpServerInfo; DWORD dwParmNum = 0; DWORD err; CString strServerName; CString strLogonMessage;
if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
::ZeroMemory(&AfpServerInfo, sizeof(AfpServerInfo));
// Get the server name
if (m_editServerName.GetModify()) { m_editServerName.GetWindowText(strServerName); strServerName.TrimLeft(); strServerName.TrimRight();
if ( strServerName.IsEmpty() ) { ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_NEED_SERVER_NAME); m_editServerName.SetFocus();
return FALSE; }
// Validate the server name
if ( strServerName.Find(_T(':') ) != -1 ) { ::AfxMessageBox( IDS_AFPERR_InvalidServerName );
m_editServerName.SetFocus(); m_editServerName.SetSel(0, -1);
return FALSE; }
// Warn the user that the change won't take effect until
// the service is restarted.
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_name = (LPWSTR) ((LPCWSTR) strServerName); dwParmNum |= AFP_SERVER_PARMNUM_NAME; m_editServerName.SetModify(FALSE); } //
// Get the logon message
if (m_editLogonMessage.GetModify()) { m_editLogonMessage.GetWindowText(strLogonMessage); strLogonMessage.TrimLeft(); strLogonMessage.TrimRight();
// Was there any text ?
if ( strLogonMessage.IsEmpty() ) // always has a terminating NULL
{ AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_login_msg = NULL; } else { if ( strLogonMessage.GetLength() > AFP_MESSAGE_LEN ) { ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG);
// Set focus to the edit box and select the text
m_editLogonMessage.SetFocus(); m_editLogonMessage.SetSel(0, -1);
return(FALSE); }
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_login_msg = (LPWSTR) ((LPCWSTR) strLogonMessage); }
m_editLogonMessage.SetModify(FALSE); }
// Restore the original options and then just update the ones we
// are able to change
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options = m_dwAfpOriginalOptions;
// Set the server options to whatever the user set
if (m_checkSavePassword.GetCheck()) { //
// Set the option bit
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_ALLOWSAVEDPASSWORD; } else { //
// Clear the option bit
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_ALLOWSAVEDPASSWORD; }
// set the correct authentication options depending upon what is selected
switch (m_comboAuthentication.GetCurSel()) { case 0: // MS Auth only
if (!m_bIsNT5) { AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_MICROSOFT_UAM; } else { AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_MICROSOFT_UAM; }
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_CLEARTEXTLOGONALLOWED; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_NATIVEAPPLEUAM; break;
case 1: // Apple cleartext
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_CLEARTEXTLOGONALLOWED; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_MICROSOFT_UAM; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_NATIVEAPPLEUAM; break;
case 2: // Apple encrypted (only on NT5)
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_CLEARTEXTLOGONALLOWED; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_MICROSOFT_UAM; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_NATIVEAPPLEUAM; break;
case 3: // Cleartext or MS (only on NT5)
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_CLEARTEXTLOGONALLOWED; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_MICROSOFT_UAM; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_NATIVEAPPLEUAM; break;
case 4: // Apple Encrypted or MS (only on NT5)
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options &= ~AFP_SRVROPT_CLEARTEXTLOGONALLOWED; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_MICROSOFT_UAM; AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options |= AFP_SRVROPT_NATIVEAPPLEUAM; break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; }
// if we are enabling an authentication type that has apple encrypted
// then we need to warn the user.
if ( (AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options & AFP_SRVROPT_NATIVEAPPLEUAM) && !(m_dwAfpOriginalOptions & AFP_SRVROPT_NATIVEAPPLEUAM) ) { if (AfxMessageBox(IDS_AUTH_WARNING, MB_OKCANCEL) == IDCANCEL) { m_comboAuthentication.SetFocus(); return FALSE; } }
// Get the session limit
AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_max_sessions = QuerySessionLimit(); if (0 == AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_max_sessions) { DoErrMsgBox( m_hWnd, MB_OK, 0, IDS_INVALID_SESSIONLIMIT, AFP_MAXSESSIONS); m_editSessionLimit.SetFocus();
return FALSE; }
// Now tell the server about it
err = ((SERVERSETINFOPROC) g_SfmDLL[AFP_SERVER_SET_INFO])(m_pSheet->m_hAfpServer, (LPBYTE)&AfpServerInfo, dwParmNum ); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ::SFMMessageBox(err); return FALSE; }
// update our options
m_dwAfpOriginalOptions = AfpServerInfo.afpsrv_options;
// Clear the modified status for this page
return TRUE; }
int CMacFilesConfiguration::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CPropertyPage::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; HWND hParent = ::GetParent(m_hWnd); _ASSERTE(hParent); if (m_pSheet) { m_pSheet->AddRef(); m_pSheet->SetSheetWindow(hParent); }
return 0; }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnDestroy() { CPropertyPage::OnDestroy(); if (m_pSheet) { SetEvent(m_pSheet->m_hDestroySync); m_pSheet->SetSheetWindow(NULL); m_pSheet->Release(); } }
BOOL CMacFilesConfiguration::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
if (pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { ::WinHelp ((HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle, m_pSheet->m_strHelpFilePath, HELP_WM_HELP, g_aHelpIDs_CONFIGURE_SFM); } return TRUE; }
void CMacFilesConfiguration::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint /*point*/) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
if (this == pWnd) return;
::WinHelp (pWnd->m_hWnd, m_pSheet->m_strHelpFilePath, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, g_aHelpIDs_CONFIGURE_SFM); }