/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1997 **/ /**********************************************************************/
sfmfasoc.cpp Implementation for the file association property page. FILE HISTORY: 8/20/97 ericdav Code moved into file managemnet snapin */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sfmcfg.h"
#include "sfmfasoc.h"
#include "sfmtypes.h"
#include "sfmutil.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
int CompareCreators(CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC1, CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC2) { CString str1, str2;
str1 = pAfpTC1->QueryCreator(); str2 = pAfpTC2->QueryCreator();
return lstrcmpi(str1,str2); }
int CompareTypes(CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC1, CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC2) { CString str1, str2;
str1 = pAfpTC1->QueryType(); str2 = pAfpTC2->QueryType();
return lstrcmpi(str1,str2); }
int CALLBACK CompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) { CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC1 = (CAfpTypeCreator *) lParam1; CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC2 = (CAfpTypeCreator *) lParam2;
CString str1, str2;
int nCompare = 0;
// special case, we want the default to show up at the top always
if (pAfpTC1->QueryId() == AFP_DEF_TCID) return -1; else if (pAfpTC2->QueryId() == AFP_DEF_TCID) return 1;
switch (lParamSort) { // creator
case 0: nCompare = CompareCreators(pAfpTC1, pAfpTC2); if (nCompare == 0) nCompare = CompareTypes(pAfpTC1, pAfpTC2); break;
// type
case 1: nCompare = CompareTypes(pAfpTC1, pAfpTC2); if (nCompare == 0) nCompare = CompareCreators(pAfpTC1, pAfpTC2); break;
// description
case 2: str1 = pAfpTC1->QueryComment(); str2 = pAfpTC2->QueryComment();
nCompare = lstrcmpi(str1,str2); break; }
return nCompare; }
// CMacFilesFileAssociation property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CMacFilesFileAssociation, CPropertyPage)
CMacFilesFileAssociation::CMacFilesFileAssociation() : CPropertyPage(CMacFilesFileAssociation::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CMacFilesFileAssociation)
m_nSortColumn = 0; }
CMacFilesFileAssociation::~CMacFilesFileAssociation() { }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMacFilesFileAssociation)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_TYPE_CREATORS, m_listctrlCreators); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_EXTENSION, m_comboExtension); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_EDIT, m_buttonEdit); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_DELETE, m_buttonDelete); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_ASSOCIATE, m_buttonAssociate); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_ADD, m_buttonAdd); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMacFilesFileAssociation, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMacFilesFileAssociation)
// CMacFilesFileAssociation message handlers
BOOL CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
// Fill in the data from the server for extensions and type creators
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnButtonAdd() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
CTypeCreatorAddDlg dlgAdd(&m_listctrlCreators, m_pSheet->m_hAfpServer, m_pSheet->m_strHelpFilePath); CThemeContextActivator activator; if (dlgAdd.DoModal() == IDOK) { //
// Refresh the dialog
DWORD err = Refresh(); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ::SFMMessageBox(err);
return; }
SelectTypeCreator(dlgAdd.m_strCreator, dlgAdd.m_strType); } }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnButtonEdit() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC = GetTCObject(-1); // Get current TC Object
if (!pAfpTC) return;
CTypeCreatorEditDlg dlgEdit(pAfpTC, m_pSheet->m_hAfpServer, m_pSheet->m_strHelpFilePath); CThemeContextActivator activator; if (dlgEdit.DoModal() == IDOK) { //
// Refresh the dialog.
DWORD err = Refresh(); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ::SFMMessageBox(err); return; } }
if (m_buttonEdit.GetButtonStyle() == BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) m_buttonEdit.SetFocus(); }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnButtonAssociate() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); //
// The user pressed the Associate button. So associate the currently
// selected Extension with the currently selected type/creator.
AFP_TYPE_CREATOR AfpTypeCreator; AFP_EXTENSION AfpExtension; DWORD err; CString strExtension;
if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return;
m_comboExtension.GetWindowText(strExtension); strExtension.MakeUpper();
::ZeroMemory(&AfpTypeCreator, sizeof(AfpTypeCreator)); ::ZeroMemory(&AfpExtension, sizeof(AfpExtension));
::CopyMemory(AfpExtension.afpe_extension, (LPCTSTR) strExtension, strExtension.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR));
CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC = GetTCObject(-1); // Get Current TC Object
if (!pAfpTC) return;
::CopyMemory(AfpTypeCreator.afptc_creator, pAfpTC->QueryCreator(), pAfpTC->QueryCreatorLength() * sizeof(TCHAR)); ::CopyMemory(AfpTypeCreator.afptc_type, pAfpTC->QueryType(), pAfpTC->QueryTypeLength() * sizeof(TCHAR)); ::CopyMemory(AfpTypeCreator.afptc_comment, pAfpTC->QueryComment(), pAfpTC->QueryCommentLength() * sizeof(TCHAR)); AfpTypeCreator.afptc_id = pAfpTC->QueryId();
err = ((ETCMAPASSOCIATEPROC) g_SfmDLL[AFP_ETC_MAP_ASSOCIATE])(m_pSheet->m_hAfpServer, &AfpTypeCreator, &AfpExtension ); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ::SFMMessageBox(err); }
// Refresh the dialog
err = Refresh(); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ::SFMMessageBox(err); } }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnButtonDelete() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
// The user pressed the Delete button. Delete the currently
// selected type/creator pair
AFP_TYPE_CREATOR AfpTypeCreator; CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC = GetTCObject(-1); // Get Current TC Object
if (!pAfpTC) return;
DWORD err;
if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return;
// First warn the user.
::ZeroMemory( &AfpTypeCreator, sizeof(AfpTypeCreator) ); CopyMemory(AfpTypeCreator.afptc_creator, pAfpTC->QueryCreator(), pAfpTC->QueryCreatorLength() * sizeof(TCHAR)); CopyMemory(AfpTypeCreator.afptc_type, pAfpTC->QueryType(), pAfpTC->QueryTypeLength() * sizeof(TCHAR));
err = ((ETCMAPDELETEPROC) g_SfmDLL[AFP_ETC_MAP_DELETE])(m_pSheet->m_hAfpServer, &AfpTypeCreator); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ::SFMMessageBox(err); }
// Refresh the dialog.
err = Refresh(); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ::SFMMessageBox(err);
return; }
if ((m_buttonDelete.GetButtonStyle() == BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) || (m_buttonEdit.GetButtonStyle() == BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON)) { //
// The delete button has focus so we need to move
// the focus elsewhere because this button will be
// disabled. Let's set it to the add button.
m_buttonAdd.SetFocus(); m_buttonAdd.SetButtonStyle(BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON); m_buttonDelete.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); m_buttonEdit.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); } }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnSelchangeComboExtension() { int nCurIndex = m_comboExtension.GetCurSel();
if (nCurIndex != -1) { //
// Select the matching type creator (if exists) and enable associate button
SelectTypeCreator((DWORD)m_comboExtension.GetItemData(nCurIndex)); m_buttonAssociate.EnableWindow(TRUE); } else { m_buttonAssociate.EnableWindow(FALSE); } }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnEditchangeComboExtension() { CString strCurText; m_comboExtension.GetWindowText(strCurText); strCurText.MakeUpper();
if (strCurText.IsEmpty()) { //
// User cleared out the edit box, go to the default type creator
m_buttonAssociate.EnableWindow(FALSE); SelectTypeCreator(AFP_DEF_TCID); } else { int nIndexFound = m_comboExtension.FindStringExact(-1, strCurText); if (nIndexFound != CB_ERR) { //
// See if what the user has typed matches an extension in the listbox.
// Set the item to be the current one.
SelectTypeCreator((DWORD)m_comboExtension.GetItemData(nIndexFound)); }
m_buttonAssociate.EnableWindow(TRUE); } }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnDblclkListTypeCreators(NMHDR* /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT* pResult) { CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC = GetTCObject(-1); // Get Current TC Object
// Do not allow editing of the default type/creator
if (pAfpTC && pAfpTC->QueryId() != AFP_DEF_TCID) OnButtonEdit();
*pResult = 0; }
// CMacFilesFileAssociation helper functions
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::EnableControls(BOOL fEnable) {
if (fEnable) { m_buttonDelete.EnableWindow(TRUE); m_buttonEdit.EnableWindow(TRUE); } else { if ( (m_buttonEdit.GetState() & 0x0008) || (m_buttonDelete.GetState() & 0x0008) ) { //m_listctrlCreators.SetFocus();
m_buttonDelete.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_buttonEdit.EnableWindow(FALSE); } }
DWORD CMacFilesFileAssociation::SelectTypeCreator(DWORD dwId) { DWORD dwIdSelected = (DWORD)-1;
// Find the corresponding type creator if there is one
// and select it
for (int i = 0; i < m_listctrlCreators.GetItemCount(); i++) { CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC = GetTCObject(i); // Get TC object associated with this item
if (pAfpTC && pAfpTC->QueryId() == dwId) { SetCurSel(i); dwIdSelected = pAfpTC->QueryId(); break; } }
if (dwIdSelected == AFP_DEF_TCID || dwIdSelected == (DWORD)-1) EnableControls(FALSE); else EnableControls(TRUE);
return dwIdSelected; }
DWORD CMacFilesFileAssociation::SelectTypeCreator(CString & strCreator, CString & strType) { DWORD dwIdSelected = (DWORD)-1; //
// Find the corresponding type creator if there is one
// and select it
for (int i = 0; i < m_listctrlCreators.GetItemCount(); i++) { CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC = GetTCObject(i); // Get TC object associated with this item
if ( pAfpTC && (lstrcmp(strCreator, pAfpTC->QueryCreator()) == 0) && (lstrcmp(strType, pAfpTC->QueryType()) == 0) ) { SetCurSel(i); dwIdSelected = pAfpTC->QueryId(); break; } }
if (dwIdSelected == AFP_DEF_TCID || dwIdSelected == (DWORD)-1) EnableControls(FALSE); else EnableControls(TRUE);
return dwIdSelected; }
DWORD CMacFilesFileAssociation::Update() { PAFP_ETCMAP_INFO pAfpEtcMapInfo = NULL; DWORD err; if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
// Get the new data
err = ((ETCMAPGETINFOPROC) g_SfmDLL[AFP_ETC_MAP_GET_INFO])(m_pSheet->m_hAfpServer, (LPBYTE *)&pAfpEtcMapInfo); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { //
// Couldn't get the info...
return err; }
// Update the extensions COMBOBOX.
m_comboExtension.ResetContent(); PAFP_EXTENSION pAfpExtensions = pAfpEtcMapInfo->afpetc_extension;
for (UINT i = 0; i < pAfpEtcMapInfo->afpetc_num_extensions; i++) { int nIndex = m_comboExtension.AddString(pAfpExtensions->afpe_extension); m_comboExtension.SetItemData(nIndex, pAfpExtensions->afpe_tcid); pAfpExtensions++; }
m_comboExtension.SetCurSel(-1); m_buttonAssociate.EnableWindow(FALSE);
// Update the type/creator listbox
// let's nuke everything in the listbox.
PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreators = pAfpEtcMapInfo->afpetc_type_creator;
for (i = 0; i < pAfpEtcMapInfo->afpetc_num_type_creators; i++) { CAfpTypeCreator * pItemData = new CAfpTypeCreator(pAfpTypeCreators);
pAfpTypeCreators++; } if ( pAfpEtcMapInfo != NULL ) { ((SFMBUFFERFREEPROC) g_SfmDLL[AFP_BUFFER_FREE])(pAfpEtcMapInfo); }
m_listctrlCreators.SortItems(CompareFunc, m_nSortColumn);
// Set the current selection to be the default type creator
return NO_ERROR; }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::InitListCtrl() { CString strText;
strText.LoadString(IDS_CREATOR); m_listctrlCreators.InsertColumn(0, strText, LVCFMT_LEFT, 50);
strText.LoadString(IDS_TYPE); m_listctrlCreators.InsertColumn(1, strText, LVCFMT_LEFT, 50);
strText.LoadString(IDS_DESCRIPTION); m_listctrlCreators.InsertColumn(2, strText, LVCFMT_LEFT, 175);
ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(m_listctrlCreators.GetSafeHwnd(), LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::ClearListCtrl() { m_listctrlCreators.DeleteAllItems(); }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::InsertItem(CAfpTypeCreator * pItemData) { int nIndex = m_listctrlCreators.InsertItem(0, pItemData->QueryCreator()); m_listctrlCreators.SetItemText(nIndex, 1, pItemData->QueryType()); m_listctrlCreators.SetItemText(nIndex, 2, pItemData->QueryComment());
m_listctrlCreators.SetItemData(nIndex, (DWORD_PTR) pItemData); }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::SetCurSel(int nIndex) { LV_ITEM lvItem;
ZeroMemory(&lvItem, sizeof(lvItem));
lvItem.iItem = nIndex; lvItem.mask = LVIF_STATE; lvItem.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED; lvItem.state = LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED; m_listctrlCreators.SetItem(&lvItem);
m_listctrlCreators.EnsureVisible(nIndex, FALSE); }
int CMacFilesFileAssociation::GetCurSel() { return m_listctrlCreators.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED); }
DWORD CMacFilesFileAssociation::Refresh() { //
// Find out the type creator that has the current focus.
CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC = GetTCObject(-1); // Get Current TC Object
if (!pAfpTC) return NO_ERROR;
DWORD dwIdCreator = pAfpTC->QueryId(); CWnd * pFocusWnd = CWnd::GetFocus();
// Find out the extension that has the current focus
DWORD err; CString strCurExtension;
m_comboExtension.GetWindowText(strCurExtension); strCurExtension.MakeUpper(); if ( (err = Update()) != NO_ERROR ) { if (pFocusWnd) pFocusWnd->SetFocus();
return err; }
DWORD dwIdSelected = SelectTypeCreator(dwIdCreator);
// Set the extension to what it was before
if (strCurExtension.IsEmpty()) { m_buttonAssociate.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { m_comboExtension.SetWindowText(strCurExtension); m_buttonAssociate.EnableWindow(TRUE); }
if (pFocusWnd) pFocusWnd->SetFocus();
return NO_ERROR; }
CAfpTypeCreator * CMacFilesFileAssociation::GetTCObject(int nIndex) { if (-1 == nIndex) nIndex = GetCurSel();
if (-1 == nIndex) return NULL;
return (CAfpTypeCreator *) m_listctrlCreators.GetItemData(nIndex); }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnClose() { ClearListCtrl();
m_comboExtension.ResetContent(); CPropertyPage::OnClose(); }
BOOL CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
if (pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { ::WinHelp ((HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle, m_pSheet->m_strHelpFilePath, HELP_WM_HELP, g_aHelpIDs_CONFIGURE_SFM); } return TRUE; }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint /*point*/) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
if (this == pWnd) return;
::WinHelp (pWnd->m_hWnd, m_pSheet->m_strHelpFilePath, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, g_aHelpIDs_CONFIGURE_SFM); }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnItemchangedListTypeCreators(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR;
// Get the selected item's data which points to a TypeCreator object.
// Check the ID of that object to see how we should enable the buttons.
if (pNMListView->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) { CAfpTypeCreator * pAfpTC = GetTCObject(-1); // Get Current TC Object
if (pAfpTC) { DWORD dwId = pAfpTC->QueryId();
if (dwId == AFP_DEF_TCID || dwId == (DWORD)-1) EnableControls(FALSE); else EnableControls(TRUE); } } *pResult = 0; }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnColumnclickListTypeCreators(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR;
m_nSortColumn = pNMListView->iSubItem; m_listctrlCreators.SortItems(CompareFunc, m_nSortColumn); *pResult = 0; }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnDestroy() { CPropertyPage::OnDestroy(); ClearListCtrl();
m_comboExtension.ResetContent(); }
void CMacFilesFileAssociation::OnDeleteitemListTypeCreators(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR;
delete (CAfpTypeCreator *) pNMListView->lParam; *pResult = 0; }