Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
service to log performance counter and trace data, and to scan for alert conditions. --*/
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE 1
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE 1
#define _IMPLEMENT_WMI 1
// Windows Include files
#pragma warning ( disable : 4201)
#pragma warning ( disable : 4127)
// Define the following to use the minimum of shlwapip.h
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include <wmiguid.h>
#include <wmium.h>
#include <pdhmsg.h> // For BuildCurrentLogFileName
#include <pdhp.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "smlogsvc.h"
#include "smlogmsg.h"
#define DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_FOLDER L"%SystemDrive%\\PerfLogs"
// todo: Move SECONDS_IN_DAY definition
#define SECONDS_IN_DAY ((LONGLONG)(86400))
// Global variables used by all modules
HANDLE hEventLog = NULL; HINSTANCE hModule = NULL; DWORD* arrPdhDataCollectSuccess = NULL; INT iPdhDataCollectSuccessCount = 0; WCHAR gszDefaultLogFileFolder[MAX_PATH+1] = L"";
// hNewQueryEvent is signalled when a new query is started. This tells the main
// thread to reconfigure its array of Wait objects.
HANDLE hNewQueryEvent = NULL;
// Static variables used by this module only
static PLOG_QUERY_DATA pFirstQuery = NULL; static CRITICAL_SECTION QueryDataLock; static CRITICAL_SECTION ConfigurationLock;
// Active session count should match the number of query data objects.
static DWORD dwActiveSessionCount = 0; static DWORD dwMaxActiveSessionCount = MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS - 1; static HANDLE arrSessionHandle[MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS];
// Local function prototypes
DWORD LoadCommonConfig( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery);
void LockQueryData ( void );
void UnlockQueryData ( void );
PLOG_QUERY_DATA GetQueryData ( LPCWSTR szQueryName );
void FreeQueryData ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery );
void RemoveAndFreeQueryData ( HANDLE hThisQuery );
BOOL AlertFieldsMatch ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pFirstQuery, IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pSecondQuery );
BOOL CommonFieldsMatch ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pFirstQuery, IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pSecondQuery );
BOOL FieldsMatch ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pFirstQuery, IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pSecondQuery );
DWORD ConfigureQuery ( HKEY hKeyLogQuery, WCHAR* szQueryKeyNameBuffer, WCHAR* szQueryNameBuffer );
void ClearTraceProperties ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery );
BOOL TraceStopRestartFieldsMatch ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pOrigQuery, IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pNewQuery );
DWORD ReconfigureQuery ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery );
DWORD StartQuery ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery );
DWORD HandleMaxQueriesExceeded ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery );
DWORD InitTraceGuids( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery );
BOOL IsKernelTraceMode ( IN DWORD dwTraceFlags );
DWORD LoadPdhLogUpdateSuccess ( void );
void LoadDefaultLogFileFolder ( void );
DWORD IsCreateNewFile ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery, OUT BOOL* pbValidBySize, OUT BOOL* pbValidByTime );
ULONG TraceNotificationCallback( IN PWNODE_HEADER pWnode, IN UINT_PTR LogFileIndex ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(LogFileIndex);
if ( NULL != pWnode ) { if ( (IsEqualGUID(& pWnode->Guid, & TraceErrorGuid)) && (pWnode->BufferSize >= (sizeof(WNODE_HEADER) + sizeof(ULONG)))) { ULONG LoggerId = (ULONG) pWnode->HistoricalContext; PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery = pFirstQuery; ULONG Status = * ((ULONG *) (((PUCHAR) pWnode) + sizeof(WNODE_HEADER))); LOG_QUERY_DATA lqdTemp; HRESULT hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LockQueryData();
while ( NULL != pQuery ) { if (pQuery->Properties.Wnode.HistoricalContext == LoggerId) { break; } pQuery = pQuery->next; }
if ( NULL != pQuery ) {
if ( STATUS_LOG_FILE_FULL == Status) { LPWSTR szStringArray[2];
szStringArray[0] = pQuery->szQueryName; szStringArray[1] = FormatEventLogMessage(Status); ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_UPDATE_LOG, NULL, 2, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&Status);
LocalFree( szStringArray[1] ); } else if (STATUS_THREAD_IS_TERMINATING == Status) { if (pQuery->bExitOnTermination) { pQuery->bCallCloseTraceLogger = FALSE; SetEvent (pQuery->hExitEvent); } else { pQuery->bExitOnTermination = TRUE; } } else if ( STATUS_MEDIA_CHANGED == Status ) { BOOL bRun = TRUE;
if( pQuery->hUserToken == NULL ){ // see if we can get a user token
hr = PdhiPlaRunAs( pQuery->szQueryName, NULL, &pQuery->hUserToken );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ){ LPWSTR szStringArray[1]; szStringArray[0] = pQuery->szQueryName; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_INVALID_CREDENTIALS, NULL, 1, sizeof(HRESULT), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&hr ); bRun = FALSE; } } // Run command file, supplying previous filename
if ( bRun && NULL != pQuery->szCmdFileName ) { DoLogCommandFile (pQuery, pQuery->szLogFileName, TRUE); }
// Retrieve the current log file name for the next notification.
dwStatus = GetTraceQueryStatus ( pQuery, &lqdTemp );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { size_t cchMaxBufLen; //
// Truncation is not an error. Only used to record name
// in registry for display
hr = StringCchLength ( pQuery->szLogFileName, MAX_PATH+1, &cchMaxBufLen ); hr = StringCchCopy ( pQuery->szLogFileName, cchMaxBufLen, lqdTemp.szLogFileName ); RegisterCurrentFile( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szLogFileName, 0 ); } // else todo: report error
// Query to get the new filename
} else { // report error
} } UnlockQueryData(); } }
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } #endif
// Functions
DWORD GetSystemWideDefaultNullDataSource() { static BOOLEAN bRead = FALSE; static DWORD dwNullDataSource = DATA_SOURCE_REGISTRY;
if (bRead == FALSE) { HKEY hKeyPDH = NULL; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
// On failure, default to Registry.
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\PDH", 0L, KEY_READ, & hKeyPDH); if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW( hKeyPDH, L"DefaultNullDataSource", NULL, & dwType, (LPBYTE) & dwNullDataSource, & dwSize); if ( dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD && dwNullDataSource == DATA_SOURCE_WBEM) { dwNullDataSource = DATA_SOURCE_WBEM; } // else default to DATA_SOURCE_REGISTRY
RegCloseKey(hKeyPDH); } bRead = TRUE; } return dwNullDataSource; }
DWORD ScanHexFormat( IN const WCHAR* Buffer, IN ULONG MaximumLength, IN const WCHAR* Format, ...) /*++
Routine Description:
Scans a source Buffer and places values from that buffer into the parameters as specified by Format.
Buffer - Contains the source buffer which is to be scanned.
MaximumLength - Contains the maximum length in characters for which Buffer is searched. This implies that Buffer need not be UNICODE_NULL terminated.
Format - Contains the format string which defines both the acceptable string format contained in Buffer, and the variable parameters which follow.
NOTE: This code is from \ntos\rtl\guid.c
Return Value:
Returns the number of parameters filled if the end of the Buffer is reached, else -1 on an error.
--*/ { va_list ArgList; int FormatItems;
va_start(ArgList, Format); for (FormatItems = 0;;) { switch (*Format) { case 0: return (*Buffer && MaximumLength) ? -1 : FormatItems; case '%': Format++; if (*Format != '%') { ULONG Number; int Width; int Long; PVOID Pointer;
for (Long = 0, Width = 0;; Format++) { if ((*Format >= '0') && (*Format <= '9')) { Width = Width * 10 + *Format - '0'; } else if (*Format == 'l') { Long++; } else if ((*Format == 'X') || (*Format == 'x')) { break; } } Format++; for (Number = 0; Width--; Buffer++, MaximumLength--) { if (!MaximumLength) return (DWORD)(-1); Number *= 16; if ((*Buffer >= '0') && (*Buffer <= '9')) { Number += (*Buffer - '0'); } else if ((*Buffer >= 'a') && (*Buffer <= 'f')) { Number += (*Buffer - 'a' + 10); } else if ((*Buffer >= 'A') && (*Buffer <= 'F')) { Number += (*Buffer - 'A' + 10); } else { return (DWORD)(-1); } } Pointer = va_arg(ArgList, PVOID); if (Long) { *(PULONG)Pointer = Number; } else { *(PUSHORT)Pointer = (USHORT)Number; } FormatItems++; break; } /* no break */ default: if (!MaximumLength || (*Buffer != *Format)) { return (DWORD)(-1); } Buffer++; MaximumLength--; Format++; break; } } }
DWORD GUIDFromString( IN PUNICODE_STRING GuidString, OUT GUID* Guid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieves a the binary format of a textual GUID presented in the standard string version of a GUID: "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}".
GuidString - Place from which to retrieve the textual form of the GUID.
Guid - Place in which to put the binary form of the GUID.
NOTE: This code is from \ntos\rtl\guid.c
Return Value:
Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the buffer contained a valid GUID, else ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the string was invalid.
--*/ { USHORT Data4[8]; int Count;
WCHAR GuidFormat[] = L"{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}";
for (Count = 0; Count < sizeof(Data4)/sizeof(Data4[0]); Count++) { Data4[Count] = 0; }
if (ScanHexFormat(GuidString->Buffer, GuidString->Length / sizeof(WCHAR), GuidFormat, &Guid->Data1, &Guid->Data2, &Guid->Data3, &Data4[0], &Data4[1], &Data4[2], &Data4[3], &Data4[4], &Data4[5], &Data4[6], &Data4[7]) == -1) { return (DWORD)(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } for (Count = 0; Count < sizeof(Data4)/sizeof(Data4[0]); Count++) { Guid->Data4[Count] = (UCHAR)Data4[Count]; }
LPWSTR FormatEventLogMessage(DWORD dwStatus) {
if (NULL != hPdh){ dwFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; }
FormatMessage( dwFlags, hPdh, dwStatus, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPWSTR)&lpMsgBuf, MAX_PATH, NULL ); if ( NULL != hPdh ) { FreeLibrary( hPdh ); }
return lpMsgBuf; }
bReturn = ( dwKernelMask & dwTraceFlags ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
return bReturn; }
long JulianDateFromSystemTime( SYSTEMTIME *pST ) { static WORD wDaysInRegularMonth[] = { 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
static WORD wDaysInLeapYearMonth[] = { 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 };
long JDate = 0;
// Check for leap year.
if (pST->wMonth > 1) { if ( ( pST->wYear % 400 == 0 ) || ( pST->wYear % 100 != 0 && pST->wYear % 4 == 0 ) ) { // this is a leap year
JDate += wDaysInLeapYearMonth[pST->wMonth - 2]; } else { // this is not a leap year
JDate += wDaysInRegularMonth[pST->wMonth - 2]; } } // Add in days for this month.
JDate += pST->wDay;
// Add in year.
JDate += (pST->wYear) * 1000;
return JDate; }
DWORD ReadRegistrySlqTime ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szQueryName, // For error logging
LPCWSTR szValueName, PSLQ_TIME_INFO pPlqtDefault, PSLQ_TIME_INFO pPlqtValue ) //
// reads the time value "szValueName" from under hKey and
// returns it in the Value buffer
{ DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0;
assert (pPlqtValue != NULL); assert (szValueName != NULL);
if (hKey != NULL) { // then there should be something to read
// find out the size of the required buffer
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, szValueName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwBufferSize); if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((dwBufferSize == sizeof(SLQ_TIME_INFO)) && (dwType == REG_BINARY)) { // then there's something to read
dwType = 0; memset (&plqLocal, 0, sizeof(SLQ_TIME_INFO)); dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, szValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&plqLocal, &dwBufferSize);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { *pPlqtValue = plqLocal; } } else { // nothing to read
dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } else { // unable to read buffer
// dwStatus has error
} } else { // null key
dwStatus = ERROR_BADKEY; }
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPCWSTR szStringArray[2]; szStringArray[0] = szValueName; szStringArray[1] = szQueryName;
// apply default if it exists
if (pPlqtDefault != NULL) { ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, 2, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus);
*pPlqtValue = *pPlqtDefault; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // else no default.
// Leave it to the caller to log event.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ReadRegistryDwordValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szQueryName, LPCWSTR szValueName, PDWORD pdwDefault, LPDWORD pdwValue ) //
// reads the DWORD value "szValueName" from under hKey and
// returns it in the Value buffer
{ DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; DWORD dwRegValue;
assert (pdwValue != NULL); assert (szValueName != NULL);
if (hKey != NULL) { // then there should be something to read
// find out the size of the required buffer
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, szValueName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwBufferSize); if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ( (dwBufferSize == sizeof(DWORD)) && ( (REG_DWORD == dwType) || ( REG_BINARY == dwType) ) ) { // then there's something to read
dwType = 0; dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, szValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, &dwBufferSize); if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pdwValue = dwRegValue; } } else { // nothing to read
dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } else { // unable to read buffer
// dwStatus has error
} } else { // null key
dwStatus = ERROR_BADKEY; }
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPCWSTR szStringArray[2]; szStringArray[0] = szValueName; szStringArray[1] = szQueryName;
if (pdwDefault != NULL) { ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, 2, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus);
*pdwValue = *pdwDefault; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // else no default.
// Leave it to the caller to log event.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ReadRegistryStringValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szQueryName, LPCWSTR szValueName, LPCWSTR szDefault, LPWSTR *pszBuffer, LPDWORD pcbSize ) //
// Reads the string value "szValueName" from under hKey and
// frees any existing buffer referenced by pszBuffer,
// then allocates a new buffer returning it with the
// string value read from the registry and the size of the
// buffer in bytes.
{ DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; size_t cchBufLen = 0; WCHAR* szNewStringBuffer = NULL;
assert (pcbSize!= NULL); assert (szValueName != NULL);
if ( NULL != pcbSize ) { *pcbSize = 0; }
if (hKey != NULL) { //
// There should be something to read.
// Find out the size of the required buffer.
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, szValueName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwBufferSize); if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// NULL character size is 2 bytes
if (dwBufferSize > 2) { //
// There's something to read
szNewStringBuffer = (WCHAR*) G_ALLOC ( dwBufferSize ); if (szNewStringBuffer != NULL) { dwType = 0; dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, szValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szNewStringBuffer, &dwBufferSize); //
// Ensure that the registry string is null terminated.
cchBufLen = dwBufferSize/sizeof(WCHAR); szNewStringBuffer[cchBufLen - 1] = L'\0'; if ( 0 == lstrlenW ( szNewStringBuffer ) ) { dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } else { // Todo: Report event for this case.
dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { // nothing to read
dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } // else unable to read buffer
// dwStatus has error
} else { // null key
dwStatus = ERROR_BADKEY; }
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPCWSTR szStringArray[2]; szStringArray[0] = szValueName; szStringArray[1] = szQueryName;
if (szNewStringBuffer != NULL) { G_FREE ( szNewStringBuffer ); szNewStringBuffer = NULL; dwBufferSize = 0; } //
// Apply default
if ( szDefault != NULL ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
cchBufLen = 0; //
// StringCchLen fails if szDefault is null.
hr = StringCchLength ( szDefault, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &cchBufLen );
if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { // Null terminator.
cchBufLen++; } if ( 1 < cchBufLen ) { dwBufferSize = cchBufLen * sizeof (WCHAR); szNewStringBuffer = (WCHAR*) G_ALLOC ( dwBufferSize );
if (szNewStringBuffer != NULL) { ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, 2, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus);
StringCchCopy ( szNewStringBuffer, cchBufLen, szDefault); dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_QUERY_DEF_VAL, NULL, 2, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); } } } // else no default so no data returned
// Let the caller log the event if they want to.
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Delete the old buffer and replace it with
// the new one.
if (*pszBuffer != NULL) { G_FREE (*pszBuffer ); } *pszBuffer = szNewStringBuffer; if ( NULL != pcbSize ) { *pcbSize = dwBufferSize; } } else { // if error then delete the buffer
if (szNewStringBuffer != NULL) { G_FREE ( szNewStringBuffer ); if ( NULL != pcbSize ) { *pcbSize = dwBufferSize; } } }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szQueryName, // For error logging
LPCWSTR szValueName, LPCWSTR szDefault, LPWSTR* pszBuffer, UINT* puiLength ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwStatus = SmReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( hKey, szValueName, szDefault, pszBuffer, puiLength ); /*
Todo: Report event on failure LPCWSTR szStringArray[2];
szStringArray[0] = szValueName; szStringArray[1] = szQueryName;
if ( NULL != szDefault ) {
ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_QUERY_VALUE_NODEF, NULL, 2, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); } */ return dwStatus; }
DWORD WriteRegistryDwordValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szValueName, LPDWORD pdwValue, DWORD dwType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwValue = sizeof(DWORD);
assert ((dwType == REG_DWORD) || (dwType == REG_BINARY)); dwStatus = RegSetValueEx ( hKey, szValueName, 0L, dwType, (CONST BYTE *)pdwValue, dwValue);
return dwStatus; }
DWORD WriteRegistrySlqTime ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szValueName, PSLQ_TIME_INFO pSlqTime ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwValue = sizeof(SLQ_TIME_INFO);
dwStatus = RegSetValueEx ( hKey, szValueName, 0L, REG_BINARY, (CONST BYTE *)pSlqTime, dwValue);
return dwStatus; }
DWORD BuildCurrentLogFileName ( IN LPCWSTR szQueryName, IN LPCWSTR szBaseFileName, IN LPCWSTR szDefaultDir, IN LPCWSTR szSqlLogName, IN LPWSTR szOutFileBuffer, IN LPDWORD lpdwSerialNumber, IN DWORD dwAutoNameFormat, IN DWORD dwLogFileType, IN INT iCnfSerial ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = S_OK; PPDH_PLA_INFO pInfo = NULL; DWORD cchStrBufLen = 0; DWORD dwInfoSize = 0; DWORD dwFlags = 0; LPWSTR szFileNameBuffer = NULL;
// Todo: Presumes OutFileBuffer is large enough (i.e. >= MAX_PATH+1)
// Make buf length restriction explicit to calling code
dwStatus = PdhPlaGetInfo( (LPWSTR)szQueryName, NULL, &dwInfoSize, pInfo );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus && 0 != dwInfoSize ){ pInfo = (PPDH_PLA_INFO)G_ALLOC(dwInfoSize); if( NULL != pInfo && (sizeof(PDH_PLA_INFO) <= dwInfoSize) ){ ZeroMemory( pInfo, dwInfoSize );
dwStatus = PdhPlaGetInfo( (LPWSTR)szQueryName, NULL, &dwInfoSize, pInfo ); pInfo->dwFileFormat = dwLogFileType; pInfo->strBaseFileName = (LPWSTR)szBaseFileName; pInfo->dwAutoNameFormat = dwAutoNameFormat; // PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE is counter log vs trace log vs alert
pInfo->strDefaultDir = (LPWSTR)szDefaultDir; pInfo->dwLogFileSerialNumber = *lpdwSerialNumber; pInfo->strSqlName = (LPWSTR)szSqlLogName;
// iCnfSerial = 0 - No serial suffix for Create New File
// iCnfSerial = -1 - Include format string for trace file serial number.
if ( 0 == iCnfSerial ) { pInfo->ptCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE; } else { dwFlags |= PLA_FILENAME_USE_SUBEXT; if ( -1 == iCnfSerial ) { dwFlags |= PLA_FILENAME_GET_SUBFMT; pInfo->ptCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_SIZE; } else { pInfo->ptCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER; pInfo->dwReserved1 = iCnfSerial; } }
dwStatus = PdhPlaGetLogFileName ( (LPWSTR)szQueryName, NULL, pInfo, dwFlags, &cchStrBufLen, NULL );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus || PDH_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == dwStatus ) { szFileNameBuffer = G_ALLOC ((cchStrBufLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (NULL != szFileNameBuffer ) {
dwStatus = PdhPlaGetLogFileName ( (LPWSTR)szQueryName, NULL, pInfo, dwFlags, &cchStrBufLen, szFileNameBuffer );
// todo: Make buf length restriction explicit to calling code
hr = StringCchCopy ( szOutFileBuffer, (MAX_PATH + 1), szFileNameBuffer ); if ( FAILED ( hr ) ) { // Todo: Truncation-specific error code.
dwStatus = HRESULT_CODE ( hr ) ; }
G_FREE ( szFileNameBuffer ); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } }
if ( NULL != pInfo ) { G_FREE( pInfo ); }
return dwStatus; }
BOOL FileExists ( IN LPCWSTR szFileName ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bFileExists = FALSE; HANDLE hFile = NULL; LONG lErrorMode;
if ( NULL != szFileName ) { lErrorMode = SetErrorMode ( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS | SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX );
if ( NULL != hFile && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile && ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { bFileExists = TRUE; }
CloseHandle(hFile); SetErrorMode ( lErrorMode ); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return bFileExists; }
DWORD LoadCommonConfig( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; UINT uiBufferLen = 0; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiDefault; DWORD dwDefault = 0; DWORD dwTempRestart; LONGLONG ftLocalTime; DWORD dwLocalAttributes = 0;
// Schedule
dwDefault = SLQ_QUERY_STOPPED; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Current State", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwCurrentState);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { //
// Pass NULL default to avoid warning message.
// A missing value here is normal, converting from Win2000 config.
dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"RealTime DataSource", NULL, &pQuery->dwRealTimeQuery);
if ( ERROR_NO_DATA == dwStatus || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwStatus || ( 0 == pQuery->dwRealTimeQuery ) ) { pQuery->dwRealTimeQuery = GetSystemWideDefaultNullDataSource(); dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
ftLocalTime = 0;
GetLocalFileTime ( &ftLocalTime );
stiDefault.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; stiDefault.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_START; stiDefault.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT; stiDefault.llDateTime = ftLocalTime;
dwStatus = ReadRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Start", &stiDefault, &pQuery->stiRegStart); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { stiDefault.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; stiDefault.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_STOP; stiDefault.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE; stiDefault.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE;
dwStatus = ReadRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Stop", &stiDefault, &pQuery->stiRegStop); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { //
// Apply default value outside of Read method, to avoid
// error message. This value does not exist in Windows 2000
dwStatus = ReadRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Create New File", NULL, &pQuery->stiCreateNewFile);
if ( ERROR_NO_DATA == dwStatus || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwStatus ) { stiDefault.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS; stiDefault.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_CREATE_NEW_FILE; stiDefault.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE; stiDefault.dwUnitType = SLQ_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS; stiDefault.dwValue = 0;
pQuery->stiCreateNewFile = stiDefault;
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } //
// Restart flag is replaced by the Repeat time structure after Windows 2000.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { // If autostop, collect Restart value.
// Apply default value outside of Read method, to avoid
// error message. This value does not exist in Windows 2000
if ( pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode != SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE ) {
dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Restart", NULL, &dwTempRestart ); if ( ERROR_NO_DATA == dwStatus || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwStatus ) { dwTempRestart = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { // If autostop, collect Repeat value.
// Apply default value outside of Read method, to avoid
// error message. This value does not exist in Windows 2000
if ( pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode != SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE ) {
dwStatus = ReadRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Repeat Schedule", NULL, &pQuery->stiRepeat ); if ( ERROR_NO_DATA == dwStatus || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwStatus || SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pQuery->stiRepeat.dwAutoMode ) { // If the repeat value doesn't exist or is set to NONE,
// default to the Restart mode value: NONE or AFTER
stiDefault.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS; stiDefault.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_REPEAT_SCHEDULE;
stiDefault.dwAutoMode = dwTempRestart; stiDefault.dwUnitType = SLQ_TT_UTYPE_MINUTES; stiDefault.dwValue = 0; pQuery->stiRepeat = stiDefault;
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
ReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Comment", NULL, &pQuery->szLogFileComment, &uiBufferLen ); // Ignore status, default is empty.
// Todo: File attributes only for counter and trace logs
// File attributes
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
dwDefault = (DWORD)-1; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Log File Max Size", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwMaxFileSize); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
dwDefault = SLF_BIN_FILE; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Log File Type", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwLogFileType); if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pQuery->dwLogFileType = LOWORD(pQuery->dwLogFileType);
// For Whistler Beta 1, append mode stored in high word of
// the log type registry value
pQuery->dwAppendMode = (pQuery->dwLogFileType & 0xFFFF0000) == SLF_FILE_APPEND; } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
// Pass NULL default to avoid warning message.
// A missing value here is normal, converting from Win2000 config.
dwLocalAttributes = 0; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Data Store Attributes", NULL, &dwLocalAttributes );
// Extract log file size units
if ( ERROR_NO_DATA == dwStatus || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwStatus || ( 0 == ( dwLocalAttributes & SLF_DATA_STORE_SIZE_MASK ) ) ) { // If file size unit value is missing, default to Win2000 values
if ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) { if ( SLF_SQL_LOG != pQuery->dwLogFileType ) { pQuery->dwLogFileSizeUnit = ONE_KB; } else { pQuery->dwLogFileSizeUnit = ONE_RECORD; } } else if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) { pQuery->dwLogFileSizeUnit = ONE_MB; } } else { if ( dwLocalAttributes & SLF_DATA_STORE_SIZE_ONE_MB ) { pQuery->dwLogFileSizeUnit = ONE_MB; } else if ( dwLocalAttributes & SLF_DATA_STORE_SIZE_ONE_KB ) { pQuery->dwLogFileSizeUnit = ONE_KB; } else if ( dwLocalAttributes & SLF_DATA_STORE_SIZE_ONE_RECORD ) { pQuery->dwLogFileSizeUnit = ONE_RECORD; } }
// Extract append flag if not already set by Whistler Beta 1 code
if ( 0 == pQuery->dwAppendMode ) { if ( ERROR_NO_DATA == dwStatus || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwStatus || ( 0 == ( dwLocalAttributes & SLF_DATA_STORE_APPEND_MASK ) ) ) { // If file append mode value is missing, default to Win2000 values
assert ( SLF_SQL_LOG != pQuery->dwLogFileType ); if ( SLF_SQL_LOG != pQuery->dwLogFileType ) { pQuery->dwAppendMode = 0; } } else { pQuery->dwAppendMode = ( dwLocalAttributes & SLF_DATA_STORE_APPEND ); } } dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { dwDefault = SLF_NAME_NNNNNN; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Log File Auto Format", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwAutoNameFormat ); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { WCHAR szDefault[MAX_PATH+1];
// Dependent on AutoNameFormat setting.
if ( SLF_NAME_NONE == pQuery->dwAutoNameFormat ) { //
// Default log file name is query name, if no autoformat.
// szDefault and szQueryName both have length MAX_PATH + 1
StringCchCopy ( szDefault, MAX_PATH + 1, pQuery->szQueryName ); } else { szDefault[0] = L'\0'; } dwStatus = ReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Log File Base Name", szDefault, &pQuery->szBaseFileName, &uiBufferLen );
if ( NULL != pQuery->szBaseFileName ) { ReplaceBlanksWithUnderscores ( pQuery->szBaseFileName ); }
// szDefault of length 0 indicates that auto format is enabled.
if ( 0 == lstrlen (szDefault) ) { if ( NULL != pQuery->szBaseFileName ) { if ( 0 == lstrlen ( pQuery->szBaseFileName ) ) { // Ignore bad status if the base log file name
// is NULL and auto format is enabled.
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { WCHAR* pszTemp = NULL; DWORD cchLen = 0; DWORD cchExpandedLen = 0;
dwStatus = ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Log File Folder", gszDefaultLogFileFolder, &pszTemp, &dwBufferSize );
// Parse all environment variables
if (pszTemp != NULL) { cchLen = ExpandEnvironmentStrings ( pszTemp, NULL, 0 ); if ( 0 < cchLen ) { //
// cchLen includes NULL.
if ( NULL != pQuery->szLogFileFolder ) { G_FREE (pQuery->szLogFileFolder ); pQuery->szLogFileFolder = NULL; } pQuery->szLogFileFolder = G_ALLOC ( cchLen * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( NULL != pQuery->szLogFileFolder ) {
cchExpandedLen = ExpandEnvironmentStrings ( pszTemp, pQuery->szLogFileFolder, cchLen );
if ( 0 == cchExpandedLen ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); pQuery->szLogFileFolder[0] = L'\0'; } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { dwStatus = GetLastError(); } } if ( NULL != pszTemp ) { G_FREE ( pszTemp ); } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Sql Log Base Name", NULL, &pQuery->szSqlLogName, &dwBufferSize ); // Ignore status, default is empty.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { dwDefault = 1; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Log File Serial Number", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwCurrentSerialNumber ); }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD LoadQueryConfig( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwBufferSize; UINT uiBufferLen = 0; LPWSTR szStringArray[2]; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiDefault; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiTemp; DWORD dwDefault; DWORD dwType;
dwType = REG_DWORD; dwBufferSize = sizeof(DWORD); dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, L"Log Type", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&pQuery->dwLogType, &dwBufferSize);
if ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) { //
// Counters
dwStatus = ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Counter List", NULL, &pQuery->mszCounterList, &dwBufferSize );
if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) || ( 0 == dwBufferSize ) ) { //
// No counter list retrieved so there's not much
// point in continuing
szStringArray[0] = pQuery->szQueryName; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_COUNTER_LIST, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); } else { //
// EOF command file name.
// This is used for both Counter and Trace log files.
// Alerts use the Command file field for Alert command file.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"EOF Command File", NULL, &pQuery->szCmdFileName, &dwBufferSize ); // Ignore status, default is empty.
} //
// Sample interval
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { stiDefault.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS; stiDefault.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_SAMPLE; stiDefault.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER; stiDefault.dwUnitType = SLQ_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS; stiDefault.dwValue = 15;
dwStatus = ReadRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Sample Interval", &stiDefault, &stiTemp); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { LONGLONG llMillisecInterval; TimeInfoToMilliseconds( &stiTemp, &llMillisecInterval ); assert ( ULONG_MAX > llMillisecInterval ); if ( ULONG_MAX > llMillisecInterval ) { pQuery->dwMillisecondSampleInterval = (DWORD)(llMillisecInterval); } else { pQuery->dwMillisecondSampleInterval = ULONG_MAX - 1; } } } } } else if ( SLQ_ALERT == pQuery->dwLogType) { //
// Counters & alert limits
dwStatus = ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Counter List", NULL, &pQuery->mszCounterList, &dwBufferSize );
if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) || ( 0 == dwBufferSize ) ) { //
// No counter list retrieved so there's not much
// point in continuing
szStringArray[0] = pQuery->szQueryName; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_COUNTER_LIST, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); } else { //
// Sample interval
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { stiDefault.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS; stiDefault.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_SAMPLE; stiDefault.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER; stiDefault.dwUnitType = SLQ_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS; stiDefault.dwValue = 15;
dwStatus = ReadRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Sample Interval", &stiDefault, &stiTemp );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { LONGLONG llMillisecInterval; TimeInfoToMilliseconds( &stiTemp, &llMillisecInterval ); assert ( ULONG_MAX > llMillisecInterval ); if ( ULONG_MAX > llMillisecInterval ) { pQuery->dwMillisecondSampleInterval = (DWORD)(llMillisecInterval); } else { pQuery->dwMillisecondSampleInterval = ULONG_MAX - 1; } } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { //
// Action flags
dwDefault = 0; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Action Flags", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwAlertActionFlags); }
if (( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) && ((pQuery->dwAlertActionFlags & ALRT_ACTION_SEND_MSG) != 0)) { dwStatus = ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Network Name", L"", &pQuery->szNetName, &dwBufferSize ); }
if (( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) && ((pQuery->dwAlertActionFlags & ALRT_ACTION_EXEC_CMD) != 0)) { ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Command File", NULL, &pQuery->szCmdFileName, &dwBufferSize );
if (( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) && ((pQuery->dwAlertActionFlags & ALRT_CMD_LINE_U_TEXT) != 0)) {
ReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"User Text", L"", &pQuery->szUserText, &uiBufferLen ); } }
if (( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) && ((pQuery->dwAlertActionFlags & ALRT_ACTION_START_LOG) != 0)) { dwStatus = ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Perf Log Name", L"", &pQuery->szPerfLogName, &dwBufferSize ); } } } else if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) {
DWORD dwProviderStatus; dwDefault = 0; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Trace Flags", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwFlags);
dwProviderStatus = ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Trace Provider List", NULL, &pQuery->mszProviderList, &dwBufferSize );
if ( 0 == dwBufferSize ) { if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwProviderStatus ) && ( ! IsKernelTraceMode( pQuery->dwFlags ) ) ) { //
// No provider list retrieved and not kernel trace so there's not much
// point in continuing
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { dwStatus = SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_PROVIDER_LIST; } szStringArray[0] = pQuery->szQueryName; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_PROVIDER_LIST, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); } else { //
// Allocate a minimal buffer for the NULL character to simplify later logic.
pQuery->mszProviderList = G_ALLOC ( sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( NULL != pQuery->mszProviderList ) { pQuery->mszProviderList[0] = L'\0'; } else{ dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; szStringArray[0] = pQuery->szQueryName; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_PROVIDER_LIST, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); } } }
// It is possible the "Trace Provider Flags" list is not present
// or has nothing it
dwProviderStatus = ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Trace Provider Flags", L"", &pQuery->mszProviderFlags, &dwBufferSize );
// It is possible the "Trace Provider Levels" list is not present
// or has nothing it
dwProviderStatus = ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Trace Provider Levels", L"", &pQuery->mszProviderLevels, &dwBufferSize );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
dwDefault = 4; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Trace Buffer Size", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwBufferSize); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
dwDefault = 2; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Trace Buffer Min Count", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwBufferMinCount); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
dwDefault = 25; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Trace Buffer Max Count", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwBufferMaxCount); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { dwDefault = 0; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Trace Buffer Flush Interval", &dwDefault, &pQuery->dwBufferFlushInterval); }
// EOF Command file.
// This is used for both Counter and Trace log files.
// Alerts use the Command file field for Alert command file.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { ReadRegistryStringValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"EOF Command File", NULL, &pQuery->szCmdFileName, &dwBufferSize ); // Ignore status, default is empty.
} } else { //
// Ignore partly created logs and alerts.
assert ( SLQ_NEW_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ); if ( SLQ_NEW_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) { dwStatus = SMLOG_LOG_TYPE_NEW; } else { dwStatus = SMLOG_INVALID_LOG_TYPE;
szStringArray[0] = pQuery->szQueryName; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_INVALID_LOG_TYPE, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&pQuery->dwLogType); } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { dwStatus = LoadCommonConfig ( pQuery ); }
return dwStatus; }
void LockQueryData ( void ) { EnterCriticalSection ( &QueryDataLock ); }
void UnlockQueryData ( void ) { LeaveCriticalSection ( &QueryDataLock ); }
void EnterConfigure ( void ) { EnterCriticalSection ( &QueryDataLock ); }
void ExitConfigure ( void ) { LeaveCriticalSection ( &QueryDataLock ); }
PLOG_QUERY_DATA GetQueryData ( LPCWSTR szQueryName ) { PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery;
pQuery = pFirstQuery;
while ( NULL != pQuery ) { if ( !lstrcmpi(pQuery->szQueryName, szQueryName ) ) { // If the exit event isn't set, then this query is still active.
if ((WaitForSingleObject (pQuery->hExitEvent, 0)) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } } pQuery = pQuery->next; }
return pQuery; }
PLOG_QUERY_DATA GetQueryDataPtr ( HANDLE hThisQuery ) { PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery = NULL;
LockQueryData(); // Find the query data block in the list.
if ( hThisQuery == pFirstQuery->hThread ) { pQuery = pFirstQuery; }
if ( NULL == pQuery ) {
for ( pQuery = pFirstQuery; NULL != pQuery->next; pQuery = pQuery->next ) {
if ( hThisQuery == pQuery->next->hThread ) { pQuery = pQuery->next; break; } } }
return pQuery; }
void DeallocateQueryBuffers ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery ) { //
// Deallocate the buffers that can be deleted when the collection
// thread is reconfigured.
if (( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) || ( SLQ_ALERT == pQuery->dwLogType)) {
if (pQuery->mszCounterList != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->mszCounterList); pQuery->mszCounterList = NULL; } }
if ( SLQ_ALERT == pQuery->dwLogType) { if (pQuery->szNetName != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->szNetName); pQuery->szNetName = NULL; }
if (pQuery->szPerfLogName != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->szPerfLogName); pQuery->szPerfLogName = NULL; }
if (pQuery->szUserText != NULL) { G_FREE (pQuery->szUserText); pQuery->szUserText = NULL; } }
if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType) { if (pQuery->mszProviderList != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->mszProviderList); pQuery->mszProviderList = NULL; } if (pQuery->mszProviderFlags != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->mszProviderFlags); pQuery->mszProviderFlags = NULL; } if (pQuery->mszProviderLevels != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->mszProviderLevels); pQuery->mszProviderLevels = NULL; } }
if (pQuery->szLogFileComment != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->szLogFileComment); pQuery->szLogFileComment = NULL; }
if (pQuery->szBaseFileName != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->szBaseFileName); pQuery->szBaseFileName = NULL; }
if (pQuery->szLogFileFolder != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->szLogFileFolder); pQuery->szLogFileFolder = NULL; }
if (pQuery->szSqlLogName != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->szSqlLogName); pQuery->szSqlLogName = NULL; }
if (pQuery->szCmdFileName != NULL) { G_FREE(pQuery->szCmdFileName); pQuery->szCmdFileName = NULL; } }
void ClearTraceProperties ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery ) { #if _IMPLEMENT_WMI
G_ZERO (& pQuery->Properties, sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES)); G_ZERO (pQuery->szLoggerName, sizeof(pQuery->szLoggerName)); G_ZERO (pQuery->szLogFileName, sizeof(pQuery->szLogFileName));
if ( NULL != pQuery->arrpGuid ) { ULONG ulIndex; for ( ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < pQuery->ulGuidCount; ulIndex++ ) { if ( NULL != pQuery->arrpGuid[ulIndex].pszProviderName ) { G_FREE ( pQuery->arrpGuid[ulIndex].pszProviderName ); pQuery->arrpGuid[ulIndex].pszProviderName = NULL; } }
G_FREE ( pQuery->arrpGuid ); pQuery->arrpGuid = NULL; }
pQuery->ulGuidCount = 0;
pQuery->Properties.LoggerNameOffset = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES); pQuery->Properties.LogFileNameOffset = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) + sizeof(pQuery->szLoggerName); #endif
DWORD LoadPdhLogUpdateSuccess ( void ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKeySysmonLog = NULL; WCHAR* mszStatusList = NULL; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; DWORD dwType = 0;
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( (HKEY)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SysmonLog", 0L, KEY_READ, (PHKEY)&hKeySysmonLog);
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Find out the size of the required buffer
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKeySysmonLog, L"PdhDataCollectSuccessStatus", NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwBufferSize); // In bytes
// If there is something to read
if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) && ( 0 < dwBufferSize ) ) { mszStatusList = G_ALLOC ( dwBufferSize );
if ( NULL != mszStatusList ) { mszStatusList[0] = L'\0'; dwType = 0; dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKeySysmonLog, L"PdhDataCollectSuccessStatus", NULL, &dwType, (UCHAR*)mszStatusList, &dwBufferSize);
if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) && ( 0 < dwBufferSize ) && ( L'\0' != mszStatusList[0] ) ) {
// Allocate and load Pdh data collection status value array.
INT iStatusCount = 0; WCHAR* szThisStatus;
for (szThisStatus = mszStatusList; *szThisStatus != 0; szThisStatus += lstrlen(szThisStatus) + 1) { iStatusCount++; } arrPdhDataCollectSuccess = G_ALLOC ( iStatusCount * sizeof ( DWORD ) ); if ( NULL != arrPdhDataCollectSuccess ) { INT iStatusIndex;
szThisStatus = mszStatusList; for ( iStatusIndex = 0; iStatusIndex < iStatusCount; iStatusIndex++ ) { if (0 != *szThisStatus ) { arrPdhDataCollectSuccess[iStatusIndex] = (DWORD)_wtoi( szThisStatus ); szThisStatus += lstrlen(szThisStatus) + 1; } else { break; } } } iPdhDataCollectSuccessCount = iStatusCount; } if ( NULL != mszStatusList ) { G_FREE ( mszStatusList ); } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } RegCloseKey(hKeySysmonLog); }
return dwStatus; }
#define GUID_BUF_LEN (64)
LPWSTR pszThisGuid; LPWSTR pszThisFlag; LPWSTR pszThisLevel; LONG ulGuidIndex; LONG ulGuidCount = 0; PTRACE_PROVIDER arrpGuid = NULL; WCHAR pszThisGuidBuffer[GUID_BUF_LEN]; UNICODE_STRING ustrGuid;
// Count the GUIDs
if ( NULL != pQuery ) { if ( NULL != pQuery->mszProviderList ) { for (pszThisGuid = pQuery->mszProviderList; *pszThisGuid != 0; pszThisGuid += lstrlen(pszThisGuid) + 1) { ulGuidCount += 1; if ( NULL == pszThisGuid ) { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { arrpGuid = G_ALLOC ( ulGuidCount * sizeof ( TRACE_PROVIDER ) ); if (NULL == arrpGuid) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { G_ZERO ( arrpGuid, ulGuidCount * sizeof ( TRACE_PROVIDER ) ); } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { //
// Create an array of pointers to individual provider Guids in the
// mszProviderList. The provider Guids are used as provider
// names in error messages, and for comparison with provider list
for ( ulGuidIndex = 0; ulGuidIndex < ulGuidCount; ulGuidIndex++) { arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].pszProviderName = G_ALLOC ( sizeof(WCHAR[MAX_PATH+1]) ); if (NULL == arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].pszProviderName) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus) {
ulGuidIndex = 0; pszThisFlag = pQuery->mszProviderFlags; pszThisLevel = pQuery->mszProviderLevels;
for (pszThisGuid = pQuery->mszProviderList; *pszThisGuid != 0; pszThisGuid += lstrlen(pszThisGuid) + 1) {
StringCchCopy ( pszThisGuidBuffer, GUID_BUF_LEN, pszThisGuid ); //
// Size of GUID length << USHORT
ustrGuid.Length = (USHORT)(GUID_BUF_LEN*sizeof(WCHAR)); ustrGuid.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(GUID_BUF_LEN*sizeof(WCHAR)); ustrGuid.Buffer = pszThisGuidBuffer; dwStatus = GUIDFromString (&ustrGuid, &arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].Guid );
StringCchCopy ( arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].pszProviderName, MAX_PATH+1, pszThisGuid );
// Set provider flags
if (pszThisFlag) { if (*pszThisFlag) { arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].dwFlag = ahextoi(pszThisFlag); pszThisFlag += lstrlen(pszThisFlag) + 1; } } //
// Set provider levels
if (pszThisLevel) { if (*pszThisLevel) { arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].dwLevel = ahextoi(pszThisLevel); pszThisLevel += lstrlen(pszThisLevel) + 1; } } ulGuidIndex++; } pQuery->ulGuidCount = ulGuidCount; pQuery->arrpGuid = arrpGuid; } }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus) { // If failure anywhere, deallocate arrays
if ( NULL != arrpGuid ) { for (ulGuidIndex--; ulGuidIndex>=0; ulGuidIndex--) { if (arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].pszProviderName) { G_FREE(arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].pszProviderName); } } G_FREE(arrpGuid); } } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } #else
return dwStatus; }
DWORD IsCreateNewFile ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery, OUT BOOL* pbValidBySize, OUT BOOL* pbValidByTime ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bLocalValidBySize = FALSE; BOOL bLocalValidByTime = FALSE;
if ( ( NULL != pQuery ) ) { if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_SIZE == pQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode ) {
if ( ( SLF_SEQ_TRACE_FILE == pQuery->dwLogFileType ) && ( -1 != pQuery->dwMaxFileSize ) && ( 0 != pQuery->dwMaxFileSize ) ) { bLocalValidBySize = TRUE; } } else if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER == pQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode ) { bLocalValidByTime = TRUE; } if ( NULL != pbValidBySize ) { *pbValidBySize = bLocalValidBySize; } if ( NULL != pbValidByTime ) { *pbValidByTime = bLocalValidByTime; } } else { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return dwStatus; }
void InitTraceProperties ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery, IN BOOL bUpdateSerial, IN OUT DWORD* pdwSessionSerial, IN OUT INT* piCnfSerial ) { #if _IMPLEMENT_WMI
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPDH_PLA_INFO pInfo = NULL; DWORD dwInfoSize = 0; BOOL bBySize = FALSE; BOOL bByTime = FALSE; INT iLocalCnfSerial; DWORD dwLocalSessionSerial = 0; // Init for Prefix check
if ( NULL != pQuery && NULL != piCnfSerial ) {
hr = PdhPlaGetInfoW( pQuery->szQueryName, NULL, &dwInfoSize, pInfo ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr && 0 != dwInfoSize ) { pInfo = (PPDH_PLA_INFO)G_ALLOC(dwInfoSize); if( NULL != pInfo && (sizeof(PDH_PLA_INFO) <= dwInfoSize) ){ ZeroMemory( pInfo, dwInfoSize );
pInfo->dwMask = PLA_INFO_FLAG_MODE|PLA_INFO_FLAG_LOGGERNAME; hr = PdhPlaGetInfoW( pQuery->szQueryName, NULL, &dwInfoSize, pInfo ); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } ClearTraceProperties ( pQuery ); dwStatus = IsCreateNewFile ( pQuery, &bBySize, &bByTime );
// Create format string, store it in pQuery->szLogFileName
if ( bBySize ) { // In BuildCurrentLogFileName, iCnfSerial of -1 signals code to
// return the format string for cnf serial number
iLocalCnfSerial = -1; } else { if ( bByTime ) { *piCnfSerial += 1; iLocalCnfSerial = *piCnfSerial; } else { iLocalCnfSerial = 0; } } if ( NULL != pdwSessionSerial ) { dwLocalSessionSerial = *pdwSessionSerial; } else { dwLocalSessionSerial = pQuery->dwCurrentSerialNumber; }
dwStatus = BuildCurrentLogFileName ( pQuery->szQueryName, pQuery->szBaseFileName, pQuery->szLogFileFolder, pQuery->szSqlLogName, pQuery->szLogFileName, &dwLocalSessionSerial, pQuery->dwAutoNameFormat, pQuery->dwLogFileType, iLocalCnfSerial );
RegisterCurrentFile( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szLogFileName, iLocalCnfSerial );
// Update log serial number if modified.
if ( bUpdateSerial && SLF_NAME_NNNNNN == pQuery->dwAutoNameFormat ) { pQuery->dwCurrentSerialNumber++;
// Todo: Info event on number wrap - Server Beta 3.
if ( MAXIMUM_SERIAL_NUMBER < pQuery->dwCurrentSerialNumber ) { pQuery->dwCurrentSerialNumber = MINIMUM_SERIAL_NUMBER; }
WriteRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, L"Log File Serial Number", &pQuery->dwCurrentSerialNumber, REG_DWORD); // Todo: log event on error.
pQuery->Properties.Wnode.BufferSize = sizeof(pQuery->Properties) + sizeof(pQuery->szLoggerName) + sizeof(pQuery->szLogFileName);
if ( TRUE == bBySize ) { // Add room for trace code to to return formatted filename string.
pQuery->Properties.Wnode.BufferSize += 8; } pQuery->Properties.Wnode.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID;
// Fill out properties block and start.
pQuery->Properties.BufferSize = pQuery->dwBufferSize; pQuery->Properties.MinimumBuffers = pQuery->dwBufferMinCount; pQuery->Properties.MaximumBuffers = pQuery->dwBufferMaxCount;
if ( pInfo ) { if ( pInfo->Trace.strLoggerName != NULL ) { StringCchCopy ( pQuery->szLoggerName, MAX_PATH + 1, // Defined in header
pInfo->Trace.strLoggerName ); } } else { StringCchCopy ( pQuery->szLoggerName, MAX_PATH + 1, pQuery->szQueryName ); } if ( (BOOL)( 0 == (pQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_BUFFER_FLUSH)) ) pQuery->Properties.FlushTimer = 0; else pQuery->Properties.FlushTimer = pQuery->dwBufferFlushInterval; if ( IsKernelTraceMode ( pQuery->dwFlags ) ) { pQuery->Properties.Wnode.Guid = SystemTraceControlGuid; StringCchCopy ( pQuery->szLoggerName, MAX_PATH + 1, KERNEL_LOGGER_NAMEW );
if ( (BOOL)( 0 != (pQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_KERNEL_TRACE)) ) { // NT5 Beta 2 Single Kernel flag
if ( (BOOL)( 0 != (pQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_THREAD_TRACE)) ) pQuery->Properties.EnableFlags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_THREAD; if ( (BOOL)( 0 != (pQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_DISKIO_TRACE)) ) pQuery->Properties.EnableFlags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_IO; if ( (BOOL)( 0 != (pQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_NETWORK_TCPIP_TRACE)) ) pQuery->Properties.EnableFlags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_NETWORK_TCPIP; } if ( (BOOL)( 0 != (pQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_MEMMAN_TRACE)) ) pQuery->Properties.EnableFlags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_MEMORY_PAGE_FAULTS;
if ( (BOOL)( 0 != (pQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_FILEIO_TRACE)) ) pQuery->Properties.EnableFlags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_FILE_IO; } else { InitTraceGuids ( pQuery ); } if ( -1 == pQuery->dwMaxFileSize ) { pQuery->Properties.MaximumFileSize = 0; } else { pQuery->Properties.MaximumFileSize = pQuery->dwMaxFileSize; } if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus && TRUE == bBySize ) { pQuery->Properties.LogFileMode = EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_SEQUENTIAL | EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_NEWFILE; } else if ( SLF_SEQ_TRACE_FILE == pQuery->dwLogFileType ) { pQuery->Properties.LogFileMode = EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_SEQUENTIAL;
// Only set Append mode if the file already exists.
if ( pQuery->dwAppendMode && FileExists ( pQuery->szLogFileName ) ) { pQuery->Properties.LogFileMode |= EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_APPEND; }
} else { assert ( SLF_CIRC_TRACE_FILE == pQuery->dwLogFileType ); pQuery->Properties.LogFileMode = EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_CIRCULAR; }
if ( pInfo ) { pQuery->Properties.LogFileMode |= pInfo->Trace.dwMode; G_FREE( pInfo ); } if ( NULL != pdwSessionSerial ) { *pdwSessionSerial = dwLocalSessionSerial; } } // Todo: else report error, return error
void FreeQueryData ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery ) { // Caller must remove the thread data block from the list.
// Threads are deleted by only one thread, so this should not
// be deleted out from under.
assert ( NULL != pQuery );
if ( NULL != pQuery ) { // Free this entry.
if (( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) || ( SLQ_ALERT == pQuery->dwLogType ) ){ while ( NULL != pQuery->pFirstCounter ) { PLOG_COUNTER_INFO pDelCI = pQuery->pFirstCounter; pQuery->pFirstCounter = pDelCI->next;
G_FREE( pDelCI ); } } else { if ( NULL != pQuery->arrpGuid ) { ULONG ulIndex; for ( ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < pQuery->ulGuidCount; ulIndex++ ) { if ( NULL != pQuery->arrpGuid[ulIndex].pszProviderName ) { G_FREE ( pQuery->arrpGuid[ulIndex].pszProviderName ); pQuery->arrpGuid[ulIndex].pszProviderName = NULL; } }
G_FREE ( pQuery->arrpGuid ); pQuery->arrpGuid = NULL; } }
if ( NULL != pQuery->hThread ) { CloseHandle ( pQuery->hThread ); pQuery->hThread = NULL; }
if ( NULL != pQuery->hUserToken ) { CloseHandle ( pQuery->hUserToken ); pQuery->hUserToken = NULL; }
if ( NULL != pQuery->hExitEvent ) { CloseHandle ( pQuery->hExitEvent ); pQuery->hExitEvent = NULL; }
if ( NULL != pQuery->hReconfigEvent ) { CloseHandle ( pQuery->hReconfigEvent ); pQuery->hReconfigEvent = NULL; }
if ( NULL != pQuery->hKeyQuery ) { RegCloseKey ( pQuery->hKeyQuery ); pQuery->hKeyQuery = NULL; }
DeallocateQueryBuffers( pQuery );
G_FREE (pQuery); } }
void RemoveAndFreeQueryData ( HANDLE hThisQuery ) { PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
LockQueryData(); // Find the query data block and remove it from the list.
if ( hThisQuery == pFirstQuery->hThread ) { bFound = TRUE; }
if ( bFound ) { pQuery = pFirstQuery; pFirstQuery = pFirstQuery->next; } else {
PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQueryRemaining; for ( pQuery = pFirstQuery; NULL != pQuery->next; pQuery = pQuery->next ) {
if ( hThisQuery == pQuery->next->hThread ) { pQueryRemaining = pQuery; pQuery = pQuery->next; pQueryRemaining->next = pQuery->next; bFound = TRUE; break; } } }
assert ( bFound );
if ( bFound ) { dwActiveSessionCount -= 1; } UnlockQueryData(); assert ( NULL != pQuery );
if ( bFound ) { FreeQueryData( pQuery ); } }
LONGLONG ComputeStartWaitTics( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery, IN BOOL bWriteToRegistry ) { LONGLONG llWaitTics = ((LONGLONG)0); LONGLONG llLocalDateTime = 0; LONGLONG llRptLocalDays = 0; LONGLONG llRptStartTime = 0; LONGLONG llRptStopTime = 0; LONGLONG llRptLocalTime = 0; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiSched;
// Compute time to wait before logging starts.
// Time returned is millisecond granularity.
// Return value:
// Start time minus Now when At time is in the future.
// 0 signals no wait. This is true when:
// Start is either Manual or At mode and start time set to before now.
// Exceptions for both of these cases are noted below.
// NULL_INTERVAL_TICS signals exit immediately. This is true when:
// Start is Manual and Start time is MAX_TIME_VALUE
// Stop is At mode and Stop time is past.
// Stop is Manual mode and Stop time is MIN_TIME_VALUE or any value <= Now
// Stop is Size mode, Stop time is MIN_TIME_VALUE or any value <= Now, and repeat mode is Manual.
// Stop is After mode, After value is 0 (UI should protect against this).
// Stop is After mode, Start is At mode, stop time is past and repeat mode is Manual.
GetLocalFileTime (&llLocalDateTime);
if ( ( MAX_TIME_VALUE == pQuery->stiRegStart.llDateTime ) && ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pQuery->stiRegStart.dwAutoMode ) ) { // Manual Start, start time is MAX_TIME_VALUE
// Note: For repeat functionality, manual start time might be > now.
// Need to keep the start mode Manual in this case to ensure that
// SetStoppedStatus works.
// Todo: Don't allow repeat or restart with Manual mode?
llWaitTics = NULL_INTERVAL_TICS; } else if ( ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode ) && ( pQuery->stiRegStop.llDateTime <= llLocalDateTime ) ) { // Past Stop Manual time.
llWaitTics = NULL_INTERVAL_TICS; } else if ( ( ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT == pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode ) && ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_CALENDAR != pQuery->stiRepeat.dwAutoMode ) ) && ( pQuery->stiRegStop.llDateTime <= llLocalDateTime ) ) { // Past Stop At or time and repeat mode not set to calendar.
llWaitTics = NULL_INTERVAL_TICS; } else if ( ( ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_SIZE == pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode ) && ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pQuery->stiRepeat.dwAutoMode ) ) && ( pQuery->stiRegStop.llDateTime <= llLocalDateTime ) ) { // Stop time set to 0 if Stop by size has completed and repeat
// mode not set to calendar.
llWaitTics = NULL_INTERVAL_TICS; } else if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER == pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode ) { if ( 0 == pQuery->stiRegStop.dwValue ) { // Stop After mode and value is 0.
llWaitTics = NULL_INTERVAL_TICS; } else if ( ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT == pQuery->stiRegStart.dwAutoMode ) && ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pQuery->stiRepeat.dwAutoMode ) ) { LONGLONG llTics; TimeInfoToTics ( &pQuery->stiRegStop, &llTics ); if ( ( pQuery->stiRegStart.llDateTime + llTics ) < llLocalDateTime ) { // Start at, Stop After modes, stop time is past and no restart.
llWaitTics = NULL_INTERVAL_TICS; } } } // This code writes to local start and stop time structures to compute
// start wait tics. This avoids excessive log stops and starts, since
// the original registry data structures are compared when the registry
// has been modified, to determine if a log config has been changed by the UI.
if ( NULL_INTERVAL_TICS != llWaitTics ) {
pQuery->stiCurrentStart = pQuery->stiRegStart; pQuery->stiCurrentStop = pQuery->stiRegStop;
// Handle repeat option separately.
if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_CALENDAR == pQuery->stiRepeat.dwAutoMode ) {
assert ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT == pQuery->stiCurrentStart.dwAutoMode ); assert ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT == pQuery->stiCurrentStop.dwAutoMode ); // assert ( ( pQuery->stiCurrentStop.llDateTime - pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime )
if ( pQuery->stiCurrentStop.llDateTime <= llLocalDateTime ) {
llRptLocalDays = llLocalDateTime / (FILETIME_TICS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_IN_DAY); llRptLocalTime = llLocalDateTime - llRptLocalDays;
llRptStopTime = pQuery->stiCurrentStop.llDateTime - ( pQuery->stiCurrentStop.llDateTime / (FILETIME_TICS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_IN_DAY) );
pQuery->stiCurrentStop.llDateTime = llRptLocalDays + llRptStopTime; if ( llRptStopTime < llRptLocalTime ) { // Set to stop tomorrow.
pQuery->stiCurrentStop.llDateTime += (FILETIME_TICS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_IN_DAY) ; }
llRptStartTime = pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime - ( pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime / (FILETIME_TICS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_IN_DAY) );
pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime = llRptLocalDays + llRptStartTime;
if ( (pQuery->stiCurrentStop.llDateTime - pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime) > (FILETIME_TICS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_IN_DAY) ) { // Set to start tomorrow.
pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime += (FILETIME_TICS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_IN_DAY); } } if ( bWriteToRegistry ) { stiSched.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; stiSched.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_REPEAT_START; stiSched.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT; stiSched.llDateTime = pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime; WriteRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, L"Repeat Schedule Start", &stiSched );
stiSched.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_REPEAT_STOP; stiSched.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT; stiSched.llDateTime = pQuery->stiCurrentStop.llDateTime; WriteRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, L"Repeat Schedule Stop", &stiSched );
} } if ( pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime <= llLocalDateTime ) { llWaitTics = ((LONGLONG)(0)); } else { llWaitTics = pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime - llLocalDateTime; } // If manual mode, set the start time to now, to handle repeat schedule.
// If any thread other than the log thread accesses this field for a
// running query, then need to synchronize access to the field.
if( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pQuery->stiCurrentStart.dwAutoMode && MIN_TIME_VALUE == pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime ) { pQuery->stiCurrentStart.llDateTime = llLocalDateTime + llWaitTics; } }
return llWaitTics; }
void LoadDefaultLogFileFolder ( void ) { HKEY hKeyLogService = NULL; WCHAR szLocalPath[MAX_PATH+1] = L""; DWORD cchExpandedLen; DWORD dwStatus;
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( (HKEY)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SysmonLog", 0L, KEY_READ, (PHKEY)&hKeyLogService);
// update the service status
ssSmLogStatus.dwCheckPoint++; SetServiceStatus (hSmLogStatus, &ssSmLogStatus);
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwBufferSize = (MAX_PATH+1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
RegQueryValueExW ( hKeyLogService, L"DefaultLogFileFolder", NULL, 0L, (LPBYTE)szLocalPath, &dwBufferSize);
szLocalPath[dwBufferSize/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = L'\0';
RegCloseKey (hKeyLogService);
} // No message on error. Just use load the local default.
if ( 0 == lstrlen (szLocalPath ) ) { StringCchCopy ( szLocalPath, MAX_PATH + 1, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_FOLDER ); }
// Todo: local and global buffer sizes are fixed.
cchExpandedLen = ExpandEnvironmentStrings ( szLocalPath, gszDefaultLogFileFolder, MAX_PATH+1 );
if ( 0 == cchExpandedLen ) { gszDefaultLogFileFolder[0] = L'\0'; } assert ( MAX_PATH >= iTemp ); }
DWORD OpenLogQueriesKey ( REGSAM regsamAccess, PHKEY phKeyLogQueries ) {
DWORD dwStatus;
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( (HKEY)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SysmonLog\\Log Queries", 0L, regsamAccess, phKeyLogQueries);
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ClearQueryRunStates ( void ) {
DWORD dwStatus; HKEY hKeyLogQueries = NULL; HKEY hKeyThisLogQuery = NULL; DWORD dwQueryIndex; WCHAR szQueryNameBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cchQueryNameBufLen; WCHAR szQueryClassBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cchQueryClassBufLen; LPWSTR szCollectionName = NULL; UINT uiCollectionNameLen = 0; LPWSTR szStringArray[2]; DWORD dwCurrentState; DWORD dwDefault; DWORD dwLogType;
// For every query in the registry, if the state is SLQ_QUERY_RUNNING,
// set it to SLQ_QUERY_STOPPED.
// This method must be called before starting the query threads.
// Only the service sets the state to SLQ_QUERY_RUNNING, so there is no
// race condition.
// Open (each) query in the registry
dwStatus = OpenLogQueriesKey ( KEY_READ | KEY_SET_VALUE, (PHKEY)&hKeyLogQueries);
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwStatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { //
// There are no logs nor alerts settings, bail out quietly.
// The error is reported later in the processing.
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { // unable to read the log query information from the registry
dwStatus = GetLastError(); ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_OPEN_LOG_QUERY, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
dwStatus = SMLOG_UNABLE_OPEN_LOG_QUERY; } } else {
dwQueryIndex = 0; *szQueryNameBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryNameBufLen = MAX_PATH+1; *szQueryClassBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryClassBufLen = MAX_PATH+1;
while ((dwStatus = RegEnumKeyEx ( hKeyLogQueries, dwQueryIndex, szQueryNameBuffer, &cchQueryNameBufLen, NULL, szQueryClassBuffer, &cchQueryClassBufLen, NULL)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
// open this key
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( hKeyLogQueries, szQueryNameBuffer, 0L, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, (PHKEY)&hKeyThisLogQuery);
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { szStringArray[0] = szQueryNameBuffer; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_LOG_QUERY, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); // skip to next item
// update the service status
ssSmLogStatus.dwCheckPoint++; SetServiceStatus (hSmLogStatus, &ssSmLogStatus);
dwStatus = SmReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( hKeyThisLogQuery, L"Collection Name", NULL, &szCollectionName, &uiCollectionNameLen ); if ( NULL != szCollectionName ) { if ( 0 < lstrlen ( szCollectionName ) ) { StringCchCopy ( szQueryNameBuffer, MAX_PATH + 1, szCollectionName ); }
G_FREE ( szCollectionName ); szCollectionName = NULL; uiCollectionNameLen = 0; }
dwDefault = ((DWORD)-1); dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( hKeyThisLogQuery, szQueryNameBuffer, L"Log Type", &dwDefault, &dwLogType );
if ( ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == dwLogType ) || ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == dwLogType ) || ( SLQ_ALERT == dwLogType ) ) { // Check the current state of the query. If it is SLQ_QUERY_RUNNING,
// set it to SLQ_QUERY_STOPPED. If, in addition, the Start mode is
// manual, set the start time to MAX, so that the query doesn't
// start automatically.
// If the current state is SLQ_QUERY_START_PENDING, it is assumed to be a new
// request, so leave the registry as is.
// Note: For trace logs, this code only coordinates between trace log
// configs that are stored in the registry.
dwDefault = SLQ_QUERY_STOPPED; dwStatus = ReadRegistryDwordValue ( hKeyThisLogQuery, szQueryNameBuffer, L"Current State", &dwDefault, &dwCurrentState ); assert (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS); // Status always success if default provided.
// If query is in START_PENDING or STOPPED state, then
// the registry contents are correct. If it is in
// RUNNING state, then the service was stopped before
// it could clean up the registry state.
if ( SLQ_QUERY_RUNNING == dwCurrentState ) { SLQ_TIME_INFO stiDefault; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiActual; LONGLONG ftLocalTime;
dwCurrentState = SLQ_QUERY_STOPPED; dwStatus = WriteRegistryDwordValue ( hKeyThisLogQuery, L"Current State", &dwCurrentState, REG_DWORD );
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { szStringArray[0] = szQueryNameBuffer; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_WRITE_STOP_STATE, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); // skip to next item
// If Start is manual mode, set start time to MAX, to signal
// not started.
GetLocalFileTime ( &ftLocalTime );
stiDefault.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_START; stiDefault.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT; stiDefault.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; stiDefault.llDateTime = *(LONGLONG *)&ftLocalTime;
dwStatus = ReadRegistrySlqTime ( hKeyThisLogQuery, szQueryNameBuffer, L"Start", &stiDefault, &stiActual ); //
// Status is always success if default is provided.
assert (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS); if ( ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == stiActual.dwAutoMode ) && ( MAX_TIME_VALUE != stiActual.llDateTime ) ) {
stiActual.llDateTime = MAX_TIME_VALUE; dwStatus = WriteRegistrySlqTime ( hKeyThisLogQuery, L"Start", &stiActual);
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { szStringArray[0] = szQueryNameBuffer; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_RESET_START_TIME, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); // skip to next item
// If Stop is manual mode, set stop time to MIN, to signal
// not started.
GetLocalFileTime ( &ftLocalTime );
stiDefault.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; stiDefault.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_STOP; stiDefault.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE; stiDefault.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE;
dwStatus = ReadRegistrySlqTime ( hKeyThisLogQuery, szQueryNameBuffer, L"Stop", &stiDefault, &stiActual ); //
// Status always success if default provided.
assert (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS); if ( ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == stiActual.dwAutoMode ) && ( MIN_TIME_VALUE != stiActual.llDateTime ) ) {
stiActual.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE; dwStatus = WriteRegistrySlqTime ( hKeyThisLogQuery, L"Stop", &stiActual);
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { szStringArray[0] = szQueryNameBuffer; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_RESET_STOP_TIME, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); // skip to next item
goto CONTINUE_ENUM_LOOP; } } } } // Ignore invalid log types when clearing status.
CONTINUE_ENUM_LOOP: if ( NULL != hKeyThisLogQuery ) { RegCloseKey (hKeyThisLogQuery); hKeyThisLogQuery = NULL; } // prepare for next loop
dwQueryIndex++; *szQueryNameBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryNameBufLen = MAX_PATH+1; *szQueryClassBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryClassBufLen = MAX_PATH+1; } // end enumeration of log queries
if ( NULL != hKeyLogQueries ) { RegCloseKey (hKeyLogQueries); } return dwStatus; }
BOOL TraceStopRestartFieldsMatch ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pOrigQuery, IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pNewQuery ) { #if _IMPLEMENT_WMI
// These are fields for which trace logging must
// be stopped and restarted in order to reconfigure.
BOOL bRequested; BOOL bCurrent; ULONG ulGuidCount = 0; ULONG ulGuidIndex = 0; WCHAR* pszThisGuid = NULL; WCHAR* pszThisFlag = NULL; WCHAR* pszThisLevel = NULL; DWORD dwFlag; DWORD dwLevel;
assert ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pOrigQuery->dwLogType ); assert ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pNewQuery->dwLogType );
if ( !CommonFieldsMatch ( pOrigQuery, pNewQuery ) ) return FALSE;
if ( pOrigQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode != pNewQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode ) { return FALSE; } else { if ( ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER == pOrigQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode ) && ( pOrigQuery->stiCreateNewFile.llDateTime != pNewQuery->stiCreateNewFile.llDateTime ) ) { return FALSE; } }
// Compare new query fields against the existing properties structure.
// Compare everything but flush interval, max buffer count and file name.
if ( pOrigQuery->Properties.BufferSize != pNewQuery->dwBufferSize ) return FALSE;
if ( pOrigQuery->Properties.MinimumBuffers != pNewQuery->dwBufferMinCount ) return FALSE;
// Not kernel trace, so check query name
if ((BOOL)( 0 == ( pNewQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_KERNEL_TRACE ) ) ) { if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pOrigQuery->szLoggerName, pNewQuery->szQueryName ) ) { return FALSE; } }
bRequested = (BOOL)( 0 != ( pNewQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_KERNEL_TRACE ) ); bCurrent = IsEqualGUID( &pOrigQuery->Properties.Wnode.Guid, &SystemTraceControlGuid ); if ( bRequested != bCurrent ) { return FALSE; }
// Extended memory trace
bRequested = (BOOL)( 0 != ( pNewQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_MEMMAN_TRACE ) ); bCurrent = (BOOL)( 0 != ( pOrigQuery->Properties.EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_MEMORY_PAGE_FAULTS ) );
if ( bRequested != bCurrent ) { return FALSE; }
// Extended I/O trace
bRequested = (BOOL)( 0 != ( pNewQuery->dwFlags & SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_FILEIO_TRACE ) ); bCurrent = (BOOL)( 0 != ( pOrigQuery->Properties.EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_FILE_IO ) );
if ( bRequested != bCurrent ) { return FALSE; }
if ( -1 == pNewQuery->dwMaxFileSize ) { if ( 0 != pOrigQuery->Properties.MaximumFileSize ) { return FALSE; } } else if ( pOrigQuery->Properties.MaximumFileSize != pNewQuery->dwMaxFileSize ) { return FALSE; }
if ( ( SLF_SEQ_TRACE_FILE == pNewQuery->dwLogFileType ) && ( EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_SEQUENTIAL != pOrigQuery->Properties.LogFileMode ) ) { return FALSE; } else if ( ( SLF_CIRC_TRACE_FILE == pNewQuery->dwLogFileType ) && ( EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_CIRCULAR != pOrigQuery->Properties.LogFileMode ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Compare each provider string against array element.
for (pszThisGuid = pNewQuery->mszProviderList; *pszThisGuid != 0; pszThisGuid += lstrlen(pszThisGuid) + 1) { ulGuidCount += 1; }
if ( pOrigQuery->ulGuidCount != ulGuidCount ) return FALSE;
ulGuidIndex = 0; pszThisFlag = pNewQuery->mszProviderFlags; pszThisLevel = pNewQuery->mszProviderLevels; for (pszThisGuid = pNewQuery->mszProviderList; *pszThisGuid != 0; pszThisGuid += lstrlen(pszThisGuid) + 1) {
if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pOrigQuery->arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].pszProviderName, pszThisGuid ) ) return FALSE;
if (pszThisFlag) { if (*pszThisFlag) { dwFlag = ahextoi(pszThisFlag); pszThisFlag += lstrlen(pszThisFlag) + 1; } } else { dwFlag = 0; }
if (pOrigQuery->arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].dwFlag != dwFlag) { return FALSE; }
if (pszThisLevel) { if ( *pszThisLevel) { dwLevel = ahextoi(pszThisLevel); pszThisLevel += lstrlen(pszThisLevel) + 1; } } else { dwLevel = 0; }
if (pOrigQuery->arrpGuid[ulGuidIndex].dwLevel != dwLevel) { return FALSE; }
ulGuidIndex++; assert ( ulGuidIndex <= ulGuidCount ); } return TRUE; #else
return FALSE; #endif
BOOL AlertFieldsMatch ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pFirstQuery, IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pSecondQuery ) { if ( pFirstQuery->dwAlertActionFlags != pSecondQuery->dwAlertActionFlags ) return FALSE;
if ( 0 != (pFirstQuery->dwAlertActionFlags & ALRT_ACTION_SEND_MSG) ) { if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pFirstQuery->szNetName, pSecondQuery->szNetName ) ) { return FALSE; } }
if ( 0 != (pFirstQuery->dwAlertActionFlags & ALRT_ACTION_EXEC_CMD) ) { if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pFirstQuery->szCmdFileName, pSecondQuery->szCmdFileName ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( 0 != (pFirstQuery->dwAlertActionFlags & ALRT_CMD_LINE_U_TEXT ) ) { if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pFirstQuery->szUserText, pSecondQuery->szUserText ) ) { return FALSE; } } }
if ( 0 != (pFirstQuery->dwAlertActionFlags & ALRT_ACTION_START_LOG) ) { if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pFirstQuery->szPerfLogName, pSecondQuery->szPerfLogName ) ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CommonFieldsMatch ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pFirstQuery, IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pSecondQuery ) { if ( pFirstQuery->dwCurrentState != pSecondQuery->dwCurrentState ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwLogFileType != pSecondQuery->dwLogFileType ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwAutoNameFormat != pSecondQuery->dwAutoNameFormat ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwMaxFileSize != pSecondQuery->dwMaxFileSize ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->stiRegStart.dwAutoMode != pSecondQuery->stiRegStart.dwAutoMode ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode != pSecondQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->stiRepeat.dwAutoMode != pSecondQuery->stiRepeat.dwAutoMode ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->stiRegStart.llDateTime != pSecondQuery->stiRegStart.llDateTime ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->stiRegStop.llDateTime != pSecondQuery->stiRegStop.llDateTime ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->stiRepeat.llDateTime != pSecondQuery->stiRepeat.llDateTime ) return FALSE;
if (( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == pFirstQuery->dwLogType ) || ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pFirstQuery->dwLogType)) {
if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pFirstQuery->szBaseFileName, pSecondQuery->szBaseFileName ) ) return FALSE;
if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pFirstQuery->szLogFileFolder, pSecondQuery->szLogFileFolder ) ) return FALSE;
if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pFirstQuery->szSqlLogName, pSecondQuery->szSqlLogName ) ) return FALSE;
if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( pFirstQuery->szLogFileComment, pSecondQuery->szLogFileComment ) ) return FALSE; if ( pFirstQuery->dwCurrentSerialNumber != pSecondQuery->dwCurrentSerialNumber ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwLogFileSizeUnit != pSecondQuery->dwLogFileSizeUnit ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwAppendMode != pSecondQuery->dwAppendMode ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode != pSecondQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->stiCreateNewFile.llDateTime != pSecondQuery->stiCreateNewFile.llDateTime ) return FALSE;
if ( 0 != lstrcmpi(pFirstQuery->szCmdFileName, pSecondQuery->szCmdFileName ) ) return FALSE; }
if (( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == pFirstQuery->dwLogType ) || ( SLQ_ALERT == pFirstQuery->dwLogType)) {
LPWSTR szFirstPath; LPWSTR szSecondPath;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwMillisecondSampleInterval != pSecondQuery->dwMillisecondSampleInterval ) { return FALSE; } // Compare each counter string. Note: If counter order has changed, the query is
// reconfigured.
// For Alert queries, this code also checks the limit threshold logic and value.
szSecondPath = pSecondQuery->mszCounterList; for ( szFirstPath = pFirstQuery->mszCounterList; *szFirstPath != 0; szFirstPath += lstrlen(szFirstPath) + 1) {
if ( 0 != lstrcmpi( szFirstPath, szSecondPath ) ) { return FALSE; } szSecondPath += lstrlen(szSecondPath) + 1; } if ( 0 != *szSecondPath ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL FieldsMatch ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pFirstQuery, IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pSecondQuery ) { assert ( pFirstQuery->dwLogType == pSecondQuery->dwLogType );
if ( !CommonFieldsMatch ( pFirstQuery, pSecondQuery ) ) return FALSE;
if ( SLQ_ALERT == pFirstQuery->dwLogType ) { if ( !AlertFieldsMatch( pFirstQuery, pSecondQuery ) ) { return FALSE; } } else if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pFirstQuery->dwLogType ) { LPWSTR szFirstProv; LPWSTR szSecondProv;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwBufferSize != pSecondQuery->dwBufferSize ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwBufferMinCount != pSecondQuery->dwBufferMinCount ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwBufferMaxCount != pSecondQuery->dwBufferMaxCount ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwBufferFlushInterval != pSecondQuery->dwBufferFlushInterval ) return FALSE;
if ( pFirstQuery->dwFlags != pSecondQuery->dwFlags ) return FALSE;
szSecondProv = pSecondQuery->mszProviderList;
for ( szFirstProv = pFirstQuery->mszProviderList; *szFirstProv != 0; szFirstProv += lstrlen(szFirstProv) + 1) {
if ( 0 != lstrcmpi ( szFirstProv, szSecondProv ) ) return FALSE;
szSecondProv += lstrlen(szSecondProv) + 1; } if ( 0 != *szSecondProv) { return FALSE; } } else if ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == pFirstQuery->dwLogType ) { if ( pFirstQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode != pSecondQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode ) { return FALSE; } else { if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER == pFirstQuery->stiCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode && pFirstQuery->stiCreateNewFile.llDateTime != pSecondQuery->stiCreateNewFile.llDateTime ) { return FALSE; } // else change in max size handled in commmon fields match check.
} }
return TRUE; }
DWORD IsModified ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery, OUT BOOL* pbModified ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiLastModified; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiDefault;
*pbModified = TRUE;
// Check the last read date against 'last modified' in
// the registry.
// If it is earlier than the registry, and the data in the
// registry has changed, return TRUE.
// The check of thread data against registry data reduces the
// number of times that the logging thread is interrupted.
// This is necessary because each property page OnApply
// generates this check.
stiDefault.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; stiDefault.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_LAST_MODIFIED; stiDefault.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT; stiDefault.llDateTime = MAX_TIME_VALUE;
dwStatus = ReadRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, pQuery->szQueryName, L"Last Modified", &stiDefault, &stiLastModified );
// Status always success if default provided.
assert( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ); //
// LastModified and LastConfigured are stored as GMT
if ( stiLastModified.llDateTime <= pQuery->llLastConfigured ) { *pbModified = FALSE; } else { LOG_QUERY_DATA TempQuery;
memset (&TempQuery, 0, sizeof(TempQuery)); StringCchCopy (TempQuery.szQueryName, MAX_PATH + 1, pQuery->szQueryName ); TempQuery.hKeyQuery = pQuery->hKeyQuery;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != LoadQueryConfig( &TempQuery ) ) { // Event has been logged. Set mod flag to stop the query.
*pbModified = TRUE; } else { *pbModified = !FieldsMatch ( pQuery, &TempQuery ); }
// Delete memory allocated by registry data load.
DeallocateQueryBuffers ( &TempQuery ); }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ReconfigureQuery ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LOG_QUERY_DATA TempQuery; BOOL bStopQuery = FALSE;
// *** Optimization - perform this check within IsModified, to avoid extra
// load from the registry.
memset (&TempQuery, 0, sizeof(TempQuery)); StringCchCopy (TempQuery.szQueryName, MAX_PATH + 1, pQuery->szQueryName ); TempQuery.hKeyQuery = pQuery->hKeyQuery;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != LoadQueryConfig( &TempQuery ) ) { // Event has been logged. Stop the query.
bStopQuery = TRUE; } else { bStopQuery = ( NULL_INTERVAL_TICS == ComputeStartWaitTics ( &TempQuery, FALSE ) ); }
if ( bStopQuery ) { SetEvent (pQuery->hExitEvent); } else {
// Set reconfiguration flag so that the log thread processing knows that
// this is not the initial configuration. The ProcessLogFileFolder uses
// this flag to determine which error event to report.
pQuery->bReconfiguration = TRUE;
if (( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) || ( SLQ_ALERT == pQuery->dwLogType ) ){ // Signal the logging thread to reconfigure.
pQuery->bLoadNewConfig= TRUE; SetEvent (pQuery->hReconfigEvent); } else { #if _IMPLEMENT_WMI
BOOL bMustStopRestart; assert( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ); //
// Change the current query. For some properties, this
// means stopping then restarting the query.
bMustStopRestart = !TraceStopRestartFieldsMatch ( pQuery, &TempQuery ); if ( !bMustStopRestart ) {
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != LoadQueryConfig( pQuery ) ) { SetEvent (pQuery->hExitEvent); } else {
// Update the trace log session. Do not increment
// the file autoformat serial number.
// File name serial number is already incremented.
InitTraceProperties ( pQuery, FALSE, NULL, NULL );
dwStatus = GetTraceQueryStatus ( pQuery, NULL );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { dwStatus = UpdateTrace( pQuery->LoggerHandle, pQuery->szLoggerName, &pQuery->Properties ); } }
} else { // Signal the logging thread to reconfigure.
pQuery->bLoadNewConfig= TRUE; SetEvent (pQuery->hReconfigEvent);
} } } #else
return dwStatus; }
if ( NULL != pQuery ) { if ( NULL != pReturnQuery ) { pLocalQuery = pReturnQuery; } else { pLocalQuery = G_ALLOC ( sizeof (LOG_QUERY_DATA) ); }
if ( NULL != pLocalQuery ) { ClearTraceProperties ( pLocalQuery ); pLocalQuery->Properties.Wnode.BufferSize = sizeof(pQuery->Properties) + sizeof(pQuery->szLoggerName) + sizeof(pQuery->szLogFileName);
pLocalQuery->Properties.Wnode.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID; dwStatus = QueryTrace ( pQuery->LoggerHandle, pQuery->szLoggerName, &pLocalQuery->Properties );
if ( NULL == pReturnQuery ) { G_FREE ( pLocalQuery ); } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return dwStatus; }
void CloseTraceLogger ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery ) {
DWORD dwIndex; if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) { if ( !( pQuery->Properties.EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_PROCESS || pQuery->Properties.EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_THREAD || pQuery->Properties.EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_IO || pQuery->Properties.EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_NETWORK_TCPIP ) ) { for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < pQuery->ulGuidCount; dwIndex++) {
EnableTrace ( FALSE, pQuery->arrpGuid[dwIndex].dwFlag, pQuery->arrpGuid[dwIndex].dwLevel, &pQuery->arrpGuid[dwIndex].Guid, pQuery->LoggerHandle); } }
StopTrace ( pQuery->LoggerHandle, pQuery->szLoggerName, &pQuery->Properties ); } }
DWORD StartQuery ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR szStringArray[2];
HANDLE hThread = NULL; DWORD dwThreadId;
pQuery->bLoadNewConfig= FALSE; //
// Create the logging thread.
hThread = CreateThread ( NULL, 0, LoggingThreadProc, (LPVOID)pQuery, 0, &dwThreadId);
if ( NULL != hThread ) { pQuery->hThread = hThread; } else { //
// Unable to start thread.
dwStatus = GetLastError(); szStringArray[0] = pQuery->szQueryName; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_START_THREAD, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { SetStoppedStatus ( pQuery ); }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD SetStoppedStatus ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery ) { DWORD dwStatus; LONGLONG llTime = 0;
// Ignore bad status
pQuery->dwCurrentState = SLQ_QUERY_STOPPED; dwStatus = WriteRegistryDwordValue ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, L"Current State", &pQuery->dwCurrentState, REG_DWORD );
if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pQuery->stiRegStart.dwAutoMode ) { pQuery->stiRegStart.llDateTime = MAX_TIME_VALUE; dwStatus = WriteRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, L"Start", &pQuery->stiRegStart); }
GetLocalFileTime ( &llTime );
// If stop is manual or StopAt with time before now (no repeat), set to manual
if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode ) { pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE; pQuery->stiRegStop.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE; dwStatus = WriteRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, L"Stop", &pQuery->stiRegStop);
} else if ( ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT == pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode && ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_CALENDAR != pQuery->stiRepeat.dwAutoMode ) ) && ( llTime >= pQuery->stiRegStop.llDateTime ) ) {
pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE; pQuery->stiRegStop.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE; dwStatus = WriteRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, L"Stop", &pQuery->stiRegStop); } else if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_SIZE == pQuery->stiRegStop.dwAutoMode && SLQ_AUTO_MODE_CALENDAR != pQuery->stiRepeat.dwAutoMode ) { // If Size mode and no repeat, set stop time to MIN_TIME_VALUE
pQuery->stiRegStop.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE; dwStatus = WriteRegistrySlqTime ( pQuery->hKeyQuery, L"Stop", &pQuery->stiRegStop); }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD HandleMaxQueriesExceeded ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// The query has not been started yet, but still in "Start Pending" state.
SetStoppedStatus ( pQuery );
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ConfigureQuery ( HKEY hKeyLogQuery, LPWSTR szQueryKeyNameBuffer, LPWSTR szQueryNameBuffer ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery = NULL;
pQuery = GetQueryData ( szQueryNameBuffer ); if ( NULL != pQuery ) { BOOL bModified;
dwStatus = IsModified ( pQuery, &bModified );
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ( bModified ) { dwStatus = ReconfigureQuery ( pQuery ); //
// LastModified and LastConfigured values are stored as GMT
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ( (LPFILETIME)(&pQuery->llLastConfigured) ); } } } else {
// No query data block found. Create one and insert it into the list.
BOOL bStartQuery = FALSE; LPWSTR szStringArray[2];
// Allocate a thread info block.
pQuery = G_ALLOC (sizeof(LOG_QUERY_DATA)); if (pQuery != NULL) { //
// Initialize the query data block
G_ZERO (pQuery, sizeof(LOG_QUERY_DATA)); pQuery->hKeyQuery = hKeyLogQuery; StringCchCopy (pQuery->szQueryName, MAX_PATH + 1, szQueryNameBuffer); StringCchCopy (pQuery->szQueryKeyName, MAX_PATH + 1, szQueryKeyNameBuffer);
// Determine whether to continue, based on whether start wait time
// is 0 or greater.
// The thread is reinitialized in the logging procedure.
// This pre-check avoids spurious thread creation.
dwStatus = LoadQueryConfig( pQuery );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { //
// Event already logged.
bStartQuery = FALSE; } else { bStartQuery = ( NULL_INTERVAL_TICS != ComputeStartWaitTics ( pQuery, FALSE ) ); }
if ( bStartQuery ) {
if ( dwActiveSessionCount < dwMaxActiveSessionCount ) { pQuery->hExitEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if ( NULL != pQuery->hExitEvent ) { pQuery->hReconfigEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if ( NULL != pQuery->hReconfigEvent ) { //
// LastModified and LastConfigured values are stored as GMT
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ( (LPFILETIME)(&pQuery->llLastConfigured) );
dwStatus = StartQuery( pQuery );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { //
// Add the query to the list and continue
if (pFirstQuery == NULL) { //
// This is the first thread so add it
pQuery->next = NULL; pFirstQuery = pQuery; } else { //
// Insert this at the head of the list since
// that's the easiest and the order isn't
// really important.
pQuery->next = pFirstQuery; pFirstQuery = pQuery; }
dwActiveSessionCount += 1; SetEvent (hNewQueryEvent ); } else { // Unable to start query.
// Event has already been logged.
FreeQueryData ( pQuery ); } } else { // Unable to create reconfig event.
dwStatus = GetLastError(); szStringArray[0] = szQueryNameBuffer; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_CREATE_RECONFIG_EVENT, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus);
FreeQueryData( pQuery ); } } else { // Unable to create exit event.
dwStatus = GetLastError(); szStringArray[0] = szQueryNameBuffer; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_CREATE_EXIT_EVENT, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus);
FreeQueryData( pQuery ); } } else {
szStringArray[0] = szQueryNameBuffer; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_MAXIMUM_QUERY_LIMIT, NULL, 1, 0, szStringArray, NULL);
dwStatus = HandleMaxQueriesExceeded ( pQuery );
FreeQueryData ( pQuery ); }
} else { // Wait time is -1, or config load error.
FreeQueryData( pQuery ); } } else { // Memory allocation error.
dwStatus = GetLastError(); szStringArray[0] = szQueryNameBuffer; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_ALLOCATE_DATABLOCK, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); } }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD DoLogCommandFile ( IN PLOG_QUERY_DATA pArg, IN LPWSTR szLogFileName, IN BOOL bStillRunning ) { DWORD dwStatus; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; const INT ciExtraChars = 4; size_t sizeCmdBufLen = 0; size_t sizeBufLen = 0; size_t sizeStrLen = 0; LPWSTR szCommandString = NULL; LPWSTR szTempBuffer = NULL; LONG lErrorMode; LPWSTR szStringArray[3]; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; DWORD dwCreationFlags = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS;
if ( NULL != pArg && NULL != szLogFileName ) {
if ( NULL != pArg->szCmdFileName ) { dwStatus = pArg->dwCmdFileFailure;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
sizeStrLen = lstrlen ( szLogFileName ); sizeCmdBufLen = sizeStrLen + ciExtraChars + 1; // 1 is for NULL
szCommandString = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC(sizeCmdBufLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
sizeBufLen = sizeCmdBufLen + lstrlen ( pArg->szCmdFileName ) + 1; // 1 is for space char,
// NULL already counted.
szTempBuffer = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC(sizeBufLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( NULL != szCommandString && NULL != szTempBuffer ) { // build command line arguments
szCommandString[0] = L'\"'; StringCchCopy (&szCommandString[1], (sizeCmdBufLen - 1), szLogFileName ); StringCchCopy ( &szCommandString[sizeStrLen+1], (sizeCmdBufLen - (sizeStrLen+1)), L"\" "); StringCchCopy ( &szCommandString[sizeStrLen+3], (sizeCmdBufLen - (sizeStrLen+3)), (bStillRunning ? L"1" : L"0" ) );
// initialize Startup Info block
memset (&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW ; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE ; //si.lpDesktop = L"WinSta0\\Default";
memset (&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
// supress pop-ups in the detached process
StringCchCopy (szTempBuffer, sizeBufLen, pArg->szCmdFileName) ;
// see if this is a CMD or a BAT file
// if it is then create a process with a console window, otherwise
// assume it's an executable file that will create it's own window
// or console if necessary
_wcslwr (szTempBuffer); if ((wcsstr(szTempBuffer, L".bat") != NULL) || (wcsstr(szTempBuffer, L".cmd") != NULL)) { dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE; } else { dwCreationFlags |= DETACHED_PROCESS; } // recopy the image name to the temp buffer since it was modified
// (i.e. lowercased) for the previous comparison.
szTempBuffer[0] = L'\"'; StringCchCopy ( &szTempBuffer[1], sizeBufLen - 1, pArg->szCmdFileName) ;
StringCchLength ( szTempBuffer, sizeBufLen - 1, &sizeStrLen) ; szTempBuffer[sizeStrLen] = L'\"'; sizeStrLen++;
// now add on the text args preceded with a space char
szTempBuffer [sizeStrLen] = L' ' ; sizeStrLen++ ; StringCchCopy ( &szTempBuffer[sizeStrLen], sizeBufLen - sizeStrLen, szCommandString) ;
// The lpApplication name is NULL for CreateProcess
// because the normal use of this function is to launch
// batch files which must be the first part of the lpCommandLine.
// The quotes around the szCommandFileName prevents the wrong
// file from being executed.
if( pArg->hUserToken != NULL ){ bStatus = CreateProcessAsUser ( pArg->hUserToken, NULL, szTempBuffer, NULL, NULL, FALSE, dwCreationFlags, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); } else { bStatus = CreateProcess ( NULL, szTempBuffer, NULL, NULL, FALSE, dwCreationFlags, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); }
SetErrorMode(lErrorMode); if (bStatus) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ( NULL != pi.hThread && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != pi.hThread ) { CloseHandle(pi.hThread); pi.hThread = NULL; } if ( NULL != pi.hProcess && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != pi.hProcess ) { CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); pi.hProcess = NULL; } } else { dwStatus = GetLastError(); } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) {
szStringArray[0] = szTempBuffer; szStringArray[1] = pArg->szQueryName; szStringArray[2] = FormatEventLogMessage(dwStatus);
ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_LOG_CMD_FAIL, NULL, 3, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus ); LocalFree( szStringArray[2] );
pArg->dwCmdFileFailure = dwStatus; } if ( szCommandString != NULL ) { G_FREE ( szCommandString ); }
if ( szTempBuffer != NULL ) { G_FREE ( szTempBuffer ); } } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD GetQueryKeyName ( IN LPCWSTR szQueryName, OUT LPWSTR szQueryKeyName, IN DWORD dwQueryKeyNameLen ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKeyLogQueries = NULL; HKEY hKeyThisLogQuery = NULL; DWORD dwQueryIndex; WCHAR szQueryNameBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cchQueryNameBufLen; WCHAR szQueryClassBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cchQueryClassBufLen; LPWSTR szCollectionName = NULL; UINT uiCollectionNameLen = 0;
assert ( 0 < lstrlen ( szQueryName ) );
if ( NULL != szQueryName && NULL != szQueryKeyName ) { if ( 0 < lstrlen ( szQueryName ) && 0 < dwQueryKeyNameLen ) { //
// Note: This method does not reallocate buffer or return
// actual buffer size required.
memset ( szQueryKeyName, 0, dwQueryKeyNameLen * sizeof (WCHAR) );
dwStatus = OpenLogQueriesKey ( KEY_READ, (PHKEY)&hKeyLogQueries);
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Unable to read the log query information from the registry.
dwStatus = GetLastError(); ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_OPEN_LOG_QUERY, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); } else { //
// Enumerate the queries in the registry.
dwQueryIndex = 0; *szQueryNameBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryNameBufLen = MAX_PATH+1; *szQueryClassBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryClassBufLen = MAX_PATH+1;
while ( (dwStatus = RegEnumKeyEx ( hKeyLogQueries, dwQueryIndex, szQueryNameBuffer, &cchQueryNameBufLen, NULL, szQueryClassBuffer, &cchQueryClassBufLen, NULL)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { //
// Open key for specified log.
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( hKeyLogQueries, szQueryNameBuffer, 0L, KEY_READ, (PHKEY)&hKeyThisLogQuery);
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ( 0 == lstrcmpi ( szQueryNameBuffer, szQueryName ) ) { // TodoSec: Fail on truncation?
StringCchCopy ( szQueryKeyName, dwQueryKeyNameLen, szQueryName ); break; } else { dwStatus = SmReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( hKeyThisLogQuery, L"Collection Name", NULL, &szCollectionName, &uiCollectionNameLen ); if ( NULL != szCollectionName ) { if ( 0 < lstrlen ( szCollectionName ) ) { if ( 0 == lstrcmpi ( szCollectionName, szQueryName ) ) { // TodoSec: Fail on truncation?
// Copy the corresponding query key name to the buffer.
StringCchCopy ( szQueryKeyName, dwQueryKeyNameLen, szQueryNameBuffer ); break; } } G_FREE ( szCollectionName ); szCollectionName = NULL; uiCollectionNameLen = 0; } } } if ( NULL != hKeyThisLogQuery ) { RegCloseKey ( hKeyThisLogQuery ); hKeyThisLogQuery = NULL; } // prepare for next loop
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; dwQueryIndex++; *szQueryNameBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryNameBufLen = MAX_PATH+1; *szQueryClassBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryClassBufLen = MAX_PATH+1; } // end enumeration of log queries
if ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dwStatus ) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //
// Clean up here if break from while loop
if ( NULL != szCollectionName ) { G_FREE ( szCollectionName ); szCollectionName = NULL; uiCollectionNameLen = 0; } if ( NULL != hKeyThisLogQuery ) { RegCloseKey ( hKeyThisLogQuery ); hKeyThisLogQuery = NULL; }
if ( NULL != hKeyLogQueries ) { RegCloseKey (hKeyLogQueries ); }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD Configure ( void ) { DWORD dwStatus; HKEY hKeyLogQueries = NULL; HKEY hKeyThisLogQuery = NULL; DWORD dwQueryIndex; WCHAR szQueryNameBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cchQueryNameBufLen; WCHAR szQueryKeyNameBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szQueryClassBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cchQueryClassBufLen; LPWSTR szCollectionName = NULL; UINT uiCollectionNameLen = 0; LPWSTR szStringArray[2];
__try { //
// Open each query in the registry.
dwStatus = OpenLogQueriesKey ( KEY_READ, (PHKEY)&hKeyLogQueries);
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwStatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { //
// No logs nor alerts settings, bail out quietly.
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { //
// Unable to read the log query information from the registry.
dwStatus = GetLastError(); ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_OPEN_LOG_QUERY, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); } } else { //
// Enumerate and restart or start the queries in the registry.
dwQueryIndex = 0; *szQueryNameBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryNameBufLen = MAX_PATH+1; *szQueryClassBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryClassBufLen = MAX_PATH+1;
while ((dwStatus = RegEnumKeyEx ( hKeyLogQueries, dwQueryIndex, szQueryNameBuffer, &cchQueryNameBufLen, NULL, szQueryClassBuffer, &cchQueryClassBufLen, NULL)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
// Open this key
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( hKeyLogQueries, szQueryNameBuffer, 0L, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, (PHKEY)&hKeyThisLogQuery);
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Update the service status
ssSmLogStatus.dwCheckPoint++; SetServiceStatus (hSmLogStatus, &ssSmLogStatus);
if ( 0 < lstrlen(szQueryNameBuffer) ) { StringCchCopy ( szQueryKeyNameBuffer, MAX_PATH + 1, szQueryNameBuffer ); }
dwStatus = SmReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( hKeyThisLogQuery, L"Collection Name", NULL, &szCollectionName, &uiCollectionNameLen ); if ( NULL != szCollectionName ) { if ( 0 < lstrlen ( szCollectionName ) ) { StringCchCopy ( szQueryNameBuffer, MAX_PATH + 1, szCollectionName ); }
G_FREE ( szCollectionName ); szCollectionName = NULL; uiCollectionNameLen = 0; }
dwStatus = ConfigureQuery ( hKeyThisLogQuery, szQueryKeyNameBuffer, szQueryNameBuffer ); //
// hKeyThisLogQuery is stored in the Query data structure.
} else { szStringArray[0] = szQueryNameBuffer; ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_READ_LOG_QUERY, NULL, 1, sizeof(DWORD), szStringArray, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); } //
// Prepare for next loop.
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; dwQueryIndex++; *szQueryNameBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryNameBufLen = MAX_PATH+1; *szQueryClassBuffer = L'\0'; cchQueryClassBufLen = MAX_PATH+1; } // End enumeration of log queries.
if ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dwStatus ) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if ( NULL != hKeyLogQueries ) { RegCloseKey (hKeyLogQueries ); }
return dwStatus; }
void SysmonLogServiceControlHandler( IN DWORD dwControl ) { PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery; DWORD dwStatus;
switch (dwControl) {
case SERVICE_CONTROL_SYNCHRONIZE: EnterConfigure(); dwStatus = Configure (); ExitConfigure(); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) break; //
// If not successful, fall through to shutdown.
// Errors already logged.
// Stop logging & close queries and files.
// Set stop event for all running threads.
ssSmLogStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; SetServiceStatus (hSmLogStatus, &ssSmLogStatus); pQuery = pFirstQuery;
while (pQuery != NULL) { SetEvent (pQuery->hExitEvent); pQuery = pQuery->next; }
UnlockQueryData(); break;
// Stop logging, close queries and files.
// Not supported.
// Reload ration and restart logging
// Not supported.
// Update current status.
default: // report to event log that an unrecognized control
// request was received.
SetServiceStatus (hSmLogStatus, &ssSmLogStatus); } }
void SysmonLogServiceStart ( IN DWORD argc, IN LPWSTR *argv ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwQueryIndex; BOOL bInteractive = FALSE; BOOL bLogQueriesKeyExists = TRUE; BOOL bWmiNotificationRegistered = FALSE; PLOG_QUERY_DATA pQuery;
if ((argc == 1) && (*argv[0] == 'I')) { bInteractive = TRUE; }
if (!bInteractive) { ssSmLogStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; ssSmLogStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; ssSmLogStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN; ssSmLogStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; ssSmLogStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; ssSmLogStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; ssSmLogStatus.dwWaitHint = 1000;
hSmLogStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler ( L"SysmonLog", SysmonLogServiceControlHandler );
if (hSmLogStatus == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_REGISTER_HANDLER, NULL, 0, sizeof(DWORD), NULL, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); //
// This is fatal so bail out.
} }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
InitializeCriticalSection ( &QueryDataLock ); InitializeCriticalSection ( &ConfigurationLock );
dwStatus = ClearQueryRunStates(); //
// Continue even if query run state error, unless
// the Log Queries key is missing or not accessible.
if ( SMLOG_UNABLE_OPEN_LOG_QUERY == dwStatus ) { bLogQueriesKeyExists = FALSE; //
// Sleep long enough for event to be written to event log.
Sleep(500); if (!bInteractive) { ssSmLogStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; //
// Use status mask so that error matches the code in the application log.
ssSmLogStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = (SMLOG_UNABLE_OPEN_LOG_QUERY & STATUS_MASK); } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; //
// Continue on error.
LoadDefaultLogFileFolder(); //
// Ignore PDH errors. The only possible error is that the default
// data source has already been set for this process.
// Set the default for the service to DATA_SOURCE_REGISTRY.
dwStatus = PdhSetDefaultRealTimeDataSource ( DATA_SOURCE_REGISTRY ); //
// Continue on error.
hNewQueryEvent = CreateEvent ( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
if ( NULL == hNewQueryEvent ) { //
// Unable to create new query configuration event.
dwStatus = GetLastError(); ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_CREATE_CONFIG_EVENT, NULL, 0, sizeof(DWORD), NULL, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); //
// This is fatal so bail out.
if (!bInteractive) { // Sleep long enough for event to be written to event log.
Sleep(500); ssSmLogStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = dwStatus; } }
if ( ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) && !bInteractive) { //
// Thread synchronization mechanisms now created,
// so set status to Running.
ssSmLogStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; ssSmLogStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; SetServiceStatus (hSmLogStatus, &ssSmLogStatus); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { // Disable 64-bit warning
#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning ( disable : 4152 )
dwStatus = WmiNotificationRegistration ( (const LPGUID) & TraceErrorGuid, TRUE, TraceNotificationCallback, 0, NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_DIRECT );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { bWmiNotificationRegistered = TRUE; } else { //
// Unable to create new query configuration event.
// This is fatal so bail out.
if (!bInteractive) { // Sleep long enough for event to be written to event log.
Sleep(500); ssSmLogStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = dwStatus; } } #if _MSC_VER >= 1200
#pragma warning(pop)
} #endif
// Set up the queries and start threads.
__try { if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus && bLogQueriesKeyExists) { EnterConfigure(); dwStatus = Configure (); ExitConfigure(); }
if ( NULL == pFirstQuery ) { //
// Nothing to do. Stop the service.
if (!bInteractive) { ssSmLogStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; SetServiceStatus (hSmLogStatus, &ssSmLogStatus); } } else if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { //
// Loop in WaitForMultipleObjects. When any
// query is signaled, deallocate that query data block
// and close its handles.
while ( TRUE ) { BOOL bStatus;
LockQueryData(); //
// About to reconfigure the Wait array, so clear the event.
bStatus = ResetEvent ( hNewQueryEvent );
if ( NULL == pFirstQuery ) {
if (!bInteractive) { ssSmLogStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; SetServiceStatus (hSmLogStatus, &ssSmLogStatus); }
UnlockQueryData(); break; } else { DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwWaitStatus;
assert ( 0 < dwActiveSessionCount );
G_ZERO( arrSessionHandle, sizeof( HANDLE ) * ( dwActiveSessionCount + 1) ); //
// The first element is the global hNewQueryEvent to signal new sessions.
arrSessionHandle[dwIndex] = hNewQueryEvent; dwIndex++;
for ( pQuery = pFirstQuery; NULL != pQuery; pQuery = pQuery->next ) {
assert ( NULL != pQuery->hThread ); if ( NULL != pQuery->hExitEvent && NULL != pQuery->hThread ) { arrSessionHandle[dwIndex] = pQuery->hThread; dwIndex++; assert ( dwIndex <= dwActiveSessionCount + 1 ); } } UnlockQueryData(); dwWaitStatus = WaitForMultipleObjects ( dwIndex, arrSessionHandle, FALSE, INFINITE );
if ( WAIT_FAILED != dwWaitStatus ){
// When here, either a new query has been started, or
// at least one logging thread or has terminated so the
// memory can be released.
dwQueryIndex = dwWaitStatus - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
// release the dynamic memory if the wait object is not the StartQuery event.
if ( 0 < dwQueryIndex && dwQueryIndex < dwIndex ) { SetStoppedStatus( GetQueryDataPtr( arrSessionHandle[dwQueryIndex] ) ); RemoveAndFreeQueryData( arrSessionHandle[dwQueryIndex] ); } } else { // Todo: handle error
dwStatus = GetLastError(); } } } // End while
} } __finally {
// Key assumption here is that all logging threads have been terminated by this point,
// so no need to lock the query data list before freeing the query.
for ( pQuery = pFirstQuery; NULL != pQuery; pQuery = pQuery->next ) { if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == pQuery->dwLogType ) { CloseTraceLogger ( pQuery ); } else { // Counter log or alert.
if ( NULL != pQuery->hLog ) { PdhCloseLog( pQuery->hLog, PDH_FLAGS_CLOSE_QUERY ); pQuery->hLog = NULL; pQuery->hQuery = NULL; } else { PdhCloseQuery (pQuery->hQuery); pQuery->hQuery = NULL; } }
SetStoppedStatus( pQuery ); RemoveAndFreeQueryData( pQuery ); } }
// Disable 64-bit warning
#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning ( disable : 4152 )
if ( bWmiNotificationRegistered ) { WmiNotificationRegistration( (const LPGUID) & TraceErrorGuid, FALSE, TraceNotificationCallback, 0, NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_DIRECT); } #if _MSC_VER >= 1200
#pragma warning(pop)
if ( NULL != hNewQueryEvent ) { CloseHandle ( hNewQueryEvent ); hNewQueryEvent = NULL; } }
DeleteCriticalSection ( &QueryDataLock ); DeleteCriticalSection ( &ConfigurationLock ); }
if (!bInteractive) { // Update the service status
ssSmLogStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; SetServiceStatus (hSmLogStatus, &ssSmLogStatus); }
if ( NULL != arrPdhDataCollectSuccess ) { G_FREE ( arrPdhDataCollectSuccess ); arrPdhDataCollectSuccess = NULL; iPdhDataCollectSuccessCount = 0; }
if (hEventLog != NULL) { DeregisterEventSource ( hEventLog ); hEventLog = NULL; }
return; }
int __cdecl main ( int argc, char *argv[]) /*++
0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) if command was processed Non-Zero if command error was detected.
--*/ { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bInteractive = FALSE;
SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY DispatchTable[] = { {L"SysmonLog", SysmonLogServiceStart }, {NULL, NULL } };
hEventLog = RegisterEventSource (NULL, L"SysmonLog");
hModule = (HINSTANCE) GetModuleHandle(NULL);
if (argc > 1) { if ((argv[1][0] == '-') || (argv[1][0] == '/')) { if ((argv[1][1] == 'i') || (argv[1][1] == 'I')) { bInteractive = TRUE; } } }
if (bInteractive) { DWORD dwArgs = 1; LPWSTR szArgs[1]; szArgs[0] = L"I"; SysmonLogServiceStart (dwArgs, szArgs); } else { if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher (DispatchTable)) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); // log failure to event log
ReportEvent (hEventLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, SMLOG_UNABLE_START_DISPATCHER, NULL, 0, sizeof(DWORD), NULL, (LPVOID)&dwStatus); } } return dwStatus; }