Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains utility methods which are used throughout the project.
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE 1
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE 1
// Define the following to use the minimum of shlwapip.h
#include <shlwapi.h> // For PlaReadRegistryIndirectStringValue
#include <shlwapip.h> // For PlaReadRegistryIndirectStringValue
#include <sddl.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pdhp.h>
// Disable 64-bit warnings in math.h
#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning ( disable : 4032 )
#include <math.h>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "common.h"
// Time conversion constants
#define SECONDS_IN_DAY 86400
#define SECONDS_IN_HOUR 3600
LPCWSTR cszFormatIndirect = L"%s Indirect";
// Forward definitions - to be moved to pdhpla
PDH_FUNCTION PlaReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cwszValueName, LPWSTR *pszBuffer, UINT* pcchBufLen );
BOOL __stdcall GetLocalFileTime ( LONGLONG *pFileTime ) { BOOL bResult; SYSTEMTIME st;
assert ( NULL != pFileTime );
GetLocalTime ( &st ); //
// The only error for SystemTimeToFileTime is STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
bResult = SystemTimeToFileTime (&st, (LPFILETIME)pFileTime);
return bResult; }
BOOL __stdcall MakeStringFromInfo ( PALERT_INFO_BLOCK pInfo, LPWSTR szBuffer, LPDWORD pcchBufferLength ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; DWORD dwLenReqd; size_t cchMaxLocalBufLen = 0; size_t cchLocalBufLen = 0;
dwLenReqd = lstrlen ( pInfo->szCounterPath ); dwLenReqd += 1; // sizeof inequality char
dwLenReqd += SLQ_MAX_VALUE_LEN; // max size of value in chars
dwLenReqd += 1; // term NULL
if (dwLenReqd <= *pcchBufferLength) { //
// Copy info block contents to a string buffer
cchMaxLocalBufLen = *pcchBufferLength;
hr = StringCchPrintf ( szBuffer, cchMaxLocalBufLen, L"%s%s%0.23g", pInfo->szCounterPath, (((pInfo->dwFlags & AIBF_OVER) == AIBF_OVER) ? L">" : L"<"), pInfo->dLimit ); // Returned buffer length does not include final NULL character.
if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { hr = StringCchLength ( szBuffer, cchMaxLocalBufLen, &cchLocalBufLen ); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { *pcchBufferLength = (DWORD)cchLocalBufLen + 1; bStatus = TRUE; } } } return bStatus; }
BOOL __stdcall MakeInfoFromString ( LPCWSTR szBuffer, PALERT_INFO_BLOCK pInfo, LPDWORD pdwBufferSize ) { LPCWSTR szSrc; LPWSTR szDst; DWORD dwSizeUsed; DWORD dwSizeLimit = *pdwBufferSize - sizeof(WCHAR);
dwSizeUsed = sizeof(ALERT_INFO_BLOCK);
szSrc = szBuffer; szDst = (LPWSTR)&pInfo[1]; pInfo->szCounterPath = szDst; // copy the string
while (dwSizeUsed < dwSizeLimit) { if ((*szSrc == L'<') || (*szSrc == L'>')) break; *szDst++ = *szSrc++; dwSizeUsed += sizeof(WCHAR); }
if (dwSizeUsed < dwSizeLimit) { *szDst++ = 0; // NULL term the string
dwSizeUsed += sizeof(WCHAR); }
pInfo->dwFlags = ((*szSrc == L'>') ? AIBF_OVER : AIBF_UNDER); szSrc++;
// Get limit value
pInfo->dLimit = _wtof(szSrc);
// write size of buffer used
pInfo->dwSize = dwSizeUsed;
if (dwSizeUsed <= *pdwBufferSize) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
void _stdcall ReplaceBlanksWithUnderscores( LPWSTR szName ) { PdhiPlaFormatBlanksW( NULL, szName ); }
void _stdcall TimeInfoToMilliseconds ( SLQ_TIME_INFO* pTimeInfo, LONGLONG* pllmsecs) { assert ( SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS == pTimeInfo->wDataType );
// Trusted caller, no check for NULL pointers.
TimeInfoToTics ( pTimeInfo, pllmsecs );
return; }
void _stdcall TimeInfoToTics ( SLQ_TIME_INFO* pTimeInfo, LONGLONG* pllTics) { assert ( SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS == pTimeInfo->wDataType );
// Trusted caller, no check for NULL pointers.
switch (pTimeInfo->dwUnitType) { case SLQ_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS: *pllTics = pTimeInfo->dwValue; break; case SLQ_TT_UTYPE_MINUTES: *pllTics = pTimeInfo->dwValue * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; break;
case SLQ_TT_UTYPE_HOURS: *pllTics = pTimeInfo->dwValue * SECONDS_IN_HOUR; break;
case SLQ_TT_UTYPE_DAYS: *pllTics = pTimeInfo->dwValue * SECONDS_IN_DAY; break;
default: *pllTics = 0; }
return; }
PDH_FUNCTION PlaReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pcszValueName, LPWSTR* pszBuffer, UINT* pcchBufLen ) { //
// Reads the indirect string value from under hKey and
// frees any existing buffer referenced by pszBuffer,
// then allocates a new buffer returning it with the
// string value read from the registry and the length
// of the buffer in characters (string length including
// NULL terminator)
PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPWSTR szNewStringBuffer = NULL; UINT cchLocalBufLen = 0;
const UINT cchLocalBufLenGrow = MAX_PATH;
assert ( NULL != hKey ); assert ( NULL != pcszValueName ); assert ( NULL != pszBuffer ); assert ( NULL != pcchBufLen );
if ( NULL != hKey ) { if ( ( NULL != pcszValueName ) && ( NULL != pszBuffer ) && ( NULL != pcchBufLen ) ) { // find out the size of the required buffer
do { /*
* allocate a large(r) buffer for the string */ if ( NULL != szNewStringBuffer ) { G_FREE ( szNewStringBuffer ); szNewStringBuffer = NULL; } cchLocalBufLen += cchLocalBufLenGrow;
szNewStringBuffer = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( cchLocalBufLen*sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( NULL != szNewStringBuffer ) {
hr = SHLoadRegUIStringW ( hKey, pcszValueName, szNewStringBuffer, cchLocalBufLen); //
// Called method might not have set the terminating NULL.
szNewStringBuffer[cchLocalBufLen - 1] = L'\0'; /*
* If we filled up the buffer, we'll pessimistically assume that * there's more data available. We'll loop around, grow the buffer, * and try again. */
} else { pdhStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
} while ( (ULONG)lstrlen( szNewStringBuffer ) == cchLocalBufLen-1 && SUCCEEDED ( hr ) );
if ( NULL != szNewStringBuffer ) { if ( 0 == lstrlen (szNewStringBuffer) ) { // nothing to read
pdhStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } else { if ( FAILED ( hr ) ) { // Unable to read buffer
// Translate hr to pdhStatus
assert ( E_INVALIDARG != hr ); if ( E_OUTOFMEMORY == hr ) { pdhStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { pdhStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } } } } else { pdhStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { // null key
pdhStatus = ERROR_BADKEY; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus ) { if ( NULL != szNewStringBuffer ) { G_FREE (szNewStringBuffer); szNewStringBuffer = NULL; cchLocalBufLen = 0; } } else { // then delete the old buffer and replace it with
// the new one
if ( NULL != *pszBuffer ) { G_FREE (*pszBuffer ); } *pszBuffer = szNewStringBuffer; *pcchBufLen = cchLocalBufLen; }
return pdhStatus; }
DWORD SmReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szValueName, LPCWSTR szDefault, LPWSTR* pszBuffer, UINT* pcchBufLen ) //
// reads the string value "szValueName" from under hKey and
// frees any existing buffer referenced by pszBuffer,
// then allocates a new buffer returning it with the
// string value read from the registry and the size of the
// buffer in characters, including the terminating null.
{ DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR szNewStringBuffer = NULL; UINT cchLocalBufLen = 0; LPWSTR szIndirectValueName = NULL; UINT uiValueNameLen = 0; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0;
if ( NULL == hKey ) { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_BADKEY; } else if ( ( NULL == pcchBufLen ) || ( NULL == pszBuffer ) || ( NULL == szValueName ) ) {
assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { uiValueNameLen = lstrlen ( szValueName ) + INDIRECT_STRING_LEN + 1;
szIndirectValueName = G_ALLOC ( uiValueNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( NULL != szIndirectValueName ) { StringCchPrintf ( szIndirectValueName, uiValueNameLen, cszFormatIndirect, szValueName );
// PlaReadxxx guarantees NULL terminated return string.
dwStatus = PlaReadRegistryIndirectStringValue ( hKey, szIndirectValueName, &szNewStringBuffer, &cchLocalBufLen ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus) { if ( 0 == lstrlen( szNewStringBuffer ) ) { // nothing to read
dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } // else dwStatus has error
G_FREE ( szIndirectValueName ); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
if ( ERROR_NO_DATA == dwStatus ) { //
// There might be something to read under the non-indirect field.
// Find out the size of the required buffer.
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, szValueName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwBufferSize); if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // NULL character size is 2 bytes
if (dwBufferSize > 2) { // then there's something to read
szNewStringBuffer = (WCHAR*) G_ALLOC ( dwBufferSize ); if (szNewStringBuffer != NULL) { dwType = 0; dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, szValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szNewStringBuffer, &dwBufferSize); cchLocalBufLen = dwBufferSize/sizeof(WCHAR); szNewStringBuffer[cchLocalBufLen - 1] = L'\0';
cchLocalBufLen = lstrlenW ( szNewStringBuffer ) + 1; if ( 1 == cchLocalBufLen ) { dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } else { // Todo: Report event for this case.
dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { // nothing to read
dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { if ( NULL != szNewStringBuffer ) { G_FREE ( szNewStringBuffer ); szNewStringBuffer = NULL; cchLocalBufLen = 0; } // apply default
if ( NULL != szDefault ) {
cchLocalBufLen = lstrlen(szDefault) + 1;
if ( 1 < cchLocalBufLen ) {
szNewStringBuffer = (WCHAR*) G_ALLOC ( cchLocalBufLen * sizeof (WCHAR) );
if ( NULL != szNewStringBuffer ) { hr = StringCchCopy ( szNewStringBuffer, cchLocalBufLen, szDefault ); dwStatus = HRESULT_CODE( hr ); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } // else no default so no data returned
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { // Delete the old buffer and replace it with
// the new one.
if ( NULL != *pszBuffer ) { G_FREE (*pszBuffer ); } *pszBuffer = szNewStringBuffer; *pcchBufLen = cchLocalBufLen; } else { //
// If error then delete the buffer
// Leave the original buffer pointer as is.
if ( NULL != szNewStringBuffer ) { G_FREE ( szNewStringBuffer ); *pcchBufLen = 0; } } }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD RegisterCurrentFile( HKEY hkeyQuery, LPWSTR szFileName, DWORD dwSubIndex ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR szLocalFileName = NULL; BOOL bLocalAlloc = FALSE; DWORD dwSize = 0; size_t cchLocalBufLen = 0;
if( szFileName != NULL ){ if( dwSubIndex == (-1) ){ //
// The only time this will get called with a (-1) is the first time
// trace is building the file name.
dwSize = (DWORD)((BYTE*)&szFileName[wcslen( szFileName )] - (BYTE*)&szFileName[0]); // 32 is the max size of all formatting and extention characters.
dwSize += 32 * sizeof(WCHAR); szLocalFileName = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( dwSize ); if( NULL != szLocalFileName ) { bLocalAlloc = TRUE;
cchLocalBufLen = dwSize/(sizeof(WCHAR));
// No file name length restriction.
StringCchPrintf ( szLocalFileName, cchLocalBufLen, szFileName, 1 ); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { szLocalFileName = szFileName; //
// No file name length restriction.
if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchLength ( szLocalFileName, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &cchLocalBufLen ) ) ) { dwSize = (cchLocalBufLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; } }
// dwSize = (DWORD)((BYTE*)&szLocalFileName[wcslen( szLocalFileName )] -
// (BYTE*)&szLocalFileName[0]);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { dwStatus = RegSetValueExW ( hkeyQuery, L"Current Log File Name", 0L, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *)szLocalFileName, dwSize ); } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if( bLocalAlloc && NULL != szLocalFileName ){ G_FREE( szLocalFileName ); }
return dwStatus; }
ULONG __stdcall ahextoi( LPWSTR s ) { long len; ULONG num, base, hex;
len = (long) wcslen(s);
if (len == 0) { return 0; }
hex = 0; base = 1; num = 0;
while (-- len >= 0) { if (s[len] >= L'0' && s[len] <= L'9'){ num = s[len] - L'0'; }else if (s[len] >= L'a' && s[len] <= L'f'){ num = (s[len] - L'a') + 10; }else if (s[len] >= L'A' && s[len] <= L'F'){ num = (s[len] - L'A') + 10; }else if( s[len] == L'x' || s[len] == L'X'){ break; }else{ continue; }
hex += num * base; base = base * 16; }
return hex; }
BOOL PerfCreateDirectory(LPWSTR szDirectory) /*++
Routine Description:
The function create a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure used by "Performance Logs and Alerts" when creating a directory to hold log files. The security policy is as following:
Admin - Full control System - Full control Performance Logging - Performance Monitoring - Read & Execute, List folder contents Network
Return Value: Return the newly created SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES if success, otherwise return NULL
sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
if (ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor( szSD, SDDL_REVISION_1, &(sa.lpSecurityDescriptor), NULL)) {
if (CreateDirectory(szDirectory, &sa)) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }