// Module:
// Purpose:
// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "wmicom.h"
#include "wmimof.h"
#include <wchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "wdmshell.h"
#include <cregcls.h>
#include <bmof.h>
#include <mrcicode.h>
#include <mofcomp.h>
#include <crc32.h>
#include <TCHAR.h>
#include <autoptr.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <strutils.h>
// auto variables
#include <ScopeGuard.h>
#if defined(_M_IA64)
// NTBUG#744176
template void deleteArray<unsigned char>(unsigned char*); template void deleteArray<unsigned short>(unsigned short*); template void deletePtr<CWMIStandardShell>(const CWMIStandardShell*); template void deletePtr<CNamespaceManagement>(const CNamespaceManagement*);
#define WDM_REG_KEY L"Software\\Microsoft\\WBEM\\WDM"
#define WDM_DREDGE_KEY L"Software\\Microsoft\\WBEM\\WDM\\DREDGE"
// void * BMOFAlloc
// Provides allocation service for BMOF.C. This allows users to choose
// the allocation method that is used.
// Size Input. Size of allocation in bytes.
// pointer to new data. NULL if allocation failed.
void * BMOFAlloc(size_t Size) { return malloc(Size); } //***************************************************************************
// void BMOFFree
// Provides allocation service for BMOF.C. This frees what ever was
// allocated via BMOFAlloc.
// pointer to memory to be freed.
void BMOFFree(void * pFree) { free(pFree); }
HRESULT ConvertStringToCTypeString( WCHAR * Out, int cchSizeOut, WCHAR * In ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; WCHAR * token = NULL;
if(In) { CAutoWChar tmpBuf(_MAX_PATH*2); if( tmpBuf.Valid() ) { if ( hr = SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW ((WCHAR*)tmpBuf,_MAX_PATH*2,In) ) ) { token = wcstok( (WCHAR*)tmpBuf, L"\\" ); if( !token ) { hr = StringCchCopyW (Out,cchSizeOut,In); } else { hr = WBEM_S_FALSE; BOOL fFirst = TRUE; while( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) && token != NULL ) { if( fFirst ) { hr = StringCchCopyW(Out,cchSizeOut,token); fFirst = FALSE; } else { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchCatW(Out,cchSizeOut,L"\\\\") ) ) { hr = StringCchCatW(Out,cchSizeOut,token); } } token = wcstok( NULL, L"\\" ); } } } } }
return hr; }
// The binary mof class
CWMIBinMof::CWMIBinMof() { m_pCompiler = NULL; m_pWMI = NULL; m_nInit = NOT_INITIALIZED; m_pMofResourceInfo = NULL; }
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::InitializePtrs ( CHandleMap * pList, IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pServices, IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pRepository, IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * pHandler, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pWMI); m_pWMI = new CWMIManagement; if( m_pWMI ) { m_pWMI->SetWMIPointers(pList, pServices, pRepository, pHandler, pCtx); m_nInit = FULLY_INITIALIZED; hr = S_OK; } return hr;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::Initialize(CWMIManagement * p,BOOL fUpdateNamespace) {
HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( p ) { hr = InitializePtrs(p->HandleMap(),p->Services(),p->Repository(),p->Handler(),p->Context()); } else { m_nInit = PARTIALLY_INITIALIZED; hr = S_OK; } m_fUpdateNamespace = fUpdateNamespace; return hr;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::Initialize ( CHandleMap * pList, BOOL fUpdateNamespace, ULONG uDesiredAccess, IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pServices, IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pRepository, IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * pHandler, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx ) {
HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; hr = InitializePtrs(pList,pServices,pRepository,pHandler,pCtx); m_fUpdateNamespace = fUpdateNamespace;
return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWMIBinMof::~CWMIBinMof() { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pCompiler); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pWMI); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::OpenFileAndLookForItIfItDoesNotExist(wmilib::auto_buffer<TCHAR> & pFile, HANDLE & hFile ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Ok, hopefully CreateFile will find it
hFile = CreateFile(pFile.get(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return S_OK; }
// cache last error value
DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError ();
hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; //=====================================================================
// CreateFile DIDN'T find it, so look in the Windows dir
wmilib::auto_ptr<TCHAR> pszSysDir( new TCHAR[MAX_PATH+1]); if ( NULL == pszSysDir.get() ) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;;
UINT uSize = GetSystemDirectory(pszSysDir.get(), MAX_PATH+1); if( 0 == uSize ) { ::SetLastError ( dwLastError ); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
if ( uSize > MAX_PATH ) { pszSysDir.reset( new TCHAR [ uSize + 1 ]); if ( NULL == pszSysDir.get()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (!GetSystemDirectory( pszSysDir.get(), uSize + 1 ) ) { return WBEM_E_FAILED; } } wmilib::auto_buffer<TCHAR> pFileNew( new TCHAR[MAX_PATH*2 + 1]); if( NULL == pFileNew.get() ) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
if (FAILED( hr = StringCchPrintfW ( pFileNew.get(), MAX_PATH*2 + 1, L"%s\\%s", pszSysDir.get(), pFile.get()))) { ::SetLastError ( dwLastError ); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Ok, now try to open again
hFile = CreateFile(pFileNew.get(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ::SetLastError ( dwLastError ); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
pFile.reset(pFileNew.release()); return S_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::GetFileDateAndTime(ULONG & lLowDateTime,ULONG & lHighDateTime,WCHAR * wcsFileName, int cchSize) { HANDLE hFile = NULL; FILETIME ftCreationTime, ftLastAccessTime, ftLastWriteTime,ftLocal; BOOL fRc = FALSE; wmilib::auto_buffer<TCHAR> pFile;
if( ExtractFileNameFromKey(pFile,wcsFileName,cchSize) ) { if( SUCCEEDED(OpenFileAndLookForItIfItDoesNotExist( pFile, hFile ))) { if( GetFileTime( hFile, &ftCreationTime, &ftLastAccessTime, &ftLastWriteTime )) { //==========================================================
// Pick up the path of the file while we are here....
TCHAR sFullPath[MAX_PATH * 4]; TCHAR *sFilename = NULL;
if (GetFullPathName(pFile.get(), MAX_PATH * 4, sFullPath, &sFilename) != 0) { StringCchCopyW ( wcsFileName, MAX_PATH*4, sFullPath ); } else { DWORD dwTest = GetLastError(); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"GetFullPathName FAILED for filename: \n")); TranslateAndLog(wcsFileName); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,": GetlastError returned %ld\n",dwTest)); }
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ftLastWriteTime, &ftLocal);
lLowDateTime = (ULONG)ftLocal.dwLowDateTime; lHighDateTime = (ULONG)ftLocal.dwHighDateTime;
fRc = TRUE; } else { DWORD dwTest = GetLastError(); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"GetFileTime FAILED for filename:\n")); TranslateAndLog(wcsFileName); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,": GetlastError returned %ld\n",dwTest)); }
CloseHandle(hFile); } else { DWORD dwTest = GetLastError(); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"CreateFile FAILED for filename:\n")); TranslateAndLog(wcsFileName); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,": GetlastError returned %ld\n",dwTest)); }
} else { DWORD dwTest = GetLastError(); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Can't extract filename: \n")); TranslateAndLog(wcsFileName); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,": GetlastError returned %ld\n",dwTest)); } return fRc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::NeedToProcessThisMof( WCHAR * wcsFileName,ULONG & lLowDateTime, ULONG & lHighDateTime ) { BOOL fNeedToProcessThisMof = TRUE; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; IWbemClassObject * pClass=NULL; CAutoWChar wcsBuf(_MAX_PATH*4); CAutoWChar wcsTmp(_MAX_PATH*4); if( wcsTmp.Valid() && wcsBuf.Valid() ) {
// Change all \ to \\ //==================================================
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = ConvertStringToCTypeString( wcsTmp,_MAX_PATH*4,wcsFileName ) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchPrintfW(wcsBuf,_MAX_PATH*4,L"WmiBinaryMofResource.HighDateTime=%lu,LowDateTime=%lu,Name=\"%s\"",lHighDateTime,lLowDateTime,wcsTmp) ) ) { //==================================================
// Get a pointer to a IWbemClassObject object
// Have we ever processed this mof before?
// if not, then return TRUE
if( m_fUpdateNamespace ) { CBSTR cbstr(wcsBuf); hr = REPOSITORY->GetObject(cbstr, 0,CONTEXT, &pClass, NULL); if(WBEM_NO_ERROR == hr) { fNeedToProcessThisMof = FALSE; CVARIANT vSuccess; hr = pClass->Get(L"MofProcessed", 0, &vSuccess, 0, 0); if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { //=========================================================================
// make sure it is added to the registry
AddThisMofToRegistryIfNeeded(WDM_REG_KEY,wcsFileName,lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime,vSuccess.GetBool()); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR( pClass); } //==============================================================================
// Delete any old instances that might be hanging around for this driver
IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnum = NULL; CAutoWChar wcsQuery(MEMSIZETOALLOCATE); if( wcsQuery.Valid() ) { ULONG uReturned = 0; if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchPrintfW(wcsQuery,MEMSIZETOALLOCATE,L"select * from WMIBinaryMofResource where Name = \"%s\"",wcsTmp) ) ) { CBSTR bstrTemp = wcsQuery; CBSTR strQryLang(L"WQL");
hr = REPOSITORY->ExecQuery(strQryLang, bstrTemp, WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY,CONTEXT,&pEnum); if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL; while( TRUE ) { if( WBEM_NO_ERROR == (hr = pEnum->Next(2000, 1, &pClass, &uReturned))) { CVARIANT vPath, vDriver; hr = pClass->Get(L"__RELPATH", 0, &vPath, 0, 0); if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { if( vPath.GetStr() ) { if( wbem_wcsicmp(vPath.GetStr(),wcsBuf) != 0 ) { hr = REPOSITORY->DeleteInstance(vPath.GetStr(),0,CONTEXT,NULL); if ( FAILED ( hr ) ) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"We have been requested to delete this mof:\n")); TranslateAndLog(vPath.GetStr()); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"It failed with 0x%08lx\n", hr)); } else { DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"We have been requested to delete this mof:\n")); TranslateAndLog(vPath.GetStr(), TRUE); }
if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { //=====================================================
// Duplicate change in registry
DeleteMofFromRegistry( vPath.GetStr() ); //==========================================================================
// Gets rid of the old classes for the old versions of this driver
hr = pClass->Get(L"Driver", 0, &vDriver, 0, 0); if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { CNamespaceManagement Namespace(this); Namespace.DeleteOldClasses(vDriver.GetStr(),CVARIANT((long)lLowDateTime),CVARIANT((long)lHighDateTime), TRUE); } } } } } }
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR( pClass ); if( hr != WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { break; } }
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pEnum); } } } } else { if( ThisMofExistsInRegistry(WDM_DREDGE_KEY,wcsFileName, lLowDateTime, lHighDateTime, TRUE) ) { fNeedToProcessThisMof = FALSE; } } } } } return fNeedToProcessThisMof; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::UpdateMofTimestampInHMOM(WCHAR * wcsKey,ULONG & lLowDateTime, ULONG & lHighDateTime, BOOL fSuccess ) { BOOL fRc = FALSE; IWbemClassObject * pNewInst = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pIWbemClassObject = NULL; //==================================================
// Get a pointer to a IWbemClassObject object
HRESULT hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR; if( m_fUpdateNamespace ) { CVARIANT cvarName; cvarName.SetStr(L"WMIBinaryMofResource"); hr = REPOSITORY->GetObject(cvarName, 0,CONTEXT, &pIWbemClassObject, NULL); if(WBEM_NO_ERROR == hr) { //=============================================================
// Spawn a new instance
hr = pIWbemClassObject->SpawnInstance(0, &pNewInst); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pIWbemClassObject); if( WBEM_NO_ERROR == hr ) { CVARIANT vLow, vHigh, vName, vSuccess;
vSuccess.SetBool(fSuccess); vName.SetStr(wcsKey); vLow.SetLONG(lLowDateTime); vHigh.SetLONG(lHighDateTime); hr = pNewInst->Put(L"Name", 0, &vName, NULL); if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = pNewInst->Put(L"LowDateTime", 0, &vLow, NULL); if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = pNewInst->Put(L"HighDateTime", 0, &vHigh, NULL); if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = pNewInst->Put(L"MofProcessed", 0, &vSuccess, NULL); if( S_OK == hr ) { CVARIANT vActive; vActive.SetBool(TRUE); pNewInst->Put(L"Active", 0, &vActive, NULL); } hr = REPOSITORY->PutInstance(pNewInst,WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE,CONTEXT,NULL); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pNewInst); } } } } } }
if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { //==========================================
// Make sure this really is in the registry
// too
if( WBEM_NO_ERROR == AddThisMofToRegistryIfNeeded(WDM_REG_KEY,wcsKey,lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime,fSuccess)) { fRc = TRUE; } } return fRc; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::GetNextSectionFromTheEnd(WCHAR * pwcsTempPath, WCHAR * pwcsEnd, int cchSize ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; WCHAR * pc = wcsrchr(pwcsTempPath,'\\'); if(pc) { //==================================================
// Copy what was there and set the end to NULL
if ( *pc ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW ( pwcsEnd, cchSize, pc ) ) ) { fReturn = TRUE; } } pc--; *(pc) = NULL; } return fReturn; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::UseDefaultLocaleId(WCHAR * wcsFile, WORD & wLocalId) { BOOL fLoadDefaultLocale = TRUE;
// Parse paths - get the locale id from paths of this format:
// check for path beginning with %windir% and with MUI in second to last position
// if not found, check for fixed directory: %windir%\MUI\Fallback
// if not found - assume it is not MUI related and try it with FindResource
TCHAR* szWindowsDir = new TCHAR[_MAX_PATH + 1]; if ( szWindowsDir ) { UINT uSize = GetWindowsDirectory ( szWindowsDir , _MAX_PATH + 1); if ( uSize ) { if ( uSize > MAX_PATH ) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY ( szWindowsDir ); szWindowsDir = new TCHAR [ uSize + 1 ]; if ( szWindowsDir ) { if ( ! GetWindowsDirectory( szWindowsDir, uSize + 1 ) ) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY ( szWindowsDir ); return fLoadDefaultLocale; } } else { return fLoadDefaultLocale; } }
// if these are windows directories
if( 0 == wbem_wcsnicmp( szWindowsDir, wcsFile, wcslen(szWindowsDir))) { CAutoWChar wcsTempPath(_MAX_PATH); CAutoWChar wcsBuffer(_MAX_PATH);
if( wcsTempPath.Valid() && wcsBuffer.Valid() ) { //======================================================
// Find last \ in the string, and trim off filename
if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW (wcsTempPath,_MAX_PATH,wcsFile) ) ) { if( GetNextSectionFromTheEnd( wcsTempPath, wcsBuffer, _MAX_PATH )) { //==================================================
// Now, get the potential locale id
if( GetNextSectionFromTheEnd( wcsTempPath, wcsBuffer, _MAX_PATH )) { wLocalId = (WORD) _wtoi(wcsBuffer); //==============================================
// Now, get the next bit to see if it says MUI
// or Fallback
if( GetNextSectionFromTheEnd( wcsTempPath, wcsBuffer, _MAX_PATH )) { if( 0 == wbem_wcsicmp( L"MUI", wcsBuffer )) { fLoadDefaultLocale = FALSE; } else if( 0 == wbem_wcsicmp( L"Fallback", wcsBuffer ) ) { //==============================================
// If it says Fallback, then check to make
// sure the next bit says MUI
if( GetNextSectionFromTheEnd( wcsTempPath, wcsBuffer, _MAX_PATH )) { if( 0 == wbem_wcsicmp( L"MUI", wcsBuffer ) ) { fLoadDefaultLocale = FALSE; } } } } } } } } } }
SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY ( szWindowsDir ); } return fLoadDefaultLocale; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::GetPointerToBinaryResource(BYTE *& pRes, DWORD & dwSize, HGLOBAL & hResource, HINSTANCE & hInst, WCHAR * wcsResource, WCHAR * wcsFile, int cchSizeFile)
{ TCHAR * pResource = NULL; BOOL fRc = FALSE; DWORD dwError = 0;
wmilib::auto_buffer<TCHAR> pFile;
if( ExtractFileNameFromKey(pFile,wcsFile,cchSizeFile) ){
pResource = wcsResource; if( pResource ) { hInst = LoadLibraryEx(pFile.get(),NULL,LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if( hInst != NULL ) { HRSRC hSrc = NULL; WORD wLocaleId = 0; if( UseDefaultLocaleId(wcsResource, wLocaleId )) { hSrc = FindResource(hInst,pResource, _T("MOFDATA")); } else { hSrc = FindResourceEx(hInst,pResource, _T("MOFDATA"),wLocaleId); } if( hSrc == NULL ) {
FreeLibrary(hInst); dwError = GetLastError(); } if( NULL != hSrc) { hResource = LoadResource( hInst,hSrc); if( hResource ) { pRes = (BYTE *)LockResource(hResource); dwSize = SizeofResource(hInst,hSrc); fRc = TRUE; } } } } #ifndef UNICODE
SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pResource ); #endif
} return fRc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BYTE * CWMIBinMof::DecompressBinaryMof(BYTE * pRes) {
DWORD dwCompType, dwCompressedSize, dwExpandedSize, dwSig, dwResSize; BYTE * pExpanded = NULL;
// get the signature, compression type, and the sizes
memcpy(&dwSig,pRes,sizeof(DWORD)); pRes += sizeof( DWORD );
memcpy(&dwCompType,pRes,sizeof(DWORD)); pRes += sizeof( DWORD );
memcpy(&dwCompressedSize,pRes,sizeof(DWORD)); pRes += sizeof( DWORD );
memcpy(&dwExpandedSize,pRes,sizeof(DWORD)); pRes += sizeof( DWORD );
// make sure the signature is valid and that the compression type is one
// we understand!
if(dwSig != BMOF_SIG ||dwCompType != 1){ return NULL; }
// Allocate storage for the compressed data and
// expanded data
try { pExpanded = (BYTE*)malloc(dwExpandedSize); if( pExpanded == NULL) { goto ExitDecompression; } } catch(...) { throw; }
// Decompress the data
CBaseMrciCompression * pMrci = new CBaseMrciCompression; if( pMrci ) { dwResSize = pMrci->Mrci1Decompress(pRes, dwCompressedSize, pExpanded, dwExpandedSize); if(dwResSize != dwExpandedSize) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pMrci); goto ExitDecompression; } SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pMrci); }
// Now, get out of here
return pExpanded;
ExitDecompression: if( pExpanded ) free(pExpanded);
return NULL;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::ExtractFileNameFromKey(wmilib::auto_buffer<TCHAR> & pKey,WCHAR * wcsKey,int cchSize) { WCHAR *wcsToken = NULL; CAutoWChar wcsTmp(MAX_PATH * 4); BOOL fRc = FALSE;
if( wcsTmp.Valid() ) { if(wcsKey) { //======================================================
// Get a ptr to the first [ , if there isn't one, then
// just copy the whole thing.
if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW (wcsTmp,MAX_PATH*4,wcsKey) ) ) { wcsToken = wcstok(wcsTmp, L"[" ); if( wcsToken != NULL ) { StringCchCopyW(wcsTmp,MAX_PATH*4,wcsToken); }
int cchSizeNew = lstrlenW ( wcsTmp ) + 1; pKey.reset(new TCHAR[cchSizeNew]); if(pKey.get()) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW (pKey.get(),cchSizeNew,wcsTmp) ) ) { fRc = TRUE; } } } } } return fRc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::CreateKey(WCHAR * wcsFileName, WCHAR * wcsResource,WCHAR * wcsKey, int cchSizeKey) { return StringCchPrintfW(wcsKey,cchSizeKey,L"%s[%s]",wcsFileName, wcsResource ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::SendToMofComp(DWORD dwSize,BYTE * pRes,WCHAR * wcsKey) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR;
if(m_pCompiler == NULL) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WinmgmtMofCompiler, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IWinmgmtMofCompiler, (LPVOID *) &m_pCompiler); } if(hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR) {
hr = m_pCompiler->WinmgmtCompileBuffer ( dwSize, pRes, WBEM_FLAG_CONNECT_PROVIDERS, WBEM_FLAG_OWNER_UPDATE, WBEM_FLAG_OWNER_UPDATE, SERVICES, CONTEXT, &Info ); if( hr != WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Mofcomp of binary mof failed for:\n")); TranslateAndLog(wcsKey); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"WinmgmtCompileBuffer return value: %ld\n",hr)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"WBEM_COMPILE_STATUS_INFO:\n")); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"\tphase:\t%d\n",Info.lPhaseError)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"\thresult:\t0x%x\n",Info.hRes)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Size of Mof: %ld\n",dwSize)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); } else { DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Binary mof succeeded for:\n")); TranslateAndLog(wcsKey, TRUE); DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); } } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::ExtractBinaryMofFromFile(WCHAR * wcsFile, WCHAR * wcsResource,WCHAR * wcsKey, int cchSizeKey, BOOL & fMofHasChanged) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; CAutoWChar wcsTmp(MAX_PATH*4);
try { if( wcsTmp.Valid() ) { ULONG lLowDateTime=0,lHighDateTime=0; //=====================================
// As long as we have a list, process
// one at a time
lLowDateTime = 0l; lHighDateTime = 0L; fMofHasChanged = FALSE; //==============================================
// Compare the file date/timestamp the date/timestamp is different, change
// it.
if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW(wcsTmp,MAX_PATH*4,wcsFile) ) ) { if( GetFileDateAndTime(lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime,wcsTmp,MAX_PATH*4) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( CreateKey(wcsTmp,wcsResource,wcsKey,cchSizeKey) ) ) { if( NeedToProcessThisMof(wcsKey,lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime) ) { fMofHasChanged = TRUE;
if( m_fUpdateNamespace ) { DWORD dwSize = 0; BYTE * pRes = NULL; HGLOBAL hResource = NULL; HINSTANCE hInst = NULL;
if( GetPointerToBinaryResource(pRes,dwSize,hResource,hInst,wcsResource,wcsKey,cchSizeKey) ) { hr = SendToMofComp(dwSize,pRes,wcsKey); if(hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { if( UpdateMofTimestampInHMOM(wcsKey,lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime, TRUE) ) { CNamespaceManagement Namespace(this); Namespace.CreateClassAssociationsToDriver(wcsKey,pRes,lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime); Namespace.DeleteOldClasses(wcsKey,CVARIANT((long)lLowDateTime),CVARIANT((long)lHighDateTime), TRUE); fSuccess = TRUE; } else { UpdateMofTimestampInHMOM(wcsKey,lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime,FALSE); } } else { UpdateMofTimestampInHMOM(wcsKey,lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime,FALSE); } UnlockResource(hResource); FreeResource(hResource); FreeLibrary(hInst); } else { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Could not get pointer to binary resource for file:\n")); TranslateAndLog(wcsKey); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); UpdateMofTimestampInHMOM(wcsKey,lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime,FALSE); } } } else { fSuccess = TRUE; } } } else { UpdateMofTimestampInHMOM(wcsFile,lLowDateTime,lHighDateTime,FALSE); StringCchCopyW(wcsKey, cchSizeKey, wcsFile); } } } } catch ( CHeap_Exception & exc ) { fSuccess = FALSE ; }
return fSuccess; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define WDMPROV_REG_KEY L"Software\\Microsoft\\WBEM\\WDMProvider"
BOOL CWMIBinMof::UserConfiguredRegistryToProcessStrandedClassesDuringEveryInit(void) { DWORD dwProcess = 0; CRegistry RegInfo ;
DWORD dwRet = RegInfo.Open (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WDMPROV_REG_KEY, KEY_READ) ; if ( dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegInfo.GetCurrentKeyValue ( L"ProcessStrandedClasses",dwProcess ); } RegInfo.Close();
return (BOOL) dwProcess; } /////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CWMIBinMof::ProcessListOfWMIBinaryMofsFromWMI() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
try { if( m_nInit == FULLY_INITIALIZED ) { CAutoWChar wcsFileName(MAX_PATH*3); CAutoWChar wcsResource(MAX_PATH*3);
if( wcsFileName.Valid() && wcsResource.Valid() ) { KeyList ArrDriversInRegistry; //============================================================
// Get list of what is currently in the registry
// Initialize things
BOOL fMofChanged = FALSE; m_fUpdateNamespace = TRUE;
// Allocate working classes
CWMIStandardShell * pWMI = new CWMIStandardShell; if( pWMI ) { ON_BLOCK_EXIT ( deletePtr < CWMIStandardShell >, pWMI ) ;
hr = pWMI->Initialize ( NULL, FALSE, m_pWMI->HandleMap(), m_fUpdateNamespace, WMIGUID_QUERY, m_pWMI->Services(), m_pWMI->Repository(), m_pWMI->Handler(), m_pWMI->Context() ); if( S_OK == hr ) {
CNamespaceManagement * pNamespace = new CNamespaceManagement(this); if( pNamespace ) { ON_BLOCK_EXIT ( deletePtr < CNamespaceManagement >, pNamespace ) ;
// Query the binary guid
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = pNamespace->InitQuery(L"select * from WMIBinaryMofResource where Name != ") ) ) { pWMI->QueryAndProcessAllBinaryGuidInstances(*pNamespace, fMofChanged, &ArrDriversInRegistry);
// Get a list of binary mofs from WMI
GetListOfBinaryMofs(); ULONG nTmp=0; CAutoWChar wcsTmpKey(MAX_PATH*3); BOOL fProcessStrandedClasses = FALSE; if( wcsTmpKey.Valid() ) { if( m_uResourceCount > 0 ) { //===============================================================
// Go through and get all the resources to process one by one
while( GetBinaryMofFileNameAndResourceName(wcsFileName,MAX_PATH*3,wcsResource,MAX_PATH*3) && SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { //============================================================
// Process the binary mof
if( ExtractBinaryMofFromFile(wcsFileName,wcsResource,wcsTmpKey,MAX_PATH*3,fMofChanged)) { hr = pNamespace->UpdateQuery(L" and Name != ",wcsTmpKey); } if( fMofChanged ) { fProcessStrandedClasses = TRUE; }
ArrDriversInRegistry.Remove(wcsTmpKey); } } }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { pNamespace->DeleteOldDrivers(FALSE); //===========================================================================
// If we are not supposed to process stranded classes, check the reg key
// to see if it wants us to anyway
if( !fProcessStrandedClasses ) { fProcessStrandedClasses = UserConfiguredRegistryToProcessStrandedClassesDuringEveryInit(); } if( fProcessStrandedClasses ) { pNamespace->DeleteStrandedClasses(); } DeleteOldDriversInRegistry(ArrDriversInRegistry); } else { DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Failure in processing binary mofs\n")); DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Resources %d\n", m_uResourceCount)); DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Current %d\n", m_uCurrentResource)); DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); } } } } } if( m_pMofResourceInfo ) { WmiFreeBuffer( m_pMofResourceInfo ); } } } } catch ( CHeap_Exception & exc ) { }
DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"End of processing Binary MOFS\n")); DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::GetListOfBinaryMofs() { BOOL fRc = TRUE; ULONG uRc; m_uCurrentResource = 0;
m_pMofResourceInfo = NULL; m_uResourceCount = 0;
try { uRc = WmiMofEnumerateResourcesW( 0, &m_uResourceCount, &m_pMofResourceInfo ); if( uRc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { fRc = FALSE; } } catch(...) { fRc = FALSE; // don't throw
return fRc; } //=============================================================
BOOL CWMIBinMof::GetBinaryMofFileNameAndResourceName(WCHAR * pwcsFileName, int cchSizeFile, WCHAR * pwcsResource, int cchSizeResource ) { BOOL fRc = FALSE;
// There are a lot of tests in here, due to strange results from
// WDM Service under stress.
if( m_uCurrentResource < m_uResourceCount ){
if( m_pMofResourceInfo ){
DWORD dwFileLen = wcslen(m_pMofResourceInfo[m_uCurrentResource].ImagePath); DWORD dwResourceLen = wcslen(m_pMofResourceInfo[m_uCurrentResource].ResourceName);
if( IsBadReadPtr( m_pMofResourceInfo[m_uCurrentResource].ImagePath,dwFileLen) == 0 ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW( pwcsFileName, cchSizeFile, m_pMofResourceInfo[m_uCurrentResource].ImagePath ) ) ) { if( IsBadReadPtr( m_pMofResourceInfo[m_uCurrentResource].ResourceName,dwResourceLen) == 0 ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW ( pwcsResource, cchSizeResource, m_pMofResourceInfo[m_uCurrentResource].ResourceName ) ) ) { m_uCurrentResource++; fRc = TRUE; } } } } } } return fRc; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::ExtractBinaryMofFromDataBlock(BYTE * pByte,ULONG uInstanceSize, WCHAR * wcsKey, BOOL & fMofHasChanged) {
HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; //===================================================
// Get the CRC of the data buffer
if( IsBadReadPtr( pByte,uInstanceSize) != 0 ){ return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; }
dwCRC = UpdateCRC32(pByte,uInstanceSize, dwCRC); FINALIZE_CRC32(dwCRC); //=========================================================
// get the size of the buffer to send
DWORD dwCompressedSize; BYTE * pTmp = pByte; pTmp += sizeof( DWORD ) * 2;
memcpy(&dwCompressedSize,pTmp,sizeof(DWORD)); dwCompressedSize += 16; fMofHasChanged = FALSE; //===================================================
// See if we should process this class or not
ULONG lLow = dwCRC; ULONG lHigh = 0;
try { if( NeedToProcessThisMof(wcsKey,lLow,lHigh)) { if( !m_fUpdateNamespace ) { fMofHasChanged = TRUE; hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR; } else { hr = SendToMofComp(dwCompressedSize,pByte,wcsKey); if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { if( UpdateMofTimestampInHMOM(wcsKey,lLow,lHigh, TRUE)) { CNamespaceManagement Namespace(this); Namespace.CreateClassAssociationsToDriver(wcsKey,pByte,lLow,lHigh); Namespace.DeleteOldClasses(wcsKey,CVARIANT((long)lLow),CVARIANT((long)lHigh),TRUE); } else { UpdateMofTimestampInHMOM(wcsKey,lLow,lHigh,FALSE); } } else { UpdateMofTimestampInHMOM(wcsKey,lLow,lHigh,FALSE); } } } else { hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR; } } catch ( CHeap_Exception & exc ) { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; }
return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::DeleteMofsFromEvent(CVARIANT & vImagePath,CVARIANT & vResourceName, BOOL & fMofHasChanged) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; CAutoWChar wcsTmp(MAX_PATH*2);
if( wcsTmp.Valid() ) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; //=========================================
// Initialize stuff
fMofHasChanged = FALSE;
try { //=================================================================
// if we have an image path and resource path we are working with
// file, otherwise it is a binary guidd
if((vResourceName.GetType() != VT_NULL ) && ( vImagePath.GetType() != VT_NULL )){
hr = CreateKey( vImagePath.GetStr(), vResourceName.GetStr(),wcsTmp, MAX_PATH*2 ); } else if( vResourceName.GetType() != VT_NULL ){
hr = SetBinaryMofClassName(vResourceName.GetStr(),wcsTmp, MAX_PATH*2); }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if( m_fUpdateNamespace ) {
CNamespaceManagement Namespace(this);
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = Namespace.InitQuery(L"select * from WMIBinaryMofResource where Name = ") ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = Namespace.UpdateQuery(L"",wcsTmp) ) ) { if( Namespace.DeleteOldDrivers(FALSE) ) { hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR; fMofHasChanged = TRUE; } } } } else { if( ThisMofExistsInRegistry(WDM_REG_KEY,wcsTmp, 0, 0, FALSE)) { fMofHasChanged = TRUE; } hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR; } } } catch ( CHeap_Exception & exc ) { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } return hr; }
// Functions for the Dredger
// format of string containing mof info is:
// "WmiBinaryMofResource.HighDateTime=9999,LowDateTime=9999,Name="Whatever"
// HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\WDM\WDMBinaryMofResource
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::AddThisMofToRegistryIfNeeded(WCHAR * wcsKey, WCHAR * wcsFileName, ULONG & lLowDateTime, ULONG & lHighDateTime, BOOL fSuccess) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; CRegistry RegInfo ;
DWORD dwRet = RegInfo.CreateOpen (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wcsKey) ; if ( dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { CAutoWChar wcsBuf(MAX_PATH); if( wcsBuf.Valid() ) {
if( fSuccess ) { StringCchPrintfW(wcsBuf,MAX_PATH,L"LowDateTime:%ld,HighDateTime:%ld***Binary mof compiled successfully", lLowDateTime, lHighDateTime); } else { StringCchPrintfW(wcsBuf,MAX_PATH,L"LowDateTime:%ld,HighDateTime:%ld***Binary mof failed, see WMIPROV.LOG", lLowDateTime, lHighDateTime); } CHString sTmp = wcsBuf;
if ( RegInfo.SetCurrentKeyValue ( wcsFileName,sTmp ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ; } } else { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } }
RegInfo.Close(); return hr; }
BOOL CWMIBinMof::ThisMofExistsInRegistry(WCHAR * wcsKey,WCHAR * wcsFileName, ULONG lLowDateTime, ULONG lHighDateTime, BOOL fCompareDates) { BOOL fExists = FALSE; CRegistry RegInfo ;
DWORD dwRet = RegInfo.Open (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wcsKey, KEY_READ) ; if ( dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { CHString chsValue; if ( RegInfo.GetCurrentKeyValue ( wcsFileName,chsValue ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( fCompareDates ) { CAutoWChar wcsIncomingValue(MAX_PATH); CAutoWChar wcsTmp(MAX_PATH);
if( wcsIncomingValue.Valid() && wcsTmp.Valid() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchPrintfW (wcsIncomingValue, MAX_PATH, L"LowDateTime:%ld,HighDateTime:%ld", lLowDateTime, lHighDateTime ) ) ) { WCHAR *wcsToken = NULL; //======================================================
// Get a ptr to the first *** , if there isn't one, then
// we have a messed up key
if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW ( wcsTmp, MAX_PATH, (const WCHAR*)chsValue ) ) ) { wcsToken = wcstok(wcsTmp, L"*" ); if( wcsToken != NULL ) { if( wbem_wcsicmp(wcsToken, wcsIncomingValue) == 0 ) { fExists = TRUE; } } } } } } else { fExists = TRUE; } } } RegInfo.Close(); return fExists; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::DeleteMofFromRegistry(WCHAR * wcsFileName) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
HKEY hKey; hr = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WDM_REG_KEY, &hKey); if(NO_ERROR == hr) { hr = RegDeleteValue(hKey,wcsFileName); CloseHandle(hKey); } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::DeleteOldDriversInRegistry(KeyList & ArrDriversInRegistry) { int nSize = ArrDriversInRegistry.GetSize(); for( int i=0; i < nSize; i++ ) { DeleteMofFromRegistry(ArrDriversInRegistry.GetAt(i)); } return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::CopyWDMKeyToDredgeKey() { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; //=======================================================================
// Open up the WDM Dredge Key and enumerate the keys, copy them into
// the DredgeReg key
CRegistry WDMReg; CRegistry WDMDregReg;
// Clean up old stuff
// Note: You need to open up the parent key, so you can delete
// the child DREDGE key
CHString pchs(DREDGE_KEY); WDMDregReg.DeleteKey ( &pchs ) ; } if( ERROR_SUCCESS == WDMDregReg.CreateOpen(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WDM_DREDGE_KEY)) { ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ ( WDMDregReg, CRegistry::Close ) ;
// Go through the loop, and copy the keys
BYTE *pValueData = NULL ; WCHAR *pValueName = NULL ; fSuccess = TRUE;
for(DWORD i = 0 ; i < WDMReg.GetValueCount(); i++) { DWORD dwRc = WDMReg.EnumerateAndGetValues(i, pValueName, pValueData) ; if( dwRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ON_BLOCK_EXIT ( deleteArray < TCHAR >, pValueName ) ; ON_BLOCK_EXIT ( deleteArray < BYTE >, pValueData ) ;
CHString chsKey(pValueName); CHString chsValue((LPCWSTR)pValueData); if ( !WDMDregReg.SetCurrentKeyValue ( chsKey, chsValue ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { fSuccess = FALSE; } } else { fSuccess = FALSE; } if( !fSuccess ) { break; } } } } } catch ( CHeap_Exception & exc ) { fSuccess = FALSE ; }
return fSuccess; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::GetListOfDriversCurrentlyInRegistry(WCHAR * wcsKey, KeyList & ArrDriversInRegistry) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; //==========================================================
// Open the key for enumeration and go through the sub keys.
HKEY hKey = NULL; HRESULT hr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wcsKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_QUERY_VALUE,&hKey); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { WCHAR wcsKeyName[MAX_PATH+2]; DWORD dwLen = 0; int i = 0; while( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { dwLen = MAX_PATH+2; hr = RegEnumValue(hKey,i,wcsKeyName, &dwLen,0,NULL,NULL,NULL); // If we are successful reading the name
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { ArrDriversInRegistry.Add(wcsKeyName); i++; } else { break; } } RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { fSuccess = FALSE; } return fSuccess; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIBinMof::ProcessBinaryMofEvent(PWNODE_HEADER WnodeHeader ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
m_fUpdateNamespace = TRUE; if( m_nInit == FULLY_INITIALIZED ) { CWMIStandardShell * pWMI = new CWMIStandardShell; if( pWMI ) { //=======================================================
// See if a binary mof event is being added or deleted
if( IsBinaryMofResourceEvent(WMI_RESOURCE_MOF_ADDED_GUID,WnodeHeader->Guid)) { hr = pWMI->Initialize ( RUNTIME_BINARY_MOFS_ADDED, TRUE, m_pWMI->HandleMap(), m_fUpdateNamespace, WMIGUID_QUERY, m_pWMI->Services(), m_pWMI->Repository(), m_pWMI->Handler(), m_pWMI->Context() ); if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = pWMI->ProcessEvent(MOF_ADDED,WnodeHeader); } } else if( IsBinaryMofResourceEvent(WMI_RESOURCE_MOF_REMOVED_GUID,WnodeHeader->Guid)) { hr = pWMI->Initialize ( RUNTIME_BINARY_MOFS_DELETED, TRUE, m_pWMI->HandleMap(), m_fUpdateNamespace, WMIGUID_QUERY, m_pWMI->Services(), m_pWMI->Repository(), m_pWMI->Handler(), m_pWMI->Context() ); if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = pWMI->ProcessEvent(MOF_DELETED,WnodeHeader); } }
return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::BinaryMofEventChanged(PWNODE_HEADER WnodeHeader ) { BOOL fMofHasChanged = TRUE;
m_fUpdateNamespace = FALSE; CWMIStandardShell * pWMI = new CWMIStandardShell;
if( pWMI ) { //=======================================================
// See if a binary mof event is being added or deleted
if( IsBinaryMofResourceEvent(WMI_RESOURCE_MOF_ADDED_GUID,WnodeHeader->Guid)) { hr = pWMI->Initialize(RUNTIME_BINARY_MOFS_ADDED, TRUE, NULL, m_fUpdateNamespace, WMIGUID_QUERY, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = pWMI->ProcessEvent(MOF_ADDED,WnodeHeader); } } else if( IsBinaryMofResourceEvent(WMI_RESOURCE_MOF_REMOVED_GUID,WnodeHeader->Guid)) { // DO NOTHING
hr = pWMI->Initialize(RUNTIME_BINARY_MOFS_DELETED,TRUE, NULL, m_fUpdateNamespace, WMIGUID_QUERY, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if( S_OK == hr ) { // only provider will handle deletion of driver
// hr = pWMI->ProcessEvent(MOF_DELETED,WnodeHeader);
} }
DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); if( pWMI->HasMofChanged() ) { DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"BinaryMofEventChanged returned TRUE:\n")); } else { DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"BinaryMofEventChanged returned FALSE:\n")); } fMofHasChanged = pWMI->HasMofChanged(); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pWMI); }
} return fMofHasChanged; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIBinMof::BinaryMofsHaveChanged() { BOOL fBinaryMofHasChanged = FALSE; if( m_nInit != NOT_INITIALIZED ) { KeyList ArrDriversInRegistry; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; m_fUpdateNamespace = FALSE; //============================================================
// Get list of what is currently in the registry
BOOL fRc = GetListOfDriversCurrentlyInRegistry(WDM_DREDGE_KEY,ArrDriversInRegistry); if( fRc ) { //=====================================================================
// Get a list of binary mofs from WMI
// Query WMIBinaryMofResource for list of static mofs
GetListOfBinaryMofs(); if( m_uResourceCount > 0 ) { //===============================================================
// Go through and get all the resources to process one by one
CAutoWChar FileName(MAX_PATH*2); CAutoWChar Resource(MAX_PATH*2); CAutoWChar TmpKey(MAX_PATH*2);
if( FileName.Valid() && Resource.Valid() && TmpKey.Valid() ) { while( GetBinaryMofFileNameAndResourceName(FileName,MAX_PATH*2,Resource,MAX_PATH*2)) {
// Process the binary mof, keep going until one needs to
// be processed
ExtractBinaryMofFromFile(FileName,Resource,TmpKey, MAX_PATH*2,fBinaryMofHasChanged ); if( fBinaryMofHasChanged ) { break; } ArrDriversInRegistry.Remove(TmpKey); } } }
if( !fBinaryMofHasChanged ) { //=========================================
// Query the binary guid
CNamespaceManagement * pNamespace = new CNamespaceManagement(this); if( pNamespace ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = pNamespace->InitQuery(L"select * from WMIBinaryMofResource where Name != ") ) ) { CWMIStandardShell * pWMI = new CWMIStandardShell;
if( pWMI ) { hr = pWMI->Initialize(NULL, FALSE, NULL,m_fUpdateNamespace, WMIGUID_QUERY,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if( S_OK == hr ) { pWMI->QueryAndProcessAllBinaryGuidInstances(*pNamespace, fBinaryMofHasChanged,&ArrDriversInRegistry); } SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pWMI); } } SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pNamespace); } else { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } /* //============================================================
// If there are any drivers left in the list, then we need
// to say that the binary mofs have changed
if( !fBinaryMofHasChanged ) { if( ArrDriversInRegistry.OldDriversLeftOver() ) { fBinaryMofHasChanged = TRUE; } } */ } else { //==============================================================================================
// there is no key, so now we need to return that the registry has changed, so the copy of the
// keys will be kicked off
fBinaryMofHasChanged = TRUE; } if( m_pMofResourceInfo ) { WmiFreeBuffer( m_pMofResourceInfo ); }
DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); if( fBinaryMofHasChanged ) { DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"BinaryMofsHaveChanged returned TRUE:\n")); } else { DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"BinaryMofsHaveChanged returned FALSE:\n")); } } return fBinaryMofHasChanged; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Namespace Management Class
CNamespaceManagement::CNamespaceManagement(CWMIBinMof * pOwner) { m_pObj = pOwner; m_nSize = 0; m_pwcsQuery = NULL; m_fInit = 0; m_pwcsSavedQuery = NULL; m_fSavedInit = 0; m_nSavedSize = 0;
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CNamespaceManagement::~CNamespaceManagement() { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_pwcsQuery ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define SERVICES_PTR m_pObj->WMI()->Services()
#define REPOSITORY_PTR m_pObj->WMI()->Repository()
#define CONTEXT_PTR m_pObj->WMI()->Context()
// IsClassPseudoSystem
// ===================================
// returns false if class doesn't belong to set of
// pseudo system classes which should be not deleted
BOOL CNamespaceManagement::IsClassPseudoSystem ( LPCWSTR wcsClass ) { BOOL fResult = FALSE ;
if ( wcsClass ) { static LPWSTR wcsPseudoSystem [] = { L"WMIEvent", L"Win32_Perf", L"Win32_PerfRawData", L"Win32_PerfFormattedData" };
static DWORD dwPseudoSystem = sizeof ( wcsPseudoSystem ) / sizeof ( wcsPseudoSystem [ 0 ] ) ;
for ( DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwPseudoSystem; dwIndex++ ) { if ( 0 == wbem_wcsicmp ( wcsClass, wcsPseudoSystem [ dwIndex ] ) ) { fResult = TRUE ; break ; } } }
return fResult ; }
// IsClassAsociatedWithDifferentDriver
// ===================================
// returns false if there is no other driver referencing class
// we assume that there is driver when internally failing
BOOL CNamespaceManagement::IsClassAsociatedWithDifferentDriver ( LPCWSTR wcsClass, LPCWSTR wcsDriverToCompare ) { BOOL fResult = TRUE ; BOOL fFind = FALSE ;
CBSTR strQueryLang(L"WQL");
LPCWSTR wcsQuery = L"\"" ;
LPCWSTR query1 = L"select * from WDMClassesOfDriver where ClassName = \"" ; DWORD dwQuery1 = sizeof ( L"select * from WDMClassesOfDriver where ClassName = \"" ) / sizeof ( WCHAR ) ; DWORD dw1 = wcslen ( wcsClass ) + dwQuery1 + 1 ;
LPWSTR wcsQuery1 = new WCHAR [ dw1 ] ; wmilib::auto_buffer < WCHAR > smartwcsQuery1 ( wcsQuery1 ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchCopyW ( wcsQuery1, dw1, query1 ) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchCatW ( wcsQuery1, dw1, wcsClass ) ) ) { hr = StringCchCatW ( wcsQuery1, dw1, wcsQuery ) ; } }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnumWbemClassObject, __uuidof(IEnumWbemClassObject)); IEnumWbemClassObjectPtr pEnum;
hr = REPOSITORY_PTR->ExecQuery ( strQueryLang, CBSTR ( wcsQuery1 ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, CONTEXT_PTR, &pEnum ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { DWORD uReturned = 0L ;
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemClassObject, __uuidof(IWbemClassObject)); IWbemClassObjectPtr pClass;
LPCWSTR query2 = L"select * from WMIBinaryMofResource where Name = \"" ; DWORD dwQuery2 = sizeof ( L"select * from WMIBinaryMofResource where Name = \"" ) / sizeof ( WCHAR ) ;
while ( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr ) { hr = pEnum->Next ( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pClass, &uReturned ) ; if ( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr ) { CVARIANT vDriver ; hr = pClass->Get ( L"Driver", 0, &vDriver, 0, 0 ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( wcsDriverToCompare ) { if ( 0 == ( wbem_wcsicmp ( wcsDriverToCompare, vDriver.GetStr() ) ) ) { //
// we know that this driver has a class
continue ; } }
DWORD dwDriver = 2 * ( wcslen ( vDriver.GetStr() ) + 1 ) ; CAutoWChar wcsDriver( dwDriver );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = ConvertStringToCTypeString ( wcsDriver, dwDriver, vDriver.GetStr() ) ) ) { DWORD dw2 = wcslen ( wcsDriver ) + dwQuery2 + 1;
LPWSTR wcsQuery2 = new WCHAR [ dw2 ] ; wmilib::auto_buffer < WCHAR > smartwcsQuery2 ( wcsQuery2 ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchCopyW ( wcsQuery2, dw2, query2 ) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchCatW ( wcsQuery2, dw2, wcsDriver ) ) ) { hr = StringCchCatW ( wcsQuery2, dw2, wcsQuery ) ; } }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { IEnumWbemClassObjectPtr pEnum1; hr = REPOSITORY_PTR->ExecQuery ( strQueryLang, CBSTR ( wcsQuery2 ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, CONTEXT_PTR, &pEnum1 ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { DWORD uReturned1 = 0L ; IWbemClassObjectPtr pClass1;
hr = pEnum1->Next ( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pClass1, &uReturned1 ) ; if ( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr ) { //
// we are associated with some live driver for this class
fFind = TRUE ; break ; } else { if ( WBEM_S_FALSE == hr ) { //
// we get empty enumerator back (continue with other drivers)
hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ; } else { if ( FAILED ( hr ) ) { // get object failure
ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "QUERY:\n" ) ) ; TranslateAndLog ( wcsQuery2 ) ; ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Failure to get class object out of enumerator with error 0x%08lx\n", hr)); } } } } else { // exec query failure
ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Failed to execute following QUERY:\n" ) ) ; TranslateAndLog ( wcsQuery2 ) ; ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Error 0x%08lx\n", hr)); } } else { // out of memory
ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "String creation failed: ", hr ) ) ; TranslateAndLog ( wcsQuery2 ) ; ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Error 0x%08lx\n", hr ) ) ; } } else { // convert failure
ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Convertion failure ... probably OUT OF MEMORY !\n" ) ) ; } } else { // get property failed
ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "QUERY:\n" ) ) ; TranslateAndLog ( wcsQuery1 ) ; ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Failure to get property value from class object with error 0x%08lx\n", hr)); } } else { if ( WBEM_S_FALSE == hr ) { //
// we did get empty enumerator back
if ( FALSE == fFind ) { //
// we didn't find live driver here
fResult = FALSE ; } } else { // get object failure
ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "QUERY:\n" ) ) ; TranslateAndLog ( wcsQuery1 ) ; ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Failure to get class object out of enumerator with error 0x%08lx\n", hr)); } } } } else { // exec query failure
ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Failed to execute following QUERY:\n" ) ) ; TranslateAndLog ( wcsQuery1 ) ; ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Error 0x%08lx\n", hr)); } } else { // out of memory
ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "String creation failed: ", hr ) ) ; TranslateAndLog ( wcsQuery1 ) ; ERRORTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER, "Error 0x%08lx\n", hr ) ) ; }
return fResult ; }
// Delete stranded classes in the repository
BOOL CNamespaceManagement::DeleteStrandedClasses(void) { BOOL fRc = TRUE; HRESULT hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR; IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnum = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnumofStrandedClasses = NULL; // ==================================================================================
// Get list of drivers
// ==================================================================================
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = InitQuery(L"select * from WMIBinaryMofResource") ) ) { CBSTR strQryLang(L"WQL"); CBSTR cbstrQry(m_pwcsQuery);
hr = REPOSITORY_PTR->ExecQuery(strQryLang,cbstrQry, WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY,CONTEXT_PTR,&pEnum); if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { unsigned long uReturned = 0; CVARIANT vDriver, vLow, vHigh; IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL; //================================================================================
// Initialize query for stranded classes as we go along and clean up the old
// classes
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = InitQuery(L"select * from WDMClassesOfDriver where Driver != ") ) ) { while ( TRUE ) { IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
if( WBEM_NO_ERROR == (hr = pEnum->Next(2000, 1, &pClass, &uReturned))) { if( WBEM_NO_ERROR == (hr = pClass->Get(L"Name", 0, &vDriver, 0, 0))) { //============================================================
// Correct the query syntax for next query
hr = UpdateQuery( L" and Driver != ",vDriver.GetStr()); } }
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pClass ); if( hr != WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { break; } } //================================================================
// Ok, now go after the stranded classes, the ones that don't
// have any drivers for some reason
CBSTR strQryLang(L"WQL"); CBSTR cbstr(m_pwcsQuery);
hr = REPOSITORY_PTR->ExecQuery(strQryLang,cbstr, WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY,CONTEXT_PTR,&pEnumofStrandedClasses); if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { BOOL bDrivers = FALSE; while( TRUE ) { if( WBEM_NO_ERROR == (hr = pEnumofStrandedClasses->Next(2000, 1, &pClass, &uReturned))) { CVARIANT vPath,vClass; pClass->Get(L"ClassName", 0, &vClass, 0, 0); if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pClass->Get(L"__RELPATH", 0, &vPath, 0, 0))) { //
// we need to recognize if class is not associated with
// different driver prior to its deletion
// (upgrade scenario where diff driver was exposing same classes)
BOOL fDeleteClass = ! IsClassAsociatedWithDifferentDriver ( vClass.GetStr() );
// we do not care if there was error in deletion
// as it usually means there was no such a class
// previously
hr = DeleteUnusedClassAndDriverInfo( fDeleteClass, vClass.GetStr(), vPath.GetStr() ); } else { fRc = FALSE; break; } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pClass); if( hr != WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { break; } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pEnumofStrandedClasses); if(!fRc) { if( hr != E_OUTOFMEMORY) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Stranded instance exist in repository\n")); } } } } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pEnum); } return fRc; }
BOOL CNamespaceManagement::DeleteOldDrivers(BOOL fCompareDates) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnum = NULL; BOOL fRc = TRUE; BSTR strQry = NULL;
strQry = SysAllocString(m_pwcsQuery); if(strQry != NULL) { CBSTR strQryLang(L"WQL");
hr = REPOSITORY_PTR->ExecQuery(strQryLang, strQry, WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY,CONTEXT_PTR,&pEnum); SysFreeString(strQry); strQry = NULL; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; fRc = FALSE; }
if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL; unsigned long uReturned = 0; CVARIANT vClass; hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR;
// NOTE: We only deal with drivers extracted from files here, if it is a guid as the result
// of an event this is handled elsewhere
while ( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL; unsigned long uReturned = 0;
hr = pEnum->Next(2000, 1, &pClass, &uReturned); if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { CVARIANT vLowDate, vHighDate, vName;
if( WBEM_NO_ERROR != (hr = pClass->Get(L"Name", 0, &vName, 0, 0))) { break; }
if( fCompareDates ) { vLowDate.SetLONG(0); vHighDate.SetLONG(0); if( WBEM_NO_ERROR != (hr = pClass->Get(L"LowDateTime", 0, &vLowDate, 0, 0))) { break; }
if( WBEM_NO_ERROR != (hr = pClass->Get(L"HighDateTime", 0, &vHighDate, 0, 0))) { break; } }
DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Deleting Old Drivers\n")); DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n"));
if( DeleteOldClasses((WCHAR *) vName.GetStr(),vLowDate,vHighDate,fCompareDates )) { CVARIANT vPath; hr = pClass->Get(L"__RELPATH", 0, &vPath, 0, 0); if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { CBSTR cbstrPath(vPath.GetStr()); hr = REPOSITORY_PTR->DeleteInstance(cbstrPath,0,CONTEXT_PTR,NULL);
if ( FAILED ( hr ) ) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"We have been requested to delete this instance:\n")); TranslateAndLog(vPath.GetStr()); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"It failed with 0x%08lx\n", hr)); } else { DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"We have been requested to delete this instance:\n")); TranslateAndLog(vPath.GetStr(), TRUE); }
if( WBEM_NO_ERROR == hr ) { m_pObj->DeleteMofFromRegistry((WCHAR *) vName.GetStr()); } } else { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Get returned value: 0x%08lx\n",hr)); } } } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pEnum); } else { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Cannot delete driver. ExecQuery return value: 0x%08lx\n",hr)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Current query: \n")); TranslateAndLog(m_pwcsQuery); }
return fRc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function to delete Old classes for a particular driver
BOOL CNamespaceManagement::DeleteOldClasses(WCHAR * wcsFileName,CVARIANT & vLow, CVARIANT & vHigh, BOOL fCompareDates) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; CAutoWChar wcsTranslatedKey(MAX_PATH*2); BOOL fRc = FALSE; IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnum = NULL; ULONG lHighDateTime = 0L; ULONG lLowDateTime = 0L;
DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Deleting Old Classes for Driver\n")); TranslateAndLog(wcsFileName, TRUE); DEBUGTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); if( wcsTranslatedKey.Valid() ) { //================================================================================
// Initialize everything we need to construct the query
if( fCompareDates ) { lLowDateTime= (ULONG)vLow.GetLONG(); lHighDateTime= (ULONG)vHigh.GetLONG(); }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = ConvertStringToCTypeString( wcsTranslatedKey,MAX_PATH*2,wcsFileName ) ) ) { //================================================================================
// Now, pick up all the old classes for this driver
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = InitQuery(L"select * from WDMClassesOfDriver where Driver = ") ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = UpdateQuery(L"",wcsFileName) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = UpdateQuery(L" and (HighDateTime != ",lHighDateTime) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = UpdateQuery(L" or LowDateTime != ", lLowDateTime) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = AddToQuery(L")") ) ) { BSTR strTmp = NULL; strTmp = SysAllocString(m_pwcsQuery); if(strTmp != NULL) { CBSTR strQryLang(L"WQL");
hr = REPOSITORY_PTR->ExecQuery(strQryLang, strTmp, WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY,CONTEXT_PTR,&pEnum); SysFreeString(strTmp); strTmp = NULL; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; fRc = FALSE; }
if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL; unsigned long uReturned = 0; CVARIANT vClass;
while ( TRUE ) { hr = pEnum->Next(2000, 1, &pClass, &uReturned); if( hr!= WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { break; }
hr = pClass->Get(L"ClassName", 0, &vClass, 0, 0); if( hr != WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR( pClass ); break; } //===========================================================================
// Now, get this instance of tying the class with this old date
CVARIANT vPath; hr = pClass->Get(L"__RELPATH", 0, &vPath, 0, 0); if( hr != WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR( pClass ); break; } //==========================================================================
// Now, just because we get a class name here doesn't mean we delete the
// class, this class could have been updated, in that case we just delete
// the instance of the WDMClassesOfDriver.
// Now, we need to check to see if this class really needs to be deleted
// or not
BOOL bProceedDeletion = FALSE ; BOOL fDeleteOldClass = TRUE ; if ( FALSE == fCompareDates ) { //
// we need to recognize if class is not associated with
// different driver prior to its deletion
// (upgrade scenario where diff driver was exposing same classes)
fDeleteOldClass = ! IsClassAsociatedWithDifferentDriver ( vClass.GetStr(), wcsFileName ); bProceedDeletion = TRUE ; } else { IWbemClassObject * pTmp = NULL; CBSTR bTmp = vClass.GetStr(); if( bTmp ) { CAutoWChar wcsObjectPath(MAX_PATH*4); if( wcsObjectPath.Valid() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchPrintfW(wcsObjectPath,MAX_PATH*4,L"WDMClassesOfDriver.ClassName=\"%s\",Driver=\"%s\",HighDateTime=%lu,LowDateTime=%lu",bTmp,wcsTranslatedKey,lHighDateTime,lLowDateTime) ) ) { //===========================================================================
// this is simple, if we get an instance of WDMClassesOfDriver
// with the newer date, then we know it has been updated, so we don't
// delete the class
if ( WBEM_NO_ERROR == REPOSITORY_PTR->GetObject ( CBSTR ( wcsObjectPath ), 0, CONTEXT_PTR, &pTmp, NULL ) ) { fDeleteOldClass = FALSE; }
// Now, delete the WDM Instance of the Old Driver
bProceedDeletion = TRUE ; } } } }
if ( bProceedDeletion ) { //
// we do not care if there was error in deletion
// as it usually means there was no such a class
// previously
hr = DeleteUnusedClassAndDriverInfo( fDeleteOldClass, vClass.GetStr(), vPath.GetStr() ); }
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR( pClass ); vClass.Clear(); }
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pEnum); } if( hr == WBEM_NO_ERROR || hr == WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA || hr == WBEM_S_FALSE) { fRc = TRUE; } } } } } } } } return fRc; }
BOOL CNamespaceManagement::CreateInstance ( WCHAR * wcsDriver, WCHAR * wcsClass, ULONG lLowDateTime, ULONG lHighDateTime ) { IWbemClassObject * pInst = NULL, * pClass = NULL;
// Get a pointer to a IWbemClassObject object
HRESULT hr; CVARIANT cvarName; cvarName.SetStr(L"WDMClassesOfDriver");
hr = REPOSITORY_PTR->GetObject(cvarName, 0,CONTEXT_PTR, &pClass, NULL); if(FAILED(hr)){ return FALSE; }
// Spawn a new instance
hr = pClass->SpawnInstance(0, &pInst); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pClass); if( FAILED(hr) ){ return hr; }
// Put the data in the instance
CVARIANT vClass, vDriver, vLow, vHigh;
vClass.SetStr(wcsClass); vDriver.SetStr(wcsDriver); vLow.SetLONG(lLowDateTime); vHigh.SetLONG(lHighDateTime);
hr = pInst->Put(L"Driver", 0, &vDriver, NULL); if( hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { hr = pInst->Put(L"ClassName", 0, &vClass, NULL);
hr = pInst->Put(L"LowDateTime", 0, &vLow, NULL);
hr = pInst->Put(L"HighDateTime", 0, &vHigh, NULL); if( hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { hr = REPOSITORY_PTR->PutInstance(pInst,WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE,CONTEXT_PTR,NULL); } }
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pInst); if( WBEM_NO_ERROR == hr ){ return TRUE; } return FALSE;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CNamespaceManagement::CreateClassAssociationsToDriver(WCHAR * wcsFileName, BYTE* pRes, ULONG lLowDateTime, ULONG lHighDateTime) {
CBMOFObjList * pol; CBMOFObj * po;
// Now use the helper functions from David's mofcomp stuff to extract the
// class names we are going to add the Driver qualifier to.
// list structure and use it to enumerate the objects.
BYTE * pByte = m_pObj->DecompressBinaryMof(pRes); if( pByte ){ pol = CreateObjList(pByte); if(pol != NULL){ ResetObjList (pol); while(po = NextObj(pol)){ WCHAR * pName = NULL; if(GetName(po, &pName)){ //===============================================================
// Now, we have the name of the class in pName, we have the
// name of the driver, in wcsFileName
CreateInstance(wcsFileName, pName, lLowDateTime, lHighDateTime ); BMOFFree(pName); } BMOFFree(po); } BMOFFree(pol); } } else{ ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Could not tie classes to driver for file:\n")); TranslateAndLog(wcsFileName); } if( pByte ){ free(pByte); }
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CNamespaceManagement::AllocMemory(WCHAR *& p) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
p = ( WCHAR* ) new BYTE[m_nSize+4]; if( p ) { memset(p,NULL,m_nSize+4); hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR; } else { WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CNamespaceManagement::AddToQuery(WCHAR * p) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
int nNewSize = wcslen(p) * sizeof(WCHAR); int nCurrentBuf = 0; if( m_pwcsQuery ) { nCurrentBuf = (int)(wcslen(m_pwcsQuery) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
if( nNewSize >= (m_nSize - nCurrentBuf)) { int nOldSize = m_nSize; WCHAR * pOld = m_pwcsQuery; m_nSize += MEMSIZETOALLOCATE; m_pwcsQuery = NULL;
if( SUCCEEDED( hr = AllocMemory(m_pwcsQuery))) { memcpy(m_pwcsQuery,pOld,nOldSize); } SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pOld); } else { // no need to re-allocate
hr = WBEM_S_FALSE; }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if( m_pwcsQuery ) { if( wcslen(m_pwcsQuery) == 0 ) { hr = StringCbCopyW(m_pwcsQuery,m_nSize,p); } else { hr = StringCbCatW(m_pwcsQuery,m_nSize,p); } } else { // this is so bad
hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } }
return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CNamespaceManagement::InitQuery(WCHAR * p) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pwcsQuery); m_nSize = MEMSIZETOALLOCATE; m_fInit = TRUE; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = AllocMemory(m_pwcsQuery))) { hr = AddToQuery(p); }
return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CNamespaceManagement::UpdateQuery( WCHAR * pQueryAddOn, WCHAR * wcsParam ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
CAutoWChar wcsTranslatedKey(MAX_PATH*3); if( wcsTranslatedKey.Valid() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = ConvertStringToCTypeString( wcsTranslatedKey,MAX_PATH*3,wcsParam ) ) ) { //=============================================
// The first time only we DON'T add the query
// add on string, otherwise, we do
if( !m_fInit ) { hr = AddToQuery(pQueryAddOn); }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = AddToQuery(L"\"") ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = AddToQuery(wcsTranslatedKey) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = AddToQuery(L"\"") ) ) { m_fInit = FALSE; } } } } } }
return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CNamespaceManagement::SaveCurrentQuery() { m_nSavedSize = m_nSize; m_fSavedInit = m_fInit; if( SUCCEEDED(AllocMemory(m_pwcsSavedQuery))){ memcpy(m_pwcsSavedQuery,m_pwcsQuery,m_nSize); } SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pwcsQuery); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CNamespaceManagement::RestoreQuery() { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pwcsQuery); m_nSize = m_nSavedSize; m_fInit = m_fSavedInit;
if( SUCCEEDED(AllocMemory(m_pwcsQuery))){ memcpy(m_pwcsQuery, m_pwcsSavedQuery,m_nSize); }
m_fSavedInit = 0; m_nSavedSize = 0; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pwcsSavedQuery); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CNamespaceManagement::UpdateQuery( WCHAR * pQueryAddOn, ULONG lLong ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
CAutoWChar wcsBuf(MAX_PATH); if( wcsBuf.Valid() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = AddToQuery(pQueryAddOn) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchPrintfW(wcsBuf,MAX_PATH,L"%lu",lLong) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = AddToQuery(wcsBuf) ) ) { m_fInit = FALSE; } } } }
return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CNamespaceManagement::DeleteUnusedClassAndDriverInfo( BOOL fDeleteOldClass, WCHAR * wcsClass, WCHAR * wcsPath ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR;
if( fDeleteOldClass ) { if ( FALSE == IsClassPseudoSystem ( wcsClass ) ) { hr = SERVICES_PTR->DeleteClass(CBSTR(wcsClass),WBEM_FLAG_OWNER_UPDATE,CONTEXT_PTR,NULL); if( hr != WBEM_NO_ERROR ) { if( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND != hr ) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Tried to delete class but couldn't, return code: 0x%08lx for class: \n",hr)); TranslateAndLog(wcsClass); } else { hr = WBEM_NO_ERROR; } } } else { DEBUGTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER,"Tried to delete class but skipped: \n" ) ); DEBUGTRACE ( ( THISPROVIDER,"%S is PSEUDO system class \n", wcsClass ) ); ; } }
if( WBEM_NO_ERROR == hr ) { // Ok, we may or may have not deleted the class, if it was tied to a different driver, we
// shouldn't have deleted the class, but we want to delete the controlling instance, as
// that driver is no longer there.
hr = SERVICES_PTR->DeleteInstance(CBSTR(wcsPath),WBEM_FLAG_OWNER_UPDATE,CONTEXT_PTR,NULL); if( WBEM_NO_ERROR != hr ) { if( hr != WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Tried to delete instance but couldn't, return code: 0x%08lx for instance: \n ",hr)); TranslateAndLog(wcsPath); } } } return hr; }