// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// ***************************************************************************
// Original Author: Rajesh Rao
// $Author: rajeshr $
// $Date: 6/11/98 4:43p $
// $Workfile:adsiclas.cpp $
// $Modtime: 6/11/98 11:21a $
// $Revision: 1 $
// $Nokeywords: $
// Description: Contains the implementation of the CADSIClass which encapsulates an ADSI class
#include "precomp.h"
// CADSIClass::CADSIClass
// Purpose : Constructor
// Parameters:
// lpszWBEMClassName : The WBEM name of the Class being created. A copy of this is made
// lpszADSIClassName : The ADSI name of the Class being created. A copy of this is made
CADSIClass :: CADSIClass(LPCWSTR lpszWBEMClassName, LPCWSTR lpszADSIClassName) : CRefCountedObject(lpszADSIClassName) { if(lpszWBEMClassName) { m_lpszWBEMClassName = new WCHAR[wcslen(lpszWBEMClassName) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lpszWBEMClassName, lpszWBEMClassName); } else { m_lpszWBEMClassName = NULL; }
// Set the attributes to theri default values
m_lpszCommonName = NULL; m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName = NULL; m_lpszGovernsID = NULL; m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets = NULL; m_dwSchemaIDGUIDLength = 0; m_lpszRDNAttribute = NULL; m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor = NULL; m_dwObjectClassCategory = 0; m_dwNTSecurityDescriptorLength = 0; m_pNTSecurityDescriptor = NULL; m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory = NULL; m_bSystemOnly = FALSE;
// Initialize the property book keeping
m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses = NULL; m_dwAuxiliaryClassesCount = 0; m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses = NULL; m_dwSystemAuxiliaryClassesCount = 0; m_lppszPossibleSuperiors = NULL; m_dwPossibleSuperiorsCount = 0; m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors = NULL; m_dwSystemPossibleSuperiorsCount = 0; m_lppszMayContains = NULL; m_dwMayContainsCount = 0; m_lppszSystemMayContains = NULL; m_dwSystemMayContainsCount = 0; m_lppszMustContains = NULL; m_dwMustContainsCount = 0; m_lppszSystemMustContains = NULL; m_dwSystemMustContainsCount = 0; }
// CADSIClass :: ~CADSIClass
// Purpose : Destructor
CADSIClass :: ~CADSIClass() { // Delete the WBEM Name. The ADSI Name is deleted in the base class destructor
if ( m_lpszWBEMClassName ) { delete [] m_lpszWBEMClassName; m_lpszWBEMClassName = NULL; }
// Delete the attributes
if ( m_lpszCommonName ) { delete [] m_lpszCommonName; m_lpszCommonName = NULL; } if ( m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName ) { delete [] m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName; m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName = NULL; } if ( m_lpszGovernsID ) { delete [] m_lpszGovernsID; m_lpszGovernsID = NULL; } if ( m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets ) { delete [] m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets; m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets = NULL; } if ( m_lpszRDNAttribute ) { delete [] m_lpszRDNAttribute; m_lpszRDNAttribute = NULL; } if ( m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor ) { delete [] m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor; m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor = NULL; } if ( m_pNTSecurityDescriptor ) { delete [] m_pNTSecurityDescriptor; m_pNTSecurityDescriptor = NULL; } if ( m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory ) { delete [] m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory; m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory = NULL; }
DWORD i; // Delete the list of Auxiliary Classes
if ( m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses ) { for(i=0; i<m_dwAuxiliaryClassesCount; i++) { delete [] m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses[i]; m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses[i] = NULL; } delete[] m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses; m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses = NULL; }
// Delete the list of System Auxiliary Classes
if ( m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses ) { for(i=0; i<m_dwSystemAuxiliaryClassesCount; i++) { delete [] m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses[i]; m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses[i] = NULL; } delete[] m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses; m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses = NULL; }
// Delete the list of possible superiors
if ( m_lppszPossibleSuperiors ) { for(i=0; i<m_dwPossibleSuperiorsCount; i++) { delete [] m_lppszPossibleSuperiors[i]; m_lppszPossibleSuperiors[i] = NULL; } delete[] m_lppszPossibleSuperiors; m_lppszPossibleSuperiors = NULL; }
// Delete the list of System possible superiors
if ( m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors ) { for(i=0; i<m_dwSystemPossibleSuperiorsCount; i++) { delete [] m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors[i]; m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors[i] = NULL; } delete[] m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors; m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors = NULL; }
// Delete the list of may contains
if ( m_lppszMayContains ) { for(i=0; i<m_dwMayContainsCount; i++) { delete [] m_lppszMayContains[i]; m_lppszMayContains[i] = NULL; } delete[] m_lppszMayContains; m_lppszMayContains = NULL; }
// Delete the list of System may contains
if ( m_lppszSystemMayContains ) { for(i=0; i<m_dwSystemMayContainsCount; i++) { delete [] m_lppszSystemMayContains[i]; m_lppszSystemMayContains[i] = NULL; } delete[] m_lppszSystemMayContains; m_lppszSystemMayContains = NULL; }
// Delete the list of Must Contains
if ( m_lppszMustContains ) { for(i=0; i<m_dwMustContainsCount; i++) { delete [] m_lppszMustContains[i]; m_lppszMustContains[i] = NULL; } delete[] m_lppszMustContains; m_lppszMustContains = NULL; }
// Delete the list of System Must Contains
if ( m_lppszSystemMustContains ) { for(i=0; i<m_dwSystemMustContainsCount; i++) { delete [] m_lppszSystemMustContains[i]; m_lppszSystemMustContains[i] = NULL; } delete[] m_lppszSystemMustContains; m_lppszSystemMustContains = NULL; }
// CADSIClass :: GetWBEMClassName
// Purpose : Returns the WBEM Class name of this Class
LPCWSTR CADSIClass :: GetWBEMClassName() { return m_lpszWBEMClassName; }
// CADSIClass :: GetWBEMClassName
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass::SetWBEMClassName(LPCWSTR lpszName) { if ( m_lpszWBEMClassName ) { delete[] m_lpszWBEMClassName; m_lpszWBEMClassName = NULL; }
if(lpszName) { m_lpszWBEMClassName = new WCHAR[wcslen(lpszName) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lpszWBEMClassName, lpszName); } }
// CADSIClass :: GetADSIClassName
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR CADSIClass :: GetADSIClassName() { return GetName(); }
// CADSIClass :: GetADSIClassName
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetADSIClassName(LPCWSTR lpszName) { SetName(lpszName); }
// CADSIClass :: GetCommonName
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR CADSIClass :: GetCommonName() { return m_lpszCommonName; }
// CADSIClass :: SetCommonName
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetCommonName(LPCWSTR lpszCommonName) { if ( m_lpszCommonName ) { delete[] m_lpszCommonName; m_lpszCommonName = NULL; }
if(lpszCommonName) { m_lpszCommonName = new WCHAR[wcslen(lpszCommonName) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lpszCommonName, lpszCommonName); } }
// CADSIClass :: GetSuperClassLDAPName
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR CADSIClass :: GetSuperClassLDAPName() { return m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName; }
// CADSIClass :: SetSuperClassLDAPName
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetSuperClassLDAPName(LPCWSTR lpszSuperClassLDAPName) { if ( m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName ) { delete[] m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName; m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName = NULL; }
if(lpszSuperClassLDAPName) { m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName = new WCHAR[wcslen(lpszSuperClassLDAPName) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lpszSuperClassLDAPName, lpszSuperClassLDAPName); } }
// CADSIClass :: GetGovernsID
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR CADSIClass :: GetGovernsID() { return m_lpszGovernsID; }
// CADSIClass :: SetGovernsID
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetGovernsID(LPCWSTR lpszGovernsID) { if ( m_lpszGovernsID ) { delete[] m_lpszGovernsID; m_lpszGovernsID = NULL; }
if(lpszGovernsID) { m_lpszGovernsID = new WCHAR[wcslen(lpszGovernsID) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lpszGovernsID, lpszGovernsID); } }
// CADSIClass :: GetSchemaIDGUID
// Purpose : See Header
const LPBYTE CADSIClass :: GetSchemaIDGUID(DWORD *pdwLength) { *pdwLength = m_dwSchemaIDGUIDLength; return m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets; }
// CADSIClass :: SetSchemaIDGUID
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetSchemaIDGUID(LPBYTE pOctets, DWORD dwLength) { if ( m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets ) { delete[] m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets; m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets = NULL; }
m_dwSchemaIDGUIDLength = 0;
if(pOctets) { m_dwSchemaIDGUIDLength = dwLength; if(m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets = new BYTE[dwLength]) { for(DWORD i=0; i<dwLength; i++) m_pSchemaIDGUIDOctets[i] = pOctets[i]; } } }
// CADSIClass :: GetRDNAttribute
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR CADSIClass :: GetRDNAttribute() { return m_lpszRDNAttribute; }
// CADSIClass :: SetRDNAttribute
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetRDNAttribute(LPCWSTR lpszRDNAttribute) { if ( m_lpszRDNAttribute ) { delete[] m_lpszRDNAttribute; m_lpszRDNAttribute = NULL; }
if(lpszRDNAttribute) { m_lpszRDNAttribute = new WCHAR[wcslen(lpszRDNAttribute) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lpszRDNAttribute, lpszRDNAttribute); } }
// CADSIClass :: GetDefaultSecurityDescriptor
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR CADSIClass :: GetDefaultSecurityDescriptor() { return m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor; }
// CADSIClass :: SetDefaultSecurityDescriptor
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetDefaultSecurityDescriptor(LPCWSTR lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor) { if ( m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor ) { delete[] m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor; m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor = NULL; }
if( lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor) { m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor = new WCHAR[wcslen(lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor, lpszDefaultSecurityDescriptor); } }
// CADSIClass :: GetObjectClassCategory
// Purpose : See Header
DWORD CADSIClass :: GetObjectClassCategory() { return m_dwObjectClassCategory; }
// CADSIClass :: SetObjectClassCategory
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetObjectClassCategory(DWORD dwObjectClassCategory) { m_dwObjectClassCategory = dwObjectClassCategory; }
// CADSIClass :: GetNTSecurityDescriptor
// Purpose : See Header
const LPBYTE CADSIClass :: GetNTSecurityDescriptor(DWORD *pdwLength) { *pdwLength = m_dwNTSecurityDescriptorLength; return m_pNTSecurityDescriptor; }
// CADSIClass :: SetNTSecurityDescriptor
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetNTSecurityDescriptor(LPBYTE pOctets, DWORD dwLength) { if ( m_pNTSecurityDescriptor ) { delete[] m_pNTSecurityDescriptor; m_pNTSecurityDescriptor = NULL; }
m_dwNTSecurityDescriptorLength = 0;
if(pOctets) { m_dwNTSecurityDescriptorLength = dwLength; if(m_pNTSecurityDescriptor = new BYTE[dwLength]) { for(DWORD i=0; i<dwLength; i++) m_pNTSecurityDescriptor[i] = pOctets[i]; } } }
// CADSIClass :: GetDefaultObjectCategory
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR CADSIClass :: GetDefaultObjectCategory() { return m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory; }
// CADSIClass :: SetDefaultObjectCategory
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetDefaultObjectCategory(LPCWSTR lpszDefaultObjectCategory) { if ( m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory ) { delete[] m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory; m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory = NULL; }
if (lpszDefaultObjectCategory) { m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory = new WCHAR[wcslen(lpszDefaultObjectCategory) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lpszDefaultObjectCategory, lpszDefaultObjectCategory); } }
// CADSIClass :: GetSystemOnly
// Purpose : See Header
BOOLEAN CADSIClass :: GetSystemOnly() { return m_bSystemOnly; }
// CADSIClass :: SetSystemOnly
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetSystemOnly(BOOLEAN bSystemOnly) { m_bSystemOnly = bSystemOnly; }
// CADSIClass :: GetAuxiliaryClasses
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR *CADSIClass :: GetAuxiliaryClasses(DWORD *pdwCount) { *pdwCount = m_dwAuxiliaryClassesCount; return (LPCWSTR *)m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses; }
// CADSIClass :: SetAuxiliaryClasses
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetAuxiliaryClasses(PADSVALUE pValues, DWORD dwNumValues) { DWORD i = 0;
// Delete the list of possible superiors
if ( m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses ) { for ( i = 0; i<m_dwAuxiliaryClassesCount; i++ ) { if ( m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses [ i ] ) { delete [] m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses [ i ]; m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses [ i ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses; m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses = NULL; m_dwAuxiliaryClassesCount = 0; }
// Set the new list of values
m_dwAuxiliaryClassesCount = dwNumValues; m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses = new LPWSTR[m_dwAuxiliaryClassesCount]; for(i=0; i<m_dwAuxiliaryClassesCount; i++) { try { m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses[i] = new WCHAR[wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses[i], pValues->CaseIgnoreString); } catch ( ... ) { if ( m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses ) { m_dwAuxiliaryClassesCount = 0;
for ( DWORD dw = 0; dw < i; dw++ ) { if ( m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses [ dw ] ) { delete [] m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses [ dw ]; m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses [ dw ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses; m_lppszAuxiliaryClasses = NULL; }
throw; }
pValues ++; } }
// CADSIClass :: GetSystemAuxiliaryClasses
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR *CADSIClass :: GetSystemAuxiliaryClasses(DWORD *pdwCount) { *pdwCount = m_dwSystemAuxiliaryClassesCount; return (LPCWSTR *)m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses; }
// CADSIClass :: SetSystemAuxiliaryClasses
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetSystemAuxiliaryClasses(PADSVALUE pValues, DWORD dwNumValues) { DWORD i = 0;
// Delete the list of possible superiors
if ( m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses ) { for ( i = 0; i<m_dwSystemAuxiliaryClassesCount; i++ ) { if ( m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses [ i ] ) { delete [] m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses [ i ]; m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses [ i ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses; m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses = NULL; m_dwSystemAuxiliaryClassesCount = 0; } // Set the new list of values
m_dwSystemAuxiliaryClassesCount = dwNumValues; m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses = new LPWSTR[m_dwSystemAuxiliaryClassesCount]; for(i=0; i<m_dwSystemAuxiliaryClassesCount; i++) { try { m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses[i] = new WCHAR[wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses[i], pValues->CaseIgnoreString); } catch ( ... ) { if ( m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses ) { m_dwSystemAuxiliaryClassesCount = 0;
for ( DWORD dw = 0; dw < i; dw++ ) { if ( m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses [ dw ] ) { delete [] m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses [ dw ]; m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses [ dw ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses; m_lppszSystemAuxiliaryClasses = NULL; }
throw; }
pValues ++; } }
// CADSIClass :: GetPossibleSuperiors
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR *CADSIClass :: GetPossibleSuperiors(DWORD *pdwCount) { *pdwCount = m_dwPossibleSuperiorsCount; return (LPCWSTR *)m_lppszPossibleSuperiors; }
// CADSIClass :: SetPossibleSuperiors
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetPossibleSuperiors(PADSVALUE pValues, DWORD dwNumValues) { DWORD i = 0;
// Delete the list of possible superiors
if ( m_lppszPossibleSuperiors ) { for ( i = 0; i<m_dwPossibleSuperiorsCount; i++ ) { if ( m_lppszPossibleSuperiors [ i ] ) { delete [] m_lppszPossibleSuperiors [ i ]; m_lppszPossibleSuperiors [ i ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszPossibleSuperiors; m_lppszPossibleSuperiors = NULL; m_dwPossibleSuperiorsCount = 0; }
// Set the new list of values
m_dwPossibleSuperiorsCount = dwNumValues; m_lppszPossibleSuperiors = new LPWSTR[m_dwPossibleSuperiorsCount]; for(i=0; i<m_dwPossibleSuperiorsCount; i++) { try { m_lppszPossibleSuperiors[i] = new WCHAR[wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lppszPossibleSuperiors[i], pValues->CaseIgnoreString); } catch ( ... ) { if ( m_lppszPossibleSuperiors ) { m_dwPossibleSuperiorsCount = 0;
for ( DWORD dw = 0; dw < i; dw++ ) { if ( m_lppszPossibleSuperiors [ dw ] ) { delete [] m_lppszPossibleSuperiors [ dw ]; m_lppszPossibleSuperiors [ dw ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszPossibleSuperiors; m_lppszPossibleSuperiors = NULL; }
throw; }
pValues ++; } }
// CADSIClass :: GetSystemPossibleSuperiors
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR *CADSIClass :: GetSystemPossibleSuperiors(DWORD *pdwCount) { *pdwCount = m_dwSystemPossibleSuperiorsCount; return (LPCWSTR *)m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors; }
// CADSIClass :: SetSystemPossibleSuperiors
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetSystemPossibleSuperiors(PADSVALUE pValues, DWORD dwNumValues) { DWORD i = 0;
// Delete the list of possible superiors
if ( m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors ) { for ( i = 0; i<m_dwSystemPossibleSuperiorsCount; i++ ) { if ( m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors [ i ] ) { delete [] m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors [ i ]; m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors [ i ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors; m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors = NULL; m_dwSystemPossibleSuperiorsCount = 0; }
// Set the new list of values
m_dwSystemPossibleSuperiorsCount = dwNumValues; m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors = new LPWSTR[m_dwSystemPossibleSuperiorsCount]; for(i=0; i<m_dwSystemPossibleSuperiorsCount; i++) { try { m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors[i] = new WCHAR[wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors[i], pValues->CaseIgnoreString); } catch ( ... ) { if ( m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors ) { m_dwSystemPossibleSuperiorsCount = 0;
for ( DWORD dw = 0; dw < i; dw++ ) { if ( m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors [ dw ] ) { delete [] m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors [ dw ]; m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors [ dw ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors; m_lppszSystemPossibleSuperiors = NULL; }
throw; }
pValues ++; } }
// CADSIClass :: GetMayContains
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR *CADSIClass :: GetMayContains(DWORD *pdwCount) { *pdwCount = m_dwMayContainsCount; return (LPCWSTR *)m_lppszMayContains; }
// CADSIClass :: SetMayContains
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetMayContains(PADSVALUE pValues, DWORD dwNumValues) { DWORD i = 0;
// Delete the list of possible superiors
if ( m_lppszMayContains ) { for ( i = 0; i<m_dwMayContainsCount; i++ ) { if ( m_lppszMayContains [ i ] ) { delete [] m_lppszMayContains [ i ]; m_lppszMayContains [ i ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszMayContains; m_lppszMayContains = NULL; m_dwMayContainsCount = 0; }
// Set the new list of values
m_dwMayContainsCount = dwNumValues; m_lppszMayContains = new LPWSTR[m_dwMayContainsCount]; for(i=0; i<m_dwMayContainsCount; i++) { try { m_lppszMayContains[i] = new WCHAR[wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lppszMayContains[i], pValues->CaseIgnoreString); } catch ( ... ) { if ( m_lppszMayContains ) { m_dwMayContainsCount = 0;
for ( DWORD dw = 0; dw < i; dw++ ) { if ( m_lppszMayContains [ dw ] ) { delete [] m_lppszMayContains [ dw ]; m_lppszMayContains [ dw ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszMayContains; m_lppszMayContains = NULL; }
throw; }
pValues ++; } }
// CADSIClass :: GetSystemMayContains
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR *CADSIClass :: GetSystemMayContains(DWORD *pdwCount) { *pdwCount = m_dwSystemMayContainsCount; return (LPCWSTR *)m_lppszSystemMayContains; }
// CADSIClass :: SetSystemMayContains
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetSystemMayContains(PADSVALUE pValues, DWORD dwNumValues) { DWORD i = 0;
// Delete the list of possible superiors
if ( m_lppszSystemMayContains ) { for ( i = 0; i<m_dwSystemMayContainsCount; i++ ) { if ( m_lppszSystemMayContains [ i ] ) { delete [] m_lppszSystemMayContains [ i ]; m_lppszSystemMayContains [ i ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszSystemMayContains; m_lppszSystemMayContains = NULL; m_dwSystemMayContainsCount = 0; }
// Set the new list of values
m_dwSystemMayContainsCount = dwNumValues; m_lppszSystemMayContains = new LPWSTR[m_dwSystemMayContainsCount]; for(i=0; i<m_dwSystemMayContainsCount; i++) { try { m_lppszSystemMayContains[i] = new WCHAR[wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lppszSystemMayContains[i], pValues->CaseIgnoreString); } catch ( ... ) { if ( m_lppszSystemMayContains ) { m_dwSystemMayContainsCount = 0;
for ( DWORD dw = 0; dw < i; dw++ ) { if ( m_lppszSystemMayContains [ dw ] ) { delete [] m_lppszSystemMayContains [ dw ]; m_lppszSystemMayContains [ dw ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszSystemMayContains; m_lppszSystemMayContains = NULL; }
throw; }
pValues ++; } }
// CADSIClass :: GetMustContains
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR *CADSIClass :: GetMustContains(DWORD *pdwCount) { *pdwCount = m_dwMustContainsCount; return (LPCWSTR *)m_lppszMustContains; }
// CADSIClass :: SetMustContains
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetMustContains(PADSVALUE pValues, DWORD dwNumValues) { DWORD i = 0;
// Delete the list of possible superiors
if ( m_lppszMustContains ) { for ( i = 0; i<m_dwMustContainsCount; i++ ) { if ( m_lppszMustContains [ i ] ) { delete [] m_lppszMustContains [ i ]; m_lppszMustContains [ i ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszMustContains; m_lppszMustContains = NULL; m_dwMustContainsCount = 0; }
// Set the new list of values
m_dwMustContainsCount = dwNumValues; m_lppszMustContains = new LPWSTR[m_dwMustContainsCount]; for(i=0; i<m_dwMustContainsCount; i++) { try { m_lppszMustContains[i] = new WCHAR[wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lppszMustContains[i], pValues->CaseIgnoreString); } catch ( ... ) { if ( m_lppszMustContains ) { m_dwMustContainsCount = 0;
for ( DWORD dw = 0; dw < i; dw++ ) { if ( m_lppszMustContains [ dw ] ) { delete [] m_lppszMustContains [ dw ]; m_lppszMustContains [ dw ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszMustContains; m_lppszMustContains = NULL; }
throw; }
pValues ++; } }
// CADSIClass :: GetSystemMustContains
// Purpose : See Header
LPCWSTR *CADSIClass :: GetSystemMustContains(DWORD *pdwCount) { *pdwCount = m_dwSystemMustContainsCount; return (LPCWSTR *)m_lppszSystemMustContains; }
// CADSIClass :: SetSystemMustContains
// Purpose : See Header
void CADSIClass :: SetSystemMustContains(PADSVALUE pValues, DWORD dwNumValues) { DWORD i = 0;
// Delete the list of possible superiors
if ( m_lppszSystemMustContains ) { for ( i = 0; i<m_dwSystemMustContainsCount; i++ ) { if ( m_lppszSystemMustContains [ i ] ) { delete [] m_lppszSystemMustContains [ i ]; m_lppszSystemMustContains [ i ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszSystemMustContains; m_lppszSystemMustContains = NULL; m_dwSystemMustContainsCount = 0; }
// Set the new list of values
m_dwSystemMustContainsCount = dwNumValues; m_lppszSystemMustContains = new LPWSTR[m_dwSystemMustContainsCount]; for(i=0; i<m_dwSystemMustContainsCount; i++) { try { m_lppszSystemMustContains[i] = new WCHAR[wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString) + 1]; wcscpy(m_lppszSystemMustContains[i], pValues->CaseIgnoreString); } catch ( ... ) { if ( m_lppszSystemMustContains ) { m_dwSystemMustContainsCount = 0;
for ( DWORD dw = 0; dw < i; dw++ ) { if ( m_lppszSystemMustContains [ dw ] ) { delete [] m_lppszSystemMustContains [ dw ]; m_lppszSystemMustContains [ dw ] = NULL; } }
delete [] m_lppszSystemMustContains; m_lppszSystemMustContains = NULL; }
throw; }
pValues ++; } }