// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
#ifndef __PROVCONT_H
#define __PROVCONT_H
#include <provexpt.h>
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> class ProvList { private:
CCriticalSection * criticalSection ; CList <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> clist ;
protected: public:
ProvList ( BOOL threadSafeArg = FALSE ) ; virtual ~ProvList () ;
int GetCount() const; BOOL IsEmpty() const;
TYPE& GetHead(); TYPE GetHead() const; TYPE& GetTail(); TYPE GetTail() const;
TYPE RemoveHead(); TYPE RemoveTail();
POSITION AddHead(ARG_TYPE newElement); POSITION AddTail(ARG_TYPE newElement);
void AddHead(ProvList<TYPE,ARG_TYPE>* pNewList); void AddTail(ProvList<TYPE,ARG_TYPE>* pNewList);
void RemoveAll();
POSITION GetHeadPosition() const; POSITION GetTailPosition() const; TYPE& GetNext(POSITION& rPosition); TYPE GetNext(POSITION& rPosition) const; TYPE& GetPrev(POSITION& rPosition); TYPE GetPrev(POSITION& rPosition) const;
TYPE& GetAt(POSITION position); TYPE GetAt(POSITION position) const; void SetAt(POSITION pos, ARG_TYPE newElement); void RemoveAt(POSITION position);
POSITION InsertBefore(POSITION position, ARG_TYPE newElement); POSITION InsertAfter(POSITION position, ARG_TYPE newElement);
POSITION Find(ARG_TYPE searchValue, POSITION startAfter = NULL) const; POSITION FindIndex(int nIndex) const; } ;
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE>:: ProvList ( BOOL threadSafeArg ) : criticalSection ( NULL ) { if ( threadSafeArg ) criticalSection = new CCriticalSection ; else criticalSection = NULL ; }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: ~ProvList () { if ( criticalSection ) delete criticalSection ; }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> int ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetCount() const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; int count = clist.GetCount () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return count ; } else { return clist.GetCount () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> BOOL ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: IsEmpty() const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; BOOL isEmpty = clist.IsEmpty () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return isEmpty ; } else { return clist.IsEmpty () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE &ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetHead () { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE &head = clist.GetHead () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return head; } else { return clist.GetHead () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetHead () const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE head = clist.GetHead () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return head ; } else { return clist.GetHead () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE &ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetTail() { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE &tail = clist.GetTail () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return tail ; } else { return clist.GetTail () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetTail() const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE tail = clist.GetTail () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return tail ; } else { return clist.GetTail () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: RemoveHead() { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE head = clist.RemoveHead () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return head ; } else { return clist.RemoveHead () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: RemoveTail() { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE tail = clist.RemoveTail () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return tail ; } else { return clist.RemoveTail () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> POSITION ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: AddHead(ARG_TYPE newElement) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; POSITION position = clist.AddHead ( newElement ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return position ; } else { return clist.AddHead ( newElement ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> POSITION ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: AddTail(ARG_TYPE newElement) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; POSITION position = clist.AddTail ( newElement ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return position ; } else { return clist.AddTail ( newElement ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> void ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: AddHead(ProvList<TYPE,ARG_TYPE> *pNewList) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; clist.AddHead ( pNewList->clist ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { clist.AddHead ( pNewList->clist ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> void ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: AddTail(ProvList<TYPE,ARG_TYPE> *pNewList) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; clist.AddTail ( pNewList->clist ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { clist.AddTail ( pNewList->clist ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> void ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: RemoveAll () { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; clist.RemoveAll () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { clist.RemoveAll () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> POSITION ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetHeadPosition() const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; POSITION position = clist.GetHeadPosition () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return position ; } else { return clist.GetHeadPosition () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> POSITION ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetTailPosition() const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; POSITION position = clist.GetTailPosition () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return position ; } else { return clist.GetTailPosition () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE& ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetNext(POSITION& rPosition) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE &type = clist.GetNext ( rPosition ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return clist.GetNext ( rPosition ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetNext(POSITION& rPosition) const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE type = clist.GetNext ( rPosition ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return clist.GetNext ( rPosition ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE& ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetPrev(POSITION& rPosition) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE &type = clist.GetPrev ( rPosition ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return clist.GetPrev ( rPosition ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetPrev(POSITION& rPosition) const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE type = clist.GetPrev ( rPosition ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return clist.GetPrev ( rPosition ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE& ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetAt(POSITION rPosition) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE &type = clist.GetAt ( rPosition ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return clist.GetAt ( rPosition ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: GetAt(POSITION rPosition) const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE type = clist.GetAt ( rPosition ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return clist.GetAt ( rPosition ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> void ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: SetAt(POSITION pos, ARG_TYPE newElement) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; clist.SetAt ( pos , newElement ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { clist.SetAt ( pos , newElement ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> void ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: RemoveAt(POSITION position) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; clist.RemoveAt ( position ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { clist.RemoveAt ( position ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> POSITION ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: InsertBefore(POSITION position, ARG_TYPE newElement) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; POSITION position = clist.InsertBefore ( position , newElement ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return position ; } else { return clist.InsertBefore ( position , newElement ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> POSITION ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: InsertAfter(POSITION position, ARG_TYPE newElement) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; POSITION position = clist.InsertAfter ( position , newElement ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return position ; } else { return clist.InsertAfter ( position , newElement ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> POSITION ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: Find(ARG_TYPE searchValue, POSITION startAfter ) const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; POSITION position = clist.Find ( searchValue , startAfter ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return position ; } else { return clist.Find ( searchValue , startAfter ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> POSITION ProvList <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: FindIndex(int nIndex) const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; POSITION position = clist.Find ( nIndex ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return position ; } else { return clist.Find ( nIndex ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> class ProvStack : public ProvList<TYPE,ARG_TYPE> { private:
CCriticalSection * criticalSection ;
protected: public:
ProvStack ( BOOL threadSafeArg = FALSE ) ; virtual ~ProvStack () ;
void Add ( ARG_TYPE type ) ; TYPE Get () ; TYPE Delete () ; } ;
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> ProvStack <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: ProvStack ( BOOL threadSafeArg ) : ProvList<TYPE,ARG_TYPE> ( FALSE ) , criticalSection ( NULL ) { if ( threadSafeArg ) criticalSection = new CCriticalSection ; else criticalSection = NULL ; }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> ProvStack <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: ~ProvStack () { if ( criticalSection ) delete criticalSection ; }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> void ProvStack <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: Add ( ARG_TYPE type ) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; AddHead ( type ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { AddHead ( type ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvStack <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: Get () { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE type = GetHead () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return GetHead () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvStack <TYPE,ARG_TYPE> :: Delete () { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE type = RemoveHead () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return RemoveHead () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> class ProvQueue : public ProvList<TYPE,ARG_TYPE> { private:
CCriticalSection * criticalSection ;
protected: public:
ProvQueue ( BOOL threadSafeArg = FALSE ) ; virtual ~ProvQueue () ;
void Add ( ARG_TYPE type ) ; TYPE Get () ; TYPE Delete () ; void Rotate () ;
} ;
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> ProvQueue <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: ProvQueue ( BOOL threadSafeArg ) : ProvList<TYPE,ARG_TYPE> ( FALSE ) , criticalSection ( NULL ) { if ( threadSafeArg ) criticalSection = new CCriticalSection ; else criticalSection = NULL ; }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> ProvQueue <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: ~ProvQueue () { if ( criticalSection ) delete criticalSection ; }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> void ProvQueue <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: Add ( ARG_TYPE type ) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; AddTail ( type ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { AddTail ( type ) ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvQueue <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: Get () { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE type = GetHead () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return GetHead () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> TYPE ProvQueue <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: Delete () { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE type = RemoveHead () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return type ; } else { return RemoveHead () ; } }
template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> void ProvQueue <TYPE, ARG_TYPE> :: Rotate () { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; TYPE type = Delete () ; Add ( type ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { TYPE type = Delete () ; Add ( type ) ; } }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> class ProvMap { private:
CCriticalSection * criticalSection ; CMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> cmap ;
protected: public:
ProvMap ( BOOL threadSafe = FALSE ) ; virtual ~ProvMap () ;
int GetCount () const ; BOOL IsEmpty () const ; BOOL Lookup(ARG_KEY key, VALUE& rValue) const ; VALUE& operator[](ARG_KEY key) ; void SetAt(ARG_KEY key, ARG_VALUE newValue) ; BOOL RemoveKey(ARG_KEY key) ; void RemoveAll () ; POSITION GetStartPosition() const ; void GetNextAssoc(POSITION& rNextPosition, KEY& rKey, VALUE& rValue) const ; } ;
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: ProvMap ( BOOL threadSafeArg ) : criticalSection ( NULL ) { if ( threadSafeArg ) criticalSection = new CCriticalSection ; else criticalSection = FALSE ; }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: ~ProvMap () { if ( criticalSection ) delete criticalSection ; }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> int ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: GetCount() const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; int count = cmap.GetCount () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return count ; } else { return cmap.GetCount () ; } }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> BOOL ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: IsEmpty() const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; BOOL isEmpty = cmap.IsEmpty () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return isEmpty ; } else { return cmap.IsEmpty () ; } }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> BOOL ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: Lookup(ARG_KEY key, VALUE& rValue) const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; BOOL lookup = cmap.Lookup ( key , rValue ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return lookup ; } else { return cmap.Lookup ( key , rValue ) ; } }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> VALUE& ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: operator[](ARG_KEY key) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; VALUE &value = cmap.operator [] ( key ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return value ; } else { return cmap.operator [] ( key ) ; } }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> void ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: SetAt(ARG_KEY key, ARG_VALUE newValue) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; cmap.SetAt ( key , newValue ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { cmap.SetAt ( key , newValue ) ; } }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> BOOL ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: RemoveKey(ARG_KEY key) { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; BOOL removeKey = cmap.RemoveKey ( key ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return removeKey ; } else { return cmap.RemoveKey ( key ) ; } }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> void ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: RemoveAll() { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; cmap.RemoveAll () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { cmap.RemoveAll () ; } }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> POSITION ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE> :: GetStartPosition() const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; POSITION position = cmap.GetStartPosition () ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; return position ; } else { return cmap.GetStartPosition () ; } }
template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE> void ProvMap <KEY, ARG_KEY, VALUE, ARG_VALUE>:: GetNextAssoc(POSITION& rNextPosition, KEY& rKey, VALUE& rValue) const { if ( criticalSection ) { criticalSection->Lock () ; cmap.GetNextAssoc ( rNextPosition , rKey , rValue ) ; criticalSection->Unlock () ; } else { cmap.GetNextAssoc ( rNextPosition , rKey , rValue ) ; } }
#endif // __PROVCONT_H