Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
Description: ******************************************************************/
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <ntddtcp.h>
#include <ipinfo.h>
#include <tdiinfo.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <provimex.h>
#include <provexpt.h>
#include <provtempl.h>
#include <provmt.h>
#include <typeinfo.h>
#include <provcont.h>
#include <provevt.h>
#include <provthrd.h>
#include <provlog.h>
#include <provval.h>
#include <provtype.h>
#include <provtree.h>
#include <provdnf.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "ipexport.h"
#include "icmpapi.h"
#include ".\res_str.h"
#include <Allocator.h>
#include <Thread.h>
#include <HashTable.h>
#include <PingProv.h>
#include <Pingtask.h>
#include <Pingfac.h>
VOID static NTAPI ApcRoutine( // This is called when ping completes
IN PVOID Context, // The above structure
IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK Ignored1, // Unused param
IN ULONG Ignored2 // Unused param
) { CPingCallBackObject *t_request = (CPingCallBackObject *)Context; t_request->HandleResponse(); t_request->Release(); }
CPingCallBackObject::CPingCallBackObject(CPingTaskObject *a_ParentTask, LPCWSTR a_AddressString, ULONG a_Address, ULONG a_TimeToLive, ULONG a_Timeout, ULONG a_SendSize, BOOL a_NoFragmentation, ULONG a_TypeofService, ULONG a_RecordRoute, ULONG a_TimestampRoute, ULONG a_SourceRouteType, LPCWSTR a_SourceRoute, BOOL a_ResolveAddress, ULONG a_ResolveError) : WmiTask < ULONG > ( *CPingProvider :: s_Allocator ) , m_ParentTask(NULL), m_ReplyBuffer(NULL), m_SendBuffer(NULL), m_ReplySize(0), m_SourceRouteCount(0), m_IcmpHandle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), m_ResolveError(a_ResolveError) { InterlockedIncrement ( & CPingProviderClassFactory :: s_ObjectsInProgress ) ;
m_ParentTask = a_ParentTask; m_Address = a_Address; m_TimeToLive = a_TimeToLive; m_Timeout = a_Timeout; m_SendSize = a_SendSize; m_NoFragmentation = a_NoFragmentation; m_TypeofService = a_TypeofService; m_RecordRoute = a_RecordRoute; m_TimestampRoute = a_TimestampRoute; m_SourceRouteType = a_SourceRouteType; m_ResolveAddress = a_ResolveAddress; if (a_SourceRoute != NULL) { m_SourceRoute = a_SourceRoute; }
if (a_AddressString != NULL) { m_AddressString = a_AddressString; } }
CPingCallBackObject::~CPingCallBackObject() { if (m_ParentTask != NULL) { SendError(IDS_CALLBACK_PREMATURE, WBEM_E_FAILED); }
if (m_ReplyBuffer != NULL) { delete [] m_ReplyBuffer; m_ReplyBuffer = NULL; }
if (m_SendBuffer != NULL) { delete [] m_SendBuffer; m_SendBuffer = NULL; }
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_IcmpHandle) { IcmpCloseHandle ( m_IcmpHandle ); }
InterlockedDecrement ( & CPingProviderClassFactory :: s_ObjectsInProgress ) ; }
BOOL CPingCallBackObject::GetIcmpHandle() { if (m_IcmpHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_IcmpHandle = IcmpCreateFile () ; }
return (m_IcmpHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
void CPingCallBackObject :: SendError(DWORD a_ErrMsgID, HRESULT a_HRes) { if (m_ParentTask != NULL) { m_ParentTask->HandleErrorResponse(a_ErrMsgID, a_HRes); Disconnect(); } }
void CPingCallBackObject :: HandleResponse() { if (m_ParentTask != NULL) { m_ParentTask->HandleResponse(this); m_ParentTask->SetThreadToken(TRUE);
Disconnect(); } }
WmiStatusCode CPingCallBackObject :: Process ( WmiThread <ULONG> &a_Thread ) { SendEcho () ;
return e_StatusCode_Success ; }
BOOL CPingCallBackObject::ParseSourceRoute() { BOOL t_RetVal = TRUE; CStringW t_Src(m_SourceRoute); t_Src.TrimLeft(); t_Src.TrimRight(); if (!t_Src.IsEmpty()) { int t_Index = 0;
while (t_Index != -1) { t_Index = t_Src.Find(L',');
if (t_Index == 0) { t_RetVal = FALSE; break; }
CStringW t_AddrStr;
if (t_Index == -1) { t_AddrStr = t_Src; } else { t_AddrStr = t_Src.Left(t_Index); int t_len = t_Src.GetLength() - t_Index - 1;
if (t_len == 0) { t_RetVal = FALSE; break; } else { t_Src = t_Src.Right(t_len); } }
t_AddrStr.TrimLeft(); t_AddrStr.TrimRight();
if (!t_AddrStr.IsEmpty()) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( CPingTaskObject::Icmp_ResolveAddress ( t_AddrStr , m_SourceRouteArray[m_SourceRouteCount] ) ) ) { m_SourceRouteCount++;
if ((m_SourceRouteCount == PING_MAX_IPS) && (t_Index != -1)) { t_RetVal = FALSE; break; } } else { t_RetVal = FALSE; break; } } else { t_RetVal = FALSE; break; } } }
return t_RetVal; }
void CPingCallBackObject::SendEcho() { if (m_ParentTask != NULL) { if (m_ParentTask->SetThreadToken(FALSE)) { HRESULT t_Result = GetIcmpHandle() ? S_OK : WBEM_E_FAILED; BOOL t_SourceRouting = FALSE ;
uchar t_SendOptions [ MAX_OPT_SIZE ] ; uint t_OptionLength = 0; int t_OptionIndex = 0 ; int t_SourceRouteIndex = -1 ;
uchar t_Flags = m_NoFragmentation ? IP_FLAG_DF : 0 ;
if (FAILED(t_Result)) { SendError (IDS_ICMPCREATEFILE_FAIL, WBEM_E_FAILED); } else { if ( m_RecordRoute ) { if ( ( t_OptionIndex + 3 ) <= MAX_OPT_SIZE ) { ULONG t_RouteRecordCount = ( m_RecordRoute * sizeof ( ULONG ) ) + 3 ;
if ( ( t_RouteRecordCount + t_OptionIndex ) <= MAX_OPT_SIZE) { uchar *t_Options = t_SendOptions ;
t_Options [ t_OptionIndex ] = IP_OPT_RR ; t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] = t_RouteRecordCount ; t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 2 ] = 4; // Set initial pointer value
t_OptionLength += t_RouteRecordCount; t_OptionIndex += t_RouteRecordCount ;
t_SourceRouting = TRUE; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_RR_MAX, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_RR_MAX_INDEX, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } }
if (SUCCEEDED (t_Result)) { if ( m_TimestampRoute ) { if ( ( t_OptionIndex + 4 ) <= MAX_OPT_SIZE ) { ULONG t_TimestampRecordCount = ( m_TimestampRoute * sizeof ( ULONG ) * 2 ) + 4 ;
if ( ( t_TimestampRecordCount + t_OptionIndex ) <= MAX_OPT_SIZE) { uchar *t_Options = t_SendOptions ;
t_Options [ t_OptionIndex ] = IP_OPT_TS ; t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] = t_TimestampRecordCount ; t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 2 ] = 5; // Set initial pointer value
t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 3 ] = 1 ;
t_OptionLength += t_TimestampRecordCount ; t_OptionIndex += t_TimestampRecordCount ;
t_SourceRouting = TRUE; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_TS_MAX, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_TS_MAX_INDEX, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } }
if (SUCCEEDED (t_Result)) { switch ( m_SourceRouteType ) { case 1: { if ( ParseSourceRoute() ) { if ( ( t_OptionIndex + 3 ) <= MAX_OPT_SIZE ) { if ( ( t_OptionIndex + 3 + ( ( m_SourceRouteCount + 1 ) * 4 ) ) <= MAX_OPT_SIZE ) { uchar *t_Options = t_SendOptions ;
t_Options [ t_OptionIndex ] = IP_OPT_LSRR ; t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] = 3; t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 2 ] = 4;
t_OptionLength += 3 ;
for ( ULONG t_SourceIndex = 0 ; t_SourceIndex < m_SourceRouteCount ; t_SourceIndex ++ ) { ULONG t_RouteIndex = t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] ;
//* ( ULONG * ) &t_Options [ t_RouteIndex + t_OptionIndex ] = m_SourceRouteArray [ t_SourceIndex ] ;
memcpy ( &t_Options [ t_RouteIndex + t_OptionIndex ], &m_SourceRouteArray [ t_SourceIndex ], sizeof ( ULONG ) );
t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] += 4 ; t_OptionLength += 4 ; }
t_SourceRouteIndex = t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] + t_OptionIndex ;
t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] += 4 ; // Save space for dest. addr
t_OptionIndex += t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] ; t_OptionLength += 4 ;
t_SourceRouting = TRUE; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_SR_MAX, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_SR_MAX_INDEX, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_SR_PARSE, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } break ;
case 2: { if ( ParseSourceRoute() ) { if ( ( t_OptionIndex + 3 ) <= MAX_OPT_SIZE ) { if ( ( t_OptionIndex + 3 + ( ( m_SourceRouteCount + 1 ) * 4 ) ) <= MAX_OPT_SIZE ) { uchar *t_Options = t_SendOptions ;
t_Options [ t_OptionIndex ] = IP_OPT_SSRR ; t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] = 3; t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 2 ] = 4;
t_OptionLength += 3 ;
for ( ULONG t_SourceIndex = 0 ; t_SourceIndex < m_SourceRouteCount ; t_SourceIndex ++ ) { ULONG t_RouteIndex = t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] ;
//* ( ULONG * ) &t_Options [ t_RouteIndex + t_OptionIndex ] = m_SourceRouteArray [ t_SourceIndex ] ;
memcpy ( &t_Options [ t_RouteIndex + t_OptionIndex ], &m_SourceRouteArray [ t_SourceIndex ], sizeof ( ULONG ) );
t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] += 4 ; t_OptionLength += 4 ; }
t_SourceRouteIndex = t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] + t_OptionIndex ;
t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] += 4 ; // Save space for dest. addr
t_OptionIndex += t_Options [ t_OptionIndex + 1 ] ; t_OptionLength += 4 ;
t_SourceRouting = TRUE; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_SR_MAX, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_SR_MAX_INDEX, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ; SendError (IDS_SR_PARSE, WBEM_E_FAILED); } } break ;
case 0: default: { } break ; } }
if (SUCCEEDED (t_Result)) { if ( t_SourceRouteIndex != -1 ) { //* ( ULONG *) & t_SendOptions [ t_SourceRouteIndex ] = m_Address ;
memcpy ( & t_SendOptions [ t_SourceRouteIndex ], &m_Address, sizeof ( ULONG ) ); }
m_SendBuffer = new UCHAR[m_SendSize] ;
// Calculate receive buffer size and try to allocate it.
if ( m_SendSize <= DEFAULT_SEND_SIZE ) { m_ReplySize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE ; } else { m_ReplySize = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ; }
m_ReplyBuffer = new UCHAR[m_ReplySize] ;
// Initialize the send buffer pattern.
for ( ULONG t_Index = 0; t_Index < m_SendSize; t_Index ++) { m_SendBuffer [ t_Index ] = 'a' + ( t_Index % 23 ) ; }
// Initialize the send options
IP_OPTION_INFORMATION t_SendOptionInformation ;
t_SendOptionInformation.OptionsData = t_SendOptions ; t_SendOptionInformation.OptionsSize = (uchar) t_OptionLength ;
t_SendOptionInformation.Ttl = m_TimeToLive ; t_SendOptionInformation.Tos = m_TypeofService ; t_SendOptionInformation.Flags = t_Flags ; //will always return 0 in async case!
ULONG t_ReplyStatus = IcmpSendEcho2 (
m_IcmpHandle, 0, ApcRoutine, (PVOID)this , m_Address, m_SendBuffer , (unsigned short) m_SendSize , & t_SendOptionInformation , m_ReplyBuffer, m_ReplySize, m_Timeout );
//we're async get the return val elsewhere
t_ReplyStatus = GetLastError();
if( (ERROR_SUCCESS != t_ReplyStatus) && (ERROR_IO_PENDING != t_ReplyStatus) ) { SendError (IDS_ICMPSENDECHO2, WBEM_E_FAILED); } }
if (FAILED(t_Result)) { Release(); } } else { SendError(IDS_IMPERSONATE_SEND, WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED); Release(); } } else { Release(); } }