Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
Description: ******************************************************************/
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <ntddtcp.h>
#include <ipinfo.h>
#include <tdiinfo.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <provimex.h>
#include <provexpt.h>
#include <provtempl.h>
#include <provmt.h>
#include <typeinfo.h>
#include <provcont.h>
#include <provevt.h>
#include <provthrd.h>
#include <provlog.h>
#include <provval.h>
#include <provtype.h>
#include <provtree.h>
#include <provdnf.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "ipexport.h"
#include "icmpapi.h"
#include ".\res_str.h"
#include <Allocator.h>
#include <Thread.h>
#include <HashTable.h>
#include <PingProv.h>
#include <Pingtask.h>
#include <Pingfac.h>
CPingQueryAsync::CPingQueryAsync (CPingProvider *a_Provider , BSTR a_QueryFormat , BSTR a_Query , ULONG a_Flag , IWbemObjectSink *a_NotificationHandler , IWbemContext *a_Ctx ) : m_QueryFormat(NULL), m_Query(NULL), CPingTaskObject (a_Provider, a_NotificationHandler, a_Ctx) { if (a_QueryFormat != NULL) { int t_len = wcslen(a_QueryFormat);
if (t_len > 0) { m_QueryFormat = new WCHAR[t_len+1]; m_QueryFormat[t_len] = L'\0'; wcsncpy(m_QueryFormat, a_QueryFormat, t_len); } }
if (a_Query != NULL) { int t_len = wcslen(a_Query);
if (t_len > 0) { m_Query = new WCHAR[t_len+1]; m_Query[t_len] = L'\0'; wcsncpy(m_Query, a_Query, t_len); } } }
CPingQueryAsync::~CPingQueryAsync () { if (m_Query != NULL) { delete [] m_Query ; }
if (m_QueryFormat != NULL) { delete [] m_QueryFormat ; } }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState CPingQueryAsync :: Compare (
LONG a_Operand1 , LONG a_Operand2 , ULONG a_Operand1Func , ULONG a_Operand2Func , WmiTreeNode &a_OperatorType ) { QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ;
switch ( a_Operand1Func ) { case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_None: { } break ;
default: { } break ; }
switch ( a_Operand2Func ) { case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_None: { } break ;
default: { } break ; }
if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 == a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotEqualNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 != a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrGreaterNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 >= a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrLessNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 <= a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLessNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 < a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorGreaterNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 > a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ;
} else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLikeNode ) ) { } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotLikeNode ) ) { }
return t_Status ; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState CPingQueryAsync :: Compare (
wchar_t *a_Operand1 , wchar_t *a_Operand2 , ULONG a_Operand1Func , ULONG a_Operand2Func , WmiTreeNode &a_OperatorType ) { QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ;
wchar_t *a_Operand1AfterFunc = NULL ; wchar_t *a_Operand2AfterFunc = NULL ;
switch ( a_Operand1Func ) { case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_None: { } break ;
case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_Upper: { ULONG length = wcslen ( a_Operand1 ) ; wchar_t *a_Operand1AfterFunc = new wchar_t [ length + 1 ] ; for ( ULONG index = 0 ; index < length ; index ++ ) { a_Operand1AfterFunc [ index ] = towupper ( a_Operand1 [ index ] ) ; } } break ;
case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_Lower: { ULONG length = wcslen ( a_Operand1 ) ; wchar_t *a_Operand1AfterFunc = new wchar_t [ length + 1 ] ; for ( ULONG index = 0 ; index < length ; index ++ ) { a_Operand1AfterFunc [ index ] = towlower ( a_Operand1 [ index ] ) ; } } break ;
default: { } break ; }
switch ( a_Operand2Func ) { case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_None: { } break ;
case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_Upper: { ULONG length = wcslen ( a_Operand2 ) ; wchar_t *a_Operand2AfterFunc = new wchar_t [ length + 1 ] ; for ( ULONG index = 0 ; index < length ; index ++ ) { a_Operand2AfterFunc [ index ] = towupper ( a_Operand2 [ index ] ) ; } } break ;
case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_Lower: { ULONG length = wcslen ( a_Operand2 ) ; wchar_t *a_Operand2AfterFunc = new wchar_t [ length + 1 ] ; for ( ULONG index = 0 ; index < length ; index ++ ) { a_Operand2AfterFunc [ index ] = towlower ( a_Operand2 [ index ] ) ; } } break ;
default: { } break ; }
const wchar_t *t_Arg1 = a_Operand1AfterFunc ? a_Operand1AfterFunc : a_Operand1 ; const wchar_t *t_Arg2 = a_Operand2AfterFunc ? a_Operand2AfterFunc : a_Operand2 ;
if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) == 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) || ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotEqualNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) != 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) || ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrGreaterNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) >= 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( t_Arg1 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } else { if ( t_Arg2 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrLessNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) <= 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( t_Arg2 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLessNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) < 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( ! t_Arg1 ) && ( ! t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else if ( t_Arg1 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorGreaterNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) > 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( ! t_Arg1 ) && ( ! t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else if ( t_Arg1 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLikeNode ) ) { } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotLikeNode ) ) { }
delete [] a_Operand1AfterFunc ; delete [] a_Operand2AfterFunc ;
return t_Status ; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState CPingQueryAsync :: CompareString (
IWbemClassObject *a_ClassObject , BSTR a_PropertyName , WmiTreeNode *a_Operator , WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) { QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ;
WmiStringNode *t_StringNode = ( WmiStringNode * ) a_Operand ;
VARIANT t_Variant ; VariantInit ( & t_Variant ) ;
HRESULT t_Result = a_ClassObject->Get ( a_PropertyName , 0 , &t_Variant , NULL , NULL ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Status = Compare (
t_StringNode->GetValue () , t_Variant.bstrVal , t_StringNode->GetPropertyFunction () , t_StringNode->GetConstantFunction () , *a_Operator ) ; }
VariantClear ( & t_Variant ) ;
return t_Status ; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState CPingQueryAsync :: CompareInteger (
IWbemClassObject *a_ClassObject , BSTR a_PropertyName , WmiTreeNode *a_Operator , WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) { QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ;
WmiSignedIntegerNode *t_IntegerNode = ( WmiSignedIntegerNode * ) a_Operand ;
VARIANT t_Variant ; VariantInit ( & t_Variant ) ;
HRESULT t_Result = a_ClassObject->Get ( a_PropertyName , 0 , &t_Variant , NULL , NULL ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Status = Compare (
t_IntegerNode->GetValue () , t_Variant.lVal , t_IntegerNode->GetPropertyFunction () , t_IntegerNode->GetConstantFunction () , *a_Operator ) ; }
VariantClear ( & t_Variant ) ;
return t_Status ; }
WmiTreeNode *CPingQueryAsync :: AllocTypeNode (
void *a_Context , BSTR a_PropertyName , VARIANT &a_Variant , WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction a_PropertyFunction , WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction a_ConstantFunction , WmiTreeNode *a_Parent ) { WmiTreeNode *t_Node = NULL ;
if ( *a_PropertyName == L'_' ) { // System property
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CLASS ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.bstrVal , a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , 0xFFFFFFFF , a_Parent ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SUPERCLASS ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.bstrVal , a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , 0xFFFFFFFF , a_Parent ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_GENUS ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4)) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.lVal , 0xFFFFFFFF , a_Parent ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SERVER ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.bstrVal , a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , 0xFFFFFFFF , a_Parent ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.bstrVal , a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , 0xFFFFFFFF , a_Parent ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PROPERTY_COUNT ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4)) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.lVal , 0xFFFFFFFF , a_Parent ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DYNASTY ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.bstrVal , a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , 0xFFFFFFFF , a_Parent ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_RELPATH ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.bstrVal , a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , 0xFFFFFFFF , a_Parent ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PATH ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.bstrVal , a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , 0xFFFFFFFF , a_Parent ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DERIVATION ) == 0 ) { } } else { IWbemClassObject *t_Object = NULL ; HRESULT t_Result = GetClassObject ( &t_Object ) ? WBEM_S_NO_ERROR : WBEM_E_FAILED ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { CIMTYPE t_VarType ; long t_Flavour ; VARIANT t_Variant ; VariantInit ( & t_Variant ) ;
t_Result = t_Object->Get (
a_PropertyName , 0 , & t_Variant , & t_VarType , & t_Flavour );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( t_VarType & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY ) { } else { switch ( t_VarType & ( ~ CIM_FLAG_ARRAY ) ) { case CIM_BOOLEAN: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.lVal , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ) ; } else if (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BOOL) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName , (a_Variant.lVal == VARIANT_FALSE) ? 0 : 1, GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ) ; } else if (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_NULL) { t_Node = new WmiNullNode (
a_PropertyName , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ); } } break ;
case CIM_SINT8: case CIM_SINT16: case CIM_CHAR16: case CIM_SINT32: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.lVal , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ) ; } else if (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_NULL) { t_Node = new WmiNullNode (
a_PropertyName , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ); } } break ;
case CIM_UINT8: case CIM_UINT16: case CIM_UINT32: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4) { t_Node = new WmiUnsignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.lVal , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ) ; } else if (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_NULL) { t_Node = new WmiNullNode (
a_PropertyName , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ); } } break ;
case CIM_SINT64: case CIM_UINT64: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.bstrVal , a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ) ; } else if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4) { _variant_t t_uintBuff (&a_Variant);
t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , (BSTR)((_bstr_t) t_uintBuff), a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ) ; } else if (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_NULL) { t_Node = new WmiNullNode (
a_PropertyName , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ); } } break ;
case CIM_STRING: case CIM_DATETIME: case CIM_REFERENCE: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName , a_Variant.bstrVal , a_PropertyFunction , a_ConstantFunction , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ) ; } else if (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_NULL) { t_Node = new WmiNullNode (
a_PropertyName , GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ) , a_Parent ); } } break ;
case CIM_REAL32: case CIM_REAL64: { } break ;
case CIM_OBJECT: case CIM_EMPTY: { } break ;
default: { } break ; } } }
t_Object->Release () ;
VariantClear ( & t_Variant ) ; }
return t_Node ; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState CPingQueryAsync :: InvariantEvaluate (
void *a_Context , WmiTreeNode *a_Operator , WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) { /*
* If property and value are invariant i.e. will never change for all instances then return State_True. * If property is not indexable or keyed then return State_True to define an unknown number of possible values which we cannot optimise against. * If property and value can never occur then return State_False to imply empty set * If property and value do not infer anything then return State_Undefined. * If property and value are in error then return State_Error * Never return State_ReEvaluate. */
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Error ;
IWbemClassObject *t_Object = NULL ; HRESULT t_Result = GetClassObject ( &t_Object ) ? WBEM_S_NO_ERROR : WBEM_E_FAILED ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { WmiValueNode *t_Node = ( WmiValueNode * ) a_Operand ; BSTR t_PropertyName = t_Node->GetPropertyName () ;
if ( t_PropertyName != NULL ) { if ( *t_PropertyName == L'_' ) { // System property, must check values
if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CLASS ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
t_Object , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CLASS , a_Operator , a_Operand ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SUPERCLASS ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
t_Object , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SUPERCLASS , a_Operator , a_Operand ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_GENUS ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareInteger (
t_Object , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_GENUS , a_Operator , a_Operand ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SERVER ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
t_Object , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SERVER , a_Operator , a_Operand ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
t_Object , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE , a_Operator , a_Operand ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PROPERTY_COUNT ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareInteger (
t_Object , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PROPERTY_COUNT , a_Operator , a_Operand ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DYNASTY ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
t_Object , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DYNASTY , a_Operator , a_Operand ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_RELPATH ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
t_Object , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_RELPATH , a_Operator , a_Operand ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PATH ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
t_Object , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PATH , a_Operator , a_Operand ) ; } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName , SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DERIVATION ) == 0 ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; }
} else { if ( typeid ( *a_Operand ) == typeid ( WmiNullNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } else { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } #if 0
else if ( typeid ( *a_Operand ) == typeid ( WmiStringNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operand ) == typeid ( WmiUnsignedIntegerNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operand ) == typeid ( WmiSignedIntegerNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; }
if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotEqualNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrGreaterNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrLessNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLessNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorGreaterNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLikeNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotLikeNode ) ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined ; } #endif
} } else { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined; }
t_Object->Release () ; }
return t_State ; }
WmiRangeNode *CPingQueryAsync :: AllocInfiniteRangeNode (
void *a_Context , BSTR a_PropertyName ) { WmiRangeNode *t_RangeNode = NULL ;
IWbemClassObject *t_Object = NULL ; HRESULT t_Result = GetClassObject ( &t_Object ) ? WBEM_S_NO_ERROR : WBEM_E_FAILED ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { CIMTYPE t_VarType ; long t_Flavour ; VARIANT t_Variant ; VariantInit ( & t_Variant ) ;
HRESULT t_Result = t_Object->Get (
a_PropertyName , 0 , & t_Variant , & t_VarType , & t_Flavour );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( t_VarType & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY ) { } else { switch ( t_VarType & ( ~ CIM_FLAG_ARRAY ) ) { case CIM_BOOLEAN: case CIM_SINT8: case CIM_SINT16: case CIM_CHAR16: case CIM_SINT32: { t_RangeNode = new WmiSignedIntegerRangeNode (
a_PropertyName , 0xFFFFFFFF , TRUE , TRUE , FALSE , FALSE , 0 , 0 , NULL , NULL ) ; } break ;
case CIM_UINT8: case CIM_UINT16: case CIM_UINT32: { t_RangeNode = new WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode (
a_PropertyName , 0xFFFFFFFF , TRUE , TRUE , FALSE , FALSE , 0 , 0 , NULL , NULL ) ; } break ;
case CIM_SINT64: case CIM_UINT64: case CIM_STRING: case CIM_DATETIME: case CIM_REFERENCE: { t_RangeNode = new WmiStringRangeNode (
a_PropertyName , 0x0 , TRUE , TRUE , FALSE , FALSE , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ; } break ;
case CIM_REAL32: case CIM_REAL64: { } break ;
case CIM_OBJECT: case CIM_EMPTY: { } break ;
default: { } break ; } }
t_Object->Release () ; VariantClear ( & t_Variant ) ; }
return t_RangeNode ; }
ULONG CPingQueryAsync :: GetPriority ( BSTR a_PropertyName ) { if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_Address ) == 0 ) { return 0 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_Timeout ) == 0 ) { return 1 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_TimeToLive ) == 0 ) { return 2 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_BufferSize ) == 0 ) { return 3 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_NoFragmentation ) == 0 ) { return 4 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_TypeofService ) == 0 ) { return 5 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_RecordRoute ) == 0 ) { return 6 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_TimestampRoute ) == 0 ) { return 7 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_SourceRouteType ) == 0 ) { return 8 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_SourceRoute ) == 0 ) { return 9 ; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName , Ping_ResolveAddressNames ) == 0 ) { return 10 ; }
return 0xFFFFFFFF ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseAddress (
void *pMethodContext, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
if (t_PartitionCount == 0) { t_Result = S_OK ; }
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiStringRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiStringRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( wcscmp ( t_Node->LowerBound () , t_Node->UpperBound () ) == 0 ) ;
if ( ! t_Unique ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_ADDR, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { ULONG t_Address = 0 ; ULONG t_ResolveErr = 0 ; if ( FAILED ( Icmp_ResolveAddress ( t_Node->LowerBound () , t_Address , &t_ResolveErr ) ) && (t_ResolveErr == 0)) { t_ResolveErr = WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND; }
//if even one call succeeds return success
if (SUCCEEDED( RecurseTimeOut (pMethodContext , t_Node->LowerBound () , t_Address, t_PropertyPartition, t_ResolveErr) && FAILED (t_Result) ) ) { t_Result = S_OK; } } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseTimeOut (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet , ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( t_Node->LowerBound () == t_Node->UpperBound () ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_TO, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { t_Result = RecurseTimeToLive (
pMethodContext, a_AddressString , a_Address , t_UnSpecified ? DEFAULT_TIMEOUT : t_Node->LowerBound () , t_PropertyPartition , a_ResolveError ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseTimeToLive (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , ULONG a_TimeOut , PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( t_Node->LowerBound () == t_Node->UpperBound () ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_TTL, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { t_Result = RecurseBufferSize (
pMethodContext, a_AddressString , a_Address , a_TimeOut , t_UnSpecified ? DEFAULT_TTL : t_Node->LowerBound () , t_PropertyPartition , a_ResolveError ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseBufferSize (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , ULONG a_TimeOut , ULONG a_TimeToLive , PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( t_Node->LowerBound () == t_Node->UpperBound () ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_BUF, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { if ( t_UnSpecified == FALSE && ( t_Node->LowerBound () > 65500 ) ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_BUFFSIZE_VALUE,WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; }
t_Result = RecurseNoFragmentation (
pMethodContext, a_AddressString , a_Address , a_TimeOut , a_TimeToLive, t_UnSpecified ? DEFAULT_SEND_SIZE : t_Node->LowerBound () , t_PropertyPartition, a_ResolveError ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseNoFragmentation (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , ULONG a_TimeOut , ULONG a_TimeToLive, ULONG a_SendSize, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiSignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiSignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( t_Node->LowerBound () == t_Node->UpperBound () ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_NOFRAG, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { t_Result = RecurseTypeOfService (
pMethodContext, a_AddressString , a_Address , a_TimeOut , a_TimeToLive, a_SendSize, t_UnSpecified ? FALSE : t_Node->LowerBound () , t_PropertyPartition, a_ResolveError ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseTypeOfService (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , ULONG a_TimeOut , ULONG a_TimeToLive, ULONG a_SendSize, BOOL a_NoFragmentation , PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( t_Node->LowerBound () == t_Node->UpperBound () ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_TOS, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { t_Result = RecurseRecordRoute (
pMethodContext, a_AddressString , a_Address , a_TimeOut , a_TimeToLive, a_SendSize, a_NoFragmentation , t_UnSpecified ? 0 : t_Node->LowerBound () , t_PropertyPartition, a_ResolveError ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseRecordRoute (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , ULONG a_TimeOut , ULONG a_TimeToLive, ULONG a_SendSize, BOOL a_NoFragmentation , ULONG a_TypeOfService, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( t_Node->LowerBound () == t_Node->UpperBound () ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_RR, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { t_Result = RecurseTimestampRoute (
pMethodContext, a_AddressString , a_Address , a_TimeOut , a_TimeToLive, a_SendSize, a_NoFragmentation , a_TypeOfService , t_UnSpecified ? 0 : t_Node->LowerBound () , t_PropertyPartition, a_ResolveError ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseTimestampRoute (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , ULONG a_TimeOut , ULONG a_TimeToLive, ULONG a_SendSize, BOOL a_NoFragmentation , ULONG a_TypeOfService, ULONG a_RecordRoute, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( t_Node->LowerBound () == t_Node->UpperBound () ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_TS, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { t_Result = RecurseSourceRouteType (
pMethodContext, a_AddressString , a_Address , a_TimeOut , a_TimeToLive, a_SendSize, a_NoFragmentation , a_TypeOfService, a_RecordRoute, t_UnSpecified ? 0 : t_Node->LowerBound () , t_PropertyPartition, a_ResolveError ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseSourceRouteType (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , ULONG a_TimeOut , ULONG a_TimeToLive, ULONG a_SendSize, BOOL a_NoFragmentation , ULONG a_TypeOfService, ULONG a_RecordRoute, ULONG a_TimestampRoute, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( t_Node->LowerBound () == t_Node->UpperBound () ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_SRT, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { t_Result = RecurseSourceRoute (
pMethodContext, a_AddressString , a_Address , a_TimeOut , a_TimeToLive, a_SendSize, a_NoFragmentation , a_TypeOfService, a_RecordRoute, a_TimestampRoute, t_UnSpecified ? 0 : t_Node->LowerBound () , t_PropertyPartition, a_ResolveError ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseSourceRoute (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , ULONG a_TimeOut , ULONG a_TimeToLive, ULONG a_SendSize, BOOL a_NoFragmentation , ULONG a_TypeOfService, ULONG a_RecordRoute, ULONG a_TimestampRoute, ULONG a_SourceRouteType, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiStringRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiStringRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( wcscmp ( t_Node->LowerBound () , t_Node->UpperBound () ) == 0 ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_SR, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { t_Result = RecurseResolveAddressNames (
pMethodContext, a_AddressString , a_Address , a_TimeOut , a_TimeToLive, a_SendSize, a_NoFragmentation , a_TypeOfService, a_RecordRoute, a_TimestampRoute, a_SourceRouteType, t_UnSpecified ? NULL : t_Node->LowerBound () , t_PropertyPartition, a_ResolveError ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
HRESULT CPingQueryAsync :: RecurseResolveAddressNames (
void *pMethodContext, wchar_t *a_AddressString , ULONG a_Address , ULONG a_TimeOut , ULONG a_TimeToLive, ULONG a_SendSize, BOOL a_NoFragmentation , ULONG a_TypeOfService, ULONG a_RecordRoute, ULONG a_TimestampRoute, ULONG a_SourceRouteType, LPCWSTR a_SourceRoute, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, ULONG a_ResolveError ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED ;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount () ;
for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ;
WmiSignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiSignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( t_Node->LowerBound () == t_Node->UpperBound () ) ;
BOOL t_UnSpecified = t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () ;
if ( ! t_Unique && ! t_UnSpecified ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_RA, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; break ; } else { for ( ulong t_Partition = 0 ; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount ; t_Partition ++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ) ; WmiSignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiSignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
InterlockedIncrement(&m_PingCount); t_Result = Icmp_RequestResponse (
a_AddressString , a_Address , a_TimeToLive, a_TimeOut , a_SendSize, a_NoFragmentation , a_TypeOfService, a_RecordRoute, a_TimestampRoute, a_SourceRouteType, a_SourceRoute , t_UnSpecified ? FALSE : t_Node->LowerBound (), a_ResolveError ) ;
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { DecrementPingCount(); } } } }
return t_Result ; }
BOOL CPingQueryAsync::ExecQuery () { BOOL t_Result = FALSE ; InterlockedIncrement(&m_PingCount); SQL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION *t_RpnExpression = NULL ; QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_State = Query ( m_Query , t_RpnExpression ) ;
if ( t_State == QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ) { WmiTreeNode *t_Root = NULL ;
t_State = PreProcess (
NULL , t_RpnExpression , t_Root ) ;
PartitionSet *t_PartitionSet = NULL ;
try { switch ( t_State ) { case QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True: { BSTR t_PropertyContainer [ PING_KEY_PROPERTY_COUNT ] ; memset (t_PropertyContainer , 0 , sizeof(BSTR) * PING_KEY_PROPERTY_COUNT );
try { t_PropertyContainer [ 0 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_Address ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 1 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_Timeout ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 2 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_TimeToLive ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 3 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_BufferSize ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 4 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_NoFragmentation ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 5 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_TypeofService ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 6 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_RecordRoute ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 7 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_TimestampRoute ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 8 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_SourceRouteType ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 9 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_SourceRoute ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ 10 ] = SysAllocString ( Ping_ResolveAddressNames ) ;
if ( !t_PropertyContainer [ 0 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 1 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 2 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 3 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 4 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 5 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 6 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 7 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 8 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 9 ] || !t_PropertyContainer [ 10 ] ) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ); }
t_State = PreProcess (
NULL , t_RpnExpression , t_Root , PING_KEY_PROPERTY_COUNT , t_PropertyContainer , t_PartitionSet ) ;
for ( ULONG index = 0; index < PING_KEY_PROPERTY_COUNT; index++ ) { if ( t_PropertyContainer [ index ] ) { SysFreeString ( t_PropertyContainer [ index ] ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ index ] = NULL; } }
} catch ( ... ) { for ( ULONG index = 0; index < PING_KEY_PROPERTY_COUNT; index++ ) { if ( t_PropertyContainer [ index ] ) { SysFreeString ( t_PropertyContainer [ index ] ) ; t_PropertyContainer [ index ] = NULL; } }
throw; }
switch ( t_State ) { case QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_BROAD, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; } break ;
case QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False : { /*
} break ;
case QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined : { t_Result = SUCCEEDED(RecurseAddress ( NULL , t_PartitionSet ) ); delete t_PartitionSet ; t_PartitionSet = NULL; } break ;
default: { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_UNUSABLE, WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ) ; } break ; }
delete t_Root ; t_Root = NULL ; } break ; default: { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_ANALYZE, WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; } break ; }
delete t_RpnExpression ; t_RpnExpression = NULL ; } catch (...) { if ( t_PartitionSet ) { delete t_PartitionSet; t_PartitionSet = NULL; }
if ( t_Root ) { delete t_Root; t_Root = NULL; }
if ( t_RpnExpression ) { delete t_RpnExpression ; t_RpnExpression = NULL ; }
DecrementPingCount(); throw; } } else { SetErrorInfo(IDS_QUERY_PARSE, WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; }
DecrementPingCount(); return t_Result ; }
void CPingQueryAsync::HandleResponse (CPingCallBackObject *a_reply) { try { if (FAILED(Icmp_DecodeAndIndicate (a_reply)) ) { SetErrorInfo(IDS_DECODE_QUERY, WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; } } catch (...) { DecrementPingCount(); }
DecrementPingCount(); }
void CPingQueryAsync::HandleErrorResponse (DWORD a_ErrMsgID, HRESULT a_HRes) { try { SetErrorInfo(a_ErrMsgID , a_HRes) ; } catch (...) { DecrementPingCount(); }
DecrementPingCount(); }