// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
Filename: timer.cpp Written By: B.Rajeev ----------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "precomp.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "dummy.h"
#include "flow.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "ssent.h"
#include "idmap.h"
#include "opreg.h"
#include "session.h"
SnmpClThreadObject *Timer :: g_timerThread = NULL ; UINT Timer :: g_SnmpWmTimer = SNMP_WM_TIMER ;
// static CriticalSection and CMap
CriticalSection Timer::timer_CriticalSection; TimerMapping Timer::timer_mapping;
TimerEventId Timer :: next_timer_event_id = ILLEGAL_TIMER_EVENT_ID+1 ; Window *SnmpTimerObject :: window = NULL ; CMap <UINT_PTR,UINT_PTR,SnmpTimerObject *,SnmpTimerObject *> SnmpTimerObject :: timerMap ;
SnmpClThreadObject :: SnmpClThreadObject () : SnmpThreadObject ( "SnmpCl" ) { }
void SnmpClThreadObject :: Initialise () { } void SnmpClThreadObject :: Uninitialise () { delete SnmpTimerObject :: window ; SnmpTimerObject :: window = NULL ; delete this ; }
SnmpClTrapThreadObject :: SnmpClTrapThreadObject () : SnmpThreadObject ( "SnmpClTrapThread" ) { }
void SnmpClTrapThreadObject :: Initialise () { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpClTrapThreadObject::Initialise: Initialised!!\n"
) ; ) } void SnmpClTrapThreadObject :: Uninitialise () { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpClTrapThreadObject::Uninitialise: About to destroy trap thread\n"
) ; ) delete this ;
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpClTrapThreadObject::Uninitialise: Trap thread destroyed!!\n"
) ; ) }
Timer::Timer(SnmpImpSession &session) { Timer::session = &session; }
BOOL Timer::CreateCriticalSection() { return TRUE; }
void Timer::DestroyCriticalSection() { }
BOOL Timer::InitializeStaticComponents() { return CreateCriticalSection(); }
void Timer::DestroyStaticComponents() { DestroyCriticalSection(); }
// generates and returns a new event id
// associates the pair (event_id, waiting_message)
// creates the timer event
TimerEventId Timer::SetTimerEvent(UINT timeout_value) { TimerEventId suggested_event_id = next_timer_event_id++; if ( suggested_event_id == ILLEGAL_TIMER_EVENT_ID ) suggested_event_id = next_timer_event_id++;
// let the dummy session receive the window messages for timer events
TimerEventId event_id = SnmpSetTimer( session->m_SessionWindow.GetWindowHandle(), suggested_event_id, timeout_value, NULL );
if ( (event_id == ILLEGAL_TIMER_EVENT_ID) || (event_id != suggested_event_id) ) throw GeneralException(Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__);
return event_id; }
// generates and returns a new event id
// associates the pair (event_id, waiting_message)
// creates the timer event
void Timer::SetMessageTimerEvent(WaitingMessage &waiting_message) { CriticalSectionLock session_lock(session->session_CriticalSection);
if ( !session_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) return; // no use throwing exception
TimerEventId event_id = session->timer_event_id; // register the timer event in both the instance CMap and the global CMap
waiting_message_mapping.AddTail ( &waiting_message ) ;
CriticalSectionLock timer_lock(Timer::timer_CriticalSection);
if ( !timer_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ;
timer_mapping[event_id] = this;
// Removes the association (event_id, waiting_message)
// and also kills the registered timer event
void Timer::CancelMessageTimer(WaitingMessage &waiting_message,TimerEventId event_id) { CriticalSectionLock session_lock(session->session_CriticalSection);
if ( !session_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) return; // no use throwing exception
// remove the timer event from the instance CMap
POSITION t_Position = waiting_message_mapping.GetHeadPosition () ; while ( t_Position ) { POSITION t_OldPosition = t_Position ; WaitingMessage *t_Message = waiting_message_mapping.GetNext ( t_Position ) ; if ( t_Message == & waiting_message ) { waiting_message_mapping.RemoveAt(t_OldPosition); break ; } }
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"Cancelled Message TimerEvent %d\n", event_id ) ; )
// Removes the association (event_id, waiting_message)
// and also kills the registered timer event
void Timer::CancelTimer(TimerEventId event_id) { CriticalSectionLock timer_lock(Timer::timer_CriticalSection);
if ( !timer_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ;
// remove the timer event from the global CMap
SnmpKillTimer(NULL, event_id);
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"Cancelled TimerEvent %d\n", event_id ) ; ) }
// it determines the corresponding Timer and calls
// its TimerEventNotification with the appropriate parameters
void CALLBACK Timer::HandleGlobalEvent(HWND hWnd ,UINT message, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime) { CriticalSectionLock timer_lock(Timer::timer_CriticalSection);
if ( !timer_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ;
Timer *timer; TimerEventId event_id = idEvent; BOOL found = timer_mapping.Lookup(event_id, timer);
// if no such timer event, return
if ( !found ) return;
// let the timer handle the event
return; }
// used by the event handler to notify the timer event.
// it must notify the corresponding waiting message
void Timer::TimerEventNotification(TimerEventId event_id) { CriticalSectionLock session_lock(session->session_CriticalSection);
if ( !session_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) return; // no use throwing exception
WaitingMessage *waiting_message;
// identify the waiting message corresponding to
// the event_id. if no such event, ignore it
POSITION t_Position = waiting_message_mapping.GetHeadPosition () ; while ( t_Position ) { waiting_message = waiting_message_mapping.GetNext ( t_Position ) ; // notify the waiting message of the event
waiting_message->TimerNotification(); }
// session_lock.UnLock(); The lock may be released at this point
// remove all the (timer_event_id, timer) associations
// from the static mapping data structure
Timer::~Timer(void) { WaitingMessage *waiting_message;
POSITION current = waiting_message_mapping.GetHeadPosition();
while ( current != NULL ) { waiting_message = waiting_message_mapping.GetNext(current);
TimerEventId event_id = waiting_message->GetTimerEventId () ;
CriticalSectionLock timer_lock(Timer::timer_CriticalSection);
if ( !timer_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ;
timer_mapping.RemoveKey ( event_id );
SnmpKillTimer(NULL, event_id ); }
waiting_message_mapping.RemoveAll(); }
SnmpTimerObject :: SnmpTimerObject (
HWND hWndArg, // handle of window for timer messages
UINT_PTR timerIdArg, // timer identifier
UINT elapsedArg, // time-out value
TIMERPROC lpTimerFuncArg // address of timer procedure
) : hWnd ( hWndArg ) , timerId ( timerIdArg ) , lpTimerFunc ( lpTimerFuncArg ) { if ( ! window ) window = new Window ;
timerId = SetTimer (
window->GetWindowHandle(), timerId , elapsedArg , lpTimerFunc ) ;
CriticalSectionLock session_lock(Timer::timer_CriticalSection);
if ( !session_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ;
if ( timerId ) { timerMap [ timerId ] = this ; } else throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ; }
SnmpTimerObject :: ~SnmpTimerObject () { CriticalSectionLock session_lock(Timer::timer_CriticalSection);
if ( !session_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ;
timerMap.RemoveKey ( timerId );
if (window) { KillTimer ( window->GetWindowHandle () , timerId ) ; } }
void SnmpTimerObject :: TimerNotification ( HWND hWnd , UINT timerId ) { :: WaitPostMessage ( hWnd , Timer :: g_SnmpWmTimer , timerId , 0 ) ; }
SnmpSetTimerObject :: SnmpSetTimerObject (
HWND hWndArg, // handle of window for timer messages
UINT_PTR nIDEventArg, // timer identifier
UINT uElapseArg, // time-out value
TIMERPROC lpTimerFuncArg // address of timer procedure
) : hWnd ( hWndArg ) , timerId ( nIDEventArg ) , elapsedTime ( uElapseArg ) , lpTimerFunc ( lpTimerFuncArg ) { }
SnmpSetTimerObject :: ~SnmpSetTimerObject () { }
void SnmpSetTimerObject :: Process () { SnmpTimerObject *object = new SnmpTimerObject (
hWnd , timerId , elapsedTime , lpTimerFunc ) ;
Complete () ; }
SnmpKillTimerObject :: SnmpKillTimerObject (
HWND hWndArg , // handle of window that installed timer
UINT_PTR uIDEventArg // timer identifier
) : hWnd ( hWndArg ) , timerId ( uIDEventArg ) , status ( TRUE ) { }
void SnmpKillTimerObject :: Process () { CriticalSectionLock session_lock(Timer::timer_CriticalSection);
if ( !session_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ;
SnmpTimerObject *object ; if ( SnmpTimerObject :: timerMap.Lookup ( timerId , object ) ) { delete object ; } else { status = FALSE ; }
Complete () ; }
UINT_PTR SnmpSetTimer (
HWND hWnd, // handle of window for timer messages
UINT_PTR nIDEvent, // timer identifier
UINT uElapse, // time-out value,
TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc // address of timer procedure
) { SnmpSetTimerObject object ( hWnd , nIDEvent , uElapse , lpTimerFunc ) ; Timer :: g_timerThread->ScheduleTask ( object ) ; object.Exec () ; if ( object.Wait () ) { Timer :: g_timerThread->ReapTask ( object ) ; return object.GetTimerId () ; } else { Timer :: g_timerThread->ReapTask ( object ) ; return FALSE ; } }
BOOL SnmpKillTimer (
HWND hWnd, // handle of window that installed timer
UINT_PTR uIDEvent // timer identifier
) { SnmpKillTimerObject object ( hWnd , uIDEvent ) ;
Timer :: g_timerThread->ScheduleTask ( object ) ;
object.Exec () ; if ( object.Wait () ) { Timer :: g_timerThread->ReapTask ( object ) ; return object.GetStatus () ; } else { Timer :: g_timerThread->ReapTask ( object ) ; return FALSE ; } }