// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
Filename: transp.cpp Written By: B.Rajeev ----------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "precomp.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "address.h"
#include "tsess.h"
#include "tsent.h"
#include "idmap.h"
#include "dummy.h"
#include "flow.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "ssent.h"
#include "opreg.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "transp.h"
Purpose: The SnmpTransport class provides the implementation of the transport protocol layer for use by the SnmpSession class. The SnmpImpTransport provides a UDP implementation of the transport layer. -------------------------------------------------------------*/
TransportFrameId SnmpImpTransport::next_transport_frame_id = ILLEGAL_TRANSPORT_FRAME_ID ;
SnmpTransport::SnmpTransport (
IN SnmpSession &session, IN const SnmpTransportAddress &transportAddress
) :transport_address(transportAddress.Copy()) { } SnmpTransportAddress &SnmpTransport::GetTransportAddress() { return *transport_address; }
SnmpTransport::~SnmpTransport() { delete transport_address; }
SnmpImpTransport::SnmpImpTransport (
IN SnmpSession &session, IN const SnmpTransportAddress &address
) : SnmpTransport(session, address), session(session) { is_valid = FALSE; transport_created = FALSE;
if ( !GetTransportAddress()() ) return;
try {
transport = new TransportWindow(*this); } catch ( Heap_Exception e_He ) { return ; } catch ( GeneralException exception ) { return ; }
transport_created = TRUE;
if ( !(*transport)() ) return;
is_valid = TRUE; }
SnmpImpTransport::~SnmpImpTransport(void) { if ( transport_created ) delete transport; }
void SnmpImpTransport::TransportSendFrame(
OUT TransportFrameId &transport_frame_id, IN SnmpPdu &snmpPdu ) { if ( next_transport_frame_id == ILLEGAL_TRANSPORT_FRAME_ID ) next_transport_frame_id++;
store.Register(transport_frame_id, SnmpErrorReport(Snmp_Success, Snmp_No_Error) );
transport->PostMessage(Window :: g_SentFrameEvent, transport_frame_id, 0);
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"posted: transport_frame_id = %d\n", transport_frame_id ) ; )
try { if ( transport->SendPdu(snmpPdu) == FALSE ) store.Modify(transport_frame_id, SnmpErrorReport(Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error)); } catch ( Heap_Exception e_He ) { store.Modify(transport_frame_id, SnmpErrorReport(Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error)); } catch ( GeneralException exception ) { store.Modify(transport_frame_id, SnmpErrorReport(Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error)); } }
void SnmpImpTransport::HandleSentFrame(IN TransportFrameId transport_frame_id) { TransportSentFrame(transport_frame_id, store.Remove(transport_frame_id)); }
void SnmpImpTransport::TransportSentFrame(IN TransportFrameId transport_frame_id, IN SnmpErrorReport &errorReport) { session.SessionSentFrame(transport_frame_id, errorReport); }
void SnmpImpTransport::TransportReceiveFrame (
IN SnmpPdu &snmpPdu , IN SnmpErrorReport &errorReport ) { session.SessionReceiveFrame(snmpPdu, errorReport); }
SnmpUdpIpTransport :: SnmpUdpIpTransport (
IN SnmpSession &session, IN const SnmpTransportIpAddress &ipAddress
) : SnmpImpTransport ( session , ipAddress ) { }
void * SnmpUdpIpImp::operator()(void) const { if ( ( SnmpTransportIpAddress::operator()() == NULL ) || ( SnmpImpTransport::operator()() == NULL ) ) return NULL; else return (void *)this; }
SnmpIpxTransport :: SnmpIpxTransport (
IN SnmpSession &session, IN const SnmpTransportIpxAddress &ipxAddress
) : SnmpImpTransport ( session , ipxAddress ) { }
void * SnmpIpxImp::operator()(void) const { if ( ( SnmpTransportIpxAddress::operator()() == NULL ) || ( SnmpImpTransport::operator()() == NULL ) ) return NULL; else return (void *)this; }