// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "address.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "sec.h"
#include "dummy.h"
#include "flow.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "ssent.h"
#include "idmap.h"
#include "opreg.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "vblist.h"
#include "ophelp.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "trap.h"
#include "trapsess.h"
SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession(SnmpTrapManager* managerPtr) { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession: Creating a new trap session\n"
) ; )
m_bValid = FALSE; m_bDestroy = FALSE; m_cRef = 1;
if ( (NULL == Window::operator()()) || (NULL == managerPtr) || !RegisterForAllTraps()) { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession: Invalid trap session created\n"
) ; ) return; } m_managerPtr = managerPtr; m_bValid = TRUE; DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession: Valid trap session created\n"
) ; ) }
SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::~SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession() { //Deregister for all traps...
if (m_bValid) { SnmpRegister(m_session_handle, 0, //manager
0, //agent
0, //context
0, //trap_oid
SNMPAPI_OFF); SnmpClose(m_session_handle); DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::~SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession: Unregistered for traps and closed winsnmp session\n"
) ; ) } DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::~SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession: Trap session destroyed\n"
) ; ) }
BOOL SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::RegisterForAllTraps() { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::RegisterForAllTraps: Registering for all traps...\n"
) ; )
smiUINT32 nMajorVersion = 1; smiUINT32 nMinorVersion = 1; smiUINT32 nLevel = 2; smiUINT32 nTranslateMode = SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V1; smiUINT32 nRetransmitMode = SNMPAPI_OFF; SNMPAPI_STATUS apiStatus = SnmpStartup(&nMajorVersion, &nMinorVersion, &nLevel, &nTranslateMode, &nRetransmitMode); if (SNMPAPI_FAILURE == apiStatus) { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::RegisterForAllTraps: Failed to start up winsnmp\n"
) ; ) return FALSE; }
m_session_handle = SnmpOpen(GetWindowHandle(), TRAP_EVENT);
if (SNMPAPI_FAILURE == m_session_handle) { DWORD t_LastError = SnmpGetLastError ( 0 ) ; DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::RegisterForAllTraps: Failed to open a winsnmp session, error code (%d)\n" , t_LastError
) ; )
return FALSE; } apiStatus = SnmpRegister(m_session_handle, 0, //manager
0, //agent
0, //context
0, //trap_oid
if (SNMPAPI_FAILURE == apiStatus) { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::RegisterForAllTraps: Failed to register for all traps\n"
) ; ) SnmpClose(m_session_handle); return FALSE; }
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::RegisterForAllTraps: Registered for all traps!\n"
) ; )
return TRUE; }
BOOL SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::PostMessage(UINT user_msg_id, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //call the global PostMessage...
return ::WaitPostMessage(GetWindowHandle(), user_msg_id, wParam, lParam); }
BOOL SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::DestroySession() { if (0 != InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef)) { return FALSE; }
delete this; return TRUE; }
LONG_PTR SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); LONG_PTR ret = 0;
ScopeGuard t_1 = MakeObjGuard ( *this , SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::DestroySession ) ;
if (TRAP_EVENT == message) { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent: Received Trap\n"
) ; )
never the case 'cos if the list is empty, this session would not have been created by the TrapMnager! if (m_managerPtr->m_receivers->IsEmpty()) { return 0; } */
SNMPAPI_STATUS status = SnmpRecvMsg (m_session_handle, &hsrc, NULL, &hctxt, &hpdu); if (SNMPAPI_FAILURE != status) { SnmpSecurity *ctxt = OperationHelper::GetSecurityContext(hctxt); SnmpFreeContext(hctxt);
if (NULL == ctxt) { //conversion failed clean up and return
SnmpFreePdu(hpdu); SnmpFreeEntity(hsrc); DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent: Discarding Trap due to security context decode failure\n"
) ; ) } else { SnmpTransportAddress *src = OperationHelper::GetTransportAddress(hsrc); SnmpFreeEntity(hsrc);
if (NULL == src) { //conversion failed clean up and return
delete ctxt; SnmpFreePdu(hpdu); DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent: Discarding Trap due to source address decode failure\n"
) ; ) } else { smiINT t_PduType ; status = SnmpGetPduData(hpdu, &t_PduType, NULL, NULL, NULL, &hvbl);
//got the vblist, don't need the pdu
if (SNMPAPI_FAILURE == status) { //failed to get varbinds clean up and return
delete ctxt; delete src; DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent: Discarding Trap due to PDU decode failure\n"
) ; ) } else { if ( !(( SNMP_PDU_TRAP == t_PduType ) || ( SNMP_PDU_V1TRAP == t_PduType) || ( SNMP_PDU_INFORM == t_PduType))) { delete ctxt; delete src; SnmpFreeVbl(hvbl); DestroySession(); return ret; }
UINT vbcount = SnmpCountVbl(hvbl);
if (SNMPAPI_FAILURE == vbcount) { delete ctxt; delete src; SnmpFreeVbl(hvbl); DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent: Discarding Trap due to VarBind count decode failure\n"
) ; ) } else { SnmpVarBindList vbl;
for (UINT i = 1; i <= vbcount; i++) { smiOID vbname; smiVALUE vbvalue; status = SnmpGetVb(hvbl, i, &vbname, &vbvalue);
if (SNMPAPI_FAILURE == status) { delete ctxt; delete src; SnmpFreeVbl(hvbl); hvbl = NULL; DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent: Discarding Trap due to complete VarBind decode failure\n"
) ; ) break; } else { SnmpVarBind* vb = OperationHelper::GetVarBind(vbname, vbvalue); if ( ! vb ) { delete ctxt; delete src; SnmpFreeVbl(hvbl); hvbl = NULL; SnmpFreeDescriptor(SNMP_SYNTAX_OID, (smiOCTETS *)&vbname); DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent: Discarding Trap due to (%d)th VarBind decode failure\n", i
) ; ) break; }
SnmpFreeDescriptor(SNMP_SYNTAX_OID, (smiOCTETS *)&vbname);
switch (vbvalue.syntax) { case SNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS : case SNMP_SYNTAX_BITS : case SNMP_SYNTAX_OPAQUE : case SNMP_SYNTAX_IPADDR : case SNMP_SYNTAX_NSAPADDR : { SnmpFreeDescriptor(SNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS, &vbvalue.value.string); } break ;
case SNMP_SYNTAX_OID : { SnmpFreeDescriptor(SNMP_SYNTAX_OID, (smiOCTETS *)(&vbvalue.value.oid)); } break ;
default: { } }
vbl.AddNoReallocate (*vb); } }
if (hvbl != NULL) { SnmpFreeVbl(hvbl); SnmpTrapReceiver * rx = m_managerPtr->m_receivers.GetNext();
while (NULL != rx) { InterlockedIncrement(&(rx->m_cRef)); rx->Receive(*src, *ctxt, vbl); rx->DestroyReceiver(); rx = m_managerPtr->m_receivers.GetNext(); }
delete ctxt; delete src; } else { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent: Discarding Trap due to receive failure\n"
) ; ) } } } } } } else { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpWinSnmpTrapSession::HandleEvent: Discarding Trap due to decode error\n"
) ; ) } } else { ret = Window::HandleEvent(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
return ret; }