// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
Filename: tsess.cpp Written By: B.Rajeev ----------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "precomp.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "encdec.h"
#include "vblist.h"
#include "sec.h"
#include "pdu.h"
#include "tsent.h"
#include "transp.h"
#include "tsess.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "dummy.h"
#include "flow.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "ssent.h"
#include "idmap.h"
#include "opreg.h"
#include "session.h"
TransportWindow::TransportWindow (
SnmpImpTransport &owner_transport
) : owner ( owner_transport ) , m_Session ( NULL ) { smiUINT32 t_MajorVersion = 1 ; smiUINT32 t_MinorVersion = 1 ; smiUINT32 t_Level = 2 ; smiUINT32 t_TranslateMode = SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V1 ; smiUINT32 t_RetransmitMode = SNMPAPI_OFF ;
CriticalSectionLock t_CriticalSectionLock ( SnmpEncodeDecode :: s_CriticalSection ) ;
t_CriticalSectionLock.GetLock ( INFINITE ) ; SNMPAPI_STATUS t_StartupStatus = SnmpStartup (
&t_MajorVersion, &t_MinorVersion, &t_Level, &t_TranslateMode, &t_RetransmitMode );
t_CriticalSectionLock.UnLock () ;
if ( t_StartupStatus == SNMPAPI_FAILURE ) { throw GeneralException (
Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }
m_Session = SnmpOpen (
GetWindowHandle (), Window :: g_MessageArrivalEvent ) ;
if ( m_Session == SNMPAPI_FAILURE ) { m_Session = NULL; DWORD t_LastError = SnmpGetLastError (0) ; throw GeneralException (
Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }
TransportWindow::~TransportWindow () { HSNMP_SESSION t_Session = ( HSNMP_SESSION ) m_Session ; if ( t_Session ) SnmpClose ( t_Session ) ; }
// over-rides the HandleEvent method provided by the
// WinSnmpSession. Receives the Pdu and passes it to
// the owner (SnmpTransport)
LONG_PTR TransportWindow::HandleEvent (
HWND hWnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) { LONG rc = 0;
try { // check if the message needs to be handled
if ( message == Window :: g_MessageArrivalEvent ) { // inform the owner of a successful message receipt
SnmpPdu t_SnmpPdu ;
if ( ReceivePdu ( t_SnmpPdu ) ) { owner.TransportReceiveFrame ( t_SnmpPdu , t_SnmpPdu.GetErrorReport () ) ;
delete & t_SnmpPdu.GetVarbindList () ; } else { } } else if ( message == Window :: g_SentFrameEvent ) { // inform the owner of a sent frame event
// the error report will be ignored in this case
owner.HandleSentFrame( (TransportFrameId)wParam ); } else { return Window::HandleEvent(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } } catch ( Heap_Exception e_He ) { } catch ( GeneralException exception ) { }
return rc; }
// sends the specified pdu. it decodes the SnmpPdu to extract
// parameters needed for SnmpSendMsg. the return value denotes
// success and failure in transmission
// we return on encoutering an error from the winsnmp library call
BOOL TransportWindow :: SendPdu (
IN SnmpPdu &a_SnmpPdu ) { WinSnmpVariables t_WinSnmpVariables ;
BOOL t_Status ; try { t_Status = owner.session.GetSnmpEncodeDecode ().EncodeFrame ( a_SnmpPdu , &t_WinSnmpVariables ) ; if ( ! t_Status ) { throw GeneralException (
Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error, __FILE__, __LINE__, SnmpGetLastError ((HSNMP_SESSION) m_Session) ); } } catch ( Heap_Exception e_He ) { throw ; } catch ( GeneralException exception ) { throw ; }
HSNMP_CONTEXT t_Context = t_WinSnmpVariables.m_Context ; HSNMP_PDU t_Pdu = t_WinSnmpVariables.m_Pdu ; HSNMP_VBL t_Vbl = t_WinSnmpVariables.m_Vbl ;
char *t_DstAddress = owner.GetTransportAddress ().GetAddress () ;
CriticalSectionLock t_CriticalSectionLock ( SnmpEncodeDecode :: s_CriticalSection ) ;
t_CriticalSectionLock.GetLock ( INFINITE ) ;
owner.session.GetSnmpEncodeDecode ().SetTranslateMode () ;
HSNMP_ENTITY t_SrcEntity = SnmpStrToEntity (
if ( t_SrcEntity == SNMPAPI_FAILURE ) { SnmpFreeContext ( t_Context ) ; SnmpFreePdu ( t_Pdu ) ; SnmpFreeVbl ( t_Vbl ) ;
throw GeneralException (
Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error, __FILE__, __LINE__, SnmpGetLastError ((HSNMP_SESSION) m_Session) ); }
HSNMP_ENTITY t_DstEntity = SnmpStrToEntity (
( HSNMP_SESSION ) m_Session , t_DstAddress ) ;
t_CriticalSectionLock.UnLock () ;
if ( t_DstEntity == SNMPAPI_FAILURE ) { SnmpFreeContext ( t_Context ) ; SnmpFreeEntity ( t_SrcEntity ) ; SnmpFreePdu ( t_Pdu ) ; SnmpFreeVbl ( t_Vbl ) ;
throw GeneralException (
Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error, __FILE__, __LINE__, SnmpGetLastError ((HSNMP_SESSION) m_Session) ); }
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"Transport::SendPdu: sending %d\r\n\r\n" , t_WinSnmpVariables.m_RequestId
) ;
smiOCTETS t_Octets ;
SnmpSetRetransmitMode ( SNMPAPI_OFF ) ;
if ( SnmpEncodeMsg (
m_Session, t_SrcEntity, t_DstEntity, t_Context, t_Pdu , & t_Octets
) != SNMPAPI_FAILURE ) { ULONG t_Len = t_Octets.len ; UCHAR *t_Ptr = t_Octets.ptr ;
ULONG t_RowLength = t_Len / 16 ; ULONG t_Remainder = t_Len % 16 ; ULONG t_Index = 0 ; for ( ULONG t_RowIndex = 0 ; t_RowIndex < t_RowLength ; t_RowIndex ++ ) { ULONG t_StoredIndex = t_Index ;
for ( ULONG t_ColumnIndex = 0 ; t_ColumnIndex < 16 ; t_ColumnIndex ++ ) { SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L"%2.2lx " , t_Ptr [ t_Index ++ ] ) ; }
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L" " ) ;
for ( t_ColumnIndex = 0 ; t_ColumnIndex < 16 ; t_ColumnIndex ++ ) { if ( ( t_Ptr [ t_StoredIndex ] >= 0x20 ) && ( t_Ptr [ t_StoredIndex ] <= 0x7f ) ) { SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L"%c" , t_Ptr [ t_StoredIndex ] ) ; } else { SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L"." ) ; }
t_StoredIndex ++ ; }
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L"\r\n" ) ; }
ULONG t_StoredIndex = t_Index ; for ( ULONG t_ColumnIndex = 0 ; t_ColumnIndex < 16 ; t_ColumnIndex ++ ) { if ( t_ColumnIndex < t_Remainder ) { SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L"%2.2lx " , t_Ptr [ t_Index ++ ] ) ; } else { SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L" " ) ; } }
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L" " ) ;
for ( t_ColumnIndex = 0 ; t_ColumnIndex < 16 ; t_ColumnIndex ++ ) { if ( t_ColumnIndex < t_Remainder ) { if ( t_Ptr [ t_StoredIndex ] >= 0x20 && t_Ptr [ t_StoredIndex ] <= 0x7f ) { SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L"%c" , t_Ptr [ t_StoredIndex ] ) ; } else { SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L"." ) ; }
t_StoredIndex ++ ; } }
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->Write ( L"\r\n\r\n" ) ;
SnmpFreeDescriptor (
SNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS , & t_Octets ) ; } )
SnmpSetRetransmitMode ( SNMPAPI_OFF ) ;
// send message
t_Status = SnmpSendMsg (
m_Session, t_SrcEntity, t_DstEntity, t_Context, t_Pdu );
if ( t_Status == SNMPAPI_FAILURE ) { DebugMacro4(
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"Transport::SendPdu: failed sending %d\r\n\r\n" , t_WinSnmpVariables.m_RequestId
) ; ) SnmpFreeContext ( t_Context ) ; SnmpFreeEntity ( t_SrcEntity ) ; SnmpFreeEntity ( t_DstEntity ) ; SnmpFreePdu ( t_Pdu ) ; SnmpFreeVbl ( t_Vbl ) ;
throw GeneralException (
Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error, __FILE__, __LINE__, SnmpGetLastError ((HSNMP_SESSION) m_Session) ) ; }
SnmpFreeContext ( t_Context ) ; SnmpFreeEntity ( t_SrcEntity ) ; SnmpFreeEntity ( t_DstEntity ) ; SnmpFreePdu ( t_Pdu ) ; SnmpFreeVbl ( t_Vbl ) ;
if ( t_Status == SNMPAPI_FAILURE ) return FALSE; else return TRUE; }
BOOL TransportWindow :: ReceivePdu (
OUT SnmpPdu &a_SnmpPdu ) { HSNMP_ENTITY t_SrcEntity = NULL; HSNMP_ENTITY t_DstEntity = NULL; HSNMP_CONTEXT t_Context; HSNMP_PDU t_Pdu;
SNMPAPI_STATUS t_Status = SnmpRecvMsg (
m_Session , &t_SrcEntity, &t_DstEntity , &t_Context, &t_Pdu );
if ( t_SrcEntity ) { SnmpFreeEntity ( t_SrcEntity ) ; }
if ( t_DstEntity ) { SnmpFreeEntity ( t_DstEntity ) ; }
if ( t_Status == SNMPAPI_FAILURE ) { if ( SnmpGetLastError ((HSNMP_SESSION) m_Session) == SNMPAPI_NOOP ) { return FALSE ; } else { throw GeneralException (
Snmp_Error, Snmp_Local_Error, __FILE__, __LINE__, SnmpGetLastError ((HSNMP_SESSION) m_Session) ); } }
CriticalSectionLock t_CriticalSectionLock ( SnmpEncodeDecode :: s_CriticalSection ) ;
t_CriticalSectionLock.GetLock ( INFINITE ) ;
owner.session.GetSnmpEncodeDecode ().SetTranslateMode () ;
t_SrcEntity = SnmpStrToEntity ( (HSNMP_SESSION) m_Session, LOOPBACK_ADDRESS ) ; t_DstEntity = SnmpStrToEntity ( (HSNMP_SESSION) m_Session, LOOPBACK_ADDRESS ) ;
t_CriticalSectionLock.UnLock () ;
WinSnmpVariables t_WinSnmpVariables ;
t_WinSnmpVariables.m_SrcEntity = t_SrcEntity ; t_WinSnmpVariables.m_DstEntity = t_DstEntity ; t_WinSnmpVariables.m_Context = t_Context ; t_WinSnmpVariables.m_Pdu = t_Pdu ;
t_Status = owner.session.GetSnmpEncodeDecode ().DecodeFrame ( &t_WinSnmpVariables , a_SnmpPdu ) ; if ( ! t_Status || SnmpEncodeDecode :: PduType :: RESPONSE != a_SnmpPdu.GetPduType() ) { SnmpFreePdu ( t_Pdu ) ; SnmpFreeEntity ( t_SrcEntity ) ; SnmpFreeEntity ( t_DstEntity ) ; SnmpFreeContext ( t_Context ) ;
throw GeneralException (
Snmp_Error, SnmpEncodeDecode :: PduType :: GETBULK == a_SnmpPdu.GetPduType() ? Snmp_General_Abort : Snmp_Local_Error, __FILE__, __LINE__, SnmpGetLastError ((HSNMP_SESSION) m_Session) ); }
SnmpFreePdu ( t_Pdu ) ; SnmpFreeEntity ( t_SrcEntity ) ; SnmpFreeEntity ( t_DstEntity ) ; SnmpFreeContext ( t_Context ) ;
return TRUE ; }