// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
Filename: window.cpp Written By: B.Rajeev ----------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "precomp.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "window.h"
extern HINSTANCE g_hInst ;
WindowMapping Window::mapping;
CriticalSection Window::window_CriticalSection;
UINT Window :: g_TimerMessage = SNMP_WM_TIMER ; UINT Window :: g_SendErrorEvent = SEND_ERROR_EVENT ; UINT Window :: g_OperationCompletedEvent = OPERATION_COMPLETED_EVENT ; UINT Window :: g_MessageArrivalEvent = MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_EVENT ; UINT Window :: g_SentFrameEvent = SENT_FRAME_EVENT ; UINT Window :: g_NullEventId = NULL_EVENT_ID ; UINT Window :: g_DeleteSessionEvent = DELETE_SESSION_EVENT ;
BOOL WaitPostMessage (
HWND window , UINT user_msg_id, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL status = FALSE ; while ( ! status ) { status = :: PostMessage ( window , user_msg_id, wParam, lParam ) ; if ( status ) { return status ; }
DWORD lastError = GetLastError () ; if ( lastError != E_OUTOFMEMORY ) { TerminateProcess ( GetCurrentProcess () , lastError ) ; } }
return FALSE ; }
Window::Window (
char *templateCode, BOOL display ) : window_handle ( NULL ) { // is invalid
is_valid = FALSE;
// initialize the window
Initialize (
templateCode, HandleGlobalEvent, display ) ;
// if handle is null, return
if ( window_handle == NULL ) return;
is_valid = TRUE; }
HWND hWnd, UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) { return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
BOOL Window::CreateCriticalSection () { return TRUE ; }
void Window::DestroyCriticalSection() { }
void Window::Initialize (
char *templateCode, WNDPROC EventHandler, BOOL display ) { WNDCLASS wc ; wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW ; wc.lpfnWndProc = EventHandler ; wc.cbClsExtra = 0 ; wc.cbWndExtra = 0 ; wc.hInstance = g_hInst ; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_HAND) ; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW) ; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW + 1) ; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL ; wc.lpszClassName = L"templateCode" ; ATOM winClass = RegisterClass ( &wc ) ;
if ( ! winClass ) { DWORD t_GetLastError = GetLastError () ;
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"Window::Initialise: Error = %lx\n" , t_GetLastError ) ; )
window_handle = CreateWindow (
L"templateCode" , // see RegisterClass() call
L"templateCode" , // text for window title bar
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW , // window style
CW_USEDEFAULT , // default horizontal position
CW_USEDEFAULT , // default vertical position
CW_USEDEFAULT , // default width
CW_USEDEFAULT , // default height
NULL , // overlapped windows have no parent
NULL , // use the window class menu
g_hInst, // instance (0 is used)
NULL // pointer not needed
) ;
if ( window_handle == NULL ) return;
// obtain lock
CriticalSectionLock lock(window_CriticalSection);
// if cannot obtain lock, destroy the window
// since the window cannot be registered, future messages to
// it cannot be passed to it for processing
if ( !lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) { DestroyWindow(window_handle); window_handle = NULL; return; }
// register the window with the mapping
// (HWND,event_handler)
try { mapping[window_handle] = this; } catch ( Heap_Exception e_He ) { DestroyWindow(window_handle); window_handle = NULL; return ; }
// release lock
if ( display == TRUE ) { ShowWindow ( window_handle , SW_SHOW ) ; } }
BOOL Window::InitializeStaticComponents() { return CreateCriticalSection(); }
void Window::DestroyStaticComponents() { DestroyCriticalSection(); }
// it determines the corresponding EventHandler and calls it
// with the appropriate parameters
LONG_PTR CALLBACK Window::HandleGlobalEvent (
HWND hWnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) { LONG_PTR rc = 0 ;
// send timer events to the Timer
if ( message == WM_TIMER ) { #if 1
UINT timerId = ( UINT ) wParam ; SnmpTimerObject *timerObject ;
CriticalSectionLock session_lock(Timer::timer_CriticalSection);
if ( !session_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ;
if ( SnmpTimerObject :: timerMap.Lookup ( timerId , timerObject ) ) { SnmpTimerObject :: TimerNotification ( timerObject->GetHWnd () , timerId ) ; } else { } #else
UINT timerId = ( UINT ) wParam ; SnmpTimerObject *timerObject ;
CriticalSectionLock session_lock(Timer::timer_CriticalSection);
if ( !session_lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ;
if ( SnmpTimerObject :: timerMap.Lookup ( timerId , timerObject ) ) { Timer::HandleGlobalEvent(timerObject->GetHWnd (), Timer :: g_SnmpWmTimer, timerId, lParam); } else { }
return rc ; }
if ( message == Timer :: g_SnmpWmTimer ) { Timer::HandleGlobalEvent( hWnd, message, wParam, (DWORD)lParam ); return rc; }
Window *window;
// obtain lock
CriticalSectionLock lock(window_CriticalSection);
// if cannot obtain lock, print a debug error message
// and return
if ( !lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ) {
SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
__FILE__,__LINE__, L"Window::HandleGlobalEvent: ignoring window message (unable to obtain lock)\n" ) ; ) return rc; }
BOOL found = mapping.Lookup(hWnd, window);
// release lock
// if no such window, return
if ( !found ) return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
// let the window handle the event
return window->HandleEvent(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
// calls the default handler
// a deriving class may override this, but
// must call this method explicitly for default
// case handling
LONG_PTR Window::HandleEvent (
HWND hWnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) { return DefWindowProc ( hWnd , message , wParam , lParam ); }
bool WaitLock ( CriticalSectionLock &a_Lock , BOOL a_WaitCritical = TRUE ) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler t_StructuredException ;
BOOL t_Do ;
do { try { a_Lock.GetLock(INFINITE) ;
return true ; } catch ( Structured_Exception & t_StructuredException ) { #ifdef DBG
OutputDebugString ( L"CriticalSection exception" ) ; #endif
t_Do = a_WaitCritical ;
if ( t_Do ) { Sleep ( 1000 ) ; }
if ( t_StructuredException.GetSENumber () == STATUS_NO_MEMORY ) { } else { return false ; } } catch ( ... ) { return false ; } } while ( t_Do ) ;
return true ; }
Window::~Window(void) { if ( window_handle != NULL ) {
// obtain lock
CriticalSectionLock lock(window_CriticalSection);
if ( WaitLock ( lock ) ) { mapping.RemoveKey(window_handle); } else { throw GeneralException ( Snmp_Error , Snmp_Local_Error,__FILE__,__LINE__ ) ; }
// release lock
DestroyWindow(window_handle); UnregisterClass ( L"templateCode" , 0 ) ;
} }
BOOL Window::PostMessage(
UINT user_msg_id, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return WaitPostMessage(GetWindowHandle(), user_msg_id, wParam, lParam); }