// Purpose: Contains DLL entry points. Also has code that controls
// when the DLL can be unloaded by tracking the number of
// objects and locks as well as routines that support
// self registration.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <initguid.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "wdmdefs.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
HMODULE ghModule; CWMIEvent * g_pBinaryMofEvent = NULL;
CCriticalSection g_EventCs; CCriticalSection g_SharedLocalEventsCs; CCriticalSection g_ListCs; CCriticalSection g_LoadUnloadCs;
CCriticalSection *g_pEventCs = &g_EventCs; // pointer for backward comp
CCriticalSection *g_pSharedLocalEventsCs = &g_SharedLocalEventsCs; // pointer for backward comp
CCriticalSection *g_pListCs = &g_ListCs; // pointer for backward comp
CCriticalSection *g_pLoadUnloadCs = &g_LoadUnloadCs; // pointer for backward comp
//Count number of objects and number of locks.
long g_cObj=0; long g_cLock=0;
long glInits = 0; long glProvObj = 0; long glEventsRegistered = 0;
#include "wmiguard.h"
WmiGuard * pGuard = NULL;
// LibMain32
// Purpose: Entry point for DLL. Good place for initialization.
// Return: TRUE if OK.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, ULONG ulReason, LPVOID pvReserved) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { switch( ulReason ) { case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { //
// release binary mof changes worker
if ( pGuard ) { delete pGuard; pGuard = NULL;
if( g_ListCs.IsValid() ) { g_ListCs.Delete(); }
if( g_EventCs.IsValid() ) { g_EventCs.Delete(); }
if( g_SharedLocalEventsCs.IsValid() ) { g_SharedLocalEventsCs.Delete(); }
if( g_LoadUnloadCs.IsValid() ) { g_LoadUnloadCs.Delete(); } } } break;
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { if ( ( pGuard = new WmiGuard ( ) ) == NULL ) { fRc = FALSE; } else { g_LoadUnloadCs.Init(); g_SharedLocalEventsCs.Init(); g_EventCs.Init(); g_ListCs.Init();
fRc = ( g_LoadUnloadCs.IsValid() && g_SharedLocalEventsCs.IsValid() && g_EventCs.IsValid() && g_ListCs.IsValid() ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
if ( fRc ) { fRc = pGuard->Init ( g_pSharedLocalEventsCs );
if ( fRc ) { //
// instantiate worker for driver's
// classes addition and deletion
fRc = FALSE;
HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ; try { g_pBinaryMofEvent = (CWMIEvent *)new CWMIEvent(INTERNAL_EVENT); // This is the global guy that catches events of new drivers being added at runtime.
if(g_pBinaryMofEvent) { if ( g_pBinaryMofEvent->Initialized () ) { fRc = TRUE ; } else { delete g_pBinaryMofEvent ; g_pBinaryMofEvent = NULL ; } } else { } } STANDARD_CATCH } } }
ghModule = hInstance; if (!DisableThreadLibraryCalls(ghModule)) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER, "DisableThreadLibraryCalls failed\n" )); } } break; } } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { fRc = FALSE; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { fRc = FALSE; } catch(...) { fRc = FALSE; }
return fRc; }
// DllGetClassObject
// Purpose: Called by Ole when some client wants a a class factory. Return
// one only if it is the sort of class this DLL supports.
STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { HRESULT hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE ; CProvFactory *pFactory = NULL; SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //============================================================================
// Verify the caller is asking for our type of object.
if((CLSID_WMIProvider != rclsid) && (CLSID_WMIEventProvider != rclsid) && (CLSID_WMIHiPerfProvider != rclsid) ) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { //============================================================================
// Check that we can provide the interface.
if (IID_IUnknown != riid && IID_IClassFactory != riid) { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } else { CAutoBlock block (g_pLoadUnloadCs);
// Get a new class factory.
pFactory=new CProvFactory(rclsid); if (NULL!=pFactory) { //============================================================================
// Verify we can get an instance.
hr = pFactory->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); if ( FAILED ( hr ) ) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pFactory); } else { //
// it is safe to check if this is 1st object like this
// as there is no way any provider or class factory is
// incrementing global refrence count
if ( 1 == g_cObj ) { //
// GlobalInterfaceTable
hr = CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGlobalInterfaceTable, (void**)&g_pGIT );
// bail out every resource
if ( FAILED ( hr ) ) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pFactory); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(g_pGIT); } } } } } } } STANDARD_CATCH
return hr; }
// DllCanUnloadNow
// Purpose: Called periodically by Ole in order to determine if the
// DLL can be freed.//
// Return: TRUE if there are no objects in use and the class factory
// isn't locked.
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { HRESULT sc = S_FALSE ;
try { CAutoBlock block (g_pLoadUnloadCs);
// It is OK to unload if there are no objects or locks on the
// class factory.
if ( 0L == g_cObj && 0L == g_cLock ) { sc = S_OK ; SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(g_pGIT); } } catch ( ... ) { }
return sc; }
// CreateKey
// Purpose: Function to create a key
// Return: NOERROR if registration successful, error otherwise.
HRESULT CreateKey(TCHAR * szCLSID, TCHAR * szName) { HKEY hKey1, hKey2; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
HKEY hKey; TCHAR szProviderCLSIDAppID[128];
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr = StringCchPrintf ( szProviderCLSIDAppID, 128, _T("SOFTWARE\\CLASSES\\APPID\\%s"), szName ) ) ) { hr = RegCreateKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szProviderCLSIDAppID, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, NULL );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szName, (_tcsclen(szName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); CloseHandle(hKey); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( hr ); } }
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { DWORD dwLen; dwLen = (_tcsclen(szName)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR); hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey1, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *)szName, dwLen); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) {
hr = RegCreateKeyEx ( hKey1, _T("LocalServer32"), 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey2, NULL ); #else
hr = RegCreateKeyEx ( hKey1, _T("InprocServer32"), 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey2, NULL ); #endif
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { TCHAR szModule [MAX_PATH+1]; szModule [MAX_PATH] = 0;
if ( GetModuleFileName(ghModule, szModule, MAX_PATH) ) { dwLen = (_tcsclen(szModule)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR); hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey2, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *)szModule, dwLen ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { dwLen = (_tcsclen(_T("Both"))+1) * sizeof(TCHAR); hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey2, _T("ThreadingModel"), 0, REG_SZ,(CONST BYTE *)_T("Both"), dwLen); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( hr ); } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ::GetLastError () ); }
CloseHandle(hKey2); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( hr ); } } CloseHandle(hKey1); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( hr ); } }
return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#ifdef _X86_
BOOL IsReallyWOW64( void ) { // Environment variable should only exist on WOW64
return ( GetEnvironmentVariable( L"PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432", 0L, NULL ) != 0L ); } #endif
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void) { WCHAR wcID[128]; TCHAR szCLSID[128]; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
#ifdef _X86
if (!IsReallyWOW64()) { // on 32-bit builds, we want to register everything if we are not really running in syswow64
// Create keys for WDM Instance Provider.
StringFromGUID2(CLSID_WMIProvider, wcID, 128); StringCchPrintf(szCLSID, 128, _T("CLSID\\%s"), wcID);
hr = CreateKey(szCLSID,_T("WDM Instance Provider")); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { //==============================================
// Create keys for WDM Event Provider.
StringFromGUID2(CLSID_WMIEventProvider, wcID, 128); StringCchPrintf(szCLSID, 128, _T("CLSID\\%s"), wcID);
hr = CreateKey(szCLSID,_T("WDM Event Provider")); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { //==============================================
// Create keys for WDM HiPerf Provider.
StringFromGUID2(CLSID_WMIHiPerfProvider, wcID, 128); StringCchPrintf(szCLSID, 128, _T("CLSID\\%s"), wcID); hr = CreateKey(szCLSID,_T("WDM HiPerf Provider")); } }
#ifdef _X86
} else {
// on 32-bit builds, we want to register only the HiPerf Provider if we are really running in syswow64
// Create keys for WDM HiPerf Provider.
StringFromGUID2(CLSID_WMIHiPerfProvider, wcID, 128); StringCchPrintf(szCLSID, 128, _T("CLSID\\%s"), wcID); hr = CreateKey(szCLSID,_T("WDM HiPerf Provider")); }
return hr; }
// DeleteKey
// Purpose: Called when it is time to remove the registry entries.
// Return: NOERROR if registration successful, error otherwise.
TCHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH]; StringCchPrintf(szTmp, MAX_PATH, _T("SOFTWARE\\CLASSES\\APPID\\%s"), pID);
//Delete entries under APPID
hr = RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szTmp); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { StringCchPrintf(szTmp, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\LocalServer32"), pCLSID); hr = RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTemp); }
hr = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pCLSID, &hKey); if(NO_ERROR == hr) { hr = RegDeleteKey(hKey,_T("InprocServer32")); CloseHandle(hKey); }
hr = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T("CLSID"), &hKey); if(NO_ERROR == hr) { hr = RegDeleteKey(hKey,pID); CloseHandle(hKey); }
return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void) { WCHAR wcID[128]; TCHAR strCLSID[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
try {
#ifdef _X86
if (!IsReallyWOW64()) { // on 32-bit builds, we want to unregister everything if we are not really running in syswow64
// Delete the WMI Instance Provider
StringFromGUID2(CLSID_WMIProvider, wcID, 128); StringCchPrintf(strCLSID, MAX_PATH, _T("CLSID\\%s"), wcID); hr = DeleteKey(strCLSID, wcID);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { //==========================================
// Delete the WMI Event Provider
StringFromGUID2(CLSID_WMIEventProvider, wcID, 128); StringCchPrintf(strCLSID, MAX_PATH, _T("CLSID\\%s"), wcID); hr = DeleteKey(strCLSID,wcID); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == hr ) { //==========================================
// Delete the WMI HiPerf Provider
StringFromGUID2(CLSID_WMIHiPerfProvider, wcID, 128); StringCchPrintf(strCLSID, MAX_PATH, _T("CLSID\\%s"), wcID); hr = DeleteKey(strCLSID,wcID); } }
#ifdef _X86
} else { // on 32-bit builds, we need to unregister only the HiPerf provider if we are really running in syswow64
// Delete the WMI HiPerf Provider
StringFromGUID2(CLSID_WMIHiPerfProvider, wcID, 128); StringCchPrintf(strCLSID, MAX_PATH, _T("CLSID\\%s"), wcID); hr = DeleteKey(strCLSID,wcID); }
return hr; }