on error resume next
set l = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocatorEx") set c = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
set ldap = l.Open ("umi://nw01t1/ldap", "nw01t1domnb\administrator", "nw01t1domnb")
Set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments
if objArgs.Count > 0 then if objArgs(0) = "?" OR objArgs(0) = "/?" OR objArgs(0) = "h" OR objArgs(0) = "/h" _ OR objArgs(0) = "-?" OR objArgs(0) = "-h" then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript sd.vbs [[o][g][d][s]]" WScript.Quit end if if InStr( 1, objArgs(0), "o", 1) > 0 then c.Add "INCLUDE_OWNER", true if InStr( 1, objArgs(0), "g", 1) > 0 then c.Add "INCLUDE_GROUP", true if InStr( 1, objArgs(0), "d", 1) > 0 then c.Add "INCLUDE_DACL", true if InStr( 1, objArgs(0), "s", 1) > 0 then c.Add "INCLUDE_SACL", true else c.Add "INCLUDE_GROUP", true c.Add "INCLUDE_OWNER", true c.Add "INCLUDE_DACL", true c.Add "INCLUDE_SACL", true end if
set cont = ldap.Get (".CN=users", &H40000, c)
set sd = cont.GetSecurityDescriptor_
if err then WScript.Echo "[" & Err.Description & "]"
WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "SD" WScript.Echo "==" WScript.Echo
WScript.Echo "Revision:", sd.Revision WScript.Echo "Control:", sd.Control WScript.Echo "Owner:", sd.Owner WScript.Echo "OwnerDefaulted:", sd.OwnerDefaulted WScript.Echo "Group:", sd.Group WScript.Echo "GroupDefaulted:", sd.GroupDefaulted WScript.Echo "DaclDefaulted:", sd.DaclDefaulted WScript.Echo "SaclDefaulted:", sd.SaclDefaulted
set dacl = sd.DiscretionaryAcl
WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "DACL" WScript.Echo "====" WScript.Echo
DisplayACL dacl
set sacl = sd.SystemAcl
WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "SACL" WScript.Echo "====" WScript.Echo
DisplayACL sacl
Sub DisplayAcl (acl) on error resume next
' NOTE: The following test should really be IsObject, but ' for some reason using [ogd] we don't get a nothing back from the ' IADsSecurityDescriptor.SystemAcl and DiscretionaryAcl calls, we get what ' looks like VT_NULL. ' ' We can change this to use IsNull instead to fix that test, but then ' the [o] test fails here with "Object Required". It seems that sometimes ' the omission of the ACL from the SD is marked with a VT_NULL and sometimes ' is literally marked as "Nothing". if IsObject(acl) then if Not acl is Nothing then
if err <> 0 then WScript.Echo "No ACL Present" else Wscript.Echo "AceCount:", acl.AceCount WScript.Echo "AclRevision:", acl.AclRevision for each ace in acl DisplayAce ace next end if else WScript.Echo "No ACL Present" end if else WScript.Echo "No ACL Present" end if End Sub
Sub DisplayAce (ace) on error resume next WScript.Echo " " & Hex(ace.AccessMask) & " " & ace.AceType & " " & ace.Trustee End Sub