Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<?xml version="1.0"?> <component>
<?component error="true" debug="true"?>
<comment>This is a reusable scripted logging and status control</comment>
<registration description="WMIScriptHelper" progid="WMIScriptHelper.WSC" version="1.00" classid="{db547feb-ec59-4004-968c-3920c88f3154}" > </registration>
<public> <property name="logFile"> <get/> <put/> </property> <property name="enableLogging"> <get/> <put/> </property> <property name="loggingLevel"> <get/> <put/> </property> <property name="statusOK"> <get/> <put/> </property> <property name="testName"> <get/> <put/> </property> <property name="appendLog"> <get/> <put/> </property> <method name="writeToLog"> <PARAMETER name="strText"/> <PARAMETER name="iLevel"/> </method> <method name="writeErrorToLog"> <PARAMETER name="err"/> <PARAMETER name="strText"/> </method> <method name="testStart"/> <method name="testComplete"/>
<method name="DisplayValue"/> <method name="VerifyValue"/> </public>
<implements type="Behavior" id="Behavior"/>
<script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[
dim logFile logFile = "c:\temp\wmiscrp.txt"
dim enableLogging enableLogging = true
dim loggingLevel loggingLevel = 1
dim statusOK statusOK = true
dim testName testName = "Test"
dim appendLog appendLog = false
dim file
function get_logFile() get_logFile = logFile end function
function put_logFile(newValue) logFile = newValue end function
function get_enableLogging() get_enableLogging = enableLogging end function
function put_enableLogging(newValue) enableLogging = newValue end function
function get_loggingLevel() get_loggingLevel = loggingLevel end function
function put_loggingLevel(newValue) loggingLevel = newValue end function
function get_statusOK() get_statusOK = statusOK end function
function put_statusOK(newValue) statusOK = newValue end function
function get_testName() get_testName = testName end function
function put_testName(newValue) testName = newValue end function
function get_appendLog() get_appendLog = appendLog end function
function put_appendLog(newValue) appendLog = newValue end function
function writeToLog(strText, iLevel) on error resume next
EnsureLogFileCreated if enableLogging AND (iLevel <= loggingLevel) then if Not(IsNull(file)) then file.WriteLine (strText) end if Err.Clear end function
function writeErrorToLog(err, strText) on error resume next statusOK = false EnsureLogFileCreated if IsNull(err) then strText = "ERROR: " & strText elseif err <> 0 then strText = "ERROR: [0x" & Hex(err.Number) & " - " & err.Description & _ " - " & Err.Source & "] " & strText end if if enableLogging then if Not(IsNull(file)) then file.WriteLine (strText) end if
err.clear end function
function testComplete on error resume next EnsureLogFileCreated if enableLogging then if Not(IsNull(file)) then file.WriteLine file.WriteLine ("********************************")
if statusOK then file.WriteLine testName & ": PASS" else file.WriteLine testName & ": FAIL" end if
file.WriteLine ("********************************") file.WriteLine end if end if end function
function testStart on error resume next EnsureLogFileCreated if enableLogging then if Not(IsNull(file)) then file.WriteLine file.WriteLine ("********************************") file.WriteLine "Starting test " & testName file.WriteLine ("********************************") file.WriteLine end if end if end function
function DisplayValue (obj, p)
on error resume next writeToLog "", 2 writeToLog ">> Value of " & p, 2 set prop = obj.Properties_(p)
if Not(IsObject(prop)) then writeToLog " <null>", 2 elseif IsNull (prop.Value) then writeToLog " <null>", 2 elseif IsArray (prop.Value) then str = " [" v = prop.Value
for i = LBound(v) to UBound(v) if wbemCimtypeObject = prop.CIMtype then str = str + v(i).GetObjectText_ else str = str & v(i) end if
if i < UBound(v) then str = str & ", " next
str = str & "]" writeToLog str, 2 else v = prop.Value if wbemCimtypeObject = prop.CIMtype then writeToLog v.GetObjectText_, 2 else writeToLog v, 2 end if end if
writeToLog "<< Value", 2
end function
function VerifyValue (v1, v2)
on error resume next
if (IsNull(v1) AND Not(IsNull(v2))) OR (Not(IsNull(v1)) AND IsNull(v2)) then writeErrorToLog err, "Value is incorrect as one is null " elseif IsNull(v1) AND IsNull(v2) then writeToLog "Value is correct", 2 else l1 = LBound(v1) l2 = LBound(v2) u1 = UBound(v1) u2 = UBound(v2)
if l1 <> l2 OR u1 <> u2 then writeErrorToLog err, "Value is incorrect " & l1 & " " & l2 & " " & u1 & " " & u2 else Dim i match = true
for i = l1 to u1 if IsObject(v1(i)) then if Not(v1(i).compareto_ (v2(i))) then match = false exit for end if else if v1(i) <> v2(i) then match = false exit for end if end if next if match then writeToLog "Value is correct", 2 else writeErrorToLog err, "Value is incorrect on index " & i end if end if end if
end function
'******************************************* ' Private methods '*******************************************
Sub EnsureLogFileCreated on error resume next
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if appendLog then mode = 8 else mode = 2 end if
set file = fso.OpenTextFile (logFile, mode, true) End Sub
]]> </script>