// Copyright � Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// FRQueryEx.cpp
// Purpose: Extended query support functions
#include "precomp.h"
#include <smartptr.h>
#include <analyser.h>
#include <FRQueryEx.h>
#include <assertbreak.h>
#include <utils.h>
#include "multiplat.h"
CFrameworkQueryEx::CFrameworkQueryEx() { }
CFrameworkQueryEx::~CFrameworkQueryEx() { }
// See comments in header
BOOL CFrameworkQueryEx::Is3TokenOR(LPCWSTR wszProp1, LPCWSTR wszProp2, VARIANT &vVar1, VARIANT &vVar2) { BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ((m_pLevel1RPNExpression != NULL) && (m_pLevel1RPNExpression->nNumTokens == 3) &&
(m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[2].nTokenType == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::TOKEN_OR) &&
(m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[0].nTokenType == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EXPRESSION) && (m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[1].nTokenType == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EXPRESSION) &&
(m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[0].nOperator == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUAL) && (m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[1].nOperator == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUAL)
{ if ( (_wcsicmp(m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[0].pPropertyName, wszProp1) == 0) && (_wcsicmp(m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[1].pPropertyName, wszProp2) == 0)) { VariantClear(&vVar1); VariantClear(&vVar2);
if (FAILED(VariantCopy(&vVar1, &m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[0].vConstValue)) || FAILED(VariantCopy(&vVar2, &m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[1].vConstValue)) ) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
bRet = TRUE; } else if ( (_wcsicmp(m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[0].pPropertyName, wszProp2) == 0) && (_wcsicmp(m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[1].pPropertyName, wszProp1) == 0)) { VariantClear(&vVar1); VariantClear(&vVar2);
if (FAILED(VariantCopy(&vVar1, &m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[1].vConstValue)) || FAILED(VariantCopy(&vVar2, &m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[0].vConstValue)) ) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
bRet = TRUE; } }
return bRet;
// See comments in header
BOOL CFrameworkQueryEx::IsNTokenAnd(CHStringArray &sarr, CHPtrArray &sPtrArr) { BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if (m_pLevel1RPNExpression != NULL) { // Walk all the tokens
for (DWORD x = 0; x < m_pLevel1RPNExpression->nNumTokens; x++) { // If this is an expression token, and the expression is of type '='
if ((m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[x].nTokenType == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EXPRESSION) && (m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[x].nOperator == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUAL)) { // convert the property name to upper case. This facilitates checking
// to see if it is already in the list.
// Check to see if we have already seen this property.
if (IsInList(sarr, m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[x].pPropertyName) == -1) { // Add the name to the list
// Create a new variant for the value and add it to the list
LPVOID pValue = new variant_t(m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[x].vConstValue);
try { sPtrArr.Add(pValue); } catch ( ... ) { delete pValue; sarr.RemoveAll();
DWORD dwSize = sPtrArr.GetSize();
for (x = 0; x < dwSize; x++) { delete sPtrArr[x]; } sPtrArr.RemoveAll();
throw ; } bRet = TRUE; } else { // Already in list
bRet = FALSE; break; }
// It wasn't an expression token, if it's not AND, we've failed.
else if (m_pLevel1RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens[x].nTokenType != SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::TOKEN_AND) { bRet = FALSE; break; }
// If this didn't work, let's clean the CHPtrArray and CHStringArray
if (!bRet) { sarr.RemoveAll(); DWORD dwSize = sPtrArr.GetSize();
for (x = 0; x < dwSize; x++) { delete sPtrArr[x]; } sPtrArr.RemoveAll(); } }
return bRet; }
// see comments in header
HRESULT CFrameworkQueryEx::GetValuesForProp(LPCWSTR wszPropName, std::vector<int>& vectorValues) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (m_pLevel1RPNExpression != NULL) { hr = CQueryAnalyser::GetValuesForProp(m_pLevel1RPNExpression, wszPropName, vectorValues);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Remove duplicates
for (int x = 1; x < vectorValues.size(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < x; y++) { if (vectorValues[y] == vectorValues[x]) { vectorValues.erase(vectorValues.begin() + x); x--; } } } } else { vectorValues.clear();
vectorValues.clear(); hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; }
return hr; }
// see comments in header
HRESULT CFrameworkQueryEx::GetValuesForProp(LPCWSTR wszPropName, std::vector<_variant_t>& vectorValues) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (wszPropName && (m_pLevel1RPNExpression != NULL)) { hr = CQueryAnalyser::GetValuesForProp(m_pLevel1RPNExpression, wszPropName, vectorValues);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // If this is a reference property, we need to normalize the names to a common form
// so the removal of duplicates works correctly.
if (IsReference(wszPropName)) { // Get the current computer name
CHString sOutPath, sComputerName; DWORD dwBufferLength = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1;
FRGetComputerName(sComputerName.GetBuffer( dwBufferLength ), &dwBufferLength); sComputerName.ReleaseBuffer();
if (sComputerName.IsEmpty()) { sComputerName = L"DEFAULT"; }
DWORD dwRet = e_OK;
// Normalize the path names. Try leaving the property names alone
for (int x = 0; x < vectorValues.size(); x++) { // If we failed to parse the path, or if the namespace isn't our namespace, delete
// the entry.
if ( (V_VT(&vectorValues[x]) == VT_BSTR) && (dwRet = NormalizePath(V_BSTR(&vectorValues[x]), sComputerName, GetNamespace(), 0, sOutPath)) == e_OK) { vectorValues[x] = sOutPath; } else if (dwRet == e_NullName) { break; } else { vectorValues.erase(vectorValues.begin() + x); x--; } }
// If the key property names of any of the values were null, we have to set them all
// to null.
if (dwRet == e_NullName) { for (int x = 0; x < vectorValues.size(); x++) { // If we failed to parse the path, or if the namespace isn't our namespace, delete
// the entry.
if ( (V_VT(&vectorValues[x]) == VT_BSTR) && (dwRet = NormalizePath(V_BSTR(&vectorValues[x]), sComputerName, GetNamespace(), NORMALIZE_NULL, sOutPath)) == e_OK) { vectorValues[x] = sOutPath; } else { vectorValues.erase(vectorValues.begin() + x); x--; } } } }
// Remove duplicates
for (int x = 1; x < vectorValues.size(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < x; y++) { if (vectorValues[y] == vectorValues[x]) { vectorValues.erase(vectorValues.begin() + x); x--; } } } } else { vectorValues.clear();
vectorValues.clear(); hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; }
return hr; }
// See comments in header
void CFrameworkQueryEx::GetPropertyBitMask(const CHPtrArray &Properties, LPVOID pBits) { if (AllPropertiesAreRequired()) { SetAllBits(pBits, Properties.GetSize()); } else { ZeroAllBits(pBits, Properties.GetSize()); CHString sProperty;
for (DWORD x=0; x < Properties.GetSize(); x++) { sProperty = (WCHAR *)Properties[x]; sProperty.MakeUpper();
if (IsInList(m_csaPropertiesRequired, sProperty) != -1) { SetBit(pBits, x); } } } }
HRESULT CFrameworkQueryEx::InitEx(
const BSTR bstrQueryFormat, const BSTR bstrQuery, long lFlags, CHString &sNamespace ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
// parse the query using the parsing interface
IWbemQueryPtr pQueryInterface(CLSID_WbemQuery);
hr = pQueryInterface->Parse(bstrQueryFormat, bstrQuery, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONG uFeatureCount = WMIQ_LF_LAST; ULONG uFeatures[WMIQ_LF_LAST];
hr = pQueryInterface->TestLanguageFeatures(0, &uFeatureCount, uFeatures);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (uFeatures[0] == WMIQ_LF1_BASIC_SELECT) { // if this is a nova compatible select statement
hr = Init(bstrQueryFormat, bstrQuery, lFlags, sNamespace); } else if (uFeatures[0] == WMIQ_LF18_ASSOCIATONS) // add others?
{ // Save the detailed query
m_sQueryEx = bstrQuery;
// create select statement from class name
SWbemAssocQueryInf aqfBuff; hr = pQueryInterface->GetQueryInfo(WMIQ_ANALYSIS_ASSOC_QUERY, WMIQ_ASSOCQ_ASSOCIATORS, sizeof(aqfBuff), &aqfBuff);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CHString sQuery;
// I don't know how to tell if this is an associators or a reference
if (true) { sQuery.Format(L"Select * from %s", aqfBuff.m_pszAssocClass); }
// Store the more basic query
hr = Init(bstrQueryFormat, bstrQuery, lFlags, sNamespace); } } else { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY; } } }
return hr; }
bool CFrameworkQueryEx::IsExtended() { return !m_sQueryEx.IsEmpty(); }