// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#ifdef EXT_DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#include "ConnectThread.h"
#include <process.h>
#include "..\common\T_DataExtractor.h"
#include <cominit.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "util.h"
CLIPFORMAT WbemConnectThread::MACHINE_NAME_1 = 0;
WbemConnectThread::WbemConnectThread() { m_cRef = 1; m_hr = 0; m_status = notStarted; MACHINE_NAME_1 = (CLIPFORMAT) RegisterClipboardFormat(_T("MMC_SNAPIN_MACHINE_NAME")); m_machineName = L"AGAINWITHTEKLINGONS"; m_credentials = 0; m_doWork = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); m_threadCmd = false; m_hThread = 0; }
WbemConnectThread::~WbemConnectThread() { m_hr = 0; m_status = notStarted; m_notify.RemoveAll(); if(m_hThread) { //TODO: If the thread is running we will have to terminate it.
m_threadCmd = CT_EXIT; SetEvent(m_doWork); WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)m_hThread, 5000); }
if(m_doWork) { CloseHandle(m_doWork); m_doWork = 0; }
if (m_credentials) { WbemFreeAuthIdentity(m_credentials->authIdent); m_credentials->authIdent = 0; }; }
typedef struct { wchar_t t[MAXCOMPUTER_NAME + 1]; } test;
//TODO: I don't know what this function does. But will try to find out
void WbemConnectThread::MachineName(IDataObject *_pDataObject, bstr_t *name) { HGLOBAL hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_SHARE,sizeof(test)); wchar_t *pRet = NULL; HRESULT hr = 0;
if(hMem != NULL) { STGMEDIUM stgmedium = { TYMED_HGLOBAL, (HBITMAP) hMem};
if((hr = _pDataObject->GetDataHere(&formatetc, &stgmedium)) == S_OK ) { *name = bstr_t((wchar_t *)hMem); }
GlobalFree(hMem); } }
HRESULT WbemConnectThread::EnsureThread(void) { HRESULT retval = S_OK;
if(m_hThread == 0) { // let the thread do the connect. The CWbemService class will
// handle marshalling as its used by other threads.
if((m_hThread = _beginthread(WbemConnectThreadProc, 0, (LPVOID)this)) == -1) { m_status = threadError; retval = E_FAIL; } } return retval; }
HRESULT WbemConnectThread::Connect(bstr_t machineName, bstr_t ns, bool threaded /* = true */, LOGIN_CREDENTIALS *credentials /* = NULL */) { m_nameSpace = ns;
if((m_credentials != credentials) && m_credentials && m_credentials->authIdent) { WbemFreeAuthIdentity(m_credentials->authIdent); m_credentials->authIdent = 0; }
if(machineName.length() > 0) { m_credentials = credentials; } else { m_credentials = 0; }
m_hr = 0;
if(credentials) { m_machineName = _T("AGAINWITHTEKLINGONS"); // force a reconnect to
// the same machine.
// put the name together.
bstr_t newMachine;
// disconnect from the old machine.
DisconnectServer(); m_machineName = machineName; int x;
// if machine is whacked already...
if(_tcsncmp(m_machineName, _T("\\"), 1) == 0) { // use it.
m_nameSpace = m_machineName;
if(((TCHAR*)ns != NULL) && (_tcslen(ns) > 0)) { if(((LPCTSTR)ns)[0] != _T('\\')) // namespace is whacked.
{ m_nameSpace += _T("\\"); } } m_nameSpace += ns; } else if(((x = m_machineName.length()) > 0)) { // whack it myself.
m_nameSpace = "\\\\"; m_nameSpace += m_machineName;
if(((LPCTSTR)ns)[0] != _T('\\')) // namespace is whacked.
{ m_nameSpace += _T("\\"); } m_nameSpace += ns; } else { m_nameSpace = ns; }
EnsureThread(); m_threadCmd = CT_CONNECT; SetEvent(m_doWork);
return E_FAIL; }
bool WbemConnectThread::Connect(IDataObject *_pDataObject, HWND *hWnd /* = 0 */) { m_nameSpace = "root\\cimv2";
// put the name together.
bstr_t newMachine;
MachineName(_pDataObject, &newMachine);
if(!newMachine) return false;
// if reconnecting to another machine...
if(newMachine != m_machineName) { // disconnect from the old machine.
DisconnectServer(); m_machineName = newMachine;
int x; // if its whacked already...
if(_tcsncmp((LPCTSTR)m_machineName, _T("\\"), 1) == 0) { // use it.
m_nameSpace = m_machineName; m_nameSpace += "\\root\\cimv2"; } else if(((x = m_machineName.length()) > 0)) { // whack it myself.
m_nameSpace = "\\\\"; m_nameSpace += m_machineName; m_nameSpace += "\\root\\cimv2"; }
EnsureThread(); m_threadCmd = CT_CONNECT; NotifyWhenDone(hWnd); SetEvent(m_doWork); return true; //TODO: check this return value
} else { // reconnecting to the same machine-- lie!!
return true; } return false; }
// Returns true if a msg will be sent.
// Returns false if its already over.
bool WbemConnectThread::NotifyWhenDone(HWND *dlg) { switch(m_status) { case notStarted: case locating: case connecting: m_notify.Add(dlg); return true; case ready: case error: case cancelled: return false; }; // endswitch
return false; }
bool WbemConnectThread::isLocalConnection(void) { return (m_machineName.length() == 0); }
void WbemConnectThread::Cancel(void) { m_status = cancelled; m_hr = WBEM_S_OPERATION_CANCELLED; Notify(0); m_machineName = L"AGAINWITHTEKLINGONS"; }
void WbemConnectThread::DisconnectServer(void) { m_status = notStarted; m_notify.RemoveAll(); m_machineName = L"AGAINWITHTEKLINGONS";
m_WbemServices.DisconnectServer(); }
void WbemConnectThread::Notify(IStream *stream) { HWND *hwnd; for(int i = 0; i < m_notify.GetSize(); i++) { hwnd = m_notify[i]; if(hwnd && *hwnd) { PostMessage(*hwnd, WM_ASYNC_CIMOM_CONNECTED, 0, (LPARAM)stream); } } m_notify.RemoveAll(); }
void WbemConnectThread::SendPtr(HWND hwnd) { EnsureThread(); m_hWndGetPtr = hwnd; m_threadCmd = CT_SEND_PTR; SetEvent(m_doWork); }
HRESULT WbemConnectThread::ConnectNow() { HRESULT retval = E_FAIL;
m_status = connecting;
try { m_hr = m_WbemServices.ConnectServer(m_nameSpace, m_credentials); } catch(CWbemException &e) { m_status = error; m_hr = e.GetErrorCode(); }
if(SUCCEEDED(m_hr)) { m_status = ready; retval = S_OK; } else { m_status = error; }
return retval; }
void __cdecl WbemConnectThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter) { WbemConnectThread *pThreadObj = (WbemConnectThread *)lpParameter;
pThreadObj->AddRef(); IStream *pStream = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT retval = E_FAIL; CWbemServices pServices;
MSG msg;
while(true) { DWORD res = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (1,&pThreadObj->m_doWork, FALSE, -1, QS_ALLINPUT); if (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } continue; }
switch(pThreadObj->m_threadCmd) { case CT_CONNECT: { pStream = 0;
/****************** VINOTH **************************************/ retval = E_FAIL; pThreadObj->m_status = WbemConnectThread::connecting;
try { pThreadObj->m_hr = pServices.ConnectServer(pThreadObj->m_nameSpace, pThreadObj->m_credentials); } catch(CWbemException &e) { pThreadObj->m_status = WbemConnectThread::error; pThreadObj->m_hr = e.GetErrorCode(); }
if(SUCCEEDED(pThreadObj->m_hr)) { pThreadObj->m_status = WbemConnectThread::ready; retval = S_OK; } else { pThreadObj->m_status = WbemConnectThread::error; }
/****************** END *****************************************/ if(SUCCEEDED(retval)) { IWbemServices *service = 0; pServices.GetServices(&service); hr = CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(IID_IWbemServices, service, &pStream); service->Release(); } // does someone want a msg?
pThreadObj->Notify(pStream); break; } case CT_SEND_PTR: if((bool)pServices) { IWbemServices *service = 0; pServices.GetServices(&service);
hr = CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(IID_IWbemServices, service, &pStream); PostMessage(pThreadObj->m_hWndGetPtr, WM_ASYNC_CIMOM_CONNECTED, 0, (LPARAM)pStream); service->Release(); } break; case CT_EXIT: { break; } }
if(pThreadObj->m_threadCmd == CT_EXIT) { pServices = (IWbemServices *)NULL; break; } }
pServices = (IUnknown *)NULL;
pThreadObj->Release(); CoUninitialize(); }