Copyright information : Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation File Name : CommandSwitches.cpp Project Name : WMI Command Line Author Name : Ch. Sriramachandramurthy Date of Creation (dd/mm/yy) : 27th-September-2000 Version Number : 1.0 Brief Description : This class encapsulates the functionality needed for accessing and storing the command switches information, which will be used by Parsing, Execution and Format Engines depending upon the applicability. Revision History : Last Modified By : Ch. Sriramachandramurthy Last Modified Date : 20th-March-2001 ****************************************************************************/ #include "Precomp.h"
#include "CommandSwitches.h"
Name :CCommandSwitches Synopsis :This function initializes the member variables when an object of the class type is instantiated Type :Constructor Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :None Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :None Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCommandSwitches::CCommandSwitches() { m_pszCommandInput = NULL; m_pszAliasName = NULL; m_pszAliasDesc = NULL; m_pszClassPath = NULL; m_pszPathExpr = NULL; m_pszWhereExpr = NULL; m_pszVerb = NULL; m_pszMethodName = NULL; m_pszAliasTarget = NULL; m_bstrXML = NULL; m_hResult = S_OK; m_bSuccess = TRUE; m_ulInterval = 0; m_pszTransTableName = NULL; m_nInteractiveMode = DEFAULTMODE; m_pComError = NULL; m_pszListFormat = NULL; m_pszPWhereExpr = NULL; m_uInformationCode = 0; m_pIMethOutParam = NULL; m_pszUser = NULL; m_pszPassword = NULL; m_pszNamespace = NULL; m_pszNode = NULL; m_pszLocale = NULL; m_pszAuthority = NULL; m_pszVerbDerivation = NULL; m_vtVerbType = NONALIAS; m_bCredFlag = FALSE; m_bExplicitWhereExpr = FALSE; m_uErrataCode = 0; m_bTranslateFirst = TRUE; m_pszResultClassName = NULL; m_pszResultRoleName = NULL; m_pszAssocClassName = NULL; m_ulRepeatCount = 0; m_bMethAvail = FALSE; m_bWritePropsAvail = FALSE; m_bLISTFrmsAvail = FALSE; m_bNamedParamList = FALSE; m_bEverySwitch = FALSE; m_bOutputSwitch = FALSE; m_bstrFormedQuery = NULL; m_bSysProp = FALSE; ClearXSLTDetailsVector(); }
Name :~CCommandSwitches Synopsis :This function Uninitializes the member variables when an object of the class type is destructed. Type :Destructor Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :None Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :None Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCommandSwitches::~CCommandSwitches() { Uninitialize(); }
Name :SetCommandInput Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_psz CommandInput Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszCommandinput -String type, Contains the command string Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetCommandInput (pszCommandInput) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetCommandInput(const _TCHAR* pszCommandInput) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszCommandInput); if (pszCommandInput) { m_pszCommandInput = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszCommandInput)+1]; if(m_pszCommandInput) lstrcpy(m_pszCommandInput, pszCommandInput); else bResult=FALSE; } return bResult; };
Name :SetAliasName Synopsis :This function assigns the parameters passed to m_pszAliasName. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszAliasName -String type,Contains the alias name Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAliasName(pszAliasName) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAliasName(const _TCHAR* pszAliasName) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszAliasName); if (pszAliasName) { m_pszAliasName = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszAliasName)+1]; if(m_pszAliasName) lstrcpy(m_pszAliasName, pszAliasName); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; };
Name :SetAliasDesc Synopsis :This function sets the alias description Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszAliasName -String type,Contains the alias description Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAliasDesc(pszAliasDesc) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAliasDesc(const _TCHAR* pszAliasDesc) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszAliasDesc); if (pszAliasDesc) { m_pszAliasDesc = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszAliasDesc)+1]; if(m_pszAliasDesc) lstrcpy(m_pszAliasDesc, pszAliasDesc); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; };
Name :SetClassPath Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszClassPath. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszClassPath -String type,Contains the class path in the command. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetClassPath(pszClassPath) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetClassPath(const _TCHAR* pszClassPath) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszClassPath); if (pszClassPath) { m_pszClassPath = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszClassPath)+1]; if(m_pszClassPath) lstrcpy(m_pszClassPath, pszClassPath); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult;
Name :SetPathExpression Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_psz PathExpr. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszPathExpr -String type, Contains the path value in the command. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetPathExpression(pszPathExpr) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetPathExpression(const _TCHAR* pszPathExpr) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszPathExpr); if (pszPathExpr) { m_pszPathExpr = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszPathExpr)+1]; if(m_pszPathExpr) lstrcpy(m_pszPathExpr, pszPathExpr); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult;
Name :SetWhereExpression Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszWhereExpr. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszWhereExpr -String type,Contains the where value in the command. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetWhereExpression(pszWhereExpr) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetWhereExpression(const _TCHAR* pszWhereExpr) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszWhereExpr); if (pszWhereExpr) { m_pszWhereExpr = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszWhereExpr)+1]; if(m_pszWhereExpr) lstrcpy(m_pszWhereExpr, pszWhereExpr); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetMethodName Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszMethodName. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszMethodName -String type,Contains the method specified for the class Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetMethodName(pszMethodName) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetMethodName(const _TCHAR* pszMethodName) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszMethodName); if (pszMethodName) { m_pszMethodName = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszMethodName)+1]; if(m_pszMethodName) lstrcpy(m_pszMethodName, pszMethodName); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :AddToXSLTDetailsVector Synopsis :This function adds a XSLTDET structure to m_xdvXSLTDetVec vector. Type :Member Function Input parameter : xdXSLTDet - XSLTDET type specifies the details of XSL transform. Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToXSLTDetailsVector(xdXSLTDet) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::AddToXSLTDetailsVector(XSLTDET xdXSLTDet) { try { CHString sTemp(LPWSTR(xdXSLTDet.FileName)); CHString sLastFour = sTemp.Right(4); CHString sXslExt(_T(".xsl"));
WMICLIINT nPos = sLastFour.CompareNoCase(sXslExt); if (nPos != 0) { xdXSLTDet.FileName += _T(".xsl"); } } catch(CHeap_Exception) { throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; } catch(...) { _com_issue_error(WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } m_xdvXSLTDetVec.push_back(xdXSLTDet); }
Name :SetVerbName Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszVerbName. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszVerbName -String type,Contains the Verbname in the command Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetVerbName( pszVerbName) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetVerbName(const _TCHAR* pszVerbName) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszVerb); if (pszVerbName) { m_pszVerb = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszVerbName)+1]; if(m_pszVerb) lstrcpy(m_pszVerb, pszVerbName); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; };
Name :SetAliasTarget Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszAliasTarget. Type :Member Function Input parameters : pszAliasTarget -String type,the namespace where alias to operate against are available. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAliasTarget(pszAliasTarget) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAliasTarget(const _TCHAR* pszAliasTarget) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszAliasTarget); if (pszAliasTarget) { m_pszAliasTarget = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszAliasTarget)+1]; if(m_pszAliasTarget) lstrcpy(m_pszAliasTarget, pszAliasTarget); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :AddToPropertyList Synopsis :This function Adds string that is passed through parameter to m_cvproperties, which is a data member of type BSTRMAP. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszProperty -String type,Used for storing properties associated with an alias object. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToPropertyList(pszProperty) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::AddToPropertyList(_TCHAR* const pszProperty) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if (pszProperty) { try { _TCHAR* pszTemp = NULL; pszTemp = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszProperty)+1]; if ( pszTemp != NULL ) { lstrcpy(pszTemp, pszProperty); m_cvProperties.push_back(pszTemp); } else bRet = FALSE; } catch(...) { bRet = FALSE; } } return bRet; }
Name :AddToPWhereParamsList Synopsis :This function Stores the parameter passed into m_cvPWhereParams map array. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszParameter -string type, Used to store parameters associated with the verbs Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToPWhereParamsList(pszParameter) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::AddToPWhereParamsList(_TCHAR* const pszParameter) { BOOL bRet= TRUE; if (pszParameter) { try { _TCHAR* pszTemp = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszParameter)+1]; if ( pszTemp != NULL ) { lstrcpy(pszTemp, pszParameter); m_cvPWhereParams.push_back(pszTemp); } else bRet = FALSE; } catch(...) { bRet = FALSE; } } return bRet; }
Name :AddToParameterMap Synopsis :This function Adds bstrKey and bstrValue passed as parameters to m_bmParameters, which is type of BSTRMAP data structure. Type :Member Function Input parameter : bstrKey -bstr type contains a key value used in MAP file bstrValue -bstr type contains a value associated with the key Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToParameterMap(bstrKey,bstrValue) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::AddToParameterMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, _bstr_t bstrValue) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; try { m_bmParameters.insert(BSTRMAP::value_type(bstrKey, bstrValue)); } catch(...) { bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :AddToAliasFormatDetMap Synopsis :This function Adds bstrKey and bstrValue passed as parameters to m_bmAliasForamt, which is type of BSTRMAP data structure. Type :Member Function Input parameter : bstrKey -bstr type contains a key value used in MAP file bstrValue -bstr type contains a value associated with the key Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToAliasFormatDetMap(bstrKey,bvProps) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::AddToAliasFormatDetMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, BSTRVECTOR bvProps) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; try { m_afdAlsFmtDet.insert(ALSFMTDETMAP::value_type(bstrKey, bvProps)); } catch(...) { bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :UpdateParameterValue Synopsis :This function Updates bstrKey and bstrValue passed as parameters to m_bmParameters, which is type of BSTRMAP data structure. Type :Member Function Input parameter : bstrKey -bstr type contains a key value used in MAP file bstrValue -bstr type contains a value associated with the key Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :UpdateParameterValue(bstrKey,bstrValue) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::UpdateParameterValue(_bstr_t bstrKey, _bstr_t bstrValue) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; try { m_bmParameters[bstrKey] = bstrValue; } catch(...) { bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :AddToAlsFrnNmsOrTrnsTblMap Synopsis :This function Adds bstrKey and bstrValue passed as parameters to m_bmAlsFrnNmsDesOrTrnsTblEntrs, which is type of BSTRMAP. Type :Member Function Input parameter : bstrKey -bstr type contains a key value used in MAP file bstrValue -bstr type contains a value associated with the key Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToAlsFrnNmsOrTrnsTblMap(bstrKey,bstrValue) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::AddToAlsFrnNmsOrTrnsTblMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, _bstr_t bstrValue) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; try { m_bmAlsFrnNmsDesOrTrnsTblEntrs. insert(BSTRMAP::value_type(bstrKey, bstrValue)); } catch(...) { bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :AddToMethDetMap Synopsis :This function Adds bstrKey and mdMethDet passed as parameters to m_mdmMethDet, which is type of METHDETMAP. Type :Member Function Input parameter : bstrKey -bstr type contains a key value used in MAP file mdMethDet -METTHODDETAILS type contains the method attributes. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToMethDetMap(bstrKey,mdMethDet) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::AddToMethDetMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, METHODDETAILS mdMethDet) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; try { m_mdmMethDet.insert(METHDETMAP::value_type(bstrKey, mdMethDet)); } catch(...) { bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :AddToPropDetMap Synopsis :This function Adds bstrKey and pdPropDet passed as parameters to m_pdmPropDet, which is type of PROPDETMAP. Type :Member Function Input parameter : bstrKey - bstr type contains a key value used in MAP file pdPropDet - PROPERTYDETAILS type contains a value associated with the key Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToPropDetMap(bstrKey,pdPropDet) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::AddToPropDetMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, PROPERTYDETAILS pdPropDet) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; try { m_pdmPropDet.insert(PROPDETMAP::value_type(bstrKey, pdPropDet)); } catch(...) { bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetXMLResultSet Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_bstrXML. Type :Member Function Input parameter : bstrXMLResultSet -BSTR type,XML file name containing result set. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetXMLResultSet(bstrXMLResultSet) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetXMLResultSet(const BSTR bstrXMLResultSet) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEBSTRFREE(m_bstrXML); if (bstrXMLResultSet != NULL) { try { m_bstrXML = SysAllocString(bstrXMLResultSet);
if (m_bstrXML == NULL) throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } catch(CHeap_Exception) { bResult = FALSE; } } return bResult; }
Name :SetSuccessFlag Synopsis :This function Assigns the Boolean variable to m_bSuccess. Type :Member Function Input parameter : bSuccess -Boolean type,Specifies whether success or failure Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetSuccessFlag(bSuccess) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetSuccessFlag(BOOL bSuccess) { m_bSuccess = bSuccess; }
Name :SetRetrievalInterval Synopsis :This function Assigns the integer value to m_nInterval. Type :Member Function Input parameter : ulInterval - unsigned long type,Specifies the time interval given by the EVERY switch in GET verb. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetRetrievalInterval(lInterval) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetRetrievalInterval(const ULONG ulInterval) { m_ulInterval = ulInterval;
// Reset the repeat count
m_ulRepeatCount = 0; return TRUE; }
Name :SetTranslateTableName Synopsis :This function Assigns the string variable to m_pszTransTableName. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszTransTableName - String type,Specifies the occurrence of TRANSLATE switch and TABLE Name in the command for GET verb. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetTranslateTableName(pszTranstableName) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetTranslateTableName(const _TCHAR* pszTransTableName) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszTransTableName); if (pszTransTableName) { m_pszTransTableName = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszTransTableName)+1]; if(m_pszTransTableName) lstrcpy(m_pszTransTableName,pszTransTableName); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetListFormat Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter value to m_pszListFormat. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszListFormat -LISTFORMAT type, Specifies the list format specified in the command. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetListFormat(pszListFormat) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetListFormat(const _TCHAR *pszListFormat) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszListFormat); if (pszListFormat) { m_pszListFormat = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszListFormat)+1]; if(m_pszListFormat) lstrcpy(m_pszListFormat,pszListFormat); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetInteractiveMode Synopsis :This function sets the verb execution interactive mode Type :Member Function Input parameter : bInteractiveMode -integer, sets or resets the verb execution interactive mode Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetInteractiveMode(nInteractiveMode) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetInteractiveMode(WMICLIINT nInteractiveMode) { m_nInteractiveMode = nInteractiveMode; }
Name :SetErrataCode Synopsis :This function sets the error code. Type :Member Function Input parameter : uErrataCode -Unsignedinttype, specifies the error code. Output parameters :None Return Type :None Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetErrataCode(uErrataCode) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetErrataCode(const UINT uErrataCode) { m_uErrataCode = uErrataCode; }
Name :SetRepeatCount Synopsis :This function sets the repeat count. Type :Member Function Input parameter : uRepCount - Unsigned inttype, specifies the repeat count. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetRepeatCount(uRepCount) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetRepeatCount(const ULONG ulRepCount) { m_ulRepeatCount = ulRepCount; return TRUE; }
Name :SetInformationCode Synopsis :This function sets the message code. Type :Member Function Input parameter : uInformationCode -Unsignedinttype, specifies the information code. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetInformationCode(uInformationCode) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetInformationCode(const UINT uInformationCode) { m_uInformationCode = uInformationCode; }
Name :SetPWhereExpr Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszPWhereExpr that represents Alias's PWhere string Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszPWhereExpr -String type,Contains the PWhere expr. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetPWhereExpr(pszPWhereExpr) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetPWhereExpr(const _TCHAR* pszPWhereExpr) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszPWhereExpr); if (pszPWhereExpr) { m_pszPWhereExpr = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszPWhereExpr)+1]; if(m_pszPWhereExpr) lstrcpy(m_pszPWhereExpr, pszPWhereExpr); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetCOMError Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_pComError that consist of error info Type :Member Function Input parameter : rComError -object of _com_error which consist of error info Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetCOMError(rComError) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetCOMError(_com_error& rComError) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; FreeCOMError(); m_pComError = new _com_error(rComError);
// memory allocation failed.
if (m_pComError == NULL) _com_issue_error(WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
Name :SetAliasUser Synopsis :This function sets the alias user Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszUser - user name. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAliasUser() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAliasUser(const _TCHAR* pszUser) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszUser); if (pszUser) { m_pszUser = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszUser)+1]; if(m_pszUser) lstrcpy(m_pszUser, pszUser); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetAliasAuthorityPrinciple Synopsis :This function sets the alias authority Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszAuthority - authority type associated with alias connection info. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAliasAuthorityPrinciple() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAliasAuthorityPrinciple(const _TCHAR* pszAuthority) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszAuthority); if (pszAuthority) { m_pszAuthority = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszAuthority)+1]; if(m_pszAuthority) lstrcpy(m_pszAuthority, pszAuthority); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetAliasNode Synopsis :This function sets the alias node Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszNode - node name. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAliasNode() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAliasNode(const _TCHAR* pszNode) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszNode); if (pszNode) { m_pszNode = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszNode)+1]; if(m_pszNode) lstrcpy(m_pszNode, pszNode); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetAliasPassword Synopsis :This function sets the alias password Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszPassword - password Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAliasPassword() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAliasPassword(const _TCHAR* pszPassword) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszPassword); if (pszPassword) { m_pszPassword = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszPassword)+1]; if(m_pszPassword) lstrcpy(m_pszPassword, pszPassword); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetAliasLocale Synopsis :This function sets the alias locale Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszLocale - locale value Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAliasLocale() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAliasLocale(const _TCHAR* pszLocale) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszLocale); if (pszLocale) { m_pszLocale = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszLocale)+1]; if(m_pszLocale) lstrcpy(m_pszLocale, pszLocale); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetAliasNamespace Synopsis :This function sets the alias namespace Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszNamespace - namespace Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAliasNamespace() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAliasNamespace(const _TCHAR* pszNamespace) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszNamespace); if (pszNamespace) { m_pszNamespace = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszNamespace)+1]; if(m_pszNamespace) lstrcpy(m_pszNamespace, pszNamespace); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetMethExecOutParam Synopsis :This function sets the parameter m_pIMethExecOutParam. Type :Member Function Input parameter : IWbemClassObject*-pIMethOutputParam Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetMethExecOutParam(pIMethOutParam) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetMethExecOutParam(IWbemClassObject* pIMethOutParam) { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; SAFEIRELEASE(m_pIMethOutParam); if (pIMethOutParam) { try { m_pIMethOutParam = pIMethOutParam; m_pIMethOutParam->AddRef(); } catch(...) { bSuccess = FALSE; } } return bSuccess; }
Name :SetVerbType Synopsis :This function sets the parameter m_vtVerbType. Type :Member Function Input parameter : vtVerbType - vtVerbType Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetVerbType(vtVerbType) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetVerbType(VERBTYPE vtVerbType) { m_vtVerbType = vtVerbType; }
Name :SetVerbDerivation Synopsis :This function sets the verb derivation Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszVerbDerivation - Derivation associated with the verb. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :CCmdAlias::ObtainAliasVerbDetails() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetVerbDerivation(const _TCHAR* pszVerbDerivation) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszVerbDerivation); if (pszVerbDerivation) { m_pszVerbDerivation = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszVerbDerivation)+1]; if(m_pszVerbDerivation) lstrcpy(m_pszVerbDerivation, pszVerbDerivation); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :GetCommandInput Synopsis :This function Returns the command input held by the Command Switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetCommandInput() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetCommandInput() { return m_pszCommandInput; }
Name :GetAliasName() Synopsis :This function Returns the alias name held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasName() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAliasName() { return m_pszAliasName; }
Name :GetAliasDesc() Synopsis :This function Returns the alias description Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasDesc() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAliasDesc() { return m_pszAliasDesc; }
Name :GetClassPath Synopsis :This function Returns the class path held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetClassPath() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetClassPath() { return m_pszClassPath; }
Name :GetPathExpression Synopsis :This function Returns the path expression held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetPathExpression() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetPathExpression() { return m_pszPathExpr; }
Name :GetWhereExpression Synopsis :This function Returns the where expression held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetWhereExpression() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetWhereExpression() { return m_pszWhereExpr; }
Name :GetMethodName() Synopsis :This function Returns the method name held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetMethodName() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetMethodName() { return m_pszMethodName; }
Name :GetXSLTDetailsVector Synopsis :This function Returns the XSLTDETVECTOR held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :XSLTDETVECTOR Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetXSLTDetailsVector() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ XSLTDETVECTOR& CCommandSwitches::GetXSLTDetailsVector() { return m_xdvXSLTDetVec; }
Name :GetVerbName Synopsis :This function Returns the verb name held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetVerbName() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetVerbName() { return m_pszVerb; }
Name :GetAliasTarget Synopsis :This function Returns the alias target held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasTarget() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAliasTarget() { return m_pszAliasTarget; }
Name :GetXMLResultSet Synopsis :This function Returns the XML result set held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BSTR Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetXMLResultSet() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BSTR CCommandSwitches::GetXMLResultSet() { return m_bstrXML; }
Name :GetPropertyList Synopsis :This function Returns the property held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :CHARVECTOR& Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetPropertyList() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHARVECTOR& CCommandSwitches::GetPropertyList() { return m_cvProperties; }
Name :GetPWhereParamsList Synopsis :This function Returns the PWhereParameters list held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :CHARVECTOR& Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetPWhereParamsList() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHARVECTOR& CCommandSwitches::GetPWhereParamsList() { return m_cvPWhereParams; }
Name :GetAlsFrnNmsOrTrnsTblMap Synopsis :This function Returns the alias friendly names map held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BSTRMAP& Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAlsFrnNmsOrTrnsTblMap() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BSTRMAP& CCommandSwitches::GetAlsFrnNmsOrTrnsTblMap() { return m_bmAlsFrnNmsDesOrTrnsTblEntrs; }
Name :GetMethDetMap Synopsis :This function Returns the method or verb details map held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :METHDETMAP& Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetMethDetMap() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ METHDETMAP& CCommandSwitches::GetMethDetMap() { return m_mdmMethDet; }
Name :GetPropDetMap Synopsis :This function Returns the prop details map held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :PROPDETMAP& Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetPropDetMap() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROPDETMAP& CCommandSwitches::GetPropDetMap() { return m_pdmPropDet; }
Name :GetParameterMap Synopsis :This function Returns the parameter map containing both key and value held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BSTRMAP& Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetParameterMap() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BSTRMAP& CCommandSwitches::GetParameterMap() { return m_bmParameters; }
Name :GetAliasFormatDetMap Synopsis :This function Returns the alias formats available Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :ALSFMTDETMAP& Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasFormatDetMap() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ALSFMTDETMAP& CCommandSwitches::GetAliasFormatDetMap() { return m_afdAlsFmtDet; }
Name :GetSuccessFlag Synopsis :This function Returns the success flag held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetSuccessFlag() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetSuccessFlag() { return m_bSuccess; }
Name :GetRetrievalInterval Synopsis :This function Returns the value of m_ulInterval held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :ULONG Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetRetrievalInterval() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ULONG CCommandSwitches::GetRetrievalInterval() { return m_ulInterval; }
Name :GetTranslateTableName Synopsis :This function Returns the content of m_pszTransTableName held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetTranslateTableName() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetTranslateTableName() { return m_pszTransTableName; }
Name :GetListFormat Synopsis :This function Returns the list format type m_pszListFormat held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetListFormat() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetListFormat() { return m_pszListFormat; }
Name :GetInteractiveMode Synopsis :This function Returns the interactive mode flag m_bInteractiveMode held by the command switches object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :WMICLINT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetInteractiveMode() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ WMICLIINT CCommandSwitches::GetInteractiveMode() { return m_nInteractiveMode; }
Name :GetClassOfAliasTarget Synopsis :This function gets the class of Alias Type :Member Function Input parameter :Reference to bstrClassName Output parameters :bstrClassName Return Type :None Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetClassOfAliasTarget(bstrClassName) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::GetClassOfAliasTarget(_bstr_t& bstrClassName) { _TCHAR *pszTemp; try { if (m_pszAliasTarget != NULL ) { pszTemp = new _TCHAR[lstrlen(m_pszAliasTarget)+1]; if ( pszTemp != NULL ) { lstrcpy(pszTemp, m_pszAliasTarget); _TCHAR* pszToken = NULL;
pszToken = _tcstok(pszTemp, CLI_TOKEN_SPACE); while (pszToken != NULL) { bstrClassName = _bstr_t(pszToken); pszToken = _tcstok(NULL, CLI_TOKEN_SPACE);
if(CompareTokens(pszToken,CLI_TOKEN_FROM)) { bstrClassName = _bstr_t(pszToken); pszToken = _tcstok(NULL, CLI_TOKEN_SPACE); if (pszToken != NULL) { bstrClassName = _bstr_t(pszToken); break; } } } SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); } else _com_issue_error(WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } } catch(_com_error& e) { SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); _com_issue_error(e.Error()); } }
Name :GetErrataCode Synopsis :This function returns the error code Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :UINT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetErrataCode() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UINT CCommandSwitches::GetErrataCode() { return m_uErrataCode; }
Name :GetRepeatCount Synopsis :This function returns the repeat count. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :ULONG Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetRepeatCount() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ULONG CCommandSwitches::GetRepeatCount() { return m_ulRepeatCount; }
Name :GetInformationCode Synopsis :This function returns the message code Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :UINT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetInformationCode() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UINT CCommandSwitches::GetInformationCode() { return m_uInformationCode; }
Name :GetPWhereExpr Synopsis :This function returns the PWhere string Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :UINT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetPWhereExpr() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetPWhereExpr() { return m_pszPWhereExpr; }
Name :GetCOMError Synopsis :This function returns the COMError object Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_com_error* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetCOMError() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _com_error* CCommandSwitches::GetCOMError() { return m_pComError; }
Name :GetMethExecOutParam Synopsis :This function returns the parameter m_pIMethExecOutParam. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :Pointer to IWbemClassObject Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetMethExecOutParam() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IWbemClassObject* CCommandSwitches::GetMethExecOutParam() { return m_pIMethOutParam; }
Name :GetAliasUser Synopsis :This function returns the alias user Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasUser() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAliasUser() { return m_pszUser; }
Name :GetAliasPassword Synopsis :This function returns the alias password Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasPassword() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAliasPassword() { return m_pszPassword; }
Name :GetAliasNode Synopsis :This function returns the alias node Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasNode() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAliasNode() { return m_pszNode; }
Name :GetAliasLocale Synopsis :This function returns the alias locale Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasLocale() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAliasLocale() { return m_pszLocale; }
Name :GetAliasNamespace Synopsis :This function returns the alias namespace Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasNamespace() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAliasNamespace() { return m_pszNamespace; }
Name :GetAliasAuthorityPrinciple Synopsis :This function returns the alias authority type. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAliasAuthorityPrinciple() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAliasAuthorityPrinciple() { return m_pszAuthority; }
Name :GetVerbType Synopsis :This function returns type of the verb Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :VERBTYPE Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :CParserEngine::ParseMethodInfo() ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VERBTYPE CCommandSwitches::GetVerbType() { return m_vtVerbType; }
Name :GetVerbDerivation Synopsis :This function Returns the derivation associated with the verb. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetVerbDerivation() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetVerbDerivation() { return m_pszVerbDerivation; }
Name :Initialize Synopsis :This function initializes the necessary member variables. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :None Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :Initialize() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::Initialize() throw(WMICLIINT) { static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; m_uErrataCode = 0; m_uInformationCode = 0; m_vtVerbType = NONALIAS; m_bCredFlag = FALSE; m_bExplicitWhereExpr = FALSE; m_bTranslateFirst = TRUE;
if (bFirst) { // Default list format is assumed as FULL
m_pszListFormat = new _TCHAR [BUFFER32];
if (m_pszListFormat == NULL) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; lstrcpy(m_pszListFormat, _T("FULL")); bFirst = FALSE; } }
Name :Uninitialize Synopsis :This function uninitializes the member variables when the execution of a command string issued on the command line is completed. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :None Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :Uninitialize() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::Uninitialize() { SAFEDELETE(m_pszCommandInput); SAFEDELETE(m_pszAliasName); SAFEDELETE(m_pszAliasDesc); SAFEDELETE(m_pszClassPath); SAFEDELETE(m_pszPathExpr); SAFEDELETE(m_pszWhereExpr); SAFEDELETE(m_pszVerb); SAFEDELETE(m_pszMethodName); ClearXSLTDetailsVector(); SAFEDELETE(m_pszAliasTarget); SAFEDELETE(m_pszUser); SAFEDELETE(m_pszLocale); SAFEDELETE(m_pszAuthority); SAFEDELETE(m_pszPassword); SAFEDELETE(m_pszNamespace); SAFEDELETE(m_pszNode); SAFEDELETE(m_pszVerbDerivation); SAFEDELETE(m_pszListFormat); SAFEDELETE(m_pszPWhereExpr); FreeCOMError(); SAFEDELETE(m_pszTransTableName);
CleanUpCharVector(m_cvProperties); CleanUpCharVector(m_cvInteractiveProperties); CleanUpCharVector(m_cvPWhereParams); CleanUpCharVector(m_cvTrnsTablesList); m_bmParameters.clear(); m_afdAlsFmtDet.clear(); m_bmAlsFrnNmsDesOrTrnsTblEntrs.clear(); m_mdmMethDet.clear(); m_pdmPropDet.clear();
m_hResult = S_OK; m_bSuccess = TRUE; m_uInformationCode = 0; m_ulInterval = 0; m_vtVerbType = NONALIAS; m_bCredFlag = FALSE; m_bExplicitWhereExpr = FALSE; m_nInteractiveMode = DEFAULTMODE; m_bTranslateFirst = TRUE; SAFEIRELEASE(m_pIMethOutParam); SAFEBSTRFREE(m_bstrXML); SAFEDELETE(m_pszResultClassName); SAFEDELETE(m_pszResultRoleName); SAFEDELETE(m_pszAssocClassName); m_ulRepeatCount = 0; m_bMethAvail = FALSE; m_bWritePropsAvail = FALSE; m_bLISTFrmsAvail = FALSE; m_bNamedParamList = FALSE; m_bEverySwitch = FALSE; // do not put m_bOutputSwitch here.
SAFEBSTRFREE(m_bstrFormedQuery); m_bSysProp = FALSE; }
Name :SetCredentialsFlag Synopsis :This function sets the credential flag status Type :Member Function Input parameter : bCredFlag - credential flag value Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetCredentialsFlag() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetCredentialsFlag(BOOL bCredFlag) { m_bCredFlag = bCredFlag; }
Name :SetExplicitWhereExprFlag Synopsis :This function sets the explicit where expression flag Type :Member Function Input parameter : bWhereFlag - explicit where flag Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetExplicitWhereExprFlag() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetExplicitWhereExprFlag(BOOL bWhereFlag) { m_bExplicitWhereExpr = bWhereFlag; }
Name :GetCredentialsFlagStatus Synopsis :This function returns the credential flag status Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetCredentialsFlagStatus() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetCredentialsFlagStatus() { return m_bCredFlag; }
Name :GetExplicitWhereExprFlag Synopsis :This function returns the explicit where flag status Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetExplicitWhereExprFlag() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetExplicitWhereExprFlag() { return m_bExplicitWhereExpr; }
Name :FreeCOMError Synopsis :This function deletes the previously assigned error Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :FreeCOMError(rComError) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::FreeCOMError() { if (m_pComError != NULL) { delete m_pComError; m_pComError = NULL; } }
Name :GetTrnsTablesList Synopsis :This function add the newly specified table name to the list of available translate table entries Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszTableName - name of the translate table Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToTrnsTablesList(pszTableName) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::AddToTrnsTablesList(_TCHAR* const pszTableName) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if (pszTableName) { try { _TCHAR* pszTemp = NULL; pszTemp = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszTableName)+1]; if ( pszTemp != NULL ) { lstrcpy(pszTemp, pszTableName); m_cvTrnsTablesList.push_back(pszTemp); } else bRet = FALSE; } catch(...) { bRet = FALSE; } } return bRet; }
Name :GetTrnsTablesList Synopsis :This function returns the populated translate table information. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type : reference to CHARVECTOR Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetTrnslTablesList() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHARVECTOR& CCommandSwitches::GetTrnsTablesList() { return m_cvTrnsTablesList; }
Name :SetTranslateFirstFlag Synopsis :This function sets the the order of the format and translate switch flag Type :Member Function Input parameter : bTranslateFirst - order of the format and translate switch flag Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetTranslateFirstFlag(bTranslateFirst) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetTranslateFirstFlag(BOOL bTranslateFirst) { m_bTranslateFirst = bTranslateFirst; }
Name :GetTranslateFirstFlag Synopsis :This function returns the order of the format and translate switch flag Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetTranslateFirstFlag() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetTranslateFirstFlag() { return m_bTranslateFirst; }
Name :ClearPropertyList Synopsis :This function clears the property list held by m_cvProperties. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :ClearPropertyList() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::ClearPropertyList() { CleanUpCharVector(m_cvProperties); }
Name :SetResultClassName Synopsis :This function Assigns the string variable to m_pszTransTableName. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszTransTableName - String type,Specifies the occurrence of TRANSLATE switch and TABLE Name in the command for GET verb. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetTranslateTableName(pszTranstableName) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetResultClassName(const _TCHAR* pszResultClassName) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszResultClassName); if (pszResultClassName) { m_pszResultClassName = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszResultClassName)+1]; if(m_pszResultClassName) lstrcpy(m_pszResultClassName,pszResultClassName); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetResultRoleName Synopsis :This function Assigns the string variable to m_pszTransTableName. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszTransTableName - String type,Specifies the occurrence of TRANSLATE switch and TABLE Name in the command for GET verb. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetTranslateTableName(pszTranstableName) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetResultRoleName(const _TCHAR* pszResultRoleName) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszResultRoleName); if (pszResultRoleName) { m_pszResultRoleName = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszResultRoleName)+1]; if(m_pszResultRoleName) lstrcpy(m_pszResultRoleName,pszResultRoleName); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetAssocClassName Synopsis :This function Assigns the string variable to m_pszAssocClassName. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszAssocClassName - String type,Specifies the occurrence of TRANSLATE switch and TABLE Name in the command for GET verb. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetAssocClassName(pszAssocClassName) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetAssocClassName(const _TCHAR* pszAssocClassName) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEDELETE(m_pszAssocClassName); if (pszAssocClassName) { m_pszAssocClassName = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszAssocClassName)+1]; if(m_pszAssocClassName) lstrcpy(m_pszAssocClassName,pszAssocClassName); else bResult = FALSE; } return bResult; }
Name :SetMethodsAvailable Synopsis :This function sets the methods available flag m_bMethAvail, according to passed parameter. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetMethodsAvailable(bFlag) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetMethodsAvailable(BOOL bFlag) { m_bMethAvail = bFlag; }
Name :GetResultClassName Synopsis :This function Returns the content of m_pszResultClassName held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetResultClassName() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetResultClassName() { return m_pszResultClassName; }
Name :GetResultRoleName Synopsis :This function Returns the content of m_pszResultRoleName held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetResultRoleName() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetResultRoleName() { return m_pszResultRoleName; }
Name :GetAssocClassName Synopsis :This function Returns the content of m_pszAssocClassName held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :_TCHAR* Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetAssocClassName() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _TCHAR* CCommandSwitches::GetAssocClassName() { return m_pszAssocClassName; }
Name :GetMethodsAvailable Synopsis :This function Returns the boolean value of m_bMethAvail. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetMethodsAvailable() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetMethodsAvailable() { return m_bMethAvail; }
Name :SetWriteablePropsAvailable Synopsis :This function sets writable properties available flag, m_bWritePropsAvail. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetWriteablePropsAvailable(bFlag) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetWriteablePropsAvailable(BOOL bFlag) { m_bWritePropsAvail = bFlag; }
Name :GetWriteablePropsAvailable Synopsis :This function returns writable properties available flag, m_bWritePropsAvail. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetWriteablePropsAvailable() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetWriteablePropsAvailable() { return m_bWritePropsAvail; }
Name :SetLISTFormatsAvailable Synopsis :This function sets LIST Formats available flag, m_bLISTFrmsAvail. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetLISTFormatsAvailable(bFlag) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetLISTFormatsAvailable(BOOL bFlag) { m_bLISTFrmsAvail = bFlag; }
Name :GetLISTFormatsAvailable Synopsis :This function returns LIST Formats available flag, m_bLISTFrmsAvail. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetLISTFormatsAvailable() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetLISTFormatsAvailable() { return m_bLISTFrmsAvail; }
Name :AddToPropertyList Synopsis :This function Adds string that is passed through parameter to m_cvInteractiveProperties, which is a data member of type BSTRMAP. Type :Member Function Input parameter : pszProperty -String type,Used for storing properties associated with an alias object. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AddToPropertyList(pszProperty) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::AddToInteractivePropertyList(_TCHAR* const pszProperty) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if (pszProperty) { try { _TCHAR* pszTemp = NULL; pszTemp = new _TCHAR [lstrlen(pszProperty)+1]; if ( pszTemp != NULL ) { lstrcpy(pszTemp, pszProperty); m_cvInteractiveProperties.push_back(pszTemp); } else bRet = FALSE; } catch(...) { bRet = FALSE; } } return bRet; }
Name :GetPropertyList Synopsis :This function Returns the interactive property held by the command switches object. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :CHARVECTOR& Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetPropertyList() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHARVECTOR& CCommandSwitches::GetInteractivePropertyList() { return m_cvInteractiveProperties; }
Name :SetNamedParamListFlag Synopsis :This function sets m_bNamedParamList member variable. Type :Member Function Input parameter(s):None Output parameter(s): bFlag - Boolean value. Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetNamedParamListFlag(bFlag) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetNamedParamListFlag(BOOL bFlag) { m_bNamedParamList = bFlag; }
Name :GetNamedParamListFlag Synopsis :This function returns the the boolean value held by m_bNamedParamList. Type :Member Function Input parameter(s):None Output parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetNamedParamListFlag() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetNamedParamListFlag() { return m_bNamedParamList; }
Name :ClearXSLTDetailsVector Synopsis :Clears or nullifies XSL Details vector. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :None Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :ClearXSLTDetailsVector() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::ClearXSLTDetailsVector() { m_xdvXSLTDetVec.clear(); }
Name :SetEverySwitchFlag Synopsis :This function sets m_bEverySwitch member variable. Type :Member Function Input parameter(s):None Output parameter(s): bFlag - Boolean value. Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetEverySwitchFlag(bFlag) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetEverySwitchFlag(BOOL bFlag) { m_bEverySwitch = bFlag; }
Name :GetEverySwitchFlag Synopsis :This function returns the the boolean value held by m_bEverySwitch. Type :Member Function Input parameter(s):None Output parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetEverySwitchFlag() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetEverySwitchFlag() { return m_bEverySwitch; }
Name :SetOutputSwitchFlag Synopsis :This function sets m_bOutputSwitch member variable. Type :Member Function Input parameter(s):None Output parameter(s): bFlag - Boolean value. Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetOutputSwitchFlag(bFlag) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetOutputSwitchFlag(BOOL bFlag) { m_bOutputSwitch = bFlag; }
Name :GetOutputSwitchFlag Synopsis :This function returns the the boolean value held by m_bOutputSwitch. Type :Member Function Input parameter(s):None Output parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetOutputSwitchFlag() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetOutputSwitchFlag() { return m_bOutputSwitch; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name :SetFormedQuery Synopsis :This function Assigns the parameter passed to m_bstrFormedQuery.. Type :Member Function Input parameter : bstrFormedQuery -BSTR type,It is the query formed for the given command. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetFormedQuery(bstrFormedQuery) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::SetFormedQuery(const BSTR bstrFormedQuery) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; SAFEBSTRFREE(m_bstrFormedQuery); if (bstrFormedQuery!= NULL) { try { m_bstrFormedQuery = SysAllocString(bstrFormedQuery); if (m_bstrFormedQuery == NULL) throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } catch(CHeap_Exception) { bResult = FALSE; } } return bResult; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name :GetFormedQuery Synopsis :This function Returns query formed for the given command. Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BSTR Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetFormedQuery() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BSTR CCommandSwitches::GetFormedQuery() { return m_bstrFormedQuery; }
Name :GetSysPropFlag Synopsis :This function returns the status of the system properties flag Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetSysPropFlag() Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCommandSwitches::GetSysPropFlag() { return m_bSysProp; }
Name :SetSysPropFlag Synopsis :This function sets the system properties flag, if the GET or LIST property list contains the system property(s) Type :Member Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetSysPropFlag(bSysProp) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCommandSwitches::SetSysPropFlag(BOOL bSysProp) { m_bSysProp = bSysProp; }