Copyright information : Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation File Name : helpers.cpp Project Name : WMI Command Line Author Name : Ch.Sriramachandramurthy Date of Creation (dd/mm/yy) : 27th-September-2000 Version Number : 1.0 Brief Description : This file has all the global function definitions Revision History : Last Modified By : Ch Sriramachandramurthy Last Modified Date : 03-March-2001 *****************************************************************************/ #include "Precomp.h"
#include "CommandSwitches.h"
#include "GlobalSwitches.h"
#include "HelpInfo.h"
#include "ErrorLog.h"
#include "ParsedInfo.h"
#include "CmdTokenizer.h"
#include "CmdAlias.h"
#include "ErrorInfo.h"
#include "WmiCliXMLLog.h"
#include "ParserEngine.h"
#include "ExecEngine.h"
#include "FormatEngine.h"
#include "WmiCmdLn.h"
Name :CompareTokens Synopsis :It compares the two tokens passed to it as input arguments and returns a BOOL value , TRUE if they are equal FALSE if not equal. Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): pszToken1- String type, Contains the first string of the two string to be compared pszToken2- String type, Contains the second string of the two string to be compared Output parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :CompareTokens(pszToken1,pszToken2) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CompareTokens(_TCHAR* pszToken1, _TCHAR* pszToken2) { return (CSTR_EQUAL == CompareString(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE | NORM_IGNOREWIDTH, pszToken1, (pszToken1) ? lstrlen(pszToken1) : 0, pszToken2, (pszToken2) ? lstrlen(pszToken2) : 0)) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
Name :CompareTokensChars Synopsis :It compares the two tokens passed to it as input arguments and returns a BOOL value , TRUE if they are equal FALSE if not equal. Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): pszToken1- String type, Contains the first string of the two string to be compared pszToken2- String type, Contains the second string of the two string to be compared cchToken- number of characters to compare Output parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :CompareTokensChars(pszToken1,pszToken2,cchToken) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CompareTokensChars(_TCHAR* pszToken1, _TCHAR* pszToken2, DWORD cchToken) { DWORD cchSize = cchToken ; cchSize = min ( (pszToken1) ? lstrlen(pszToken1) : 0, cchSize ) ; cchSize = min ( (pszToken2) ? lstrlen(pszToken2) : 0, cchSize ) ;
return (CSTR_EQUAL == CompareString ( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE | NORM_IGNOREWIDTH, pszToken1, cchSize, pszToken2, cchSize ) ) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
Name :Connect Synopsis :To connect to WMI namespace on a given server with the set of input user credentials. Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): pILocator - Locator object bstrNS - Namespae to be connected to bstrUser - User name with which to connect bstrPwd - Password for the user name with which to connect bstrLocale - Locale specified Output parameters : pISvc - WMI services object Return Type :HRESULT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :Connect(pILocator, &pISvc, bstrNS, bstrUser, bstPwd, bstrLocale) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT Connect(IWbemLocator* pILocator, IWbemServices** pISvc, BSTR bstrNS, BSTR bstrUser, BSTR bstrPwd, BSTR bstrLocale, CParsedInfo& rParsedInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrPass = NULL; BSTR bstrAuthorityPrinciple = NULL;
// If the user name is not NULL and the password is
// a) NULL, treat the password as BLANK
// b) not NULL, treat the password as it is.
try { // Get the <authority principle> specified, and pass in with ConnectServer
if(NULL != rParsedInfo.GetAuthorityPrinciple()) { bstrAuthorityPrinciple = ::SysAllocString(rParsedInfo.GetAuthorityPrinciple()); if (bstrAuthorityPrinciple == NULL) throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } if (bstrUser) { if (!bstrPwd) { bstrPass = ::SysAllocString(L""); if (bstrPass == NULL) throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR);
// Set the credentials flag to TRUE - BLANK password
rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().SetCredentialsFlag(TRUE); } } if (pILocator != NULL) { // Call the ConnectServer method of the IWbemLocator
hr = pILocator->ConnectServer(bstrNS, bstrUser, (!bstrPass) ? bstrPwd : bstrPass, bstrLocale, 0L, bstrAuthorityPrinciple, NULL, pISvc);
// If the username is specified and the password is not
// specified (the remote machine also has the same password)
if (FAILED(hr) && bstrUser && (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED)) {
hr = pILocator->ConnectServer(bstrNS, bstrUser, NULL, bstrLocale, 0L, bstrAuthorityPrinciple, NULL, pISvc);
// Set the credentials flag to FALSE - NULL password
rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().SetCredentialsFlag(FALSE); } } else hr = E_FAIL;
if (bstrPass) ::SysFreeString(bstrPass); if (bstrAuthorityPrinciple) ::SysFreeString(bstrAuthorityPrinciple); } catch(CHeap_Exception) { if (bstrAuthorityPrinciple) ::SysFreeString(bstrAuthorityPrinciple); if (bstrPass) ::SysFreeString(bstrPass); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
Name :SetSecurity Synopsis :To set the security privileges at the interface level Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): pIUnknown - Interface pointer pszDomain - domain name pszAuthority - authority (always passed as NULL) pszUser - Username pszPassword - Password uAuthLevel - Authentication Level uImpLevel - Impersonation Level Output parameter(s):None Return Type :HRESULT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetSecurity(pIUnknown, pszDomain, pszUser, pszPassword, uAuthLevel, uImpLevel) Notes :(partly taken from WMI VC samples 'utillib' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT SetSecurity(IUnknown* pIUnknown, _TCHAR* pszAuthority, _TCHAR* pszDomain, _TCHAR* pszUser, _TCHAR* pszPassword, UINT uAuthLevel, UINT uImpLevel) throw(WMICLIINT) { SCODE sc = S_OK; BSTR bstrAuthArg = NULL, bstrUserArg = NULL; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W* pAuthIdentity = NULL; try { if(pIUnknown == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
// If we are lowering the security, no need to deal with the
// identification information
// If we are doing trivial case, just pass in a null authentication
// structure which is used if the current logged in user's credentials
// are OK.
if((pszAuthority == NULL || lstrlen((LPCTSTR)pszAuthority) < 1) && (pszUser == NULL || lstrlen((LPCTSTR)pszUser) < 1) && (pszPassword == NULL || lstrlen((LPCTSTR)pszPassword) < 1)) return CoSetProxyBlanket(pIUnknown, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, uAuthLevel, uImpLevel, NULL, EOAC_NONE);
// If user, or Authority was passed in, the we need
// to create an authority argument for the login
sc = ParseAuthorityUserArgs(bstrAuthArg, bstrUserArg, pszAuthority, pszUser); if(FAILED(sc)) return sc; pAuthIdentity = new SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W;
// Check whether the memory allocation has been successful
if (pAuthIdentity == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ZeroMemory(pAuthIdentity, sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W));
if(bstrUserArg) { WMICLIULONG wulUserLen = (WMICLIULONG) lstrlen((LPWSTR)bstrUserArg); pAuthIdentity->User = new WCHAR [wulUserLen + 1]; if (pAuthIdentity->User == NULL) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; wcscpy(pAuthIdentity->User, (LPWSTR)bstrUserArg); pAuthIdentity->UserLength = wulUserLen; } if(bstrAuthArg) { WMICLIULONG wulDomainLen = (WMICLIULONG) lstrlen((LPWSTR) bstrAuthArg); pAuthIdentity->Domain = new WCHAR [wulDomainLen + 1]; if (pAuthIdentity->Domain == NULL) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; wcscpy(pAuthIdentity->Domain, (LPWSTR)bstrAuthArg); pAuthIdentity->DomainLength = wulDomainLen; }
if(pszPassword) { WMICLIULONG wulPasswordLen = (WMICLIULONG) lstrlen((LPWSTR) pszPassword); pAuthIdentity->Password = new WCHAR [wulPasswordLen + 1]; if (pAuthIdentity->Password == NULL) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; wcscpy(pAuthIdentity->Password, pszPassword); pAuthIdentity->PasswordLength= wulPasswordLen; } pAuthIdentity->Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE;
if( pszAuthority != NULL && _tcslen(pszAuthority) > 9 && _tcsnicmp(pszAuthority, _T("KERBEROS:"), 9) == 0) { // get the <principal name> that is passed with <authority type>
// and send it to CoSetProxyBlanket()
BSTR bstrPrincipalName = ::SysAllocString(&pszAuthority[9]);
sc = CoSetProxyBlanket(pIUnknown, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE , bstrPrincipalName, uAuthLevel, uImpLevel, pAuthIdentity, EOAC_NONE);
SAFEBSTRFREE(bstrPrincipalName); } else { sc = CoSetProxyBlanket(pIUnknown, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, uAuthLevel, uImpLevel, pAuthIdentity, EOAC_NONE); }
SAFEDELETE(pAuthIdentity->User); SAFEDELETE(pAuthIdentity->Domain); SAFEDELETE(pAuthIdentity->Password); delete pAuthIdentity; SAFEBSTRFREE(bstrUserArg); SAFEBSTRFREE(bstrAuthArg); } catch(WMICLIINT nErr) { if (nErr == OUT_OF_MEMORY) sc = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; SAFEDELETE(pAuthIdentity->User); SAFEDELETE(pAuthIdentity->Domain); SAFEDELETE(pAuthIdentity->Password); if (pAuthIdentity) delete pAuthIdentity; SAFEBSTRFREE(bstrUserArg); SAFEBSTRFREE(bstrAuthArg); } return sc; }
Name :ConvertWCToMBCS Synopsis :Converts the wide character string to MBCS string after applying the codepage settings Type :Global Function Input parameters : lpszMsg - string (widechar string) uCP - codepage value Output parameters : lpszDisp - string (multibyte string) Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :ConvertWCToMBCS(lpszMsg, lpszDisp, uCP) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL ConvertWCToMBCS(LPTSTR lpszMsg, LPVOID* lpszDisp, UINT uCP) { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if (lpszMsg != NULL && lpszDisp != NULL) { WMICLIINT nRet = 0; nRet = WideCharToMultiByte(uCP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(LPCWSTR)lpszMsg, // wide-character string
-1, // number of chars in string
NULL, // buffer for new string
0, // size of buffer
NULL, // default for unmappable chars
// allocate memory to hold the message
*lpszDisp = (LPSTR) new char [nRet];
if (*lpszDisp) { nRet = WideCharToMultiByte(uCP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(LPCWSTR)lpszMsg, // wide-character string
-1, // number of chars in string
(LPSTR) *lpszDisp, // buffer for new string
nRet, // size of buffer
NULL, // default for unmappable chars
NULL); } else bRet = FALSE; } else { if ( lpszDisp ) { *lpszDisp = NULL; } }
return bRet; }
Name :ConvertMBCSToWC Synopsis :Converts the MBCS string to wide character string after applying the codepage settings Type :Global Function Input parameters : lpszMsg - string (MBCS string) uCP - codepage value Output parameters : lpszDisp - string (multibyte string) Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :ConvertMBCSToWC(lpszMsg, lpszDisp, uCP) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL ConvertMBCSToWC(LPSTR lpszMsg, LPVOID* lpszDisp, UINT uCP) { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if (lpszMsg != NULL && lpszDisp != NULL) { WMICLIINT nRet = 0; nRet = MultiByteToWideChar ( uCP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(LPCSTR)lpszMsg, // wide-character string
-1, // number of chars in string
NULL, // buffer for new string
0 );
// allocate memory to hold the message
*lpszDisp = (LPWSTR) new WCHAR [nRet];
if (*lpszDisp) { nRet = MultiByteToWideChar ( uCP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(LPCSTR)lpszMsg, // wide-character string
-1, // number of chars in string
(LPWSTR) *lpszDisp, // buffer for new string
nRet // size of buffer
); } else bRet = FALSE; } else { if ( lpszDisp ) { *lpszDisp = NULL; } }
return bRet; }
Name :Revert_mbtowc Synopsis :Reverts string when created by mbtowc Type :Global Function Input parameters : wszBuffer - string Output parameters : szBuffer - output Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :Revert_mbtowc(wszBuffer, &szBuffer) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL Revert_mbtowc ( LPCWSTR wszBuffer, LPSTR* szBuffer ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE ;
LPWSTR help = const_cast < LPWSTR > ( wszBuffer ) ; int helpi = lstrlen ( wszBuffer ) ;
(*szBuffer) = new char [ helpi + 1 ] ; if ( NULL != (*szBuffer) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < helpi+1; i++ ) { (*szBuffer)[ i ] = 0 ; }
for ( int i = 0; i < helpi; i++ ) { wctomb ( & (*szBuffer)[i], *help ) ; help++; }
bRet = TRUE ; }
return bRet ; }
Name :Find Synopsis :Searches for a given string in the vector list Input parameter(s): cvVector - vector list pszStrToFind - serach string Output parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL TRUE - if match is found FALSE - if no match found Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :Find(cvVector, pszStrToFind) Notes :overloaded function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL Find(CHARVECTOR& cvVector, _TCHAR* pszStrToFind, CHARVECTOR::iterator& theIterator) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; theIterator = cvVector.begin(); CHARVECTOR ::iterator theEnd = cvVector.end(); while (theIterator != theEnd) { if (CompareTokens(*theIterator, pszStrToFind)) { bRet = TRUE; break; } theIterator++; } return bRet; }
Name :Find Synopsis :Find a property name in the property details map Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): pdmPropDetMap - property map pszPropToFind - property to search for theIterator - Iterator bExcludeNumbers - Boolean value Output parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :Find(pdmPropDetMap, pszPropToFind, tempIterator) Notes :overloaded function, bExcludeNumbers = FALSE by default. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL Find(PROPDETMAP& pdmPropDetMap, _TCHAR* pszPropToFind, PROPDETMAP::iterator& theIterator, BOOL bExcludeNumbers) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; theIterator = pdmPropDetMap.begin(); PROPDETMAP::iterator theEnd = pdmPropDetMap.end(); while (theIterator != theEnd) { _TCHAR* pszPropName = (*theIterator).first; if ( bExcludeNumbers == TRUE ) pszPropName = pszPropName + 5;
if (CompareTokens(pszPropName, pszPropToFind)) { bRet = TRUE; break; } theIterator++; } return bRet; }
Name :Find Synopsis :Find a property name in the property details map Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): bmBstrMap - BSTR map pszStrToFind - property to search for theIterator - Iterator. Output parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :Find(pdmPropDetMap, pszPropToFind) Notes :overloaded function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL Find(BSTRMAP& bmBstrMap, _TCHAR* pszStrToFind, BSTRMAP::iterator& theIterator) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; theIterator = bmBstrMap.begin(); BSTRMAP::iterator theEnd = bmBstrMap.end(); while (theIterator != theEnd) { if (CompareTokens((*theIterator).first, pszStrToFind)) { bRet = TRUE; break; } theIterator++; } return bRet; }
Name :FrameFileAndAddToXSLTDetVector Synopsis :Frames the XSL File Path Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): stylesheet - name of XSL File keyword - name of keyword from mapping which could be possibly used rParsedInfo - reference to object of CParsedInfo Output parameter(s): None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :FrameXSLFilePath(stylesheet, keyword, rParsedInfo) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FrameFileAndAddToXSLTDetVector(LPCWSTR stylesheet, LPCWSTR keyword, CParsedInfo& rParsedInfo) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; _TCHAR* pszBuffer = new _TCHAR [MAX_PATH+1]; UINT nSize = 0;
try { if (pszBuffer != NULL) { // Obtain the windows system directory
nSize = GetSystemDirectory(pszBuffer, MAX_PATH+1);
if (nSize) { if (nSize > MAX_PATH) { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); pszBuffer = new _TCHAR [nSize + 1]; if(pszBuffer == NULL) { throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
if (!GetSystemDirectory(pszBuffer, nSize+1)) { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); throw (::GetLastError()); } }
_bstr_t bstrPath = pszBuffer; SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); bstrPath += WBEM_LOCATION;
// we have %windir%\system32\wbem in bstrPath now
BOOL bStyleSheet = TRUE;
_bstr_t bstrFile = bstrPath;
BSTRMAP::iterator theMapIterator = NULL; const BSTRMAP* pMap = g_wmiCmd.GetMappingsMap(); if ( pMap ) { if ( Find ( *( const_cast < BSTRMAP*> ( pMap ) ) , const_cast < LPWSTR > ( keyword ) , theMapIterator ) ) { bstrFile += (*theMapIterator).second;
// check for existence
SmartCloseHandle hCheckFile = CreateFile ( bstrFile, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ , NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if (hCheckFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { bStyleSheet = FALSE; bRet = TRUE; } else { bstrFile = bstrPath; } } } else { //
// there is no mapping ?
// critical and very strange
// we can still try shipped file
if ( bStyleSheet && NULL != stylesheet ) { bstrFile += stylesheet;
// check for existence
SmartCloseHandle hCheckFile = CreateFile ( bstrFile, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ , NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL );
if (hCheckFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { bRet = TRUE; } else { bstrFile = bstrPath; } }
// stylesheet structure to be added to vector
// it is used by transform function
// there is possibly adding "directory path" as path to file
// hence: LOAD method of DOM will fail during transform
// this is intented as we are not really checking file validity
// when /format has used and we wait for transform to deal with it
XSLTDET xdXSLTDet; xdXSLTDet.FileName = bstrFile; rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().AddToXSLTDetailsVector(xdXSLTDet); } else { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); throw (::GetLastError()); } SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); } else { rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().SetErrataCode(OUT_OF_MEMORY); bRet = FALSE; } } catch(_com_error& e) { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); bRet = FALSE; _com_issue_error(e.Error()); } catch (DWORD dwError) { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); ::SetLastError(dwError); rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().SetErrataCode(dwError); DisplayWin32Error(); ::SetLastError(dwError); bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
Name :FrameFileAndAddToXSLTDetVector Synopsis :Frames the XSL File Path Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): pszXSLFile - the XSL File rParsedInfo - reference to object of CParsedInfo Output parameter(s): None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :FrameXSLFilePath(pszXSLFile, rParsedInfo) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FrameFileAndAddToXSLTDetVector(XSLTDET& xdXSLTDet, CParsedInfo& rParsedInfo) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; _TCHAR* pszBuffer = new _TCHAR [MAX_PATH+1]; UINT nSize = 0;
try { if (pszBuffer != NULL) { // Obtain the windows system directory
nSize = GetSystemDirectory(pszBuffer, MAX_PATH+1);
if (nSize) { if (nSize > MAX_PATH) { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); pszBuffer = new _TCHAR [nSize + 1]; if(pszBuffer == NULL) { throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
if (!GetSystemDirectory(pszBuffer, nSize+1)) { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); throw (::GetLastError()); } }
_bstr_t bstrPath = _bstr_t(pszBuffer); SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); // Append the following path
// if (xdXSLTDet.FileName != NULL)
if (!(!xdXSLTDet.FileName)) { bstrPath += _bstr_t(WBEM_LOCATION) + _bstr_t(xdXSLTDet.FileName); xdXSLTDet.FileName = bstrPath; rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().AddToXSLTDetailsVector( xdXSLTDet); } } else { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); throw (::GetLastError()); } SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); } else { rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().SetErrataCode(OUT_OF_MEMORY); bRet = FALSE; } } catch(_com_error& e) { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); bRet = FALSE; _com_issue_error(e.Error()); } catch (DWORD dwError) { SAFEDELETE(pszBuffer); ::SetLastError(dwError); rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().SetErrataCode(dwError); DisplayWin32Error(); ::SetLastError(dwError); bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
Name :UnquoteString Synopsis :Removes the starting and ending quotes of a string enclosed in double quotes. Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): pszString - string input Output parameter(s): pszString - string input Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :UnQuoteString(pszString) Notes :None ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void UnQuoteString(_TCHAR*& pszString) { if ((lstrlen(pszString) - 1) > 0) {
if(_tcsicmp(pszString, _T("\"NULL\"")) == 0) return;
// Check if the string is enclosed within quotes
if ((pszString[0] == _T('"') && (pszString[lstrlen(pszString)-1] == _T('"'))) || (pszString[0] == _T('\'') && (pszString[lstrlen(pszString)-1] == _T('\'')))) { WMICLIINT nLoop = 1, nLen = lstrlen(pszString)-1; while (nLoop < nLen) { pszString[nLoop-1] = pszString[nLoop]; nLoop++; } pszString[nLen-1] = _T('\0'); } } }
Name :ParseAuthorityUserArgs Synopsis :Examines the Authority and User argument and determines the authentication type and possibly extracts the domain name from the user arugment in the NTLM case. For NTLM, the domain can be at the end of the authentication string, or in the front of the user name, ex: "MSOFT\csriram" Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): ConnType - Returned with the connection type, ie wbem, ntlm bstrAuthArg - Output, contains the domain name bstrUserArg - Output, user name bstrAuthority - Input User - Input Output parameter(s):None Return Type : SCODE Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :ParseAuthorityUserArgs(bstrAuthArg, bstrUserArg, bstrAuthority, bstrUser) Notes :(taken from WMI VC samples 'utillib' ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SCODE ParseAuthorityUserArgs(BSTR& bstrAuthArg, BSTR& bstrUserArg, BSTR& bstrAuthority, BSTR& bstrUser) {
// Determine the connection type by examining the Authority string
// The ntlm case is more complex. There are four cases
// 1) Authority = NTLMDOMAIN:name" and User = "User"
// 2) Authority = NULL and User = "User"
// 3) Authority = "NTLMDOMAIN:" User = "domain\user"
// 4) Authority = NULL and User = "domain\user"
// first step is to determine if there is a backslash in the user
// name somewhere between the second and second to last character
try { WCHAR * pSlashInUser = NULL; if(bstrUser) { WCHAR * pEnd = bstrUser + lstrlen((LPCTSTR)bstrUser) - 1; for(pSlashInUser = bstrUser; pSlashInUser <= pEnd; pSlashInUser++) // dont think forward slash is allowed!
if(*pSlashInUser == L'\\') break; if(pSlashInUser > pEnd) pSlashInUser = NULL; }
if(bstrAuthority && lstrlen((LPCTSTR)bstrAuthority) > 11 && _tcsnicmp((LPCTSTR)bstrAuthority, _T("NTLMDOMAIN:"), 11) == 0) { if(pSlashInUser) return E_INVALIDARG;
bstrAuthArg = SysAllocString(bstrAuthority + 11); if (bstrAuthArg == NULL) throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR);
if(bstrUser) { bstrUserArg = SysAllocString(bstrUser); if (bstrUserArg == NULL) throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } return S_OK; } else if(pSlashInUser) { WMICLIINT iDomLen = pSlashInUser-bstrUser; WCHAR *pszTemp = new WCHAR [iDomLen+1]; if ( pszTemp != NULL ) { wcsncpy(pszTemp, bstrUser, iDomLen); pszTemp[iDomLen] = 0; bstrAuthArg = SysAllocString(pszTemp); if (bstrAuthArg == NULL){ delete pszTemp; throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); }
if(lstrlen((LPCTSTR)pSlashInUser+1)) { bstrUserArg = SysAllocString(pSlashInUser+1); if (bstrAuthArg == NULL){ delete pszTemp; throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } } SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); } else throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else if(bstrUser) { bstrUserArg = SysAllocString(bstrUser); if (bstrUserArg == NULL) throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } } catch(CHeap_Exception) { if(bstrAuthArg) SysFreeString(bstrAuthArg); bstrAuthArg = NULL; if(bstrUserArg) SysFreeString(bstrUserArg); bstrUserArg = NULL; throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
return S_OK; }
Name :DisplayVARIANTContent Synopsis :Displays the content of a VARIANT type data object Type :Member Function Input Parameter(s): vtObject - VARIANT object Output parameters :None Return Type :None Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :DisplayVARIANTContent(vtObject) Notes :none ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DisplayVARIANTContent(VARIANT vtObject) { _TCHAR szMsg[BUFFER255] = NULL_STRING; switch ( vtObject.vt ) { case VT_UI1: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%c"), vtObject.bVal); break; case VT_I2: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%i"), vtObject.iVal); break; case VT_I4: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%li"), vtObject.lVal); break; case VT_R4: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%f"), vtObject.fltVal); break; case VT_R8: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%e"), vtObject.dblVal); break; case VT_BOOL: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%i"), vtObject.boolVal); break; case VT_I1: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%c"), vtObject.cVal); break; case VT_UI2: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%i"), vtObject.uiVal); break; case VT_UI4: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%ld"), vtObject.ulVal); break; case VT_INT: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%i"), vtObject.intVal); break; case VT_UINT: _stprintf(szMsg, _T("%i"), vtObject.uintVal); break; } DisplayMessage(szMsg, CP_OEMCP, FALSE, TRUE); }
Name :GetPropertyAttributes Synopsis :This function obtains the information about the class properties Type :Member Function Input Parameter(s): pIObj - pointer to IWbemClassObject object bstrProp - property name bTrace - trace flag Output parameter(s): pdPropDet - property details structure Return Type :HRESULT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetPropertyAttributes(pIObj, bstrProp, pdPropDet, bTrace) Notes :none ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT GetPropertyAttributes(IWbemClassObject* pIObj, BSTR bstrProp, PROPERTYDETAILS& pdPropDet, BOOL bTrace) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemQualifierSet* pIQualSet = NULL; VARIANT vtType, vtOper, vtDesc, vtTypeProp; CIMTYPE ctCimType; VariantInit(&vtType); VariantInit(&vtOper); VariantInit(&vtDesc); VariantInit(&vtTypeProp); try { // Obtain the property qualifier set for the property
hr = pIObj->GetPropertyQualifierSet(bstrProp, &pIQualSet); if ( pIQualSet != NULL ) { // Obtain the CIM type of the property
hr = pIQualSet->Get(_bstr_t(L"CIMTYPE"), 0L, &vtType, NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ( vtType.vt == VT_BSTR ) { pdPropDet.Type = _bstr_t(vtType.bstrVal); // Obtain the CIM type of the property
hr = pIObj->Get(bstrProp, 0L, &vtTypeProp, &ctCimType, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ( ctCimType & VT_ARRAY ) { pdPropDet.Type = _bstr_t("array of ") + pdPropDet.Type; } VARIANTCLEAR(vtTypeProp); } } else pdPropDet.Type = _bstr_t("Not Found"); } else pdPropDet.Type = _bstr_t("Not Found"); // Should not break here, hence the HRESULT should be set to S_OK
hr = S_OK; VARIANTCLEAR(vtType);
// Check whether the property has 'read' flag set
_bstr_t bstrOper; hr = pIQualSet->Get(_bstr_t(L"read"), 0L, &vtOper, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (vtOper.vt == VT_BOOL && vtOper.boolVal) bstrOper = _bstr_t(L"Read"); } VARIANTCLEAR(vtOper); // Should not break here, hence the HRESULT should be set to S_OK
hr = S_OK;
// Check whether the property has 'write' flag set
VariantInit(&vtOper); hr = pIQualSet->Get(_bstr_t(L"write"), 0L, &vtOper, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ((vtOper.vt == VT_BOOL) && vtOper.boolVal) { if (!bstrOper) bstrOper = _bstr_t(L"Write"); else bstrOper += _bstr_t(L"/Write"); } } VARIANTCLEAR(vtOper); // Should not break here, hence the HRESULT should be set to S_OK
hr = S_OK;
if (!bstrOper) pdPropDet.Operation = _bstr_t(TOKEN_NA); else pdPropDet.Operation = _bstr_t(bstrOper);
// Retrieve the 'Description' text for the property
if (FAILED(pIQualSet->Get(_bstr_t(L"Description"), 0L, &vtDesc,NULL))) pdPropDet.Description = _bstr_t("Not Available"); else pdPropDet.Description = _bstr_t(vtDesc.bstrVal); VARIANTCLEAR(vtDesc); SAFEIRELEASE(pIQualSet); } else hr = S_OK; } catch(_com_error& e) { VARIANTCLEAR(vtType); VARIANTCLEAR(vtOper); VARIANTCLEAR(vtDesc); SAFEIRELEASE(pIQualSet); hr = e.Error(); } return hr; }
Name :GetNumber Synopsis :converts string to number Input Parameter(s):string Output parameters : Return Type :WMICLIINT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetNumber(string) Notes :none ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ WMICLIINT GetNumber ( WCHAR* wsz ) { WMICLIINT iResult = -1;
if ( wsz ) { WCHAR* wszTemp = wsz;
if ( *wszTemp == L'0' ) { wszTemp++;
if ( *wszTemp ) { if ( towlower ( *wszTemp ) == L'x' ) { WMICLIINT i = 0; i = swscanf ( wsz, L"%x", &iResult ); if ( !i || i == EOF ) { iResult = -1; } } else { // do not support octal strings
} } else { // this is plain 0
iResult = 0; } } else { WMICLIINT i = 0; i = swscanf ( wsz, L"%d", &iResult ); if ( !i || i == EOF ) { iResult = -1; } } }
return iResult; }
Name :ReturnFileType Synopsis :type of file Input Parameter(s):FILE* Output parameters :none Return Type :FILETYPE Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :ReturnFileType(file) Notes :none ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FILETYPE ReturnFileType ( FILE* fpFile ) { FILETYPE eftFileType = ANSI_FILE ;
// Indentifing the file type whether Unicode or ANSI.
char szFirstTwoBytes [2] = { '\0' } ;
if( fread(szFirstTwoBytes, 2, 1, fpFile) ) { if ( memcmp(szFirstTwoBytes, UNICODE_SIGNATURE, 2) == 0 ) { eftFileType = UNICODE_FILE; } else if (memcmp(szFirstTwoBytes, UNICODE_BIGEND_SIGNATURE, 2) == 0 ) { eftFileType = UNICODE_BIGENDIAN_FILE; } else if( memcmp(szFirstTwoBytes, UTF8_SIGNATURE, 2) == 0 ) { eftFileType = UTF8_FILE; }
fseek(fpFile, 0, SEEK_SET); }
return eftFileType ; }
Name :ReturnVarType Synopsis :Does the CIMTYPE to VARIANT conversion Input Parameter(s): bstrCIMType - CIMTYPE Output parameters : Return Type :VARTYPE Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :ReturnVarType(bstrCIMType) Notes :none ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VARTYPE ReturnVarType( _TCHAR* bstrCIMType ) { if (CompareTokens(bstrCIMType, _T(""))) return VT_NULL; else if (CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("string"))) return VT_BSTR; else if (CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint16"))) return VT_I2; else if (CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint8"))) return VT_I2; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint32"))) return VT_I4; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Real32"))) return VT_R4; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint64"))) return VT_BSTR; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Uint64"))) return VT_BSTR; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Real64"))) return VT_R8; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Boolean"))) return VT_BOOL; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Object"))) return VT_DISPATCH; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint8"))) return VT_INT; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Uint8"))) return VT_UI1; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Uint16"))) return VT_I4; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Uint32"))) return VT_I4; else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Datetime"))) return VT_BSTR; // In WMI Date is treated as string
else if ( CompareTokensChars(bstrCIMType,_T("ref:"),lstrlen(_T("ref:")))) return VT_BSTR; // In WMI ref is treated as string
else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Char16"))) return VT_I2; else // (CIM_OBJECT)
return VT_NULL;
return VT_EMPTY; }
Name :ConvertCIMTYPEToVarType Synopsis :Does the CIMTYPE to VARIANT conversion Type :Member Function Input Parameter(s): varSrc - VARIANT source bstrCIMType - CIMTYPE Output parameters : varDest - VARIANT destination Return Type :HRESULT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :ConvertCIMTYPEToVarType(varDest, varSrc, bstrCIMType) Notes :none ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT ConvertCIMTYPEToVarType( VARIANT& varDest, VARIANT& varSrc, _TCHAR* bstrCIMType ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("string"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_BSTR); else if (CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint16"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_I2); else if (CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint8"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_I2); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint32"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_I4); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Real32"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_R4); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint64"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_BSTR); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Uint64"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_BSTR); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Real64"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_R8); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Boolean"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_BOOL); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Object"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_DISPATCH); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Sint8"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_INT); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Uint8"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_UI1); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Uint16"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_I4); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Uint32"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_I4); else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Datetime"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_BSTR); // In WMI Date is treated as string
else if ( CompareTokensChars(bstrCIMType,_T("ref:"),lstrlen(_T("ref:")))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_BSTR); // In WMI ref is treated as string
else if ( CompareTokens(bstrCIMType,_T("Char16"))) hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_I2); else // (CIM_OBJECT)
hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, &varSrc, 0, VT_NULL); return hr; }
Name :DisplayMessage Synopsis :Displays localized string Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): lszpMsg - string uCP - codepage value bIsError - Boolean type specifying error message or not. bIsLog - Boolean type specifying message to be logged or not . Output parameter(s):None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :DisplayMessage(lpszMsg, uCP, TRUE, TRUE) Notes :bIsError = FALSE, bIsLog = FALSE by default. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DisplayMessage ( LPTSTR lpszMsg, UINT uCP, BOOL bIsError, BOOL bIsLog, BOOL bIsStream ) { LPSTR lpszDisp = NULL; try { // Convert the widechar to MBCS string
if ( lpszMsg && lpszMsg[0] ) { OUTPUTSPEC opsOutOpt = g_wmiCmd.GetParsedInfoObject(). GetGlblSwitchesObject(). GetOutputOrAppendOption(TRUE);
if ( bIsError || ( STDOUT == opsOutOpt ) ) { if ( ! ConvertWCToMBCS ( lpszMsg, (LPVOID*) &lpszDisp, uCP ) ) { _com_issue_error(WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } }
if (bIsLog) { // Append to the output string
g_wmiCmd.GetFormatObject().AppendtoOutputString ( lpszMsg ) ; }
if ( bIsError == TRUE ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", lpszDisp); fflush(stderr); } else { // OUT for getting append file pointer.
FILE* fpOutFile = g_wmiCmd.GetParsedInfoObject(). GetGlblSwitchesObject(). GetOutputOrAppendFilePointer(TRUE);
if ( opsOutOpt == CLIPBOARD ) { g_wmiCmd.AddToClipBoardBuffer ( lpszMsg ) ; } else if ( opsOutOpt == FILEOUTPUT ) { if (fpOutFile != NULL) { fwprintf( fpOutFile, L"%s", lpszMsg ) ; } } else { if ( FALSE == bIsStream ) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", lpszDisp); fflush(stdout); } }
// FALSE for getting append file pointer.
FILE* fpAppendFile = g_wmiCmd.GetParsedInfoObject(). GetGlblSwitchesObject(). GetOutputOrAppendFilePointer(FALSE); if ( fpAppendFile != NULL ) { FILETYPE eftOpt = g_wmiCmd.GetParsedInfoObject(). GetGlblSwitchesObject(). GetFileType () ;
if ( ANSI_FILE == eftOpt ) { fprintf ( fpAppendFile, "%S", lpszMsg ) ; } else { fwprintf( fpAppendFile, L"%s", lpszMsg ) ; } } }
SAFEDELETE(lpszDisp); } } catch(_com_error& e) { SAFEDELETE(lpszDisp); _com_issue_error(e.Error()); } catch(CHeap_Exception) { SAFEDELETE(lpszDisp); _com_issue_error(WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } }
Name :CleanUpCharVector Synopsis :Clears the character vector Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): cvCharVector - reference to character vector. Output parameter(s):None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :CleanUpCharVector(cvCharVector) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CleanUpCharVector(CHARVECTOR& cvCharVector) { if ( !cvCharVector.empty() ) { CHARVECTOR::iterator theIterator; for ( theIterator = cvCharVector.begin(); theIterator < cvCharVector.end(); theIterator++ ) { SAFEDELETE( *theIterator ); } cvCharVector.clear(); } }
Name :FindAndReplaceAll Synopsis :Search and replace all the occurences of pszFromStr with pszToStr in the given string strString Type :Global Function Input parameter : strString - string buffer pszFromStr - string to searched and replaced pszToStr - string to be replaced by Output parameters :None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :CleanUpCharVector(cvCharVector) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FindAndReplaceAll(STRING& strString, _TCHAR* pszFromStr,_TCHAR* pszToStr) { if ( pszFromStr != NULL && pszToStr != NULL ) { STRING::size_type stPos = 0; STRING::size_type stFromPos = 0; STRING::size_type stFromStrLen = lstrlen(pszFromStr); STRING::size_type stToStrLen = lstrlen(pszToStr); while( TRUE ) { stPos = strString.find(pszFromStr, stFromPos, stFromStrLen); if ( stPos == STRING::npos ) break; strString.replace(stPos, stFromStrLen, pszToStr); stFromPos = stPos + stToStrLen; } } }
Name :IsSysProp Synopsis :Returns true if the input property is a WMI system property Type :Global Function Input parameter : pszProp - property name Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Notes :IsSysProp(pszProp) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsSysProp(_TCHAR* pszProp) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_CLASS) || CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_DERIVATION) || CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_DYNASTY) || CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_GENUS) || CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_NAMESPACE) || CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_PATH) || CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_PROPERTYCOUNT) || CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_REPLATH) || CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_SERVER) || CompareTokens(pszProp, WMISYSTEM_SUPERCLASS)) { bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; }
Name :EraseConsoleString Synopsis :Displays white spaces at the current cursor position and sets the cursor column to zero Type :Global Function Input parameter :String ID wich has to be wiped out, Console information prior to writing the string. Output parameters :None Return Type :None Global Variables :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void EraseConsoleString(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO* csbiInfo) { COORD coord; HANDLE hStdOut = NULL; WMICLIINT nHeight = 0; DWORD dWritten = 0; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO lcsbiInfo; DWORD XCordW = 0; DWORD YCordW = 0; LPTSTR lpszMsg = new _TCHAR [BUFFER1024]; if( NULL == lpszMsg ) return; // NO MEMORY
// Obtain the standard output handle
hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &lcsbiInfo);
XCordW = lcsbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.X - csbiInfo->dwCursorPosition.X; YCordW = lcsbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y - csbiInfo->dwCursorPosition.Y;
dWritten = XCordW + ( YCordW * lcsbiInfo.dwMaximumWindowSize.X);
if( dWritten > BUFFER1024 ) dWritten = BUFFER1024;
FillMemory(lpszMsg, dWritten * sizeof(_TCHAR), '\0');
// Get the screen buffer size.
if (hStdOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) nHeight = csbiInfo->srWindow.Bottom - csbiInfo->srWindow.Top; else nHeight = 0;
// if console size is positive (to address redirection)
if (nHeight > 0) { coord.X = 0; coord.Y = csbiInfo->dwCursorPosition.Y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, coord); WriteConsole(hStdOut,lpszMsg,dWritten,&dWritten,NULL); SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, coord); } SAFEDELETE(lpszMsg); }
Name :IsRedirection Synopsis :Returns true if the the output is being redirected Type :Global Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Notes :IsRedirection() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsRedirection() { HANDLE hStdOut = NULL; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo; WMICLIINT nHeight = 0; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
// Obtain the standard output handle
hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
if (hStdOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Get the screen buffer size.
if ( GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbiInfo) == TRUE ) nHeight = csbiInfo.srWindow.Bottom - csbiInfo.srWindow.Top; else nHeight = 0;
if (nHeight <= 0) bRet = TRUE; } else bRet = TRUE; return bRet; }
Name :WMITRACEORERRORLOG Synopsis :To display the trace of COM methods invoked Type :Global Function Input parameter : hr - HRESULT value nLine - the line number of the file. pszFile - the file name pszMsg - message to be displayed. Output parameters :None Return Type :None Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :WMITRACEORERRORLOG(hr, nLine, pszFile, (LPCWSTR)chsMsg, eloErrLgOpt, bTrace) Note : Default values dwError = 0, pszResult = NULL. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void WMITRACEORERRORLOG(HRESULT hr, INT nLine, char* pszFile, _bstr_t bstrMsg, DWORD dwThreadId, CParsedInfo& rParsedInfo, BOOL bTrace, DWORD dwError, _TCHAR* pszResult) { _TCHAR* pszMsg = bstrMsg;
if ( pszMsg ) { try { if ( bTrace == TRUE ) { if (_tcsnicmp(pszMsg,_T("COMMAND:"),8) != 0) { CHString chsMessage; CHString chsSInfo; if (FAILED (hr)) chsMessage.Format(L"FAIL: %s\n", pszMsg?pszMsg:L"NULL"); else chsMessage.Format(L"SUCCESS: %s\n",pszMsg?pszMsg:L"NULL"); _fputts((_TCHAR*)_bstr_t((LPCWSTR)chsMessage), stderr); fflush(stderr); chsSInfo.Format(L"Line: %6d File: %s\n", nLine, (LPCWSTR)CHString(pszFile)); _fputts((_TCHAR*)_bstr_t((LPCWSTR)chsSInfo), stderr); fflush(stderr);
if ( pszResult != NULL ) { chsMessage.Format(L"Result: %s\n\n", pszResult); _fputts((_TCHAR*)_bstr_t((LPCWSTR)chsMessage), stderr); fflush(stderr); } else { _fputts(_T("\n"), stderr); fflush(stderr); } } } } catch(_com_error& e) { _com_issue_error(e.Error()); } catch(CHeap_Exception) { _com_issue_error(WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
if ( rParsedInfo.GetErrorLogObject().GetErrLogOption() != NO_LOGGING ) { try { rParsedInfo.GetErrorLogObject(). LogErrorOrOperation(hr, pszFile, nLine, pszMsg, dwThreadId, dwError); } catch(DWORD dwError) { ::SetLastError(dwError); rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().SetErrataCode(dwError); } } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name :DisplayWin32Error Synopsis :Displays the formatted error message for the Win32 function calls failure Type :Global Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :DisplayWin32Error() Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DisplayWin32Error() { LPVOID lpMessage = NULL; DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError();
try { // If there was an error, create a text message for it
if ( 0 != dwRet ) { _bstr_t bstrMsg; WMIFormatMessage(IDS_I_ERROR_WIN32, 1, bstrMsg, (LPWSTR) lpMessage); // Free the memory used up the error message
// and then exit
if ( NULL != lpMessage ) { LocalFree(lpMessage); lpMessage = NULL ; }
// Display the error message
DisplayMessage((LPWSTR)bstrMsg, CP_OEMCP, TRUE, TRUE); }
// Used for returning the error level
::SetLastError(dwError); } catch(_com_error& e) { if ( lpMessage != NULL ) { LocalFree(lpMessage); lpMessage = NULL ; }
_com_issue_error(e.Error()); } }
Name :AcceptPassword Synopsis :Prompts for the password when user name alone is specified with the command Type :Global Function Input parameter :None Output parameters : pszPassword - password string Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :AcceptPassword(pszPassword) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AcceptPassword(_TCHAR* pszPassword) { // local variables
TCHAR ch; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwCharsRead = 0; DWORD dwCharsWritten = 0; DWORD dwPrevConsoleMode = 0; HANDLE hStdIn = NULL; _TCHAR szBuffer[BUFFER32] = NULL_STRING;
// Get the handle for the standard input
hStdIn = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );
// Get the current input mode of the input buffer
GetConsoleMode( hStdIn, &dwPrevConsoleMode ); // Set the mode such that the control keys are processed by the system
SetConsoleMode( hStdIn, ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT ); // Read the characters until a carriage return is hit
while( TRUE ) { if ( !ReadConsole( hStdIn, &ch, 1, &dwCharsRead, NULL )) { // Set the original console settings
SetConsoleMode( hStdIn, dwPrevConsoleMode ); return; } // Check for carraige return
if ( ch == CARRIAGE_RETURN ) { // break from the loop
break; }
// Check id back space is hit
if ( ch == BACK_SPACE ) { if ( dwIndex != 0 ) { //
// Remove a asterik from the console
// move the cursor one character back
FORMAT_STRING( szBuffer, _T( "%c" ), BACK_SPACE ); WriteConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), szBuffer, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL ); // replace the existing character with space
FORMAT_STRING( szBuffer, _T( "%c" ), BLANK_CHAR ); WriteConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), szBuffer, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL );
// now set the cursor at back position
FORMAT_STRING( szBuffer, _T( "%c" ), BACK_SPACE ); WriteConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), szBuffer, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL );
// decrement the index
dwIndex--; } // process the next character
continue; }
// if the max password length has been reached then sound a beep
if ( dwIndex == ( MAXPASSWORDSIZE - 1 ) ) { WriteConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), BEEP_SOUND, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL ); } else { // store the input character
*( pszPassword + dwIndex ) = ch; dwIndex++;
// display asterix onto the console
WriteConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), ASTERIX, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL ); } }
// Add the NULL terminator
*( pszPassword + dwIndex ) = NULL_CHAR;
//Set the original console settings
SetConsoleMode( hStdIn, dwPrevConsoleMode );
// display the character ( new line character )
FORMAT_STRING( szBuffer, _T( "%s" ), _T( "\n\n" ) ); WriteConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), szBuffer, 2, &dwCharsWritten, NULL ); }
Name :IsValueSet Synopsis :Checks string passed in pszFromValue, Is a value set or not. Type :Global Function Input parameter : pszFromValue - string to be checked. Output parameters : cValue1 - <value1> of value set. cValue2 - <value2> of value set. Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :IsValueSet(pszFromValue,cValue1,cValue2) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsValueSet(_TCHAR* pszFromValue, _TCHAR& cValue1, _TCHAR& cValue2) { BOOL bValueSet = FALSE; if ( pszFromValue != NULL ) { _TCHAR cV1 = _T('\0'), cV2 = _T('\0');
if ( lstrlen(pszFromValue) == 3 && pszFromValue[1] == _T('-') ) { bValueSet = TRUE; cV1 = pszFromValue[0]; cV2 = pszFromValue[2]; cValue1 = ( cV1 < cV2 ) ? cV1 : cV2 ; cValue2 = ( cV1 > cV2 ) ? cV1 : cV2 ; } } else cValue1 = cValue2 = _T('\0');
return bValueSet; }
Name :DisplayString Synopsis :Displays localized string Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): uID - string table identifier uCP - codepage value lpszParam - String to be used as parameter in resource string. bIsError - Boolean type specifying error message or not. bIsLog - Boolean type specifying message to be logged or not. Output parameter(s):None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :DisplayString(uID, CP_OEMCP, NULL, TRUE, TRUE) Notes :lpszParam = NULL, bIsError = FALSE, and bIsLog = FALSE by default. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DisplayString(UINT uID, UINT uCP, LPTSTR lpszParam, BOOL bIsError, BOOL bIsLog) throw(WMICLIINT) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf = NULL; LPTSTR lpszMsg = NULL; lpszMsg = new _TCHAR [BUFFER1024]; try { if (lpszMsg) { LoadString(NULL, uID, lpszMsg, BUFFER1024); if (lpszParam) { char* pvaInsertStrs[1]; pvaInsertStrs[0] = (char*) lpszParam;
if (dwRet == 0) { SAFEDELETE(lpszMsg); throw (::GetLastError()); } }
DisplayMessage ( ( lpMsgBuf ) ? ( LPTSTR ) lpMsgBuf : lpszMsg, uCP, bIsError, bIsLog ) ;
// Free the memory used up the error message
// and then exit
if ( lpMsgBuf != NULL ) { LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); lpMsgBuf = NULL ; } } else throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; } catch(_com_error& e) { if ( lpMsgBuf != NULL ) { LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); lpMsgBuf = NULL ; }
SAFEDELETE(lpszMsg); _com_issue_error(e.Error()); } catch(CHeap_Exception) { if ( lpMsgBuf != NULL ) { LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); lpMsgBuf = NULL ; }
SAFEDELETE(lpszMsg); _com_issue_error(WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } }
Name :SubstituteEscapeChars Synopsis :Substitue escape character i.e '\' before the specified substring Type :Global Function Input parameter : sSource - source string lpszSub - substring to be searched for Output parameters : sSource - source string Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SubstituteEscapeChars(sTemp, lpszSub) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SubstituteEscapeChars(CHString& sTemp, LPCWSTR lpszSub) { try { CHString str(sTemp); sTemp.Empty(); while ( str.GetLength() > 0 ) { //LONG lPos = str.Find( L"\"" );
LONG lPos = str.Find(lpszSub); if ( lPos != -1 ) { sTemp += str.Left( lPos ) + L"\\\""; str = str.Mid( lPos + 1 ); } else { sTemp += str; str.Empty(); } } } catch(CHeap_Exception) { _com_issue_error(WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } }
Name :RemoveEscapeChars Synopsis :Remove escape character i.e '\' before any of the following characters Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): sSource - source string Output parameter(s): sSource - source string Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :RemoveEscapeChars(sTemp) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void RemoveEscapeChars(CHString& sTemp) { try { CHString str(sTemp); sTemp.Empty(); while ( str.GetLength() > 0 ) { LONG lPos = str.Find(L"\\"); if ( lPos != -1 ) { if (str.GetAt(lPos+1) == L'"') { sTemp += str.Left( lPos ); } else { sTemp += str.Left( lPos ) + L"\\"; } str = str.Mid( lPos + 1 ); } else { sTemp += str; str.Empty(); } } } catch(CHeap_Exception) { throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; } }
Name :FrameNamespace Synopsis :Frame the new namespace Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): pszRoleOrNS - old namespace pszRoleOrNSToUpdate - string to be appended/replaced Output parameter(s): pszRoleOrNSToUpdate - new namespace Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :FrameNamespace(pszRoleOrNS, pszRoleOrNSToUpdate) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FrameNamespace(_TCHAR* pszRoleOrNS, _TCHAR* pszRoleOrNSToUpdate) { if ( pszRoleOrNS != NULL && pszRoleOrNSToUpdate != NULL ) { LONG lRoleOrNSLen = lstrlen(pszRoleOrNS); LONG lRoleOrNSToUpdate = lstrlen(pszRoleOrNSToUpdate);
_TCHAR *pszTemp = new _TCHAR[lRoleOrNSLen + lRoleOrNSToUpdate + MAX_BUFFER]; if ( pszTemp != NULL ) { if (!CompareTokens(pszRoleOrNS, CLI_TOKEN_NULL)) { //if the role does not begin with a '\\' it should be assumed
//to be relative to the current role
if ( _tcsncmp(pszRoleOrNS, CLI_TOKEN_2BSLASH, 2) == 0 ) lstrcpy(pszTemp, pszRoleOrNS+2); else if (_tcsncmp(pszRoleOrNS, CLI_TOKEN_2DOT, 2) == 0 ) { _TCHAR *lp = NULL; for (lp = &pszRoleOrNSToUpdate[lstrlen(pszRoleOrNSToUpdate) - 1]; lp > pszRoleOrNSToUpdate; lp--) { if (_tcsncmp(lp,CLI_TOKEN_2BSLASH,1) == 0) { lstrcpy(lp,NULL_STRING); break; } } lstrcpy(pszTemp, pszRoleOrNSToUpdate); if (_tcsncmp(pszRoleOrNS + 2, NULL_STRING, 1)) { lstrcat(pszTemp, pszRoleOrNS + 2); } } else { lstrcpy(pszTemp, pszRoleOrNSToUpdate); lstrcat(pszTemp, CLI_TOKEN_BSLASH); lstrcat(pszTemp, pszRoleOrNS); } //if the last character in the string pszRoleOrNS terminates
//with '\' terminate the string.
//this case occurs when namespace is specified as "xyz\"
if(CompareTokens(pszTemp + (WMICLIINT)lstrlen(pszTemp)-1, CLI_TOKEN_BSLASH ) && !CompareTokens(pszTemp, CLI_TOKEN_2BSLASH)) { pszTemp[lstrlen(pszTemp) - 1] = _T('\0'); } } else lstrcpy(pszTemp, CLI_TOKEN_NULL);
lstrcpy(pszRoleOrNSToUpdate, pszTemp); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); } else throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
Name :SetScreenBuffer Synopsis :Set the buffer size of the command line to the following: 1) Width - 500 2) Height - 3000 Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): nHeight - height of the console buffer nWidth - width of the console buffer Output parameter(s):None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :SetScreenBuffer(nHeight, nWidth) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SetScreenBuffer(SHORT nHeight, SHORT nWidth) { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
COORD coord; coord.X = nWidth; coord.Y = nHeight; HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if ( hStdOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hStdOut != (HANDLE)0x00000013 ) // For telnet
{ // Set the console screen buffer info
bResult = SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hStdOut, coord); }
return bResult; }
Name :GetScreenBuffer Synopsis :Get the buffer size of the command line Type :Global Function Input parameter(s):None Output parameter(s): nHeight - height of the console buffer nWidth - width of the console buffer Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetScreenBuffer(nHeight, nWidth) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL GetScreenBuffer(SHORT& nHeight, SHORT& nWidth) { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if ( hStdOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hStdOut != (HANDLE)0x00000013 ) // For telnet
{ CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbConsoleScreenBufferInfo; // Set the console screen buffer info
if ( GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbConsoleScreenBufferInfo) == TRUE ) { nHeight = csbConsoleScreenBufferInfo.dwSize.Y; nWidth = csbConsoleScreenBufferInfo.dwSize.X;
bResult = TRUE; } else { nHeight = 0; nWidth = 0; } }
return bResult; }
Name :WMIFormatMessage Synopsis :This function loads the resource string using the ID of the string and does parameter substituion using the FormatMessage() function. Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): uID - resource ID nParamCount - no. of. parameter(s) to be substituted. lpszParam - first parameter. (%1) ... - variable number of arguments (%2, %3, ...) Output parameter(s): bstrMSG - formatted message Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :WMIFormatMessage(uID, nParamCount, bstrMsg, lpszParam,) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void WMIFormatMessage(UINT uID, WMICLIINT nParamCount, _bstr_t& bstrMsg, LPTSTR lpszParam, ...) { // Load the resource string
_TCHAR pszMsg[BUFFER1024]; LoadString(NULL, uID, pszMsg, BUFFER1024);
// If parameters are specified.
if (lpszParam) { LPTSTR lpszTemp = lpszParam; INT nLoop = 0; char* pvaInsertStrs[5];
va_list marker; va_start(marker, lpszParam); while (TRUE) { pvaInsertStrs[nLoop++] = (char*) lpszTemp; lpszTemp = va_arg(marker, LPTSTR);
if (nLoop == nParamCount) break; } va_end(marker); LPVOID lpMsgBuf = NULL; DWORD dwRet = FormatMessage ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, pszMsg, 0, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, pvaInsertStrs );
if ( 0 != dwRet ) { if ( lpMsgBuf ) { bstrMsg = (WCHAR*)lpMsgBuf;
// Free the memory used for the message and then exit
LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); lpMsgBuf = NULL ; } } else { bstrMsg = pszMsg; } } else { bstrMsg = pszMsg; } }
Name :InitWinsock Synopsis :This function initiates the windows sockets interface. Type :Global Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :InitWinsock () Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL InitWinsock () { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; WMICLIINT nRes; WSADATA wsaData; WORD wVerRequested = 0x0101; // ver 1.1
// The Windows Sockets WSAStartup function initiates use of Ws2_32.dll
// by a process.
// Init the sockets interface
nRes = WSAStartup (wVerRequested, &wsaData); if (nRes) bSuccess = FALSE;
return bSuccess; }
Name :TermWinsock Synopsis :This function uninitializes the windows sockets interface. Type :Global Function Input parameter :None Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :TermWinsock () Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL TermWinsock () { // Uninitailize windows socket interface.
BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; if (SOCKET_ERROR == WSACleanup ()) bSuccess = FALSE;
return bSuccess; }
Name :PingNode Synopsis :Pings a node to validate availibility of node using windows socket functions. Type :Global Function Input parameter : pszNode - Pointer to a string specifing node name. Output parameters :None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :PingNode(pszNode) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL PingNode(_TCHAR* pszNode) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; HOSTENT *pNodeEnt = NULL; HANDLE hIcmpHandle = NULL; char *pszSendBuffer = NULL; char *pszRcvBuffer = NULL; UINT nSendSize = DEFAULT_SEND_SIZE; UINT nRcvSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; ULONG nTimeout = PING_TIMEOUT; UCHAR *pszOpt = NULL; UINT nOptLength = 0; ULONG ulINAddr = INADDR_NONE; UCHAR uFlags = 0; DWORD dwNumOfReplies = 1; // Set 1 for finding error
try { if ( pszNode ) { // pszNode can be IPAddress of node or node name itself.
_bstr_t bstrNodeNameOrIPAddr(pszNode);
// Initialize windows socket interface.
if ( g_wmiCmd.GetInitWinSock() == FALSE ) { bRet = InitWinsock(); g_wmiCmd.SetInitWinSock(bRet); } if ( bRet == TRUE ) { // Get IPAddress.
ulINAddr = inet_addr((char*)bstrNodeNameOrIPAddr); // If not an IP address. then it may be computername.
if ( ulINAddr == INADDR_NONE ) { pNodeEnt = gethostbyname((char*)bstrNodeNameOrIPAddr); if ( pNodeEnt == NULL) { bRet = FALSE; // "computername" is not found.
} else { ulINAddr = *(DWORD *)pNodeEnt->h_addr ; } } }
if ( bRet == TRUE ) { // Create IcmpFile
hIcmpHandle = IcmpCreateFile(); if ( hIcmpHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) throw GetLastError();
// Alloc memory to send buffer
pszSendBuffer = (char*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, nSendSize); if ( pszSendBuffer == NULL ) throw GetLastError();
// Fill Some data in send buffer
for (WMICLIINT i = 0; i < nSendSize; i++) { pszSendBuffer[i] = 'a' + (i % 23); }
// Initialize the send options
ioiSendOpts.OptionsData = pszOpt; ioiSendOpts.OptionsSize = (UCHAR)nOptLength; ioiSendOpts.Ttl = DEFAULT_TTL; ioiSendOpts.Tos = DEFAULT_TOS; ioiSendOpts.Flags = uFlags;
// Alloc memory to receive buffer
pszRcvBuffer = (char*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, nRcvSize); if ( pszRcvBuffer == NULL ) throw GetLastError();
dwNumOfReplies = IcmpSendEcho(hIcmpHandle, (IPAddr)ulINAddr, pszSendBuffer, (unsigned short) nSendSize, &ioiSendOpts, pszRcvBuffer, nRcvSize, nTimeout); if ( dwNumOfReplies == 0 ) throw GetLastError();
// Free memory
LocalFree(pszSendBuffer); LocalFree(pszRcvBuffer); IcmpCloseHandle(hIcmpHandle); } } else bRet = FALSE; // Null nodename pointer.
} catch(_com_error& e) { // Free memory
if ( hIcmpHandle != NULL ) IcmpCloseHandle(hIcmpHandle); if ( pszSendBuffer != NULL ) LocalFree(pszSendBuffer); if ( pszRcvBuffer != NULL ) LocalFree(pszRcvBuffer); bRet = FALSE; _com_issue_error(e.Error()); } catch (DWORD dwError) { // if ping failed then don't display win32 error
if ( dwNumOfReplies != 0 ) { ::SetLastError(dwError); DisplayWin32Error(); ::SetLastError(dwError); } bRet = FALSE; // Free memory
if ( hIcmpHandle != NULL ) IcmpCloseHandle(hIcmpHandle); if ( pszSendBuffer != NULL ) LocalFree(pszSendBuffer); if ( pszRcvBuffer != NULL ) LocalFree(pszRcvBuffer); } catch (CHeap_Exception) { // Free memory
if ( pszSendBuffer != NULL ) LocalFree(pszSendBuffer); if ( hIcmpHandle != NULL ) IcmpCloseHandle(hIcmpHandle); if ( pszRcvBuffer != NULL ) LocalFree(pszRcvBuffer); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
Name :IsFailFastAndNodeExist Synopsis :Validates node if FailFast is on, If pszNodeName == NULL then check for GetNode() else pszNodeName itself. Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): rParsedInfo - reference to object of CParsedInfo. pszNode - Pointer to a string specifing node name. Output parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :IsFailFastAndNodeExist(rParsedInfo, pszNode) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsFailFastAndNodeExist(CParsedInfo& rParsedInfo, _TCHAR* pszNode) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; // If FailFast is on.
if ( rParsedInfo.GetGlblSwitchesObject().GetFailFast() == TRUE ) { // Form the appropriate node name. If pszNodeName != NULL pszNode
// should be validated. Else Node stored should be validated.
_TCHAR* pszNodeName = NULL; if (pszNode == NULL) pszNodeName = rParsedInfo.GetGlblSwitchesObject().GetNode(); else pszNodeName = pszNode;
// "." node name specifies local machine and need not to be validated.
if ( CompareTokens(pszNodeName, CLI_TOKEN_DOT) == FALSE ) { // If pinging node fails then node is unavialable.
if ( PingNode(pszNodeName) == FALSE ) { rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().SetErrataCode( IDS_E_RPC_SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE); bRet = FALSE; } } }
return bRet; }
Name :GetBstrTFromVariant Synopsis :Get _bstr_t object equivalent to Varaint passed. Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): vtVar - variant object pszType - Pointer to string specifying type of the object passed. Output parameter(s): bstrObj - BSTR object Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :GetBstrTFromVariant(vtVar, bstrObj) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GetBstrTFromVariant(VARIANT& vtVar, _bstr_t& bstrObj, _TCHAR* pszType) { VARTYPE vType; VARIANT vtDest; VariantInit(&vtDest);
try { if ( vtVar.vt != VT_NULL && vtVar.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { if ( VariantChangeType(&vtDest, &vtVar,0 , VT_BSTR) == S_OK ) { bstrObj = _bstr_t(vtDest); } else { // The following line assures that
// if an exception is thrown (say
// in the bstr_t allocation below)
// VariantClear in the catch statement
// won't try to clear anything.
V_VT(&vtDest) = VT_EMPTY;
if ( vtVar.vt == VT_UNKNOWN ) { if ( pszType != NULL ) { bstrObj = _bstr_t(pszType); } else { bstrObj = _bstr_t("<Embeded Object>"); } } else if ( SafeArrayGetVartype(vtVar.parray, &vType) == S_OK ) { if ( pszType != NULL ) { bstrObj = _bstr_t("<Array of ") + _bstr_t(pszType) + _bstr_t(">"); } else { bstrObj = _bstr_t("<Array>"); } } else { bstrObj = _bstr_t("UNKNOWN"); } } } else { bstrObj = _bstr_t(_T("<null>")); }
VARIANTCLEAR(vtDest); } catch(_com_error& e) { VARIANTCLEAR(vtDest); _com_issue_error(e.Error()); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name :IsValidFile Synopsis :This functions checks if a given file name is Valid. Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): pszFileName - String type, Name of the file to be validated Output parameter(s):None Return Type :RETCODE Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :IsValidFile(pszFileName) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ RETCODE IsValidFile(_TCHAR* pszFileName) { RETCODE bRet = PARSER_ERROR; BOOL bValidFileName = TRUE;
LONG lFileNameLen = lstrlen(pszFileName); LONG lCount = lFileNameLen; while( lCount >= 0 ) { if (pszFileName[lCount] == _T('\\')) break;
lCount--; }
if(lCount != 0) lCount++;
while( lCount <= lFileNameLen ) { if( pszFileName[lCount] == _T('/') || pszFileName[lCount] == _T('\\') || pszFileName[lCount] == _T(':') || pszFileName[lCount] == _T('*') || pszFileName[lCount] == _T('?') || pszFileName[lCount] == _T('\"') || pszFileName[lCount] == _T('<') || pszFileName[lCount] == _T('>') || pszFileName[lCount] == _T('|') ) { bValidFileName = FALSE; break; }
lCount++; }
if ( pszFileName != NULL && bValidFileName == TRUE) { FILE *fpFile = _tfopen(pszFileName, _T("a"));
if ( fpFile != NULL ) { LONG lFileHandle = _fileno(fpFile); if ( _filelength(lFileHandle) == 0) { if ( fclose(fpFile) == 0 ) { if ( _tremove(pszFileName) == 0 ) bRet = PARSER_CONTINUE; else { DisplayWin32Error(); bRet = PARSER_ERRMSG; } } } else if ( fclose(fpFile) == 0 ) bRet = PARSER_CONTINUE; }
return bRet; }
Name :FindAndReplaceEntityReferences Synopsis :Search and replace all the occurences of entity references. Type :Global Function Input parameter(s): strString - string buffer Output parameter(s):None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :FindAndReplaceEntityReferences(strString); Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FindAndReplaceEntityReferences(_bstr_t& bstrString) { STRING strString((_TCHAR*)bstrString);
FindAndReplaceAll(strString, _T("&"), _T("&")); FindAndReplaceAll(strString, _T("<"), _T("<")); FindAndReplaceAll(strString, _T(">"), _T(">")); FindAndReplaceAll(strString, _T("\'"), _T("'")); FindAndReplaceAll(strString, _T("\""), _T(""")); try { bstrString = _bstr_t((LPTSTR)strString.data()); } catch(_com_error& e) { _com_issue_error(e.Error()); } }
Name :IsOption Synopsis :It checks whether the current token indicates option. An option can start with '/' or '-' Type :Global Function Input Parameter(s): pszToken - pointer to token. Output Parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :IsOption(pszToken) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsOption(_TCHAR* pszToken) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if ( pszToken != NULL ) { bRet = (CompareTokens(pszToken, CLI_TOKEN_FSLASH) || CompareTokens(pszToken, CLI_TOKEN_HYPHEN)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else bRet = FALSE; return bRet; }
Name :IsClassOperation Synopsis :It checks whether the current operation is class level operation or instance level operation Type :Global Function Input Parameter(s): rParsedInfo - reference to CParsedInfo class object Output Parameter(s):None Return Type :BOOL Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :IsClassOperation(rParsedInfo) Notes :None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsClassOperation(CParsedInfo& rParsedInfo) { BOOL bClass = FALSE; if ( rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject().GetAliasName() == NULL && (rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject(). GetWhereExpression() == NULL) && (rParsedInfo.GetCmdSwitchesObject(). GetPathExpression() == NULL)) { bClass = TRUE; }
return bClass; }
Name :ModifyPrivileges Synopsis :This function enables/disables all the token privileges for current process token. Type :Global Function Input Parameter(s): bEnable - Enable|Disable privileges flag Output Parameter(s):None Return Type :HRESULT Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :ModifyPrivileges(bEnable) Notes :none -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT ModifyPrivileges(BOOL bEnable) { HANDLE hToken = NULL; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS, dwLen = 0; BOOL bRes = TRUE; TOKEN_USER tu; HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; BYTE *pBuffer = NULL;
// Open the access token associated with the current process.
bRes = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hToken);
if (bRes) { // If disable privilges
if (!bEnable) { // Store the information back into the token,after disabling all
// the privileges
bRes = AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, TRUE, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (!bRes) hr = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; } else // If enable privileges
{ // Get the privileges
memset(&tu,0,sizeof(TOKEN_USER)); bRes = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenPrivileges, &tu, sizeof(TOKEN_USER), &dwLen); pBuffer = new BYTE[dwLen]; if(pBuffer != NULL) { bRes = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenPrivileges, pBuffer, dwLen, &dwLen); if (bRes) { // Iterate through all the privileges and enable them all
TOKEN_PRIVILEGES* pPrivs = (TOKEN_PRIVILEGES*)pBuffer; for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPrivs->PrivilegeCount; i++) { pPrivs->Privileges[i].Attributes |= SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; } // Store the information back into the token
bRes = AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, pPrivs, 0, NULL, NULL); if (!bRes) hr = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; } else hr = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; SAFEDELETE(pBuffer); } else hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } CloseHandle(hToken); } else hr = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; return hr; }
Name :RemoveParanthesis Synopsis :This function removes the opening and closing paranthesis in the given string. Type :Global Function Input Parameter(s): pszString - String which has paranthesis. Output Parameter(s):None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :RemoveParanthesis(pszString) Notes :none -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void RemoveParanthesis(_TCHAR*& pszString) { if ((lstrlen(pszString) - 1) > 0) { // Check if the string is enclosed within quotes
if ((pszString[0] == _T('(')) && (pszString[lstrlen(pszString)-1] == _T(')'))) { WMICLIINT nLoop = 1, nLen = lstrlen(pszString)-1; while (nLoop < nLen) { pszString[nLoop-1] = pszString[nLoop]; nLoop++; } pszString[nLen-1] = _T('\0'); } } }
Name :TrimBlankSpaces Synopsis :This function removes the leading and trailing blank spaces in the given string. Type :Global Function Input Parameter(s): pszString - String in which leading and trailing spaces to be removed.. Output Parameter(s):None Return Type :void Global Variables :None Calling Syntax :TrimBlankSpaces(pszString) Notes :none -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TrimBlankSpaces(_TCHAR *pszString) { if ((lstrlen(pszString) - 1) > 0) { WMICLIINT nLengthOfString = lstrlen(pszString); WMICLIINT nNoOfBlanksAtBegin = 0; WMICLIINT nNoOfBlanksAtEnd = 0;
// find the noof blank chars at begining
for(WMICLIINT i=0; i<nLengthOfString; ++i) { if( pszString[i] != _T(' ') ) break; else nNoOfBlanksAtBegin++; }
// find the noof blank chars at end
for(WMICLIINT i=nLengthOfString - 1; i>=0; --i) { if( pszString[i] != _T(' ') ) break; else nNoOfBlanksAtEnd++; }
// Remove the blanks at begining
if( nNoOfBlanksAtBegin > 0 ) { // Shift the chars front
WMICLIINT nLoop = nNoOfBlanksAtBegin;
while ( nLoop < nLengthOfString ) { pszString[nLoop - nNoOfBlanksAtBegin] = pszString[nLoop]; nLoop++; } pszString[nLengthOfString-nNoOfBlanksAtBegin] = _T('\0'); }
// Remove the blanks at end
if ( nNoOfBlanksAtEnd > 0) pszString[lstrlen(pszString) - nNoOfBlanksAtEnd] = _T('\0');
} }