// Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wbemcomn.h>
#include <evtools.h>
#include <cominit.h>
// Implementation:
// This class contains a queue of event handles. The top() one is always
// signalled --- it corresponds to the turn that is currently allowed to
// execute. Handles are added to the queue in GetInLine. Handles are removed
// from the queue in EndTurn, at which time the next handle in line is
// signalled.
// m_pCurrentTurn contains the pointer to the turn that has returned from from
// WaitForTurn, but not from EndTurn. Note, that m_pCurrentTurn may be empty
// even if a turn is scheduled to execute --- there is a gap between the time
// when a turn's handle is signalled, and its WaitForTurn succeeds.
// However, it is guranteed that by the time a legitimate call to EndTurn is
// made, m_pCurrentTurn contains the pointer to the turn in question, at which
// time it is reset to NULL.
// An additional optimization is that if the same thread calls GetInLine
// multiple times concurrently, we simply
CExecLine::CExecLine() : m_pCurrentTurn(NULL), m_pLastIssuedTurn(NULL), m_dwLastIssuedTurnThreadId(0) { }
CExecLine::~CExecLine() { // No need to do anything --- handles are closed by tokens
// =======================================================
CExecLine::CTurn* CExecLine::GetInLine() { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// First, check if this thread was the guy who got the last turn
if(m_pLastIssuedTurn && m_dwLastIssuedTurnThreadId == GetCurrentThreadId()) { //
// It is us --- just reuse that turn and be done with it
m_pLastIssuedTurn->AddRef(); return m_pLastIssuedTurn; } //
// Allocate a new turn
CTurn* pTurn = new CTurn; if(pTurn == NULL) return NULL;
if(!pTurn->Init()) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Unable to initialize turn: %d\n", GetLastError())); delete pTurn; return NULL; }
// Add its event to the queue
try { m_qTurns.push_back(pTurn); } catch( CX_MemoryException ) { return NULL; }
// Check if we are currently executing
if(m_qTurns.size() == 1) { //
// Release first in line
if(!ReleaseFirst()) { //
// Something went horribly wrong
ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Unable to release first turn: %d\n", GetLastError()));
m_qTurns.pop_front(); delete pTurn; return NULL; } }
// Mark ourselves as the last issued turn
m_pLastIssuedTurn = pTurn; m_dwLastIssuedTurnThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); return pTurn; }
// assumes in m_cs and m_qTurns is not empty
BOOL CExecLine::ReleaseFirst() { return SetEvent(m_qTurns.front()->GetEvent()); }
DWORD CExecLine::WaitForTurn(CTurn* pTurn, DWORD dwTimeout) { // Wait for the turn event to be signaled
// ======================================
DWORD dwRes = WbemWaitForSingleObject(pTurn->GetEvent(), dwTimeout);
{ CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
if(dwRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // Got it --- record this turn as executing
// ========================================
m_pCurrentTurn = pTurn; } } return dwRes; }
BOOL CExecLine::EndTurn(CTurn* pTurn) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Check that this is the running turn
// ===================================
if(pTurn != m_pCurrentTurn) return FALSE;
m_pCurrentTurn = NULL;
// Delete the turn object
// ======================
if(pTurn->Release() > 0) { //
// This is not the last incarnation of this turn. No further action is
// required, as the same thread will call Wait and End again
return TRUE; }
// Remove the last issued turn if this is it
if(m_pLastIssuedTurn == pTurn) { m_pLastIssuedTurn = NULL; m_dwLastIssuedTurnThreadId = 0; }
// Pop its handle off the queue
m_qTurns.pop_front(); //
// Signal the next one
if(!m_qTurns.empty()) return ReleaseFirst(); else return TRUE; }
BOOL CExecLine::DiscardTurn(ACQUIRE CTurn* pTurn) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
if(pTurn->Release() > 0) { //
// This is not the last incarnation of this turn. No further action is
// required
return TRUE; } else { // if pTurn is going away, we'd better make sure that we don't try to reuse it...
// HMH 4/12/99, RAID 48420
if (pTurn == m_pLastIssuedTurn) m_pLastIssuedTurn = NULL; }
// Search for it in the queue
BOOL bFound = FALSE; for(TTurnIterator it = m_qTurns.begin(); it != m_qTurns.end();) { if((*it) == pTurn) { //
// erase it and continue
it = m_qTurns.erase(it); bFound = TRUE; break; } else it++; }
if(!bFound) return FALSE;
if(it == m_qTurns.begin() && it != m_qTurns.end()) { //
// Discarded turn was actually active --- signal the next one
ReleaseFirst(); }
return TRUE; }
CExecLine::CTurn::CTurn() : m_hEvent(NULL), m_lRef(1) { }
BOOL CExecLine::CTurn::Init() { m_dwOwningThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); m_hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); return (m_hEvent != NULL); } long CExecLine::CTurn::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRef); }
long CExecLine::CTurn::Release() { long l = InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRef); if(l == 0) delete this; return l; }
CExecLine::CTurn::~CTurn() { if(m_hEvent) CloseHandle(m_hEvent); }
void* CExecLine::CTurn::operator new(size_t nSize) { return CTemporaryHeap::Alloc(nSize); } void CExecLine::CTurn::operator delete(void* p) { CTemporaryHeap::Free(p, sizeof(CExecLine::CTurn)); }
INTERNAL const SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* GetSD( IWbemEvent* pEvent,ULONG* pcEvent ) { static long mstatic_lSdHandle = -1; HRESULT hres;
// Get the SD from the event
_IWmiObject* pEventEx = NULL; pEvent->QueryInterface(IID__IWmiObject, (void**)&pEventEx); CReleaseMe rm1(pEventEx);
if(mstatic_lSdHandle == -1) { pEventEx->GetPropertyHandleEx(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_PROPNAME, 0, NULL, &mstatic_lSdHandle); }
hres = pEventEx->GetArrayPropAddrByHandle(mstatic_lSdHandle, 0, pcEvent, (void**)&pSD); if(FAILED(hres) || pSD == NULL) return NULL; else return pSD; } HRESULT SetSD(IWbemEvent* pEvent, const SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* pSD) { HRESULT hres;
VARIANT vSd; VariantInit(&vSd); CClearMe cm1(&vSd);
long lLength = GetSecurityDescriptorLength((SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*)pSD);
V_VT(&vSd) = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1; SAFEARRAYBOUND sab; sab.cElements = lLength; sab.lLbound = 0; V_ARRAY(&vSd) = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, &sab); if(V_ARRAY(&vSd) == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
BYTE* abSd = NULL; hres = SafeArrayAccessData(V_ARRAY(&vSd), (void**)&abSd); if(FAILED(hres)) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
CUnaccessMe uam(V_ARRAY(&vSd)); memcpy(abSd, pSD, lLength);
// Put it into the consumer
// ========================
hres = pEvent->Put(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_PROPNAME, 0, &vSd, 0); return hres; }
CTempMemoryManager CTemporaryHeap::mstatic_Manager;
CTemporaryHeap::CHeapHandle CTemporaryHeap::mstatic_HeapHandle;
CTemporaryHeap::CHeapHandle::CHeapHandle() { m_hHeap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0); }
CTemporaryHeap::CHeapHandle::~CHeapHandle() { HeapDestroy(m_hHeap); } */