// Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <genutils.h>
#include <cominit.h>
#include "ess.h"
#include "evsink.h"
#include "delivrec.h"
#define IN_SPIN_LOCK CInCritSec
#define MAX_EVENT_DELIVERY_SIZE 10000000
CQueueingEventSink ******************************************************************************/
CQueueingEventSink::CQueueingEventSink(CEssNamespace* pNamespace) : m_pNamespace(pNamespace), m_bDelivering(FALSE), m_dwTotalSize(0), m_dwMaxSize(0xFFFFFFFF), m_wszName(NULL), m_bRecovering(FALSE), m_hRecoveryComplete(NULL), m_hrRecovery(S_OK) { m_pNamespace->AddRef(); m_pNamespace->AddCache(); }
CQueueingEventSink::~CQueueingEventSink() { if ( m_hRecoveryComplete != NULL ) { CloseHandle( m_hRecoveryComplete ); } delete m_wszName; m_pNamespace->RemoveCache(); m_pNamespace->Release(); }
HRESULT CQueueingEventSink::SetName( LPCWSTR wszName ) { if ( m_wszName != NULL ) { return WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; }
m_wszName = new WCHAR[wcslen(wszName)+1];
if ( m_wszName == NULL ) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
StringCchCopyW( m_wszName, wcslen(wszName)+1, wszName );
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CQueueingEventSink::SecureIndicate( long lNumEvents, IWbemEvent** apEvents, BOOL bMaintainSecurity, BOOL bSlowDown, DWORD dwQoS, CEventContext* pContext) { // BUGBUG: context. levn: no security implications at this level --- we
// are past the filter
HRESULT hres; DWORD dwSleep = 0;
// If security needs to be maintained, record the calling security
// context
// ===============================================================
IWbemCallSecurity* pSecurity = NULL;
if(bMaintainSecurity && IsNT()) { pSecurity = CWbemCallSecurity::CreateInst(); if (pSecurity == 0) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; hres = pSecurity->CloneThreadContext(FALSE); if(FAILED(hres)) { pSecurity->Release(); return hres; } }
CReleaseMe rmpSecurity( pSecurity );
BOOL bSchedule = FALSE;
for(int i = 0; i < lNumEvents; i++) { CWbemPtr<CDeliveryRecord> pRecord; //
// TODO: Fix this so that we put multiple events in the record.
hr = GetDeliveryRecord( 1, &apEvents[i], dwQoS, pContext, pSecurity, &pRecord );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Couldn't create delivery record for %S " " sink. HR = 0x%x\n", m_wszName, hr )); ReportQosFailure( apEvents[i], hr ); continue; }
DWORD dwThisSleep; BOOL bFirst; if( !AddRecord( pRecord, bSlowDown, &dwThisSleep, &bFirst) ) { //
// make sure that we give the record a chance to perform any post
// deliver actions before getting rid of it.
pRecord->PostDeliverAction( NULL, S_OK );
dwSleep += dwThisSleep; if(bFirst) bSchedule = TRUE; }
if(bSchedule) { // DeliverAll();
// TRACE((LOG_ESS, "Scheduling delivery!!\n"));
hres = m_pNamespace->ScheduleDelivery(this); } else { // TRACE((LOG_ESS, "NOT Scheduling delivery!!\n"));
hres = WBEM_S_FALSE; }
if(dwSleep && bSlowDown) m_pNamespace->AddSleepCharge(dwSleep);
return hres; }
BOOL CQueueingEventSink::AddRecord( CDeliveryRecord* pRecord, BOOL bSlowDown, DWORD* pdwSleep, BOOL* pbFirst ) { // Inform the system of the additional space in the queue
// ======================================================
DWORD dwRecordSize = pRecord->GetTotalBytes();
pRecord->AddToCache( m_pNamespace, m_dwTotalSize, pdwSleep );
// Check if the sleep is such as to cause us to drop the event
// ===========================================================
if(!bSlowDown && *pdwSleep > SLOWDOWN_DROP_LIMIT) { bDrop = TRUE; } else { // Check if our queue size is so large as to cause us to drop
// ==============================================================
if(m_dwTotalSize + dwRecordSize > m_dwMaxSize) bDrop = TRUE; }
if( bDrop ) { //
// Report that we're dropping the events. Call for each event.
IWbemClassObject** apEvents = pRecord->GetEvents();
for( ULONG i=0; i < pRecord->GetNumEvents(); i++ ) { ReportQueueOverflow( apEvents[i], m_dwTotalSize + dwRecordSize ); }
*pdwSleep = 0; *pbFirst = FALSE; } else { IN_SPIN_LOCK isl(&m_sl);
*pbFirst = (m_qpEvents.GetQueueSize() == 0) && !m_bDelivering; m_dwTotalSize += dwRecordSize; if(!m_qpEvents.Enqueue(pRecord)) { *pdwSleep = 0; return FALSE; } pRecord->AddRef(); }
return TRUE; }
HRESULT CQueueingEventSink::DeliverAll() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; BOOL bSomeLeft = TRUE;
while( bSomeLeft ) { try { { IN_SPIN_LOCK ics(&m_sl); m_bDelivering = TRUE; }
hr = DeliverSome( ); } catch( CX_MemoryException ) { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } catch ( ... ) { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; }
{ IN_SPIN_LOCK ics(&m_sl); m_bDelivering = FALSE;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { bSomeLeft = (m_qpEvents.GetQueueSize() != 0); } else { m_qpEvents.Clear(); bSomeLeft = FALSE; } } }
return hr; }
void CQueueingEventSink::ClearAll() { IN_SPIN_LOCK isl(&m_sl); m_qpEvents.Clear(); }
#pragma optimize("", off)
void CQueueingEventSink::WaitABit() { SwitchToThread(); /*
int nCount = 0; while(m_qpEvents.GetQueueSize() == 0 && nCount++ < DELIVER_SPIN_COUNT); */ } #pragma optimize("", on)
HRESULT CQueueingEventSink::DeliverSome( ) { // Retrieve records until maximum size is reached and while the same
// security context is used for all
// ==================================================================
CTempArray<CDeliveryRecord*> apRecords;
m_sl.Enter(); // CANNOT USE SCOPE BECAUSE CTempArray uses _alloca
DWORD dwMaxRecords = m_qpEvents.GetQueueSize(); m_sl.Leave();
if(!INIT_TEMP_ARRAY(apRecords, dwMaxRecords)) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
CDeliveryRecord* pEventRec; DWORD dwDeliverySize = 0; DWORD dwTotalEvents = 0; int cRecords = 0; LUID luidBatch; IWbemCallSecurity* pBatchSecurity = NULL;
while( dwDeliverySize < GetMaxDeliverySize() && cRecords < dwMaxRecords && (pEventRec = m_qpEvents.Dequeue()) != NULL ) { // Compare it to the last context
// ==============================
m_sl.Leave(); if( dwDeliverySize > 0 ) { if(!DoesRecordFitBatch(pEventRec, pBatchSecurity, luidBatch)) { // Put it back and that's it for the batch
// =======================================
IN_SPIN_LOCK ics(&m_sl); m_qpEvents.Requeue(pEventRec);
m_sl.Enter(); break; } } else { // First --- record luid
// =====================
pBatchSecurity = pEventRec->GetCallSecurity();
if( pBatchSecurity ) { pBatchSecurity->AddRef(); pBatchSecurity->GetAuthenticationId( luidBatch ); } }
apRecords[cRecords++] = pEventRec; dwTotalEvents += pEventRec->GetNumEvents(); // Matched batch parameters --- add it to the batch
// ================================================
DWORD dwRecordSize = pEventRec->GetTotalBytes();
m_dwTotalSize -= dwRecordSize; dwDeliverySize += dwRecordSize;
// Remove this size from the total of events held
m_sl.Enter(); }
// we've now got one or more delivery records to handle.
// we now need to initialize the event array that we're going to indicate
// to the client.
CTempArray<IWbemClassObject*> apEvents;
if( !INIT_TEMP_ARRAY( apEvents, dwTotalEvents )) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
// go through the delivery records and add their events to the
// events to deliver. Also perform any PreDeliverAction on the
// record.
CWbemPtr<ITransaction> pTxn; HRESULT hr; int cEvents = 0; int i;
for(i=0; i < cRecords; i++ ) { //if ( apRecords[i]->RequiresTransaction() && pTxn == NULL )
// TODO : XACT - aquire txn from DTC.
hr = apRecords[i]->PreDeliverAction( pTxn );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { //
// TODO : handle error reporting here.
continue; }
IWbemEvent** apRecordEvents = apRecords[i]->GetEvents(); DWORD cRecordEvents = apRecords[i]->GetNumEvents();
for( DWORD j=0; j < cRecordEvents; j++ ) { apEvents[cEvents++] = apRecordEvents[j]; } } // Actually Deliver
// =======
if( dwDeliverySize > 0 ) { //
// Error returns are already logged in ActuallyDeliver
// we do not need to return return value of DeliverEvents
hres = DeliverEvents( pBatchSecurity, cEvents, apEvents ); }
// call postdeliveryaction on all the records. Then clean them up.
for(i=0; i < cRecords; i++ ) { apRecords[i]->PostDeliverAction( pTxn, hres ); apRecords[i]->Release(); }
// Release all of the events.
// ================
if( pBatchSecurity ) { pBatchSecurity->Release(); }
// Check if we need to continue
// ============================
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT CQueueingEventSink::DeliverEvents(IWbemCallSecurity* pBatchSecurity, long lNumEvents, IWbemEvent** apEvents) { HRESULT hres = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; IUnknown* pOldSec = NULL; if(pBatchSecurity) { hres = WbemCoSwitchCallContext(pBatchSecurity, &pOldSec); if(FAILED(hres)) { // Unable to set security --- cannot deliver
// =========================================
return hres; } }
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) { // BUGBUG: propagate context. levn: no security implications at this
// point --- we are past the filter
hres = ActuallyDeliver(lNumEvents, apEvents, (pBatchSecurity != NULL), NULL); }
if(pBatchSecurity) { IUnknown* pTemp; HRESULT hr = WbemCoSwitchCallContext(pOldSec, &pTemp);
if ( FAILED( hr ) && SUCCEEDED( hres ) ) { return hr; } }
return hres; }
BOOL CQueueingEventSink::DoesRecordFitBatch( CDeliveryRecord* pEventRec, IWbemCallSecurity* pBatchSecurity, LUID luidBatch ) { IWbemCallSecurity* pEventSec = pEventRec->GetCallSecurity();
if( pEventSec != NULL || pBatchSecurity != NULL ) { if( pEventSec == NULL || pBatchSecurity == NULL ) { // Definite mistatch --- one NULL, one not
// =======================================
return FALSE; } else { LUID luidThis; pEventSec->GetAuthenticationId(luidThis);
if( luidThis.LowPart != luidBatch.LowPart || luidThis.HighPart != luidBatch.HighPart ) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } } else { return TRUE; } }
DWORD CQueueingEventSink::GetMaxDeliverySize() { return MAX_EVENT_DELIVERY_SIZE; }
HRESULT CQueueingEventSink::GetDeliveryRecord( ULONG cEvents, IWbemEvent** apEvents, DWORD dwQos, CEventContext* pContext, IWbemCallSecurity* pCallSec, CDeliveryRecord** ppRecord ) { *ppRecord = NULL;
CWbemPtr<CDeliveryRecord> pRecord;
if ( dwQos == WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_EXPRESS ) { pRecord = new CExpressDeliveryRecord; if ( pRecord == NULL ) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
HRESULT hr = pRecord->Initialize( apEvents, cEvents, pCallSec ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } }
pRecord->AddRef(); *ppRecord = pRecord;
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }