#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <buffer.h>
#include <wbemutil.h>
#include <sddl.h>
#include "fwdhdr.h"
#include "fconsink.h"
#include "fconsend.h"
LPCWSTR g_wszQos = L"ForwardingQos"; LPCWSTR g_wszAuth = L"Authenticate"; LPCWSTR g_wszEncrypt = L"Encryption"; LPCWSTR g_wszTargets = L"Targets"; LPCWSTR g_wszName = L"Name"; LPCWSTR g_wszTargetSD = L"TargetSD"; LPCWSTR g_wszSendSchema = L"IncludeSchema";
typedef BOOL (APIENTRY*PStringSDToSD)( LPCWSTR StringSecurityDescriptor, DWORD StringSDRevision, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *SecurityDescriptor, PULONG SecurityDescriptorSize );
class CTraceSink : public CUnkBase< IWmiMessageTraceSink, &IID_IWmiMessageTraceSink > { CFwdConsSink* m_pOwner;
CTraceSink( CFwdConsSink* pOwner ) : m_pOwner( pOwner ) { }
STDMETHOD(Notify)( HRESULT hRes, GUID guidSource, LPCWSTR wszTrace, IUnknown* pContext ) { return m_pOwner->Notify( hRes, guidSource, wszTrace, pContext ); } };
CFwdConsSink *****************************************************************************/
CFwdConsSink::~CFwdConsSink() { if ( m_pTargetSD != NULL ) { LocalFree( m_pTargetSD ); } }
HRESULT CFwdConsSink::Initialize( CFwdConsNamespace* pNspc, IWbemClassObject* pCons ) { HRESULT hr; CPropVar vQos, vAuth, vEncrypt, vTargets, vName, vSendSchema, vTargetSD;
m_pNamespace = pNspc;
// initialize multi sender. each forwarding consumer can
// contain multiple targets.
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WmiMessageMultiSendReceive, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IWmiMessageMultiSendReceive, (void**)&m_pMultiSend ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WmiSmartObjectMarshal, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IWmiObjectMarshal, (void**)&m_pMrsh ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
// initialize internal props from forwarding consumer props.
hr = pCons->Get( g_wszQos, 0, &vQos, NULL, NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) || FAILED( hr=vQos.SetType(VT_UI4) ) ) { return hr; }
hr = pCons->Get( g_wszName, 0, &vName, NULL, NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) || FAILED( hr=vName.CheckType(VT_BSTR) ) ) { return hr; }
m_wsName = V_BSTR(&vName);
hr = pCons->Get( g_wszTargetSD, 0, &vTargetSD, NULL, NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } if ( V_VT(&vTargetSD) != VT_NULL ) { if ( V_VT(&vTargetSD) != VT_BSTR ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; }
// convert the SD string to a relative SD. The function to do this
// needs to be dynamically loaded because its w2k+ only.
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary( TEXT("advapi32") );
if ( hMod != NULL ) { PStringSDToSD fpTextToSD;
fpTextToSD = (PStringSDToSD)GetProcAddress( hMod, "ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW" ); if ( fpTextToSD != NULL ) { if ( (*fpTextToSD)( V_BSTR(&vTargetSD), SDDL_REVISION_1, &m_pTargetSD, &m_cTargetSD ) ) { hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); } } else { hr = WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
FreeLibrary( hMod );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } } else { return WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } hr = pCons->Get( g_wszAuth, 0, &vAuth, NULL, NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) || FAILED( hr=vAuth.SetType(VT_BOOL) ) ) { return hr; }
hr = pCons->Get( g_wszEncrypt, 0, &vEncrypt, NULL, NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) || FAILED( hr=vEncrypt.SetType(VT_BOOL) ) ) { return hr; }
hr = pCons->Get( g_wszSendSchema, 0, &vSendSchema, NULL, NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) || FAILED( hr=vSendSchema.SetType(VT_BOOL) ) ) { return hr; }
m_dwFlags = V_UI4(&vQos); m_dwFlags |= V_BOOL(&vAuth)==VARIANT_TRUE ?WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_AUTHENTICATE:0; m_dwFlags |= V_BOOL(&vEncrypt)==VARIANT_TRUE ? WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_ENCRYPT:0; m_dwCurrentMrshFlags = WMIMSG_FLAG_MRSH_FULL_ONCE; m_dwDisconnectedMrshFlags = V_BOOL(&vSendSchema) == VARIANT_TRUE ? WMIMSG_FLAG_MRSH_FULL : WMIMSG_FLAG_MRSH_PARTIAL; //
// create a trace sink for receiving callbacks from wmimsg. Note that
// this sink's lifetime must be decoupled from this objects, else we'd
// end up with a circular ref.
CWbemPtr<CTraceSink> pInternalTraceSink = new CTraceSink( this );
if ( pInternalTraceSink == NULL ) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
CWbemPtr<IWmiMessageTraceSink> pTraceSink; hr = pInternalTraceSink->QueryInterface( IID_IWmiMessageTraceSink, (void**)&pTraceSink ); _DBG_ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
// targets array can be null, in which case we treat it as if the array
// had one element, the empty string.
hr = pCons->Get( g_wszTargets, 0, &vTargets, NULL, NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
if ( V_VT(&vTargets) != VT_NULL ) { if ( FAILED(hr=vTargets.CheckType(VT_ARRAY|VT_BSTR) ) ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; }
CPropSafeArray<BSTR> aTargets( V_ARRAY(&vTargets) ); //
// create all the fwd cons senders for the targets.
for( ULONG i=0; i < aTargets.Length(); i++ ) { CWbemPtr<IWmiMessageSendReceive> pSend; hr = CFwdConsSend::Create( m_pControl, aTargets[i], m_dwFlags, m_pNamespace->GetSvc(), pTraceSink, &pSend ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
hr = m_pMultiSend->Add( 0, pSend ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; } } } else { CWbemPtr<IWmiMessageSendReceive> pSend;
hr = CFwdConsSend::Create( m_pControl, L"", m_dwFlags, m_pNamespace->GetSvc(), pTraceSink, &pSend ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
hr = m_pMultiSend->Add( 0, pSend ); }
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// this method handles all sending/marshaling errors internally and will
// return either S_OK when all objects are processed or S_FALSE
// if only some are processed.
HRESULT CFwdConsSink::IndicateSome( IWbemClassObject* pConsumer, long cObjs, IWbemClassObject** ppObjs, long* pcProcessed ) { HRESULT hr;
_DBG_ASSERT( cObjs > 0 ); //
// create an execution id for this indicate.
GUID guidExecution; CoCreateGuid( &guidExecution );
// marshal the events. we will stop marshaling them when the buffer
// gets bigger than it should for an optimally sized message.
BYTE achData[512]; BYTE achHdr[256];
CBuffer DataStrm( achData, 512, FALSE ); CBuffer HdrStrm( achHdr, 256, FALSE );
// we remembered our last buffer size, so set to that in the hopes that
// we can avoid a retry on the packing.
hr = DataStrm.SetSize( m_ulLastDataSize ); m_ulLastDataSize = 0;
for( i = 0; i < cObjs && SUCCEEDED(hr); i++ ) { ULONG cUsed; PBYTE pData = DataStrm.GetRawData(); ULONG cData = DataStrm.GetSize(); ULONG iData = DataStrm.GetIndex();
if ( iData < OPTIMAL_MESSAGE_SIZE ) { hr = m_pMrsh->Pack( ppObjs[i], m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_dwCurrentMrshFlags, cData-iData, pData+iData, &cUsed );
if ( hr == WBEM_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) { hr = DataStrm.SetSize( iData + cUsed );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { pData = DataStrm.GetRawData(); cData = DataStrm.GetSize(); hr = m_pMrsh->Pack( ppObjs[i], m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_dwCurrentMrshFlags, cData-iData, pData+iData, &cUsed); } }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { DataStrm.Advance( cUsed ); } } else { break; } }
// at this point, we know how many events we've actually processed
// i will always be the number of objects successfully processed.
// we want to try to separate out the events that fail to be packed
// from ones that are packed. For this reason, pretend we didn't event
// process the one that failed, unless it is the first one.
*pcProcessed = i > 0 ? i : 1;
// create a context object for this indicate. This is used to
// thread information through to the trace functions
// which are invoked by the senders.
CFwdContext Ctx( guidExecution, pConsumer, *pcProcessed, ppObjs ); if ( i > 0 ) // at least some were successfully processed.
{ m_ulLastDataSize = DataStrm.GetIndex();
// create and stream the msg header
CFwdMsgHeader Hdr( *pcProcessed, m_dwFlags & WMIMSG_MASK_QOS, m_dwFlags & WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_AUTHENTICATE, m_dwFlags & WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_ENCRYPT, guidExecution, m_wsName, m_pNamespace->GetName(), PBYTE(m_pTargetSD), m_cTargetSD );
hr = Hdr.Persist( HdrStrm );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// send it and notify the tracing sink of the result. Always try
// once with return immediately set. This will try all the
// primary senders first.
hr = m_pMultiSend->SendReceive( DataStrm.GetRawData(), DataStrm.GetIndex(), HdrStrm.GetRawData(), HdrStrm.GetIndex(), WMIMSG_FLAG_MULTISEND_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, &Ctx );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { ; } else { //
// o.k so all the primary ones failed, so now lets try all the
// senders.
hr = m_pMultiSend->SendReceive( DataStrm.GetRawData(), DataStrm.GetIndex(), HdrStrm.GetRawData(), HdrStrm.GetIndex(), 0, &Ctx ); } } }
m_pNamespace->HandleTrace( hr, &Ctx );
return *pcProcessed == cObjs ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// this is where we get notified of every target send event. here, we look
// at the information and adjust our marshalers accordingly. we then pass the
// event onto the namespace sink for tracing purposes. NOTE: This solution of
// adjusting our marshalers on callbacks means that we're assuming a couple
// things about the send implementation .. 1 ) the notification of the send
// must be on the same control path as the send call. 2 ) the sender will
// use the same target when it has successfully sent to it previously (e.g it
// will not notify us that it sent to an rpc target, we then optimize our
// marshalers for it, then it chooses to send to an msmq target ).
HRESULT CFwdConsSink::Notify( HRESULT hRes, GUID guidSource, LPCWSTR wszTrace, IUnknown* pContext ) { HRESULT hr;
if ( FAILED(hRes) ) { //
// we failed sending to a target, flush any state the marshaler
// was keeping.
m_pMrsh->Flush(); }
// check that current marshaling flags against the type of sender that
// was used.
if ( guidSource == CLSID_WmiMessageRpcSender ) { if ( SUCCEEDED(hRes) && m_dwCurrentMrshFlags != WMIMSG_FLAG_MRSH_FULL_ONCE ) { //
// lets give schema once-only a whirl..
m_dwCurrentMrshFlags = WMIMSG_FLAG_MRSH_FULL_ONCE; } } else // must be queueing
{ if ( m_dwCurrentMrshFlags == WMIMSG_FLAG_MRSH_FULL_ONCE ) { //
// once only is not for messaging !! Its o.k. though
// because we are sure that we've only used it once
// and it did send the schema. Just don't use it again.
m_dwCurrentMrshFlags = m_dwDisconnectedMrshFlags; } }
// pass the call onto the namespace sink for tracing.
hr = m_pNamespace->Notify( hRes, guidSource, wszTrace, pContext ); EXIT_API_CALL
return hr; }
HRESULT CFwdConsSink::IndicateToConsumer( IWbemClassObject* pConsumer, long cObjs, IWbemClassObject** ppObjs ) { HRESULT hr;
// If the security context of the event provider is maintained then
// we will use it to send the forwarded event.
CWbemPtr<IServerSecurity> pSec; hr = CoGetCallContext( IID_IServerSecurity, (void**)&pSec );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pSec->ImpersonateClient();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr; } long cProcessed = 0; //
// IndicateSome() may send only a subset of the total indicated events.
// This is to avoid sending potentially huge messages. So we'll keep
// calling IndicateSome() until all messages are sent or there's an error.
do { cObjs -= cProcessed; ppObjs += cProcessed;
hr = IndicateSome( pConsumer, cObjs, ppObjs, &cProcessed );
_DBG_ASSERT( FAILED(hr) || (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cProcessed > 0 ));
} while ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && cProcessed < cObjs );
if ( pSec != NULL ) pSec->RevertToSelf();
return hr; }
HRESULT CFwdConsSink::Create( CLifeControl* pCtl, CFwdConsNamespace* pNspc, IWbemClassObject* pCons, IWbemUnboundObjectSink** ppSink ) { HRESULT hr;
*ppSink = NULL;
CWbemPtr<CFwdConsSink> pSink = new CFwdConsSink( pCtl );
if ( pSink == NULL ) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
hr = pSink->Initialize( pNspc, pCons );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
hr = pSink->QueryInterface( IID_IWbemUnboundObjectSink, (void**)ppSink );
assert( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }