// Event.h
// These classes represent the hEvent returned by the CreateEvent functions.
#pragma once
// Forward declarations
class CConnection; class CEvent;
#include "array.h"
#include "NCObjApi.h"
// CPropInfo
typedef BOOL (CEvent::*PROP_FUNC)();
typedef CArray<int, int> CIntArray;
class CPropInfo { public: DWORD m_dwCurrentSize; DWORD m_dwElementSize; PROP_FUNC m_pFunc;
BOOL Init(CIMTYPE type); BOOL CountPrefixed() { return m_bCountPrefixNeeded; }
BOOL IsPointer() { return m_bPointer; }
void InitCurrentSize(LPBYTE pData);
protected: BOOL m_bCountPrefixNeeded; BOOL m_bPointer; };
// CEventWrap
typedef CArray<CPropInfo, CPropInfo&> CPropInfoArray;
class CEventWrap { public: CEventWrap(CSink *pSink, DWORD dwFlags); CEventWrap(CEvent *pEvent, int nIndexes, DWORD *pdwIndexes); ~CEventWrap();
BOOL IsSubset() { return !m_bFreeEvent; } CEvent *GetEvent() { return m_pEvent; } CIntArray *GetIndexArray() { return !IsSubset() ? NULL : &m_pIndexes; }
int SubIndexToEventIndex(int iIndex) { if (!IsSubset()) return iIndex; else { if(iIndex < 0 || iIndex >= m_pIndexes.GetSize()) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return -1; }
return m_pIndexes[iIndex]; } }
protected: CEvent *m_pEvent; CIntArray m_pIndexes; BOOL m_bFreeEvent; };
// CEvent
// LenStr:
// DWORD nBytes - Bytes in the string.
// WCHAR[nBytes] String data.
// BYTE[0-3] Padding to make the string DWORD aligned.
// Event Layout Buffer:
// DWORD dwMsgBytes - The total number of bytes in the buffer.
// DWORD dwEventIndex
// DWORD dwSinkIndex
// DWORD nProperties
// LenStr szEventClassName
// The next two properties are repeated for each property.
// DWORD dwPropType (Uses CIMTYPE values)
// LenStr szPropertyName
// Event Data Buffer:
// DWORD dwMsgBytes - The total number of bytes in the buffer.
// DWORD dwEventIndex
// DWORD[n] cNullMask (0 bit == null)
// n = # of props divided by 32. If no props, n == 1.
// DWORD[nProps] dwDataInfo
// This contains actual data for scalar values for types that
// fit into 32-bits and offsets the to data for everything else.
// Offsets are relative from the start of the buffer.
// BYTE[???] The data pointed to by dwDataInfo (if necessary).
// Event SD:
// DWORD dwMsgBytes - The total number of bytes in the buffer.
// DWORD dwEventIndex
// BYTE[] SD data
// Data encoding (total length is always DWORD aligned):
// Strings:
// All strings, both alone and in arrays, are encoded as LenStr's.
// Arrays:
// DWORD dwItems - Number of elements in the array.
// Type[dwItems] array data
// BYTE[0-3] Padding to make the data end on a DWORD boundary.
// Objects:
// DWORD dwBytes - Number of bytes of object data.
// BYTE[dwBytes] Layout Buffer + Data Buffer
// BYTE[0-3] Padding to make the data end on a DWORD boundary.
// Blob Event Layout:
// DWORD dwMsgBytes - The total number of bytes in the buffer.
// DWORD dwSinkIndex
// LenStr szEventName
// DWORD dwSize - Size of blob.
// BYTE[dwSize] pBlob
class CEvent : public CBuffer { public: CRITICAL_SECTION m_cs; CSink *m_pSink;
CEvent(CSink *pSink, DWORD dwFlags); ~CEvent();
void ResetEvent(); // Prepared event functions
BOOL PrepareEvent( LPCWSTR szEventName, DWORD nPropertyCount, LPCWSTR *pszPropertyNames, CIMTYPE *pPropertyTypes); BOOL FindProp(LPCWSTR szName, CIMTYPE* ptype, DWORD* pdwIndex); BOOL AddProp(LPCWSTR szName, CIMTYPE type, DWORD *pdwIndex); BOOL SetPropValues(CIntArray *pArr, va_list list); BOOL SetSinglePropValue(DWORD dwIndex, va_list list); BOOL SetPropValue(DWORD dwPropIndex, LPVOID pData, DWORD dwElements, DWORD dwSize); BOOL GetPropValue(DWORD dwPropIndex, LPVOID pData, DWORD dwBufferSize, DWORD *pdwBytesRead); BOOL SetPropNull(DWORD dwPropIndex);
void ResetLayoutSent() { m_bLayoutSent = FALSE; }
CBuffer *GetLayout() { return &m_bufferEventLayout; } CPropInfo *GetProp(DWORD dwIndex) { return &m_pProps[dwIndex]; }
BOOL SendEvent();
friend CPropInfo; // For CPropInfo::Init.
friend CEventWrap;
LPCWSTR GetClassName() { return (LPCWSTR) (m_bufferEventLayout.m_pBuffer + sizeof(DWORD) * 6); }
BOOL IsEnabled() { BOOL bEnabled;
bEnabled = m_bEnabled || (m_pSink->GetConnection() && m_pSink->GetConnection()->WaitingForWMIInit());
return bEnabled; } void SetEnabled(BOOL bEnabled) { m_bEnabled = bEnabled; }
void GetLayoutBuffer( LPBYTE *ppBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize, BOOL bIncludeHeader); void GetDataBuffer( LPBYTE *ppBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize, BOOL bIncludeHeader); BOOL SetLayoutAndDataBuffers( LPBYTE pLayoutBuffer, DWORD dwLayoutBufferSize, LPBYTE pDataBuffer, DWORD dwDataBufferSize);
void Lock() { if (IsLockable()) EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
void Unlock() { if (IsLockable()) LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
BOOL IsPropNull(DWORD dwIndex) { LPDWORD pTable = GetNullTable();
return !(pTable[dwIndex / 32] & (1 << (dwIndex % 32))); }
void SetPropNull(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bNull) { LPDWORD pTable = GetNullTable();
if (bNull) pTable[dwIndex / 32] &= ~(1 << (dwIndex % 32)); else pTable[dwIndex / 32] |= 1 << (dwIndex % 32); }
BOOL IsLockable() { return (m_dwFlags & WMI_CREATEOBJ_LOCKABLE) != 0; }
protected: CPropInfoArray m_pProps; CBuffer m_bufferEventLayout; BOOL m_bLayoutSent, m_bEnabled; DWORD m_iCurrentVar, m_dwFlags; va_list m_valist;
DWORD *m_pdwNullTable; DWORD *m_pdwPropTable; DWORD *m_pdwHeapData;
void RecalcTables();
BOOL AddBYTE(); BOOL AddWORD(); BOOL AddDWORD(); BOOL AddDWORD64(); BOOL AddFloat(); BOOL AddStringW(); BOOL AddObject(); BOOL AddWmiObject(); BOOL AddScalarArray(); BOOL AddStringArray();
DWORD GetEventIndex() { return *(DWORD*) (m_bufferEventLayout.m_pBuffer + sizeof(DWORD) * 2); }
DWORD GetPropertyCount() { return *(DWORD*) (m_bufferEventLayout.m_pBuffer + sizeof(DWORD) * 4); }
void SetPropertyCount(DWORD nProps) { *(DWORD*) (m_bufferEventLayout.m_pBuffer + sizeof(DWORD) * 4) = nProps; }
DWORD *GetNullTable() { return m_pdwNullTable; }
LPBYTE GetPropData(DWORD dwPropIndex); // Used by SetLayoutAndDataBuffers to figure out the current data size of
// a property and set m_dwCurrentSize with it.
DWORD CalcPropDataSize(CPropInfo *pInfo);
// Called when our buffer is resized.
virtual void OnResize() { RecalcTables(); } };