Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
#include <precomp.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wbemint.h>
#include <Thread.h>
#include <HelperFuncs.h>
#include <Logging.h>
#include "Globals.h"
#include "CGlobals.h"
#include "classfac.h"
#include "ProvLoad.h"
#include "ProvAggr.h"
#include "ProvHost.h"
#include "guids.h"
#include "Main.h"
#include <locale.h>
#include <helper.h>
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
#define PROVIDER_HOST_DLL_TIMEOUT (10*1000) // 10 seconds
#define VALIDATE_HEAP {};
#ifdef DEV_BUILD
#ifdef _X86_
class ValidateHeap : public EventHandler { BOOL (* rtlValidateProcessHeaps)(void); public:
ValidateHeap () ; int handleTimeout (void) ; void validateHeap(); } heapValidator;
#define VALIDATE_HEAP {heapValidator.validateHeap(); };
ValidateHeap::ValidateHeap() { FARPROC OldRoutine = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L"NTDLL"),"RtlValidateProcessHeaps"); rtlValidateProcessHeaps = reinterpret_cast<BOOL (*)(void)>(OldRoutine) ; }
int ValidateHeap::handleTimeout (void) { validateHeap(); return 0; }
void ValidateHeap::validateHeap (void) { //NtCurrentPeb()->BeingDebugged = 1;
if (rtlValidateProcessHeaps) { if ((*rtlValidateProcessHeaps)()==FALSE) DebugBreak(); } //NtCurrentPeb()->BeingDebugged = 0;
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <malloc.h>
struct HEAP_ENTRY { WORD Size; WORD PrevSize; BYTE SegmentIndex; BYTE Flags; BYTE UnusedBytes; BYTE SmallTagIndex; };
#define HEAP_SLOW_FLAGS 0x7d030f60
// only the "header"
typedef struct _HEAP { HEAP_ENTRY Entry;
ULONG Signature; ULONG Flags; ULONG ForceFlags; } HEAP;
BOOL g_FaultHeapEnabled = FALSE; BOOL g_FaultFileEnabled = FALSE; ULONG g_Seed; ULONG g_Factor = 100000; ULONG g_Percent = 0x20; //ULONG g_RowOfFailures = 5;
//LONG g_NumFailInARow = 0;
//LONG g_NumFailedAllocation = 0;
BOOL g_bDisableBreak = FALSE; BOOL g_ExitProcessCalled = FALSE; LONG g_Index = -1;
class CS_ : public CRITICAL_SECTION { public: CS_(){InitializeCriticalSection(this);}; ~CS_(){DeleteCriticalSection(this);}; } g_CS;
#define MAX_OPERATIONS (1024*8)
typedef struct _FinalOperations { enum OpType { Delete = 'eerF', Alloc = 'ollA', ReAlloc = 'lAeR', Destroy = 'tseD', Create = 'aerC' }; OpType m_OpType; ULONG_PTR m_Addr; PVOID m_Stack[6]; } FinalOperations;
FinalOperations g_FinalOp[MAX_OPERATIONS];
VOID SetFinalOp(FinalOperations::OpType Type, ULONG_PTR Addr) { if (!g_ExitProcessCalled) return;
if (g_bDisableBreak) return; ULONG * pDW = (ULONG *)_alloca(sizeof(ULONG)); LONG NewIndex = InterlockedIncrement(&g_Index); NewIndex %= MAX_OPERATIONS; //if (g_Index >= MAX_OPERATIONS)
// InterlockedIncrement(&g_IndexRot);
g_FinalOp[NewIndex].m_OpType = Type; g_FinalOp[NewIndex].m_Addr = Addr; RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(2, 6, (PVOID *)g_FinalOp[NewIndex].m_Stack, pDW); } */ #define SIZE_JUMP_ADR 5
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__ReadFile(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
} }
BOOL _I_ReadFile( HANDLE hFile, // handle to file
LPVOID lpBuffer, // data buffer
DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, // number of bytes to read
LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, // number of bytes read
LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped // offset
){ DWORD * pDw = (DWORD *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); BOOL bRet;
LONG Ret = RtlRandomEx(&g_Seed); if (g_FaultFileEnabled && (Ret%g_Factor < g_Percent)) { if (lpNumberOfBytesRead) *lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0; return FALSE; } _asm{ push lpOverlapped; push lpNumberOfBytesRead; push nNumberOfBytesToRead; push lpBuffer; push hFile; call Prolog__ReadFile; mov bRet,eax }
return bRet; }
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__WriteFile(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
} }
BOOL _I_WriteFile( HANDLE hFile, // handle to file
LPCVOID lpBuffer, // data buffer
DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, // number of bytes to write
LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, // number of bytes written
LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped // overlapped buffer
DWORD * pDw = (DWORD *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); BOOL bRet;
LONG Ret = RtlRandomEx(&g_Seed); if (g_FaultFileEnabled && (Ret%g_Factor < g_Percent)) { if (lpNumberOfBytesWritten) *lpNumberOfBytesWritten = 0; return FALSE; } _asm{ push lpOverlapped; push lpNumberOfBytesWritten; push nNumberOfBytesToWrite; push lpBuffer; push hFile; call Prolog__WriteFile; mov bRet,eax }
return bRet; }
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__CreateEvent(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
} }
HANDLE _I_CreateEvent( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, // SD
BOOL bManualReset, // reset type
BOOL bInitialState, // initial state
LPCWSTR lpName // object name
) { DWORD * pDw = (DWORD *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); HANDLE hHandle;
LONG Ret = RtlRandomEx(&g_Seed); if (g_FaultFileEnabled && (Ret%g_Factor < g_Percent)) { return NULL; }
_asm{ push lpName; push bInitialState; push bManualReset; push lpEventAttributes call Prolog__CreateEvent; mov hHandle,eax } return hHandle; }
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__RtlFreeHeap(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; } }
#define SPACE_STACK_ALLOC (4*sizeof(ULONG_PTR))
DWORD _I_RtlFreeHeap(VOID * pHeap,DWORD Flags,VOID * pBlock) { ULONG * pLong = (ULONG *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); Flags |= (((HEAP *)pHeap)->Flags) | (((HEAP *)pHeap)->ForceFlags); DWORD dwRet;
if (pBlock && !(HEAP_SLOW_FLAGS & Flags)) { HEAP_ENTRY * pEntry = (HEAP_ENTRY *)pBlock-1;
DWORD RealSize = pEntry->Size * sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY); DWORD Size = RealSize - pEntry->UnusedBytes; ULONG_PTR * pL = (ULONG_PTR *)pBlock;
if (0 == (pEntry->Flags & 0x01) ||0xf0f0f0f0 == pL[1] ) { if (!g_bDisableBreak) DebugBreak(); } //memset(pBlock,0xF0,RealSize-SPACE_STACK_ALLOC-sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY));
DWORD CanMemset = RealSize-sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY); memset(pBlock,0xF0,(CanMemset > SPACE_STACK_ALLOC)?CanMemset-SPACE_STACK_ALLOC:CanMemset); if (pEntry->Size >=4) { RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (1, 4, (PVOID *)(pEntry+2), pLong); }
_asm { push pBlock ; push Flags ; push pHeap ; call Prolog__RtlFreeHeap ; mov dwRet,eax ; }
return dwRet; }
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__RtlAllocateHeap(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // to make this distinct
} }
VOID * _I_RtlAllocateHeap(VOID * pHeap,DWORD Flags,DWORD Size) { //Size+=0x1000;
ULONG * pLong = (ULONG *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); Flags |= (((HEAP *)pHeap)->Flags) | (((HEAP *)pHeap)->ForceFlags); VOID * pRet; DWORD NewSize = (Size < (3*sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY)))?(3*sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY)+SPACE_STACK_ALLOC):(Size+SPACE_STACK_ALLOC);
// if (g_FaultHeapEnabled && g_NumFailInARow)
// {
// InterlockedDecrement(&g_NumFailInARow);
// goto here;
// }
LONG Ret = RtlRandomEx(&g_Seed); if (g_FaultHeapEnabled && (Ret%g_Factor < g_Percent)) { // g_NumFailInARow = g_RowOfFailures;
// InterlockedIncrement(&g_NumFailedAllocation);
return NULL; }
_asm { push NewSize ; push Flags ; push pHeap ; call Prolog__RtlAllocateHeap ; mov pRet,eax ; }
if (pRet && !(HEAP_SLOW_FLAGS & Flags) ) {
if (NewSize <= 0xffff) NewSize = sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY)*((HEAP_ENTRY *)pRet-1)->Size; if (!(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY & Flags)) { memset(pRet,0xc0,NewSize-sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY)); }
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(1, 4, (PVOID *)((BYTE *)pRet+(NewSize-SPACE_STACK_ALLOC-sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY))), pLong); }
return pRet; }
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__RtlReAllocateHeap(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
} }
VOID * _I_RtlReAllocateHeap( HANDLE pHeap, // handle to heap block
DWORD Flags, // heap reallocation options
LPVOID lpMem, // pointer to memory to reallocate
SIZE_T Size // number of bytes to reallocate
){ ULONG * pLong = (ULONG *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); Flags |= (((HEAP *)pHeap)->Flags) | (((HEAP *)pHeap)->ForceFlags); VOID * pRet;
DWORD NewSize = (Size < (3*sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY)))?(3*sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY)+SPACE_STACK_ALLOC):(Size+SPACE_STACK_ALLOC); _asm { push NewSize ; push lpMem ; push Flags ; push pHeap ; call Prolog__RtlReAllocateHeap ; mov pRet,eax ; }
if (pRet && !(HEAP_SLOW_FLAGS & Flags) ) {
if (NewSize <= 0xffff) NewSize = sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY)*((HEAP_ENTRY *)pRet-1)->Size; RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(1, 4, (PVOID *)((BYTE *)pRet+(NewSize-SPACE_STACK_ALLOC-sizeof(HEAP_ENTRY))), pLong); }
return pRet; }
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__RtlValidateHeap(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
} }
BOOL _I_RtlValidateHeap( HANDLE pHeap, // handle to heap block
DWORD dwFlags, // heap reallocation options
LPVOID lpMem // pointer to memory to validate
){ ULONG * pLong = (ULONG *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); BOOL bRet;
g_bDisableBreak = TRUE; _asm { push lpMem ; push dwFlags ; push pHeap ; call Prolog__RtlValidateHeap ; mov bRet,eax ; }
g_bDisableBreak = FALSE;
return bRet; }
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__RtlCreateHeap(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
} }
PVOID _I_RtlCreateHeap ( IN ULONG Flags, IN PVOID HeapBase, IN SIZE_T ReserveSize, IN SIZE_T CommitSize, IN PVOID Lock_, IN VOID * Parameters ) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CS); ULONG * pLong = (ULONG *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); PVOID pHeap; _asm { push Parameters ; push Lock_ ; push CommitSize ; push ReserveSize ; push HeapBase ; push Flags ; call Prolog__RtlCreateHeap ; mov pHeap,eax ; } if (pHeap) { HEAP * pRealHeap = (HEAP *)pHeap; if (pRealHeap->Flags & (HEAP_TAIL_CHECKING_ENABLED | HEAP_FREE_CHECKING_ENABLED)) { pRealHeap->Flags &= ~(HEAP_TAIL_CHECKING_ENABLED | HEAP_FREE_CHECKING_ENABLED); } if (pRealHeap->ForceFlags & (HEAP_TAIL_CHECKING_ENABLED | HEAP_FREE_CHECKING_ENABLED)) { pRealHeap->ForceFlags &= ~(HEAP_TAIL_CHECKING_ENABLED | HEAP_FREE_CHECKING_ENABLED); } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CS); return pHeap; }
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__RtlDestroyHeap(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
} }
PVOID _I_RtlDestroyHeap ( IN PVOID HeapHandle ) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CS); ULONG * pLong = (ULONG *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); PVOID pRet;
VALIDATE_HEAP; _asm { push HeapHandle; call Prolog__RtlDestroyHeap; mov pRet, eax; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CS); return pRet; }
#define MAX_REMEMBER (1024)
struct CSCCTrace { enum OpType { Enter = 'rtnE', Leave = 'vaeL' }; OpType Type; DWORD Tid; ULONG_PTR Trace[6]; } g_CSCCTrace[MAX_REMEMBER];
LONG g_CSCCIndex = -1;
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__RtlEnterCriticalSection(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
} }
NTSTATUS _I_RtlEnterCriticalSection(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { ULONG * pLong = (ULONG * )_alloca(sizeof(ULONG ));
if (g_HeapLock == CriticalSection) { long nIndex = InterlockedIncrement(&g_CSCCIndex); nIndex %= MAX_REMEMBER; CSCCTrace * pTrace = &g_CSCCTrace[nIndex]; pTrace->Type = CSCCTrace::Enter; pTrace->Tid =GetCurrentThreadId(); RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (2,6,(PVOID *)pTrace->Trace,pLong); } NTSTATUS Status; _asm { push CriticalSection; call Prolog__RtlEnterCriticalSection; mov Status,eax; }; return Status; }
void _declspec(naked) Prolog__RtlLeaveCriticalSection(){ _asm { // this is the space for the "saved istructions"
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // this is the place for the JMP
nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
nop ; // dist
} }
NTSTATUS _I_RtlLeaveCriticalSection(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection) { ULONG * pLong = (ULONG * )_alloca(sizeof(ULONG )); if (g_HeapLock == CriticalSection) { long nIndex = InterlockedIncrement(&g_CSCCIndex); nIndex %= MAX_REMEMBER; CSCCTrace * pTrace = &g_CSCCTrace[nIndex]; pTrace->Type = CSCCTrace::Leave; pTrace->Tid =GetCurrentThreadId(); RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (2,6,(PVOID *)pTrace->Trace,pLong); } NTSTATUS Status; _asm { push CriticalSection; call Prolog__RtlLeaveCriticalSection; mov Status,eax; }; return Status; }
void intercept2(WCHAR * Module, LPSTR Function, VOID * NewRoutine, VOID * pPrologStorage, DWORD Size) { FARPROC OldRoutine = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(Module),Function);
if (OldRoutine) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemBI; DWORD dwOldProtect; BOOL bRet, bRet2; DWORD dwRet;
dwRet = VirtualQuery(OldRoutine,&MemBI,sizeof(MemBI));
bRet = VirtualProtect(MemBI.BaseAddress, MemBI.RegionSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY, &dwOldProtect);
dwRet = VirtualQuery(pPrologStorage,&MemBI,sizeof(MemBI));
bRet2 = VirtualProtect(MemBI.BaseAddress, MemBI.RegionSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY, &dwOldProtect);
if (bRet && bRet2) { VOID * pToJump = (VOID *)NewRoutine; BYTE Arr[SIZE_JUMP_ADR] = { 0xe9 }; LONG * pOffset = (LONG *)&Arr[1]; * pOffset = (LONG)NewRoutine - (LONG)OldRoutine - SIZE_JUMP_ADR ; // save the old code
memcpy(pPrologStorage,OldRoutine,Size); // put the new code
memset(OldRoutine,0x90,Size); memcpy(OldRoutine,Arr,SIZE_JUMP_ADR); // adjust the prolog to continue
* pOffset = (LONG)OldRoutine + Size - (LONG)pPrologStorage - SIZE_SAVED_INSTR - SIZE_JUMP_ADR; // magic for nops
memcpy((BYTE *)pPrologStorage+SIZE_SAVED_INSTR,Arr,SIZE_JUMP_ADR); } } else { OutputDebugStringA("GetProcAddress FAIL\n"); } }
void unintercept(WCHAR * Module, LPSTR Function, VOID * pPrologStorage, DWORD Size) { FARPROC OldRoutine = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(Module),Function);
if (OldRoutine) { memcpy((void *)OldRoutine,pPrologStorage,Size); } }
#endif /*_X86_*/
class CSetVectoredHandler { private: // static ULONG_PTR Base;
// static ULONG_PTR Limit;
PVOID pVectorHandler; enum ExceptionTypes { StatusAccessViolation, CXXException, StatusNoMemory, OtherExceptions, LastException }; static LONG ExceptionCounters[LastException]; static DWORD s_ThreadId; /*
static CONTEXT s_Context; static EXCEPTION_RECORD s_ExceptionRecord; #ifdef _X86_
static BYTE s_Stack[4*1024]; #endif
BOOL GetDllLimits(WCHAR * pDllName) { UNICODE_STRING DllName; RtlInitUnicodeString(&DllName,pDllName); PEB_LDR_DATA * pLdr = NtCurrentPeb()->Ldr; LIST_ENTRY * pHeadEntry = &pLdr->InLoadOrderModuleList; LIST_ENTRY * pEntry = pLdr->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink; BOOL bFound = FALSE; while (pHeadEntry != pEntry) { LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY * pData = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InLoadOrderLinks); if (0 == wbem_wcsicmp(DllName.Buffer,pData->BaseDllName.Buffer)) { //OutputDebugStringA("found\n");
Base = (ULONG_PTR)pData->DllBase; Limit = Base + (ULONG_PTR)pData->SizeOfImage; bFound = TRUE; break; } pEntry = pEntry->Flink; } return bFound; } */ public: CSetVectoredHandler() { pVectorHandler = NULL; //if (GetDllLimits(L"fastprox.dll"))
pVectorHandler = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(TRUE,CSetVectoredHandler::VectoredHandler); //}
}; ~CSetVectoredHandler() { if (pVectorHandler) RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(pVectorHandler); }; static LONG WINAPI VectoredHandler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInfo) { PEXCEPTION_RECORD pExr = ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord; PCONTEXT pCxr = ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord; BYTE * pESP; HANDLE hThread; PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION LoaderLockPointer; BOOL bHoldingLoaderLock; ULONG c; switch (pExr->ExceptionCode) { case STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION: /*
s_Context = *pCxr; s_ExceptionRecord = *pExr; #ifdef _X86_
pESP = (BYTE *)pCxr->Esp; pESP = (BYTE *)((ULONG_PTR)pESP&0xFFFFF000); memcpy(s_Stack,pESP,4*1024); #endif
*/ case STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION: case STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE: case STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW: case STATUS_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK: InterlockedIncrement(&ExceptionCounters[(LONG)StatusAccessViolation]); DebugBreak(); break; case 0xe06d7363: InterlockedIncrement(&ExceptionCounters[(LONG)CXXException]); break; case STATUS_NO_MEMORY: InterlockedIncrement(&ExceptionCounters[(LONG)StatusNoMemory]); break; default: InterlockedIncrement(&ExceptionCounters[(LONG)OtherExceptions]); break; } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } } ; //g_C;
LONG CSetVectoredHandler::ExceptionCounters[CSetVectoredHandler::LastException]; DWORD CSetVectoredHandler::s_ThreadId; /*
CONTEXT CSetVectoredHandler::s_Context; EXCEPTION_RECORD CSetVectoredHandler::s_ExceptionRecord; #ifdef _X86_
BYTE CSetVectoredHandler::s_Stack[4*1024]; #endif
*/ #endif
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
#define CORE_PROVIDER_UNLOAD_TIMEOUT ( 30 * 1000 )
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HWND g_Wnd = NULL ; DWORD g_DebugLevel = 0 ; DWORD g_HostRegister = 0 ; IUnknown *g_HostClassFactory = NULL ; static const wchar_t *g_TemplateCode = L"Wmi Provider Host" ; Task_ObjectDestruction *g_Task = NULL ; Task_FreeLibraries * g_TaskFreeLib = NULL; FactoryLifeTimeThread * g_Thread = NULL;
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ void initiateShutdown(void);
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowsMainProc ( HWND a_hWnd , UINT a_message , WPARAM a_wParam , LPARAM a_lParam ) { LRESULT t_rc = 0 ;
switch ( a_message ) { case WM_DESTROY: { PostMessage ( a_hWnd , WM_QUIT , 0 , 0 ) ; } break ;
default: { t_rc = DefWindowProc ( a_hWnd , a_message , a_wParam , a_lParam ) ; } break ; }
return ( t_rc ) ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HWND WindowsInit ( HINSTANCE a_HInstance ) { WNDCLASS t_wc ; t_wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW ; t_wc.lpfnWndProc = WindowsMainProc ; t_wc.cbClsExtra = 0 ; t_wc.cbWndExtra = 0 ; t_wc.hInstance = a_HInstance ; t_wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_HAND) ; t_wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW) ; t_wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW + 1) ; t_wc.lpszMenuName = NULL ; t_wc.lpszClassName = g_TemplateCode ; ATOM t_winClass = RegisterClass ( &t_wc ) ;
HWND t_HWnd = CreateWindow (
g_TemplateCode , // see RegisterClass() call
g_TemplateCode , // text for window title bar
CW_USEDEFAULT , // default horizontal position
CW_USEDEFAULT , // default vertical position
CW_USEDEFAULT , // default width
CW_USEDEFAULT , // default height
NULL , // overlapped windows have no parent
NULL , // use the window class menu
a_HInstance , NULL // pointer not needed
) ;
//ShowWindow ( t_HWnd , SW_SHOW ) ;
ShowWindow ( t_HWnd, SW_HIDE ) ;
UpdateWindow ( t_HWnd ) ;
HMENU t_Menu = GetSystemMenu ( t_HWnd , FALSE ) ; if ( t_Menu ) { DeleteMenu ( t_Menu , SC_RESTORE , MF_BYCOMMAND ) ; }
return t_HWnd ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
void WindowsStop ( HINSTANCE a_Instance , HWND a_HWnd ) { DestroyWindow ( a_HWnd ) ; UnregisterClass ( g_TemplateCode , a_Instance ) ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HWND WindowsStart ( HINSTANCE a_Handle ) { HWND t_HWnd = NULL ; if ( ! ( t_HWnd = WindowsInit ( a_Handle ) ) ) { }
return t_HWnd ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
void WindowsDispatch () { BOOL t_GetMessage ; MSG t_lpMsg ;
while ( ( t_GetMessage = GetMessage ( & t_lpMsg , NULL , 0 , 0 ) ) == TRUE ) { TranslateMessage ( & t_lpMsg ) ; DispatchMessage ( & t_lpMsg ) ; } }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT RevokeFactories () { if ( g_HostRegister ) { CoRevokeClassObject ( g_HostRegister ); g_HostRegister = 0 ; }
return S_OK ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT UninitComServer () { RevokeFactories () ; CoUninitialize () ; return S_OK ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT InitComServer ( DWORD a_AuthenticationLevel , DWORD a_ImpersonationLevel ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
t_Result = CoInitializeEx (
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = CoInitializeSecurity (
NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, a_AuthenticationLevel, a_ImpersonationLevel, NULL, EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING , 0 );
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { CoUninitialize () ; return t_Result ; } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT InitFactories () { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
g_HostClassFactory = new CServerClassFactory <CServerObject_Host,_IWmiProviderHost> ;
t_Result = CoRegisterClassObject (
CLSID_WmiProviderHost, g_HostClassFactory, t_ClassContext, t_Flags, & g_HostRegister );
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( g_HostRegister ) { CoRevokeClassObject ( g_HostRegister ); g_HostRegister = 0 ; g_HostClassFactory->Release () ; g_HostClassFactory = NULL ; } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT Enqueue_ObjectDestruction ( WmiThread < ULONG > *a_Thread ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ; g_Task = new Task_ObjectDestruction ( *ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_Allocator ) ; if ( g_Task ) { g_Task->AddRef () ;
if ( g_Task->Initialize () == e_StatusCode_Success ) { if ( a_Thread->EnQueueAlertable ( 0 , *g_Task ) == e_StatusCode_Success ) { } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; }
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { g_Task = NULL ; } if (SUCCEEDED(t_Result)) { g_TaskFreeLib = new Task_FreeLibraries(*ProviderSubSystem_Globals::s_Allocator); if (g_TaskFreeLib) { g_TaskFreeLib->AddRef () ;
if ( g_TaskFreeLib->Initialize () == e_StatusCode_Success ) { if (e_StatusCode_Success != a_Thread->EnQueueAlertable(0,*g_TaskFreeLib)) { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT Dequeue_ObjectDestruction ( WmiThread < ULONG > *a_Thread ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
// Don't clean up since we need a guarantee that no syncronisation needs to take place
if ( g_Task ) { g_Task->Release () ; } */
IUnknown * pUnk; if (pUnk = (IUnknown *)InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((PVOID *)&g_TaskFreeLib,0,(PVOID)g_TaskFreeLib)) { pUnk->Release(); }
return t_Result ; } void exitIfManaged() { // Clean managed heap
HINSTANCE hmod = GetModuleHandle(L"mscoree.dll"); if (hmod != NULL) { typedef void (WINAPI * PFN_EEShutDownCOM)(); PFN_EEShutDownCOM uninitEE = (PFN_EEShutDownCOM)GetProcAddress(hmod, "CoEEShutDownCOM"); if (uninitEE) { uninitEE(); } }
// If we're part of a managed app (aka. a managed component is present in our
// process) we cannot excute any global shutdown code. In this case we are just calling
// framework shutdown.
// To determine if we're a managed app, we check if mscoree.dll is loaded.
// Then, if CorExitProcess is available, we call it.
if (hmod != NULL) { pfn = (PFN_EXIT_PROCESS)GetProcAddress(hmod, "CorExitProcess"); if (pfn != NULL) { if (ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_ObjectsInProgress == 0) return;
// We still have oustanding objects
// Revoke Factories and UnInit com
UninitComServer(); pfn(0); } } };
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT Process () { DWORD t_ImpersonationLevel = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE ; DWORD t_AuthenticationLevel = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT;
HRESULT t_Result = InitComServer ( t_AuthenticationLevel , t_ImpersonationLevel ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = WmiDebugLog :: Initialize ( *ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_Allocator ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: Initialize_SharedCounters () ; if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = S_OK ; }
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: Initialize_Events () ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: CreateSystemAces () ; }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { IWbemLocator *t_Locator = NULL ;
HRESULT t_Result = CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_WbemLocator , NULL , CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER , IID_IUnknown , ( void ** ) & t_Locator );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { IWbemServices *t_Service = NULL ;
BSTR t_Namespace = SysAllocString ( L"Root" ) ; if ( t_Namespace ) { t_Result = t_Locator->ConnectServer (
t_Namespace , NULL , NULL, NULL , 0 , NULL, NULL, & t_Service ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { CServerObject_GlobalRegistration t_Registration ; t_Result = t_Registration.SetContext (
NULL , NULL , t_Service ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_Registration.Load (
e_All ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_StrobeTimeout = t_Registration.GetUnloadTimeoutMilliSeconds () >> 1 ; ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_InternalCacheTimeout = t_Registration.GetUnloadTimeoutMilliSeconds () ; ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_ObjectCacheTimeout = t_Registration.GetObjectUnloadTimeoutMilliSeconds () ; ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_EventCacheTimeout = t_Registration.GetEventUnloadTimeoutMilliSeconds () ; } }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { CServerObject_HostQuotaRegistration t_Registration ; t_Result = t_Registration.SetContext (
NULL , NULL , t_Service ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_Registration.Load (
e_All ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { ProviderSubSystem_Globals ::s_Quota_ProcessLimitCount = t_Registration.GetProcessLimitAllHosts () ; ProviderSubSystem_Globals ::s_Quota_ProcessMemoryLimitCount = t_Registration.GetMemoryPerHost () ; ProviderSubSystem_Globals ::s_Quota_JobMemoryLimitCount = t_Registration.GetMemoryAllHosts () ; ProviderSubSystem_Globals ::s_Quota_HandleCount = t_Registration.GetHandlesPerHost () ; ProviderSubSystem_Globals ::s_Quota_NumberOfThreads = t_Registration.GetThreadsPerHost () ; ProviderSubSystem_Globals ::s_Quota_PrivatePageCount = t_Registration.GetMemoryPerHost () ; } } }
t_Service->Release () ; }
SysFreeString ( t_Namespace ) ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; }
t_Locator->Release () ; } }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { g_Thread = new FactoryLifeTimeThread ( *ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_Allocator , DEFAULT_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT ) ; if ( g_Thread ) { g_Thread->AddRef () ;
t_StatusCode = g_Thread->Initialize () ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_Result = Enqueue_ObjectDestruction ( g_Thread ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = InitFactories () ;
#ifdef DEV_BUILD
#ifdef _X86_
// g_FaultHeapEnabled = TRUE;
// g_FaultFileEnabled = TRUE;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { Wmi_SetStructuredExceptionHandler t_StructuredException ;
try { WindowsDispatch () ; } catch ( Wmi_Structured_Exception t_StructuredException ) { } }
Dequeue_ObjectDestruction ( g_Thread ) ; }
HANDLE t_ThreadHandle = NULL ;
BOOL t_Status = DuplicateHandle (
GetCurrentProcess () , g_Thread->GetHandle () , GetCurrentProcess () , & t_ThreadHandle, 0 , FALSE , DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) ;
g_Thread->Release () ;
WaitForSingleObject ( t_ThreadHandle , INFINITE ) ;
CloseHandle ( t_ThreadHandle ) ; g_Thread = NULL; Dequeue_ObjectDestruction (NULL); } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } exitIfManaged();
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: DeleteSystemAces () ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: UnInitialize_Events () ; }
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: UnInitialize_SharedCounters () ;
WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = WmiDebugLog :: UnInitialize ( *ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_Allocator ) ; } UninitComServer () ; }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
BOOL ParseCommandLine () { BOOL t_Exit = FALSE ;
LPTSTR t_CommandLine = GetCommandLineW () ; if ( t_CommandLine ) { wchar_t *t_Arg = NULL ; wchar_t *t_ApplicationArg = NULL ; t_ApplicationArg = wcstok ( t_CommandLine , L" \t") ; t_Arg = wcstok ( NULL , L" \t" ) ; if ( t_Arg ) { if ( lstrcmpi ( t_Arg , L"/RegServer" ) == 0 ) { t_Exit = TRUE ; DllRegisterServer () ; } else if ( lstrcmpi ( t_Arg , L"/UnRegServer" ) == 0 ) { t_Exit = TRUE ; DllUnregisterServer () ; } } }
return t_Exit ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
#include <arena.h>
LONG WINAPI SvchostUnhandledExceptionFilter( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo ) { return RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter(ExceptionInfo); }
int WINAPI WinMain ( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to current instance
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, // handle to previous instance
LPSTR lpCmdLine, // pointer to command line
int nShowCmd // show state of window
) { #ifdef DEV_BUILD
#ifdef _X86_
//NtCurrentPeb()->BeingDebugged = 1;
intercept2(L"ntdll.dll","RtlFreeHeap",_I_RtlFreeHeap,Prolog__RtlFreeHeap,5); intercept2(L"ntdll.dll","RtlAllocateHeap",_I_RtlAllocateHeap,Prolog__RtlAllocateHeap,5); intercept2(L"ntdll.dll","RtlReAllocateHeap",_I_RtlReAllocateHeap,Prolog__RtlReAllocateHeap,5); intercept2(L"ntdll.dll","RtlValidateHeap",_I_RtlValidateHeap,Prolog__RtlValidateHeap,7); intercept2(L"ntdll.dll","RtlCreateHeap",_I_RtlCreateHeap,Prolog__RtlCreateHeap,5); intercept2(L"ntdll.dll","RtlDestroyHeap",_I_RtlDestroyHeap,Prolog__RtlDestroyHeap,6);
intercept2(L"kernel32.dll","CreateEventW",_I_CreateEvent,Prolog__CreateEvent,6); intercept2(L"kernel32.dll","WriteFile",_I_WriteFile,Prolog__WriteFile,7); intercept2(L"kernel32.dll","ReadFile",_I_ReadFile,Prolog__ReadFile,7);
HANDLE hHeap = CWin32DefaultArena::GetArenaHeap(); g_HeapLock = *((RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION **)((BYTE *)hHeap+0x578));
// this is for CritSec timeout
//pLi->QuadPart = 0xffffffffdc3cba00; // 2 min
//pLi->QuadPart = 0xfffffffff4143e00; // 2 sec
#endif /*_X86_*/
HRESULT t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: Global_Startup () ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { BOOL t_Exit = ParseCommandLine () ; if ( ! t_Exit ) { RPC_STATUS t_Status = RpcMgmtSetServerStackSize ( ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: GetDefaultStackSize () );
g_Wnd = WindowsStart ( hInstance ) ;
t_Result = Process () ;
WindowsStop ( hInstance , g_Wnd ) ; }
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: Global_Shutdown () ; }
#ifdef DEV_BUILD
#ifdef _X86_
unintercept(L"ntdll.dll","RtlFreeHeap",Prolog__RtlFreeHeap,5); unintercept(L"ntdll.dll","RtlAllocateHeap",Prolog__RtlAllocateHeap,5); unintercept(L"ntdll.dll","RtlReAllocateHeap",Prolog__RtlReAllocateHeap,5); unintercept(L"ntdll.dll","RtlValidateHeap",Prolog__RtlValidateHeap,7); unintercept(L"ntdll.dll","RtlCreateHeap",Prolog__RtlCreateHeap,5); unintercept(L"ntdll.dll","RtlDestroyHeap",Prolog__RtlDestroyHeap,6);
unintercept(L"kernel32.dll","CreateEventW",Prolog__CreateEvent,6); unintercept(L"kernel32.dll","WriteFile",Prolog__WriteFile,7); unintercept(L"kernel32.dll","ReadFile",Prolog__ReadFile,7); #endif /*_X86_*/
return 0 ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
WmiStatusCode FactoryLifeTimeThread :: Initialize_Callback () { return e_StatusCode_Success ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
WmiStatusCode FactoryLifeTimeThread :: UnInitialize_Callback () { return e_StatusCode_Success ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
FactoryLifeTimeThread :: FactoryLifeTimeThread (
WmiAllocator &a_Allocator , const ULONG &a_Timeout
) : WmiThread < ULONG > ( a_Allocator , NULL , a_Timeout ) , m_Allocator ( a_Allocator ) { }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
FactoryLifeTimeThread::~FactoryLifeTimeThread () { }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
BOOL FactoryLifeTimeThread :: QuotaCheck () { DWORD t_ProcessInformationSize = sizeof ( SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION ) ; SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION *t_ProcessInformation = ( SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION * ) new BYTE [t_ProcessInformationSize] ; if ( t_ProcessInformation ) { BOOL t_Retry = TRUE ; while ( t_Retry ) { NTSTATUS t_Status = NtQuerySystemInformation (
SystemProcessInformation, t_ProcessInformation, t_ProcessInformationSize, NULL ) ;
if ( t_Status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH ) { delete [] t_ProcessInformation;
t_ProcessInformation = NULL ; t_ProcessInformationSize += 32768 ; t_ProcessInformation = ( SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION * ) new BYTE [t_ProcessInformationSize] ; if ( ! t_ProcessInformation ) { return FALSE ; } } else { t_Retry = FALSE ;
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS ( t_Status ) ) { delete [] t_ProcessInformation; t_ProcessInformation = NULL ;
return FALSE ; } } } } else { return FALSE ; }
BOOL t_Status = TRUE ;
SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION *t_Block = t_ProcessInformation ;
while ( t_Block ) { if ( ( HandleToUlong ( t_Block->UniqueProcessId ) ) == GetCurrentProcessId () ) { if ( t_Block->HandleCount > ProviderSubSystem_Globals::s_Quota_HandleCount ) { DBG_PRINTFA((pBuff,"HandleCount %x %x\n",t_Block->HandleCount,ProviderSubSystem_Globals::s_Quota_HandleCount)); t_Status = FALSE ; }
if ( t_Block->NumberOfThreads > ProviderSubSystem_Globals::s_Quota_NumberOfThreads ) { DBG_PRINTFA((pBuff,"NumberOfThreads %x %x\n",t_Block->NumberOfThreads,ProviderSubSystem_Globals::s_Quota_NumberOfThreads)); t_Status = FALSE ; }
if ( t_Block->PrivatePageCount > ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_Quota_PrivatePageCount ) { DBG_PRINTFA((pBuff,"PrivatePageCount %x %x\n", t_Block->PrivatePageCount,ProviderSubSystem_Globals::s_Quota_PrivatePageCount)); t_Status = FALSE ; } }
DWORD t_NextOffSet = t_Block->NextEntryOffset ; if ( t_NextOffSet ) { t_Block = ( SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION * ) ( ( ( BYTE * ) t_Block ) + t_NextOffSet ) ; } else { t_Block = NULL ; } }
delete [] t_ProcessInformation;
return t_Status ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
WmiStatusCode FactoryLifeTimeThread :: TimedOut () { try { if ( QuotaCheck () == TRUE ) { initiateShutdown(); } else { CWbemGlobal_IWbemSyncProviderController *t_SyncProviderController = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetSyncProviderController () ;
CWbemGlobal_IWbemSyncProvider_Container *t_Container = NULL ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = t_SyncProviderController->GetContainer ( t_Container ) ;
t_SyncProviderController->Lock () ;
_IWmiProviderQuota **t_QuotaElements = new _IWmiProviderQuota * [ t_Container->Size () ] ; if ( t_QuotaElements ) { CWbemGlobal_IWbemSyncProvider_Container_Iterator t_Iterator = t_Container->Begin () ;
ULONG t_Count = 0 ;
while ( ! t_Iterator.Null () ) { SyncProviderContainerElement *t_Element = t_Iterator.GetElement () ;
t_QuotaElements [ t_Count ] = NULL ;
HRESULT t_Result = t_Element->QueryInterface ( IID__IWmiProviderQuota , ( void ** ) & t_QuotaElements [ t_Count ] ) ;
t_Iterator.Increment () ;
t_Count ++ ; }
t_SyncProviderController->UnLock () ;
for ( ULONG t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < t_Count ; t_Index ++ ) { if ( t_QuotaElements [ t_Index ] ) { HRESULT t_Result = t_QuotaElements [ t_Index ]->Violation ( 0 , NULL , NULL ) ;
t_QuotaElements [ t_Index ]->Release () ; } }
delete [] t_QuotaElements ; } else { t_SyncProviderController->UnLock () ; }
RevokeFactories () ;
* Just exit since we can't safely wait for clients to disconnect correctly before cleaning up dependant resources. */ #ifdef _X86_
#ifdef DEV_BUILD
// g_ExitProcessCalled = TRUE;
EnterCriticalSection(&g_CS); VALIDATE_HEAP; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CS); #endif
TerminateProcess ( GetCurrentProcess () , WBEM_E_QUOTA_VIOLATION ) ; }
CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx ( CORE_PROVIDER_UNLOAD_TIMEOUT , 0 ) ; } catch ( ... ) { }
return e_StatusCode_Success ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
void SetObjectDestruction () { if ( g_Task ) { SetEvent ( g_Task->GetEvent () ) ; } }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
WmiStatusCode Task_ObjectDestruction :: Process ( WmiThread <ULONG> &a_Thread ) { initiateShutdown(); return e_StatusCode_EnQueue ; }
void initiateShutdown(void) { if ( ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_CServerObject_Host_ObjectsInProgress == 0 ) { RevokeFactories () ; } if (ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_CServerObject_StaThread_ObjectsInProgress == 0 && ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_CServerObject_Host_ObjectsInProgress == 0 )
{ CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx(0,0); CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx(0,0);
PostMessage ( g_Wnd , WM_QUIT , 0 , 0 ) ; } };
void SetProviderDestruction() { if (g_TaskFreeLib) SetEvent (g_TaskFreeLib->GetEvent ()); }
WmiStatusCode Task_FreeLibraries::Process(WmiThread<ULONG> & a_Thread) { CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx(PROVIDER_HOST_DLL_TIMEOUT,0); return e_StatusCode_EnQueue ; }