Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<HTML> <HEAD> <STYLE> BODY { font-family:Verdana; font-size:9pt; margin:0px; color:teal; } .instructions { font-style:italic; text-align:right; color:gray; margin-left:.5em; } .headline { background-color:teal; color:white; font-family:Arial Black; font-size:16pt; text-align:center; padding-top:1em; } .group { font-family:Arial Black; font-size:14pt; margin-top:.5em; margin-left:.5em; margin-bottom:.5em; } .button { font-family:Verdana; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; text-align:right; color:gray; } .arrow { font-family:Webdings; } </STYLE> </HEAD>
<SCRIPT> var source; var style; var sourceURL; var styleURL; var viewingSrc;
// ----- Scripts to control XSL Processing ------ function update() { if (style.documentElement && source.documentElement) { parent.results.display(source.transformNode(style)); } }
function changeXML(xmldoc) { if (viewingSrc) { styleURL = sourceURL; } sourceURL = xmldoc; source.load(sourceURL); if (viewingSrc) { viewingSrc = false; style.load(styleURL); }
update(); }
function changeXSL(xsldoc) { if (!viewingSrc) { styleURL = xsldoc; style.load(styleURL); } else { sourceURL = xsldoc; source.load(sourceURL); }
update(); }
function viewXSL() { if (!viewingSrc) { changeXML(styleURL); changeXSL("raw-xml.xsl"); viewingSrc = true; } }
<SCRIPT> // ----- Scripts to activate buttons ------ var oldXMLitem; var oldXSLitem;
function over(item) { item.style.color = "black"; }
function out(item) { item.style.color = "gray"; }
function select(group, item) { if (group == "xml") { oldXMLitem.style.textDecoration = ""; oldXMLitem = item; } else { oldXSLitem.style.textDecoration = ""; oldXSLitem = item; } item.style.textDecoration = "underline"; }
// called by parent frame when the whole frameset is ready function init() { oldXMLitem = document.all.item("first-XML-item"); select("xml", oldXMLitem); oldXSLitem = document.all.item("first-XSL-item"); select("xsl", oldXSLitem); source = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); source.async = false; style = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); style.async = false; changeXML("diska.xml"); changeXSL("raw-xml.xsl"); } </SCRIPT>
<BODY> <DIV CLASS="headline">CIM Disk Viewer</DIV> <DIV CLASS="instructions"> Select a <B>disk</B> and an <B>XSL stylesheet</B> with which to view it. The results will appear in the frame at left. </DIV> <DIV CLASS="group"> Disks <DIV CLASS="button" ID="first-XML-item" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='changeXML("diska.xml"); select("xml",this)'> Disk A<SPAN CLASS="arrow">4</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="button" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='changeXML("diskc.xml"); select("xml",this)'> Disk C<SPAN CLASS="arrow">4</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="button" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='changeXML("diskd.xml"); select("xml",this)'> Disk D<SPAN CLASS="arrow">4</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="button" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='changeXML("diske.xml"); select("xml",this)'> <SPAN CLASS="arrow"><FONT face=Verdana>Disk E</FONT>4</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="button" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='changeXML("diskf.xml"); select("xml",this)'> <SPAN CLASS="arrow"><FONT face=Verdana>Disk F</FONT>4</SPAN> </DIV></DIV>
<DIV CLASS="instructions"> The XML data displayed here is taken from live data captured from Microsoft's implementation of CIM. </DIV>
<DIV CLASS="group">XSL Stylesheets <DIV CLASS="button" ID="first-XSL-item" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='changeXSL("raw-xml.xsl"); select("xsl",this)'> <SPAN CLASS="arrow"><FONT face=Verdana>Raw XML</FONT>4</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="button" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='changeXSL("wmimof20.xsl"); select("xsl",this)'> <SPAN CLASS="arrow"><FONT face=Verdana>Managed Object Format (MOF)</FONT>4</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="button" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='changeXSL("property-table.xsl"); select("xsl",this)'> <SPAN CLASS="arrow"><FONT face=Verdana>Property Information</FONT>4</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="button" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='changeXSL("summary.xsl"); select("xsl",this)'> <SPAN CLASS="arrow"><FONT face=Verdana>At-a-Glance</FONT>4</SPAN> </DIV> </DIV>
<DIV CLASS="instructions"> Stylesheet source can be viewed with the "raw-xml" stylesheet by clicking here. Click on a data file to resume viewing XML data. </DIV>
<DIV CLASS="group"> <DIV CLASS="button" onMouseOver="over(this)" onMouseOut="out(this)" onClick='viewXSL(); select("xml",this)'> view xsl stylesheet<SPAN CLASS="arrow">4</SPAN> </DIV></DIV>