<HTML> <HEAD> <STYLE> BODY { font-family:Verdana; font-size:5pt; margin:0px; color:teal; } .instructions { font-style:italic; text-align:right; color:gray; margin-left:.5em; } .headline { background-color:teal; color:white; font-family:Arial Black; font-size:10pt; text-align:center; padding-top:1em; } .group { font-family:Arial Black; font-size:8pt; margin-top:.5em; margin-left:.5em; margin-bottom:.5em; } .button { font-family:Verdana; font-size:7pt; font-weight:bold; text-align:right; color:gray; } .arrow { font-family:Webdings; } </STYLE> </HEAD>
<SCRIPT> var source; var style; var methodDataStyle; var theRequest; var sourceURL; var styleURL; var oldXSLitem; var theXMLResponse; var operationId;
// Script to execute method function ExecuteMethods() { theMethodData = theXMLResponse.transformNode(methodDataStyle); // We have a list of methods now, and their arguments // Pop up a dialogu asking for the method to be executed. thePage = '<HTML><BODY><BUTTON onClick="parents.results.display(\"Hi\")">Hi</BUTTON></BODY></HTML>'; parent.results.display(thePage); } function UpdateOperationId () { operationId = operation.value; } function UpdateStylesheet () { var theXSL = new String (stylesheetSelect.value); if (theXSL == "Raw") changeXSL("raw-xml.xsl"); else if (theXSL == "MOF") changeXSL("wmimof20.xsl"); else if (theXSL == "PropertyType") changeXSL("property-table.xsl"); else if (theXSL == "PropertyValue") changeXSL("value-table.xsl"); else if (theXSL == "ClassNames") changeXSL("classnames.xsl"); else if (theXSL == "PropValue") changeXSL("propvalue.xsl"); else if (theXSL == "DetailPage") changeXSL("detailpage20.xsl"); else if (theXSL == "ClassPage") changeXSL("classpage20.xsl"); else changeXSL(stylesheetSelect.value); } function DoOperation (bSend) { var theOp = new String (operationId); var theBody;
if (theOp == "EnumerateInstances") theBody = EnumInstance (); else if (theOp == "GetClass") theBody = GetClass (); else if (theOp == "GetInstance") theBody = GetInstance (); else if (theOp == "EnumerateClasses") theBody = EnumClass (); else if (theOp == "EnumerateClassNames") theBody = EnumClassNames (); else if (theOp == "EnumerateInstanceNames") theBody = EnumInstanceNames (); else if (theOp == "ExecQuery") theBody = ExecQuery (); else if (theOp == "OPTIONS") theBody = GetOptions (); else if (theOp == "DeleteClass") theBody = DeleteClass (); else if (theOp == "DeleteInstance") theBody = DeleteInstance (); else if (theOp == "GetProperty") theBody = GetProperty (); else if (theOp == "SetProperty") theBody = SetProperty (); else if (theOp == "Associators") theBody = Associators (); else if (theOp == "AssociatorNames") theBody = AssociatorNames (); else if (theOp == "References") theBody = References (); else if (theOp == "ReferenceNames") theBody = ReferenceNames (); else if (theOp == "CUSTOM") theBody = DoCustomOperation (); else alert ("Unsupported operation: " + theOp); if (bSend) ShowResults(theRequest, theBody); else if (null != theBody) ShowRequest(theBody); } // ----- Scripts to control XSL Processing ------ function update() { // See if there is a stylesheet qualifier on the instance var myStylenew = theXMLResponse.selectSingleNode("/CIM//QUALIFIER[@NAME='stylesheet']"); if(myStylenew) { var theStyleSheet = myStylenew.text; if(theStyleSheet) { var tmp = document.all.item("SpecificStyleSheet"); // Add a new selection var theNewOption = document.createElement("OPTION"); theNewOption.text = theStyleSheet; theNewOption.value = theStyleSheet; theNewOption.id = "SpecificStyleSheet"; if(tmp == null) { document.all("stylesheetSelect").options.add(theNewOption); } } } else document.all("stylesheetSelect").options.remove(8);
parent.results.display(theXMLResponse.transformNode(style)); }
function changeXSL(xsldoc) { styleURL = xsldoc; style.load(styleURL); update(); }
// ----- Scripts to activate buttons ------ function over(item) { item.style.color = "black"; }
function out(item) { item.style.color = "gray"; }
// called by parent frame when the whole frameset is ready function init() { style = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); style.async = false; style.load("raw-xml.xsl"); methodDataStyle = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); methodDataStyle.async = false; methodDataStyle.load("methoddata.xsl"); theRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); theXMLResponse = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); operationId = "EnumerateInstances"; }
function GetOptions() { document.all("ResponseStatus").innerText = ""; theRequest.open("OPTIONS", document.all.urlbox.value, false); return null; }
function InitOperation (method) { document.all("ResponseStatus").innerText = ""; document.all("ResponseHeaders").innerText = ""; if (mpost.checked) { theRequest.open("M-POST", document.all.urlbox.value, false); theRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml;charset=\"utf-8\""); theRequest.setRequestHeader("Man", "http://www.dmtf.org/cim/mapping/http/v1.0;ns=73"); theRequest.setRequestHeader("73-CIMOperation", "MethodCall"); theRequest.setRequestHeader("73-CIMMethod", method); theRequest.setRequestHeader("73-CIMObject", document.all.namespacebox.value); theRequest.setRequestHeader("73-CIMProtocolVersion", "1.0"); theRequest.setRequestHeader("73-MicrosoftWMI", "Hi"); } else { theRequest.open("POST", document.all.urlbox.value, false); theRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml;charset=\"utf-8\""); theRequest.setRequestHeader("CIMOperation", "MethodCall"); theRequest.setRequestHeader("CIMMethod", method); theRequest.setRequestHeader("CIMObject", document.all.namespacebox.value); theRequest.setRequestHeader("CIMProtocolVersion", "1.0"); theRequest.setRequestHeader("MicrosoftWMI", "Hi"); } }
function GetObjectNameParameter () { var str = "<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"ObjectName\">"; var objectPath = new String (document.all.classbox.value); if (-1 == objectPath.indexOf (".", 0)) { // a class name str = str + "<CLASSNAME NAME=\"" + objectPath + "\">"; } else { // an instance name str = str + GetInstanceName (objectPath); } str = str + "</IPARAMVALUE>"; return str; } function GetClassNameParameter () { return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"ClassName\"><CLASSNAME NAME=\"" + document.all.classbox.value + "\"/></IPARAMVALUE>"); } function GetInstanceNameParameter () { var str = "<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"InstanceName\">"; str = str + GetInstanceName (document.all.classbox.value); str = str + "</IPARAMVALUE>"; return str; } function GetReference (inStr) { // TODO - just handle INSTANCENAME case for now return GetInstanceName (inStr); } function GetInstanceName (inStr) { var pathValue = new String (inStr); var str = "<INSTANCENAME CLASSNAME=\""; // Step 1 - get the class name var startIndex = pathValue.indexOf ("."); str = str + pathValue.substr (0, startIndex) + "\">"; startIndex = startIndex + 1; // Step 2 - get the keybindings while (-1 != (index = pathValue.indexOf ("=", startIndex))) { str = str + '<KEYBINDING NAME="' + pathValue.substr (startIndex, index - startIndex) + '">'; // Get the key value startIndex = index + 1; var valueStr; if (-1 != (index = pathValue.indexOf (",", startIndex))) { valueStr = new String (pathValue.substr (startIndex, index - startIndex)); startIndex = index + 1; } else { valueStr = new String (pathValue.substr (startIndex)); startIndex = pathValue.length; } str = str + '<KEYVALUE'; // Work out VALUETYPE attribute if (valueStr.charAt (0) == '"') { // string str = str + '>' + valueStr.substr (1, valueStr.length-2); // TODO - this COULD be an object path - need to // trap that case and do a VALUE.REFERENCE instead } else if (!isNaN (parseInt (valueStr))) { // numeric str = str + ' VALUETYPE="numeric">' + valueStr; } else { // assume boolean str = str + ' VALUETYPE="boolean">' + valueStr; } str = str + "</KEYVALUE></KEYBINDING>"; } str = str + "</INSTANCENAME>"; return (str); } function GetIncludeQualifiersParameter () { var IncludeQualifiers = "FALSE"; if (includeQualifiers.checked) IncludeQualifiers = "TRUE"; return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"IncludeQualifiers\"><VALUE>" + IncludeQualifiers + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); } function GetLocalOnlyParameter () { var LocalOnly = "FALSE"; if (localOnly.checked) LocalOnly = "TRUE"; return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"LocalOnly\"><VALUE>" + LocalOnly + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); } function GetClassOriginParameter () { var ClassOrigin = "FALSE"; if (includeClassOrigin.checked) ClassOrigin = "TRUE"; return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"IncludeClassOrigin\"><VALUE>" + ClassOrigin + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); } function GetPropertyNameParameter () { return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"PropertyName\"><VALUE>" + propertyBox.value + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); } function GetAssocClassParameter () { if (assocClass.value) { return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"AssocClass\"><VALUE>" + assocClass.value + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); } else return ""; } function GetResultClassParameter () { if (document.all.resultClass.value) { return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"ResultClass\"><VALUE>" + document.all.resultClass.value + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); } else return ""; } function GetRoleParameter () { if (role.value) return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"Role\"><VALUE>" + role.value + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); else return ""; } function GetResultRoleParameter () { if (resultRole.value) return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"ResultRole\"><VALUE>" + resultRole.value + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); else return ""; } function GetPropertyListParameter () { var strValue = new String (propertyBox.value); var value = ""; if (0 < strValue.length) { value = "<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"PropertyList\"><VALUE.ARRAY>"; var startIndex = 0; while (-1 != (index = strValue.indexOf (",", startIndex))) { value = value + "<VALUE>" + strValue.substr (startIndex, index - startIndex) + "</VALUE>"; startIndex = index + 1; } // Get the last element (TODO - empty arrays?) value = value + "<VALUE>" + strValue.substr (startIndex) + "</VALUE>"; value = value + "</VALUE.ARRAY></IPARAMVALUE>" } return value; } function GetPropertyValueParameter () { var strValue = new String (propertyValueBox.value); var value = "<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"NewValue\""; // TODO - if first characters are "ref:" then treat // as reference value if (strValue.length == 0) { // NULL value value = value + "/>"; } else if (strValue.substring (0,4) == new String("ref:")) { if (4 == strValue.length) value = value + "/>"; else { value = value + "><VALUE.REFERENCE>" + GetReference (strValue.substr (4)) + "</VALUE.REFERENCE></IPARAMVALUE>"; } } else if (strValue.charAt (0) == '{') { value = value + "><VALUE.ARRAY>"; // Assume an array value var startIndex = 1; while (-1 != (index = strValue.indexOf (",", startIndex))) { // TODO - build up <VALUE.ARRAY> for this value = value + "<VALUE>" + strValue.substr (startIndex, index - startIndex) + "</VALUE>"; startIndex = index + 1; } // Get the last element (TODO - empty arrays?) value = value + "<VALUE>" + strValue.substr (startIndex, strValue.indexOf("}",startIndex) - startIndex) + "</VALUE>"; value = value + "</VALUE.ARRAY></IPARAMVALUE>"; } else value = value + "><VALUE>" + strValue + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"; return value; } function GetDeepInheritanceParameter () { var DeepInheritance = "FALSE"; if (deepInheritance.checked) DeepInheritance = "TRUE"; return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"DeepInheritance\"><VALUE>" + DeepInheritance + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); } function GetQueryParameter () { return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"Query\"><VALUE>" + document.all.querybox.value + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>" ); } function GetQueryLanguageParameter () { return ("<IPARAMVALUE NAME=\"QueryLanguage\"><VALUE>" + "WQL" + "</VALUE></IPARAMVALUE>"); } function DoCustomOperation() { var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var theFile = fso.OpenTextFile(".\multireq.xml"); alert ("Hello"); } function GetClass() { InitOperation ("GetClass"); return RequestPreamble ("GetClass") + GetClassNameParameter () + GetIncludeQualifiersParameter () + GetLocalOnlyParameter () + GetClassOriginParameter () + GetPropertyListParameter () + RequestPostamble (); }
function DeleteClass() { InitOperation ("DeleteClass"); return RequestPreamble ("DeleteClass") + GetClassNameParameter () + RequestPostamble (); } function GetInstance () { InitOperation ("GetInstance"); return RequestPreamble ("GetInstance") + GetInstanceNameParameter () + GetIncludeQualifiersParameter () + GetLocalOnlyParameter () + GetClassOriginParameter () + GetPropertyListParameter () + RequestPostamble (); } function DeleteInstance () { InitOperation ("DeleteInstance"); return RequestPreamble ("DeleteInstance") + GetInstanceNameParameter () + RequestPostamble (); } function EnumInstance() { InitOperation ("EnumerateInstances"); return RequestPreamble ("EnumerateInstances") + GetClassNameParameter () + GetIncludeQualifiersParameter () + GetLocalOnlyParameter () + GetClassOriginParameter () + GetDeepInheritanceParameter () + GetPropertyListParameter () + RequestPostamble (); }
function EnumClass() { InitOperation ("EnumerateClasses"); return RequestPreamble ("EnumerateClasses") + GetClassNameParameter () + GetIncludeQualifiersParameter () + GetLocalOnlyParameter () + GetClassOriginParameter () + GetDeepInheritanceParameter () + RequestPostamble (); } function EnumInstanceNames() { InitOperation ("EnumerateInstanceNames"); return RequestPreamble ("EnumerateInstanceNames") + GetClassNameParameter () + RequestPostamble (); }
function EnumClassNames() { InitOperation ("EnumerateClassNames"); return RequestPreamble ("EnumerateClassNames") + GetClassNameParameter () + GetDeepInheritanceParameter () + RequestPostamble (); }
function ExecQuery() { InitOperation ("ExecQuery"); return RequestPreamble ("ExecQuery") + GetQueryParameter () + GetQueryLanguageParameter () + GetIncludeQualifiersParameter () + GetClassOriginParameter () + RequestPostamble (); } function GetProperty () { InitOperation ("GetProperty"); return RequestPreamble ("GetProperty") + GetInstanceNameParameter () + GetPropertyNameParameter () + RequestPostamble (); } function SetProperty () { InitOperation ("SetProperty"); return RequestPreamble ("SetProperty") + GetInstanceNameParameter () + GetPropertyNameParameter () + GetPropertyValueParameter () + RequestPostamble (); } function Associators() { InitOperation ("Associators"); return RequestPreamble ("Associators") + GetObjectNameParameter () + GetIncludeQualifiersParameter () + GetClassOriginParameter () + GetAssocClassParameter () + GetResultClassParameter () + GetRoleParameter () + GetResultRoleParameter () + GetPropertyListParameter () + RequestPostamble (); }
function AssociatorNames() { InitOperation ("AssociatorNames"); return RequestPreamble ("AssociatorNames") + GetObjectNameParameter () + GetAssocClassParameter () + GetResultClassParameter () + GetRoleParameter () + GetResultRoleParameter () + RequestPostamble (); }
function References() { InitOperation ("References"); return RequestPreamble ("References") + GetObjectNameParameter () + GetIncludeQualifiersParameter () + GetClassOriginParameter () + GetResultClassParameter () + GetRoleParameter () + GetPropertyListParameter () + RequestPostamble (); }
function ReferenceNames() { InitOperation ("ReferenceNames"); return RequestPreamble ("ReferenceNames") + GetObjectNameParameter () + GetResultClassParameter () + GetRoleParameter () + RequestPostamble (); }
function ShowResults(theXMLRequest, theXMLBody) { theXMLRequest.send (theXMLBody); theXMLResponse.async = false; theXMLResponse.validateOnParse = false; theXMLResponse.resolveExternals = false; document.all("ResponseStatus").innerText = theXMLRequest.status; document.all("ResponseHeaders").innerText = theXMLRequest.getAllResponseHeaders(); theXMLResponse.loadXML(theXMLRequest.responseText); var parseError = theXMLResponse.parseError; if (parseError && (0 < parseError.errorCode)) { alert (parseError.errorCode); alert (parseError.reason); } update(theXMLResponse); } function ShowRequest(theBody) { theXMLResponse.loadXML(theBody); update(theXMLResponse); } function ParseNamespace (nsPath) { var parsedPath = ""; var inputPath = new String (nsPath); var startIndex = 0; while ((-1 != (index = inputPath.indexOf ("/", startIndex))) || (-1 != (index = inputPath.indexOf ("\\", startIndex)))) { parsedPath = parsedPath + '<NAMESPACE NAME="' + inputPath.substr (startIndex, index - startIndex) + '"/>'; startIndex = index + 1; } parsedPath = parsedPath + '<NAMESPACE NAME="' + inputPath.substr (startIndex) + '"/>'; return (parsedPath); } function RequestPreamble (method) { var str = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" + "<CIM CIMVERSION=\"2.0\" DTDVERSION=\"2.0\">" + "<MESSAGE ID=\"877\" PROTOCOLVERSION=\"1.0\">" + "<SIMPLEREQ>" + "<IMETHODCALL NAME=\"" + method + "\">" + "<LOCALNAMESPACEPATH>" + ParseNamespace (document.all.namespacebox.value) + "</LOCALNAMESPACEPATH>"; return (str); } function RequestPostamble () { return ("</IMETHODCALL></SIMPLEREQ></MESSAGE></CIM>"); } </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="vbscript"> Function ReadFromFile() Dim totalString Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.GetFile("d:\\try.xml") Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(1) Do While ts.AtEndOfStream <> True totalString = totalString + ts.ReadLine Loop ts.Close ReadFromFile = totalString MsgBox totalString
End Function </SCRIPT>
<BODY> <DIV CLASS="headline">XML Client</DIV> <DIV CLASS="instructions"> Use this client to perform CIM Operations </DIV> <DIV class=group> <TABLE align=left border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width="75%"> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1><LABEL>CIM Server URL </LABEL></FONT></TD> <TD><INPUT id=urlbox size=35 value=http://localhost/cimom></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1><LABEL>Namespace </LABEL></FONT></TD> <TD><INPUT id=namespacebox value=root\cimv2 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 243px"></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1><LABEL>Object </LABEL></FONT></TD> <TD><INPUT id=classbox style="HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 1px; TOP: 2px; WIDTH: 243px" value=Win32_LogicalDisk></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1><LABEL>Query</LABEL> </FONT></TD> <TD><TEXTAREA id=querybox rows=5 style="HEIGHT: 26px; WIDTH: 270px">select * from win32_processor</TEXTAREA></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1>Property Name</FONT></TD> <TD><INPUT id=propertyBox name=text1 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 243px"></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1>Property Value</FONT></TD> <TD><INPUT id=propertyValueBox name=text2 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 243px"></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1>Class Origin </FONT></TD> <TD><INPUT id=includeClassOrigin name=checkbox2 type=checkbox> <FONT size=1>Assoc Class <INPUT id=assocClass name=text3 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 123px"> </FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1>Deep Inheritance</FONT></TD> <TD><INPUT CHECKED id=deepInheritance name=checkbox4 type=checkbox> <FONT size=1>Result Class <INPUT id=resultClass name=text3 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 123px"></FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1>Local Only</FONT></TD> <TD><INPUT CHECKED id=localOnly name=checkbox3 type=checkbox> <FONT size=1>Role <INPUT id=role name=text3 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 123px"></FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><FONT size=1>Qualifiers </FONT></TD> <TD><INPUT id=includeQualifiers name=checkbox1 type=checkbox> <FONT size=1>Result Role <INPUT id=resultRole name=text3 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 123px"></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></DIV> <DIV class=group><BR> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group> </DIV> <DIV class=group><BR> </DIV> <DIV class=group> Operation <SELECT id=operation name=select1 onChange='UpdateOperationId()' style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 190px"> <OPTION value=Associators>Associators</OPTION> <OPTION value=AssociatorNames>AssociatorNames</OPTION> <OPTION value=CreateClass>CreateClass</OPTION> <OPTION value=CreateInstance>CreateInstance</OPTION> <OPTION value=CUSTOM>CUSTOM</OPTION> <OPTION value=DeleteClass>DeleteClass</OPTION> <OPTION value=DeleteInstance>DeleteInstance</OPTION> <OPTION value=DeleteQualifier>DeleteQualifier</OPTION> <OPTION value=EnumerateClasses>EnumerateClasses</OPTION> <OPTION value=EnumerateClassNames>EnumerateClassNames</OPTION> <OPTION selected value=EnumerateInstances>EnumerateInstances</OPTION> <OPTION value=EnumerateInstanceNames>EnumerateInstanceNames</OPTION> <OPTION value=EnumerateQualifiers>EnumerateQualifiers</OPTION> <OPTION value=ExecQuery>ExecQuery</OPTION> <OPTION value=GetClass>GetClass</OPTION> <OPTION value=GetInstance>GetInstance</OPTION> <OPTION value=GetProperty>GetProperty</OPTION> <OPTION value=GetQualifier>GetQualifier</OPTION> <OPTION value=ModifyClass>ModifyClass</OPTION> <OPTION value=ModifyInstance>ModifyInstance</OPTION> <OPTION value=OPTIONS>OPTIONS</OPTION> <OPTION value=References>References</OPTION> <OPTION value=ReferenceNames>ReferenceNames</OPTION> <OPTION value=SetQualifier>SetQualifier</OPTION> <OPTION value=SetProperty>SetProperty</OPTION> </SELECT> <BUTTON id=operationButton onclick=DoOperation(true) style="LEFT: 221px; TOP: 248px">Send</BUTTON> <BUTTON id=fileButton onclick=ReadFromFile("try.xml") style="LEFT: 221px; TOP: 248px">ReadFromFile</BUTTON> <TEXTAREA id=inputbox rows=5 style="HEIGHT: 26px; WIDTH: 270px">Method</TEXTAREA> <INPUT id=showButton name=button1 style="LEFT: 326px; TOP: 334px" type=button value=Show onclick=DoOperation(false)></DIV> <DIV class=group>M-POST <INPUT id=mpost name=checkbox5 type=checkbox></DIV> <DIV class=instructions> </DIV> <DIV class=instructions> The XML data displayed here is taken from live data captured from Microsoft's implementation of CIM. </DIV> <DIV class=instructions> <HR> </DIV>
<DIV CLASS="group" id=stylesheet>XSL Stylesheet <SELECT id=stylesheetSelect name=select2 onChange='UpdateStylesheet()' style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 165px"> <OPTION selected id=Raw value=Raw>Raw XML</OPTION> <OPTION id=MOF value=MOF>Managed Object Format</OPTION> <OPTION id=ClassNames value=ClassNames>Class Names</OPTION> <OPTION id=PropertyType value=PropertyType>Property Type Table</OPTION> <OPTION id=PropertyValue value=PropertyValue>Property Value Table</OPTION> <OPTION id=PropValue value=PropValue>Single Property Value</OPTION> <OPTION id=ClassPage value=ClassPage>Class Page</OPTION> <OPTION id=DetailPage value=DetailPage>Details Page</OPTION> </SELECT> <BR><BR> <HR> <LABEL>HTTP Response Status</LABEL> <SPAN STYLE="COLOR: red" ID="ResponseStatus"></SPAN> <HR> <LABEL>HTTP Response Headers</LABEL> <BR> <SPAN STYLE="COLOR: red" ID="ResponseHeaders"></SPAN></DIV> </BODY> </HTML>